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Author Topic: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?  (Read 6745 times)

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Okay.  So a lot of you out there are sad and disappointed by the disappearance of the 1st Scorpion Cateran Cluster (Heartvenom) from the Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman in my previews for Handbook:  Clan Goliath Scorpion.  And I can understand why.  The problem was, it just didn't fit into the feel of Beta Galaxy.  Too many Elementals, too few OmniMechs to ride.  And yes, I know by the fluff that many of those were actually intended to paradrop in from Kirghiz heavy OmniFighters . . . but what about after that?  How would they keep up with the fast paced units of the Sand Runners?

So, I transformed Heartvenom into a Dragoon Cluster.

And I nearly--almost, anyway--went back and added several Special Operations Elemental Trinary formations to regain that "feel" of the old Cateran unit.

But that really didn't work.  And as much as I wanted to add the Scorpion Cateran Cluster (modified, of course!) back into the Touman as an independent unit, I tried to abide by the limits of what the Scorpions raised in canon.  Of course, when I decided to Absorb some Nova Cats after their Abjuration, I added a couple of new units outside the realm of what the Scorps raised in the canon universe.

So, my question is this:

Should I go ahead and add the following unit to the Scorpion Touman in HB:  CGS?  The 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster is quite different from the usual Scorpion formations (both canon and my version!) and is, in fact, nothing less than Clan Golaith Scorpion's version of Special Forces.  Navy SEALs.  Marine Force Recon.  Delta Force.  SAS.  Etc.  Etc.  Etc.

Anyway, this is what I have for them when I was working on the concept.  Tell me your opinion in the poll above and feel free to post your thoughts below.

26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster (The Ghost Scorpions)
Skill:  Elite
Reliability:  Fanatical

The 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster was organized in 3044 by Khan Nikolai Djerassi when he oversaw the reorganization of Clan Goliath Scorpion's Touman.  While the role of the Cateran Cluster was originally entrusted to the 1st Scorpion Cluster (Heartvenom), Djerassi intended for that Flagship unit of the Clan to become a more conservatively organized Dragoon Cluster.

The role of a special operations force was--in his considered opinion--a necessary one for the Clan.  But he questioned whether or not the components of the existing Cateran Cluster were required for the role.  Specifically, what use were OmniMechs (and to a lesser degree, OmniFighters) in conducting Special Operations . . . which, in a traditional sense, were more light infantry forces operating as irregulars, raiders, and commandos.  Often behind enemy lines and out of support of regular forces.

The newly assembled 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster would be based around five Trinary formations comprised of some of the finest Elemental Warriors to be found within the Clan.  But Djerassi required more than mere Warrior prowess to be selected for this unit . . . he required a "flexibility" in thinking and outlook that many Clan Warriors simply did not have.

Even with nearly 4500 Elemental Warriors assigned to the Touman, Djerassi was hard pressed to find the 375 he would eventually assign to the Ghost Scorpions.  But he did manage to find them and to train them in an uncompromising fashion.

The Ghost Scorpions train in hostage rescue, head-hunting missions, strategic reconnaisance and infiltration operations, abductions and/or assassinations of high value targets, and small scale commando operations that include sabotage as well as direct combat.

The average Warrior of the 26th Cateran Cluster is one of the deadliest within the Scorpion Touman . . . by any means of measure.  Moreso, because these Warriors will set aside zellbrigen and Clan traditions if necessary to accomplish their missions.

Djerassi knew that the Ghost Warriors would require battlefield transport, because while Elemental Battle Armor was very effective in its role, it was also quite slow.  A small hover transport--named the Janus--was designed and commissioned and one assigned to each Elemental Point within the Cluster.  This dedicated OmniVehicle (crewed by just a single Warrior) could transport the Elemental point faster than even a Fire Moth and provide direct supporting fire if needed. 

The second dedicated vehicle was the Blackhawk Small Craft.  This vessel--a variant of the commonly used Zama--was rebuilt to serve as a transport.  Although unarmed, the Blackhawk was well armored and while the transport capacity was slight (5 Elementals and up to 10 tons of cargo, or just 10 Elementals) it was also incredibly fast for a Small Craft!  Indeed, the Blackhawk was able to match the thrust of the Avar OmniFighter!

