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Author Topic: The Scorpion Expanses  (Read 50792 times)

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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2011, 12:30:51 AM »

Of Course it would be bad for the Hegemony they cannot fight against one of the Chosen.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2011, 05:56:59 PM »

Ok, I've cleaned up a lot of this and adjusted the forces (by a LOT) downwards to be more in line with what the other Clans have after the Jihad and War of Reaving.  Hope ya'll enjoy, and I'll try to keep it updated more often.

Contingency Plans

In the first years of the 31st Century, the leaders of Clan Goliath Scorpion began to form secret plans in the event that they were forced to flee from the Homeworlds.  Although a low-probability event (at the time), the Khans and a small group of advisors decided that it would be best to have the option in place if a catastrophe ever occurred.  Over the next few decades, the Clan assembled a constantly updated listed of members of the civilian castes that would have to be evacuated in order to form a new society separate from the remaining Clans.  Supplies and equipment were stockpiled, including pre-fabricated buildings, construction equipment, and materials.  Two separate caches—one on Dagda and the second on Roche—were built to house these supplies.  In addition, each cache contained a duplicate memory core of the accumulated repository of Clan knowledge, and a copy of the Clan’s genetic data-base.

The plans included the conversion of a sizable number of Auroch- and Mastodon-class DropShips (cargo vessels in use by the Merchant caste) for passenger transport.  Each year, several dozen of these ships were removed from general service and converted to the new configurations; this had the side effect of reducing the Scorpion Merchant Fleet, leading other Clans to the erroneous conclusion that the Scorpions were suffering from an over-extension of resources.  Through the 3010s and 3020s, while the other Clans were rapidly expanding, the Scorpions instead devoted immense amounts of their resources to Case Gold, as the operation was designated.

Had the Clan Watch been doing its job properly, the secret would have been revealed during these years, for the Clan was producing its deep-sea mining operations and aqua-culture facilities at maximum—and much of generated revenue and ores simply seemed to vanish.  By 3030, the Clan had stockpiled sufficient supplies, materials, and equipment to support the establishment a colony of no less than half a million total personnel.  In addition, they had produced enough surplus BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, Elemental Battle Armor, and combat vehicles that the Clan was able to finally recycle the last of their Star League-era equipment and still maintain a 20% reserve in each category.

The remaining Merchant-caste ships were each manned with three separate crews—for the given reason of allowing the civilians to spend time on planet with their families.  Each crew operated a ship for four months of the year, and performed tasks in the Scorpion enclaves for the remainder.  In effect, this ensured that should Case Gold be put into action, sufficient crews for the grounded DropShips of the Evacuation Fleet could be easily raised.

Finally, in 3038, construction began on a forward supply base on a world halfway between the Hanseatic League and the Lyran Commonwealth.  Discovered a decade earlier by one of the Clan’s clandestine surveillance ships, this system (named Refuge) was marginally habitable, but there was no evidence of any attempt at colonization, other than a derelict Olympus-class station at the Zenith jump-point.  Over the next twenty-five years, the Olympus was brought fully on-line and repaired, and massive amounts of fuel, provisions, and life support were prepositioned there.

The Moreau Incident

In 3063, Scorpion forces on Huntress issued a batchall against the Eridani Light Horse.  Colonel Sandra Barclay of the 71st Light Horse Regiment accepted their offer of battle and met elements of the Scorpion’s Alpha Galaxy on the Continent Abyssal, along with the 151st Light Horse.  The battle resulted in the defeat of the Eridani, and the subsequent absorption of the survivors into Clan Goliath Scorpion.

Impressed by their strict adherence to the ideals of the Star League, Khan Ariel Suvorov formed a new Blood Name, and held a series of competitions among the Eridani Bondsmen and Scorpion freebirth Warriors for the twenty-five open slots of the Moreau Blood Line.  Several members of the ELH succeeded in their trials (including Sandra Barclay, now known as Sandra Moreau), and the Scorpions opened their caches to outfit two brand new Clusters, the 51st and 71st Scorpion Light Horse.

Her actions precipitated the events that would lead up to the War of Reaving.  Several of the most staunchly conservative Clans—the Blood Spirits and Steel Vipers among them—accused the Scorpions of defying the order of Nicolas Kerensky by giving Ethan Moreau’s name to the new Blood House.  Khan Suvorov responded by saying that Nicolas had denied Moreau’s genes a place in the Clan breeding program, but the name itself was not forbidden by any of the Founder’s decrees.  She offered proof to the Grand Council that the genetic heritage of Ethan Moreau was not being incorporated in the new Blood-lines, and that the name itself had been chosen because of its importance to Clan Goliath Scorpion history.

Had the incident ended there, the Scorpions would likely still be a member of the Homeworld Clans.  But, the chance discovery of Scorpion Seekers and a Jenna Scott-class Surveillance vessel operating in the Inner Sphere sparked a new firestorm of protests, from the Crusader faction and the Invading Clans alike.

Khan Brett Andrews of Clan Steel Viper declared that the Scorpions had broken the decrees of the Grand Council by taking part in the invasion after they had been denied a position in legitimate trials, and he called for the Clan’s immediate Annihilation.  Fortunately, most members of the Grand Council did not believe that the Scorpion actions warranted such an extreme response—instead, by a vote of 26-0, the Scorpions were ordered to recall all of their Seekers and surveillance assets on the pain of Abjuration from the Clans.  They were given a year to comply with the Grand Council directive.

