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Primer to Age of Chaos
« on: January 27, 2011, 08:42:59 AM »

Some of you may remember Shwagpo from the old S7 Forum Boards. He had the original idea for Age of Chaos and between the two of us we worked on a plausible explanation for the AU he set out to create - A Balkanized Inner Sphere. Sadly, Shwagpo disappeared from the forum boards, even the Net itself, before getting very far.

So I thought, in the spirit of this place, to dust the old idea off and attempt to build something from it.

I'm still in the process of writing the basic premise out in a plausible manner, but I'm light years ahead of when we first started. Sadly, the first version of Age of Chaos was heavy on ideas, but light on explanation.

At any rate, my goal is to post and tweak the original Age of Chaos idea here and with help from the community, work on the basic background until it's something we can collectively develop.

Age of Chaos 

(Note: This back story, or premise was supposed to take the timeline to about 3023-3025 - right smack dab in the middle of the Third Succession War. So basically, the height of technological decline, and jury-rigged BattleTech awesomeness. My apologies if some of the tense is off...it's a free writing. No names, no places, etc.)

This alternate universe splits from the point of the SLDF Exodus, and is where events begin to change.
Towards the end of the First Succession War, the devastation and economic break down begins to degrade relations within the borders of a number of Successor States.  The Free Worlds League finds itself fragmenting along the Andurien border when a relatively unscathed Capellan Confederation attempts to seize the historically important worlds and launches a full scale invasion of the Andurien Province. The Lyran Commonwealth uses the Capellan invasion and seizes the opportunity to assault the FWL border around Bolan, forcing the FWL to split its forces from the capture of former Hegemony worlds. Committing additional forces to the growing melee, the Capellan Confederation looses a number of former Hegemony Worlds when they prove incapable of consolidating their hold in the region. Aligning themselves with Tikonov, these worlds begin to rebuild a new Tikonov Free Republic under the auspice as heirs to the old Hegemony bureaucracy. Although this region lacks a major domestic military presence, the insurgent forces of these worlds make them competitive opponents.

While ComStar may have consolidated its hold over Terra, the rebellions in the Tikonov Region and around Skye have bolstered Blake's confidence in the possibility of a renewed Terran state. He authorizes the Order to supply these nascent states with military gear secreted away on Terra.
By the end of the 1st Succession War there is a budding Skye Rebellion, as many of the former Terran worlds, unhappy beneath the Steiner yoke or fearful of being captured by the Draconis Combine revolt. They are aided by Free Tikonov forces bloated with secret ComStar help. The Federated Suns, badly mauled by the Draconis Combine sees an upswing in regional dissention, as March Rulers attempt to consolidate and prepare for another looming invasion. The Capellan and Draconis March Dukes begin looking more towards their own worlds for rulership than New Avalon. Cross-border raiding between the rebuilding Capellan March and the occupied Confederation has kept tension in the region at an all time high between the end of the First and the beginning of the Second Succession War.

There are also domestic issues brewing in the Draconis Combine. Failure to consolidate the momentum of the early part of the First Succession War and the Kentares Massacre has loosened the tight-knit solidarity of the Combine's various Warlords. Many are working to take advantage of a weakened Federated Suns, while others are clamoring for a renewed invasion of the Lyran Commonwealth. The death of the Star League has also breathed new life into the Free Rasalhague movement, which the Lyran Commonwealth is helping to foster. While the Tamar Province rulers are unhappy about antagonizing the Dragon, having suffered enough already, they have little choice but to sit back and watch for the time being.

The smoldering conflicts in Andurien, Tikonov, Terran and Capellan space flare into the Second Succession War only a few years after the end of the first. The war follows the same destructive pattern as the first, but quickly degenerates into a monstrous quagmire when many of the remaining Successor States begin to fracture from within. First, the continued attacks into the Confederation's soft underbelly by the Federated Suns' Capellan March prompt the St. Ives Compact to declare its independence. Ignoring the demands being issued by New Avalon, and determined to capture the Compact, the Capellan March continues its invasion of Confederation worlds. When forces loyal to Prince Davion arrive in the March to stay the Duke's drive forward, open fighting erupts between the two sides and the Capellan March declares its independence from the Davion crown.

