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Author Topic: Euthan Palace - Chapter 11 Pt 3  (Read 37513 times)

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Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 5 Pt 1
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2010, 02:02:08 PM »

Chapter Five

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

RPB-762 functioned, its pilot’s movements mirrored on the planet below. Mass projectiles punched their way through the Command structure’s thick walls, gradually wearing away concrete and steel.

The defenders knew they were to die, it was only a question of how. This gave them certainty and courage, which translated into a stubborn resistance. Here a soldier smashed the butt of his rifle into metal, there another shouted his defiance, even as he was torn limb from limb. Rapidly rotating blades shredded flesh, and RPB-762 marched on.

Sondra Laing dived to the right as a ravening beam of energy speared through the rubble; the plasma bloom burning flesh as it passed. No-one could hope for more than a momentary heroism; their world was doomed. The Protectorate had declared Gestatin a tainted world, one ripe for re-education and assimilation into the One True Faith, and the machines followed.

She watched as an arm tore through the concrete, stopping only briefly, to fire one more searing burst. There was no salvation, no possibility of winning even a brief reprieve. Her world was doomed.


Space folded and a ship emerged. No recognition signals were transmitted, the craft boring rapidly towards the besieged planet. The Protectorate cruiser, which sat menacingly in orbit barely stirred. A beacon flashed intermittently on the strange ship’s prow: a universal distress signal recognised by all. This plea for assistance was supported by the battle scars which pocked its superstructure.

Fighters were despatched to investigate, but more as procedure than in genuine concern. At their outer most limit of detection screens, something was indicated breaking free from the unknown craft. It was shown as debris, falling and spinning haphazardly away. Still the arrogant Protectorate forces continued on their untroubled way; safe in the knowledge that no Resurrectionist vessel had ever been registered this close to a Protectorate hub system.

They were still complaining of tedious duty as Jan fired his retros, continued whining about ridiculous patrols as missile locks sounded, and by the time they really took the threat seriously, it was already far too late.

The lead pilot was calmly recounting his previous night’s escapade as his panel began to squawk. A persistent red light caught his attention and he tapped the offending bulb, muttering to himself in exasperation.

“What the...?”

Blue-white light and a bone-juddering impact woke him, for the last moment of his life. His wing mates broke formation, twisting away from the wreckage of his craft.

“Eagle Base, we are under attack, I repeat, we are under hostile attack..”

Jan laughed as he heard the transmission, what other kind of attack was there? Increasing power, he flashed by. Let them keep up, if they had the stomach for the fight and survived his next surprise. He had bigger fish to fry.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 5 Pt 1
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2011, 05:01:06 PM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Within the confines of the strange ship, a diverse crew struggled with unfamiliar controls. It had been a hectic journey from Jersey City; initially the crew had been pieced together from the survivors of the Protectorate’s and Jan’s own attacks. He had convinced numerous soldiers that it was in their interests to follow him; initially there had been resistance, but his patient acceptance of incoming fire with no retaliation had finally convinced them of his true nature. Then there had been the journey to the damaged ship high in orbit, where it sat on contra-gravity, humming quietly to itself. Jan’s initial attack had disabled the vessel, but left it in better shape than anyone could have expected.

The hold still contained his erstwhile companion, although the Protectorate’s commands had disabled the machine totally. It was now of little more use than for spares, and Jan had made sure a few technicians had been co-opted into service.

Now these men and women had been called into duty; gladly they followed his instructions, with the chance of striking a blow against their enemy, too good to pass up.


No-one was in any doubt that the unknown ship was hostile. Missiles sprang easily forth from launching bays, targeting the few remaining fighters and the Protectorate Cruiser. Jan ignored them. His battle would be more personal.

His vision zoomed in to focus on the Cruiser’s structure; jets fired, as the large vessel manoeuvred into better position, although there was confusion as to which of the approaching enemy it should target. Logic dictated that more danger would come from the oncoming craft, but Jan’s dismissal of the fighters had caused some doubt. His approach was direct; at full thrust, he tore towards the Cruiser, his laughter cutting across open channel communication. The missiles mounted on his shoulder pods, would cause little real damage and so they decided; more fighters scrambled to engage him. That was to his liking.

