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Author Topic: THE VEHICLES OF FANBOOK, THE PERIPHERY: 3145  (Read 4552 times)

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Red Pins

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« on: April 10, 2016, 02:36:49 AM »

So - here's the vehicle entries of my fanbook - keep in mind these are hand-produced.  I've tried - lord how I've tried - to follow the book, but the late effort on my part to come up with a trailer vehicle for Takiro's Quicksilver project are a good indicator.  I suspect the engine shielding on these has been forgotten, but I'm not pulling out the books to look it up.

The first is a fast VTOL, intended to offer the MH a versatile unit amenable to conversion to BA transport, interception, and a military cargo transport.  I enjoyed this one, I think I could have gone in several different directions, including an airborne minelayer for indirect combat if I had felt like slogging through the rules, but kept it fairly short.  I do like the cargo variant; I feel most people don't realized just how important keeping the combat troops supplied with - well, everything - really is.  The idea the Caesar thought they would make a good personal aircrew and supported them made a good human interest hook, I thought.

CU-1 Cucurum Attack Helicopter

Produced By: Marian Hegemony
Introduced: 3078
Mass: 30 Tons
Classification: Light Vehicle
Engine Type: ICE
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Movement Type: VTOL          Maximum Speed: 154.1 kph
Weapons and Equipment:
  2 x Machine Gun (100)
  8 x Rocket Launcher-10

     The Legion’s expansion under Caesar Julius had been piecemeal, as military units and equipment were gathered by various means from several sources only to be lost in the Jihad and the aftermath.  That began to change under Caesar Cassius, however.  Utilizing the pressures that re-introduced Primitive BattleMechs to the armies of the Inner Sphere, Cassius turned to create domestic production to replenish the fallen ranks of the MHAF.
     Seeking a quick, reliable VTOL aircraft to fill several bat-tlefield roles, the Cucurum (Quiver) was immediately de-signed and put into production as part of the Hegemony’s greater efforts to create domestic production as soon as possible after the end of the Jihad.

     Able to move at a top speed of 150 kph, the Cucurum is heavily armored for a helicopter, as part of the Caesar’s em-phasis on preserving the trained solders under his command.  Intended to salvo its rockets and return to friendly territory to re-arm, the Cucurum utilizes a system of quick-mounting pods to allow quick turn-around rather than force ground crews to reload by hand, a laborious and sometimes danger-ous practice, especially in the field.  Armed only with Ma-chine Guns for self-defence, Cucurum Pilots generally avoid confrontations after expending their rockets.

Battle History
     Perhaps the most famous incident involving the Cucurum took place during graduation exercises at the Alphard Flight Academy, where Miles (Probationary) Arnus Rammage and Saul Goldman successfully penetrated the AA network around the firing range and volley-fired their practice rockets into the target.  The two were hauled up on charges after judges determined that the duo had broken most of the school’s standing flight regulations during the exercise.
     3104 saw the Cucurum cross the border into the former FWL as part of raiding parties sent to assess the fallout of the civil war, where it encountered the Hawk Moth and Yellow-jacket VTOLs of Michaelson Heavy Industries.  Unable to compete with the sustained and direct firepower of the Marik vehicles, the Marians were forced to order their VTOLs to support the main force as they engaged the defenders.  Denied the opportunity to focus on the Legion’s ‘Mechs and supporting conventional vehicles, the slower enemy VTOLs were engaged by the Legion’s Cucurum pilots en masse, relying on their greater speed and the scatter abilities of their Rocket Launchers to make up for their lack of staying power.
     Although these tactics were successful on several occa-sions, Marian pilots desperate enough to resort to the Cucu-rum’s machine guns rarely succeeded.

     Growing accustomed to the growing strength of Battlear-mor on the modern battlefield, Hadrian Mechanized Indus-tries has reduced the Cucurum’s weaponry to create the CU-1i, allowing it to carry a 5-ton Infantry Bay or Battlearmor Compartment with an extra half-ton of armor.  Further modi-fication created the CU-1e, a lightly armed executive transport with twin machine guns, a pair of underslung RL-10s, and a 3-ton Infantry compartment to accommodate one or two wealthy executives and their bodyguards or security forces.
     As a final variant, the CU-1c creates an unarmed domestic freight hauler, with a bare half-ton of armor to protect the craft.  The 10-ton cargo compartment has created a stir among smugglers in the Periphery, as exports of the versatile Cucurum continue to grow.

