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Author Topic: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)  (Read 7518 times)

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After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:08:13 PM »

Playing in a MegaMek League (NBT Classic) again and I like to write RP for my unit. Thought I'd post it here. I'm running Clan Star Adder and the year is 3085. The RP starts a little behind that just before the Blood Spirit annihilation. I have plans for a story arc for Clan Star Adder that will either fracture it or see it become large enough to actually consider taking on the IS clans (and be sane in that consideration). Please keep in mind that NBT is in my opinion 'loosely' based off of BattleTech (ie they setup the universe in a certain year and people basically do what they want) but I like that freedom sometimes and I enjoy writing RP off of it. I really wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Alternate Universes but since its not a whole Alternate Universe like the stuff I've posted (and still plan to continue) over there I figured I should put it here.

I'm having fun playing around in the post-reaving homeworlds really for the first time both in MegaMek (getting used to using Protos a lot and some of the new omni configs, etc.) and in writing (I'm exploring using the Bastion and Aggressor Philosophies in place of Crusader/Warden and their implications). Kinda nice to blaze a path where I have no clue what the outcome is.

Hope you guys enjoy. Comments, concerns, questions, etc. Always welcome.


Adder Proving Ground
Hoard, Kerensky Cluster
27 February 3084

Cresting the hill and looked down upon a small fire base, Cadet Gohan spotted the 'Mechs who would be his opponents on the opposite hill. Built in a fairly large depression in the ground, the fire base and surrounding hills made a perfect natural Circle of Equals.

Gohan flipped his comm switch,

I challenge the MechWarrior Piloting the Stooping Hawk as my first opponent in this Trial of Position.

After a short pause,

Your first opponent? How presumptuous of you, there's an ancient saying - Never count your chickens until they hatch. I am going to tare your insolent throat out once I pull you from the wreckage of that tainted 'Mech.

Gohan responded even as he slammed his 'Mech to full speed.

I have another ancient saying for you, Put up or Shut Up.

Gohan's opponent arguably had reason to be so angry, Gohan was piloting a Septicemia, an OmniMech originally produced by the not so long ago destroyed Society. The 55 ton 'Mech had decent speed and armor, but what made the 'Mech so deadly was its weapons load-outs.

As the two 'Mechs closed the distance between them the enemy Stooping Hawk let loose with his Ultra Autocannon 10, the shot went wide to the right.

He must have the Prime config, that is good because I have very little long range weapons.

Setup in the C configuration, Gohan's Septicemia had an enormous array of weapons including eight AP Gauss Rifles, four Medium Pulse Lasers, three Plasma Cannons and eight machine guns linked in two machine gun arrays. Unfortunately only the Plasma Cannons could reach beyond 720 meters and they only caused increased heat on the target instead of causing damage. Despite this drawback Gohan let loose with one of his plasma cannons, hitting the Stooping Hawk in its left arm - if only to prove he could hit from the range that his enemy could not.

Maneuvering to the left, Gohan watched his range indicator run down and at the edge of the long range for his pulse lasers he let loose with them and all three of his Plasma Cannons. His opponent returned fire with his dual ER Medium Lasers and Medium Pulse Lasers along with his Ultra Autocannon 10. All four of Gohan's pulse lasers and two of his plasma cannons impacted his opponent's mech while only one laser and one shot from his opponent's autocannon successfully struck back.

Gohan watched as his enemy's 'Mech became sluggish under the intense combined heat of its own weapons and his plasma cannon shots.

You are mine.

Charging forward, Gohan brought his Septicemia right up on the damaged and overheating Stooping Hawk and unleashed two more pulse laser shots along with his ballistic weapons, reserving the plasma cannon ammunition and further laser shots.

I have my own heat to think of...

The barrage of bullets from his machine gun arrays and gauss slugs came in just behind the laser bursts and peppered the Stooping Hawk all up and down his right side, striking the area his first attack had also impacted. Suddenly one of his attacks hit pay-dirt, Gohan knew the moment it happened, the Stooping Hawk was walking forward and went to put pressure on his right leg and came crashing to the ground with the majority of that same leg in pieces. Gohan knew the 'Mech would be unable to return to a standing position on its remaining foot so he once more flipped his comm switch:

You are defeated Stooping Hawk warrior, I claim the rank of MechWarrior. Who will be my next opponent?

Without waiting for the downed warrior's response another of the 'Mechs arrayed against Gohan moved forward, this time a Stormcrow Prime.

That will be me surat, let us see how you fare against an opponent that won't let you trick them into overheating.

Gohan assessed his new enemy, the Stormcrow was a very nice OmniMech and the Prime configuration was made to run heat neutral, but it was also a more long range based weapons loadout and the result of his first match had placed him much closer to the enemy line and while this warrior claimed to be wise to his tricks he would still have to fire less than his full compliment of weapons to keep from overheating once Gohan engaged his plasma cannons.

So be it.