The Free Worlds League, unable to tip the Andurien stalemate in their favor continued to funnel troops into the Confederation meat-grinder, all the while stripping other provinces of their defenses. Between periphery, Lyran, Capellan and even the odd Combine raiders, many of these provinces have begun to question the leadership of the Marik family and the Captain-General. When a devastating raid costs the lives of thousands of League citizens on the world Helm members of Parliament call for a vote of no confidence against the Captain-General. The vote quickly turns volatile and a fist fight breaks out between members of the Andurien delegation and those from the Duchy of Oriente that quickly spreads throughout the League's Parliament.
As the civil war brewing in the Federated Suns begins to spiral out of control, things in the Draconis Combine also begin to fall apart. Ignoring the orders of the Coordinator to press the Combine's advantage along the Lyran Commonwealth's trouble Skye and Tamar borders, warlords along the Federated Suns' Draconis March begin a full scale assault on the beleaguered Federated Suns. Desperate to crush the Capellan March rebellion so he can meet the Kurita threat head on, the Prince is unable to provide the Draconis March with little more than half-empty promises of assistance. Left with little support or recourse, the soldiers of the Draconis March fight with a ferocity the Kurita attackers were unprepared or expecting. For the Kurita Warlords, their unauthorized invasion of the Federated Suns was a gambit. They expected easy success and the full support of the Coordinator, but as the assault slowed they were soon out of options. Failure would be their execution at the Coordinator's hand, while a continued drive into the Federated Suns would inevitably result in the complete destruction of their forces.

While the situation along the Federated Suns' Draconis border was descending into chaos Free Tikonov forces, bolstered by success in the Skye March continued to liberate worlds taken from the old Terran Hegemony in both the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation. Other ex-Terran worlds have also used the spreading Sphere-wide chaos to create minor rebellions of their own or among other like-minded planets. Many of the core Terran worlds are wary of Tikonov or Skye assistance, but warm to ComStar's offer of civilian assistance when they successfully liberate themselves.
The Lyran Commonwealth, forced to contend with the Coordinator's early drive into the Tamar Province and the continuing troubles in the Skye March, has pushed its economy and industry to the limit to fight a three front war along all of its major borders. Troubles are also starting to crop up among ex-Rim Worlds Republic worlds along the Commonwealth's border. Seemingly supplied with arms from any unknown source, the LCAF is incapable of meeting this new threat, its material strength already stretched to the breaking point.
The cracks in the Lyran Commonwealth finally split wide open when the Archon ordered the withdrawal of troops from the Skye March to fight insurgents along the nation's periphery border. Against the protests of worlds belonging to the Tamar and Coventry Provinces, the Archon argued (incorrectly) that the Commonwealth should continue to press its claims along the fractured Free Worlds League border and simply re-conquer the (now) free Skye March after the LCAF had defeated its ancient enemy. For the desperate people of the Tamar March and those worlds who could be next in line to face the Dragon's ire, enough was enough. Claiming the Archon unfit, the leaders of the Tamar Province, along with a host of other Lyran worlds, declare themselves independent of the Commonwealth. Reclaiming their old titles from the time of the Archonettes, these independent provinces dug in, waiting for the inevitable from their former Archon and the Combine.
In the Draconis Combine, the stalled assault in the Federated Suns was only the start. The continued troubles in the Rasalhague worlds, as well as the occupied Tamar worlds was beginning to irritate the Coordinator...

« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 08:12:24 AM by Knightmare »
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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 08:48:26 AM »

That's literally as far as I got last night.  :'(

Already I'm running into problems finding a way to break apart some of the more stable Successor States (the LC and suprisingly, the CC for example.) Shwagpo just broke'em apart along the same lines as their original creation. I don't believe that will work. There's been hundreds of years of indoctrination and history even before the Fall. Clean breaks just won't do in light of more "current" events in the developing story line, or in the name of plausibility. 

I figure most of the major balkanization will take place during or immediately after the Second Succession War. So I've been looking for both old and new causes/reasons for secession from their parent nations.