He did not brake. His reinforced body slammed into one of the launch bays, smashing through an emerging fighter as he clawed his way in. The large opening afforded him easy access and the point batteries could do little to stop him. Automated lasers tried desperately to lock onto the fast moving object in futile defence. Jan ignored them.

Metal screeched in protest as he shouldered his way in, Gauss rifle firing as quickly as he could cycle power. Silvered death punched through superstructure, tearing the feeble atmosphere into shreds. Men died, as hardened glass shattered and their precious air disappeared. Armoured figures move in slow motion as his lasers speared them, one after another. Pilots screamed as he worked his way down the readied lines of craft, calmly destroying one after another, until he reached the crackling energy discharges of the ravaged installations within the open space.

There was never going to be an easy access into the ship; his size restricted the use of the corridors, but he created his own passageways. Now his missiles came into play, vapourising steel and wiring indiscriminately. Gaping holes appeared, bodies spiralling out where crewmen failed to use protective suiting. He had one single-minded purpose which became obvious to the Proctorate forces themselves - the Engine Room.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Sondra Laing stared at the serrated blade spinning before her eyes. She was mesmerised. Death would be painful and bloody. Closer it came, skin and blood flicking away as it whirred towards her. Even as she closed her eyes she could see the horrid sight and held her breath impotently.

Sudden silence made her risk one eye; the blade had stopped, almost touching her face, as had the metallic creature behind it, one leg raised as it prepared for the killing blow. Lights flickered across the parody of its face, yet it did not move. Slowly she inched herself to one side and scrabbled for her rifle. Still it waited. Sondra had all but raised her weapon towards it, when it exploded into movement, showering her with dust as it powered away. Jets flared and she heard the roar of its departure, as it shot back through the wall of the building and took flight.

She wept. What had happened? It could not have been her actions, nor those of her companions. Something had changed and the monstrous beast had rushed to face a new enemy. Sondra cowered, her mind struggling to comprehend what possibly could give rise to fear within the cold heart of such a machine

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 5 Pt 3
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2011, 11:21:18 AM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

RPB-762 poured on the power mindlessly, responding to its terrified pilot. It recognised in passing the twin shapes which followed it up from the besieged planet, registering its brother machines as they too answered frantic calls. Weapon checks flashed green and it spiralled in towards the cruiser, following Jan’s route into the stricken Cruiser’s belly.

Jan giggled insanely as he continued smashing his way into the ship’s bowels; explosions followed him, the engines now forgotten in his insanity. What little grasp he had kept on reality was slipping away. Ahead of him, a portable plasma cannon belched its charge and he staggered sideways, crashing through walls in his haste to avoid its actinic fire. He emerged in a welter of decking on top of the terrified soldiers, his weight slamming them to the floor in bloody smears. He roared in rage and used his arms to pound the cannon into oblivion.

A whirring drew his attention and he sidestepped RPB-762’s right arm, the spinning sphere tearing through the space he had just occupied. Swivelling, Jan kicked outwards and felt the satisfying thud as his foot crunched the machine’s chest plate. It was an older model, whose shields sparkled as he followed up his physical attack with a shot from his mass projectile. Two other shapes hulked through the smoke-filled corridor and he barrelled into them, using his heavier body to good effect.

The first of his attackers was driven backwards, falling awkwardly as Jan’s left hand punched through armour. With a heave, he picked up the inferior copy and swung it into the second machine, blasting it free. He held one down with his right foot, firing point-blank into the semblence of its human head. There was no remorse; it may well have been human but Jan was now in a manic rage.

Something landed on his back, beams melting armour plating and he flung himself backwards, swivelling his SRM pod and firing in one fluid movement. This was more like it.


“What the sodding hell are you doing?”

Captain Ayrton screamed at the closed simulator door, pounding his fists uselessly against its steel surface. There were two other capsules in operation; inside them, his crew fought to control their metallic avatars. A frightened face peered back at him and with a hiss the structure split open.

“It’s too much for us!”

