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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #60 on: October 05, 2012, 12:32:39 AM »

Roughneck Command
Glitterstream River Valley, Althea’s Choice
Taurian Concordat
August 22, 3026

“To your left, Roughneck, danger close!” Bulldog yelled out over the radio, and Sean twisted his Thunderbolt’s torso around to face the Hatchetman that had jumped into melee range.  The sweat of his brow instantly evaporated as the heat in the cockpit suddenly spiked—Sean’s thumb pressing the firing stud that unleashed three emerald beams from the torso mounted Diverse Optics Type 18 medium lasers, along with the full-throated roar of six solid-fuel rocket motors igniting in sequence as the Holly SRM launcher mounted just beneath the triple lasers snapped open and belched forth its lethal flight.  Two lasers and five SRMs drove home and shattered armor on his opponent.  He did not fire the arm mounted triple Voelkers 200 machine-guns, no . . . instead Sean took a step forward and swung his ‘Mech’s left arm, connecting squarely with the jaw of the pirate Hatchetman, while his right arm (along with the massive Sunglow large laser it carried) absorbed the force of that lethal hatchet the enemy carried.

And then the Thunderbolt staggered and Sean fought to keep his machine upright—the Hatchetman had fired its Defiance Killer Type T autocannon, the stream of shells slamming into the torso of Sean’s Thud.  But the mercenary managed to keep his ‘Mech upright, and he grinned as he saw Mantis step her Typhon behind the Quickdraw and her SRM-pack snapped open.  Between the two heavies, the medium-weight Hatchetman died before delivering another blow, although one of his lasers did manage to score the right arm of Sean’s T-bolt, leaving precious little armor there.

“Thanks for the assist, Mantis,” he said as he caught his breath.

Helena “Mantis” Madison laughed.  “Don’t mention it—you haven’t signed the paychecks yet, so I can’t let you just die on us.”

Sean shook his head and he took one hand off the throttle long enough to wipe away the fresh sheen of sweat that was dripping down into his eyes.  He flexed his hand and then put it back on the throttle and he pressed it forward to the stops.  “Roughnecks!  Follow me!” he barked.

But most of the Roughnecks and Red Scorpions were already ahead of him.  Only his own company (Firestorm Company) was in formation around him and the eleven other MechWarriors moved out.  Sergent Julia “Hunter” Kidd’s Warhammer spat cyan particle bolts from her right arm, and a stream of autocannon shells from her left as they moved up the slope towards the enemy.  Bulldog’s Archer belched clouds of LRMs, along with Lieutenant Natalie “Stalker” Mitchser’s Crusader.  Two Typhons (one belonging to Mantis and the second to MechWarrior Virginia “Goose” Rand) advanced as well, adding their own LRMs and PPC bolts into the carnage.  And then there were the three Thunderbolt-Ts piloted by Sean, Tabitha “Witch” Vickers, and Jasper “Jumper” Moreau.

Jennifer “Shadow” Calderon’s Lance had already gone on ahead with her Dragon, the Tomahawks of Sergeant Victoria “Scotty” Scott and Franklin “Rabbit” Banner, and the four-legged Scorpion piloted by Kristen “Midnight” Becket.  Sean laughed.  He might not have any assault-weight machines, but by God, he had an assault company plain and simple.  He kicked the Thud into high gear and tore up the ridge to where the pirates were starting to buckle under the Templar’s assault.

Sixteen Stalkers—85-tons each of death and destruction—were certainly enough to cause to that.  Never mind that Sean had to admit to himself that the warriors in those cockpits were at least the equal of any of this boys and girls.  And probably a damn sight better.

One of those Stalkers was fighting three pirates—a Griffin, a Shadow Hawk, and a Valkyrie, and Sean shook his head.  “Firestorm Command, Grifter, Firestorm Two, Shade, Firestorm Three Val Kill Me,” he broadcast, and settled his targeting reticule atop the Griffin.  A buzzing tone sounded his ear and Sean squeezed the firing trigger, sending fifteen LRMs down-range from his Delta Dart launcher, along with a golden beam from the Sunglow.

His shots were not alone, and a hail of missiles, laser beams large and medium, PPC bolts, and autocannon shells engulfed the pirates in a holocaust that those ‘Mechs simply could not withstand.

“Damn you, Sean Walker!” Capitan-Padre Raphael Navarro swore.  “Do you not know the Eighth Commandment?  Thou Shalt Not Steal My Kill; thus Sayeth the Lord Thy God!”

“Forgive me, Padre, for I have sinned against thee—but then again, there are more of them, and these aren’t quite yet surrounding your penitent ass.”

