Playing in a MegaMek League (NBT Classic) again and I like to write RP for my unit. Thought I'd post it here. I'm running Clan Star Adder and the year is 3085. The RP starts a little behind that just before the Blood Spirit annihilation. I have plans for a story arc for Clan Star Adder that will either fracture it or see it become large enough to actually consider taking on the IS clans (and be sane in that consideration). Please keep in mind that NBT is in my opinion 'loosely' based off of BattleTech (ie they setup the universe in a certain year and people basically do what they want) but I like that freedom sometimes and I enjoy writing RP off of it. I really wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Alternate Universes but since its not a whole Alternate Universe like the stuff I've posted (and still plan to continue) over there I figured I should put it here.
I'm having fun playing around in the post-reaving homeworlds really for the first time both in MegaMek (getting used to using Protos a lot and some of the new omni configs, etc.) and in writing (I'm exploring using the Bastion and Aggressor Philosophies in place of Crusader/Warden and their implications). Kinda nice to blaze a path where I have no clue what the outcome is.
Hope you guys enjoy. Comments, concerns, questions, etc. Always welcome.
Adder Proving Ground
Hoard, Kerensky Cluster
27 February 3084
Cresting the hill and looked down upon a small fire base, Cadet Gohan spotted the 'Mechs who would be his opponents on the opposite hill. Built in a fairly large depression in the ground, the fire base and surrounding hills made a perfect natural Circle of Equals.
Gohan flipped his comm switch,
I challenge the MechWarrior Piloting the Stooping Hawk as my first opponent in this Trial of Position.
After a short pause,
Your first opponent? How presumptuous of you, there's an ancient saying - Never count your chickens until they hatch. I am going to tare your insolent throat out once I pull you from the wreckage of that tainted 'Mech.
Gohan responded even as he slammed his 'Mech to full speed.
I have another ancient saying for you, Put up or Shut Up.
Gohan's opponent arguably had reason to be so angry, Gohan was piloting a Septicemia, an OmniMech originally produced by the not so long ago destroyed Society. The 55 ton 'Mech had decent speed and armor, but what made the 'Mech so deadly was its weapons load-outs.
As the two 'Mechs closed the distance between them the enemy Stooping Hawk let loose with his Ultra Autocannon 10, the shot went wide to the right.
He must have the Prime config, that is good because I have very little long range weapons.
Setup in the C configuration, Gohan's Septicemia had an enormous array of weapons including eight AP Gauss Rifles, four Medium Pulse Lasers, three Plasma Cannons and eight machine guns linked in two machine gun arrays. Unfortunately only the Plasma Cannons could reach beyond 720 meters and they only caused increased heat on the target instead of causing damage. Despite this drawback Gohan let loose with one of his plasma cannons, hitting the Stooping Hawk in its left arm - if only to prove he could hit from the range that his enemy could not.
Maneuvering to the left, Gohan watched his range indicator run down and at the edge of the long range for his pulse lasers he let loose with them and all three of his Plasma Cannons. His opponent returned fire with his dual ER Medium Lasers and Medium Pulse Lasers along with his Ultra Autocannon 10. All four of Gohan's pulse lasers and two of his plasma cannons impacted his opponent's mech while only one laser and one shot from his opponent's autocannon successfully struck back.
Gohan watched as his enemy's 'Mech became sluggish under the intense combined heat of its own weapons and his plasma cannon shots.
You are mine.
Charging forward, Gohan brought his Septicemia right up on the damaged and overheating Stooping Hawk and unleashed two more pulse laser shots along with his ballistic weapons, reserving the plasma cannon ammunition and further laser shots.
I have my own heat to think of...
The barrage of bullets from his machine gun arrays and gauss slugs came in just behind the laser bursts and peppered the Stooping Hawk all up and down his right side, striking the area his first attack had also impacted. Suddenly one of his attacks hit pay-dirt, Gohan knew the moment it happened, the Stooping Hawk was walking forward and went to put pressure on his right leg and came crashing to the ground with the majority of that same leg in pieces. Gohan knew the 'Mech would be unable to return to a standing position on its remaining foot so he once more flipped his comm switch:
You are defeated Stooping Hawk warrior, I claim the rank of MechWarrior. Who will be my next opponent?
Without waiting for the downed warrior's response another of the 'Mechs arrayed against Gohan moved forward, this time a Stormcrow Prime.
That will be me surat, let us see how you fare against an opponent that won't let you trick them into overheating.
Gohan assessed his new enemy, the Stormcrow was a very nice OmniMech and the Prime configuration was made to run heat neutral, but it was also a more long range based weapons loadout and the result of his first match had placed him much closer to the enemy line and while this warrior claimed to be wise to his tricks he would still have to fire less than his full compliment of weapons to keep from overheating once Gohan engaged his plasma cannons.