Notable Vehicles and Crews
Miles Arnus Rammage, Saul Goldman, and Cucunaut
     Having survived the wrath of the Commandant of the Academy with the quiet political support of a mysterious benefactor, the two have become the personal flight crew and aircraft of Caesar Cassius.  The two have since become familiar with most of the movers and shakers of Hegemony society, many of whom are eager to learn of the other pas-sengers the two have carried recently and the conversations they might have overheard.

Type: Cucurum
Tech base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Engine Type: ICE
Movement Type: VTOL
Armor Type: Standard
Tonnage: 30

Equipment      Mass
Internal Structure:        3.0
Engine:      160   12.0
     Cruising MP:     10
      Flank MP:     15
Heat Sinks:      0

  Control Equipment:         1.5
  Lift Equipment:         3.0
  Power Amplifier:

Armor Factor:    80 AP     5.0
  Front       28
  L/R Side                    19/19
  Rear       12
  Rotors         2

W & E                       Loc   Mass
2 Machine Guns     F     1.0
  Ammo (MG) 100     B     0.5
8 RL-10        F     4.0

Red Pins

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« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 02:49:20 AM »

The second vee takes a different tack; how to satisfy the needs of honor, while producing a vehicle with the cast-offs of the Emperio's industrial base.  Every component, ideally, found a secondary use - but the most useful weapon on this vehicle was the trailer hitch.  The way people miss the humble trailer hitch is funny, but catching on in canon, despite the way I blundered making a tow vehicle for the Quicksilver vehicle project.

Oh, and a couple of caveats - like all the other entries, it was done by hand, so expect a screw-up.  And I'm generally unfamiliar with the Imperio and any Home Clan raids, although I understand there were some, so wrote up the Battle History with that in mind.

HWH-1 Howdah Light Infantry Transport

Produced By: Clan Goliath Scorpion
Introduced: 3112
Mass: 35 Tons
Classification: Ground
Engine Type: Fuel Cell
Tech Base: Mixed
Movement Type: Wheeled       Maximum Speed: 86.7 kph
Weapons and Equipment:
  2 x LRM-10 (36)
  2 x AP-G (40)
  Infantry Bay
  Trailer Hitch

     By 3110, the Scorpions had found themselves in a quan-dary.  The Imperio needed to accept volunteers to serve in the Warrior Caste to quiet dissent, but educational and eco-nomic constraints (and a few military ones) dictated that the Clan’s resources went to equipping the finest Warriors avail-able against the ongoing raids by the remaining Homeworld Clans.  Aware of examples throughout history of the deter-mination and tenacity of well-trained and –equipped infantry when properly supported, the Khan ordered the first in a series of armored vehicles to help defend the Imperio – the Howdah Light Infantry Transport.

     Built around a 5-ton Infantry bay, the Howdah is designed to maintain its distance from an opponent and shower a deadly rain of LRMs on attackers.  Provided with ample am-munition, at least a ton of which is normally FASCAM ammu-nition to deter enemy vehicles and Infantry from approach-ing dismounted Infantry units, twin side-mounted AP Gauss weapons and a Flamer help protect the Howda from enemy Battlearmor while CASE works to mitigate a successful attack or ammo explosion.  Perhaps the most far-sighted addition, however, is the trailer hitch intended to pull additional supporting weapons and equipment.
     While the design was initially enthusiastically received by Infantry units, time has shown the Howda to be poorly de-signed, with a degree of inefficiency unacceptable by Clan standards.  Part of this stems from using less efficient com-ponents, such as using a fuel cell rather than a Fusion or XL engine to reduce cost and simplify maintenance, but the new recruits who fill the Clan’s Infantry units are amazed by the comfort and durability of the design.

Battle History
     By March of 3111, units still familiarizing themselves with the Howda were in garrison posts across the Imperio when Points of Kirghiz-C AeroSpace Fighters began a blitzkrieg as-sault on Granada, dropping Elemental and Corona Battlear-mor Points across the planet.  Howda-equipped units rushed to defend isolated communities under attack, taking heavy casualties from the orbiting Fighters.
     After continued efforts to train commanders in the most effective tactics, a Binary of the new vehicle with a mix of towed field guns and LRM bombardment trailers successfully crippled a Light OmniMech Star in July of 3114, forcing a Trinary of the Adder’s 9th Armored Cavalry to abandon and destroy the entire Star rather than risk their destruction and capture.  Enduring heavy losses, the surviving Infantry and vehicle crews became instant celebrities across the Imperio.

