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Author Topic: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)  (Read 8229 times)

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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2015, 11:37:36 PM »

Well I was pressed for time but I threw something together based on Abele's designs and a weight class I wanted to explore here. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Baldur Medium Tank

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 225 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54.3 kph
Flank Speed: 86.6 kph
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 14 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Clan Diamond Shark
Communication System: Standard
Targeting & Tracking System: Standard

This Diamond Shark design was developed with significant input from Coyote scientists interested in further modular possibilities. Using their Nyogtha Weapon Carrier entry (which was based on the Goblin Medium Tank) as a starting point the engineering group quickly moved on to possible power plants. Many wanted to use the 270 Fusion Engine found on the Highlander IIC and the Sand Devil to provide the best possible speed. However this larger engine limited pod space so it was ultimately decided to equip the design with the 225 Fusion Engine found on the Great Wyrm BattleMech, the Chaeronea Aerospace Figher, and the Athena Combat Vehicle. This pleased the Coyote scientists who were working on a new Heavy BattleMech named the Hyena. Eight tons of ferro fibrous armor gave this medium tank solid protection. Scientists have also proposed that the three man crew of this combat vehicle could be arranged with a single warrior serving as the gunner/commander and two lower caste assistants helping to operate it. The Baldur was named for the Norse god of light and purity.

Code: [Select]
Technology Base: - Clan Tracked OmniVehicle - Level 2 - 45 tons

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 4.5
Engine: 225
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks: 10 – Single 0
Control Equipment: 2.5
Crew: 3 Members 0
Turret: 1
Armor Factor: 154 - Ferro-Fibrous 8

Internal Structure    Armor Value
Front 5 46
Left / Right 5 / 5 31 / 31
Rear 5 20
Turret 5 26

Weapons and Equipment Location Space Tonnage
Primary Configuration
Ultra AC/10 Turret 1 10
Ammo (Ultra AC) 20 Body 1 2
ER Small Laser Front 1 .5
ER Small Laser Left 1 .5
ER Small Laser Right 1 .5
ER Small Laser Rear 1 .5
Alternate Configuration A
Large Pulse Laser Turret 1 6
Streak SRM 4 Turret 1 2
Streak SRM 4 Turret 1 2
Ammo (Streak SRM) Body 1 2
Machine Gun Left 1 .25
Machine Gun Right 1 .25
Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 Body 1 .5
ECM Suite Body 1 1
Alternate Configuration B
ER Large Laser Turret 1 4
LRM 10 Turret 1 2.5
LRM 10 Turret 1 2.5
Ammo (LRM) 36 Body 1 3
Alternate Configuration C
LB-10X AC Turret 1 10
Ammo (LB-X) 20 Body 1 2
ER Medium Laser Front 1 1
ER Medium Laser Front 1 1
Alternate Configuration D
ER PPC Turret 1 6
Targeting Computer Body 1 2
TAG Turret 1 1
5 Double Heat Sinks Body 5 5

Only 20 minutes left to jump in then the contest is closed.  ;)


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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2015, 11:55:13 AM »

Another OmniVehicle contest has come to an end and as usual it is about to snow. I know its winter time, stop complaining. At least I am not in Boston. Any who there were five design entries this time from four designers who once again performed superbly. In this challenge I started to see a lot of recycled ideas and that is a good thing. While good names are hard to come bye what I am talking about is designs themselves. Quicksilver 33 (Universal Weapons Carrier) gave us a lot opportunity to explore tracked chassis that could well be used again when it came to Clan Tanks. Inspiration was also drawn from other Quicksilver competitions (#31 and even #32 just a little). Alright, on to the review,

