I'm still working out the dates, but this will be a major reason as to why the Inner Sphere really falls to pieces.
Behind the scenes:
ComStar is really inadvertently the antagonist of the whole fracturing process when a break among ComStar's ruling elite takes place and then filters down through the rank and file. While Jerome's policy of assistance to budding rebellion movements both in the former Hegemony and aboard has been successful to a certain extent, there are those among the Order who believe the Inner Sphere should consume itself in a violent orgy of destruction and only after could ComStar reorganize the Terran Hegemony and the Star League from the ashes. (Seeds of the canon Word of Blake)
This split in the ranks has everything to do with Blake's direction of the Order, which change over a period of time thanks to advances made in rebuilding proto-Terran nations throughout the former Hegemony. By the time of his death in 2819 Blake's journal is a journey from despair to hopeful optimism, but is extremely vague in its final directives. This ambiguity is quoted as the source of the Order's troubles. When Conrad Toyoma assassinates Blake and attempts to rewrite both history and the Order he's only partially successful. While the Order's ranks swell, homogeneous reorganization of ComStar is almost impossible. You could roughly categorize ComStar into three types: Jerome-types who believed in the old corporate strucutre and Blake's overt assistance programs. Conrad-types who are closest to the early religious ComStar phenotype and those in the middle. Most of the Toyoma doomsday adherents would be responsible for most of the HPGs lost during the Interdiction, taking advantage of the Order's directive to execute their own plans.
These are some canon dates that may need tweaking to take into account some of these changes.
Dates to Consider:
Jerome Blake d. 2819
Toyoma d. 2837
First Succession War 2786-2821; from 2788 mostly raids
Second Succession War 2830-2864
ROM b. 2811 - Fundamentals Branch heavily feared
Toyoma replaces much of the rigid corporate structure imposed by Jerome Blake with a monastery religious mentality after Blake's death.
I figure we'll have to shorten the span of time between the First and Second Succession Wars and to axe that bit about the later half of the First Succession War being mostly raids. I think we want to really hit the Inner Sphere's technology and industrial base with an (excuse the pun) atomic hammer. We might also want to rewrite the First Succession War to make it easier for some of the old Terran state to create breakaway nations?...