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Author Topic: Guardian Light Armored Car  (Read 2263 times)

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Guardian Light Armored Car
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:36:22 AM »

Guardian Light Armored Car
Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type:  Wheeled
Power Plant: Alliance Motors 80 ICE
Cruising Speed: 55.4 kph
Flank Speed: 87.2 kph
Armor:  SimPlate
   1 ODC Class 2 Cannon
   1 ODC Heavy Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Cerberus Automotive, Alliance Motors
Primary Factory: Cerberus, Lushann
Communication System:  Lexicon ComSuite 1
Targeting & Tracking System: TR386-2

Type: G-1 Guardian Light Armored Car
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type:  Wheeled
Tonnage:                20

Equipment               Mass
Internal Structure:         2
Engine:   80            5      
   Type: ICE
   Cruising MP:  5
   Flank MP:       8
Heatsinks:                0      
Control Equipment:         1
Lift Equipment:            0
Power Amplifier:            0
Turret:               1
Armor Factor:       32      2      
      Armor Value:
Front:         10   
R/L Side:         7
Rear:         8   

Weapons & Ammo      Location   Tonnage
AC/2             Turret   6
Ammo (45)         Body   1
Machine Gun         Turret   0.5
Ammo (100)         Body   0.5
Cargo            Body   1

The Guardian Light Armored Car formed backbone of the Outworlds Alliance armored forces during the Reunification War.  Developed in the 2540s, the Guardian was originally intended as a light patrol vehicle that could be used to protect against pirate and bandit forces that were common in the area.  With only limited industrial capability, the Alliance was unable to build heavy tanks, and even if it had the capacity to do so, the populace by and large was opposed to the construction of military weapons or a standing army.  The Guardian, while equipped with military grade weapons, was seen as acceptable by the populace as it was commonly assigned to local police forces.  When the Reunification War began these Guardians were taken over by the Alliance defenders and used against the Star League and Combine invaders.

The Guardian was designed to counter the bandit and pirate raiders that were common in the area.  As few of these groups possessed battlemechs, there was little need for heavy weapons. With the limited industrial capacity of the Alliance, the design team was forced to base their vehicle on the popular TranSport work vehicle.  Used in a variety of industries from mining to heavy construction, the TranSport was a highly customizable and rugged chassis. Retaining the same basic drive system as the TranSport, the design was turned into an armored car by adding 2 tons of armor and weapons.

The basic weapons of the Guardian were an Outworlds Defense Corporation 37mm Rapid Fire (Class 2) Autocannon.  Lacking a heavy punch, the ODC Class 2  makes up for it’s shortcomings with an incredibly long range, allowing it to engage enemy forces before they can close with the Guardian.  This proved to be a wise choice as the Guardian’s weak armor is ineffective against all but the lightest weapons.  Supporting the ODC Class 2 is an ODC 20mm Heavy Machine Gun.  Mounted co-axially with the Class 2 in the turret, the HMG is primarily used against infantry and unarmored targets. 

The Guardian also has the ability to carry a single infantry squad.  There is a large door in the rear of the Guardian that allows the squad easy access.

Before the Reunification War, the Guardian could be commonly found in police and militia forces across the Alliance.  With the outbreak of war, the Guardians were all acquired by the Outworlds Alliance Militia and pressed into service against the invaders. Despite the best efforts of the crews, the Guardian was no match for the larger tanks of the SLDF and DCMS. Hundreds of Guardians were destroyed during the war and the few survivors were returned to service with local police forces for use in riot control after the Reunification War.

The sole variant of the Guardian was developed during the Reunification War to address the design’s lack of fire power.  The Class 2 Autocannon was removed and replaced with three ODC 5 Rack Long Range Missile Launchers. The infantry bay was converted to an ammo bin, providing a total of 48 reloads for the launchers.  One notable design feature was the retention of the rear infantry door which allowed the resupply of the LRM launchers with out exposing the crew to enemy fire.


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Re: Guardian Light Armored Car
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 02:45:32 AM »

It follows the KISS principle to the max
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Guardian Light Armored Car
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 03:33:12 PM »

The LRM versions would do very well with a fast dedicated indirect fire scout.  The Guardian LAC could then hide behind terrain, further protecting it from return fire it simply can not absorb.  The primary AC/2 variant will have a rough time in any but the most level terrain, but would do well enough in open plains & savannah.  Nearly the only 'mechs which could overtake it are ones vulnerable to even its paltry fire.
"...but if evil men were not now and then slain it would not be a good world for weaponless dreamers."  From Kim, by Rudyard Kipling, 1901
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