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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 02:46:48 PM »

when in doubt, pit family members against each other.  They firstsly square of, grabbing what regions they can, but over time, as the foster regional interests to support thier bid for the throne, the regions come to identify more with thier regional identity than the old capital and state.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 02:57:21 PM »

For the Capellan Confederation, follow the St Ives explanation and for the Lyran Commonwealth, what about a young Archon and a paralysis in the LCAF forcing most of the former independent States to defend their ground alone and then...

However how could the 2nd Succession War happen if the main powers were balkanised?
Or the Capellan Confederation and the Lyran Commonwealth still being united would be seen as the main danger for the smaller States leading to "an all against them" war, that could allow my first ideas to become a reality  :)

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 03:10:45 PM »

I'm using the carnage of the 2nd Succession War as the focal point for when things start to really fall apart. I figure throughout the course of the war (which I'm likely to extend out a bit) the states that haven't already fallen apart will start the downward slide.

Family? Huh...hadn't really thought about that for the LC and CC. I didn't think it was an option, but now I'm feeling those creative juices flowing. Thanks!
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WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 12:48:10 PM »

The Lyran Commonwealth surely has a history of internal tensions within the Steiner Family so the family angle is wholly plausible. I am not so sure about this in the case of the Capellan Confederation however.

In certain realms some ambitious feudal vassals might just try to carve out their own states(similar to certain medieval developments).

Just my two € cents



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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 05:50:18 AM »

Perhaps it is too early for the Liaos but what about an ambitious young heir?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2011, 02:25:04 PM »


This alternate universe splits from the point of the SLDF Exodus, and is where events begin to change.

Towards the end of the First Succession War, the devastation and economic break down begins to degrade relations within the borders of a number of Successor States.  The Free Worlds League finds itself fragmenting along the Andurien border when a relatively unscathed Capellan Confederation attempts to seize the historically important worlds and launches a full scale invasion of the Andurien Province. The Lyran Commonwealth uses the Capellan invasion and seizes the opportunity to assault the FWL border around Bolan, forcing the FWL to split its forces from the capture of former Hegemony worlds. Committing additional forces to the growing melee, the Capellan Confederation looses a number of former Hegemony Worlds when they prove incapable of consolidating their hold in the region. Aligning themselves with Tikonov, these worlds begin to rebuild a new Tikonov Free Republic under the auspice as heirs to the old Hegemony bureaucracy. Although this region lacks a major domestic military presence, the insurgent forces of these worlds make them competitive opponents.

While ComStar may have consolidated its hold over Terra, the rebellions in the Tikonov Region, around Skye and the stalled absorption of former Terran worlds have bolstered Blake’s confidence in the possibility of a renewed Terran state. Blake authorizes the Order to supply these nascent states with military gear secreted away on Terra.
By the end of the 1st Succession War there is a budding Skye Rebellion, as many of the former Terran worlds, unhappy beneath the Steiner yoke or fearful of being captured by the Draconis Combine revolt. They are aided by Free Tikonov forces bloated with secret ComStar help. The Federated Suns, badly mauled by the Draconis Combine sees an upswing in regional dissention, as March Rulers attempt to consolidate and prepare for another looming invasion. The Capellan and Draconis March Dukes begin looking more towards their own worlds for rulership than New Avalon. Cross-border raiding between the rebuilding Capellan March and the occupied Confederation has kept tension in the region at an all time high between the end of the First and the beginning of the Second Succession War.

There are also domestic issues brewing in the Draconis Combine. Failure to consolidate the momentum of the early part of the First Succession War and the Kentares Massacre has loosened the tight-knit solidarity of the Combine’s various Warlords. Many are working to take advantage of a weakened Federated Suns, while others are clamoring for a renewed invasion of the Lyran Commonwealth. The death of the Star League has also breathed new life into the Free Rasalhague movement, which the Lyran Commonwealth (among others) is helping to foster. While the Tamar Province rulers are unhappy about antagonizing the Dragon, having suffered enough already, they have little choice but to sit back and watch for the time being.