These vessels delivered the Elemental Warriors of the 26th Cateran Cluster via parachute or paraglider deep behind enemy lines or in hostile territory.  Able to conduct HALO (high-altitude, low-opening), HAHO (high-altitude, high-opening), and LALO (low-altitude, low-opening) drops (normally at night and at high rates of speed, though typically--but not always!--subsonic), the Blackhawk was one of the favored insertion platforms for the Ghost Scorpions.

Transport was provided for each Trinary with a Scorpion Mark VI Troop Carrier DropShip.  Each Scorpion VI could carry 75 Elemental Warriors, 15 Janus hover transports, and 5 Blackhawk Small Craft, plus technical support crews and staff.  Only 212 tons of general cargo space remained available, but the Ghost Scorpions required little in the way of support that more traditional OmniMech and OmniFighter based formations needed in order to operate for extended periods of time.

Interstellar transport was provided by a single Voyager-class JumpShip with the sixth docking collar occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip for orbital support.  However, unlike other Clan Clusters, the 26th Cateran would often assign a Trinary or two to operate independently.  When this happens, the Khan or saKhan will assign a Merchant caste JumpShip (typically a two-collar Aggressor-class or three-collar Seeker-class) for transport and support.

Only seldom is the full Cluster deployed en masse.

While the 26th Cateran Cluster is often described as an "Elemental Cluster", the Warriors do not always wear suits of Elemental Battle Armor.  Rather, they will wear Elemental Battle Armor, Undine Underwater Operations Battle Armor, light Battle Armor, or the Clan upgrade of the old Nighthawk PA(L) as needed and required by their mission.  In fact, Warriors of the Ghost Scorpions have on at least one occasion deployed as unarmored infantry!

When facing the Ghost Scorpions one can never quite be certain of just what he will be fighting!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 12:37:48 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 11:48:25 PM »

The Blackhawk Small Craft.

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Blackhawk
Tech:              Clan / 3066
Vessel Type:       Aerodyne Small Craft
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              180 tons
Length:            29 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       10
Maximum Thrust:    15
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
Armament:          None
Class/Model/Name:  Blackhawk
Mass:              180 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                          110.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 10
      Maximum Thrust: 15
Structural Integrity: 15                                                13.50
Total Heat Sinks:    2 Double                                            1.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                       8.50
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                  1.50
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (11 days supply)                                           .50
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (300 total armor pts)                      10.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 82
   Left/Right Wings:                  82/82
   Aft:                                  54

   Bay 1:  Battle Armor Points/Squads (1) with 1 door                   10.00
           Cargo (1)                                                    10.00

Crew and Passengers:
      3 Crew (3 minimum)                                                15.00
      6 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 0    180.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        10,985,867 C-Bills
Battle Value:      630
Cost per BV:       17,437.88
Weapon Value:      0 (Ratio = .00)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 0;  MRV = 0;  LRV = 0;  ERV = 0
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 2,945
                   (1,375 Structure, 1,550 Life Support, 20 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 2,364  (80% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      MP: 10,  Armor/Structure: 8 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: DS;  Point Value: 6

The Scorpion Mark VI Troop Carrier DropShip

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Scorpion Mk VI
Tech:              Clan / 3050
Vessel Type:       Spheroid DropShip
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              6,600 tons
Length:            97 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
   18 ER Large Laser
   12 ER PPC
    6 Gauss Rifle
    3 Ultra AC/20
   24 ER Medium Laser
Class/Model/Name:  Scorpion Mk VI
Mass:              6,600 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                        1,610.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 13                                               172.00
Total Heat Sinks:    282 Double                                        178.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                     339.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                 50.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (180 days supply)                                       189.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (1,168 total armor pts)                    46.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                310
   Left/Right Sides:                 310/310
   Aft:                                 238

   Bay 1:  Light Vehicles (to 50T) (15) with 3 doors                   750.00
           Battle Armor Points/Squads (15)                             150.00
   Bay 2:  Cargo (1) with 2 doors                                      212.00
   Bay 3:  Small Craft (5) with 1 door                               1,000.00

