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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2020, 08:29:13 PM »

I don't believe any warships were used in widowmaker absorption or if so very small. When did the research on warships found. We do know was some bitter fighting with Wolverine based on Pardoe novel. The talk about Mongoose and Jaguars was talked about as very vicious naval battles especially with Jaguars needing permission for so many replacements from the naval caches.
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2020, 09:07:42 PM »

I can't believe that no warship combat took place during the Widowmaker Absorption. Perhaps it was smaller scale and Clan tactics might not have fully taken hold at that time but the fighting was vicious. Maybe naval wasn't spoken about but there has to be a reason that the Wolf fleet is smaller than others especially after absorbing another Clan.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2020, 10:47:23 PM »

I'll have to go back through the research but I believe it clearly stated Widowmaker Khan chose to fight completely with ground troops only

The Widowmaker Absorption may have more info too.

Interestingly enough despite it being a tenacious fight it seems like it was concentrated solely by ground troops. I think thats why Wolf Dragoons had 6 of their Warships. With Wolf still having an impressive 19 themselves.

Golden Age

It was the largest fleet battle in Clan history, with almost thirty WarShips involved in the fighting plus dozens of DropShip and scores of fighters. The cruiser-based Mongoose fleet was outmatched by the heavier Jaguar battleships, but their fighters helped even out the battle. It seemed that the Mongooses were going to carry the day when the Quicksilver Mongoose shattered the spine of the McKenna-class Obsidian. However, the Lola III Storm Cat crippled the Mongoose battleship, leaving it to drift out of the system leaking atmosphere. With a huge turn of momentum, half of the Mongoose fleet regrouped while the other half tried to press the advantage. In the end, half of the Jaguar fleet was destroyed and the remaining four Mongoose WarShips surrendered.

So if we say almost even in numbers lets say 13 Mongoose vs 15 Jaguars So we have 8 Warships Destroyed from Mongoose 4 captured by Jaguars and 1 Mothballed.

Jaguars then lost 8 warships in this battle as well. 12 afterwards with Mongoose isorla.

To make protecting their holdings easier, a quarter of the former Mongoose territory was given away in exchange for votes from the Grand Council to allow the Jaguars to acquire some mothballed ships to rebuild their shattered fleet.

Say the Grand Council allowed  them to get the amount lost vs Mongoose that brings them up to 20 warship. Add in the Fredasa's and Carrack that are probably built by clans that brings them to the 23 they have at current times.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2020, 10:57:16 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #33 on: February 13, 2020, 05:49:13 AM »

The Panic of 3048 – When birds of two different feathers flock together.

The arrival of the Outbound Light in Clan space and the subsequent interrogation of the Explorer Corps JumpShip’s crews caused a near panic in the Clans. When the Interrogation, albeit cherry picked for the worst details was shown to the Grand Council of the Khans, this sense of concern only magnified. Leo Showers had shown the Khans data that he knew would speak to their fears and desires. Opposition to a return to the Inner Sphere, codenamed Operation REVIVAL melted away as the Clans feared that they were going to be discovered by the forces of the Inner Sphere and hit first.

After winning a place in the Invasion Clan Jade Falcon found themselves in a bit of a quandary. Although the Falcons had one of the largest fleets of JumpShips, their WarShip strength was rather limited and they possessed no heavy transports capable of carrying large numbers of troops over the huge distances involved and Falcon Merchants were already drawing upon their JumpShip fleet to set up a Command Circuit of JumpShips from the Homeworlds to where the Clans would strike. There was also the cold hard fact the Falcons didn’t trust the intelligence data provided by the Wolf’s Dragoons. Data that was now twenty years out of date and, came from the Wolves.

The Falcon’s Naval Stars were also quite a mismatch of ships, largely focusing on smaller vessels like the Fredasa class corvette or Congress class frigate as well as having a large number of battleships including a Nightlord class and a Texas class. Seeking to increase the size of their WarShip fleet prior to REVIVAL the Jade Falcons approached the Snow Ravens, not to initiate a Trial of Possession for some of their WarShips, as such a Trial could escalate in size very quickly. But to trade for them.