The smoldering conflicts in Andurien, Tikonov, Terran and Capellan space flare into the Second Succession War only a few years after the end of the first. The war follows the same destructive pattern as the First Succession War, but quickly degenerates into a monstrous quagmire when many of the remaining Successor States begin to fracture from within. First, the continued attacks into the Confederation’s soft underbelly by the Federated Suns’ Capellan March prompt resource-rich worlds around St. Ives to declare its independence. Ignoring the demands being issued by New Avalon, and determined to capture these worlds for the Suns, the Capellan March continues its invasion of Confederation worlds. When forces loyal to Prince Davion arrive in the March to stay the Duke’s drive forward, open fighting erupts between the two sides and the Capellan March declares its independence from the Davion crown. AFFS units from loyal Marches pour into the area, and while the Prince believes a massive show of force will quickly squash resistance, the move fatally weakens significant portions of the Federated Suns border. 

Meanwhile, the Free Worlds League is unable to tip the Andurien stalemate in their favor and continues to funnel troops into the Confederation meat-grinder, all the while stripping other provinces of their Federal defenses. Between periphery, Lyran, Capellan and even the odd Combine raiders, many of these provinces have begun to question the leadership of the Marik family and the Captain-General. When a devastating raid costs the lives of thousands of League citizens on the world Helm members of Parliament call for a vote of no confidence against the Captain-General. The vote quickly turns volatile and a fist fight breaks out between members of the Andurien delegation and those from the Duchy of Oriente that quickly spreads throughout the League’s Parliament. 

As the civil war brewing in the Federated Suns begins to spiral out of control, things in the Draconis Combine also begin to fall apart. Ignoring the orders of the Coordinator to press the Combine’s advantage along the Lyran Commonwealth’s trouble Skye and Tamar borders, warlords along the Federated Suns’ Draconis March begin a full scale assault on the beleaguered Federated Suns. Desperate to crush the Capellan March rebellion so he can meet the Kurita threat head on, the Prince is unable to provide the Draconis March with little more than half-empty promises of assistance. Left with little support or recourse, the soldiers of the Draconis March fight with a ferocity the Kurita attackers were unprepared for or expecting. For the Kurita Warlords, their unauthorized invasion of the Federated Suns was a gambit. They expected easy success and the full support of the Coordinator, but as the assault slowed they were soon out of options. Failure would be their execution at the Coordinator’s hand, while a continued drive into the Federated Suns would inevitably result in the complete destruction of their forces.

While the situation along the Federated Suns’ Draconis border was descending into chaos Free Tikonov forces, bolstered by success in the Skye March continued to “liberate” worlds taken from the old Terran Hegemony in both the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation. Other ex-Terran worlds have also used the spreading Sphere-wide chaos to create minor rebellions of their own or among other like-minded planets. Many of the core Terran worlds are wary of Tikonov or Skye assistance, but warm to ComStar’s offers of civilian assistance when they successfully liberate themselves.
The Lyran Commonwealth, forced to contend with the Coordinator’s early drive into the Tamar Province and the continuing troubles in the Skye March, has pushed its economy and industry to the limit to fight a three front war along all of its major borders. Troubles are also starting to crop up among ex-Rim Worlds Republic worlds along the Commonwealth’s border. Seemingly supplied with arms from any unknown source, the LCAF is incapable of meeting this new threat, its material strength already stretched to the breaking point.

The cracks in the Lyran Commonwealth finally split wide open when the Archon orders the withdrawal of troops from the Skye March to fight insurgents along the nation’s periphery border. Against the protests of worlds belonging to the Tamar and Coventry Provinces, the Archon argued (incorrectly) that the Commonwealth should continue to press its claims along the fractured Free Worlds League border and simply re-conquer the (now) free Skye March after the LCAF had defeated its ancient enemy. For the desperate people of the Tamar March and those worlds who could be next in line to face the Dragon’s ire, enough was enough. Claiming the Archon unfit, the leaders of the Tamar Province, along with a host of other Lyran worlds, declare themselves independent of the Commonwealth. Reclaiming their old titles from the time of the Archonettes, these independent provinces dug in, waiting for the inevitable from their former Archon and the Combine.