Immediately Gohan charged his new opponent and score hits with his medium pulse lasers before the Stormcrow could react, eventually he would however with a full barrage of dual ER Large and triple ER Medium lasers as he began to backup several seconds later. Gohan was able to dodge most of the beams but they did more damage than he had hoped, he responded with further pulse laser hits and unleashing two of his plasma cannons. He was pushing his 'Mech to the limit to get within range of his balistic weapons, but just before he could the Stormcrow unleashed another barrage, this time only with his ER Large lasers, the plasma cannons were doing their job. Finally reaching short range Gohan unleashed his ballistic barrage concentrating mainly on the Right Torso of the Stormcrow, he knew he had scored some internal damage and most likely an engine hit when the enemy 'Mech began glowing red on his disply indicating very high heat levels.

Now you will not be able to just cut back on your weapons to combat the heat spikes from my plasma cannons, I have you now.

Again his opponent's 'Mech began to grow sluggish and Gohan circled his Septicemia preparing for the kill. Further barrages from his lasers and ballistic weapons chipped away at the armor of the Stormcrow and an occasional plasma cannon shot kept the enemy 'Mech's heat high. Soon the opposing Stormcrow would fall down and damage his engine further, he had also lost the lasers in his right arm, Gohan decided it was time to allow this to end.

Your engine is just short of being destroyed, you have lost half your weapons and with your massive heat can not afford to fire your remaining ones. I offer you heigra now so that I may move on to my next opponent.

Assuming his opponent would concede, Gohan focused his attention to his last available opponent - a Night Gyr (per Star Adder tradition if additional opponents were needed they would be moved into the area but there had only ever been a handful of times that a warrior was able to get three kills, let alone be in the condition for taking on a fourth opponent and having those units on standby would be wasteful). Gohan was taken by surprise when the downed Stormcrow pilot barked into the comm:

Neg surat scum, you are not claiming the rank of Star Commander that easily.

Only one of the remaining lasers the downed Stormcrow fired actually impacted his Septicemia, on the left torso, but that was more damage he could not afford if he wanted to take on the Night Gyr. Gohan flashed with rage.

Not knowing when you are bested and wasting the valuable time of a superior warrior make you the surat scum of which you speak, and now I will erase your taint from this universe.

He charged the still downed Stormcrow with guns blazing. Armor chipped and melted away in ever growing chunks as Gohan approached, moving at full speed he came closer and closer to his enemy until he was right on top of him. Making no move to slow down Gohan engaged in a maneuver rarely seen among the clans, contracting key myomer muscles in his 'Mech's legs then extending them back out in quick succession allowed his 'Mech to hop several feet into the air. Gohan then swung the left leg of his mech forward causing his 'Mech's foot to impact with the cockpit of the enemy Stormcrow. He had kicked his enemy, and on top of this he had specifically targeted the cockpit of his enemy's 'Mech and now that enemy's blood painted a toe of his 'Mech's foot. It took several seconds for Gohan to remove his 'Mech's foot from the wreckage and regain his footing, during this time the enemy Night Gyr began to approach.

You have broken the rules of zellbrigen and intentionally murdered your opponent. What do you have to say for yourself?

Gohan thought for a moment before he responded.

This warrior was chaclas, he was wasteful and I removed his cowardice from existence. Tell me how that was wrong?... It was, however, very aggressive of me thought was it not?

He knew that would get the older warrior fuming.

Ah one of those damned Aggressors, I see now that my duty is clear. You will now face me and your death will help to cut out this new cancer that grows within us.

Less than five minutes later Gohan's Septicemia ground to a halt, its engine taking one too many LRMs and refusing to function any longer. Gohan popped the hatch and grabbed some binoculars. He focused down the field at his opponent's Night Gyr, if he was quick he might be able to see the last of the explosions from the LRM ammo that had ripped off both arms of his enemy's 'Mech. Technically the Night Gyr was still a functioning 'Mech but fortunately for Gohan the two times he had been able to knock down his opponent, coupled with the severe jarring of nearly 100 LRMs exploding had most likely nearly or actually killed his opponent, however if it had not happened then it certainly did when the Night Gyr fell the last time and crushed its own cockpit without arms to catch itself. He would of course hike over to check but it seemed as though he had pulled out a victory, if only barely.


saKhan Wyatt Talasko examined the report, it seemed a particularly gifted young warrior had defeated three opponents in his initial Trial of Position. Normally this would be a cause for celebration, introducing a newly commissioned Star Captain and obvious ristar into the Clan's ranks, but this news came to the saKhan with a chilling string attached. This young warrior, Gohan, was an obvious Aggressor and had nearly blatantly stated it over comms during the battle. The Khan was not going to be happy that they would have to strike down another promising warrior to keep this new Philosophy in check - if they could.
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 09:37:28 AM »

Nice. Keep it coming!
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2012, 10:06:22 PM »

Nice. Keep it coming!