This started a long, and sometimes fractious series of negotiations between the Ravens and Falcons, both sides sending delegations of Merchants, Scientists and Warriors to the talks. But as weeks turned into Months, the ailing Khan of the Jade Falcons Yvonne Hazen ordered the delegation to make a ‘make or break’ offer.  The Falcon Warriors, headed by Star Colonel Edwin Roshak, overrode the advice of the Merchants then offered the Snow Ravens a fixed percentage of resources from their Occupation Zone once REVIVAL was underway and the ownership of the Falcon’s holdings on Hellgate. With this superb offer on the plate the Raven’s immediately accepted, adding a proviso that they could help escort the Falcons forces in REVIVAL and would send their own DropShips and JumpShips into the Inner Sphere under Snow Raven escort to retrieve these resources.

Glad to be done of four months of ‘tedious negotiations’ the Jade Falcons left and now the Snow Ravens then had the task of finding WarShips they would be willing to give up. As the FRAM (Fleet Refit And Modernisation) program of Project NELSON was all but complete they were unwilling to trade any of these freshly refitted ships and instead turned to scouring their Naval Caches for suitable craft.

This would eventually turn up a total of nine Aegis class cruisers and a Black Lion II class ship, all in their base, un-refitted status. These old ships had largely survived the Amaris Civil War because of their relative obsolescence which in turn made them low priority targets for the M5 Drones of the Hegemony’s SDS. Survey’s found the ships to be in fairly good structural condition and once their Jump Cores were refitted and powerplants brought online, the real investigations into their condition could begin.

With Lum’s slipways largely clear the ten ships were brought in and reactivated, old armour was patched, computers updated and their interiors and crew quarters were thoroughly cleaned. As part of their reconditioning, to also give the appearance that the Jade Falcons were not just getting unwanted castoffs, the Snow Raven’s installed pulse laser and AMS mountings to provide anti-fighter and anti-missile defences and the ships electronics were also replaced with far more modern and reliable systems. Several weapon were swapped out to normalise things and the fuel tanks on all ships were enlarged as the additional range would be most useful during the journey to the Inner Sphere. Onboard security was to be provided by three Stars of Elementals, all in all, the upgrades were still more conservative than the Block IA upgrades of Project NELSON. Finally, the ships were all painted a brilliant Jade Green with yellow striping on them prior to delivery with a full load of ammunition aboard and their systems fully operational.
It was seen as a testament to the effectiveness of the Snow Raven’s yards efficiency that the ten WarShips were all delivered within 6 months of the agreement between the two Clans being made.

The Falcons were happy with their new WarShips, but the ilKhan when he was informed of the details that the Ravens would be escorting the Ravens was furious, as were other Khans, who complained that the Ravens were ‘sneaking their way’ into REVIVAL. The meeting between ilKhan Leo Showers and Khan Lynn McKenna was less a cordial discussion and more a heated debate that nearly escalated into a blazing row when Showers accused the Raven’s of trying to join REVIVAL by stealthy means. Khan McKenna’s blood cooled enough that she swore an oath that the Snow Ravens would not land on any unoccupied world and would only land at DropPort’s manned and controlled by Jade Falcon personnel and that the Snow Ravens would not seek to claim any world as their own.
Somewhat mollified by this, ilKhan Showers ‘requested’ that Khan McKenna make this oath before the Grand Council so that the other Khans would understand what had happened, and see it as the ilKhan bending a Khan to his will as a sign of his position and power.
Accepting this clumsy political move for what it was, Khan McKenna made the vow before the Grand Council and most of the angry grumblings from the Khans died away, if not completely.

The Tanite ‘Gold Rush’ of 2998.

Although the Tanite worlds were discovered in 2965 by Clan Cloud Cobra and was one of the Clans most tightly guarded secrets, their mismanagement of the worlds and a revolt by the Tanite civilians who refused to adopt to the accepted Clan ways saw the Cloud Cobras deploy half their touman to try and stabilize the situation, with the Clan forces fighting guerrilla forces they were ill trained to fight. Such a massive deployment of forces away from their holdings was impossible to hide and the Cloud Cobra’s were questioned before the Grand Council on just what they were up to.

When the Cobra’s finally admitted that they had claimed three colonised worlds for their own that they had found, the Council meeting broke into an uproar. Many Khans argued that the Cobras were hoarding resources for themselves and they were not up to the task of managing these colonies if they required half their touman to try and control some barely armed civilians.
Calls for a Censure of the Cloud Cobras were made but these were voted down, but the Cloud Cobras were forced to concede that other Clans could bid for the right to have enclaves on these new worlds and systems.