The Jesuit chuckled.  “Say three Hail Mary’s and call me in the morning, my Son.  Templars!  Let us sort the righteous from the pagan—Onward, Soldiers of God!”

“Roughnecks!  Red Scorpions!  Pursue!” bellowed Sean into his radio as well as the morale of the pirates broke.  “Major Faulkner, are your Wild Geese in position?”

“Aye, we are lad—and your 44th Light Cavalry Squadron is here with us.   Never thought I would be leading a charge against grounded DropShips, though.”

“Just remember we split the profits if you can take them, Donal.”

“Oh, I’ll take ‘em, Sean, me boy—if it costs me every one of your Taurian cavalry to do it.”

Roughneck shook his head.  “Get cracking, they are heading back your way and I don’t want them escaping us.”

“On it, lad.”

And here we go again, Sean thought, as another wave of heat passed over him as he squeezed the trigger, shooting the pirate ‘Mechs in the back as they ran.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 12:35:42 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #61 on: October 05, 2012, 01:18:43 PM »

JumpShip Sheridan
Proximity Point AC-4, Althea’s Choice
Taurian Concordat
August 22, 3026

“The DropShips report they are under attack, Ma'am!  More Taurians have emerged from the forests and are engaging them!”

Ziva Meir shook her head.  Redjack was dead and his forces were running—running!  Pirate scum, the ComStar acolyte thought as she silently cursed her ROM superiors who had assigned her to this cluster-fuck in the first place.  Still, her orders were extremely explicit on what would now have to happen.

“Commander Meacham,” she said to the commander of the Star Lord-class JumpShip.  “Bring the batteries on-line and prepare to jump out of system.  And power up the comm dish to transmit new instructions to the planet."  Like her, Meacham and his crew were all members of ComStar tasked with supporting HARBINGER, and she had no doubt that he would follow his orders—unlike the pirates aboard the remaining two craft.

She entered code into her console—a long complicated alpha-numeric code—and then she lifted the plastic cover over a controller and inserted a key she wore around her neck.

“STATUS CHANGE!” a warrant officer barked out.  “New arrival . . . Quetzalcoatl-class JumpShip with Taurian IFF—they are launching fighters and shuttles!  Three minutes to weapons range.”

“Drive charged, ma’am,” the Captain reported.  “Coordinates set.”

Ziva nodded and she turned the key.  “Initiate jump,” she ordered as both of the pirate ships suddenly exploded.

Roughneck Command
Glitterstream River Valley, Althea’s Choice
Taurian Concordat
August 22, 3026

Sean grinned as the Centurion he was fighting suddenly collapsed, it’s right leg shattered  by the impact of a dozen missiles and a blazing golden beam of coherent light.  The pirate fell on his back, and unluckily for him, a protruding boulder smashed through the weak rear armor over his missile magazine—the explosion ripped apart the ‘Mech sending debris flying through the air.  But then his alarms began to sound and Sean pivoted the Thunderbolt on his right leg as autocannon shells tracked across his left hip.

A Marauder!  He gritted his teeth as the infamous heavy ‘Mech raised its two weapon pods, and twin cyan bolts streaked across the intervening distance—both impacted on the torso of his Thud, and he fought to stay upright as more than a ton of armor melted away under the raw energy delivered.

The heat sinks of the pirate Marauder glowed white-hot, but the pirate didn’t seem to care as he triggered his medium lasers as well and this time Sean went down, a warning siren sounding that his left torso was penetrated—and one of the Diverse Optic Type 18 Medium Lasers mounted there went off-line with damage.

Thirty long-range missiles fell like rain from heavens atop of the Marauder, cratering its armor in a dozen places, but it remained on its feet and carefully adjusted the weapon pods to converge on Sean’s cockpit.  Well, shit, Sean thought.

That was when the cockpit of the pirate ‘Mech suddenly exploded.

“What the . . .” Sean asked as levered the heavy BattleMech back to its feet.

“Boss?” Bulldog asked in disbelief.

“God acts in strange ways, it is true, but this?” chimed in Raphael Navarro.

Every last surviving pirate ‘Mech came to a halt or fell to the ground, as each suffered an explosion in their cockpit at the same exact moment.

And then an eye-tearing glare erupted in the distance from the grounded DropShips.