Thanks, I'll try to update here when I update over there.
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2012, 10:06:41 PM »

Sidhe River Crossing
Haven, Colleen System
12 November 3084

Scanning the area left to right, Gohan let loose with the ER PPC of his Septicemia D, contacting with the right leg of a Mongoose and severing it at the knee. As the ancient 'Mech, once a scout 'Mech for the Star League Defense Force itself, fell to the ground, Gohan watched as two more moved to take its place. As he moved to his right, Gohan turned just in time to see a Blood Spirit Chyrasor moving behind his forces. A slug from his Ultra Autocannon 20 erased the enemy ProtoMech from existence.

Just one shot though, have to save my ammunition, this might be a long fight....

Trinary Gamma, move to fortify position Charlie-Charlie-Two, we have more than a cluster of enemy forces moving in on our position. This airbase sits at the center of the Star Adder line, we have to hold until the rest of the Galaxy can relieve.

His orders were met with a chorus of 'Affs' as his trinary moved to follow them.

Squeezing off another well aimed shot with his ER PPC, Gohan saw his artificial lighting impact in the side of a Royal Rhino Tank nearly 1000 meters out.

The Blood Spirit forces had been waiting for the Star Adders to cross the river to spring their trap. From what Gohan could tell they had armed as many civilians as they could with 'Mechs and tanks from what had to be the remains of some of the last Brian Caches in clan space, and combined them with the remaining regular Blood Spirit Touman, mainly ProtoMechs. His own trinary, as part of the 42nd Adder Cavaliers, along with the 212th Battle Cluster had formed the vanguard of the Star Adder forces to cross the Sidhe River moving towards the Blood Spirit capital of Glasgow. They had crossed the river and he had captured his assigned objective - a small Blood Spirit airbase, but now he had been cut off from the rest of the cluster and wasn't sure how long they would have to hold out against all of these Blood Spirit forces.

Star Captain, might I ask your plan?

Aff Star Commander, I plan to hold this position, and I plan to kill any and all stravag Blood Spirits that come to try to take it.

No disrespect Star Captain, but for one trinary on open ground you sure seem to have a lot of killing in mind.

Do you have something else in mind Star Commander?

Aff Star Captain, I believe I do....


"And then what happened Star Captain?"

"As you may have read in my report saKhan, the Blood Spirit forces struck and we fought them like mad men. Star Commander Jannison took his star around on our right flank and held off the bulk of the larger 'Mechs in the enemy force. His star took heavy damage but their sacrifice allowed the rest of the trinary to ravage the center of the Blood Spirit forces."

"I did read your report Star Captain, you lost nearly two thirds of your trinary."

"Yes sir but we were able to-"

"Do not interrupt me Star Captain, as I said you lost nearly two thirds of your trinary, however you were able to hold off the Blood Spirit forces until relieved and I am also interested in how you took command of the remaining forces from the 42nd and 212th during the retreat."

"I am sorry sir, yes I did take command of around three trinaries worth of forces after we were relieved by the rest of Alpha and Gamma Galaxies. We had been ordered to make our way back across the Sidhe and to our DropShips but both of the Star Colonel had been killed and no one else was taking charge."

"Very commendable Star Captain, your forces came under attack by a Blood Spirit AeroSpace force as you came near your DropShips Quiaff?"

"Aff saKhan, two Broadsword Class DropShips and several fighters strafed us but in their arrogance came very low. I ordered our forces to return fire and we were able to take down one of the DropShips and at least one fighter we could confirm."

"Very good, now unless there is anything else that will be all I need from you Star Captain."

"Yes sir, just one more thing - congratulations on securing the final victory saKhan, from what I have heard it was a glorious battle against the dishonorable surats."

"Thank you Star Captain, any victory against those no longer part of the Pure Clans is a great one but remember this battle was forced on us, I would have much rather seen the Blood Spirits be redeemed and become a strong and functioning member of our society again - alas they lost that opportunity long ago I fear."

"You can't be serious saKhan, the Blood Spirits were beyond redemption, they proved that way back when they interfered in the Burrock absorption, who knows if they hadn't we may have been able to crush the rebellious tendencies of the Burrocks and the Wars of Reaving may not have occurred."

"Watch your tongue Star Captain, both your grammar and the idea that a supposed failure on our Clan's part to 'crush' the Burrocks helped to cause the Reavings. You are dismissed Star Captain."

"But sir-"

"I said you are dismissed Star Captain!"

Gohan left the room frustrated, more at himself than the saKhan. Yes the saKhan would most likely have to die for any real change to occur, and for that matter the Khan probably too, but if he had expressed himself better and been more careful with what he said the saKhan may not have dismissed him so easily and he could have had some influence on the man.

They seem content for our glorious Clan to just be the big fish in a small pond... I will have to find a way to change that.
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2012, 06:43:05 PM »

TO:   saKhan Wyatt Talasko
FROM:   Galaxy Commander Carlos Hutchinson
SUB:      Readiness Report - 1 Dec 3084, Following Conflict on Haven
             42nd Adder Cavaliers - Trinary Gamma

Per your request saKhan here is Star Colonel Danforth's report on his Trinary Gamma.