Escape Pods:  36 (7 tons each)                                         252.00

Crew and Passengers:
      3 Officers (3 minimum)                                            30.00
      3 Crew (2 minimum)                                                21.00
     11 Gunners (11 minimum)                                            77.00
      3 Steerage Passengers                                             15.00
    190 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
3 ER Large Laser           Nose     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   36     12.00
2 ER PPC                   Nose     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   30     12.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  Nose     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --    2     39.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds)  Nose     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   14     36.00
4 ER Medium Laser          Nose     3(28)  3(28)     --     --   20      4.00
3 ER Large Laser           FL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   72     24.00
2 ER PPC                   FL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   60     24.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  FL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --    4     78.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds)  FL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   28     72.00
4 ER Medium Laser          FL/R     3(28)  3(28)     --     --   40      8.00
3 ER Large Laser           AL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   72     24.00
2 ER PPC                   AL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   60     24.00
4 ER Medium Laser          AL/R     3(28)  3(28)     --     --   40      8.00
3 ER Large Laser           Aft      3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   36     12.00
2 ER PPC                   Aft      3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   30     12.00
4 ER Medium Laser          Aft      3(28)  3(28)     --     --   20      4.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (2.50%)                                              165.00
190 Bay Personnel Quarters                                             950.00
TOTALS:                                              Heat: 564       6,600.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        636,334,384 C-Bills
Battle Value:      17,725
Cost per BV:       35,900.39
Weapon Value:      15,230 (Ratio = .86)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 649;  MRV = 511;  LRV = 127;  ERV = 0
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 58,226
                   (19,498 Structure, 26,605 Life Support, 12,123 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 19,807  (34% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 20 / 19
                   Damage PB/M/L: 24/24/15,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: DL;  Point Value: 177
                   Specials: sph

The Janus Omni Hover Transport

Code: [Select]

Mass: 15 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Motive Type: Hovercraft OmniVehicle
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X
Production Year: 3066
Cost: 1,048,125 C-Bills
Battle Value: 136

Power Plant:  125 Fusion XL Engine
Cruise Speed: 151.2 km/h
Flanking Speed: 226.8 km/h
Armor:  Ferro-Fibrous
    4.0 tons of pod space.
    Primary Factory:
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                       8 points                1.50
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             125                       3.00
    Cruise MP:  14
    Flank MP:   21
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
Control Equipment:                                                         1.00
Lift Equipment:                                                            1.50
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  38                  2.00

                                               Front     10       
                                          Left/Right   10/10       
                                                Rear     8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
CASE                                         BD        -         0         0.00
Cargo, Standard (2.0 tons)                   BD        0         1         2.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      1    Points: 1
14         0       0       0       0      1     0   Structure:  0
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE

Loadout Name: Prime                                          Cost: 1,305,625
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X                         BV2: 845

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              FR        5         1         1.00
2 LRM-5s                                     FR        4         2         2.00
CASE                                         BD        -         0         0.00
Cargo, Standard (2.0 tons)                   BD        0         1         2.00
@LRM-5 (24)                                  BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      1    Points: 8
14         2       2       1       0      1     0   Structure:  0
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, IF 1

Loadout Name: A                                              Cost: 1,243,125
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X                         BV2: 835

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers                        FR        8         2         4.00
CASE                                         BD        -         0         0.00
Cargo, Standard (2.0 tons)                   BD        0         1         2.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      1    Points: 8
14         2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  0
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE

Loadout Name: B                                              Cost: 1,400,125
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X                         BV2: 738

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              FR        5         1         1.00
2 SRM-4s                                     FR        6         2         2.00
CASE                                         BD        -         0         0.00
Cargo, Standard (2.0 tons)                   BD        0         1         2.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      1    Points: 7
14         1       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  0
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRM 1/1/0

Loadout Name: C                                              Cost: 1,250,188
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X                         BV2: 813

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              FR        5         1         1.00
2 ER Small Lasers                            FR        4         2         1.00
2 AP Gauss Rifles                            FR        2         2         1.00
CASE                                         BD        -         0         0.00
Cargo, Standard (2.0 tons)                   BD        0         1         2.00
@AP Gauss Rifle (40)                         BD        -         0         1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      1    Points: 8
14         3       3       0       0      1     0   Structure:  0
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE

While the Warriors of the Ghost Scorpions normally ride on the outside of the Janus (as mechanized battle armor), the two-ton cargo bay allows for extra mission supplies and munitions, and can be used to medical evac up to two Warriors in Elemental battle-armor (or five if the armor is removed and discarded!).  It doesn't have a lot of armor or firepower, but it is FAST.  And inexpensive enough that fielding 75 of them isn't a problem for Clan Goliath Scorpion!