Faulkner’s Lance
Glitterstream River Valley, Althea’s Choice
Taurian Concordat
August 22, 3026

The pirates had left their armor and infantry behind to guard the DropShips, but the Wild Geese were far better at this than these scum, Donal thought as he fired both Tronel III large lasers of his Ostsol into the flank of a Von Luckner heavy tank.  He didn’t penetrate the armor, but two road wheels shattered and the track snapped in half, and Donal pushed his fast heavy skirmisher into a full run to avoid the return fire from the AC-20 and sixteen SRMs!  Thankfully, the big gun missed, but nine SRMs rattled Donal in his cockpit as they slammed into the armor of his ‘Mech and exploded.

While the Wild Geese were dealing with the security teams, the 44th Light Cavalry Squadron—and their infantry—were swarming over the DropShips just a kilometer away.  One of Donal’s mercenaries soared past him on thundering jump jets—and the Von Luckner crew desperately tried to slew the turret as they saw what he was doing.  45-tons of Phoenix Hawk came crashing down atop of the 75-ton tank and the turret crumpled.  The top hatch cycled open, but Donal’s man wasn’t having any of that!  He pointed his left arm at the hatch and the inferno gel of the flamer which had replaced his machine-guns poured into the gap, burning the crew inside alive.

Donal smiled.  While there were a handful of pirate vehicles left, for the most part this Von Luckner had been their final gasp.  “Geese!  Let’s take those ‘Ships!”

But at that moment, one of the two Mules suddenly bulged outwards, and an unholy glare erupted from between the seams of suddenly parted armor panels.  The actinic flare of the tactical nuclear device almost blinded Donal before cockpit windows darkened, but he could still feel the burn on his face—his ‘Mech suddenly shut down as the EMP burst raced outwards, and then the shock wave knocked the Ostsol over, amid the roar of winds and fire.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 01:31:13 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #62 on: October 06, 2012, 02:12:36 PM »

Field Headquarters, Eridani Light Horse
Hale’s Port, Montour
Federated Suns
August 22, 3026

“And would you care to explain to me why I should not just have you shot?” General Nathan Armstrong asked the prisoner standing before him.

“Shooting people without speaking to them first, prevents the receipt of vital information, mate . . . ah, General, Sir,” Lord Shrike answered with a slight bow towards the FedSuns mercenary.

Nathan bared his teeth in a grim smile.  “So then let us talk.”

“So you can shoot me afterwards?  I was born at night, but not last night.  And really are these chains so absolutely necessary?” the pirate asked holding up his manacled hands.  “You have taken away me weapons.”

“The chains stay . . . Lamar Solis.”

Shrike shrugged.  “I do not use that name any longer—I am Lord Shrike.”

“The Butcher-Bird,” Nathan said flatly.

And Shrike grinned.  “It is tradition, mate.  Just like if you want to be a real pirate lord, you have to wear a flashy hat,” he said pointing towards the flamboyant, wide-brimmed, feathered headpiece that had been taken from him.

“What guarantees do you want?”

“Look, mate, if you know the name from my past life, you know that I am a wanted man across the Draconis and Capellan Marches—the Outworlds Alliance as well.  And a good portion of the Crucis March, too.  But you are not a law enforcement officer—you are a mercenary in the service of Hanse Davion.  I give you my information, and you let me leave, giving me safe passage back to my JumpShip and let me skedaddle on out a’here in one piece, safe as a babe in her mother’s arms.”

“Just let a pirate go?”

“There’s pirates and then there are pirates.  For example, I might be a swashbuckler who takes a cargo every now and then,” and Shrike grinned, “even raids a few worlds, but doesn’t the Fox do the same to his foes?  But I am no instigator of atrocities nor of massacres, mate.   And I had nothing to do with the scoundrel who is provoking this war between Hanse and the Taurians.”

Nathan leaned forward, and his eyes glinted.  “If you have any information, then I will decide what to do with you after you give it up.”

“That is not going to happen, General, sir.  We get a deal and then you get the information—including where this black-hearted bandit is striking next; with orders to his men to deal as much civilian death and destruction as they can.  No deal, and it be on your head the wailing of the widows.”

“What’s to stop me from promising you the sun and the moon, and then clapping you in irons the moment you tell me?”

“Irons have already been clapped, mate,” Shrike answered as he raised his arms again and chuckled.  “And there be a reason I came to you and not the local authorities, or the Uruk-hai on Pierce—you are a man of honor.  You are a man who lives by his given word because he knows that everything in this universe can be taken away, except that.  Give me your word, General Nathan Armstrong, of the Eridani Light Horse, sworn in oath with your own hand resting upon that flag that once served the Star Lord himself, and I’ll give ye what I know in return.”

Both men stared at each other and finally Nathan nodded.  “All right.  I give you my word that you will be released and given safe-conduct.”