A thin uniformed figure climbed clear, wiping sweat from his face. His uniform was stained, not only from the effort required to control his charge, but with the redolent discharge of fear.

“Get them out!” shouted the Captain, gesturing at the other two capsules, “They’re ripping my frakking ship into pieces!”

“I can’t,” protested the crewman, now on his knees as he sought to shake off his disorientation, “they’re…”

He stopped as he saw the pistol appear in his superior officer’s hand.


The Captain’s panic had turned to uncontrollable anger and the gun wavered in front of the unfortunate soldier’s face. In slow motion, he saw the whitening of his officer’s knuckle as he pulled the trigger and felt the impact of the first slug as it shattered his sternum. He never heard the second or third shot, nor saw the Captain empty his clip into the armoured exterior of the other two capsules. Deranged, the most senior Protectorate officer failed in all of his duties, reloading once, before placing the barrel of the pistol in his mouth and pulling the trigger one last time.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 6 Pt 1
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2011, 02:08:37 PM »

Chapter Six

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Smoke rose fitfully from the burnt out remains of jeeps and armoured vehicles, wafting a distinctive battle field smell to Sondra’s nostrils. She tried hard not to gag as cooked human remains added their own distinctive odour. She had struggled out of the building, dragging her blistered flesh behind her; one leg was testament to how close she had come to death. All around, others followed her meandering course; dazed by the brutality of the attack and the suddenness of its cessation.

No sirens wailed, announcing the arrival of aid, there was only the pitiful cry of the wounded and the crackling of fires, which continued on even now their instigators had left. She stopped one man, shaking him roughly when he did not respond to her questioning, but he had nothing to say. Gestatin had received a hammer blow, and none were available to explain what they should do next.

Topping a rise, she saw a group of soldiers huddled round a tented area. An officer strode determinedly about, pushing and pulling his charges into some form of order. Sondra staggered on, falling amid a cloud of dust and eventually reaching open ground.

“You. What unit?”

It took her a moment to realise he was talking to her.

“Sondra Laing…they’re all gone…”

Her brain wanted to give him her rank and serial number, yet her mouth flapped of its own accord. He grunted, pulling her upright by her arm, and motioned her to follow him. As she neared the tent, she saw the distinctive glow of screens and could hear a confused murmur.


The officer turned, seemed about to dismiss her and then thought better of it.

“We’re monitoring the Protectorate’s emergency channel,” he said, indicating the equipment, “it seems as though their withdrawal has something to do with an attack on the Cruiser in orbit. Who, or what, attacked them we do not know. We should only be grateful that they did.”

Sondra was not so sure. Whoever or whatever could cause the Protectorate concern would not necessarily be a lesser evil.

“And our forces?”

“In disarray,” replied the officer, “there are small units still operational, but we can only hope that the Protectorate is too busy to return and finish the job they started. We’re beaten.”

He said it so matter-of-factly, resigned to the annihilation of their planet. Sondra could not accept such defeatism.

“How can we be beaten?” she protested, “Only yesterday, we received confirmation of the arrival of the Second and Third Regiments, surely…”

“They’re gone!” he snapped in return, “Those machines ate them up and all we have are hand weapons!”

Sondra pulled her arm free of his grasp, “Well I’m not giving up!” she insisted.

Cruel laughter greeted her defiance.

“Feel free,” the officer muttered, “maybe you can find some others who share your opinion, although I find it unlikely.”

She followed his gaze and saw the remains of the vaunted Gestatin army in tatters before her, weeping inconsolably at the injustice of their fate.

“Now, get out of my sight, soldier,” spat the officer, “I have work to do!”

The urge to plant her foot between his legs was almost overpowering, but instead she moved away. Somewhere out there were others like her, and she intended to find them.


Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

James Cameron had, in the last two weeks, gone through the rollercoaster ride of abject fear, temporary insanity, god-like worship, and now was once again trembling in terror. He had followed the booming monster into space, feverishly learning his new role and revelling in the ability to please his new master. Now, he could see the Cruiser filling the forward screen and he was petrified. Soon would come the order to board, and James was not sure he was ready.
The rifle in his hand shook, chattering against his armoured body and he was certain that all could hear it. Cocooned within their space suits, it was probably impossible for his compatriots to hear anything except their own rough breathing and the electronic voice counting down the time left to collision. Jan’s plan had been simple; ram, board and kill. He would take care of the main forces, and their duty would be to storm the Control Room and kill, or capture if necessary, all remaining Protectorate personnel.

James was not so sure of the simplicity of such a plan. He had watched the visuals of the three machines they left the planet, crashing through the ship’s skin in their haste to reach Jan. Explosions followed and still continued, and his master had been silent for such a long time.

“Prepare for impact!”

Cameron braced himself, clutching frantically at the recently welded handholds. This was going to be bad, he knew it.

The ship shuddered as its prow pushed against the hull of the Cruiser, scraping and scratching its way along one side. Rockets fired, sending steel hooks and their accompanying hawsers into the body of the Protectorate vessel. Laser batteries still fired, melting armour and auto cannons pounded away at the Cruisers own gun emplacements. He found it hard to hold on, as the ship’s crashing passage flung him from side to side.

“Go, go, go!”

His feet responded automatically, shuffling along behind his companions as they made their way to the outer door. It swung open with a hiss and he could see directly into his darkest nightmare; electrical fires sparked briefly, bodies twisted in the non-existent gravity and laser beams sparkled in defiance. One struck the man in front of him, piercing his visor and filling it momentarily with bright arterial blood.


Training pushed him on. Fear turned him from weakling to raging monster, held his finger on the trigger and sent madly screaming into the very bowels of hell.


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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 6 Pt 1
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2011, 10:06:42 PM »

I got to steal some of your writing mojo Rayo, keep up the good work!

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 6 Pt 1
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2011, 02:28:59 PM »

I got to steal some of your writing mojo Rayo, keep up the good work!

Too many ideas...too little time ;D

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 6 Pt 2
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2011, 02:30:24 PM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Blue lights flashed spasmodically, turning night shadows briefly into day, before night gladly covered the tormented landscape. Sondra laughed childishly as the Defence Force jeep bounched and rattled along. This was briefly fun. She had commandeered the vehicle, bulling her way past the timid soldiers who had ben guarding it. The rifle in her hand helped, and now those same soldiers hung tightly to the flat bed behind her. It seemed that these men were ingrained with the need to follow orders; officers were no required, nor paperwork, merely conviction. There was a rumour of more machinery in the old barracks and she was on her way there.

The flash of a laser peirced the nigh and she obeyed the preremptory order to stop immediately. Each flash of light showed the menacing approach of well-armed men, and Sondra slowly exited the cabin, making sure her hands were held high and weaponless.


The single word split the silence and Sondra squinted in an effort to recognise the uniform.

“Last chance!”

She was close now and felt, rather than saw, the swing of the rifle butt. Frustration kicked in and she leant backwards, allowing the soldier to over-reach himself. Her response was instantaneous; right hand cupped left elbow, left hand snapping into shoulder joint. Her hand slipped down the arm, twisting downwards in conjunction with her stamping foot. There was a scream of pain as she levered the weapon clear and brought her knee round, smashing it into the soldier’s temple.


Bright light split the darkness and five weapons pointed at her head, make her think twice about pulling the trigger.

“We’re on the same side, soldier…”

The man, or rather officer, who strode forward was smiling, as he held his hand out for the weapon. He showed no fear and Sondra found herself grinnibg as she obeyed.

“Had a bad day,” she quipped, and then added, “Sir,” as she noticed the frown of disapproval and the pips on the man’s shoulders.

“So have we all, so I will cut you three seconds of slack,” there was no smile, “and ask you again for your name.”

The implied threat made her anger rise again, but the many weapons now facing her, caused Sondra to pause. There would be time for the settling of accounts later. She stiffened to attention.

“Sondra Laing, Sir,” this time there was no pause in the honorific, “and you would be?”

“Unwilling to answer questions,” he replied, “get your unit out of your vehicle and report to Sargeant Vaughan,” now he smiled, “when he wakes up, that is.”