By the spring of 3065, the recalled Scorpion assets had returned from the Inner Sphere, and Khan Suvorov organized three more new Clusters from the ranks of the Seekers.  Seeing the sudden growth of the Scorpions military strength, the Watch began to keep a closer eye on Roche and Dagda.  In June of that year, a malcontent laborer from the Temple of the Nine Muses on Roche made contact with a member of the Falcon watch, and revealed the bare bones of Case Gold.  He also told the Watch of a ‘massive underground facility beneath the Temple, with hundreds of brand-new ‘Mechs and fighters’.

The Vipers declared that this new evidence was proof the Scorpions treasonous activities, and began to lobby the Grand Council anew for their Annihilation.  Still, cooler heads among the Khans would have prevailed had not the Vipers dispatched their Beta Galaxy to Roche intent on seizing the Temple of the Nine Muses (and the factories buried beneath it) in a Trial of Possession.  Arriving in the Roche system, Galaxy Commander Angelica Zalman refused to issue a batchall to ‘an organized band of bandits and dishonorable free-births masquerading as a Clan of Kerensky.’  Livid over the sudden appearance and the Viper refusal to operate according to Clan custom, Khan Suvorov answered that the Scorpions would defend the Temple with everything at their disposal—words that would later come to haunt her.

She denied the Vipers safcon, and in the first such instance in Clan history, ordered Roche’s SDS system powered up to engage the incoming DropShips.  The Steel Fangs Galaxy lost two Clusters to the ground fire before they even entered the planet’s atmosphere—including the elite Viper Fusiliers, and Galaxy Commander Zalman alongside them.  Chastened by the unexpected capital weapons fire from the surface, the remainder of the Steel Viper attack force broke off its assault, and returned to their transports to report the Scorpions ‘perfidy’ to their Khan.

Later, at a hastily convened meeting of the Grand Council on Strana Mechty, Khan Suvorov watched in horror as the Vipers played recordings—recordings that showed Galaxy Command Zalman issuing an honorable batchall.  It would be years before it was discovered that Khan Andrews had altered the Viper communication logs to cover up the actions of his own subordinate.  He then accused Suvorov of falsifying her own communications logs in an attempt to excuse her illegal activities.

Even the Khans were moderate Warden Clans were taken aback by the Scorpions use of the SDS against another Clan.  Faced with the very real possibility that Khan Suvorov was lying to them, the Grand Council had no choice but to either Abjure or Absorb the Scorpions; or to Annihilate them.  But there simply was not enough evidence to convince all of the Khans of the necessity of Annihilation.  Instead, the Grand Council was torn between Abjuration (as with the Nova Cats) or Absorption.

At this point, politics entered the scene.  Not willing to allow the Vipers (always an extremely conservative and traditional Clan) to Absorb the Scorpion holdings, a slim majority of Khans held out instead for the option of Abjuration—and expulsion from the Homeworlds.  Mindful of the chaos that the previous Nova Cat Abjuration had presented to the Homeworlds, the Khans further ruled that the Scorpions had a window of six months during which no new Trials against the could be declared—but if they had not left the Homeworlds after the expiration of that time, those remaining would be Absorbed by any Clan that wished to do so.

Incensed at the ruling, Khan Andrews then replayed the portion of the communication logs where Zalman bid for the right to possess the Temple of the Nine Muses—and Khan Suvorov’s reply.  He argued that this was an existing trial and that his Clan had the right under the Martial Code to complete it.  The Khans of Blood Spirit, Coyote, Fire Mandrill, and Ice Hellion agreed—provided that Khan Andrews allow their forces to participate in his attacks on the Scorpion forces bid for the defense, which was everything at the Clan’s disposal.

The Grand Council ruled in favor of the Viper position by a margin of 21-7.  No one demanded a Trial of Refusal over the vote, and Khan Suvorov knew that it would gain her little would she be the one to do so.  The vote of Abjuration would still be in effect, and it would only require her Clan to bleed itself white in trying to overturn the Council decision.  Especially since the Vipers, Hellions, and Spirits each pledged to commit an entire Galaxy to defend the decision.

The time had come for the activation of Case Gold.


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2011, 05:57:56 PM »

Case Gold

Realizing that she had no other option, Khan Suvorov gave the orders to initiate Case Gold.  Knowing that she simply had to buy time for the evacuation of civilian castes vital to the success of the operation, she made the decision to consolidate the entire Scorpion toumen on two worlds:  Dagda and Roche.  All other enclaves were hastily abandoned by the Warrior caste—but only after militarily vital industries were destroyed.  Confident that not even the Vipers or Spirits would take retaliatory actions against the civilian castes when they did not have the votes for a Trial of Annihilation, those castes were simply abandoned to their fates.

Roche, as the target of the Viper’s Trail of Possession, would be the site of her holding operation.  A full 50% of the Scorpion toumen was ordered to proceed there immediately to defend it, while the rest of the Clan was ordered to assemble at Dagda.  At both Dagda and Roche, the Evacuation Fleet was hurriedly made ready for space, and each DropShip lifted as soon as it was loaded.  The plans prepared and updated for decades were put into operation quickly and efficiently, but even so, the rush to get the evacuees clear meant that some vital supplies and equipment on Roche simply had to be left.  The cache on Dagda would have to suffice.