Shrike smiled again.  “In that case, would ye mind removing these?  They chafe my delicate skin.”

Nathan jerked his head and the guard walked over and unlocked the manacles and took them away, as Shrike rubbed his wrists.

“The one behind this whole scheme is Meurtrier Renard—not his birth-name, of course.  If your French is rusty that translates to . . .”

“The Fox’s Murderer,” interjected Nathan.

“Jolly good, old man.  You are more learned than I thought.  Renard managed to unite many of the pirates of Tortuga behind him—and he brought several score of ‘Mechs with him.  Right now, he and his followers have three Regiments at their disposal.  One is hitting Althea’s Choice today—the other two, under Renard’s direct command are striking at Basantapur on the tenth of September.  If’in you hurry, you might be able to get there before him.”


“Aye, Basantapur.  Home of Basantapur Fine Metals, and good metals and composites alike they make indeed.  They own that mining operation that the Suns runs on Colorado, but it is on Basantapur where they process all that germanium destined for Panpour.  Renard means to sack those refineries and steal the processed ore on hand—which would put the Federated Suns in a bind for the next decade or so having no germanium to build their Kearny-Fuchida drive cores with, now wouldn’t it?”

Shrike shrugged.  “That is the most valuable part of what Basantapur produces, but they also make internal skeletal structures from ‘Mechs produced on New Avalon and Wernke.  Never mind that Renard is hitting them with two Regiments, made up to appear like the Pleiades Hussars and Pleiades Lancers, or the little fact that he is planning a massacre of those Hindus the likes of which we haven’t seen since Kentares.”

Nathan released a deep breath and he nodded and started to rise, but Shrike raised one hand.  “Mate, I don’t know who Renard really is, but this I know—he is a Capellan.  Now, I’ve asked meself this time and again since he started his scheme . . . does he really think that by provoking a war between the Fox an’ the Bull that he is going to be able to carve out his own Empire from the Outback?  That Hanse Davion won’t slap his three Regiments silly?”

“No, he has to have another purpose—he hides his accent well, but he was born speaking that jibber-jabber they do across the border in Sian.  Mad Max, now he might well relish starting such a war and taking advantage of both of ye.  Might’en he?”

“And just what are you getting out of all of this Lord Shrike?” Nathan asked as he stood, and the pirate did as well.

“Ah, mate.  You are cleaning out the devil’s den on Tortuga of me competitors, for which I am most grateful.  And the Lady that I serve, this will put her shapely arse back on the Dominion’s Throne, with crews a-loyal only to her—and to me.  I don’t care one whit for the Federated Suns, nor for the Taurians, but my own realm, aye, mate, that I care for.  I have not the force of arms to put paid to Renard meself—ye and your mates do, General, sir.  And for that end, I’d make a deal with the devil himself.  And so, I think, would you.”

Lord Shrike picked up his hat and he placed on his head at a jaunty angle.  “And if our business is done, mate, then I’ll be a-taking my leave.”  He turned to go, and then he sighed and turned back to Nathan.  “A favor, I would beg of thee, General, sir, before I go off into night.”

“What is it?”

“I want to send a transmission to me dear old mother, back on Numenor.  Let her know that I be alive and well, and that she still has a son, if you would permit me?”

“Guards, escort Lord Shrike to the HPG terminal, and then to the spaceport.  And put him aboard his DropShip and get him the hell off this world.”

“You are a good and honorable man, Nathan Armstrong.  I be much obliged to you for the courtesy.”


Shrike stepped into the recording booth, isolated from the outside word, and he punched in a complicated code in the machinery.  A screen came to life and the face of Acolyte appeared.

“Sigma-Theta-Seven-Three-Four-Omega-Tau-One-Three-Nine-Alpha-Gamma-Six-Four-Seven-Two-Five-Eight.  Authenticate,” Shrike said.

The Acolyte looked down at his screen and he nodded to himself.  “Secure for priority transmission, Demi-Precentor Solis.”

“Lord Shrike, you idiot—do not let those other words pass your lips again.  Record for transmission to Precentor ROM.  Charles, I’ve cleaned up your mess.  Next time you want to pull a stunt like this, kindly go have intercourse with a dead horse.  Renard will cease being a problem very shortly, and I have diverted attention towards another source, away from ROM.  If you need anything else, don’t ask.  You almost blew my cover over this one, and if you do so again, I swear to Blake that I will find you and make you regret it.  Returning to Tortuga.”

“Send it,” he ordered the white-faced Acolyte.  Shrike sighed and shook his head.  “It’s code, you moron.  Send it.”

