Much better - here are a few additional notes/corrections
Demeter – Tikonov Reaches
Vicore Industries – Valkyrie, Phoenix Hawk (d. 1st SW by Terrorists – Plant could be Rebuilt)
Lycomb Incorporated – Stuka Fighter (d. 1st SW)
I would not call the mech factory Vicore- Vicore was a new company.
Indicass – Capellan Confederation
Ceres Metals – Swift Wind, Wheeled APC, Heavy Hover APC, Galleon, Hetzer Wheeled
Per Objective Raids- Ceres Metals had a mech factory here that was destroyed in 2905. It is unknown what they built.
Capellan Confederation
Sian – Capellan Confederation
Hellespont Industries – Vedette, Scorpion, Hover APC, Heavy Tracked APC, Heavy Wheeled APC, Pegasus Scout Tank, Maxim Hover Transport
Hellespont Mechworks – Wasp
Saroyan Special – Transgressor, Meteor, Crane II, Angel Fighter
Hellespont was not on Sian in 2785- they opened the factory later after losing the rest of their factories in the CC (locations unknown)
The transgressor did not enter production until 2987
Grand Base – Capellan Confederation
Earthwerks – Stinger, Shadow Hawk, Archer
Grand Base was newer factory- it may have been built in the 3020s. Definitely not a SL era factory.
Menke – Warrior Fiefdom
Ceres Metals – Po Tank (May not be in Production)
StarCorp Industries – Warhammer, Emperor, Highlander
The Po is from the 3030s- so that would not have been built here.
Al Na’ir – Terran Free State
Yori MechWorks – Catapult, Charger, Atlas
Scarborough – Pegasus, Saracen, Saladin, Scimitar, Maxim, Hover APC, Heavy Hover APC
Scarborough may date to the 3rd SW -see the Saracen fluff
Epsilon Eridani – Terran Free States
Harvard Company – Ahab Fighter (1st SW)
May also have built the Wasp LAM need to check TRO3085.
Layover – Robinson Freehold
Quickcell – Heavy Tracked APC, LRM Carrier, SRM Carrier, Scorpion, Vedette Tank
Salvatore – Seeker DropShip
See the write up in HBHD- Salvatore was huge- they built a lot more then just the seeker.
Alshain – Principality of Rasalhague
Bergan Industries – Locust
Gorton Kingsley Thorpe – Panther, Dragon
Joint Equipment – Skulker, Scorpion, Hetzer, LRM Carrier, SRM Carrier
New Oslo – Principality of Rasalhague
Gorton Kingsley Thorpe – Panther, Phoenix Hawk
GKT did not take over Alshain Weapons until mid/late 2900s
Bergan probably built more then just the locust- per OR the locust line was the only one that could be rebuilt after the factory was destroyed during the clan invasion.
Irece – Draconis Combine
Might have produced LAMs
Lexatech's factory built lam's here until they were destroyed by the clans.
Hun Ho – Alliance of Galedon
LexaTech – Archer, Grasshopper
Not sure what the source is for this factory. But per project phoenix Brigadier had a factory here for the scorpion until the 2nd SW.
New Samarkand – Alliance of Galedon
New Samarkand Metals – Demolisher, Schrek, Behemoth Tank
Wakazashi – Panther
Yan – Crow VTOL
I think Wakazashi's factory is a jihad era development.
New Syrtis – Capellan Marches
Johnston Industries – Ammunition Plant
New Syrtis Shipyards – Gazelle, Monarch, Mammoth DropShip
Johnston did not have a factory here until after the 4th SW- before that they had a factory on Addicks that was the former Tauken Weapons which built Goblins & other equipment.
Axton – Capellan Marches
Wangker Aerospace – Corsair, Eagle, Thunderbird Fighter
Wangker had 5 factories at the start of the SWs- Axton, Conneault, Mars & 2 in the FS. The Eagle did not enter production here until 2811.
Jalastar Aerospace – Javelin, Grasshopper, Sabre, Centurion, Comet, Defender, Meteor Fighter, Manticore Tank
Challenger Systems – Monolith JumpShip
The Centurion mech entered production in 3040s, the Javelin & Grasshopper in 3060s. The factory did build the Centurion ASF
Federated Suns
Belladonna – Federated Suns
Cal Boeing – Ferret, Wild Weasel, Marten, Ripper VTOL
Cal Boeing was not founded until the 2900s IIRC
Galax – Federated Suns
Federated Boeing – Gazelle, Leopard, Leopard CV, Union, Overlord, Mule, Seeker, Mammoth DropShip (Possibly JumpShip Capable)
When it first opened Fed Boeing could build 25 designs.
Johnsondale – Disputed Space/Sun March Hot Zone
Valiant Vehicles – Pegasus, Striker, Pilum Tank
This factory was opened late in the 3rd SW.
New Earth – Disputed Space/Terran Badlands
New Earth Trading Company – Karnov, Vedette, Manticore Tank
The Karnov was not built by NETC until after the clans arrived.
Procyon – Capolla Union
Brigadier – Facility Unused
This factory built the Scorpion.
Carver V – Capolla Union
Brooks Incorporated – Ironsides Fighter
Carver V also had a factory that build assault mechs until it was destroyed in the 2950s- probably built the Atlas and Victor (these are mentioned in the original source)
Tiber – Principality of Regulus
Gilbert Sachs & Belafonte – Paramour Mobile Repair Vehicle (d. 2nd SW)
Wanker Aerospace – Corsair Fighter (d. 2nd SW)
The Wangker factory was on Conneault
Trellisane – Duchy of Tamarind
Gutierrez Aerospace – Stingray
This factory was opened in the 3040s.
New Kyoto – Federation of Skye
Used to have large Shipyards in the system
The only military production was the Mako.
You are also missing a number of factories:
Corean Enterprises had a factory on Ramen II (FWL) that introduced the Centurion in 2801. They also had 5 other factories whose locations and products are unknown.
Earthwerks had factories in each house- we only know of ones in the FWL and CC -so there should be at least one in the FS, DC and LC.
Acherner had several factories for the Dervish in the FS.
Amalgamated Sword & Steel was a huge factory in the DC that was destroyed during the SWs- it's location is known.
Dehuego & Fresht (SP?) was a huge shipyard (location unknown) that was destroyed during the SWs.
The tokugawa tank was produced at several factories in the DC until they were destroyed during the SWs.
Kallon had a Jagermech line somewhere in the CC that was destroyed during the SWs.
Earthwerks had 4 factories in the FWL in 2785- Calloway VI, Keystone and 2 others (not asuncion & bernardo- those were in the CC)
Reimai had a sabre factory somewhere in the FWL that must have been destroyed during the SWs,
Hope that helps.