     Seeking to limit variants to speed production and lower costs, the Imperio has focused on trailer-equipped support-ing units, of which several types such as MASH, minelayers, artillery (LRM and Arrow IV), and field guns are readily availa-ble.

Notable Vehicles and Crew
Star Commander Jose (Sanchez)
     Charged with defending a strategic mountain pass during the ’14 raid on Cordoba, Star Commander Jose (Sanchez) summoned the entire military force available to his military district down to the last trailer available.  With over a hun-dred active, damaged, and decommissioned trailers availa-ble, Sanchez put out an emergency message to summon any vehicle able to pull a trailer down to farm tractors, filling those too damaged to use with high explosive and placed on the battlefield as decoys.

Type: Howdah Light Infantry Transport
Tech base: Mixed
Engine Type: Fuel Cell
Movement Type: Wheeled
Armor Type: Standard
Tonnage: 35 Tons

Equipment      Mass
Internal Structure:         3.5
Engine:      155      7.0
     Cruising MP:      5
      Flank MP:      8
Heat Sinks:      0

  Control Equipment:         2.0
  Lift Equipment:
  Power Amplifier:
  Turret:            0.5

Armor Factor:    96 AP     6.0
  Front       23
  L/R Side                     19/19
  Rear       14
  Turret       21

W & E      Loc   Mass
LRM-10        T    2.5
LRM-10        T    2.5
  Ammo (LRM) 36     B    3.0
A-P Gauss        LS    0.5
A-P Gauss        RS    0.5
  Ammo (AP-G) 40     B    1.0
Flamer        R    0.5
CASE        B    0.5
Infantry Bay     B    5.0
Trailer Hitch

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« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 03:04:35 AM »

This one is a version of a slightly larger vehicle used for a specific purpose in my AU; the Charge attack.  What could really put a dent in a 150- or 200-ton Super-Heavy Mech, with either a 6- or 8-legged base?  Minefields, of course - but that is a slow way to stop something designed to stay put and blow assault mechs away.  The combination of ER-TAG and Arrow V artillery missiles (using the canon tandem-charge warhead strategy) would do it, if you could get a unit past the Armor/ELM Stars and smoke launchers, but you would tie up a lot of units to do it until it was crippled or knocked out of action.

The Ram uses speed and mass to provide a massive, focused attack on one of the only weaknesses of such a design - and its cheap enough to supply enough of them to units facing "Heavy- and Assault Components", or H-ACs, to force the supporting units to prioritize the safety of their charge. 

And to be fair, how would you knock out a canon super-heavy mech?  When I brought up the idea of a ramming attack on the official forum, one guy called it suicidal and said it would bar me from the table.  When was the last time you used this under-rated attack style in a game?

RM-1 Ram Light Tank

Produced By: Filtvelt Coalition
Introduced: 3114
Mass: 35 Tons
Classification: Light Vehicle
Engine Type: ICE
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Movement Type: Hover         Maximum Speed: 152.3 kph
Weapons and Equipment:
  LRM-5 (24)

     When vital parts and equipment were stolen soon after delivery on Filtvelt, desperation brought several private citizens with personal hover vehicles together to defend their world, using ramming attacks to cripple several lighter units that might have escaped the pursuing Militia.
     Casualties from the attacks notwithstanding, Filtvelt mili-tary officials took notice of the cost/benefit analysis of the attack, putting together a proposal to create a light unit with military technology to act as a scout/harasser while preserv-ing the option of a physical attack.  The resulting Light hov-ercraft was named the Ram after its primary purpose, and entered production in 3114.

     Built around one of the largest commercially available engines in the Coalition, the Ram reaches speeds up to 150 kph, giving the charging attack of the Ram surprising force.  In order to survive such an attack, the Ram is one of the few vehicles in the Coalition to use imported Heavy Ferro-Fibrous armor as standard issue to better protect the crew, with the majority of the armor concentrated in the forward arc.
     When possible, the Ram will use its supporting LRM launcher to fire Thunder or Smoke munitions to delay or impede the enemy and spot for friendly aircraft.