N/A. Baldur (Abele/ Takiro)
I said in this late entry’s fluff I wanted to see what a 45 ton (unfilled mass category) could do with a Fusion Engine. Combining Abele’s withdrawn name (which I like a lot) with his last entry the Nygotha from Quicksilver 33 allowed me to accomplish this quite nicely. This 45 ton Tracked OmniVehicle was a Diamond Shark entry (as the Nygotha) which was originally based on the Goblin Medium Tank. Aided by Coyote Scientists (perhaps Society types although not written as expertly as JP has done in the past) I tried two Fusion Engines as mentioned in the fluff. The 270 Fusion (6/9) while readily available occupied just too much mass leaving only 7 tons for pod space. The 225 Fusion (5/8) which is also being used on Coyote’s Hyena (did not have a lot of time to properly allude to such an event) can be found on the Athena Combat Vehicle, the Chaeronea Aerospace Fighter, and the Great Wyrm BattleMech. This smaller power plant allowed for 14 tons of pod space and with a 1 ton turret (10 capacity) is capable of deploying what I call second level Clan tank weaponry (Ultra AC/10, LB-10X, ER PPC). That being said I really like Configuration A (Large Pulse and 2 Streak SRM 4s) which reminds me of the Morrigu but really focused short range nastiness and Configuration B (ER Large and 2 LRM 10s) for reach. With 8 tons of ferro fibrous (154 factor) which was plus one from the Nygotha it was near the max for a 45 ton Mech and the second most in this challenge. I also was trying to expand on the crew revolution occurring during this contest inserting thoughts of a single warrior commander assisted by two lower casteman. Perhaps a Laborer could be included here for such menial tasks as loading ordinance and assisting the tech with maintenance. Love to hear what you guys think on that subject.

4. Valkyrie (drakensis)
Perhaps the most original concept in this contest was this 15 ton Tracked entry by the Diamond Shark and this one has me thinking Clan version of Quicksell. A stripped down Galleon Light Tank served as the basis for this Tracked Ultralight which is probably the most difficult motive system to build at this tiny level. The 90 Fusion Engine (6/9) from the UrbanMech IIC provides descent speed but I wonder if it is enough for such vehicles to survive on the battlefield. Perhaps an Extra Light Engine is the only way to get 10 or better speed (for the maximum to hit modifier) and have enough space remaining for weapons and equipment. I certainly agree with no turret on Ultralight as it maximizes armor and conserves valuable mass. Three tons of ferro fibrous (57 factor) do a pretty good job of protecting the tiny tank and 5 tons of pod space for weapons is not bad. I would love to have 6 tons though for the ER Large and Large Pulse possibilities. Like I said maybe in the next contest we could explore a Clan Tracked Ultralight that uses an XL Engine for better speed and a touch more firepower. A special thanks to drakensis for devoting time and energy to this venture which was interesting.

3. Abraxas (JPArbiter)
This 65 ton Tracked Omni-Tank by the Hell’s Horses was based on the Marksman and sure pushed the upper limits of Strike terminology. Actually the Merrill Strike Tank (60 tons) designed for the Terran Republic via design challenge much like this is proof positive that larger designs could certainly fill the role. I would have liked to have seen how Abele’s original 70 ton entry named the Baldur matched up as well. This design reminded me a lot of the Crom (by masterarminas Quicksilver 33) and sure was capable. It had the highest armor protection with 9.5 tons of ferro fibrous (182 factor) of any Tank in this contest. Also the 2 ton turret (20 ton capacity) fits well with 23 tons of pod space for weapons. Call me crazy but Alternate Configuration D with its Sniper Artillery Cannon could be the future of Tanks in this BattleTech alternate. I like the possibilities of out distancing ‘Mech opponents with long range artillery firepower. I also liked the foreshadowing of the Star Adders planning to insert Heavy Lasers in Alternate A when ready which could be very soon. Two things I found premature were Vehicular Grenade Launchers which are Level 3 I believe and the 260XL Engine planned for the Hellbringer II. Although in the Main Battle Tank competition to come this could be a very solid idea. You are already well positioned if you so choose that course with a great name that is if Hell’s Horses does not win this contest. The reason I have you placed third is the 260 Fusion (4/6) which is very available from the Fire Scorpion which is still in production. Ultimately I feel that 4/6 was a little too slow for the Clan Strike Tank. Nice try!

