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Author Topic: Scorpio Ascendant  (Read 45764 times)

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #405 on: August 08, 2012, 06:31:19 AM »

The Sharks (who were personal favorites of mine) were changed to Crusaders for two reasons in canon history.

The rise of Ian Hawker who was the Clan's greatest warrior and eventual Khan was a Crusader. He lead them personally and appointed warriors who believed as he did in the Crusader philosophy making new alliances with the Falcons.

The Clan as a whole wanted ties with the InnerSphere and that meant one thing, invade. Backing the Crusaders opened up new markets with Clans they didn't get along with like the Falcons and the InnerSphere. Was good for business and the merchant caste is very powerful.

I don't have a problem with MA view on the Sharks cause they took such a back seat in canon. Their role was so minor and again it could have been just a clever marketing strategy at the time. Lets keep quite and make boat loads on the invasion.

The Wolf Clan Sourcebook which was the first canon product on Tukayyid basically destroyed the Clan. Only subsequent material resurrected them.

As for the Jaguar answer I find it refreshingly human. We know what has to be done but we just can't bring ourselves to do it.

I think you have to recognize this story for what it is - a Goliath Scorpion one. Its not about the other Clans so much as it is about the Scorpions impact on this alternate Clan invasion of the InnerSphere. I have enjoyed it.

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #406 on: August 08, 2012, 08:02:00 AM »

I think you have to recognize this story for what it is - a Goliath Scorpion one. Its not about the other Clans so much as it is about the Scorpions impact on this alternate Clan invasion of the InnerSphere. I have enjoyed it.

I think you and I will simply disagree here. Many of the other Clans have received a fairly large amount of coverage or face time. And I think you're being a bit disingenuous with the Sharks. You've effectively described exactly what I said above. They have Crusader leadership entirely reliant on Hawker, that's it. They weren't "changed to Crusaders." There's no Hawker here.

I've enjoyed the story a great deal. That doesn't change that I find the meeting to bring the story's flow to a rather abrupt halt and leave the sense of overly rough railroading just to get to the protagonist's final stand. There are dozens of ways to get the Scorpion his melee Trial, few of which needed to rip the reader out of the flow and leave them scratching their head. The meeting either needs more exposition to explain some of those rather hard left turns that show up with no prior reference or explanation or it simply set it entirely aside to focus on the Trial.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #407 on: August 08, 2012, 01:06:29 PM »


“While the events set in motion by the Clan Invasion of 3043-3044 have still yet to fully play out in the Inner Sphere, a few things are certain:  the end of the Successions and the rebirth of the Star League chief among them.  To understand how this came to be we must examine the state of affairs as they existed in the Inner Sphere at the end of the 4th Succession War and the impact of the news that the Star League Defense Force of Aleksandyr Kerensky had survived wrought upon the leaders of the Five Great Houses.  We must look at the events which took place in the Clan Homeworlds leading to the decision to Invade the Inner Sphere—and we must acknowledge that it was the impetus of those Clans that forced the warring Great Houses to set aside their differences and unite.”

“This volume has been difficult to write.  The wounds and heartache of the Invasion War have receded over the past decade, although they have not vanished.  Many of our people still grieve for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost in this War; still others refuse to accept that the Clans have been part and parcel of our society, exchanging ideas and traditions and customs as we slowly learn to accept each other for who and what we are.  We have seen this in the movement to settle disputes in ‘clean combat’ eerily similar to Clan trials and honor duels, inspired by the Three Clans which serve as part of our new Star League Defense Force.”

“And yet, there are new warning signs on the horizon, as tensions have once again begun to rise.  Not all are willing to forget and to forgive the costs of the war—in people and in treasure and in planets.  Separatist movements have gained strength, led by the Federation of Skye, but now spread to all five of the Great Houses.  These movements call for a renunciation of the Star League Reborn—and a new war to drive out the Clan invaders.  And on the Clan side of the Treaty Zone, calls from the new generation of Warriors are also made, calls for a march anew upon Terra.”

“Wiser heads have so far prevailed, but if the history of mankind teaches us one thing, it is that if humanity has a choice between an action that is wise and well-considered and one that is foolish but emotionally charged, we will many times (but not all) respond with our emotions.” 

—Misha Auburn, Author’s Introduction to The Dragon, The Fox, the Scorpion, and the Wolf:  A Parable for Our Modern Age Tharkad Free Press (3053)

The Guns Fall Silent . . .

To say that the Clans of Kerensky were furious at the defection of the Cloud Cobras, Goliath Scorpions, and Stone Lions was a massive understatement.  The farewell address of Nikolai Djerassi to the Grand Council was met with utter disbelief at his breaking of the unity—but it was the stalwart nature of the ilKhan, supported by Khan Kerensky of Clan Wolf (a Warden), and Khan Truscott of Clan Star Adder (a Crusader) who managed to channel that outrage, anger, and fear into a consensus to forge a peace treaty with the Star League.  Not even the most ardent Crusader Khan could continue to insist on resuming the Invasion—for the odds had shifted dramatically against the Invading Clans.

That consensus did not stop the Clans from holding a Trial of Abjuration in absentia against the Cloud Cobras, Goliath Scorpions, and Stone Lions, however.  With a unanimous vote of all the remaining Clans, they stripped the defectors of their rights as part of the Clans under the Martial Code—declaring them bandits and outlaws, forever exiled from the unity of which they had once been part.  It was, in practice, a formality, nothing more—and then communications were at last reestablished with the Homeworlds.