Battle History
     When members of the Filtvelt Speed Club chose to use their vehicles to attack a pirate force in 3114, they suffered nearly 100% casualties.  With that in mind, crews assigned to the 1st Citizen’s Militia took advantage of their stocks of Thunder munitions to mine trails through Filtvelt’s Carson Forrest rather than expose themselves to enemy fire.  The resulting damage forced several scouts to retire with internal damage and crippled a pirate Warhammer.  Lamed and blinded without scouts, heavier units of the Militia managed to intercept the rest of the pirates short of their DropShip and force their surrender.
     Growing familiarity and confidence in the Ram’s preferred attack resulted in the first recorded use of its ramming attack on the Coalition planet of Gillingham in 3113.  Intercepting a pirate raid short of the small mining community of Spalling, Militia units attacked from ambush to successfully cripple three of the four ‘Mechs before firing Smoke rounds to mark their positions.  Under harassing fire from the surviving Rams with their target identified, the remainder of the raiders broke off their attack.
     Since 3118, however, the Ram has had fewer successful ramming engagements as pirates have grown accustomed to dealing with the hovertank, forcing it to continue contrib-uting to the defense of the Coalition as a scout and harasser.

     Due to the constraints of the Ram’s role and a scarcity of advanced electronics, limited numbers of the RM-10 have been produced, equipped with both a Beagle Probe and Guardian ECM to function as an advanced scout.  Requiring the Ram to surrender its sole weapon, the design proved extremely unpopular with crews and was withdrawn for refit to the standard model.
     Sporadic attempts have been made to create an APC based on the Ram, but the Coalition’s limited resources have prevented engineers from putting such a design into produc-tion.

Notable Vehicles and Crews
Sergeants Ben Frasier (of the Flitvelt Speed Club) and Jerrod Sybel (of the Death Race), 2nd  Citizen’s Militia
     Sole survivors of the civilian racing club that inspired the Ram, Frasier and Sybel continued to advocate aggressive ramming attacks as the fastest way to cripple an opponent.  Still serving in the 2nd Citizen’s Militia each crew has several successful attacks to their credit.

Type: Ram
Tech base: Inner Sphere
Engine Type: ICE
Movement Type: Hover
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Tonnage: 35 Tons

Equipment      Mass
Internal Structure:         3.5
Engine:       170   14.0
     Cruising MP:     10
      Flank MP:     15
Heat Sinks:     0

  Control Equipment:         2.0
  Lift Equipment:         3.5
  Power Amplifier:

Armor Factor:    179 AP     9.0
  Front        64
  L/R Side                      43/43
  Rear        29

W & E      Loc   Mass
LRM-5        F     2.0
  Ammo (LRM) 24     B     1.0

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« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 03:25:56 AM »

The final vehicle of the TRO, I wanted to break the "low-tech" mode of the rest of the book; there had to be at least a couple major, high-tech units produced.  The WoB Serpentus Series gave me the idea, with only the Bolla reaching production while the remainder of the series either still being developed or almost ready for the prototype stage.  As it developed, the Raider also gave me a major unit to prompt the "Periphery Alliance" idea behind the project - at one point, it was to be produced by one of my AU's New Clans trying to gather enough in the way of resources to challenge the supremacy of IlClan Wolverine, but I liked the WoB tie-in and the missing Peter Steiner-Davion.  The S-D hook got edited out, but the Raider stayed the legacy of the WoB

A reminder, this one was done by hand.  And boy, does it show.  I screwed up again and again, seemingly in every construction step at one time or another.  The latest in a long line, the fixed equipment of the WoB version needs to be removed and put in the pod space to allow the Pirate version of 18.5 tons of pod space.  I wouldn't use the design without putting it through HMVee, but I think the fluff was pretty good.  The Drone Control variant was one I felt was under utilized and needed to be added - with the drones coming into production, I felt the MD would embrace the idea of allowing "Blake's Children" to defend the Protectorate.

The idea of behind the scenes support and equipment was also something I thought needed to be addressed.  Why just combat configurations, when the MD would need force multipliers that worked behind the scenes more than just another gun-totting vehicle?  I started looking for ways to carry something other than guns and created a few new roles I hadn't seen in canon.

RDW-9 Raider WiGE APC

Produced By: Word of Blake Protectorate
Introduced: 3099
Mass: 50 Tons
Classification: Medium Vehicle
Engine Type: XL Fusion
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Movement Type: WiGE          Maximum Speed: 112.4 kph
Weapons and Equipment:
Pirate         WoB
  CASE           CASE
  Guardian ECM        Guardian ECM
  18.5 tons of Pod Space     C3i
           16 Tons of Pod Space

     Since its first sighting in May of 3099, intelligence agen-cies across the Inner Sphere have suspected the Raider to be a product of Blakist R&D programs.  Those suspicions were proved to be correct with the capture and interrogation of the crew of a crippled Raider by the 6th Regulan Hussars, revealing that only a Level II of the vehicle (presumed to be one of the prototypes for the Word of Blake’s Serpentus series of vehicles) had been salvaged from a derelict Drop-Ship in a remote Periphery system.  Clearly designed to be operated by the Manei Domini, Dr. David Cortland (formerly Precentor Vapula) claimed to be unaware of its develop-ment, raising concerns a surviving fragment of the Word was seeking to rearm itself.