In the Draconis Combine, the stalled assault in the Federated Suns was only the start. The continued troubles in the Rasalhague worlds, as well as the occupied Tamar worlds were beginning to irritate the Coordinator. When the invasion of the Federated Suns cost the Combine two of its irreplaceable WarShips, the Coordinator had enough. He declared the rogue Warlords Ronin for their unauthorized actions against the will of the Dragon. While the declaration was not entirely unexpected, the Warlords’ response was. They declared themselves free of the Coordinator and the Combine, citing a long list of grievances, which included the fact that the Coordinator did not invade the Federated Suns when the opportunity to smite their ancient foe presented itself. Almost immediately, the invasion of the Federated Suns stalled, as ex-DCMS regiments turned to face the Coordinator’s inevitable wrath. In the ensuing civil war a surprising number of worlds switch their allegiance from Luthien to the Warlords’ capital of Galedon. As more worlds declared for the Ronin leaders rumors of foreign help also surfaced. Fingers were pointed at everyone from Federated Suns nobility to Fee Tikonov guerilla cells, but were never proven. In the end, the fighting would see the birth of a Rasalhague free state and the dissolution of much of the Combine’s Galedon and Dieron Districts. The fighting would also completely guts the Combine’s offensive foray into the Tamar worlds of the Lyran Commonwealth. As a result, the people of Tamar easily repulsed the Archon’s half hearted attempt to reclaim the province.

At the height of the so-called Second Succession War, every state in the Inner Sphere was suffering from internal fragmentation to levels unseen since the formation of the Great Houses. Perhaps the advance of the Periphery states at this time was insult to injury, but considering the situation – understandable. The fighting represented a free-for-all and was approached as such. Beginning with the Taurian Concordat’s invasion of the Federated Suns’ Pleiades Cluster, all of the major Periphery powers, with the exception of the Outworlds Alliance, attempted to secure vulnerable or historically owned worlds from the Great Houses. In many cases these reclamation excursions were very successful; netting the fringe powers valuable worlds and resources, while sapping the local strength and resolve of the targeted House. Even the Outworlds Alliance, who made no overt attempts to conquer its neighbors benefitted from the bloody Sphere-wide conflict as piracy along the fringes of both the Federated Suns and the Draconis Combine pushed suffering and ignored worlds into the Alliance’s accepting bosom.

Things only began to worsen in places like the Federated Suns’ Draconis March, where Duke Sandoval was left to make increasingly important decisions without Prince Davion or the Crucis March’s support. When the Duke began to hire mercenary units to help dislodge the remaining pockets of Combine resistance and to help hunt down pirate raiders, the Prince objected – stating the resources could be better served subduing the rebel Duke Hasek, and ordered the release of the new hires to his control. For Duke Sandoval, this was the final straw. Faced with a belligerent Prince, an occupied homeland and the specter of a renewed invasion of Robinson was all that the Duke needed too declare the March’s independence from the Federated Suns; “for the duration of the conflict.”

History will never know whether or not the Duke’s declaration of independence from New Avalon would have jogged Prince Davion from his singular pursuit of Duke Hasek and turned him onto the other domestic problems he had been ignoring for so long. A day after Duke Sandoval’s withdrawal from the Federated Suns, Prince Davion was killed in a DropShip accident en-route to his private WarShip. The Prince’s death was the death knell of the Federated Suns’ invasion of the Capellan March, and with it the possibility of reconciliation, as powers throughout the remaining Marches of the Suns’ jockeyed for control. 

When the Inner Sphere finally exploded for good it was not with a bang, but a whisper when ComStar imposed a Sphere-wide interdiction. For years, the unabashed destruction of HPGs during the conflict hurt the Order’s ability to provide adequate communications, as well as its ego. Even though the Order’s neutrality was well known, the attacks occurred nevertheless. And while the interdiction was a surprise, the Order’s threats were not. Since the war began, HPG stations were systematically disabled or destroyed throughout the Inner Sphere, even in parts untouched by the conflict. While most historians now believe it was ComStar or an element of the Order who ordered or created the breakdown in communications to suite the group’s needs, the end result was a ComStar irate with the Inner Sphere’s innumerable powers.

The interdiction was devastating to everyone; even ComStar would suffer when local elements attempted to forcibly restore communication on a number of beleaguered worlds. Many additional HPGs were damaged or rendered non-functional across the Inner Sphere and the Periphery. The interdiction also gutted the Order’s power base in a number of important regions, including Free Tikonov and the Isle of Skye, where ComStar had been a major supporter. Among the worlds of the former Terran Hegemony, the interdiction could not have come at a worse time, where famine and disease ran rampant thanks to the constant fighting.

