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Author Topic: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp8 Pt2  (Read 56991 times)

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Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp5 Pt2
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2014, 08:18:34 AM »

Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Lights flashed on the battle board, flickering red, before pulsing in the one colour the Technicians hated. Worse than that, it was in the one place no-one wanted to work.

“Sh*t’s hit the fan,” muttered one.

“Literally, no doubt,” guffawed another, “and it’s your turn.”

Amid curses, the man made the call. It was protocol, especially at such a time, to take a detachment along for back up. No-one would want the duty.


“They’re coming,” Barnes’ whisper could easily be described as a bellow, but thankfully the noise of machinery would drown it out.

McVay nodded at Lupus and Frakman, they had taken up mutually opposite position close to the entrance door. Other preparations had been made before Seamus had inserted a wrench into one of the pumps’ inlet ports. Their time here was limited and in his impatience for action he had decided to curtail the wait a little.

Three men entered bunched together, laughing and groaning at their misfortune. They stopped short to see the Cadet in front of them, others shuffling into their rear. Lupus rose behind the group, a metal bar grasped in one hand. He had wound some taped around one end to create a grip with an amount of dexterity which suggested this was not the first time he had carried out the operation.

“Gentlemen,” said McVay, allowing his right hand to drop to his side, “there comes a time, when everyone has to make a life-changing decision. It is uncommon for people to have a second opportunity. I am giving you that possibility. Choose well.”

The non-com at the rear of the group shouted incoherently and snatched at the barrel of her autorifle, which hung slackly from her shoulder by a strap. Common practice and discipline impelled her men to follow.

“Oh dear,” said Seamus quietly as the heavy bar in Lupus’ hand crunched down on the non-com’s skull and Frakman’s knife drank deeply.

Barnes and the rest of his team barrelled into the fight, swinging whatever weapons they had. One soldier managed to pull his pistol clear and McVay’s hand flashed once, his weapon taking both flesh and pistol in one slick movement.

The fight was short and bloody. At its end one man remained from the original party, cowering amidst the carnage. For the Tech, his prediction really had come true.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp5 Pt3
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2014, 05:37:06 AM »

Chamber Grounds
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

They had decided not to wait. To their rear explosions rocked the night air, bright flashes illuminating where rounds cooked off.

“It looks as though we are not the only Stravags fighting,” commented Mattlov as he stared at the remnants of a burning vehicle.

“To be expected,” said Elana, watching one of her Elementals return, “Sheehan does not have everything under his control.”

Mattlov was shocked a little at the lack of the honorific for their Khan, but shrugged internally. The man at least did not deserve to be Khan and he too felt a strong resentment of his actions.

“We still need our armour,” Elana said, waiting for Mattlov’s reply. It seemed as though the ‘old man’ had been accepted; his rank confirmed in the minds of the Elementals at least.

“That is true,” he agreed, “and a BattleMech would not go amiss either, although...I realise that will have to wait.”

Sudden firing span him round, the actinic brightness of a PPC being discharged obvious. It was answered; smoke billowed from one position and at almost point-blank range a missile slammed into metal with a deafening roar.

“Time to move,” said Mattlov already rising, “I would like to be inside something a little more solid than my usual frame.”

Elana grinned, then caught herself, as the stutter of an autocannon sounded close by.

“Do not take this the wrong way, Star Colonel,” she said, “but we need to move quickly and you will slow us down.”

He wondered how exactly he was meant to take the comment, but he did understand.

“Agreed. Get your armour and I will follow.”

She looked at him for a moment and then called to her men. He was a Dark Falcon. Elana had a suspicion that instead of following, he would double back and find out who was fighting. In any case, she and her men would be more effective suited up.

“Understood. We will come back for you.”

Lars Mattlov smiled as they raced away. He did not wait to see what they would do, but began to retrace his steps. There was a BattleMech out there and perhaps more loyalists; a big ask but he had not felt this alive for years.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt1
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2014, 07:59:02 AM »

Chapter Six

Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

The corridor stank; effluent had bled from ruptured pipes and found its own way out. McVay led his team through the stinking mess; Lupus and Frakman half-carried the bound Technician by his elbows. Barnes assumed the Cadet had a plan, so he meekly followed along, eyes scanning for unknown dangers ahead.