With saKhan Nelson Elam weakened by an illness, Suvorov appointed Star Colonel Jason Scott in his place to take command of the Evacuation—and to become the next Khan after her.  Scott was hastily confirmed by the Scorpion Council of the Bloodnamed and reluctantly left Roche (and the battles to come) behind him.

Khan Suvorov sent away the best units in the Scorpion toumen, retaining just enough forces to make her attackers believe that she still retained the full fighting arm of the Scorpions.  In an effort to further mislead the Vipers and other Clans, she ordered half of her existing forces to have their ‘Mechs, fighters, elemental armor, and vehicles repainted in the camo patterns and insignia of the units she had sent to Dagda.

Within six weeks, the evacuation forces had departed to rendezvous at Dagda, leaving Khan Suvorov with sixteen front-line and second-line Clusters, a Solahma Cluster, and seventeen Provisional Garrison Clusters.  The majority of her naval strength she had also sent away, but she retained two Cruisers, a Fighter Carrier, a Destroyer, and a Corvette to defend Roche (this was in addition to seventeen Transports).

Two days after the last ship departed Roche, ten Galaxies arrived to take the system from her.  There were two each from the Blood Spirits, Coyotes, Fire Mandrills, Ice Hellions, and Steel Vipers.

Ironically enough, the concentration of Khan Andrews on Roche permitted the non-involved Clans to quietly absorb the abandoned Scorpion enclaves elsewhere.

Although Khan Vlad Ward of Clan Wolf had argued against the Scorpion Annihilation, and voted against their Abjuration, he offered safcon to the invading Galaxies and announced that the incoming vessels were bound for the Wolf enclave—and that they would be targeted by the SDS at the Scorpion’s peril.  In exchange for his assistance in allowing Khan’s Andrew’s attack force to land safely, Khan Ward received the promise of a large supply of vitally needed OmniMechs and OmniFighters from the attacking Clans.

But what the attacking Clans did not know was, Khan Suvorov was planning on their landing within the Wolf enclave—indeed, she had offered Khan Ward the remainder of the supply cache on Roche if he would make the offer.  Isolated from the remainder of Roche’s landmass by a narrow peninsula that was extremely rugged and rocky, the Wolf enclave afforded the attacking Clans just one route into Scorpion territory.

Committing all seventeen of her PGCs and four of her Clusters to defend the peninsula, Khan Suvorov managed to delay the invader’s advance for two months of near constant battle.  Attempts to use DropShips to bypass the peninsula were hampered by the combination of the planetary SDS and the orbiting Scorpion WarShips.  Until the arrival of the Viper and Coyote Fleets, that is.

On October 3rd, 3065, Khan Andrews committed his Fleet in the attack on Roche, using elements from the Coyote and Viper Naval Reserves.  Despite the loss of five ships, his forces managed to either destroy or capture the Scorpion defenders; simultaneously, a massive fighter strike by the Hellions eliminated four of the five SDS ground bases.

Able to once again maneuver, the invaders quickly bypassed the peninsula, leaving the Wolf enclave (and an amused and elated Vlad Ward) behind them.  Despite the damage that Khan Andrew’s forces had taken, they still outnumbered and outmassed the defending Scorpion Clusters.  Slowly, the Scorpions were forced back on the Temple of the Nine Muses, losing irreplaceable troops at every turn.

By December, the Temple was invested by the surviving invaders, and Khan Suvorov had fewer than two Clusters of Scorpions remaining under her command.  For four days, the Scorpions held against every assault the Vipers and their allies threw against them, but on the morning of the fifth day, the defender’s guns were silent as the attackers once again advanced.  Moving cautiously forward, the Vipers and Hellion, the Coyotes, Mandrills, and Spirits, finally entered an eerily silent Temple.  Within, they found the last one hundred and thirty-seven Scorpion Warriors dead, all having committed bondsref during the night.

They found Khan Suvorov’s body placed on a bier within the Temple, for she had been killed on the third day of the assault against the mighty fortress.

But the Temple was empty—all of its treasures had been sent away with the Evacuation Fleet.  And the warehouses beneath the Temple were void of contents as well.  The factories were ruined, the machinery destroyed; and although the five Clans were victorious, the spoils were not worth the cost that they had paid.

 When a furious Khan Andrews landed on Dagda the following February, he found the Scorpion enclave abandoned, with no war materials anywhere to replace his losses.  Even the capital weapons of the Dagda SDS had been stripped and removed during his preoccupation with Roche.  And, in a move carefully calculated to push the unstable Viper even further over the edge, the civilian fleet of submersibles and deep-sea mining support vessels had all been scuttled, and the underwater installations evacuated and flooded.

Still, despite the pyrrhic nature of his victory over the Scorpions, Khan Andrews turned his victory into a successful election for the post of ilKhan, and presided over the War of Reaving.

