(Editor’s/Designer’s Note: This ship design is only meant to pose the question of “Is it this a possible evolution in warship designâ€. Considering that necessity is the mother of all innovation, I placed the design of this ship during a major event within my own gaming universe. As you read it, feel free to remove New Earth and insert your own faction (be it be the Clans, or Inner Sphere). What I am looking for from the Community is, could this be the next major evolution to warship design? I am still working on the concepts, rules and story line, so if you have ideas on how to make it more flowing please offer those suggestions as well.)
We are not going to worry about what we don’t have. We are going to focus on what we do have and what we are going to do with it! Rear Admiral Safi Larue, SSDC: Harbor Prime Commander, March 3060
We are going to change how everyone looks at warship designs from this moment on! Dillion McBride, Senior Naval Designer, Harthford Shipyards, January 3061
During the occupation of New Earth, Harthford designers had nothing to do but bide their time. As reports of Lyran brutality reached Harbor Prime, the design teams decided to plan for the future. They knew that New Earth could never compete in a warship race. The problem was that New Earth lacked the resources to build massive battleships like the Lyrans could. This meant that if New Earth were to survive as a free independent world, they would have to find a way to resist not only the Lyran, but anyone else that would challenge their freedom.
Before pen hit paper, the design teams reached for the history books. They spent months reading and reviewing major naval battles throughout history and found their design. What New Earth’s designers would come up with would rewrite the rules of warship design and warship tactics. A ship that promised to give a regional power like New Earth an equal footing against not only the Lyran Navy, but any other navy that dared to threaten New Earth’s independence.
The Viscount Hall looks like no other kind of warship across the Inner Sphere. Even from a distance, the top side and bottom side turrets draw the attention of anyone looking at the ship. The secret in making the turrets functional are the large Torque Converters. These relatively simple devices link each turret’s fusion generator to the electric motors that spin the turrets. These Torque Converters can move the turrets at surprising speeds and bring the turrets to a dead stop.
Because of the gravitational force generated by the Torque Converters during combat operations, the crew of the turrets can only occupy the center core of the turret where the gravitational force is at its least. During routine maintenance, the Torque Converters have to be locked out so that crews can safely access the entire turret. Another issue with these gravitational forces were on feed mechanisms of ballistic style weapons like the Naval Autocannon. Because of this issues, designers couldn’t find a way of mounting ballistic style weapons within these turrets. New Earth designers decided to use the Heavy Naval PPC for their turreted mounted weapons.
Early experiments proved that there was a weakness to the warship turret design. Unlike in an environment with gravity, in space the designers found that having thousands of tons’ worth of weapons and turret spinning in different directs put a tremendous amount of stress on the ship’s superstructure. During tests, the computer model ships often ripped themselves apart. Even when the Number One (Forward Top) Turret and the Number Three (Rear Bottom) Turret were the only turrets in motion, they created enough stress on the superstructure to cause severe damage. To counter these forces, the designers built a series of counter weights within the design of the turret to negate the forces of the turrets motions.
There was a need to further protect the ship and turrets from the forces generated in high G-Force combat with spinning turrets. To achieve this goal, the designers reinforced the superstructure of the ship beyond what many thought reasonable. Even though there were arguments over minimum levels, the designers decided to give the ship eighteen thousand tons more reinforcement than what the original designs called for. This made the Viscount Hall a tough little ship capable of taking a beating on the battlefield
At the end of the design process, each turret resembled the massive turrets from a WWII Battleship. Each turret had two large barrels that were part of the twin Heavy Naval PPC’s that were mounted within. The combined turrets gave the Viscount Hall a menacing silhouette that was nothing like the Inner Sphere or the Clans had ever seen on a warship. The four total turrets allowed the Viscount Hall to put more fire power on to a single target than most warships twice her weight.
Once more, the designers went back through the historical documents and found that more power and more speed often made victory possible. The designers gave the Viscount Hall more thrust than almost all other warships. This would allow the ship to outpace the battle and be able to out maneuver her enemies. This was a vital piece in the tactics of the Viscount Hall’s offensive capability.
During the design phase, the Design Teams set down with naval commanders, namely the ship’s name sake. They took lessons in how naval combat worked and how these changes would reshape future naval battlefields. It was Commodore Hall who pointed out that the designers were looking at the naval battlefields in the wrong way. They were looking at battlefields in a two dimensional. While in reality the modern space battlefields were three dimensional.
With this in mind, the turrets were designed to elevate between negative twenty degrees all the way through ninety degrees. Each turret was designed to traverse one hundred thirty-five degrees off the center line of the warship or a complete two hundred seventy degrees in total movement. Safeties and mechanical stops were installed to keep the weapons within the turrets from being able to aim at the ship itself or other turrets.
Because of the energy demand that each turret drew upon the ship’s own power distribution system, it was determined that each turret required their own fusion power plant. These small fusion power plants would generate enough power for the turrets and their weapons. These mini power plants allowed each turret to maintain full power even in the event of complete power loss across the rest of the ship. During emergency situations, any combination of two turrets could provide power for entire ship’s life support systems.