“This way,” McVay said, leading his group up a flight of stairs, “it’s the long way round, but lifts are out of our resource list, for now anyway.”

“Where are we going...Sir?” asked Lupus, ignoring Barnes’ cautioning glance.

“The brig first,” commented McVay as he cracked open an unmarked door, “and then the armoury.”

Lupus grunted as though he understood the plan; he was a simple man who needed nothing more than reassurance. Cadet McVay had a plan, and that would do for now.

It took them a short while to ascend two levels, but finally they reached their objective. Weapons were checked and the Technician restrained; he was bound to the stair rail by Lupus, whose less than veiled threats seemed to have an immediate effect on the man. Once finished, he joined his comrades where they huddled around McVay.

“Just a few rules,” said the Cadet quietly, “no-one fires until I say so. Our intention is to free whichever of the crew decided not to join up with Sheehan’s traitorous fellows. Information I received, prior to joining this ship, would suggest that we will find a number of our shipmates ready to join us. And no, before you ask, I am not going to tell you where I got the information.”

Barnes’ jaw snapped shut amid restrained laughter.

“Secondly, there can be no survivors. Our presence must remain a secret for as long as humanly possible. That means Frakman, that you and your toy will be busy, both during the fight and after.”

The rat-faced man grinned evilly and fingered the sharp point of his shiv.

“Barnes? You will wait here with everyone but Frakman and I, until you hear the signal. Then come out ready to kill.”

“What signal, Sir?” asked Barnes, sure that they had never discussed it.

“Oh, don’t worry,” McVay said with a wry smile, “you’ll know it when you hear it.”

“Now remember,” he continued in a more serious tone, “we will get only one chance at carrying this out. You have all shown yourself to be capable, as well as the most nasty, mother-frakkers it has been my pleasure to meet. Just the sort of qualities I like and the Dark Falcons need. Do me proud!”

They would have cheered, but all knew the deadly nature of their task. Instead they grinned, slapped hands, or just nodded in agreement. There was an avid greed in their eyes as Frakman followed McVay into the corridor. They were ready.


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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt1
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2014, 10:02:13 PM »

Good stuff, keep it coming.
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt1
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2014, 05:24:49 AM »

Good stuff, keep it coming.

Your wish is my command...

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt2
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2014, 05:25:43 AM »

Council Chamber
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Khan Sheehan spat a gobbet of food out of his already overfull mouth. It joined earlier waste on the floor around his chair. He was bored. Nothing was going to plan. His advisors had told him that his pogrom, this cleaning of bad blood, would be over quickly. They had, they assured him, identified all of the malcontents and would strike swiftly and with overwhelming force. From the sounds outside the Council Chamber, this was not strictly true.

He could hear the staccato chatter of autocannon rounds, but they did not go unanswered. Latest reports indicated strong pockets of resistance at the Elemental barracks and at least two rogue BattleMechs. At least they had secured the space port; reports detailing the success with which they had taken over dropships and fighter command. Above Winfield, fleet units circled, providing a barricade to both entry and exit from the system in general and the planet as a whole.

Outlying protectorates had fallen quickly under their control, any attempts at rebellion savagely suppressed. The only disquieting information received was the disappearance of a number of key commanders and their units. Not in sufficient number to cause any real problem. At least that was what he had been told.

Sheehan picked at his teeth where some of his ongoing meal had stuck and wondered why anyone would see fit to oppose him. The Khan was not the most intelligent of men, making up for this lack with an excessive penchant for cruelty and lasciviousness. He had deliberately tried to divorce himself from his family role model, and had succeeded, of that there was no doubt.

The main doors swung inwards or rather they creaked and groaned; Elana’s exit had rearranged the doors’ structure and temporary repairs had done little to improve her work.

“What now?” groaned Sheehan, his disgust at the interruption of his thoughts obvious.

A troop of black-clad soldiers filed into his presence, the Loremaster in the lead.

“My Khan,” began Davids, speaking whilst he made a perfunctory show of obeisance, “the traitors have been dealt with.”

Continuing sounds of battle seemed to negate his statement, “Oh, do not worry about that,” he said, dismissing the noise, “our forces are mopping with the last remnants now.”