The Scorpion Remnant

Under orders to flee and not to look back, the new Khan of Clan Goliath Scorpion led the refugees to the system of Refuge.  Arriving at this way-point in August of 3066, the Scorpions rested and refueled, and finalized their operation plans for the return.  Khan Scott realized that simply carving out a portion of the Falcon, Wolf, or Bear occupation zones would be foolhardy.  Not only would open the Clan to immediate reprisals, but there was a small chance that these powerful Clans would unite against the abjured Scorpions.  Although not the most likely event, it remained a possibility, and only reinforced Scott’s desire to move his Clan far away from his former brethren.  Similarly, the Annihilation of the Smoke Jaguars and the hazards of crossing back across the Occupation Zone ruled out an attempt to find a new home in the Draconis Combine.

The Hanseatic League and Nueva Castile were both considered as destinations, and then ultimately rejected.  Instead, Khan Scott presented a proposal to the Bloodnamed Council to circumnavigate the Lyran state and strike at the Circinus Federation.  The reasons for doing so were multiple.  First, the Federation was small enough that even at their reduced strength, the Scorpions could easily seize and defend it.  Second, even though abjured by the Clans of Kerensky, the Scorpions still considered themselves bound by the Martial Code—and the Great Refusal had both ended the Invasion and codified the Truce of Tukayyid.  The Federation was not—technically speaking—a part of the Inner Sphere, and hence, neither the Truce nor the Great Refusal applied to it.

Third, Circinus had served as the headquarters of General Aleksandyr Kerensky during the Amaris Coup.  It was the planet that trained the volunteers that had assisted the SLDF during the campaign to liberate Terra.  And from the past voyages of the Jenna Scott-class Surveillance ships, the Scorpions had discovered that most of the mothballed facilities on the planet had yet to be uncovered.  The combination of buried SLDF facilities, factories, and fortifications, combined with the importance of this world in the history of the Clans, brought most of the Scorpion Remnant into agreement.  The few detractors grumbled that there would be little chance for glory in such an undertaking, but Khan Scott quashed such mumblings with the quick assertion that the survival of the Clan itself was at stake.  There would be glory enough for all in bringing the backwards and primitive Circinus Federation into the Clan nest.

The plan of attack developed with simple:  each world of the Federation (and the neutral New St. Andrews) would be the target of two Clusters—one front-line or second-line and one PGC.  Circinus itself would be hit by a dozen Clusters, six front-line, one Solahma, and seven PGC.  Once each system was taken, the civilian fleet would arrive at Circinus and proceed to build the new Scorpion capital on the site of General Kerensky’s old Headquarters, as well as reactivate the factories contained within the long-hidden Castle Brian and integrate Clan technology into the machinery.

Once complete, the civilian population would be dispersed throughout the new Scorpion Expanses and begin to build a modern, high-tech civilization.

In addition, after the initial assault was complete, fifty thousand civilians, one PGC, and one front-line Cluster would proceed to a heretofore unpopulated system midway between the southern border of the Expanses and the Marian Hegemony and the Illyrian Palatinate.  This colony—soon to be named Scorpion Point—would serve as the assembly point on future plans to incorporate the Hegemony and Palatinate in the Expanses.  Furthermore, surveys of the arid world had revealed that it was a source of HarJel.  The colonization effort would of necessity concentrate on the known sites of the vital substance.

With the final plans in place, the Fleet set off once again.  On November 6, 3066, the Scorpions arrived at Circinus to find that not everything was going precisely according to plan.


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2011, 05:59:08 PM »

Code: [Select]
Clan Goliath Scorpion (circa 3071; the Scorpion Expanses AU)

Command Keshiks
Knife Dance Keshik (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Ebon Jaguar; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Timber Wolf
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Sable Raptor; Boreal Wildcat; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Knife Dance
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

20th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Scorpio Ascendant) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Desert Tiger; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  Dark Omen; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  Thunder Hound; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Scorpion Ascendant
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

Alpha Galaxy (The Rock Minders)
24th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Khan's Own) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Nova Cat
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Khan’s Own
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

35th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Scorpions of the Veil) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Timber Wolf
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Ebon Jaguar; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  Sable Raptor; Boreal Wildcat; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Scorpions of the Veil
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

8th Scorpion Dragoons (The Whip-Tail Brigade) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  Desert Tiger; Stormcrow; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Summoner
Star Alpha-Three:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  Mist Lynx; Sable Raptor; Blood Legacy; Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  Desert Tiger; Stormcrow; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Sable Raptor; Boreal Wildcat; Cloud Cobra; Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Hooded Eagle; Death Weaver; Frost Falcon; Sable Raptor
Star Epsilon-Two:  Hellwasp; 2 x Hooded Eagle; Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Whip-Tail Brigade
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

14th Scorpion Hussars (Swift Retribution) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Alpha-Three:  Thunder Hound; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Hooded Eagle; Death Weaver; Steel Viper; Sable Raptor
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Hooded Eagle; Ice Ferret; Death Weaver; Steel Viper; Sable Raptor
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Fire Moth; 2 x Ardent Mongoose; Hooded Eagle
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Fire Moth; 2 x Ardent Mongoose; Fire Falcon
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Swift Retribution
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

Beta Galaxy (The Sand Runners)
18th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Khan's Castle) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; 2 x Mad Dog; Hellbringer
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Timber Wolf
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; 2 x Hellbringer; Nova Cat
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Khan’s Castle
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