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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2018, 04:45:03 PM »

You know what, I read this earlier today and I am still debating. I am going to do more research for a better understanding of the Scorpion Touman and get back to you. The thing is any is really possible with the scatter brained Scorpions. Necrosia knows where?


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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2018, 11:01:53 PM »

You know what, I read this earlier today and I am still debating. I am going to do more research for a better understanding of the Scorpion Touman and get back to you. The thing is any is really possible with the scatter brained Scorpions. Necrosia knows where?

I get you.  But my take on the Necrosia addicts and Clan "Hedonism that would put a Canopian Pleasure Circus to Shame" view of the Scorpions is that it has been greatly exaggerated.  Blown out of proportion by other Clans looking into Scorpion society from a distance and with their own particular shades of tinted glasses on.

Of course, the writers play up this angle.  For example, in the Wars of Reaving, the Scorpions being forced to leave the Homeworlds comes about because of a Necrosia-abusing Warrior violated zell against the Cloud Cobras, leading the Cobras to overreact and discover a facility that may (or may not) have been experimenting with adding Inner Sphere DNA to the various Scorpion Bloodnames.

Honestly, for the Clan to have survived (in canon) there can't be very many addicted Warriors in the Touman.  Or even those who imbibe in a more recreational manner.  They would quickly be weeded out by more sober and clean Warriors . . . even with the "positive" affects of Necrosia on some lucky few.

Which is why I lean towards most Scorpions only use Necrosia up to three times in their careers.  Upon becoming a Warrior they are given a dose as their final rite of passage.  Upon earning their Bloodname.  And when (if) they are chosen to lead their Clan as one of the Khans.

Now, are they hedonists?  Certainly.  Do they drink copious amounts and party hard?  Hell, yes!

But do they let that get in the way of being first and foremost a Warrior of Kerensky?  Of proving oneself as one of the chosen few that will lead their Clan?  Not on your life.  Not without severe consequences (see the fate of saKhan Gregor Lunde in Scorpio Ascendant).

As to whether or not the Scorpions would field such a unit . . . the 1st Cateran Cluster (in canon) is specifically named as a Special Operations formation.  So why not?

Anyway, love to see what you come up with after your research.



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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2018, 10:19:39 AM »

I did a quick scan of the Cateran last night on sarna.net and found two significant events which may impact your vision. One is the Cluster's gloried tradition of training the Wolf Dragoons which to the Wardens especially with the Scorpions maybe a sacred event and one that would be impossible to simply dismiss. Two, which could actually help you in significantly in reshaping the unit is their participation in the Revival Trials in 3048. They defeated the Scorpions but lost to the Bears and Sharks.

When did you (date wise) drop or reimagine the 1st Cateran Cluster?

My Children of Moreau concept which was supposed to be a prequel story to Clarion Call basically has the Clan maintaining the finest Freeborn Sibkos of the Clans. This was a consequence of maintaining the Moreau bloodlines through Freeborn arrangements right up till current times. The plan is obviously to breed this Freeborn line with the Moreau Burrock line thus making a legal end round of the ilKhan's decree of never being able to claim the bloodright. How does that tie in with the Cateran's you ask? Well this is where the Dragoon training comes in. I figure this would be a chapter of the story where the (3rd or 4th) generation of Moreaus would reveal themselves to the Dragoons as teachers as part of the Caterans. It maybe a real shock to Trueborns like Natasha Kerensky.

Three intriguing options in my head. Reposting them as a Keshik along the lines of Ebon Keshik makes a lot of sense given their Elemental bias. Not what I did with the Keshiks for Clarion Call but I did revise them greatly based on your fiction and other Clan examples.

Reposting them to Alpha Galaxy is another option as a fifth Cluster or perhaps the third most controversial idea would be detaching from frontline service altogether. This would see them as an elite Watch unit. The special forces of the Scorpions but this would be a real departure from Clan norms.


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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2018, 01:36:25 AM »

I like your idea of the Children of Moreau . . . and if you are willing to let me, I might just work it into HB:CGS (yay!  more rewriting!).  And I am leaning towards making the Ghost Scorpions more of an independent unit not assigned to any specific Galaxy.  Instead, being under the direct command of the Khans and going where they direct.