     Sharing several attributes with the Spectral series of Om-ni-fighters and the Bolla Stealth tank, the angular Raider uses variable-geometry wings to reduce the likelihood of detec-tion and increase speed or maneuverability as required.  Incorporating Omni-technology as well as an XL fusion en-gine, turret, and Stealth armor, witnesses and examination of suspected Raider attacks have suggested several possible configurations.
     Besides configurations oriented to the needs of the Pirate bands operating these vehicles, several Manei Domini-oriented variants have been positively confirmed as Intelli-gence agencies continue to watch for Blakist activity.

Battle History
     Due to its rarity and the number of copycat designs cre-ated after its appearance, the presence of a Raider must usually be inferred after the fact.  The 1st Rim Commonality Guards on Lesnovo found itself the focus of such an attack in 3099, as a pair of unknown radar contacts were reported near the Carter hydro-electric dam.  The reporting station went off the air immediately after, as a series of explosions destroyed the dam and wiped out a Lance of the Guards downriver.
     With WiGE aircraft deployable at low altitude and speeds, the Stealth armor and fusion engine of the Raider have been able to provide the craft with the ability to disappear before contact with ground installations or defenders can made.  Suspicious flyovers by supposedly legitimate independent traders in the Rim Federation brought Delta Company of Able’s Aces to move into position to repulse a Pirate raid with almost complete success, wiping out a Company of Pirate ‘Mechs. The Air Lance assigned to the operation man-aged to spot an unknown aircraft (now believed to be a Raider-P3) but lost contact as they harried the Union Drop-Ship back into orbit.  A detailed search of the area revealed the area had been seeded with seismic sensors and several minefields in preparation for the attack, also believed to have been carried out by the mysterious aircraft.
     The Raider has also proved itself to be a surprisingly effec-tive support aircraft, carrying an advanced ELRM system to take advantage of its C3i system.  After reporting multiple blackmail and bribery attempts, the CEO of Majesty Metals and Manufacturing was assassinated with such missiles in June of 3104.  MIM agents assigned to the investigation were the first to suggest several strange sightings and attacks were linked, leading to the first confirmed sighting and capture of the Raider, confirming its Blakist origin.

     Prisoner interrogation has identified three designs used by the Pirates for various roles, but the P1 and 2 seem to be adapted from the Blakists’ original Configurations.  The P3 seems to be a long-term observer, able to plant and monitor remote sensors over a large area original variant used to monitor a future battlefield to prevent ambushes.
     The derelict transporting the prototypes carried a wide assortment of modules and equipment, and the nature of their discovery ensured the news of the discovery spread widely between Pirate bands, so the intelligence on Blakist  Configurations is likely reliable.
     The Invictus carries a Level II of Battlearmor, supported with a turret-mounted MML-9 and TAG.  The Dominus is also an Infantry transport, but has provoked considerable confu-sion – is it a mixed Infantry transport, or prisoner transport?  Whether the WoB elite would operate with ‘Frails’ or not, the Dominus is armed with an ER-Large laser and a pair of Heat Sinks.
     The Raider’s Blakist roots show in the Comminus Configu-ration, utilizing a ELRM-10 mounted at the front of the vehi-cle and a turret-mounted Snub-PPC to discourage attackers.
     The Luminos Configuration provides another view of the Raider, equipped with the core of a MASH facility and a total of nine surgical beds – clearly an attempt to reduce casual-ties by providing medical care as soon as possible to the Master’s faithful servants.  The Luminos also carries a pair of ER-Medium Lasers in the turret for ground security and a one ton suicide bomb in the event of capture.
     The Eminus offers a combination drone control and com-mand platform, able to control up to twelve drones with a large cargo bay to convey them.
  The Caelestis acts as a personal transport among the Word’s elite, providing first-class accommodations with a Foot Infan-try Compartment to accommodate bodyguards and aides.  A Super-charger helps to evade trouble, and a pair of turret-mounted ER-Medium Lasers helps to deal with it.