23rd Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Ironshell Irregulars) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Summoner
Star Alpha-Three:  Desert Tiger; Stormcrow; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Summoner
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  Desert Tiger; Stormcrow; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Beta-Two:  Sand Devil; Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  Cloud Cobra; Golden Lion; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  Boreal Wildcat; Stormcrow; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Mist Lynx; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Stormcrow
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Ironshell Irregulars
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

1st Scorpion Dragoons (Heartvenom) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  2 x Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Heartvenom
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

6th Scorpion Hussars (Desert Wind) (Elite)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Death Weaver; Sable Raptor
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Fire Moth; 2 x Ardent Mongoose; Hooded Eagle
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Fire Moth; 2 x Ardent Mongoose; Hooded Eagle
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Desert Wind
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 12:09:16 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2011, 06:00:22 PM »

Code: [Select]
Delta Galaxy (Nightcrawlers)
4th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Dark Sting) (Veteran)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; 2 x Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Nova Cat
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Timber Wolf
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  Thunder Hound; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Dark Sting
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

17th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Golden Horde) (Veteran)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Golden Horde
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

11th Scorpion Dragoons (The Devil's Tail) (Veteran)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  Goliath Scorpion; Hellbringer; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; 2 x Goliath Scorpion
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion; Silver Grizzly
Star Beta-Two:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; Mad Dog; Hellbringer; Goliath Scorpion
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; Desert Tiger; 2 x Golden Lion
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; Desert Tiger; Golden Lion; Blood Tick
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  Fire Falcon; Hooded Eagle; Crimson Barracuda; Death Weaver;
Sable Raptor
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Hooded Eagle; 2 x Steel Viper; Sable Raptor
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Devil’s Tail
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

22nd Scorpion Hussars (Eye of the Storm) (Veteran)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  2 x Desert Tiger; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Sable Raptor; 3 x Desert Tiger
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Sable Raptor; Desert Tiger; 2 x Golden Lion
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Sable Raptor; 2 x Desert Tiger; Golden Lion
Star Beta-Two:  Fire Falcon; Hooded Eagle; Death Weaver; Steel Viper; Sable Raptor
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  Rabid Coyote; Sable Raptor; 3 x Golden Lion
Star Gamma-Two:  Hooded Eagle; Ice Ferret; Crimson Barracuda; Death Weaver;
Sable Raptor
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  Fire Falcon; Hooded Eagle; 2 x Steel Viper; Sable Raptor
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Fire Moth; 2 x Ardent Mongoose; Hooded Eagle
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Fire Moth; 2 x Ardent Mongoose; Hooded Eagle
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Knife Dance
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

Independent Clusters
51st Scorpion Light Horse (The Scorpion Uhlans) (Veteran)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  2 x Summoner; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  Sand Devil; Stormcrow; Blood Tick; 2 x Summoner
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Mist Lynx; Howler; Cloud Cobra; Blood Legacy
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Sand Devil; Stormcrow; 2 x Summoner
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Mist Lynx; Sand Devil; 2 x Stormcrow
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  Cloud Cobra; 2 x Sand Devil; 2 x Summoner
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Mist Lynx; Sand Devil; Blood Legacy; Stormcrow
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Mist Lynx; 3 x Stormcrow
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Death Rattle; Hellwasp; Frost Falcon; Mist Lynx
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Death Rattle; Hellwasp; Frost Falcon; Mist Lynx
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Scorpion Uhlans
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

71st Scorpion Light Horse (The Scorpion Lancers) (Veteran)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  2 x Summoner; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Zulu
Star Alpha-Two:  Sand Devil; 2 x Stormcrow; 2 x Summoner
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Mist Lynx; 2 x Cloud Cobra; Blood Legacy
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Sand Devil; Stormcrow; 2 x Summoner
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Mist Lynx; Sand Devil; 2 x Stormcrow
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  Cloud Cobra; Sand Devil; Blood Legacy; 2 x Summoner
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Mist Lynx; Sand Devil; Blood Legacy; Stormcrow
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Mist Lynx; 2 x Stormcrow; Blood Tick
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  2 x Comanche; 4 x Vandal; 4 x Avar
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  2 x Death Rattle; Hellwasp; Frost Falcon; Mist Lynx
Star Epsilon-Two:  2 x Death Rattle; Hellwasp; Frost Falcon; Mist Lynx
Star Epsilon-Three:  4 x Zulu; 4 x Visigoth; 2 x Apache
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  4 x Visigoth; 6 x Hun
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS The Scorpion Lancers
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

Independent Artillery Reserve
Scorpion Artillery Alpha (Veteran)
Star Alpha-One:  5 x Dark Hunter
Star Alpha-Two:  5 x Dark Hunter
Star Alpha-Three:  5 x Dark Hunter
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Halberd-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  15
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  15
Naval Crews:  39
Passengers:  51
Cargo Space:  258 tons

Scorpion Artillery Beta (Veteran)
Star Alpha-One:  5 x Dark Hunter
Star Alpha-Two:  5 x Dark Hunter
Star Alpha-Three:  5 x Dark Hunter
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Halberd-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  15
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  15
Naval Crews:  39
Passengers:  51
Cargo Space:  258 tons

