Searching Liberation of Terra Books now just to see what it says about things
A Difference of Philosophy
The design philosophies of modern WarShips and those of the modern era differ markedly. Compared to their modern kin, Star League vessels are often under-armored and lacked point defenses, making them vulnerable to enemy aerospace and missile attacks. While essentially correct, this view neglects a key factor in the SL DF navy; unlike today’s isolated behemoths, WarShips of the 2760s were designed to operate as part of squadrons and fleets, relying on their companions for defense and screening. This apes the ultra-specialized aspects of the Regular Army, something the sheer size of the SLDF allowed but which isn’t practical in the pitiful modern fleets. Today we think of destroyers and frigates and cruisers, but in the Star League there’d be a clear distinction between a fleet destroyer and a vessel intended for independent operations. There was little need for carrier WarShips like the FWL’s Thera (though some pseudo-carriers like the Kimagure and Aegis existed), instead DropShips like the Titan served as the base for air wings.
—Admiral Heather Alexander, The Black and the
Blue: Navies though the millennia, Oriente Military Press, 3061
On the eve of the Periphery Uprising the SLDF fielded an immense fleet of more than 1,500 front-line WarShips (plus another 750 in the garrison fleet).
Garrison Fleet
Commander (Flagship): None
Composition: Circa 750 destroyers and cruisers
Naval Reserve
While the SLDF’s active fleet comprised some 2,250 vessels this represented only seventy percent of its total strength. The remaining vessels, around a thousand ships, were held in the reserve, mothballed to save on operating costs or else undergoing periodic refits. In time of conflict these vessels could be reactivated and used to bolster the Star League Navy. Though refits on some vessels were accelerated after the Periphery Uprising, reactivating the Reserve Fleet was not considered a priority—the existing deployment grossly outclassed the Periphery fleets—and so most of these vessels sat idle and forgotten. Unfortunately for the Hegemony, Amaris had not forgotten and using codes his observers aboard the fleet had gathered, suborned over a hundred vessels which he employed in the execution of his coup. Several hundred more were drafted into the Imperial Navy after the takeover, the remainder being scuttled by SLDF rearguard actions or else unusable due to lack of parts or manpower.
So the SLDF left 12 Warships with Comstar of the 414 survivors out of over 2300 before the Coup.
Comstar Fleet as of Operation Bulldog without Faslane and Dante Class that they built afterwards
Which of these were ones left and which they salvaged over the years I don't know.
CSV Invisible Truth - Cameron-Class
CSV Anastasius Focht - Suffren-class
CSV Divine Wisdom - Lola III-class
CSV Holy Martyrdom - Lola III-class
CSV Strength Through Adversity - Lola III-class
CSV Vision of Truth - Potemkin-class
CSV Alacrity - Vincent-class
CSV Blake's Strength - Black Lion-class
CSV Manchester - Suffren-class
CSV Blake's Vision - Lola III-class
CSV Ranger - Lola III-class
CSV Enlightened Path - Volga-class
CSV Defender of Versailles - Essex-class
CSV Resilience - Vincent-class
CSV Determination - Vincent-class
CSV Cleansing Fire - Congress-class
CSV Blake's Vengeance - Sovetskii Soyuz-class
CSV Righteous Fury - Aegis-class
CSV Swift Justice - Aegis-class
CSV Hammerstrike - Essex-class
CSV Hollings York - Congress-class
CSV Avenging Sword - Aegis-class
CSV Deathblow - Essex-class
CSV Brandenburg Crusader - Essex-class
CSV Harmonious Thought Sovetskii Soyuz class
CSV Leander Lola-class
CSV Emerald Essex class
CSV Starlight Essex class
I can't find anywhere a centralized list of Wobbie Ships.
This is just because I was thinking of your Shattered Dawn universe while reading through all this. Would there have been such a quick jump back into war in your universe without this....
By 2821, exhaustion set in and a series of accords ended the First Succession War. Tensions remained high and the peace would be short-lived; the Second Succession War began in 2828, and though less brutal than its predecessor, it further ravaged the Inner Sphere. At the time naked ambition seemed at fault for the renewed hostilities, but records unearthed during the reformation of ComStar in 3052 implied that the order, under the leadership of Primus Toyama, had served as an agent provocateur