As to when my reorganization takes place . . . I was imagining after the Dragoon Compromise, but before Revival Trials.  Say, around-abouts 3025-3030.  When Heartvenom is re-designated as the 1st Scorpion Dragoon Cluster, then I see the Ghost Scorpions being formed.  To fill the void that was left and to provide the Scorpions with their SpecOp unit.

One thing I am changing from the above post is I think I am going to go with a smaller DropShip (possibly named the Cateran-class) that will have just one Star of Elementals, five of the Janus hover transports, five Blackhawk Small Craft for covert insertions, and a point of two OmniFighters for on-call close air support.

I don't really like Star-level formations having their own DropShips, but this lets me assign three of them to a single JumpShip and making independent Trinary operations much more easily accomplished. 

If that makes any sense to ya'll.  The five Trinary (each with 75 Elementals, 15 Janus, 15 Blackhawks, and 6 Comanche or Sarmatian (leaning towards the lighter Comanche right now!)) can always converge onto a target that requires the full Cluster, but are able to deploy as independent elements should they be required to strike multiple targets in a short time frame.



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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2018, 06:10:23 AM »

Are you kidding? I'd love you to work on the Children of Moreau concept. Any help you need is yours brother. Can't wait to see it.

Check out my Aculeus class Dropship if you want an Assault Transport.



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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2018, 10:13:23 AM »

Absolutely superb :D


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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2018, 01:02:00 PM »

Cateran class Special Operations DropShip

Designed to meet the requirements of the 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster, the Cateran-class Special Operations DropShip was originally intended to be far smaller and lighter than the final version that entered service.  Intended to serve as a transport and base of operations for Stars of Cateran Elementals, the requirements gradually grew and expanded to the point where Scientists and Warriors alike finally decided to use a modified Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShip as the basis for the new DropShip.

The "waste" in resources in using a 6,600 ton DropShip for transporting what is--in effect--a reinforced Star of Clan troops was viewed among other Clans as typical Scorpion extravagance.  But the design, while a good deal larger and heavier than originally intended, excels at the operations it is expected to carry out.

The basic hull, armament, armor protection, and crew mirror that of the earlier Scorpion class.  Seventeen officers, crewmen, and gunners man the vessel which has 46.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor plating for protection.  Armament consists of a dozen ER PPCs (in six two-gun bays), eighteen ER Large Laser (in six three-gun bays), twenty-four ER Medium Lasers (in six four-gun bays), six Gauss Rifles (in three two-gun bays; each bay being able to fire sixty times before depleting their ammunition reserves), and three Ultra AC-20 autocannons (in three single bays, each bay having 24 tons of ammunition).  282 double-strength heat sinks provide sufficient cooling and power reserves for the Cateran to fire all weapons simultaneously.

The main point of difference between the Scorpions and the Caterans, however, is that the newer DropShips have a far larger and more powerful set of fusion engines.  The Cateran-class is able to achieve a maximum thrust of 4.5-g's . . . and can sustain that impressive thrust for more than 40 standard days!

Troop complement is quite light for such a large DropShip, however.  25 Elemental Warriors are embarked, along with 5 Janus Light Hover Omni Transports.  Furthermore, the design includes the space for a point of two Comanche medium-weight OmniFighters and no fewer than five Blackhawk-class Small Craft for covert insertions.

As with the Scorpion-class, each of the bay personnel assigned to the Cateran have their own private sleeping and living compartment, along with well-equipped recreational and exercise areas.  The excess personnel normally required for the light vehicles and small craft (20 altogether) have been replaced with specialized support staff, including a full emergency medical surgical team.  The Cateran also boasts of having a dedicated Level I Trauma Center onboard which can provide the finest emergency medical care and trauma treatment found in Clan or Inner Sphere space! 

Other facilities include briefing rooms, an Operations Center for coordinating and communicating with the Warriors on mission as well as planning of operations, and a Power Armor Storage Vault (known as the Morgue!) containing multiple different types of PA(L), light-class Battle Armor, and medium-class Battle Armor.  Plus a very well stocked armory!