Notable Vehicles and Crews
Bobby, Fragger, the Whale, and Wayne “Yellow” Yellen, crew of the Silent But Deadly
     The surviving crew of the sole captured Raider, Silent But Deadly, the men also participated in the salvage operations that recovered the vehicles.  Their descriptions of the explo-sions from the crippled JumpShip and its DropShips that nearly destroyed their own DropShip certainly suggest kilo-ton-range nuclear warheads, seeming to confirm expecta-tions that the Word of Blake is responsible for the Raider prototypes.
     Their cooperation and description of the Blakist configu-rations were enough to commute their executions to life imprisonment, being served on an unnamed Periphery plan-et.  So far, the crew has survived with no sign of interest from an outside group wanting to eliminate the former Pi-rates and informants.

Type: Raider
Tech base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Engine Type: XL Fusion
Movement Type: WiGE
Armor Type: Stealth
Tonnage: 50 Tons

Equipment      Mass
Internal Structure: Standard     5.0
Engine:                         210 XL     7.0
     Cruising MP: 7
      Flank MP: 11
Heat Sinks: 10        0.0

  Control Equipment:         2.5
  Lift Equipment:         5.0
  Power Amplifier:
  Turret:            1.0

Armor Factor:    144 AP     9.0
  Front         34
  L/R Side      30/30
  Rear         18
  Turret         32

Fixed Equipment
  CASE           0.5
  Guardian ECM        1.5
  C3i (WoB Configurations only)     2.5

W & E      Loc   Mass
P1 Configuration
  BA Compartment     B     8.0
  2 x MML-5 w/Art IV     T     8.0
  Ammo (SRM) 14     B     1.0
  Ammo (LRM) 17     B     1.0
  Cargo        B     0.5

P2 Configuration
  BA Compartment     B     4.0
  F-I Compartment     B     3.0
  ER-Large Laser     T     5.0
  2 Heat Sinks     B     2.0
  LRM-5 w/Art IV     T     3.0
  Ammo (LRM) 24     B     1.0
  Cargo        B     0.5

P3 Configuration
  Remote Sensor
      Dispensor     B     0.5
  Ammo (RSD)     B     0.5
     Equipment     B     4.0
  Sn-PPC        T     6.0
  Infantry Bay (Foot)     B     5.0

  BA Compartment     B     6.0
  MML-9 W/Art IV     T     7.0
  TAG        T     1.0
  Ammo (SRM) 20     B     1.0
  Ammo (LRM) 24     B     1.0

  BA Compartment     B     6.0
  F-I Compartment     B     3.0
  ER-Large Laser     T     5.0
  2 x Heat Sinks     B     2.0

Infernus +2 T
  RAC/5        T   10.0
  2 x ER-Medium Laser     F     2.0
  Ammo (RAC/5) 80     B     4.0

  ELRM-10        F    8.0
  Ammo (ELRM) 18     B    2.0
  Sn-PPC        T    6.0

  2 x ER-Medium Laser  T    2.0
  Booby Trap     B    1.0
  Core medical facility     B    3.5
  Surgical Bays (8)     B    8.0
  Cargo        B    1.5

 Carrier Control
     System        B    2.0
  Drone Stations (12)     B    6.0
  Cargo        B    8.0

  First Class Cabin     B              10.0
  F-I Compartment     B    3.0
  Supercharger     B    1.0
  2 x ER Medium Laser     B    2.0

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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 06:21:37 PM »

Finally catching up I like them all
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2016, 11:46:32 AM »

The Cucurum makes sense. I'm contemplating something similar for the pre-invasion Free Rasalhague Republic. (The FRR can get Karovs, but Karnovs don't fill all needs.)

Using trailers for MASH, minelaying, artillery and so on is interesting. Not something I've seen in BattleTech fluff before.

I like the Ram's writeup, and I'm not above using ram attacks, but I'm not sold on the idea that military planners would commission a tank whose primary attack consists of ramming. Does seem like the kind of oddball tactic a fringe military like Filtvelt might latch onto regardless of whether it's actually in their best interests.

I like how the Raider's writeup gives suggestive evidence of WoB activity without being conclusive.

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« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2016, 02:08:20 AM »

Well, thanks..  There were problems, though - I've found it nearly impossible to advance past fluff, I just can't find the will or time to learn desktop publishing no matter what.

Another thing, I used to deride official products on their poor math.  This project went as far as it did because of HMPro, but the Raider took over a week of pencil and paper - only to find out the fixed equipment buggered the Pirate version.

It was a humbling experience, and I abandoned it, but Ivan takor on the official forum took over the project.  It may eventually see the light of day because of him.
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