2. Durga (drakensis)
Ice Hellion based this 54 ton Tracked machine on the ancient T-12 Tiger which had a storied service record with both the AFFS and the SLDF. I certainly think you could find a few examples in a Brain Cache somewhere and I like the Tiger. If at first the Durga name does not succeed try, try again. No worries cause I do like the name even though the Gilgamesh would have also been good. Using the 270 Fusion Engine (5/8) from the Shadow Hawk IIC and several other Clan designs currently in production is a good choice. This is about the speed I wanted to hit for this vehicle given the Clan standard which it at least must keep pace with. While 5 tons of ferro fibrous (96 factor) is low in my opinion Clan vehicles often trade protection for firepower so it fit. The 1.5 ton turret (15 ton capacity) and 17 tons of pod space for weaponry is also a good fit. The configurations are very nice as well and really demonstrate this Tanks ability to field third level weaponry with a Gauss Rifle being featured prominently in Primary. I would have liked to have seen an Ultra AC/20 and LB 20-X AC configuration to go along with that. However the others are pretty good with a Large Pulse and dual LRM 15s (B) being another favorite of mine along with the LB-10X and some Medium Pulses (A). Nice job bud but I liked one design better.

1. Nike (masterarminas)
Kicking off with art, or more accurately pictures, of a real life Polish Tank which looks cool was both tantalizing and very interesting. The 30 ton Tracked design by Hell’s Horses which would follow that imagery was every bit as good. Basing this design on the Clan Badger which predated the Uniform Designation Protocols was a great choice. This early OmniVehicle would expedite design time and with some tank slimming could fit your submitted pictures. The 180 Fusion Engine (6/9) from the Ku Wheeled Assault Tank can also be taken from the Wyvern IIC and is readily available. This power plant provides good maneuverability at good weight ratio for this light tank. Five tons of ferro fibrous (96 factor) provide good protection for the 2 man crew, a concept which you have been pushing and could fit here. With a 1 ton turret (10 ton capacity) and 8 tons of pod space available first level Clan Tank weaponry (ER Large and Large Pulse Lasers) can and do fit quite well. Also an integral Active Probe is a nice touch. The fluff is outstanding as always and I could easily see a Star of Elementals deploying with a Star of Nikes creating deadly Hell’s Horse Novas on the battlefield. Plus how can you go wrong with the Greek Goddess of Victory? Congrats masterarminas on the win!

And with that win the Hell’s Horses are out of the manufacturing end of the Quicksilver Trails. I think things worked out for this resource challenged Clan who I was seriously debated placing in the Minor Industrial Capacity during these contests. Focusing on lighter OmniVehicles realistically optimized their manufacturing output. Following the reorganization that is the Quicksilver Program the Horses will make the Nike Strike Tank (30 ton Tracked OmniVehicle), the Bucephalus Weapon Carrier (50 ton Hover OmniVehicle), the Epona Pursuit Tank (50 ton Hover OmniVehicle), the Raging Bull (60 ton Quad BattleMech), the Crazy Horse (70 ton Zombie OmniMech), and the Hyperborean (95 ton OmniFighter) at their Primary Factories.

Secondary Facilities will remain that make a handful of major products like the Thunder Stallion (85 ton Quad Mech), the Athena Combat Vehicle (75 ton Tracked), and numerous other Combat Vehicles. Despite the discontinued status among the Clans I suspect that the Hellbringer (Loki) and Nova (Black Hawk) will also be produced here if only to maintain the Horses front line Mech force which was not terribly advanced. I think I will remove the Bowman (70 ton Artillery Mech) completely from production given other assets now cover its limited usefulness. However their Aerospace (which also includes the 65 ton Qashqai OmniFighter) and Vehicle Forces were significantly upgraded.

Great job gang! Thanks again for an awesome contest.


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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2015, 12:00:52 PM »

Nike is victorious!


Okay, I'm ashamed of that one.

Well done, MA!


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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2015, 01:13:08 PM »

Here's a 15-ton vehicle that could have gone into comp, but I felt it would never have had a chance to win. It's a variation of a hover I may have submitted earlier

Code: [Select]
15 Test

Mass: 15 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Motive Type: Tracked OmniVehicle
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3070
Cost: 283,906 C-Bills
Battle Value: 184

Power Plant:  120 Fusion Engine
Cruise Speed: 86.4 km/h
Flanking Speed: 129.6 km/h
Armor:  Ferro-Fibrous
    3.5 tons of pod space.
    Primary Factory:
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      10 points                1.50
Engine:             Fusion Engine                120                       6.00
    Cruise MP:  8
    Flank MP:   12
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
Control Equipment:                                                         1.00
Lift Equipment:                                                            0.00
Turret:                                                                    0.50
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  48                  2.50