“I hope so,” replied the Khan, reaching for another piece of food, “I am rather bored with all of this. You promised me that there would be little to stand in our way, and then we have this...”

Davids ignored the waving chicken leg and continued, “It is of no account. We have confirmation that all planets are under our control. Very soon, the status quo will be resumed and we can move on to the second phase of my plan.”

“Your plan?” the Khan was confused and becoming angrier with each passing moment.

“Ah, yes,” said Davids, nodding to one of the soldiers, “I forgot to tell you...”

A single shot rang out and the Khan slumped back, a small round hole appearing in his forehead. The Loremaster stared at him for a moment, then turned to speak to the shooter.

“Get that thing out of here...we have work to do!”

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt3
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2014, 09:14:01 AM »

Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

McVay eased himself back behind cover; two guards stood in front of the entrance to the brig, although relaxed, they looked alert. This needed to be done quickly, but with as little noise as possible. Seamus smiled; if only his brother could see him now. Euan was still on Winfield and knew little of the double life led by Seamus. He was a stolid man, a farmer who had also looked down on his little brother. It had never entered the older McVay’s head to leave their holding, he saw responsibility at every turn and was passing that same stolid view of life on to his own children. Seamus could only hope that Euan’s non-combativeness and live and let live attitude would protect him from Sheehan’s more rapacious forces.

A sound drew Seamus back to his observations; one of the guards had laid his rifle up against the wall and was ambling inside the doorway.

McVay grinned; it seemed as though their luck held. He waited just long enough for the guard to disappear and then turned the corner in full sight marching purposefully towards the remaining soldier.

“You!” he snapped, bringing the man to attention in response to the authority in his tone, “what do you think you are doing?”

There was a puzzled look on the guard’s face, but it changed to chagrin as Seamus’ finger stabbed towards the abandoned rifle.

“It’s just that...”

The Cadet was close now and the man realised that something was wrong. Call it instinct, or lack of recognition. Whatever it was, it meant death.

A sharp movement of his left hand slapped the muzzle of the rifle away, rigid fingers stabbed deep into stomach muscles and a knee cracked upwards. Seamus grinned; he must remember to tell whoever was in charge that his men needed retraining, or at least reminding that they were at war. Not today though, he was busy.

His low whistle brought Frakman scurrying out from his hiding place.

McVay offered him one of the rifles but the evil little man only smiled and kissed the blade of the weapon he already held in his hand. As Seamus slipped into the room beyond he heard a wet thump and realised that his sidekick was making sure that no threat was left to the rear. Seamus wiped the image from his mind and continued stealthily forward, drawing two knives from his belt. It was repugnant, but correct. Many other lives depended upon their professionalism.

Frakman zipped past him as they crossed in front of a side door, his blade thrusting quickly into the second guard’s body; the man had emerged, two steaming cups of liquid in his hands. With a crash they hit the floor and there was no time for remonstrating as the rest of the guards boiled forth like an angry storm of bees, knocking Frakman aside in the process.

There were four of them more angry than prepared; none carried his rifle. One ducked back inside the door and another tried to make a bolt for the open corridor. McVay hefted and threw one of his knives; the silvered metal flashing as it sank into the man’s throat. One down.

Frakman jumped into the room leaving McVay with the other two. The Cadet grinned at the little man’s confidence and his apparent happiness unnerved the first of his two opponents. His glance to his partner was all the distraction that McVay needed, his second blade sinking into the man’s right eye. This left one.

He was a big man, with a jagged scar running from above his left eye to his jawline. Instead of speaking he merely nodded, drawing a combat knife. The wicked looking blade went well with his demeanour.

“I do not have time,” said Seamus, half-turning away.

Instantly his opponent struck, but McVay was already moving. He continued his turn, his back kick delivered with all of his whipped momentum. The heel of his right boot slammed into the onrushing man’s side with a clear cracking sound. Seamus followed his strike with a second kick; this time the ball of his foot impacting onto the man’s temple as it whipped forward, crushing bone. There was no need for the third blow as the body crashed to the floor, bouncing once before coming to rest.

