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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2011, 12:20:52 PM »

I can see why Comstar are assigned but whats the other one?

I look forward to seeing more information, also i've been getting a 500 server error message every so often when i try to reply to posts.

I'll check the logs. I noticed that the server would occasionally timeout as well. I'll see if it's an actual server or connection issue. I'll keep you posted.
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2011, 05:38:07 PM »

Ok PM'd you back.


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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #62 on: March 06, 2011, 04:20:21 PM »

Dice Rolls and Factory Modifications complete. They have been added to the Faction Primers.

Now onto faction armed forces. Anyone care to chime in?
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2011, 05:06:10 PM »

I cans end you the excel sheet from 3023 I had before we started adding regiments if that will help?
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #64 on: March 06, 2011, 05:52:17 PM »

I cans end you the excel sheet from 3023 I had before we started adding regiments if that will help?

Sure thing! That would certainly be a decent starting point. Thanks Black!
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #65 on: March 06, 2011, 07:21:19 PM »

May I also suggest you look at what we did with SD- while some of our material is complete conjecture (Using the existing formations-i.e. avalon guards, dieron regulars, etc- and what we knew of their sizes at the start of the 1st SW- we found huge gaps in the number of units we could account for and the reasonable expectations of the house army sizes given the known size of the LCAF and CCAF at the start of the 1st SW.  To fill this gap we created numerous new formations which would have been wiped out during the SWs)  we were able to pull out a lot of data showing how many regiments each formation had at the start of the SWs and even the size of certain house armies.  If you look at the army notes I tried to note the earliest mentions for each regiment so that we could track them back as far as possible (i.e. this regiment was mentioned as fighting in the 1st SW or the first mention of this regiment was the 2nd SW - in which case it may date back even farther but we have an upper limit for when it was formed)

I'll see if I can pull some this together for you. 


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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #66 on: March 06, 2011, 07:46:37 PM »

May I also suggest you look at what we did with SD- while some of our material is complete conjecture (Using the existing formations-i.e. avalon guards, dieron regulars, etc- and what we knew of their sizes at the start of the 1st SW- we found huge gaps in the number of units we could account for and the reasonable expectations of the house army sizes given the known size of the LCAF and CCAF at the start of the 1st SW.  To fill this gap we created numerous new formations which would have been wiped out during the SWs)  we were able to pull out a lot of data showing how many regiments each formation had at the start of the SWs and even the size of certain house armies.  If you look at the army notes I tried to note the earliest mentions for each regiment so that we could track them back as far as possible (i.e. this regiment was mentioned as fighting in the 1st SW or the first mention of this regiment was the 2nd SW - in which case it may date back even farther but we have an upper limit for when it was formed)

I'll see if I can pull some this together for you.

I would appreciate it Irose.

The actual unit, i.e. regiment or otherwise isn't necessarily important for the AU's setting - I'm leaving the specifics up to the Faction's Member Developer. For example, if a Developer is building the Federated Suns and opts to refrain from using the Davion Brigade of Guards so be it. Unit names/formations aren't what interest me right now.

What I'm really interested in is equipment/material numbers and probably amounts circa 3025 in the setting we've all kinda helped build.

This way, when I provide a Member Developer with their Faction's Introductory Booklet it'll have the general line values for them to play/create with.   
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 08:46:51 PM by Knightmare »
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #67 on: March 06, 2011, 10:12:07 PM »

What I'm really interested in is equipment/material numbers and probably amounts circa 3025 in the setting we've all kinda helped build.

If I understand what you are looking for is more basic numbers, rather then specific units-

We know from canon sources the LCAF had 122 mech regiments in 2785.  The CCAF had 129 regiments in either 2785 or 2799 (the material is contradictory- one source says the CCAF had 129 regiments at the start of 1st SW, the other says the height of the CCAFs size was in 2799 when it had 129 regiments -implying they actually added regiments between 2785 and 2799!  )  The DCMS deployed over 50 mech regiments along the FS border at the start of the 1st SW- which represented more then a third of their military- let's say the DCMS was 140-145 mech regiments.  The AFFS was the largest military- so it has to be bigger then the DCMS- say 150-160 mech regiments.  The FWL is really detailed but I would put it at more then the CC and less then DCMS- around 135 mech regiments. 

