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Author Topic: The Dark Wheel - Reposted  (Read 39751 times)

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Rayo Azul

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The Dark Wheel - Reposted
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:00:39 AM »

The Dark Wheel

Shinzen City
Mai Ling
First Ecclesiarch Protectorate

�Roll up, roll up!�

The hawker reeled in his prey. It was his job, and his pleasure. There was always someone; the gullible, the brave and the foolhardy were all attracted to The Wheel. He saw them approach and was glad. A quick adjustment of his hat, a twirl of his cane and he was ready.

�Welcome to the Dark Wheel, a unique and life-changing experience...�

Adam DeVries half-heard the spiel, although the firm breast pressed against his shoulder drew more of his attention. This was their last night; tomorrow the transports would leave for the war-zone and these memories would remain with him, blur a little the horror and despair which awaited.

�Hey, Adam,� Johnny Colso broke into his thoughts, �what about in here?�

Adam looked up, the garish neon sign drawing his attention. It was a crude representation of a wheel, held in place by a scantily-clad young woman. Strange sigils marked each of sixteen points on its edges and as he watched it span dizzily. What the...? He blinked, it was again only a sign.

�Yes Sir,� wheedled the hawker, �why not make this a night to remember?�

The young woman on his arm squeezed closer and Adam assented; it was probably dark inside, and just maybe the evening could start early.


The two couples entered into the damp interior of the tent; three rows of chairs were placed parallel to, and slightly below a crude stage. On which stood the wheel itself; a shabby structure held its stained and flaking body. From the rear of the stage a woman entered; more naked than clothed as excess flesh poured from her tight costume.

�Ah, what do we have here?�

Her voice was low, sultry and in contrast to the seedy costume she wore. Adam felt a strange attraction and in response to the woman�s allure, the girl at his side pressed closer.

�You!� a grimy finger stabbed towards Adam, �A likely looking boy. Would you care to spin The Wheel?�

He started to reply, but an imperious waggle of her digit, stalled him.

�Not so hasty, My Pretty, there are things you should know, before you answer. Sit, whilst I explain.�

All of them obeyed her command and she rested one hand against the mechanism before speaking.

�The Dark Wheel comes to us through the mists of time. It is a powerful artefact whose very existence is an abomination. Each spin cuts reality with the screams of a thousand condemned souls. Those who failed its test, who faltered when faced with fear, were consumed by the evil which resides within. It can show you your heart�s desire or torment you with your innermost demons. Do you still wish to continue? This will be your one and only opportunity to refuse...�

Johnny laughed, �At least we�ll get our money�s worth. You going first Adam, or shall I?�

�Whatever you like,� Adam said, grinning in return.

�Okay,� said Johnny, stepping onto the raised platform, �but please be gentle, it�s my first time.�

The woman merely smiled and bowed him graciously forward, indicating where he should place his hand. With a heave, Johnny started the wheel spinning, the clacking of its spokes rapidly joining in a single note. Adam could not look away; the sigils blurred into one hypnotic line and a weird keening began.

�Can you hear them?� cackled the woman, �The souls, can you hear them?�


Johnny�s cry faded into the background noise as Adam lost consciousness; each spin of the wheel pulled him in

closer, ripping him screaming from his body...

...it was dark, cold and a cloying mist hung around his feet. Where was he? Adam trudged on, each footstep disturbing small puffs of vapour. A low moaning began to his right accompanying his movement, enticing him on. Now it was a name, his name! Someone was calling him!

�What do you want!�

The moan became laughter now, a hiccupping, uncontrollable thing, which taunted and teased.

�Aa-dam!� it cried and he screamed his defiance.

Now the tone changed; it hissed in anger and one voice was joined by another, then many and he stumbled, the first pangs of fear weakening his muscles. Something tugged at his leg and he jumped backwards from its clawing grasp. A skeletal hand grasped blindly, the bones clicking together in frustration. More appeared from the mist groping for him. Others pinched at his calves chivvying him forward. Now he was caught, hands dragging him down, ripping and tearing at his flesh. He felt blood trickling down his skin and rage boiled through him.