Frakman whistled in appreciation from the doorway, sipping from a steaming cup of liquid held in his hand.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt4
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2014, 10:11:09 AM »

Council Chamber
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Davids kicked aside the remains of the ex-Khan’s meal, using a rough hand to wipe crumbs and half-chewed meat from the throne itself. As Loremaster he had taken a secondary place to the obese Khan; now that would change. The plan to wipe out any opponent had been his and his smile of self-satisfaction at the outcome played across his thin-lipped mouth. Now he had no need to wait for the indecisive Khan, things could be brought to a rapid conclusion.

His communicator buzzed and he reached for the device with an angry snatch. He began to accept the incoming message just as the main windows which looked out on the well-kept gardens shattered into a myriad pieces.

There was an accompanying roar of an explosion and he scrambled for cover. Soldiers raced into the main chamber, weapons at the ready, as slugs tore into the room. Plaster and brickwork formed a dusty cloud which was pierced by the bright red of laser fire.

A large shape loomed and an armoured fist smashed what remained of the window frame away. Men died to protect their leader, lives thrown away to save the weeping man who cowered behind the throne.

The thwack of a Gauss rifle as it hit the Mech outside added to the furore and the shape staggered. With a whine of servos the war machine moved away, its lasers firing in response to the barrage of missiles which rained down upon it. As quickly as it had begun, the attack was over, and Davids heard the comforting thud of Mech feet. He struggled to his feet and brushed the dust from his once clean uniform. What he could not remove was the looks of disdain directed his way by his protectors. It was a bad beginning.

Council Chamber Grounds
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Mattlov paused to listen; the sound of conflict had moved away from him. Catching his breath, the Star Colonel eased his way forward. A flash of bright light cut the darkness, followed by the sound of a large body crashing to the earth. There was no indication who had fired and been victorious, but Mattlov had to know. His only problem was that he was retracing his steps towards the Council Chambers themselves and the Khan’s forces.

Again the night was split by the thunder of battle, causing him to break into a run. This time he could hear small arms fire, as well as the distinctive thump of missile impacts. He arrived at the edge of cover to see the attack on the Council Chamber itself, a Mad Dog all but crashing its way through the wall. Two other indistinct Mechs appeared from the south of the building, firing in unison. The rebel machine staggered back, its left arm crushed by the strike of the first mass projectile. Another silver blur struck its chest, punching it into the entrance lobby with a corresponding scream of tortured metal.

With a visible effort the pilot heaved the Mad Dog to its feet, just as a barrage of missiles peppered it. Amidst the boiling explosions ballooned another as the escape pod jettisoned, its trajectory low and flat as the falling Mech foiled the pilot’s original intention. Mattlov followed its fiery trail and set off at a run. He expected the other Mechs to follow, but they remained on station, protecting the Council Chamber from further attack.

The whine of a hover truck broke the silence as it careened round the corner, where it skidded to a stop. Soldiers piled from the rear, their leader forming them up as he listened to his communicator. With shouted commands he led his men after the errant pod, his objective clear.

Star Colonel Mattlov had a head start and his mad abandon gave him an advantage; the soldiers expected an ambush and Mattlov did not want to disappoint them. He just needed a likely spot.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp6 Pt5
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2014, 04:11:50 AM »

Council Chamber Grounds
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Mechwarrior Sven Davids checked his equipment; he knew that they would be coming. He grinned to himself at the thought of how close he had been to ending his father’s life. The loremaster was all for rules, but in the case of Sven’s mother, he had made an exception. She had spoken little of the details of their relationship; he had never been recognised by his absent father and the only thing of him he really carried, was his name. That and the hatred he bore for the man.

His attack on the Council Chamber itself had not been, in the first instance, driven out of loyalty to the Dark Falcons, rather it had been an opportunity for payback. He had gravitated towards the groups which spoke openly against the Khan and his father, laughing with them at the coincidence of his name. Something of their resistance had rubbed off on him, but whatever the reason, he now needed to get out of here.

At last he had everything and began to move away, steering in a general direction which took him in the opposite direction to the Council Chamber. First of all he had to survive, then he could decide what to do next.
A sudden autorifle burst which shredded the leaves above his head, sent him scrambling for cover whilst he tried to pull his needler pistol free. Another series of shots from his left told him that he was being flanked. Sporadic fire held him pinned behind the trunk of a large tree, spitting bark fragments in his face every time he risked a look. They wanted him alive, of that he was sure.