Scorpion Artillery Gamma (Veteran)
Star Alpha-One:  5 x Dark Hunter
Star Alpha-Two:  5 x Dark Hunter
Star Alpha-Three:  5 x Dark Hunter
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Halberd-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  15
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  15
Naval Crews:  39
Passengers:  51
Cargo Space:  258 tons

Solahma Clusters
Scorpion Solahma Cluster (The Grey Scorpions) (Regular)
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  2 x Solahma Alpha; 10 x Elemental; 2 x Solahma Delta
Star Alpha-Two:  2 x Solahma Beta; 3 x Solahma Alpha
Star Alpha-Three:  2 x Solahma Beta; 3 x Solahma Alpha
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  2 x Solahma Beta; 3 x Solahma Alpha
Star Beta-Two:  2 x Solahma Gamma; 3 x Solahma Beta
Star Beta-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  2 x Solahma Beta; 3 x Solahma Alpha
Star Gamma-Two:  2 x Solahma Gamma; 3 x Solahma Beta
Star Gamma-Three:  25 x Elemental
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  2 x Solahma Gamma; 3 x Solahma Beta
Star Delta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Delta-Three:  10 x Solahma Delta
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  5 x Solahma Gamma
Star Epsilon-Two:  5 x Solahma Gamma
Star Epsilon-Three:  10 x Solahma Delta
Reserve Trinary Zeta
Star Zeta-One:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Two:  25 x Elemental
Star Zeta-Three:  10 x Solahma Delta
Cluster Transport Vessels
Eta-class TroopShip GSS Grey Scorpions
1 x Scorpion Mk I-class DropShip
2 x Scorpion Mk II-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk III-class DropShip
1 x Scorpion Mk IV-class DropShip
1 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  47
Aerospace Pilot:  32
Elementals:  135
Vehicle Crews:  0
Conventional Infantry:  0
Technical Support:  106
Naval Crews:  323
Passengers:  337
Cargo Space:  30,305 tons

Provisional Garrison Clusters
101st Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

102nd Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

103rd Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

104th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 12:12:18 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2011, 06:01:46 PM »

Code: [Select]
105th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

106th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

107th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

108th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

109th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

110th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

111th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

112th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

113th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

114th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

115th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

116th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons

117th Scorpion PGC
Trinary Alpha
Star Alpha-One:  10 x Ares
Star Alpha-Two:  10 x Minerva
Star Alpha-Three:  10 x Hel
Trinary Beta
Star Beta-One:  10 x Minerva
Nova Beta-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Gamma
Star Gamma-One:  10 x Minerva
Star Gamma-Two:  5 x Diana; 5 x Hera; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Delta
Star Delta-One:  10 x Epona
Star Delta-Two:  5 x Chiron; 5 x Pan; 125 x Infantry
Trinary Epsilon
Star Epsilon-One:  10 x Hecate
Nova Epsilon-Two:  5 x Nergal; 5 x Anhur; 125 x Infantry
Cluster Transport Vessels
Rigel-class JumpShip
1 x Mastodon (Troop)-class DropShip
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Vehicle Crews:  320
Conventional Infantry:  500
Technical Support:  130
Naval Crews:  62
Passengers:  8
Cargo Space:  30,934 tons


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2011, 06:04:11 PM »

Code: [Select]
Naval Reserve
Alpha-class Corvettes:  Deathstalker
Delta-class Destroyer:  Aurora; Borealis; Corona
Epsilon-class Frigate:  Garlon
Omega-class Battleship:  Lei Kung
Transports & Auxiliaries:
Beta-class Transport:  Enceladus; Epimetheus; Karttikeya; Prometheus
Theta-class Fleet Tender:  Theta Scorpion
6 x Canopus-class JumpShip
46 x Death Dancer-class DropShip
16 x Auroch-class DropShip
10 x Mastodon-class DropShip
Naval Reserve Fighters:
4 x Comanche
8 x Vandal
8 x Avar
12 x Zulu
24 x Visigoth
6 x Apache
18 x Hun
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  80
Elementals:  325
Technical Support:  145
Naval Crews:  4,458
Passengers:  2,512
Cargo Space:  1,175,070 tons

Surveillance/Deep Recon Assets
Surveillance Ships:
Jenna Scott-class Corvettes:  Ethan Moreau; Jenna Scott; Naomi Djerassi
6 x Wild Auroch-class DropShip
Surveillance Fighters:
4 x Comanche
8 x Vandal
8 x Avar
8 x Zulu
16 x Visigoth
4 x Apache
12 x Hun
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  60
Elementals:  225
Technical Support:  105
Naval Crews:  453
Passengers:  237
Cargo Space:  33,861 tons

Orbital Defense/Manufacturing Facilities
1 x Canopus-class JumpShip
5 x Iota-class Orbital Stations
Orbital Fighters:
2 x Comanche
4 x Vandal
4 x Avar
8 x Zulu
16 x Visigoth
4 x Apache
12 x Hun
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  50
Elementals:  125
Technical Support:  75
Naval Crews:  2,123
Passengers:  687
Cargo Space:  100,539 tons