Shrike picked up his hat and put it back on his head.  “And there is a message in the queue for my mother on Numenor, along with a transfer of funds—she gets it immediately, or I will be back.  And if I have to come back, I will fillet you, mate.  Alive.”

And with that, Lord Shrike, pirate-captain of Tortuga, and agent of ROM walked out of the booth and was escorted away to space port.

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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #63 on: October 06, 2012, 04:57:11 PM »

So ROM was working against ROM?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #64 on: October 07, 2012, 03:52:23 AM »

So ROM was working against ROM?

Plans within plans within plans.
I guess we are seeing the first proof of the schism.

And masterarminas, Meurtrier Renard is to be translated by Murderer Fox.
The Fox's murderer would be l'Assassin du Renard (which doesn't sound like a name at all).

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #65 on: May 17, 2013, 11:21:17 AM »

Independence Weaponry Central Control
Prosperity Point, Quentin
Federated Suns
August 25, 3026

“Marshal, you have to defend the factories!  We cannot allow Kurita to take over the production lines!” snapped Duke Oscar Ivanick, the CEO of Independence weaponry.  “We have just spent nearly two hundred million C-Bills to restore these facilities—there are nearly fifty BattleMechs currently being assembled!”

“You think I am not aware of that?” snarled Marshal Timothy Ulso, but then the AFFS officer sighed.  “Your Grace, I have one BattleMech Regiment, two regiments of tanks, an air cavalry regiment, five regiments of infantry, and an artillery battalion.  But those are the Alpha and Gamma Regiments of Wolf’s Dragoons out there—supported by three more Kurita BattleMech Regiments.  We can delay Jaime Wolf, but I cannot stop him.”

“How long?” whispered the old man as he sank down into his chair.

“Hours, Your Grace.  Wolf and the Snakes are pressing us hard—we are making them pay for every inch of ground, but . . .,” and Ulso shrugged his shoulders. 

“I understand,” continued Ivanick.  “How soon can you get reinforcements here?”

Ulso sighed again and ran one hand through his thinning hair.  “Communications from Marduk indicate that they have also landed there and handed Chisholm a major defeat—which means we’ve got a real problem right here in the Draconis March, Your Grace.  Three weeks?  Maybe four?”

“What are you going to do?”

“What I have to, Your Grace.  I need to preserve the Hussars until reinforcements arrive—which means I need to evacuate the Steel Valley of as many of troops as I can pull out,” the Marshal looked away.  “Your local security will be alone . . . unless you order them to come with me.”

The CEO nodded and he shook his head again as he looked down at the map.  “Marduk and Quentin—on the same day, with ten regiments.  This isn’t a smash-and-grab, like they did back in ’23 is it?”

“No, Sir.  I am afraid it is not.”

“In that case, they will want the factories intact—operable, Marshal.  My security will stay here and set up a defensive perimeter,” the old man said bleakly.  “If the factories are what they want, they might not push too hard into an area where they will damage them.”

“That is a pipe-dream, Your Grace.  Wolf will not be bluffed—and he will come in and dig out your defenders if he has to,” Ulso warned.

“But it will buy time, Marshal,” Oscar Ivanik said as he stood, looking in that instant much like the man who had once commanded one of the AFFS’ premier Crucis Lancers Regimental Combat Teams many, many years ago.  “Time for your boys to put some distance between them and the invaders—and time for you to get my engineers and techs to safety.”  Ulsek hissed in sudden realization of what the old man was intending, and Ivanik nodded.  “They can’t run the lines without those personnel, Marshal.  Keep them safe,” he ordered as he picked up the phone on his desk.  “Operations.  Shut down all the lines—everything.  The order is Starfall,” he said, naming the exact contingency plan he wanted put into place.  “Transfer all production line code to portable storage—and wipe the mainframes.  And sound the evacuation alert.”

He sat down as he hung up the phone again.  “And you, Marshal,” he continued with a bleak look on his face.  “You don’t have time to waste—call for reinforcements before we lose access to the HPG.  Tell the First Prince you will have the programs and personnel needed to restart the lines.”

“You won’t survive, Your Grace,” Ulso said quietly.

“Let me worry about that, Marshal.  Now go—before it is too late.”
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 11:57:30 AM by masterarminas »

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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #66 on: May 17, 2013, 02:13:35 PM »

Now there's a man with a plan.


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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #67 on: May 17, 2013, 07:04:14 PM »

Glad to have you back MA!


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Re: Edward's War: A Story of the Taurian Concordat
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2014, 03:28:22 PM »

Sweet story! I like the treatment of Mad Max. :)

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