He was thinking of how he was going to get out of this, when a boot crunched into his back. The pistol flew from his grasp as pain spasmed his body. Another kick took him in the ribs and lifted him from the floor. A boot mashed his fingers into the ground and he cried out.

“That is right, traitor,” growled a harsh voice, “scream, it is what you will be doing for a while...”

“I think not...” this was a new voice; cold and frightening in its certainty.

A pistol spat, whickering as its charge flashed out. Something wet splattered over the Mechwarrior and a steady hand gripped the back of his jacket.

“Time to be going, I think,” said Mattlov as he heaved the young man to his feet, “this is not over yet, by a long way.”

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp7 Pt1
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2014, 04:15:52 AM »

Chapter Seven

Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Frakman had finished his tedious chore and his blade was wiped clean on the coverall of the last of McVay’s victims. The little man had finished his coffee and now stood expectantly.

“So far,” said McVay, “this has gone calmly. I now need you to do something else.”

There was no reply, Frakman merely waited for his orders.

“Take one of these rifles,” and here he indicated the weapons rack near the door, “and wake the others up. We need someone on watch at that end of the corridor. I will see who we have inside. Oh, and if you meet anyone not yet known to us, kill them.”

That brought a smile to Frakman’s face. He liked this Cadet.

McVay smiled as the evil little man left and retrieved the second of his knives; it had resisted easy removal from the soldier’s skull and he had not wanted Frakman to see him struggling with it. Whilst he heaved and cursed, he heard murmurs from inside the brig. Once cleaned up, he strode confidently forward, activating the sliding door between the guard’s room and the cells.

Inside there were two rows of six cells; simple barred rooms with bunk-type beds. Not all of the cells were full, but those that were sported a mixture of men and women. He saw two officers in the last cell to the left and hoped they would not cause any problems. Well, apart from his authority, he did have Barnes, Lupus and Frakman. The thought of what the latter might do with pleasure to an officer put a genuine smile on his face.

“Who are you?”

The question came from the main occupant of the first cell. There were three people inside but the speaker was by far the most impressive. If Barnes and Lupus were big, and hairy, this woman’s Elemental stock was clear. Her long black hair was braided half-way down her muscular back. The other two were smaller and had the distinctive look of pilots. McVay wondered how they had been captured, but those kind of questions could wait.

“Seamus McVay,” he responded with a smile, “and to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

The woman grabbed the bars to her cell, knuckles whitening as she twisted in anger.

“You really do not want to get Vera mad,” one of the officers spoke, “that would be Cadet McVay would it not?”

Inwardly Seamus groaned at his bad luck; it was none other than the XO. The second man looked familiar too, but his meetings with the more illustrious officers had been few and far between.

“That’s correct, sir,” replied Seamus, straightening to attention.

“And what would…”

“Madman! Where the frak are you?” Barnes’ bawl interrupted the XO’s questioning.

Frakman and Lupus flanked him as they entered, McVay assumed that the other two had been left on guard. Lupus rapped Vera’s knuckles as he passed, blowing her a sloppy kiss, which only seemed to make her worse.

“We got rid of the bodies, Sir,” volunteered Frakman, “now what?”

“Get the keys and…”

“Excuse me, Cadet McVay”

Seamus suddenly remembered the XO and turned back towards him, “Yes, Sir?”

“I think a normal chain of command should be respected. So with that in mind, please release us and then report on exactly what is going on.”

“Yes, sir,” agreed Seamus, nodding to Frakman, “with pleasure, sir. There are definitely one or two things we need to discuss. In particular, I can fill you in on what is happening outside and of course who I really am.”

The officer looked uncertain as Barnes took the keys off Frakman and began releasing the prisoners, “Who you really are?”

“Yeah,” muttered Frakman, “your worst frakking nightmare.” His whinnying laugh was cut short by one glance from Seamus. This did not go unnoticed by the XO or the huge Elemental.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp7 Pt2
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2014, 10:07:55 AM »

It was slow; their journey to the Bridge needed to be cautious. They had armed themselves from the Guard Room and Seamus led the way. Curious glances from Vera and the two pilots received no answer, the XO merely following in the Cadet’s wake. There had been a brief conference, the XO merely nodding as the colour drained from his face.None of the others had been party to the conversation, but it was obvious that the XO had been the recipient of some rather strange news.