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Cameron fought his way into the Cruiser, even as his companions died. He was neither charmed, nor particularly skilful. His survival was more due to luck and lack of fear. Beams flashed by him as he fired back, and when his rifle ran out of power, he resorted to brute force. When his weapon was pounded into unrecognisable slag, he dropped it and found a heavy piece of metal. This he smashed into face plates, slammed into unprotected bodies and used to pulp flesh. Adrenalin-induced madness helped, as did the gore-encrusted armour he wore.

His monstrous appearance sowed fear, as did the uluating scream which rang out from his external speakers. Others joined him and, with Cameron as the wedge, they forged onwards.


RPB-762’s pilot only answer to Jan’s overwhelming power was to hold on. Sweat poured down his back as he clenched the controls, the machine responding by digging metal fingers into Jan’s body. It was a tenuous hold as Jan slammed on the floor, rising to scrape his antagonist against one wall and then another. It was now down to brute force; sophisticated weaponary was forgotten.

Light flooded into the simulator and RPD-762 stopped struggling as a bloody arm grasped his piolt’s skull and slowly crushed the life out of him.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 7 Pt 1
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2011, 04:53:39 AM »

Chapter Seven

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Jan concentrated. This was a delicate operation and his over-sixed appendages made life difficult. He initially pradticed on the remains of one of the machines, but over-enthusiasm had resulted in compaction, sparks and swearing.

Cameron was also interested in the outcome; the initial pilot removed, he had taken his place on the bloody seat under Jan’s urging. Sharp pain accompanied the needle entry points, as his neural pathways opened the necessary interface with RPB-762. Under orders, troops had brought the head of the lobotomised RPD unit to the cruiser and various technicians were following Jan’s suggestions carefully.

Disgust had given way to fear as simulated bodily fluids were pumped clear and blown dry, leaving the suppressed AI unit of RPB-762 visible for all to see. It was a recognisible brain. The tentative exploration of the newer model did not yield a similar sight; waver-thin metal curved back and forth intricately, mirroring humanity’s greater computer, yet enhancing its beauty.

“So,” the voice boomed, “that’s what the frakker did to me…”

None of the technician’s spoke, instead replacing the shielded housing and coupling it to the older RPB unit’s body.

“How will this work?” asked Cameron, “the old connections were severed.”

Harsh laughter still echoed as pain paralised the young man, his limbs locked and held within the simulator.

“That, my young friend, is what we are about to find out…”


Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Something was wrong. Sondra was familiar with the unit markings, the equipment and the local accents. What she was unsure of, was the manner in which orders were given and obeyed. They were too sharp, rigid and it gave her an unscratchable itch.

Sargeant Vaughan seemed normal; aggressive, overbearing and downright vindictive, but he was not the problem. The officer refused to answer any of her questions, and his men had almost cordoned off his area of operation. They stood, facing outwards, weapons held across their chests and providing a physical barrier to any kind of access. Her unit, as such, had been hurried away and she was left on her own with her new-found worst nightmare.

“You will pay…”

Sonda raised one eyebrow and jerked in mock attack. The Sargeant reflexively started away, before noticing her sardonic smile.

“There’ll come a time when…”

“How long have you been with them?” Her sharp tone interrupted the man’s threats.


“I asked you how long have you worked for him?” she jerked her chin towards the officer.

“I don’t.”

Now Sondra was really interested, “He’s not your officer?”

“No, he arrived shortly before you did, with his men. Simply took over. He’s got the rank and everything.”

“It’s not right,” she murmured, the Sargeant laughing at what he saw as envy.

“Those are the rules,” he grunted.

“Oh, I know that,” Sondra grinned, as a flashlight highlighted the officer’s belt buckle, “but we have to be on the same side for it to count…”

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 7 Pt 1
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2011, 04:37:46 PM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Temporary Illumination flickered as the power supply struggled with the camp’s demand. Light played fitfully across Sondra’s face and that of her companion, as they hugged th shadows, avoiding the two guards on patrol around the parked vehicles.

