Goliath System
Deep Periphery
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157
“You wanted a job?†McVay spoke directly to Vera, “Well here it is. I need you to take charge of the cleaning of this vessel. Not all of the Ratings will be untrustworthy, merely confused, and they need to be enlightened. How many people do you need?â€
Vera looked as though she was ready to challenge him, staring into his unflinching eyes. She was the first to break contact, an acceptance, if only miniscule, of his dominance.
“That depends on how clean you want the ship...â€
“Spotless,†replied Seamus with a grin, “and if any of the crew does not sparkle after this spring clean, they should be sent to join the rest of their brethren...â€
Seamus looked fixedly at the bloody corpse being dragged from behind the Captain’s chair.
“Understood...Sir,†acknowledged Vera.
“Good,†McVay indicated she joined him by the tactical screen, “you can see from the read out here that we have a situation.â€
The screen showed three large concentrations of red dots and one smaller in blue.
“This,†Seamus indicated the blue, “is us. The rest are the enemy, or at least those in need of our own peculiar brand of re-education. It seems that they are concentrated in the Landing Bay, Engine Room and Sleeping Quarters. I want you to deal with the Engine Room as a priority. Take Lupus with you.â€
For a moment it looked as though she would argue, but instead she smiled for the first time, “Do you not think that Lupus and I will be enough, without putting anyone else at risk?â€
“Probably,†returned Seamus, “but take a couple of the others with you, just to keep things in line.â€
“It’s my animal magnetism,†Lupus whispered to Frakman, “she can’t resist me...â€
Frakman saw Vera’s shoulders hunch. She had heard Lupus’ comments, which was not surprising, as Lupus’ idea of a whisper was tantamount to shout. He was glad that he was not going with him, fireworks there would be, of that he was sure.
Mattlov Estate
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157
It had taken a couple of hours of hard walking to reach the outskirts of the estate. Sven was impressed. Although not huge by the standard of many within the Council, Mattlov’s property was well laid out and defended. The main house sat on a raised hill, its walled gardens now lit with roving search lights. There were three concentric series of barriers in place, the last obviously hastily raised by whoever was in charge. Razor wire and metallic spikes faced outwards from the latest edition, with two winding entrances left clear. These were manned by what appeared to be a mixture of Infantry and automated emplacements.
Inside the first barrier, the distinctive tread of Battlemechs could be heard, and Sven watched as a Mad Dog hove into view. It stopped almost directly opposite them, activating a search light mounted on its shoulder, which pierced the darkness and threw their hiding place into bright relief.
“Identify yourselves!†boomed the enhanced voice, “This is your first and only warning!â€
Mattlov stirred and marched out to where he could more easily be seen, “I take it you got my signal then?†he asked, a genuine smile on his face for the first time.â€
“That we did, Sir,†the relief in the voice was clearly audible, “we only hoped that you would be able to find your way here. Your orders were specific.â€
“Indeed,†replied Mattlov, “I have brought a few friends with me, Elementals and another Mechwarrior.â€
“They are welcome, and I would suggest you make haste to join us inside...â€
“Trouble?†asked Mattlov starting towards the first barrier.
“Lots of it,†replied the Mechwarrior, moving her machine back into the shadows, “and approaching rapidly.â€
Mattlov Estate
Dark Falcons Protectorate, 05th July 3157
“What do we have?â€
Mattlov had immediately taken command once they had reached the Command Centre laid out within what had once been the dining room. Hastily run cables snaked across the floor, terminating in the rear of various consoles.
“Various units seemed to have remained loyal,†commented his aide, Sheana, who had joined them after leaving her Mech, “you can see where the Khan´s forces are being retained.â€
Her finger stabbed down on two or three concentrations of blue dots, “Unfortunately, there appears to be more disloyal Falcons then loyal ones,†now her finger traced a line of red moving to encircle the friendly positions.
“How are we positioned to help?â€
“Badly, Sir,†she replied pointing towards more red, “these are headed our way.â€
Mattlov grunted, “And Williams?â€
Sheana grinned, “On his way. I asked him to work on a couple of surprises before he joined us.â€
“He will enjoy that,†laughed Mattlov, “I hope you impressed upon him the need not to have too much fun?â€
“Very clearly, Sir,†replied Sheana.
“Good. I am on my way to pick up my Mech and then I want all of our people ready. Winfield is about to get entertaining, probably for the first time in a long time, and I do not want to miss the party.â€