Barnes, flanked by Lupus and Frakman, stayed close to the Cadet, Lupus with a fixed grin of contentment on his face. Vera tried to speak to the XO, who merely waved her away.

“We are here,” Seamus held up his hand, halting their forward movement, “Frakman with me, Lupus and Barnes behind. The rest of you wait here.”

Vera began to protest, but Lupus shook his head at her insistence and the XO silenced her quickly.

“This needs to be quick,” Seamus said to his companions, “and there will be no prisoners. We have no idea how many of them there are and we need to gain control of the ship. Are you ready?”

On receiving grunts of agreement, Seamus jumped out into the corridor, his arm swinging back as he hurled the first of his knives. It struck cleanly, burying itself up to the hilt into the chest of one of the two men guarding the entrance. He did not wait, following his movement with a dive and colliding with the second man. His momentum crumpled the soldier to the floor and his second knife finished the job.

Frakman was already through the door, vaulting over a control panel his shiv held out in front of him. Lupus and Barnes started firing, short bursts slammed into any who were standing. Ratings were swept aside by the fusillade of fire, too shocked to react. McVay was now in the room and heading for the Captain’s chair. One man was seated and another two close by, they had obviously been discussing their next planned move, but they had no chance of carrying it out.

A silver sphere flashed forward, shattering one man’s temple and then Seamus was among them. His front kick threw the second man back into and over the chair, fouling the pistol which the seated man was attempting to draw. Before he could recover, Frakman appeared, swiping his shiv across the man’s throat in spray of bright red blood.

The moans of injured men reached McVay’s ears, but these were quickly cut short.

“Get this trash out of here,” snapped Seamus, as he checked the communications array, “and invite the XO to join us.”

There was the sound of running feet and the ex-prisoners rushed in, only to stop short in amazement at the carnage.

“What…?” began the XO.

“No time,” said Seamus, rolling the body off the Captain’s chair, “take your place and let’s see what we have here.”

Vera was astonished as the XO meekly obeyed Seamus. There was something going on here. Who was this so-called Cadet?

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp7 Pt3
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2014, 04:02:18 AM »

Council Chamber Grounds
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Mattlov trudged along, Sven following. In terms of immediate plans, he was only interested in rejoining with the Elementals. He felt vulnerable without the metallic comfort provided by his Mech and at least amongst Elana and the Elementals he would have some armour between himself and his enemies.

“Who are you?” Sven seemed to have quickly recovered from his shock.


“Ah,” said Sven, recognising the warrior, who he had only seen from afar, “and I suppose you are not on Khan Sheehan’s side?”

“True,” replied Mattlov, taking cover behind the bole of a tree as lasers lit the sky, “and you would be?”

“Mechwarrior Sven Davids…”

“Any relation?” Mattlov seemed unconcerned by the answer, slipping out as the fire decreased.

“So they say,” answered Sven, “although my mother has always denied it.”

“I already like her,” grinned Mattlov, dropping to one knee as shapes materialised out of the nearby shadow.

“Me too,” grunted Sven, “and I was trying to send my erstwhile father a message, before I was so rudely interrupted.”

“Well, I expect you will get another chance,” said Mattlov, lowering his weapon, “my friends have found us.”


Council Chambers
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

Khan Davids frowned; reports coming in suggested that his men were not having the fight all their own way. A party of Elementals had destroyed the barracks, escaping into the nearby woodland. Independent Mechs were joining forces and fighting a rearguard action, moving slowly towards the space port. His fighters were attacking, but somehow these Mech’s were evading destruction. He could not allow them to reach the drop ships. Even then, he supposed, they would gain little, as he possessed the only jump capable ships around Winfield.

In formation had also been received from all of the outlying settlements and other Protectorates; Davids was rather satisfied with how well his plan had gone. Sheehan was easily disposed of and his only real concern was the image he had presented when avoiding the attack on the Council Chambers. Any witnesses to the fact could easily be removed, but first things first, he needed to consolidate his position.