Thus, in March 2998 did the ‘Tanite Gold Rush’ begin as a dozen Clans sought to claim enclaves on these worlds and control their populace.
As the other Clans quickly conquered the Taninte worlds and then started fighting amongst each other as well as trying to subjugate the Tanite people they ran into the same problems the Cloud Cobra’s did and found that the Tanite’s were unwilling to assimilate into Clan society and resisted violently. This did lead to a massacre of several towns populations to ‘dissuade’ any uprisings, but this just drove more resistance. The Jaguar’s and Falcons reacted harshly whereas the Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks both tried a softer approach which they found got results. Still resistance continued and by the late 3040’s the Clan’s had resorted to chemical sterilization for a large majority of the Tanite population save those in Diamond Shark and Nova Cat Enclaves, whilst the other Clans resorted to bringing in their own Worker and Technician Caste personnel to run the factories and work the farms.
This also started a spate of Trials between competing Clans within the Homeworlds and in the Tanite systems until only three Clans were not involved in the fighting. The Blood Spirits, who had already sunk into isolationism who had declared the whole mad scramble a waste of time and resources and instead spent their time fighting a series of Trials with their hated Burrock rivals. The Ghost Bears, because of their natural caution were simply too slow to react and by the time the Bears had agreed to do anything in 3000, the Tanite worlds were already largely divided up although some territory was still being fought over. And finally, the Ravens, who were too busy working on their fleet and used the relative quiet brought on by the Gold Rush to finish refitting the CSR James McKenna.

Still a small taskforce of WarShips and ground forces was dispatched to see if the Ravens could pick over anything left behind. Travelling with the Ghost Bears with whom they had a cordial relationship, the Ravens were diverted to an uncharted system when a JumpShip suffered a engine malfunction which limited her jump range. Both Clan forces jumped into the system known only as RDB/0411 on the star charts not knowing what to expect.

What they found was a treasure trove. RDB/0411 or the 411th Red Dwarf Binary system charted during Operation EXODUS was a young system, estimated at being a billion years old and was awash with accreting matter and dwarf planetoids, some on stable orbits but most were not and all were the victim of repeated asteroid strikes, making them useless as colonies. The two Red Dwarf stars were also flaring aggressively and the inner clouds of asteroids and planetoids were bathed with lethal levels of radiation from the two angry stars. But the outer system was still awash with asteroids as well as a single slowly growing Gas Giant. 

Survey’s of the asteroid belts found them rich with a wide range of metals and other resources whilst the inner system was found to have several large geranium deposits. With masses of resources within easy reach the Bears and Ravens both immediately realised the value of the system and claimed it as their own, splitting it down the middle before announcing the discovery to the Grand Council.

Realising the huge haul of resources they had bypassed in their rush to get to the Tanite systems and discounting RDB/0411 as a worthless system the Smoke Jaguars, Diamond Sharks and Steel Viper’s all tried to claim space within the system but were kept out with only the Sharks winning some trade concessions from the Ghost Bears. Unable to fight on the ground the aerospace Warriors of the other Clans were simply outclassed by their Snow Raven opponents when the ‘weak’ Clan was targeted by the Vipers and Jaguars.

By 3005 the Ghost Bears and Snow Ravens had both established Recharge Stations as well as several orbital habitats and processing plants within their halves of the system which was now called Serendipity by the Clans. Extensive asteroid mining was started and with the glut of resources available the two Clans were even able to trade some away instead of having to fight off a near endless stream of Trials of Possession for them.

The Snow Ravens would reactivate and deploy their Galleon class Super-Freighter the CSR Universal Conveyor which would be used as a mobile ore processing plant and habitat for the workers manning the mining craft deployed by the DropShips that now trawled the system looking for ores. The Geranium deposits however were far harder to reach and due to the intense radiation given out by the two stars,  any manned craft sent to mine the Geranium would have been ghost ships within a few weeks and the Bears and Ravens were forced to use remotely operated drones but even these suffered a large number of accidents and breakdowns with mining craft lost to radiation damage or flares.  But the cost in small ships was well worth it with tons of Geranium being recovered and it was the resources from the Serendipity system that allowed the Raven’s Project NELSON to go ahead at full speed, finally freed of the need to conserve resources and no longer having to build up stockpiles before bringing a ship in to be upgraded.