Furthermore, the Cateran-class incorporated a Secure Holding Area in its design.  Able to house up to ten High Value Targets (or common criminals, if the need should arise!) in isolated individual cells (twenty can be accommodated if the Warriors and crew decide to house two prisoners per cell, but doctrine discourages such overcrowding, calling for each prisoner to be isolated from human contact until interrogation), the Secure Holding Area provides the Warriors aboard a Cateran with a place to safely secure high value targets until the vessel can return to Scorpion space.

Cargo space is an ample 340 tons (with an additional 165 tons of spare parts!), but the Warriors and crew aboard the Cateran-class have discovered that due to the light nature of their support vehicles there is extraneous space in the vehicle, small craft, and fighter bays.  Up to 200 tons of cargo can be squeezed into the bays while leaving enough space for normal operations.  This cargo needs to be secured to prevent loss when the bay doors are opened (especially in space!), but the personnel assigned to the Cateran-class DropShips have learned how to do so quite efficiently.

To date, no other Clan operates the Cateran-class, leaving the vessel as unique to Clan Goliath Scorpion.

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Cateran
Tech:              Clan / 3050
Vessel Type:       Spheroid DropShip
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              6,600 tons
Length:            97 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       6
Maximum Thrust:    9
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
   18 ER Large Laser
   12 ER PPC
    6 Gauss Rifle
    3 Ultra AC/20
   24 ER Medium Laser
Class/Model/Name:  Cateran
Mass:              6,600 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                        2,416.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 6
      Maximum Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity: 13                                               172.00
Total Heat Sinks:    282 Double                                        154.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                     339.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                 50.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (180 days supply)                                       108.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (1,168 total armor pts)                    46.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                310
   Left/Right Sides:                 310/310
   Aft:                                 238

   Bay 1:  Battle Armor Points/Squads (5) with 3 doors                  50.00
           Light Vehicles (to 50T) (5)                                 250.00
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (5) with 2 doors                              1,000.00
           Fighters (2)                                                300.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 2 doors                                      340.00

Escape Pods:  20 (7 tons each)                                         140.00

Crew and Passengers:
      3 Officers (3 minimum)                                            30.00
      3 Crew (2 minimum)                                                21.00
     11 Gunners (11 minimum)                                            77.00
     19 Steerage Passengers                                             95.00
     84 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
3 ER Large Laser           Nose     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   36     12.00
2 ER PPC                   Nose     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   30     12.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  Nose     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --    2     39.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds)  Nose     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   14     36.00
4 ER Medium Laser          Nose     3(28)  3(28)     --     --   20      4.00
3 ER Large Laser           FL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   72     24.00
2 ER PPC                   FL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   60     24.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  FL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --    4     78.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds)  FL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   28     72.00
4 ER Medium Laser          FL/R     3(28)  3(28)     --     --   40      8.00
3 ER Large Laser           AL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   72     24.00
2 ER PPC                   AL/R     3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   60     24.00
4 ER Medium Laser          AL/R     3(28)  3(28)     --     --   40      8.00
3 ER Large Laser           Aft      3(30)  3(30)  3(30)  3(30)   36     12.00
2 ER PPC                   Aft      3(30)  3(30)  3(30)     --   30     12.00
4 ER Medium Laser          Aft      3(28)  3(28)     --     --   20      4.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (2.50%)                                              165.00
84 Bay Personnel Quarters                                              420.00
1 Level I Trauma/Emergency                                              20.00
1 Secure Holding Cells (10)                                             13.50
TOTALS:                                              Heat: 564       6,600.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        644,244,384 C-Bills
Battle Value:      21,749
Cost per BV:       29,621.79
Weapon Value:      16,108 (Ratio = .74)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 649;  MRV = 511;  LRV = 127;  ERV = 0
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 61,582
                   (19,299 Structure, 30,160 Life Support, 12,123 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 19,807  (32% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      MP: 6,  Armor/Structure: 20 / 19
                   Damage PB/M/L: 24/24/15,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: DL;  Point Value: 218
                   Specials: sph
« Last Edit: December 08, 2018, 01:04:36 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: 26th Scorpion Cateran Cluster: Should I add it to the HB: CGS Touman?
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2018, 05:38:47 AM »

Very very very interesting DropShip design, its almost IS in its role as a SOE kind of craft.  The elementals can either act as headhunters or, something tells me this gets more use hunting bandits and the like.  At least officially...
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