This was not the only emergency systems installed in the Viscount Hall. Like other New Earth warships, the ship was designed to act as a fleet lifeboat. With enough life support to handle a hundred fifty percent more personal on board, the ship could take on a large number of survivors from damaged warships. In the event the ship had to be abandoned, there were more than enough life boats and escape pods for the entire crew push possible passengers. The ship also carriers two jump sails, in the event of damage or loss of its main sail.
With eighty ER PPC’s and half as many Laser Anti-Missile systems, the Viscount Hall is a strong picket warship. Capable of working the edges of a battlefield and preventing the enemy from out flanking the main lines of the New Earth navy. Beyond this firepower, the Viscount Hall boasted two dropship collars. As a complete package, the Viscount Hall makes for a prefect blockade runner.
At the current date, there are only two Viscount Hall Corvettes in service. Those two ships are the NEWS Viscount Hall and NEWS Safi Larue; each had been named after the two heroes of the Battle of Harbor Prime. Both ships are listed as experimental ships and there are no plans to assign either to New Earth’s standard fleet.
Currently, the Viscount Hall is in production lacking it’s experimental turrets. These ships pick up one additional docking collar. They have their four remaining Heavy Naval PPC’s moved to the left/right broadside (respectfully) and add one more Heavy Naval PPC’s to each broadside. It is noteworthy to point out that these ships are built with the ability to return to the shipyards and undergo a six month refit in order to be able to receive their own turrets once the technology is perfected.
Currently New Earth engineers are working hard to prefect this experimental technology. If New Earth engineers can master the Warship Turret technology, this would give New Earth a massive advantage in their next conflict with the Lyran Alliance. A conflict that seems to be right over the horizon!
Viscount Hall Class Corvette
Tech: Inner Sphere/Experimental
Mass: 450,000 Tons
Length: 475 Meters
Safe Thrust: 4 (2G’s)
Maximum Thrust: 6 (3G’s)
Fuel: 4,000 Tons (10,000 Fuel Points)
Tons/Burn per Day: 39.52
Sail Diameter: 1,050 Meters (Carries Two)
Builder: Harthford Shipyards (New Earth)
Basic Components
Item: Notes/Formula: Tonnage:
Drive System: 4 Thrust (6% * 4) = 24% .24 * 450,000 = 108,000
Fuel + Fuel Pumps: (4,000 * .02) + 4,000 4,080
Structural Integrity: 180 (30 x 6 = 180) (180 x 450,000) ÷ 1,000 = 81,000
KF Drive: Integrity: 10.15 = 2+(203,625/25,000) 450,000 * 45.25% 203,625
Jump Sail: Sail Integrity: 1 + (52.5 ÷ 20) = 3.625 (30 + (450,000 / 20,000)) x2 105
Bridge: 450,000 * .0025 1,125
Lithium-Fusion Batteries: .01 * 450,000 4,500
Heat Sinks: 45+√(108,000x2) = 509 (1,018) Free 1,300+509(Engine Free) = 3,618 1,300
Life Support/Environmental Control ((Crew * 150%) * 3 2,403
Armor: Max Armor Tons: 81,000/50 = 1,620 IS Ferro-Carbide @ 1,296 Points 1,620
Experimental Warship Turrets (2 Top, 2 Bottom) ((6,000*20%)+ (6,000*.1)) * 4 7,200
Equipment and Crew Support
Dropship Capacity: 2 2 * 1,000 2,000
Gravity Decks: 2 (at 75 Meters Diameter) 2 * 50 100
VIP Quarters: 1 Rooms @ 10 Tons 1 VIP State Room 10
Senior Officers Quarters: (Singles @ 4 Tons Each) 31 * 4 Tons = 124
Junior Officer Quarters: (Doubles @ 4 Tons Each) (99 / 2) * 4 Tons = 198
Enlisted Crew Quarters: (Quads @ 3 Tons Each) (404 / 4) * 3 Tons = 303
Zero ‘G’ Mess Facilities and Crew Lounge (4 * 15 Tons) + (2 * 25 Tons) = 110
MASH Unit (Core Units, Surgical Theaters) (2 * 3.5 Tons) + 3 Tons = 10
Consumables ((Crew * 150%)/200 = 4) * 365 1,460
Escape Pods: 46 (@ 7 Tons Each, 6 passengers) 51% of Total Crew 322
Life Boats: 46 (@ 7 Tons Each, 6 Passengers) 51% of Total Crew 322
Sub Total: 4,959
Basic Components + Equipment Sub-Total: 419,917
Weapons & Defenses
08 Heavy Naval PPC (In 4 Turrets) 34,200 MPV 1,800 Total Heat 24,000
80 ER PPC 10,880 MPV 1,200 Total Heat 560
48 Laser Anti-Missile System 02,688 MPV 576 Total Heat 48
Sub-Totals: 3,576 Total Heat Tonnage: 24,608
Basic Components + Equipment + Weapons Total: 444,525
Armor Belt (Total Points 1,296)
Fore 160 + 18 Points
Fore-Sides (R/L) 160 + 18 Points
Aft-Sides (R/L) 160 + 18 Points
Aft 160 + 18 Points
Turrets (4 Each) 84 + 18 Points
Bay 1 Cargo: 5,475 Tons (4 Doors)
Bay 2
Bay 3
Viscount Hall Personal Break Down: Total Crew 534
Officers and Crew: 409 (30 Senior Officers, 95 Junior Officers, 284 Enlisted Crew)
Bridge Crew: (5 Senior Officers, 6 Engineers, 6 Junior Officers, 6 Pilots/Navigators (Enlisted Crew,) 23
Gun Crews: (Nose: 5, Nose R/L: 5, BS R/L: 4 Aft R/L: 5, Aft: 5, Turrets: 4 = 42 Mounts): 12 Officers, 42 Gun Commanders (Junior Officers), 50 Engineers, 100 Secondary Engineers: Total Gun Crews: 204