The cooperation between the Ravens and Bear’s over the ownership and defence of the Serendipity system also helped bring the two Clans to a level of cooperation that would result in the Bear’s and Ravens working together on the LEVIATHAN Project, largely using the resources from the Serendipity system to help build the gargantuan WarShips.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2020, 06:27:24 AM »

Great research Bradshaw! I still maintain there has to have been some warship combat there especially after the affair degenerated the way it did with the death of the ilKhan and other Clans helping Wolf in conducting a pseudo Trial of Annihilation.

But lets get back to marauder648's story which is unfolding nicely!


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2020, 07:25:00 AM »

I think the Widowmaker absorption pretty much happened so fast that the Widowmaker's didn't have time to do anything or react before the other Clans were dogpiling them. Unlike the Mongoose clash or the Not Named Annihilation the Widowmaker absorption seems to have happened quickly. Perhaps their ships were sized in orbit without their crews knowing what had happened at first and the only aerospace engagements were fighter and dropship clashes.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2020, 09:47:48 AM »

I think the Widowmaker absorption pretty much happened so fast that the Widowmaker's didn't have time to do anything or react before the other Clans were dogpiling them. Unlike the Mongoose clash or the Not Named Annihilation the Widowmaker absorption seems to have happened quickly. Perhaps their ships were sized in orbit without their crews knowing what had happened at first and the only aerospace engagements were fighter and dropship clashes.

Thats my take as well after reading the Operation Turning Point and other references to it. Its basically bang bang and its over.

I did find it odd that the original trial was one on one with Khans for the absorption
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2020, 09:57:50 AM »

I find the 6 month timetable to be way to fast, I think thats a lot of Aegis as well. I don't think there would be that many mothballed even though they are resource hogs.

I'd rewrite this paragraph seems messy to me

The Falcon’s Naval Stars were also quite a mismatch of ships, largely focusing on smaller vessels like the Fredasa class corvette or Congress class frigate as well as having a large number of battleships including a Nightlord class and a Texas class. Seeking to increase the size of their WarShip fleet prior to REVIVAL the Jade Falcons approached the Snow Ravens, not to initiate a Trial of Possession for some of their WarShips, as such a Trial could escalate in size very quickly. But to trade for them.

Other than that I like it. Still no love anywhere for my beloved Star Adders  :'(
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2020, 10:04:07 AM »

Research of Warships might go through this again when I have some time. I think I found a few more after this was done.
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2020, 10:11:20 AM »

Feel free to use any of this if wanted for them as part of the mining of the Red Dwarf

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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #40 on: February 13, 2020, 11:10:53 AM »

Scouring the Clan Mothballed fleet for viable options as part of the exchange with Clan Jade Falcon, Raven engineers found two viable options to refurbish and upgrade as part of the deal. One was the old Samarkand Block II Carriers with two in working order after the process to take them out of mothballing was completed and a third which would require more work but could still be completed after being towed back to the Shipyards of Lum.

Stripping the frame of its outdated weaponry and armor was the first part of this undertaking. When everything was stripped the inclusion of a L-F Battery was added as the hull was already stripped for the new armor and the Raven engineers felt the added time and resources of this would be worth the investiture in resources returning from Jade Falcon territories taken during the invasion.  Replacing the older Ferro-Carbide with the newer Lamellor variety gave better protection for less tonnage requirements. Rethinking the weaponry of the design as the original makeup was barely a threat to most Assault Dropships. Replacing the entire arsenal with Naval PPCs and Naval Lasers that could reach the extreme ranges needed to engage and fight from with the limited weaponry at its command. With the thoughts of keeping enemy fighters honest an entirely reworked and bolstered weapons load was installed including the best in Clan Large Pulses, Gauss and Streak SRMs.

The fighter bays were reworked and an additional deployment bay was reworked as one of the Cargo doors was reconfigured as an additional door for egress/ingress for the Aerospace fighters. Two Triniaries of fighters can be attached to the warship with an additional star of small craft for transportation of goods and troops. The last change of the design was the upgrading of the crew compartments designed to provide additional space for the expected trips back and forth from the Inner Sphere to the Homeworlds.

Rechristened the Maracanda for the ancient Greek name of Samarkand the 3 ships of the design have taken a total of 18 months of time for redeployment and space trials to confirm the ships are in full working order.