Merchant Fleet
22 x Capella-class JumpShips
25 x Vega-class JumpShips
26 x Arcturus-class JumpShips
17 x Canopus-class JumpShips
16 x Sirius-class JumpShips
71 x Auroch-class DropShips
212 x Auroch (Passenger)-class DropShips
30 x Mastodon-class DropShips
91 x Mastodon (Passenger)-class DropShips
MechWarriors:  0
Aerospace Pilot:  0
Elementals:  0
Technical Support:  0
Naval Crews:  12,297
Passengers:  464,613
Cargo Space:  3,470,273 tons

Galaxies:  3
Clusters:  17
Elite:  10
Veteran:  6
Regular:  1
Green:  0

MechWarriors:  844
Aerospace Pilot:  734
Elementals:  2,970
Vehicle Crews:  5,440
Conventional Infantry:  8,500
Technical Support:  4,382
Naval Crews:  25,993
Passengers:  474,067
Cargo Space:  5,821,580 tons
Total Personnel:  522,930 (all castes)

Bloodnames:  Arbuthnot, ar-Rashid, Baba, Ben-Shimon, Brinker, Bungei, Collesano, Cranstonolv, Demos, Dinour, Djerassi, Elam, Gorga,
Hardo, Henriquez, Ismaila, Kirov, Kreek, LeClair, Linghui, Lunde, Madsen, Moreau, Mortelette, Myers, Nagy, Naidu, Omid, Pakhalina,
Posavatz,  Sang, Scott, Shaffer, Snell, Solheim, Suvorov, Sword, Tazegul, Wagner, Yeh, Zuric

BattleMechs:  844
12 x Fire Moth
5 x Hellwasp
12 x Argent Mongoose
8 x Death Rattle
5 x Frost Falcon
30 x Hooded Eagle
22 x Mist Lynx
16 x Solahma Gamma
3 x Thunder Hound
2 x Crimson Barracuda
1 x Dark Omen
4 x Fire Falcon
1 x Howler
7 x Cloud Cobra
19 x Death Weaver
2 x Ice Ferret
14 x Sand Devil
7 x Steel Viper
6 x Blood Legacy
45 x Dark Hunter
189 x Desert Tiger
63 x Golden Lion
8 x Rabid Coyote
94 x Sable Raptor
17 x Solahma Beta
4 x Boreal Wildcat
24 x Stormcrow
3 x Blood Tick
11 x Mad Dog
2 x Ebon Jaguar
76 x Hellbringer
84 x Goliath Scorpion
10 x Silver Grizzly
14 x Solahma Alpha
17 x Summoner
3 x Nova Cat
4 x Timber Wolf
Aerospace Fighters:  734
42 x Comanche
84 x Vandal
84 x Avar
32 x Solahma Delta
124 x Zulu
184 x Visigoth
46 x Apache
138 x Hun
Elementals:  2,970
2,970 x Elemental Infantry
Combat Vehicles:  1,870
170 x Hecate
85 x Anhur
85 x Nergal
85 x Chiron
85 x Pan
170 x Diana
170 x Hera
170 x Epona
170 x Hel
510 x Minerva
170 x Ares
Infantry:  8,500
8,500 x Conventional Infantry
WarShips:  6
1 x Alpha-class
3 x Delta-class
1 x Epsilon-class
1 x Omega-class
Surveillance Ships:  3
3 x Jenna Scott-class
Transports & Auxiliaries:  22
4 x Beta-class
17 x Eta-class
1 x Theta-class
JumpShips:  133
20 x Rigel-class
22 x Capella-class
25 x Vega-class
26 x Arcturus-class
24 x Canopus-class
16 x Sirius-class
DropShips:  604
63 x Death Dancer-class
3 x Halberd-class
17 x Scorpion Mk I-class
34 x Scorpion Mk II-class
17 x Scorpion Mk III-class
17 x Scorpion Mk IV-class
87 x Auroch-class
212 x Auroch (Passenger)-class
6 x Wild Auroch-class
40 x Mastodon-class
91 x Mastodon (Passenger)-class
17 x Mastodon (Troop)-class
Orbital Stations:  5
5 x Iota-class

All of these 'Mechs, ASF, vehicles, DropShips, JumpShips, and WarShips can be found in my Armory 'The Real Clans' on Solaris VII.  I have attached the link HERE:  http://www.solaris7.com/Armory/ArmoryInfo.asp?ID=2449

Be back to this as soon as I can.  Lots of irons in the fire at the moment.

Master Arminas
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 12:08:28 PM by masterarminas »

Dragon Cat

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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2011, 07:56:51 PM »

You know after seeing what the Scorpions did following the Wars of Reaving this decision to move somewhere new for a different start makes quite a bit of sense
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2011, 08:12:56 PM »

You mean the entire 'Empire of the Scorpion' thing with Castile--including the adoption of Spanish as their official language?



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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2011, 09:32:42 PM »

I like the move better than the canon version. It also makes it easier for the Renegade Clan faction to associate and advance their agenda. Renegades is a loose term I'm using to describe those "cast out" of mainstream Clan societies. Two of those include the Grand Council – Star Adder, Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Stone Lion - of the Clan homeworlds and the Council of Six – Jade Falcon, Hell’s Horses, Diamond Shark, Ghost Bear, Snow Raven, Wolf.