The LCAF was largely composed of heavy and assault mechs.  The DCMS favored light units and fast heavies. The AFFS was the best balanced.  The CCAF was the overall lightest military, but probably had a surprising number of assault mechs and tended to favor designs with jump jets (victor, catapult, Liao-L, grasshopper) that provided better mobility.  The FWL was well equipped and probably featured mainly medium to heavy units, with few assault mechs.


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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2011, 10:28:19 PM »

First off, thank you for the information Irose it is very helpful. The post paints a fairly accurate picture of the Inner Sphere's militaries prior to the outbreak of the First Succession War. Good stuff.

If I understand what you are looking for is more basic numbers, rather then specific units-

The CCAF had 129 regiments in either 2785 or 2799 (the material is contradictory- one source says the CCAF had 129 regiments at the start of 1st SW, the other says the height of the CCAFs size was in 2799 when it had 129 regiments -implying they actually added regiments between 2785 and 2799!  ) 

You know, after reading this two interesting ideas came to mind.

One, we know the Draconis Combine would inflate, if inflate is a good enough word to describe, the number of available regiments by conscripting "Chain Gang"-type regiments of troops. While their use was only mentioned once, there's nothing in the canon to suggest it was a radical or "new" idea. It's also true that the equipment in these formations could barely be considered functional, but they did serve a purpose. More importantly, Chain Gang regiments could be considered viable formations in the DCMS despite their despicable origins. So it's quite possible the Capellan Confederation grew the total number of organic military units in a similar fashion to help consolidate their hold on former Terran worlds.

Alternatively, Liao could have come across additional stores of equipment during their drive through Hegemony space - thereby providing enough new material to produce additional regiments. Since the material doesn't state the quality of the units in question, the actual number of regiments may pale in comparison to their actual worth.     

There's also the possibility that the Confederation picked up some additional ex-Terran troops - not the units listed in the SLSB either. We know New Dallas's militia was loaded to the gills with some serious firepower and decent equipment stores. From what I could infer from the material, worlds like New Dallas weren't an exception in the Hegemony. House Liao could have absorbed some Terran militias, or enough ex-SLDF troops individually.

Still, without a baseline for comparison, this is all loose conjecture.   
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #69 on: February 10, 2012, 10:45:23 PM »

Industries finalized. Trading Houses written. Almost done.
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #70 on: February 11, 2012, 08:49:33 AM »

Good to hear.


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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #71 on: February 16, 2012, 12:08:26 AM »

Good to hear.

Yup. Base map (prior to cuts) is with 'Nova at the moment. When he's finished with it, I have cuts to make, borders to finalize and then we're finished with that bit of nonsense. (What a pain in the %&# I might add...) Most of the art work is finished, I only have a few logos (thanks to the inclusion of the Trade Houses) to finish unless I decide to add something else to the Primer.

Then it's off to final edits and layout. Right now it's hovering at close to 56,000 words. At 10pt Arial, single space, it's about 95 pages long. So it's a frakkin novel at this point and I'm still not satisfied with what I wrote. Meh.

As for the Faction Files, I'm still not 100% on initial force allocations (something I need to spend a little more time thinking about) and I need to review each faction's initial Turning Points for continuity and impact.     

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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #72 on: February 16, 2012, 12:43:22 AM »

You can throw force levels my may, I thrive on that stuff, as annoying as it is.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #73 on: February 16, 2012, 12:49:03 AM »

You can throw force levels my may, I thrive on that stuff, as annoying as it is.

I was thinking about it, but I've already saturated you with too much information already. I'll probably shoot it your way once I hit the inevitable wall.
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Re: 'Mechs, Factories And More
« Reply #74 on: February 16, 2012, 01:07:38 AM »

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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