Maracanda Carrier

Code: [Select]
Mass: 350,000 tons
Technology Base: Clan (Advanced)
Introduced: 3005
Mass: 350,000
Battle Value: 43,984
Cost: 17,595,949,000 C-bills

Fuel: 3,000 tons (7,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 9
Heat Sinks: 1700 (3400)
Structural Integrity: 73

    Nose: 85
    Fore Sides: 80/80
    Aft Sides: 80/80
    Aft: 61

    Bay 1:  Fighter (30)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (30)            4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Small Craft (10)        2 Doors   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (36840.0 tons)    2 Doors   

    3,000 rounds of Streak SRM 6 ammunition (8 tons),
    1,360 rounds of Gauss Rifle [Clan] ammunition (8 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (150 m, 60 m)
Escape Pods: 70
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  25 officers, 90 enlisted/non-rated, 34 gunners, 170 bay personnel, 100 marines
Quarters: 25 First Class, 150 Standard, 50 Second Class, 68 Steerage

Notes: Equipped with lithium-fusion battery system
510 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                  Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                            Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (204 Heat)
2 Naval Laser 45                      140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser
4 Gauss Rifle                          4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan] (1280 shots)
4 Large Pulse Laser                   40   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Streak SRM 6                        20   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   SRM         
    Streak SRM 6 Ammo (4500 shots)
FRS/FLS (204 Heat)
2 Naval Laser 45                      140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser
4 Gauss Rifle                          4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan] (1280 shots)
4 Large Pulse Laser                   40   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Streak SRM 6                        20   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   SRM         
    Streak SRM 6 Ammo (4500 shots)
RBS/LBS (334 Heat)
2 Naval PPC (Medium)                  270  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital PPC
4 Gauss Rifle                          4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan] (1600 shots)
4 Large Pulse Laser                   40   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Streak SRM 6                        20   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   SRM         
    Streak SRM 6 Ammo (9000 shots)
ARS/ALS (204 Heat)
2 Naval Laser 45                      140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser
4 Gauss Rifle                          4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan] (1280 shots)
4 Large Pulse Laser                   40   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Streak SRM 6                        20   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   SRM         
    Streak SRM 6 Ammo (4500 shots)
Aft (204 Heat)
2 Naval Laser 45                      140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser
4 Gauss Rifle                          4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan] (1280 shots)
4 Large Pulse Laser                   40   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Streak SRM 6                        20   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   SRM         
    Streak SRM 6 Ammo (4500 shots)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2020, 11:11:42 AM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #41 on: February 13, 2020, 11:43:01 AM »

My second choice as a Warship in the Snow Raven/Jade Falcon agreement. Just an idea for the refit but really as the design is relatively young. Could just use the original. This is easily the most unknown design of ones that fled with the Exodus and their fates as being unknown.

Sovetskii Soyuz Heavy Cruiser

Code: [Select]
Mass: 830,000 tons
Technology Base: Clan (Advanced)
Introduced: 3005
Mass: 830,000
Battle Value: 104,962
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-F-F
Cost: 13,264,882,000 C-bills

Fuel: 2,000 tons (5,000)
Safe Thrust: 2
Maximum Thrust: 3
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 18
Heat Sinks: 1075 (2150)
Structural Integrity: 80

    Nose: 150
    Fore Sides: 150/150
    Aft Sides: 130/130
    Aft: 94

    Bay 1:  Fighter (30)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (10)        2 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (179991.5 tons)   1 Door   

    1,200 rounds of LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable ammunition (8 tons),
    400 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (3.2 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 4
Grav Decks: 2 (55 m, 90 m)
Escape Pods: 50
Life Boats: 50
Crew:  48 officers, 173 enlisted/non-rated, 64 gunners, 110 bay personnel, 75 BA marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Mobile Hyperpulse Generators (Mobile HPG)
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
687.5 tons of lamellor ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                            Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                      Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (1,045 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Medium)                            540  36(360) 36(360) 36(360) 36(360)  Capital PPC
5 Naval Laser 55                                425  28(275) 28(275) 28(275) 28(275)  Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                             50   5(50)   5(50)   5(50)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 LRM 20+Artemis IV                             30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (900 shots)
FRS/FLS (505 Heat)
5 Naval Laser 55                                425  28(275) 28(275) 28(275) 28(275)  Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                             50   5(50)   5(50)   5(50)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 LRM 20+Artemis IV                             30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (900 shots)
RBS/LBS (1,020 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)                     200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (100 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)                     200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (100 shots)
4 Naval PPC (Medium)                            540  36(360) 36(360) 36(360) 36(360)  Capital PPC
5 Large Pulse Laser                             50   5(50)   5(50)   5(50)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 LRM 20+Artemis IV                             30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (900 shots)
ARS/ALS (505 Heat)
5 Naval Laser 55                                425  28(275) 28(275) 28(275) 28(275)  Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                             50   5(50)   5(50)   5(50)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 LRM 20+Artemis IV                             30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (900 shots)
Aft (505 Heat)
5 Naval Laser 55                                425  28(275) 28(275) 28(275) 28(275)  Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                             50   5(50)   5(50)   5(50)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 LRM 20+Artemis IV                             30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (900 shots)
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #42 on: February 13, 2020, 12:35:46 PM »