“S**t´s going to hit the fan when they find out…”

Sondra smiled briefly at the Sargeant and pointed sharply at the second guard. The Sargeant nodded, waiting for her to speak.

“Already has. These idiots are not meant to be here. They’re up to something and I want to know what it is, before we bug out.”

“Resurrectionists,” muttered the Sargeant, “I never thought that I’d see one in person…”

“Listen,” said Sondra quietly, “if it’s not the Church, it’s these frakkers causing problems. For sure they aren’t here out of the goodness of their own hearts and I for one have about as much love for them as for those Protectorate pussies. Now, get ready.”

As the first of the patrolling soldiers passed her position, she rose, her left arm encircling the man´s neck, whilst her right drove her combat blade into flesh. She laid him down gently, passing his rifle to her companion before dragging the corpse into cover. Now their way was open and ahe took instant advantage, scurrying into the shelter of the nearest aircar. The Sargeant paused before moving to his pre-ordained position. Using the vehicle as cover, Sondra moved as close as she could to the command tent, and waited.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Cameron woke, head ringing with the aftermath of surgery. His flesh felt tender, particularly at the side of his head, where tentative fingers met metal. Something was grafted to his skin, pulsing with a life of its own;its unaccustomed weight dragged at him. He carefully opened one eye, an instant avalanche of data driving him to his knees, blurring his vision. Gradually he focussed, seeing the remains of the RPB unit scattered around him.

“Welcome back,” Jan’s voice boomed, its echo reverberating inside his skull, “now we’re all but brothers.”

Cameron gathered his thoughts, forceably controlling his sensory overlaod. He was half-laid in a support chair, tubes and wires running to and from his body.


“We have improved you,” replied Jan, “this is a temporary measure until we get to Euthan Palace.”

Realisation struck and Cameron blacked out; his final image that of missing hands and feet and their silvered replacements.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 7 Pt 3
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2011, 03:14:00 PM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

The darkness of the tent was broken only by a pulsing red light, which reflected off a strangely familiar shape. It appeared to throb evilly under the intermittent illumination. Sondra crept closer, it sat in the centre of the temporary accomodation. She peered closely at the weird symbols painted on the rear of the large cylinder, and shivered as she realised their import. Fear was quickly replaced by anger Two of the crude decals indicated perfectly the Resurrectionists’ intent, if not their reason why.  Something even worse than the Protectorate would be visited upon her planet, and all in the name of enlightenment.

The light itself came from a small control panel, in which the weapon’s state of readiness was indicated. As yet, it was stable, waiting for its mortiferous parameters to be set. Sondra could not let that happen. She reached for her belt and removed a small tool kit. It was useless, she was no expert, and any attempt to disarm the bomb might well have the opposite effect. It had to be destroyed, but how?


Outside the tent, Sargeant Vaughan stood in plain view, the second guard’s helmet on his head, and the dead man’s blood-soaked jacket belted over his own. Things seemed to be passing smoothly, until a small aircar approached from the south. He recognised his erstwhile commanding officer in the passenger seat and no amount of praying could wish away the obvious; the man was coming here with his crew. Vaughan could do nothing, slip away and leave Sondra, or do something stupid. The Sargeant raised his rifle, flicked oof the safety and fired.


Sondra heard the sound of the discharging weapon and knew her time was up. She had only one option. The small explosive charge she carried would have to do. Bombs like these, she had been told, could be destroyed, or at least put out of action without setting off a cataclysmic reaction. There was no other choice. In a matter of moments, she set the timer, stuck the charge near to the control panel and hurried out to join Vaughan.

“Time to go,” she gasped, “there’s a bomb in there and I’ve left a little friend with it.”

“Bad?” asked the Sargeant between shots.

“You have no idea,” she muttered, drawing her own weapon, “now, move!”

They used the cover of the vehicles to try and reach safety, but their pathetic attempts were easily foiled as harsh lights sprang into life all around them.

“You’re surrounded!”

The Colonel’s voice rang out via electronic aid, imperious in its unflinching certainty.

“Not for long,” Sondra shouted back, as she emptied her weapon towards the source of the sound, “the present I left in the tent is no party cracker!”