As you know they were fairly torn up on Haven but I believe the Star Captain and Star Commander (as well as a few other survivors) should be great candidates for higher command trials of position and/or bloodname trials.

I believe the report shows that the Star Captain is willing to burn support forces to preserve his 'Mechs, his reports say this is simply due to how the Blood Spirits attacked but I don't think it is a coincidence that he lost the majority of his three battle armor and ProtoMech points while only loosing three of nine 'Mechs. Despite this tendency, I think Star Captain Gohan knows how to fight and how to lead and I look forward to him helping to forward the Clan's cause.

Also of note are the individual kills, the Star Captain's 4 solo kills was matched by MechWarrior Ailani and surpassed by MechWarrior Tamanna at 5. Star Commander Jannison and ProtoWarrior Rose both got 3 kills and several others scored single or double kills. Despite the fact that Zellbrigen was of course abandoned against the Spirits, these warriors under Star Captain Gohan were able to score a significant number of individual kills and not utilize mass firing and other tainted tactics if they could avoid it. I see this as a very good sign.

Code: [Select]
Alpha Mixed Nova

Alpha Mech Star
Star Captain Gohan - Septicemia D: Mid Damage
MechWarrior Tamanna         - Stormcrow G: Light Damage
MechWarrior Dayo         - Stooping Hawk F: Heavy Damage
MechWarrior Lillian - Pouncer H: Mid Damage
MechWarrior Verdier - Mongrel D: Light Damage

Alpha Support Star
Point Commander Renata: Dead                 - Corona: 2 Point Deaths

Point Commander Mary: Dead                 - Elemental (AP Gauss): 4 Point Deaths

Point Commander Emeryk Nga: Serious Injury         - Delphyne: Destroyed
ProtoWarrior Rose         - Delphyne
ProtoWarrior Thomas         - Delphyne 2
ProtoWarrior Ruxandra         - Delphyne 2
ProtoWarrior Aba: Serious Injury         - Delphyne 2: Destroyed

Point Commander Claerita: Dead         - Minotaur: Destroyed
ProtoWarrior Duhan: Dead         - Minotaur: Destroyed
ProtoWarrior Melbine: Injury         - Minotaur 3: Disabled
ProtoWarrior Hanzila: Injury         - Minotaur 3
ProtoWarrior Nhut         - Minotaur 3

Point Commander Gaira: Dead         - Gorgon 2: Destroyed
ProtoWarrior Vid: Serious Injury         - Gorgon 2: Disabled
ProtoWarrior Abdul         - Gorgon 3
ProtoWarrior Tanesha: Serious Injury         - Gorgon 3: Destroyed
ProtoWarrior Floriye: Injury         - Gorgon 3: Disabled

Beta Star
Star Commander Jannison         - Kit Fox F: Salvage
MechWarrior Ailani         - Adder J: Heavy Damage
MechWarrior Jason: Injury         - Hellion C: Salvage
MechWarrior Nancy: Injury         - Mist Lynx H: Destroyed
Point Commander Laria Holliday: Injury         - Corona (SRM): 2 Point Deaths

[OOC] This report is based on a very large MegaMek battle I fought and the actual results, Blood Spirits had about 30 units including a pretty nice array of mechs, tanks and protomechs (and out BVed this force by several thousand). It actually went pretty well for the CSA side but it was still pretty bloody as larger MegaMek games tend to be. [/OOC]
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

BattleTech: Ripple Effect (My Alternate Universe)

Dragon Cat

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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2012, 08:22:29 PM »

Tagged for further reading

No time at moment to read fully but the first post I really enjoyed read again later

Second Read through enjoyed the second part too
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 11:06:57 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2012, 02:46:37 PM »

Tokasha MechWorks
Tokasha, Kerensky Cluster
6 August 3085

Star Captain Gohan pulled his Septicemia into a full run and pivoted the torso to the right, towards a Stone Lion Warhawk and Athena (HAG). Gohan could see that another 'Mech from his star, an Ebon Jaguar, had already begun to engage the Warhawk, so Gohan unleashed the ER Large Laser and HAG 40 from his 'Mech's Prime config on the Athena. Having already taken damage earlier in the battle, the Athena simply exploded under Gohan's onslaught, similarly the enemy Warhawk took a large pulse laser and HAG 20 from Gohan's starmate and the combination was enough to rip out the already damaged Right Torso of the enemy assault 'Mech.

At this point Gohan's recollection, and therefore his report, became hazy. Turning from his tank kill, Gohan was just in time to see the ProtoMechs - at least one Orc and one Minotaur - jump at him. Other warriors from the Star would confirm that the Star Captain's 'Mech was overrun and he apparently lost consciousness when their combined fire made his mech fall and exploded his HAG 40. Another 'Mech in the Star Adder star, a 90 Ton Blood Asp, also fell to the Stone Lion counterassault. However, the remaining three Star Adder 'Mechs would battle back and take down the ProtoMechs, Battle Armor and additional two 'Mechs in the Stone Lion force.