All evidence of Sheehan’s death and the attack had been removed, yet two Mech’s could clearly be seen standing sentry outside the windows. The crumpled shape of the downed Mech had still to be removed and it served as a timely reminder of how close he had come to being thwarted.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp7 Pt4
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2014, 03:47:10 AM »

Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

“I want answers...”

McVay felt the crushing pressure of the Elemental’s huge forearm as it encircled his neck.

“Vera!” snapped the XO, but she was past listening to him. He had demonstrated what she had seen as cowardice and lack of fitness to command, and her breeding had taken over.

“I said...ugh!”

Lupus had appeared quickly, his silence unexpected, as was his attack. The reversed pistol slammed into Vera’s skull once, twice and then a third time, driving her to her knees. Blood streamed from her hairline and Lupus ignored it, stomping her to the floor. Still conscious she recognised the madness in his eyes and watched him twist the pistol round and centre it on her forehead.

“Now, now Lupus,” said McVay calmly, “is that any way to treat a lady?”

Puzzlement was replaced by a sheepish grin and the big man swapped his pistol to his left hand, offering Vera his right. She allowed him to help her to her feet and turned to face McVay.

“I still want to know...” she whispered.

“Of course,” said McVay, motioning Lupus away, “I suppose everyone does. Now though is not the time.” His voice was cold, hard.

“You are a Dark Falcon, and you will obey, or...” and here he grinned, “I will leave you to Lupus’ tender mercies.

"Just so we have no further squabbling, let me give you one piece of information. I outrank you all.”

The erstwhile Cadet did something with his belt buckle, opening a hidden catch and withdrew a thin metal symbol. He held it up high so that they could all see. It was a stylised gold etched claw, the one thing they had never expected.

“Talon,” he said, “by name, and Talon by nature.”

“But the Talon’s are nothing but a story used to scare children...” began Vera, her voice strengthening as she recovered her composure.

“And McVay definitely scares the frak out of me,” said Lupus, patting the Cadet roughly on the shoulder.

“I believe him,” commented the XO, as he punched numbers into his console, “and that should be enough for you.”

Vera stared at him belligerently and then shrugged, “Well at least you have not got us killed yet.”

“True,” replied Seamus, looking at the tactical read out to his left, “but that could all change...”

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp8 Pt1
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2014, 03:53:24 AM »

Chapter Eight

Council Chamber Grounds
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

“Welcome, Old Man, I see you have survived.”

Mattlov looked at Elana and then grinned. She looked even more imposing in her battle suit. Her men spread out around them, securing the perimeter, and giving them time to talk.

“What are your plans?” asked Elana, his actions within the Council Chamber Grounds having reinforced her respect for his rank.

“However much I would like to restart an attack against Davids,” he said, ignoring the wince from his new companion, “Now is not the time. We need to swiftly link up with whatever resistance we can find. First though, I want my Mech.”

“Feeling vulnerable?” she laughed, and not waiting for his reply, “and this fledgling?”

“Sven,” answered Mattlov, “he and I had a run-in with some soldiers. He will do.”

“Very well,” the Elemenetal accepted his decision, as easily as she had his command, “where to then?”

“My Estate to pick up my ride and one for Sven. After that, to wherever the fighting is thickest.”

“Good. I like your plan.”

As the Elementals began to open their way through the undergrowth Sven spoke quietly to Mattlov.

“Why didn’t you tell her who I was? Ashamed?”

Mattlov’s fist slammed into the Mechwarrior’s jaw, knocking him to the ground. Dazed yet chastened, Sven accepted the hand proffered to him.

“That,” said Mattlov, “is to remind you that you are a warrior and not a snivelling child. Who your father is does not concern me, as it should not you. Elana did not need to know, and you do not need to question me. Understood?”

Sven nodded, rubbing his jaw to remove the pain of the blow. Mattlov was not like his other officers and certainly not like his father. Perhaps the decadence of the Dark Falcons had not debased everyone, well at least the “Old Man” anyway.

Ahead of them, and hidden behind the visor of her helmet, Elana smiled. This was a promising start. They needed a leader and from the reaction of her men she could see that Mattlov had already stepped into the role. This was certainly going to be interesting.