The Renegades really don't have any official link to those two factions so why not establish a third. Wolf-in-Exile, Nova Cat, and Goliath Scorpion could make a new start with others. Perhaps with a new Clan of their own or a remnant of Clans thought departed or "annihilated" by the others. For example it would be interesting if survivors from Ice Hellion, Smoke Jaguar, and Steel Viper (all Clans who once had a presence in the InnerSphere) banded together to make a new Clan. Wouldn't include Blood Spirit or Fire Mandrill as they were Homeworld Clans. Do the Wolves of the Sphere (Wolf Dragoons, Snord, etc.) unite under the Exiles?

Don't mean to hijack the thread but I have two other things that annoy me. Is anybody else ticked off by the way "Annihilation" is applied to Clans now? Smoke Jaguar and Blood Spirit were annihilated but votes weren't passed rather their toumans were destroyed. Their fates don't match the Wolverines to me. Two, shouldn't the Clans be in a real Dark Age after the War of Reaving? How are the Clans going to maintain their technological advantage? The InnerSphere Clans were forced helter skelter from the Homeworlds and after the Society revolt and subsequent gutting of the Scientist Caste how the heck do the Clans know anything??

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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2011, 09:45:16 PM »

You mean the entire 'Empire of the Scorpion' thing with Castile--including the adoption of Spanish as their official language?


Indeed although in canon the Scorpions would not have wanted Cirincus after what I expect is coming in Final Reckoning
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2011, 09:58:19 PM »

Don't mean to hijack the thread but I have two other things that annoy me. Is anybody else ticked off by the way "Annihilation" is applied to Clans now? Smoke Jaguar and Blood Spirit were annihilated but votes weren't passed rather their toumans were destroyed. Their fates don't match the Wolverines to me. Two, shouldn't the Clans be in a real Dark Age after the War of Reaving? How are the Clans going to maintain their technological advantage? The InnerSphere Clans were forced helter skelter from the Homeworlds and after the Society revolt and subsequent gutting of the Scientist Caste how the heck do the Clans know anything??

I figure that as hard as the Homeworlds got hit--with biological weapons, no less!--the few Clans that remain there are going to resemble the IS of the 3000-3020s in just a few years.  They gutted their Scientist castes, they waged total war on their own civilian populations, and they BROKE the freaking SOCIAL COMPACT that Nicky created!  If I were writing it, the reason the Homeworld Clans haven't reinvaded/contacted the IS is because they CAN'T.  They are too caught up in trying to put out too many fires in too many spots with too few units, and having to keep a booted heel on the laborers and techs left out in the cold.  And a few Scientist caste relatives out for vengeance with exotic poisons and viruses.

But, knowing Catalyst, the next time we see the Homeworlds will probably be in ten or twenty years game time and they will have marvelous new technology, a perfect society, and wonderful worlds where all trace of the WoR has been extinguished.  Either that or we will never hear Homeworlds and Clan in the same sentence again from any official writer.

Just my thoughts.

Master Arminas
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 10:52:18 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2011, 10:06:03 PM »

And on the Annihilation thing:  technically, the Jaguars were not 'Annihilated' as in the Clan Trial of.  The 2nd Star League (under the indomitable command of Victor STD and Friends) did not remove their civilian castes and sterilize them.  A Trial of Annihilation destroys EVERY caste of a Clan, down the youngest laborers.  One of the Khans should have advised him of that, and asked if he was willing to finish the job.  If he balked, then he proved--then and there, on the Council floor--he was unwilling to follow Clan law.  And he should have been shot down then and there for attacking a Clan like a bandit without a proper batchal.

I can't remember:  did Victor and Co. even destroy the Jaguar Genetic Repository on Huntress?  Or did they just guard it?  Because in an Annhilation (as in Trial of) that should have been destroyed, as well as the master genetic repository on Strana Mechty (just the Jaguar section thought).  Since the Jaguar CIVILIAN castes still exist, and at least one copy of their Genetic Heritages remain, then the Clans could (if they wanted to) reform the Smoke Jaguars with new sibcos.



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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2011, 10:42:26 PM »

Well put on both fronts MA. What did you think of Blood Spirits "Annihilation"? Again I feel it didn't match the definition.

Also what did you think of my thoughts on the Renegades??


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Re: The Scorpion Expanses
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2011, 10:49:58 PM »

Well, I never really liked the Spirits, and I thought the whole way they interferred in the Burrock absorption was the act of a child throwing a tantrum, not a Clan of Kerensky.   :o

That being said, the Adders went WAY too far with orbital bombardment of the Spirits.  Of course, most of the WoR went far overboard in the Clans not acting like Clans.

I like them; in some respects, you've read my mind.  Since I had Jason and Jamie meet in The Seeker I plan on having Khan Jason offer the surviving Dragoon's a safe haven to flee to, after the WoB assault on Outreach and the death of General Wolf.  I'm not saying (not because I haven't decided,  ;D ) whether or not they will accept, but the offer will definately be made.

And closer ties with Phelan and his WiE?  You can bet on that, as well as the Nova Cats.  In fact, after the events of the next few years, the Scorps are probably going to be sending ambassadors to the Council of Six, and saying, 'So they didn't want you in the fan club either, huh?  Maybe we can let bygones be bygones?'

Anyway, like I said, I liked the idea.

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