In the Lyran Commonwealth, the interdiction would prove to be the final nail in the nation’s economy. Loss of interstellar communications collapsed the Lyran economy and the country descended into chaos as the Archon desperately tried to hold the nation together. In the Estates General, many of its members would look at the empty seats once occupied by the Tamar delegations and wonder if they had the right idea all along. Eventually, the Lyran Commonwealth would lose parts of whole provinces to the budding Isle of Skye and Tamar Freeholds, while a crop of worlds along the old Rim Worlds Republic and Free Worlds League border would claim independence, tired of their old masters.

For the Draconis Combine, the interdiction was a mixed blessing. While it did cause the nation’s economy to also collapse, it also slowed the military’s ability to coordinate multiple fronts. In turn, the small areas in revolt were allocated extra breathing room to strengthen their positions and defenses. While their military efforts were also affected by the Interdiction, their smaller size and defensive stance made these break-away nations far more effective than the larger DCMS. After a number of stinging defeats at the hands of Rasalhague or Ronin soldiers, and the continued threat of losing worlds to Skye or the Outworlds Alliance, the Coordinator withdrew most of his forces.

By the time ComStar was able to restore communications to most of the Inner Sphere; the Great Houses were no more. In there place, the Inner Sphere represented a motley collection of squabbling mini-states more akin to the original proto-nations of the 23rd and 24th centuries than the star-spanning empires they once were at the height of the Star League. Widespread use of WMDs and liberal destruction of the scientific-industrial bases of targeted worlds created a decline in technology on some of the most technologically advanced worlds known to man. Along with the destruction of thousands of Jumpships, life in the Inner Sphere is at a standstill – literally frozen in place.     

Note: I know this needs a lot of work, but I think the basic premise will work. Some areas will have to be fleshed out, especially the Interdiction and Maps, but still a good start.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 03:47:32 PM by Knightmare »
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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2011, 05:23:25 PM »

Hey Knightmare,
I really like it this AU so far, I always like a good balkanisation.

The sphere wide interdiction and the targeting of HPG station really helps bringing the houses down quickly (and keeping them from rebouncing). Since the interdiction would have to be rather long to really break the houses up for good, Comstar would be little more than government of Terra and maybe some surrounding systems by the time, they decide to get the HPG network up and running again. If they really try to rebuild sphere wide communication (and spread their cute little cult to all those poor non-believers), this could make for some interesting stories as they slowly expand their services from Terra in all directions, negotiating with every mini- and micro state to allow them back in, always looking for workable HPG stations (and all the other SL goodies...).

As for ideas for new nations:
I could see one or two capellan warrior houses setting up their own little nations on whatever world their stranded (all in the name of the Chancellor, of course). Given their structure, maybe a cast system with warrior-monks as the elite?

In former FedSun space, how about reviving the United Hindu Collective?

Oh, and then there's Von Strang's World... they might be able to profit from the chaos and cobble up a small empire of their own.

Well, that's it for the moment. I hope you keep working on this!


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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2011, 06:13:00 PM »

I really like it this AU so far, I always like a good balkanisation.

Thanks Ronin!

The sphere wide interdiction and the targeting of HPG station really helps bringing the houses down quickly (and keeping them from rebouncing). Since the interdiction would have to be rather long to really break the houses up for good, Comstar would be little more than government of Terra and maybe some surrounding systems by the time, they decide to get the HPG network up and running again. If they really try to rebuild sphere wide communication (and spread their cute little cult to all those poor non-believers), this could make for some interesting stories as they slowly expand their services from Terra in all directions, negotiating with every mini- and micro state to allow them back in, always looking for workable HPG stations (and all the other SL goodies...)

That's what I was thinking. I haven't written it yet, but ComStar's hand in this whole thing runs deep, but not always in total control.

As for ideas for new nations:
I could see one or two capellan warrior houses setting up their own little nations on whatever world their stranded (all in the name of the Chancellor, of course). Given their structure, maybe a cast system with warrior-monks as the elite?