Rayo Azul

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Re: Talon - A Dark Falcons Tale Chp7 Pt4
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2018, 04:35:33 PM »

Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

“You wanted a job?” McVay spoke directly to Vera, “Well here it is. I need you to take charge of the cleaning of this vessel. Not all of the Ratings will be untrustworthy, merely confused, and they need to be enlightened. How many people do you need?”
Vera looked as though she was ready to challenge him, staring into his unflinching eyes. She was the first to break contact, an acceptance, if only miniscule, of his dominance.
“That depends on how clean you want the ship...”
“Spotless,” replied Seamus with a grin, “and if any of the crew does not sparkle after this spring clean, they should be sent to join the rest of their brethren...”
Seamus looked fixedly at the bloody corpse being dragged from behind the Captain’s chair.
“Understood...Sir,” acknowledged Vera.
“Good,” McVay indicated she joined him by the tactical screen, “you can see from the read out here that we have a situation.”
The screen showed three large concentrations of red dots and one smaller in blue.
“This,” Seamus indicated the blue, “is us. The rest are the enemy, or at least those in need of our own peculiar brand of re-education. It seems that they are concentrated in the Landing Bay, Engine Room and Sleeping Quarters. I want you to deal with the Engine Room as a priority. Take Lupus with you.”
For a moment it looked as though she would argue, but instead she smiled for the first time, “Do you not think that Lupus and I will be enough, without putting anyone else at risk?”
“Probably,” returned Seamus, “but take a couple of the others with you, just to keep things in line.”
“It’s my animal magnetism,” Lupus whispered to Frakman, “she can’t resist me...”
Frakman saw Vera’s shoulders hunch. She had heard Lupus’ comments, which was not surprising, as Lupus’ idea of a whisper was tantamount to shout. He was glad that he was not going with him, fireworks there would be, of that he was sure.

Mattlov Estate
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

It had taken a couple of hours of hard walking to reach the outskirts of the estate. Sven was impressed. Although not huge by the standard of many within the Council, Mattlov’s property was well laid out and defended. The main house sat on a raised hill, its walled gardens now lit with roving search lights. There were three concentric series of barriers in place, the last obviously hastily raised by whoever was in charge. Razor wire and metallic spikes faced outwards from the latest edition, with two winding entrances left clear. These were manned by what appeared to be a mixture of Infantry and automated emplacements.
Inside the first barrier, the distinctive tread of Battlemechs could be heard, and Sven watched as a Mad Dog hove into view. It stopped almost directly opposite them, activating a search light mounted on its shoulder, which pierced the darkness and threw their hiding place into bright relief.
“Identify yourselves!” boomed the enhanced voice, “This is your first and only warning!”
Mattlov stirred and marched out to where he could more easily be seen, “I take it you got my signal then?” he asked, a genuine smile on his face for the first time.”
“That we did, Sir,” the relief in the voice was clearly audible, “we only hoped that you would be able to find your way here. Your orders were specific.”
“Indeed,” replied Mattlov, “I have brought a few friends with me, Elementals and another Mechwarrior.”
“They are welcome, and I would suggest you make haste to join us inside...”
“Trouble?” asked Mattlov starting towards the first barrier.
“Lots of it,” replied the Mechwarrior, moving her machine back into the shadows, “and approaching rapidly.”

Mattlov Estate
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157

“What do we have?”

Mattlov had immediately taken command once they had reached the Command Centre laid out within what had once been the dining room. Hastily run cables snaked across the floor, terminating in the rear of various consoles.

“Various units seemed to have remained loyal,” commented his aide, Sheana, who had joined them after leaving her Mech, “you can see where the Khan´s forces are being retained.”

Her finger stabbed down on two or three concentrations of blue dots, “Unfortunately, there appears to be more disloyal Falcons then loyal ones,” now her finger traced a line of red moving to encircle the friendly positions.

“How are we positioned to help?”

“Badly, Sir,” she replied pointing towards more red, “these are headed our way.”

Mattlov grunted, “And Williams?”

Sheana grinned, “On his way. I asked him to work on a couple of surprises before he joined us.”

“He will enjoy that,” laughed Mattlov, “I hope you impressed upon him the need not to have too much fun?”

“Very clearly, Sir,” replied Sheana.

“Good. I am on my way to pick up my Mech and then I want all of our people ready. Winfield is about to get entertaining, probably for the first time in a long time, and I do not want to miss the party.”
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