“What have you done?”

There was fear now, the condescending tone peculiarly absent.

“If that goes up…”

Darkness was shattered as the tent disappeared in a ball of fire. Stones rained down upon them, as they took shelter where they could. Then silence, broken only by the Colonel’s laughter.

“You’ve failed…”

In the tent, the weapon’s casing, bent and torn by the blast, gave way, a thin crack spidering its lower half. There was the hiss of escaping gas, becoming louder, and a grey-green mist hung for a moment over the cylinder, before slowly dispersing.


They only had a few rounds left, failure staring them plainly in the face.

“Time for a brave gest…” her voice trailed off as the Sargeant crumpled to the floor, hands clutching spasmodically at his throat. Blisters appeared on his face and exposed skin, as he thrashed uncontrollably. He coughed, blood and vomit spearing out amidst a strangled cry of pain.

“Oh ******!” mouthed Sondra, as she too felt the first touch of the now airborne virus, her throat constricting sharply, her vision blurring, “What have I done?”

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 8 Pt 1
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2011, 09:59:36 AM »

Chapter Eight

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Viral bombs were designed with deadly intent; the one intended for Gestatin was no exception. The Resurrectionists had meant for it to be exploded, once the Protectorate forces felt close to victory. Its horrendous cargo created to decimate the unsuspecting soldiery. None of the erstwhile martyrs really expected to be caught within its virulent touch, yet none of their well-laid plans had included Sondra Laing.

Thankfully, her intervention limited its initial effects; a concentrated mist hugging the ground and rolling over the small group of soldiers. Resurrectionist scientists had not studied what such a heavy dose would do to the human body and would have no doubt marvelled at the action of their creation. Its gentle kiss meant contagion. Specifically designed for skin absorption and rapid effect, it devastated the camp, leaving none standing. Death did not come swiftly; bodies were wracked with bone-breaking spasms, skin tore and bled, lungs filled with liquid and vomit stained the earth. Not all died though, and it was this unexpected event which was to generate the most deadly disease of all.


Sondra groaned. Her body protesting as she attempted to move. Smells assaulted her; blood, vomit, and worse. She realised that this miasma of odours hung over her too, and she retched. Nothing came out, her spasming stomach muscles doubling her over in pain. Struggling finally to her feet, she cried out in shock. Her hands were covered in blood, tattered skin hanging from burst blisters. Reaching up she felt her face, then her head, her tentative exploration delivering a terrible prize. The hands which hung before her face were now matted with the remains of her hair. Ahead of her, she saw an aircar, illuminated by one of the Resurrectionist’s searchlights, and she dragged herself towards the rear-view mirror. Screams rang out endlessly, as Sondra saw what she had become.

That which had once been called a face, was pitted and marred. Her beautiful skin, ravaged by the virus, covered only partial swathes of face, the rest glistening with the blood of open wounds. Part of her mouth had rotted away, leaving bare teeth and gums. There was no hair; her bald scalp now criss-crossed with scarred tissue. She stepped back, falling over the body of one of the Resurrectionists, screaming in pain as she crashed to the earth.

The sound of a motor drew her attention, and she lay still, watching the disembarking troops whose body suits and masks clearly told of their allegiance. It was as she caught the flash of a face behind one mask that her rage began to build, strength burning through her as her anger grew. Tortured muscles twisted and writhed as something new overcame her, hunger. She needed food and her transformed body demanded instant gratification. All thoughts of propriety fled, as Sondra’s new, virus-driven instincts took over. Her body craved fresh meat, and here was a ready meal, just waiting for her.


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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 8 Pt 1
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2011, 12:06:50 PM »

Oooh goody! Made-to-order "zombies". ;D


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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 8 Pt 1
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2011, 08:34:31 PM »

Mindless fun! ;D

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 8 Pt 2
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2011, 02:16:32 PM »

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Cameron was used to his new body now; at least he had not attempted suicide for the last twenty-four hours, and the Technicians took that as a good sign. Jan had quickly become bored and left, the draw of prisoners to torment was certainly more interesting than the whimpering Cameron.