all good input and ideas at the moment i'm slinging ideas on paper :D So keep ya thoughts coming folks :)


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #43 on: February 13, 2020, 01:57:10 PM »

Designed as a new battle armor for space operations. The Harbringer is a power armor suit that can fight in space as well as on the ground. While best suited to marine actions, it has the capacity to work in ground duties as well in tandem with standard Elemental armor. It has a respectable ground speed that enables it to move nimbly, but it can also leap up to ninety meters at a time.  As well as a cutting torch for both boarding actions and salvage operations. Improved sensors assist with scouting roles and detecting hostiles while performing marine actions. Additional equipment including laser mic and searchlight assist when maneuvering in the depths of space or searching out hidden foes. It also features an Extended Life Support module that allows it to operate for longer periods in the vacuum of space.


Code: [Select]
Type: Harbringer
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown

Tech Base: Clan (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Light
Maximum Weight: 750 kg
Battle Value: 228
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: Yes/Yes/Yes/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               150 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          3                              60 kg
     Jump MP:            3                              75 kg
    Left Arm:            Armored Gloves                  0 kg
    Right Arm:           Armored Gloves                  0 kg
Armor:                   Standard (Basic)       0      125 kg
    Armor Value:         6 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Space Operations Adaptation     Body       1       100 kg
Extended Life Support           Body       1       25 kg 
ER Micro Laser                Right Arm     1       150 kg
Cutting Torch                 Right Arm     1        5 kg 
Searchlight                   Left Arm     1        5 kg 
Improved Sensors                Body       1       45 kg 
Laser Microphone              Left Arm     1        5 kg 

Image for idea of what I think it should look like.

Realized after the fact that ER Micro laser doesn't exist yet so if thats not an option here's version II

Harbringer MK II
Code: [Select]

Manufacturer: Snow Raven
    Primary Factory: Lum

Tech Base: Clan (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Medium
Maximum Weight: 1,000 kg
Battle Value: 234
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/No/No/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass
Chassis:                                               250 kg
Motive System:                                               
     Ground MP:          2                              40 kg
     Jump MP:            2                             100 kg
    Left Arm:            Armored Gloves                  0 kg
    Right Arm:           Armored Gloves                  0 kg
Armor:                   Standard (Basic)       0       75 kg
    Armor Value:         4 (Trooper)                         

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Space Operations Adaptation     Body       1       100 kg
Extended Life Support           Body       1       25 kg 
Cutting Torch                 Right Arm     1        5 kg 
Improved Sensors                Body       1       45 kg 
Laser Microphone                Body       1        5 kg 
ER Small Laser                Right Arm     2       350 kg
Searchlight                   Left Arm     1        5 kg 
« Last Edit: February 13, 2020, 02:04:52 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2020, 02:12:08 PM »

So interesting Idea and don't know if it would be useful or not. But if you ever played the Mechwarrior RPG (books not videogames) the 2nd edition had a odd factor in character creation that you could be a 0 human or a 1 human (see attached image).

What if 1 became a Naval archetype say instead of the -1 Body +2 Reflexes +1 Intuition its -1 Body +1 Reflexes +1 Intuition.

It fits the feel of the system and gives another aspect to the Clan.

So going back to this idea for a moment. In my reading of everything about the Ravens came across this line

In addition to this, the Ravens were also efficient users of raw materials, breeding a naval phenotype, unique among the Clans, to staff Raven WarShip fleets. The Raven Clan moved silently through Clan society, quietly rebuilding themselves.
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