Engineering Staff: (K-F Section: 3 Junior Officers, 5 Engineers; Fusion Plant Section: 3 Junior Officers, 3 Engineers; Transit Drive Section: 3 Junior Officers, 10 Engineers; Damage Control Section: 2 Junior Officers, 14 Secondary Engineers, Maintenance Section: 6 Junior Officers, 20 Engineers, 20 Secondary Engineers): 2 Senior Officers, 17 Junior Officers, 38 Engineers, 34 Secondary Engineers: Total Staff: 91
Medical Staff and other Personal: 11 Senior Officers, 30 Junior Officers, 50 Enlisted Crew: Total Staff 43
Medical Staff: 9 Doctors {Senior Officers}, 18 Nurses {Junior Officers}, 27 Medical Assistants {Enlisted Crew}
Surgical Bays (Formula 1 Operating Theater or Surgical Bay per 100 Crew Member): 5
Recovery Bay (Formula 1 Recovery Bay per 300 Crew Members): 2
Each Surgical Bay has: 1 Doctor {Senior Officers}, 2 Nurses {Junior Officers}, 3 Medical Assistants {Enlisted Crew}
Each Recovery Bay has: 2 Doctors {Senior Officers}, 4 Nurses {Junior Officers}, 6 Medical Assistants {Enlisted Crew}
Administration: 1 Admin Officer {Junior Officer}, 7 Administration Staff {Enlisted Crew};
C4 Staff: 1 C4 Officer {Senior Officer}, 7 C4 Staff {Junior Officers};
Quarter Master/Mess Staff: 1 Quarter Master {Senior Officer}, 4 Mess Officers {Junior Officers}, 16 QM/Mess {Enlisted Crew}
Marine Detachment: 1 Senior Officer, 4 Junior Officers, 120 Troopers
25 Armored Points of 5 Marines Each. Total of 125 Armored Naval Infantry
Special Rules: Warship Turret
Standard Turret Rules:
1) Crew Requirements for each turret: one officer, one gunner (junior officer), three engineers, six secondary engineers.
2) Turret Tonnage: 20% of the total tonnage of the weapons mounted within the turret
3) Turret Fusion Power Supply: 1% of total weapon tonnage within the turret
4) Locations/Firing Arcs of Turrets: Forward Top/Bottom: Firing Arcs are Forward, Forward Left/Right, Broadside left/right. Aft Top/Bottom: Firing Arcs are Aft, Aft Left/Right, Broadside left/right
5) Limiting the total weapons due to turrets: The maximum weapons per firing arc is reduced by the number of weapons mounted within any turrets that can use a given firing arc.
6) The ship must have a minimum of 60 Structural Integrity Points. Each turret must have a minimum 10 Structural Integrity Points per weapon mounted within the turret.
7) Maximum number of turrets on a warship is the weight of the ship divided by 100,000 rounded up.
8] No capital damage from a single turret shall exceed 35 Capital Points of damage.
Firing Arc Type Heat Fighter Short Medium Long Extreme
Nose 04 ER PPC 170 Yes 4 4 4 4
Nose 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Nose 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Nose 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Nose 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Fore Left 04 ER PPC 170 Yes 4 4 4 4
Fore Left 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Fore Left 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Fore Left 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Fore Left 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Fore Right 04 ER PPC 170 Yes 4 4 4 4
Fore Right 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Fore Right 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Fore Right 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Fore Right 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Fore Upper Turret 02 HVY NPPC 450 No 30 30 30 30
Fore Lower Turret 02 HVY NPPC 450 No 30 30 30 30
Broadside, Right 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Broadside, Right 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Broadside, Right 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Broadside, Right 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Broadside, Left 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Broadside, Left 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Broadside, Left 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Broadside, Left 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Aft Upper Turret 02 HVY NPPC 450 No 30 30 30 30
Aft Lower Turret 02 HVY NPPC 450 No 30 30 30 30
Aft Right 04 ER PPC 170 Yes 4 4 4 4
Aft Right 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Aft Right 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Aft Right 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Aft Right 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Aft Left 04 ER PPC 170 Yes 4 4 4 4
Aft Left 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Aft Left 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Aft Left 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Aft Left 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Aft 04 ER PPC 170 Yes 4 4 4 4
Aft 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Aft 03 ER PPC 96 Yes 3 3 3 3
Aft 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA
Aft 03 Laser AMS 36 Yes NA NA NA NA