Gohan regained consciousness and was able to recover his 'Mech's footing just in time to stop his forces from executing the remaining Stone Lion 'Mech, ironically a Septicemia itself.

You have bloodied us and proven your worth... but are bested here today. I offer you Heigra and the chance to withdraw with your Honor intact. What say you honorable Stone Lion foe?

After a few moments, the response.

I accept Star Adder, we got close but to my death would not get us any closer. I will withdraw.

I should have known that warriors good enough to nearly take me down would be honorable enough to know when to quit


"Apparently the Star Captain was able to have his Septicemia repaired and salvage the Stone Lion Warhawk to replace his star's Blood Asp, so he left a repaired Crimson Langur for the Stone Lions to recapture."

"Good report saKhan, well that is a good sign for Gohan and his understanding of honor and inter-clan politics, I will continue to keep my eye on him. You approve of his actions towards the Stone Lions quiaff?"

"Aff, we should encourage better relations with the Stone Lions. They were one with our Clan for a short time and spawns of the Hell's Horses - which we knew to be an honorable Clan before the taint. I believe your decision to allow them their freedom was correct but I also think we should try to cultivate closer relations to them."

"I agree, with the Cloud Cobras growing dormant and no longer the close ally we once could count on, and the Coyotes showing signs of returning to their old ways, we could use a closer ally."

"I think the Coyotes may still be on the right path - I continue to see signs of honor from them, we should let a few of their transgressions go, and hopefully they will return the favor."

"Wise thinking, we will hold judgement. Now how are our expeditions going?"

"The expeditionary fleet is nearing readiness and will launch towards the Escorpio Imperio and Hanseatic League within a few months. The suggestion to send them closer to the Inner Sphere to raid the periphery holdings of some of the Inner Sphere clans has been raised once again in the Clan Council."

"I will take it into consideration, although we must be cautious to avoid the taint they could bring home."

"This is very true, however battle against the Imperio or Hansa might not be much better quineg?"

"Neg, of course you are correct, we should confer with Merchant Factor Jason and the Galaxy Commanders for the expedition to weigh their views on the matter."

"I think that is a great idea my Khan, I will arrange it."
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

BattleTech: Ripple Effect (My Alternate Universe)


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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 05:51:27 PM »

Great Desert outside San Mateo
Tamaron, Kerensky Cluster
8 October 3085

Star Captain Gohan could have sworn he heard the projectiles wiz past his 'Mech just before the UAC 10 shot from an enemy UrbanMech IIC impacted with the canyon wall behind his Septicemia Prime. Kicking his 'Mech to full speed and rounding the canyon wall Gohan caught a glimpse of the full forces arrayed against him.

All right Adders, we have a full Binary - I repeat 10 UrbanMech IICs in the ravine, led by a Timber Wolf. MechWarriors Graham and Stout I want you to take your lights and flank to the right, Point Commander Jasmine take your Delphynes on the left. Point Commander Johnathan keep your Athena back and see if you can take out a few 'Mech sniping with those Gauss Rifles. MechWarrior Samantha, bring your Guillotine IIC up with me, we will take the brunt of the assault and send this Coyote swarm back to where it came from.

As the two forces collided, Gohan reveled in the glory of it all. Laser, autocannon and gauss rifle fire filled the air as the UrbanMech IICs marched forward. Johnathan's Athena scored a hit with its Gauss Rifle, shattering an enemy 'Mech's leg, Samantha's ER PPC impacted another 'Mech directly in the cockpit while his own HAG 40 tore the entire right side off a third 'Mech all within the first 30 seconds. Still the onslaught of UAC 10 shots were already stripping armor from his 'Mech and two Delphynes had been damaged.

Just then the enemy Timber Wolf pressed hard on their left flank, Gohan turned just in time to see the 'Mech break through the Delphynes and deploy its attending Elementals.

Time to spring the trap...

I have the Timber Wolf, Graham jump your Horned Owl over here and help with these elementals. Stout, you should be in position now - let them have it.

His warriors followed their orders to the letter, Gohan sent his next ER Large Laser and HAG 40 at the Timber Wolf while the enemy elementals took Pulse Laser fire from a jumping Horned Owl. Just then Mechwarrior Stout pulled his Locust IIC out from behind a canyon wall, right behind the remaining UrbanMech IICs and unleashed his full arsenal of lasers, crumpling an enemy 'Mech immediately.

All was going well, and as 'Mech after 'Mech fell in the enemy line Gohan felt that victory was almost assured. He still had his own battle to deal with though and as his second HAG 40 shot went wide and the enemy Timber Wolf set up in the S configuration came ever closer he wasn't sure how he would pull this one off. And as multiple pulse laser blasts and SRMs from the enemy 'Mech slammed into his own 'Mech and he felt the nausiating pain of the gyros failing and his Septicemia falling to the ground, Gohan for the first time was afraid he wouldn't make it out of a fight alive.


"What is the word from Tamaron?"

