Kruger Combat Car
BattleTechnology #17
"Spydre" Connors
Mass: 10 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: DAV Exo-Fusion 50
Crusining Speed: 76 kph
Flank Speed: 119 kph
Armor: ProTec Light
2 Martell Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Avalon Arms Company
Communications System: Broadstar Micro-Pulse
Targeting and Tracking System: Broadstar Pintel-Star
First produced over four hundred years ago, the Kruger Combat Car was based on design ideas proven as far back as the 20th Century. The Kruger was produced for ninety years before newer designs replaced it on the production lines. These original Krugers continued in service well into the 29th Century. In 2880, new Krugers were once again rolling off the assembly line. Avalon Arms, a Davion ammunition manufacturer, branched out into vehicles with the venerable Kruger as their first product. It was to prove a moneymaker for them, the first of a line of vehicles. For four centuries the Kruger Combat Car has been a perfect example of a reliable armor system.
Designed to fulfill only one role, the Kruger makes no pretense of being anything other than a fast attack vehicle. With eight independent suspension wheels, each with its own drive and steering system, it is able to traverse most terrains without slowing. In addition, the Kruger is able to move backwards at the same speeds it can move forward. To take advantage of this unique gear system, the radio operator sits in the rear of the car with a secondary steering system. When necessary, he can assume control of the vehicle to maneuver as well as the driver.
Its weapons systems consists of two Martell Medium Lasers mounted in a highly mobile roof turret. The ten-ton Kruger surprises many opponents who expect small lasers in the barrel system.
The mobile turret combined with the efficient Broadstar Pintel tracking system surprised even its designers by proving an effective anti-aircraft vehicle. Its four tons of armor ensure that the Kruger Combat Car can fill any combat role from raiding to city defense.
Drawbacks to the Kruger are few but significant. With the rarity of fusion engines available, production of the combat car is limited to fewer than seventy a year. In addition, the limited crew and storage space reduces its effective time in the field. Yet with its impressive track record and good survival rate the Kruger should continue to be an excellent choice for fast attack armor companies for the forseeable future.
Battle History:
In 2915, Periphery raiders attacked the Davion world of Sherwood. The raiders lacked BattleMechs, but had enough aerospace power to overwhelm the planet's defenses. Every time they tried to intercept the raiders' armor forces, the Davion units were destroyed by Aerospace fighter strafing. In desperation, the Davion commander dug in his eight Krugers, using his remaining heavy armor as bait. The bandits took the bait, sending their fighter wings to attack just as expected. Flying at treetop level as they had done before, the aerojocks were not expecting major opposition. As they topped a small rise, three of the six fighters were shot down immediately when the concealed Krugers opened fire with deadly accuracy. Losing two more fighters only moments later forced the raiders to abandon their attack, leaving the crews of these tiny vehicles the heroes of the hour.