                                               Front     12       
                                          Left/Right    9/9         
                                              Turret     10       
                                                Rear     8         

Loadout Name: Prime                                          Cost: 600,156
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 703

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
2 ER Medium Lasers                           T         10        2         2.00
Light Active Probe                           T         0         1         0.50
Targeting Computer                           BD        -         1         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 7
8t         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, LPRB, RCN, ENE, TUR(2/2/0)

Loadout Name: A                                              Cost: 353,984
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 445

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Streak SRM-2                                 T         2         1         1.00
3 ER Small Lasers                            T         6         3         1.50
@Streak SRM-2 (50)                           BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 4
8t         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, TUR(2/2/0)

Loadout Name: B                                              Cost: 409,328
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 498

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Medium Pulse Laser                           T         4         1         2.00
Small Pulse Laser                            T         2         1         1.00
ER Small Laser                               T         2         1         0.50

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8t         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE, TUR(2/2/0)

Loadout Name: C                                              Cost: 528,281
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 613

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
2 ER Medium Lasers                           T         10        2         2.00
2 Machine Guns                               T         0         2         0.50
@MG (200)                                    BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
8t         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, TUR(2/2/0)

Loadout Name: D                                              Cost: 427,656
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 417

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
LRM-10                                       T         4         1         2.50
@LRM-10 (12)                                 BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 4
8t         1       1       1       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, TUR(1/1/1), IF 1

Loadout Name: E                                              Cost: 990,078
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 539

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Active Probe                                 T         0         1         1.00
ER Medium Laser                              T         5         1         1.00
ER Small Laser                               T         2         1         0.50
ECM Suite                                    BD        0         1         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8t         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, PRB, RCN, ECM, ENE, TUR(2/2/0)

Loadout Name: F                                              Cost: 513,906
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 513

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
SRM-6                                        T         4         1         1.50
ER Medium Laser                              T         5         1         1.00
@SRM-6 (15)                                  BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8t         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, TUR(2/2/0)

Loadout Name: G                                              Cost: 379,141
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-E-A                       BV2: 550

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
5 ER Small Lasers                            T         10        5         2.50
Targeting Computer                           BD        -         1         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
8t         3       3       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE, TUR(3/3/0)

« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 01:17:01 PM by Abele »
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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2015, 02:56:45 PM »

That is a pretty good one but we will see what XL Engines can accomplish next time around.  ;)


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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2015, 06:35:58 PM »

I think I flat misunderstoond what you were going for, and I still ended in the top 3.... WOW

that said Vehiclular Grenade Launchers are "Advanced" equipmentment, meaning the ability to manufacture is readily available but the equipment is not in mass production.  this can be seen in VGLs being installed on pre Star Leauge Era Vehicles such as the Estavaz MBT.  such distinctions are why CGL did away with level 1, 2, and 3 and instead used Intro, Tournament, Advanced, and Experimental  you could also argue Primitive is in there as a fifth tech base (though technichally tournament legal)

« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 06:41:06 PM by JPArbiter »
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Re: Quicksilver Program #34: Clan Strike Tank (Tracked)
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2015, 02:46:06 PM »

I think I flat misunderstoond what you were going for, and I still ended in the top 3.... WOW

that said Vehiclular Grenade Launchers are "Advanced" equipmentment, meaning the ability to manufacture is readily available but the equipment is not in mass production.  this can be seen in VGLs being installed on pre Star Leauge Era Vehicles such as the Estavaz MBT.  such distinctions are why CGL did away with level 1, 2, and 3 and instead used Intro, Tournament, Advanced, and Experimental  you could also argue Primitive is in there as a fifth tech base (though technichally tournament legal)

I did want to say two things concerning your original response here JP.

One, it depends upon the size of the Tank force you are trying to create. Strictly speaking your 65 ton Abraxas is not that far off from the Terran Merrill Strike Tank (60 tons) that was created for BTSD. However their vehicles were a lot heavier than the Clans - the Republic had 5 Tank designs ranging from 60 to 100 tons. We are really only building 3 Omni Tanks for the Clans whose Vehicle force does tend to be lighter.

Very interesting on the Grenade Launchers - never heard that before.
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