"Good news and bad my Khan. The trial was successful, we gained four Elemental Points, three Timber Wolf, and two Incubus 'Mechs from the Coyote supply cache. A Coyote Timber Wolf and a point of elementals, along with a full Binary of UrbanMech IICs were defeated, four of which we were able to take as Isorla. Our losses were light but unfortunately along with two Delphynes, Star Captain Gohan went down with his Septicemia."

"Is he dead?"

"No, he is injured but not severely, he will live to fight another day."


"Sir? I thought we were trying to curtail Gohan's rise through the ranks, his death would seem to be a boon to that effort."

"Yes saKhan but I have begun to think that we may have erred in our assessment of him, once he recovers see to it that he is given the chance to participate in a Trial of Position for the rank of Star Colonel."

"So we should allow his Aggressor traits to raise even higher in the clan and perhaps influence more of this behavior? Have you been influenced to their side as well?"

"Wyatt, it is time we recognize that the Aggressor philosophy is the new Crusader philosophy, and our own Bastion views are similar to those of the former Wardens. If the past has taught us anything it is that taking any view to its extreme is not a good thing - we must maintain balance and use the Aggressors, along with all our other weapons, if we hope to one day stand proud over Terra masters of a united humanity. I still believe for now our Bastion ideals are the right ones but our long term goal should never be anything less than resurrecting the Star League or we truly have abandoned the Clan way."

"I see your point Khan, I don't agree completely but I know you are correct when you say balance is key - all the great Clans of the past, the Wolves before the invasion, the Ghost Bears after the invasion, even our own clan after absorbing the Burrocks, have had a balance of the Crusader and Warden mindsets and have drawn strength from that. I will arrange the trials, should Gohan prove himself he will be the Star Colonel assigned to the 5th Assault Cluster when it is raised."

"Very good saKhan, now on to other matters..."
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2012, 04:25:34 PM »

An aside to this, I have my vision of the beginning of the rebuilding of the Star Adder Touman:

Clan Star Adder Touman (Planned Organization by Jan 1 3086)
13 Warships
10 Galaxies (42 Clusters)
CO: Khan Hannibal Banacek
Aide: Adder Keeper Gohan

Star Adder Command
Adder Command Keshik     E   90   Strana Mechty
CO: Khan Hannibal Banacek
Attached: Stellar Serpent, Aegis Class Warship
Adder Quasar Keshik      E   75   Hoard
CO: saKhan Wyatt Talasko
Attached: Ares Might, Aegis Class Warship

Star Adder Assault Star - Tathis
CO: Naval Adjunt Terresa Guidice
Sovereign Right, McKenna Class Warship
Absolute Truth, Nightlord Class Warship
Exodus Avenger, York Class Warship
Exodus Crusader, York Class Warship
Exodus Sentinel, York Class Warship

Naval Reserve - Tathis/Sheridan
Arcadian Asp, Fredasa Class Warship
Vicious Fang, Fredasa Class Warship
Pegasus, Vincent Mk. 42 Class Warship
Centaur, Vincent Mk. 42 Class Warship
Warlock, Lola III Class Warship
Hagar, Lola III Class Warship

            EXP   Strength   Homeworld
Alpha Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Kim N'Buta

5th Assault Cluster      V   40   Hoard
CO: Star Colonel Gohan
11th Armored Cavalry Squadron   E   45   Hoard
CO: Star Colonel Luc Truscott
73rd Adder Cavaliers      V   75   Hoard
CO: Star Colonel Philo Shi-Lu
85th Adder Cavaliers      E   90   Hoard
CO: Star Colonel Ethan Banacek

Beta Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Sepha Paik

4th Assault Cluster      E   85   Arcadia
CO: Star Colonel Anthony Hutchinson
10th Armored Cavalry Squadron   V   30   Arcadia
CO: Star Colonel Dabir Truscott
15th Armored Cavalry Squadron   V   30   Dagda
CO: Star Colonel Marck Cannon
80th Adder Cavaliers      R   65   Dagda
CO: Star Colonel Rita Marghar

Gamma Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Kylie Linn

3rd Assault Cluster      E   25   Sheridan
CO: Star Colonel Qi N'Buta
69th Dragoon Cluster      V   30   Sheridan
CO: Star Colonel Iniko Cannon
79th Dragoon Cluster      R   45   Tathis
CO: Star Colonel Gregory Gena
133rd Hussar Cluster      R   20   Tathis
CO: Star Colonel Gerard Holliday

Delta Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Brynn N'Buta

6th Adder Assault Cluster   R   60   Tiber
CO: Star Colonel Osman Turgidson
17th Strike Cluster      V   75   Strato Domingo
CO: Star Colonel Carson Paik
18th Armored Cavalry Squadron   G   55   Gatekeeper
CO: Star Colonel Jiri Linn
362nd Adder Cavaliers      R   85   Grant's Station
CO: Star COlonel Boran Cathis