The Cappies were the most difficult to break apart, but after the Interdiction, I could see several small 3-4 planet states cropping up here and there.

In former FedSun space, how about reviving the United Hindu Collective?

It might be too far along in the time line for something like that to be plausible. After all, there's been something like 400 years of cultural diffusion. I was working with more contemporary government and social divides since that is what most people would be familiar with. Even individuals looking to build from the past would probably stick to name association rather than physical replication. But it's something to consider - especially around Terran worlds.

Oh, and then there's Von Strang's World... they might be able to profit from the chaos and cobble up a small empire of their own.

I've got something in mind for those damn Rim Worlders!

I'll keep at this. Next stop is to finish the state breakdowns and maybe build some maps? 
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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2011, 07:02:59 PM »

Did someone say maps...?
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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2011, 07:23:13 PM »

Yeah, I was thinking about hitting you up for some of your Grade A map work. I wouldn't know the first place to start otherwise.
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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2011, 08:04:23 PM »

As I see it, the areas that could use expansion would be the breakdown areas and of course what was going on with ComStar. Now, I have an idea what to do with the Order and the role it would play in having the whole house of cards collapse, but if anyone wants to help take a crack at helping with the big fall apart, I'm game.

This primer is really just a basic framework. Each "event" needs to be expanded upon and fleshed out.

Here is Shwagpo's original breakdown of the Inner Sphere. Personally, I think it's too cookie cutter clean and needs some serious work. But I thought it'd be worth looking over and discussing.

The States:
Atreus Corridor: Former Marik
Free World's League- Most of the Unaligned Wolrds in the Periphery.  Extends from The Dutchy of Tamarind to the Rim Commonality, including the Principality of Gibson and the Abbey District
Borders the Principality of Regulas and the Marik Commonwealth.  Considered to be near-periphery.
Capitol is Gibraltor in the Abbey District.

The Marik-Stewart Commonwealth- From the Border of the Principality of Gibson "North" along the border ofthe Dutchy of Tamarind.  Includes the Dutchy of Graham-Marik, the Marik Commonwealth, Stewart Commonality. the Silver Hawks Coalition, and all unaligned wolrds "north"and "East" of Marik to the former Lyran border, save Irian.  Borders Regulus, Oriente, and the Free World's League.
Capitol is moved from Atreus, to Marik due to Strategic Location as Atreus is 1 jump from two hostile nations.

Principality of Regulus- Most Unaligned Worlds "SouthWest" of Atreus, the Principality of Regulus, and the Regulan Free States.  Borders every other former Marik Realm.
Capitol is Regulus.

Republic of Andurien- Runs from the border of the Dutchy of Oriente "Southwest" along the border to Regulus via the Unaligned Worlds Regulus has claimed.  Borders Regulus and Oriente.
Capitol is Andurien.

Dutchy of Oriente- The Former Dutchy of Oriente, Zion, The Protectorate, Ohren, and Orloff, and all Unaligned Worlds between Oriente, Marik, and Regulus.  Borders Regulus, Marik, and Andurien.
Capitol is Oriente.

Irian- Free World.  Produces War Machines for sale to the realms of the Inner Sphere.  Technically lies within the Marik Commonwealth, but House Marik has yet to marshall the strength to take her.

Sian Corridor: Former Liao
Capellan Confederation- Most of the Sian Commonality, along with the "Western" Half of the Capellan Commonality.  Still holds Capella, though St Ives has it nearly surrounded.
Capitol is Sian

St. Ives Compact-The St. Ives Commonality, half of the Capellan Commonality, and the entirety of the Former DAvion Alcyone PDZ.

Tikinov Free Republic- Tikinov Commonality, plus the Addicks PDZ, and portions of the Kentares and Valencia PDZ

Ares- Former Capellan World with an industrial infrastructure.  Offers war materials throughout the Sphere.

Avalon Corridor: Former Davion
Federated Suns- New Avalon Combat Region, Kestrel Combat Region, Point Borrow Combat Region, and the Remagen Combat Region.
Capitol is New Avalon.