James was, at last, let out of the confinements of the temporary operating theatre and stomped his way to the Main Hanger.  He needed space, although the trailing guards still did not relinquish their watchful duty. It was laughable. With his augmentations, James could destroy them easily. All of his limbs had been replaced with newer and more powerful models, his body encased in armour and his head added to. He carried a helmet under one arm which had been modified to enclose this hasty addition, his purpose less than clear.

Arriving at the cavernous hanger, which still held battle-damaged craft and whose walls were scarred with Jan’s hasty entrance, Cameron made his decision. He settled the helmet over his head, the hiss of the seal comforting him. Data flashed before his eyes as he concentrated; his new link allowing him access to the ship’s main data banks, which gave him exactly what he wanted. Unthinkingly he moved, brushing aside his escort and reaching the shiny exoskeleton which stood half-hidden behind two shuttles.

Alarms began to sound, but James ignored them, settling back into the structure and allowing the clamps to engage. They had given him more than they knew and James was not inclined to turn the favour down. He stood, his new musculature easily handling the extra weight. Synaptic connections allowed him to power up his new ride, the jets flaring as they came on line. Cameron grinned, for the first time in a long while, facing out towards the main exit as he commanded full power.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

Sondra was impatient. Her hunger demanding instant gratification, yet what little control she maintained over her mind, kept her in check. Not yet. They would escape.


Captain Theo Sharmer was worried. Detectors had screamed when the virus had been released, activating this operation. He had no doubt that the Colonel was dead, yet he had been trained in containment and clean-up. The Scientists needed information and the twisted corpses could give them that. His team followed, unrolling the body bags ready for specimen collection. Although the detectors had long since gone silent, not one of them was eager to de-suit, nor risk the touch of contact.
He beckoned one of his men forward, having found what was left of the Colonel. The taste of barely suppressed vomit added to his discomfort, but he did his job, checking the dead for the less ravaged, the more useful.

It was as he poked one corpse with the barrel of his rifle, that the nightmare took an even more macabre twist. Something grabbed his ankle, hard teeth ripping and tearing at cloth and then flesh. Sharmer screamed as he fell back, his finger tightening on the trigger of his rifle.


As the Captain went down, Sondra smiled; she was not alone. Two more corpses stirred, clawed and bloody hands reaching for the soldiers. As the first volley blew one of her fellow survivors apart, she struck, her teeth biting through cloth and hungrily reaching the inviting flesh beneath.

Not all them rose, but it was enough. Their unexpected attack, manic hunger and powerful muscles dragged the soldiers down. Mere bullets did not stop them. They felt the hunger, pain was inconsequential in comparison. Soon, the only sound was that of grunting and slobbering, as Sondra and her new family dined.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Outer Planetary Limits

Troops hurried to stop James, plasma rifles live. It was laughable. He killed the jets, his feet picking up the beat without problem. Although the support frames weapons systems were not loaded; missiles, plasma and rail-gun showed empty, that was not all that they had cannibalized from RPB-762 and his brothers. Twin segmented arms snaked forward, curling over the rapidly moving James’ shoulders. At their tips, one carried a whirring saw blade and the other a sharpened point. Who needed missiles?

Blades whipping from side to side, James sliced, diced and skewered as he moved purposefully towards the exit. From his vantage point nearby, Jan watched, and laughed. He would let his protégé have some fun, kill some people. After all, he could bring him back whenever he wanted.

Third Ecclisiarch Protectorate
Zone of Conflict

As she gorged, the virus worked, reknitting bone, regrowing flesh and revitalising body. The beast within Sondra did not notice, as body mass was reduced to its constituent parts. Blood and gore streaked her face, mouth and hands, but this time it was self-inflicted. When she rose from her kill, replete, no-one would have believed that she had been diseased, death a-walk. Sondra Laing stood, wiped her red-brown hands on the remnants of her clothing and strode away. Behind her, others stood and followed.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Euthan Palace - Chapter 8 Pt 2
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2011, 09:08:26 AM »

Now, it starts to get interesting...particularly as I'm rewriting Chapter Twelve onwards :D
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