Epsilon Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Carlos Hutchinson

13th Adder Assault Cluster   V   50   Tamaron
CO: Star Colonel Brent Marghar
42nd Adder Cavaliers      R   35   Londerhom
CO: Star Colonel Lencho Danforth
212th Battle Cluster      R   20   Huntress
CO: Star Colonel Brooke Shi-LU
471st Adder Guards      R   15   Huntress
CO: Star Colonel Yosef Connery

Kappa Provisional Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Jenica Turgidson

1st Star Sentinels      E   55   Arcadia
CO: Star Colonel Grant Turgidson
300th Adder Sentinels      V   35   Arcadia
CO: Star Colonel Gretchen Talasko
417th Adder Sentinels      R   55   Dagda
CO: Star Colonel Olms
421st Adder Sentinels      R   40   Dagda
CO: Star Colonel Peter

Mu Provisional Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Emerson N'Buta

383rd Adder Sentinels      R   75   Strana Mechty
CO: Star Colonel Ophilia Phoushath
1001st Adder Sentinels      G   30   Strana Mechty
CO: Star Colonel Ivan Earle
1008th Adder Sentinels      R   95   Hoard
CO: Star Colonel Luke Siddiq
935th Gatekeeper Cluster   R   80   Hoard
CO: Star Colonel Dak

Xi Provisional Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Zachariah Truscott

97th Adder Sentinels      V   40   Sheridan
CO: Star Colonel Tabitha Kingston
522nd Adder Sentinels      E   10   Sheridan
CO: Star Colonel Jessica LeFabre
1015th Adder Sentinels      V   35   Tathis
CO: Star Colonel Everett
1129th Gatekeeper Cluster   R   30   Tathis
CO: Star Colonel Maia Nga

Omicron Provisional Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Brock Gena

271st Adder Sentinels      V   100   Tiber
CO: Star Colonel Starla Paik
312th Adder Sentinels      R   90   Strato Domingo
CO: Star Colonel Marshall Pryde
460th Adder Sentinels      R   100   Gatekeeper
CO: Star Colonel Wallace Meytani
899th Gatekeeper Cluster   G   35   Grant's Station
CO: Star Colonel Margaret

Sigma Provisional Galaxy
CO: Galaxy Commander Selmi Mikino

471st Adder Sentinels      E   15   Tamaron
CO: Star Colonel Dimitri Linn
504th Adder Sentinels      R   35   Londerholm
CO: Star Colonel Justin Linn
822nd Gatekeeper Cluster   V   50   Huntress
CO: Star Colonel Rachelle Paik
1143rd Gatekeeper Cluster   G   40   Huntress
CO: Star Colonel Andrew

Notes on changes from early 3085 (WoR sourcebook):
Star Adder Command reformed as an independent entity.
Adder Command Keshik transferred from Alpha Galaxy
Adder Quasar Keshik transferred from Gamma Galaxy

5th Assault Cluster raised (reformed, original was shattered by CBS during the Burrock absorbtion) and joins Alpha Galaxy.

Rho Provisional Galaxy - Disbanded
152nd Adder Sentinels - Disbanded
362nd Adder Cavaliers - Transferred to Delta Galaxy, reorganizing as a frontline unit
1129th Gatekeeper Cluster - Transferred to Xi Provisional Galaxy

Tau Provisional Galaxy - Disbanded
899th Gatekeeper Cluster - Transferred to Omicron Provisional Galaxy
1008th Adder Sentinels - Transferred to Mu Provisional Galaxy
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 04:26:34 PM by SSJGohan3972 »
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2012, 08:29:41 PM »

Grand Trial Ground
Katyusha City, Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
24 November 3085

Twisting the torso of his Glass Spider 2, MechWarrior Jacob took aim at the advancing Linebacker D and unleashed his array of Pulse Lasers even as his enemy let loose with a massive barrage of Streak SRMs. The SRMs impacted all over Jacob's 'Mech, blowing off chunks of armor and straining the 'Mech's gyro. Jacob fought to keep his 'Mech from falling over and was not watching as his own laser blasts impacted his opponent's 'Mech all along the right side, piercing the armor of the torso and igniting the ammunition held within. The entire right side of the enemy Linebacker blew off and the 'Mech was thrown to the ground. The loss of an entire torso along with previous engine damage meant that the Coyote 'Mech would not be getting up under its own power any time soon.

Jacob scanned the field, his original opponent - a Rabid Coyote lay as a legless smoking hulk nearby. The Coyote warrior had refused to accept Heigra and fought to the bitter end to 'prevent the spread of the horrid Delphyne.' His starmate, MechWarrior Kimberly climbed from the wreckage of her Glass Spider to his left a small ways behind Jacob's second opponent, the Phantom E that had defeated Kimberly, that was also smoking.

His job was complete but the battle was not quite over, just over the hill Jacob's Star Commander was engaging the last of the Coyote star.

As the Star Adder Blood Asp G advanced towards the Coyote Dire Wolf Prime, Jacob listened as the Star Commander came on the open comms.

Coyote warrior, I assume you want to fight to the bitter end but I feel the need to let you know that you are free to accept Heigra at any time, there is no need for you to die and waste a valuable warrior, a valuable resource for your clan.