Crucis March(name Pending)-New Syrtis PDZ, Altair PDZ, Sirdar PDZ, Kathil PDZ, remaining worlds of the Valexa PDZ, and the Warren PDZ
Capitol is New Syrtis

Robinson Protectorate-Kentares PDZ, Archemar Combat Region, Le Blanc, Ramon, Dohar, and Bremond PDZs. Capitol is Robinson

Outback Alliance- Islamabad Combat Region, Kearny Combat Region, Broken Wheel Combat Region, and the Anjin Muerto COmbat Region

(unnamed Region)-Bryceland PDZ, Mayetta PDZ, Milligan PDZ, Killbourne PDZ, Tsamma Combat Region

Northwind- Mercenary Star, Home to the famed Northwind Highlanders.

Luthien Corridor Former Kurita
Draconis Combine-Kogoshimo Prefecture, Albiero Prefecture, Bjarred Prefecture, Qandahar Prefecture. Capitol- Luthien

Free Rasalhague Republic-Rodstadt Prefecture, Alshlain Prefecture, Trondheim Prefecture, Kirchbach Prefecture, Rubigen PRefecture.  Some Worlds in the 'western' prefectures were ceded to the Tamar Pact and the Federation of Skye.  Capitol is Rasalhague

Deiron-Al Na'ir Prefecture(minus Al Na'ir herself), Kessel Prefecture, Vega Prefecture, Algedi Prefecture, Buckminster Prefecture, Ashio Prefecture, Prosperina Prefecture.  By far the most militarily proficient of the new realms from the Combine, she is also resource starved.

Benjamin Prefecture
Xinyang PRefecture
Oshika Prefecture
Iruzun Prefecture
Matsuido Prefecture

new Samarkand Prefecture
Kaznejov Prefecture
Taboyama Prefecture
Ningxia Prefecture

Al Na'ir- Independant planet producing war material.

Tharkad Corridor: Formar Steiner
Lyran Commonwealth-Most of the District of Donegal, a small portion of the "Southern" Coventry Province(as far north as Homeburg), and the majority of the Bolan Province.  Capitol is Tharkad

Federation of Skye-The Entirety of the Isle of Skye, the Virginia Shire, and all of Rohnshire save Hesperus II.

Tamar Pact- Portions of the Rasalhague District of the Combine, the Tamar Domains, a small portion of the District of Donegal, Tellshire Province, and the northern quarter of Coventry Province.

Coventry - The remainder of the Coventry Province not taken by the Lyran Commonwealth and the Tamar Pact, and portions of the "Southwest" quarter that weren't taken by the Rims World Republic.

Alarion- The entirety of the Alarion Province, and the southwest portion of the Bolan Province.

Hesperus II- Independant planet selling War Material.

Galatea-Mercenary Star.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 08:50:18 PM by Knightmare »
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2011, 02:23:55 PM »

Two questions:
- why would ComStar supply weapons to nascent States it might want to absorb at a later stage? If they repel their former masters invasions, they might be too strong for ComStar, no?
- why interdict communications within their borders and those of their allies?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Primer to Age of Chaos
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2011, 03:44:10 PM »

Why would ComStar supply weapons to nascent States it might want to absorb at a later stage? If they repel their former masters invasions, they might be too strong for ComStar, no?

That's a fair question and one that is most easily answered by time - i.e. keep in mind the time period. Depending on when we look at ComStar there is a clear separation between the Order first created by Jerome Blake, the Order changed by Conrad Toyoma and then the Order responsible for Operation Scorpion.

Blake never saw ComStar as a controlling agent, but rather a preserving one. Seeing how the Terran Hegemony was being swallowed piecemeal, the destruction of the Amaris Coup and the future carnage likely to occur between the Successor States, Jerome opted for preservation of knowledge and technology. He never viewed the worlds of the Hegemony as something to control, especially through overt means.

As for Conrad, he was far more radical in his preservation and saw control as the final means of achieving that goal. While we'll never know if conquest of the Inner Sphere was the control he had in mind, he certainly saw overt and direct control of knowledge and technology through religious indoctrination as a suitable measure.

If anything external pressures and changes would most likely determine ComStar's response - depending who was in charge, when and for how long.

Why interdict communications within their borders and those of their allies?

What if it was unintentional or due to someone else?  ;)
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
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