So be it.
Immediately Gohan charged his new opponent and score hits with his medium pulse lasers before the Stormcrow could react, eventually he would however with a full barrage of dual ER Large and triple ER Medium lasers as he began to backup several seconds later. Gohan was able to dodge most of the beams but they did more damage than he had hoped, he responded with further pulse laser hits and unleashing two of his plasma cannons. He was pushing his 'Mech to the limit to get within range of his balistic weapons, but just before he could the Stormcrow unleashed another barrage, this time only with his ER Large lasers, the plasma cannons were doing their job. Finally reaching short range Gohan unleashed his ballistic barrage concentrating mainly on the Right Torso of the Stormcrow, he knew he had scored some internal damage and most likely an engine hit when the enemy 'Mech began glowing red on his disply indicating very high heat levels.
Now you will not be able to just cut back on your weapons to combat the heat spikes from my plasma cannons, I have you now.
Again his opponent's 'Mech began to grow sluggish and Gohan circled his Septicemia preparing for the kill. Further barrages from his lasers and ballistic weapons chipped away at the armor of the Stormcrow and an occasional plasma cannon shot kept the enemy 'Mech's heat high. Soon the opposing Stormcrow would fall down and damage his engine further, he had also lost the lasers in his right arm, Gohan decided it was time to allow this to end.
Your engine is just short of being destroyed, you have lost half your weapons and with your massive heat can not afford to fire your remaining ones. I offer you heigra now so that I may move on to my next opponent.
Assuming his opponent would concede, Gohan focused his attention to his last available opponent - a Night Gyr (per Star Adder tradition if additional opponents were needed they would be moved into the area but there had only ever been a handful of times that a warrior was able to get three kills, let alone be in the condition for taking on a fourth opponent and having those units on standby would be wasteful). Gohan was taken by surprise when the downed Stormcrow pilot barked into the comm:
Neg surat scum, you are not claiming the rank of Star Commander that easily.
Only one of the remaining lasers the downed Stormcrow fired actually impacted his Septicemia, on the left torso, but that was more damage he could not afford if he wanted to take on the Night Gyr. Gohan flashed with rage.
Not knowing when you are bested and wasting the valuable time of a superior warrior make you the surat scum of which you speak, and now I will erase your taint from this universe.
He charged the still downed Stormcrow with guns blazing. Armor chipped and melted away in ever growing chunks as Gohan approached, moving at full speed he came closer and closer to his enemy until he was right on top of him. Making no move to slow down Gohan engaged in a maneuver rarely seen among the clans, contracting key myomer muscles in his 'Mech's legs then extending them back out in quick succession allowed his 'Mech to hop several feet into the air. Gohan then swung the left leg of his mech forward causing his 'Mech's foot to impact with the cockpit of the enemy Stormcrow. He had kicked his enemy, and on top of this he had specifically targeted the cockpit of his enemy's 'Mech and now that enemy's blood painted a toe of his 'Mech's foot. It took several seconds for Gohan to remove his 'Mech's foot from the wreckage and regain his footing, during this time the enemy Night Gyr began to approach.
You have broken the rules of zellbrigen and intentionally murdered your opponent. What do you have to say for yourself?
Gohan thought for a moment before he responded.
This warrior was chaclas, he was wasteful and I removed his cowardice from existence. Tell me how that was wrong?... It was, however, very aggressive of me thought was it not?
He knew that would get the older warrior fuming.
Ah one of those damned Aggressors, I see now that my duty is clear. You will now face me and your death will help to cut out this new cancer that grows within us.
Less than five minutes later Gohan's Septicemia ground to a halt, its engine taking one too many LRMs and refusing to function any longer. Gohan popped the hatch and grabbed some binoculars. He focused down the field at his opponent's Night Gyr, if he was quick he might be able to see the last of the explosions from the LRM ammo that had ripped off both arms of his enemy's 'Mech. Technically the Night Gyr was still a functioning 'Mech but fortunately for Gohan the two times he had been able to knock down his opponent, coupled with the severe jarring of nearly 100 LRMs exploding had most likely nearly or actually killed his opponent, however if it had not happened then it certainly did when the Night Gyr fell the last time and crushed its own cockpit without arms to catch itself. He would of course hike over to check but it seemed as though he had pulled out a victory, if only barely.
saKhan Wyatt Talasko examined the report, it seemed a particularly gifted young warrior had defeated three opponents in his initial Trial of Position. Normally this would be a cause for celebration, introducing a newly commissioned Star Captain and obvious ristar into the Clan's ranks, but this news came to the saKhan with a chilling string attached. This young warrior, Gohan, was an obvious Aggressor and had nearly blatantly stated it over comms during the battle. The Khan was not going to be happy that they would have to strike down another promising warrior to keep this new Philosophy in check - if they could.