The Coyote Assault 'Mech was on the ground after the last round of weapon barrages had been exchanged between it and the Star Adder 'Mech.

Curse you Star Adder, a Coyote fears nothing, especially not death. He welcomes it as Satan himself welcomes the souls of the meek and misguided. Run toward me, you may win but I want to go out on an alpha strike.

The Coyote Dire Wolf rose from the ground to deliver its final blow, and the Star Adder 'Mech turned its weapons to do the same.

So be it. The Star Adder Star Commander's words were barely out as both 'Mechs unleashed their deadly barrages.

FOR KERENSKY The Coyote Warrior screamed as the Blood Asp's HAG 40 and array of Lasers impacted across his 'Mech. The inferno from multiple engine breaches and the Dire Wolf crumpling engulfed the cockpit... no ejection pod escaped the wreck.


5th Assault Cluster Command HQ
Hoard, Kerensky Cluster
17 December 3085

Star Colonel Gohan surveyed the stack of files he had on potential recruits for his new 5th Assault Cluster. He had already chosen several Warriors who had recently won their initial Trials of Position and included in that crop had been a few Star Commanders and one very impressive young Star Captain, however he needed to find several more officers - and a potential one would soon arrive for him to meet with.

Just then the buzzer to Gohan's office went off.

Speak of the Usurper


The door opened and a younger man entered, Gohan supposed he was right around his own age.

"MechWarrior Jacob reporting as ordered sir."

The young warrior stood at attention, Gohan leaned back in his chair.

"I will cut to the chase MechWarrior, I am looking for warriors to fill out the new 5th Assault Cluster, specifically I am looking for a Star Commander for the Battle Star of the second Trinary. Are you interested?"

"I do not currently hold the rank of Star Commander, Star Colonel - that would seem to be an issue quiaff?"

Gohan chuckled, nice to see someone else who was willing to cut through the bull.

"Yes it would..."

Gohan gestured to a chair.

"Please sit. If you are interested I would have a Trial of Position setup for you, your taking over as Star Commander of that Star would be predicated on you winning that Trial of course."

Jacob sat down in the chair but never took his eyes off of the Star Colonel.

"I am of course interested, I feel I was integral in our recent victory in the Trials for the Delphyne ProtoMech and was hopeful to get a chance to advance in a Trial of Position some time soon."

"I have read the reports but I would like to hear about those Trials from you. I believe you were involved in all three engagements that we participated in during that string of trials."

"Yes, I piloted my Glass Spider 2 as a member of each of the three stars. We defeated the Stone Lions in the first engagement and the Coyotes in the second engagement. We were supposed to face the Cloud Cobras in the third engagement but after their loss to the Coyotes they decided to back out. So we faced the Coyotes again and put them away for a second time to secure the rights to produce the Delphyne ProtoMech for Clan Star Adder."

"I understand you were able to score six kills combined in those trials, an impressive feat to say the least. What did you think of your opponents."

"The Stone Lions fought well but their 'Mechs were not the best, the Coyotes seemed more interested in winning than actually fighting honorably I was a little taken aback by that."

"If you thought your Clan's position was the right one then would it not be honorable to sacrifice your personal honor to see your Clan advance?"

"I do not believe so sir, even if it is better for Clan Star Adder I will not continue to fight a battle that is unwinnable, although truthfully I do not think there is any circumstance where that would be the truth - in these cases the Coyotes would have had as many as 5 more 'Mechs in their forces had they accepted Heigra when they should have."

"Interesting, and you think they should have accepted Heigra because you outfought them?"

"In part yes, in the final battle I defeated 3 warriors piloting two mediums and a heavy, two of which were OmniMechs. I saw two of those 'Mechs disabled and obviously out of the fight continue to battle just on the off chance they could get a lucky shot - the skill, the true fight was over, basically they forced me to execute them."

"So your 'Mech being equipped with incredibly accurate Pulse Lasers and a Targeting Computer to help you even further did not effect the outcome of those duels?"

The MechWarrior paused, physically taken aback.

"Are you suggesting that if I was not piloting what I had been I would not have done as well in those trials?"

"Yes I am."

"I was under the impression that your new Timber Wolf configuration was equipped with Pulse Lasers, would you not have been able to attain your new rank without them?"

"Ah yes, but my 'Mech does not have a Targeting Computer and it also does not rely on the Pulse Lasers alone."

"I believe I am a better warrior than those I have defeated, and would have done so with any other comparable 'Mech."

"Do you want a chance to prove that?"


"Alright then, prepare yourself - your Trial of Position is later today."
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

BattleTech: Ripple Effect (My Alternate Universe)


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Re: After the Reavings, a tale of Clan Star Adder (Classic)
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2014, 02:57:12 PM »

Nice read!

"The more 'Craptech' or 'Dork Age' talk that gets put out there, the more we see this community get more exclusionary. Elitism doesn't seem to have a great track record of keeping a game line healthy."
--Dread Moores
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