�Fuckers!� he snarled, stomping and smashing, �You want some?�

Even his towering anger was not enough; bony fingers punched through skin, hooking and holding him and ever so slowly, still fighting, they dragged him down...

...he broke the surface of the water gasping for breath. The sun burned down mercilessly on him; all around there was water, no land in sight. He shook his head to clear the salty sting of the liquid, twisting as he moved his feet in order to see. Nothing. Adam was alone. A darker cloud began to form in the depths around him, which cleared as he kicked. Blood. His blood. So the skeletons had been real after all?

If not, if this was but a dream, then he would soon awake. He stopped struggling and sank beneath the surface. His survival instinct kicked in and he thrashed his way up, coughing to clear his lungs. Now treading water he waited, searching the horizon for any sign of life. There. What was that?

Adam was sure he had seen something. There it was again. A black triangular shape which moved towards him. A sail? His bowels clenched in fear as he realised what it was and he started to swim feverishly. Any direction was good, as long as it was away from his hunter...
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 06:57:30 AM by Rayo Azul »

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 12:06:18 PM »

...and this is the idea. I will post an exclusive extract - short story in full- from my soon to be published anthology. You guys will then let me know what you think of it and I will share the propsed artwork for the anthology. Anyone who feels like they want to try their hand at some artwork, can convince me by posting here, and I will include it either in the SS itself if it rocks, or at least will post it on the fanpage, my blog, etc.

I have cut the SS in two parts, the second being posted when we see what response we get.

Oh, only members get to see the SS, so it could also be used as a tool to bring more people in. I will certainly be posting the URL and the conditions on my blog, FB page and other relevant sites. Feel free to do the same ;D




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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 05:51:27 PM »

An interesting read and very disturbing. Just what I've come to expect from your stories. ;D

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 05:37:47 PM »

An interesting read and very disturbing. Just what I've come to expect from your stories. ;D

The second part is better...if I do say so myself :D

I am now publicising this on my FB page and will be doing so on other web pages too.

Part two will come once I get some more feedback...if not, I'll just email you the next part ;)

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 11:44:01 AM »

An interesting read and very disturbing. Just what I've come to expect from your stories. ;D

The second part is better...if I do say so myself :D

I am now publicising this on my FB page and will be doing so on other web pages too.

Part two will come once I get some more feedback...if not, I'll just email you the next part ;)

Now linked to FB and three web pages...let's see what happens ;)


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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 12:27:03 PM »

I've been checking for new members, none so far.

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 12:45:33 PM »

For this to be viral, then it can't be just me linking...or I'm just reinfecting myself :D


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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 10:04:13 PM »

I've done that! ;D

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2011, 10:43:22 AM »

I've done that! ;D

There are some new drugs to counteract that... ;)

I've got a picture of the Dark Wheel in my head, but I'm rubbish at drawing. It looks like the Wheel Of Fortune from a Medieval Deck of Tarot Cards, has claws for feet and tortured souls writhing around the supports. The Wheel itself is spoked and has blades on eight points, with dark runes in between....

Ooops just frightened myself... :'(
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 05:50:37 PM by Rayo Azul »

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 05:52:17 PM »

This is the Anthology's front cover...


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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2011, 06:19:27 PM »

As I said on FB this would make a good cover.


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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2011, 09:46:33 PM »

Looks awesome!


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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2011, 02:27:47 AM »

Great read  ;D , I do not use FB my self (personal reasons) so I will follow it here if I can.


Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2011, 01:35:17 PM »

Great read  ;D , I do not use FB my self (personal reasons) so I will follow it here if I can.


HI Dave

Good to see you here. Glad you're enjoying this and hope you've been along to Smashwords too ;)

Rayo Azul

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Re: The Dark Wheel - Part 1
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2011, 01:36:55 PM »

As I said on FB this would make a good cover.

You did indeed Sir, yes you did 8)

@Takiro - Glad you liked it, they're done by a mate of mine...Talented git isn't he? :D
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