The true depths of the planning for Operation Destiny was revealed—and the Invaders were distraught at the lack of isorla awaiting them.  The Scorpion holdings had already been handed over; the Stone Lions had been absorbed piece by piece—but the handful of former Mandrills who survived made for a poor haul.  And the Cobras had stripped their worlds of all usable military supplies; civilians they gained in vast numbers, but the every volatile Tanite Worlds erupted in rebellion and it would take the Adders, Falcons, and Jaguars ten years to once again subjugate those worlds to Clan rule.

A call was made to Reave the genetic legacies of the defectors—but the Invaders were unable to acquire the unanimous decision to make it a reality.  In the meantime, the Ravens—their Fleet in the Inner Sphere annihilated—laid claim to the naval caches of the defectors, and the ilKhan granted that claim.

Talks between First Lord Focht and ilKhan Tseng took place between March of 3044 and August of that same year.  And then, on September 4, 3044, the two leaders met in person on the surface of Tukayyid.  Bearing witness to the Signing of the Treaty of Tukayyid were the Primus of ComStar, all five Lords of the Great Houses, the Commanding General of the SLDF and his Fleet Admiral, the three Khans of the Loyal Clans, the thirteen Khans of the Invaders, and the leaders of the three major periphery states.

The Treaty was a compromise which fully satisfied no one—but in the end, the desire to put an end to this War proved too great to resist.  Melissa Steiner and Takashi Kurita accepted—not easily, but they accepted—the loss of many worlds; and since the remnants of the Free Rasalhague Republic had no leader, no army, and no moral remaining to them, they split the as yet free worlds of that once-proud realm between them in partial compensation.

And as part of the Treaty, the Invaders insisted upon a clause that not one member of the Clans which defected would be permitted to set foot on Terra, a clause to which the First Lord and the Primus both agreed.

As the borders were ironed out, and the agreements prepared, the Clans and the Great Houses began to use each other to keep their troops honed for action.  Abiding by the rules of Clan Trials, minor skirmishes took place on the border worlds—nothing major, but each honorable combat, tried according to the Clans own rules of zellbrigen slowly began to gain respect for their opponents in the heart and soul of the Clan Warriors.

Trade began to resume, and work—mighty work—began within the Treaty Zone to industrialize their worlds and transform them into high-tech paradises.  Of course, some Clans succeeded at this more than others.  The Sharks and Ravens were stunned when they were informed by the First Lord that Khan Nelson Elam would return their Potemkins and Monoliths which Nikolai had leased—and slowly, oh so slowly—the Invaders began to once again talk with their cousins serving the Star League.

Ryan Steiner, as Melissa had predicted, was furious at the sudden loss of seven of his worlds to the Loyal Clans—and in October of 3044, he organized a force of mercenaries and Skye troops to drive them out, declaring his independence from the Lyran Commonwealth—but not the Star League.  First Lord Focht was disinclined to award his duplicity, and both he and Melissa Steiner-Davion decided to allow the Loyal Clans to answer for them.  Khan Kerensky met his forces with Clusters from all three Clans and handily repulsed him—and in December of that same year, Star Colonel Jason Scott killed Ryan on Skye, bringing the overt rebellion to an end.

The people of the Asta Union, although initially at odds with their new rulers, quickly discovered that these Clans were different.  These Clans intended to build a nation—not condemn them to castes.  Industries and factories demolished in the long years of the Succession Wars were rebuilt; atmospheric processors were erected on four worlds to cleanse the tainted atmospheres, the standard of living of the people within the Asta Union soon rivaled that of the Old Hegemony.

But not all within the Star League Reborn was well although no one at the time was aware of the rising threat.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #408 on: August 08, 2012, 01:31:00 PM »

Unknown Location
Somewhere in the Inner Sphere
December 27, 3044

The fifth and final member of the Cabal entered the stone chamber shielded against all possible means of detection; his black robes obscuring much of his body, the hood covering his face.  He stood at his seat and nodded at the four who waited for his arrival, and then on cue, the turned to the wall—the wall were no seat was set at the table, and they saluted the emblem of the Wolverines as one.

Then they sat, and they lowered their hoods, revealing not only the flesh of their faces and the many shaded eyes and hues of hair—but polished metal, a glowing red sensor over one eye, and bio-neural interfaces woven into the skin and bone.

“We are betrayed—again, brothers,” One said without preamble.

“Our so-called leaders have failed—agreeing to this Treaty of Tukayyid with the Clans.  Primus York has betrayed the Blood—General Hallis has failed in his role as commander of the 331st,” added Two sourly.

“We planned for this contingency,” Three said with a shrug.  “It is not unforeseen, although it remains unfortunate.  Still—they now have our ships and the 331st Royal Division as part of their ‘Star League Reborn’ . . . a Star League that includes Mad Nikki’s Clans among their number.”

“Some of our ships, sister,” Four corrected.  “The ones that they are aware of—and while the they have the 331st and the Blood faithfully following them on Terra, they have no clue of our sibling training companies on the Hidden.”

“It will take time to train and outfit the sibling companies,” Five said with a sigh.  “And to complete the construction of the new Fleet—incorporating these new weapons our scientists have developed.”  He smiled grimly.  “The firepower that mere DropShips will have will change the balance of power in our favor, brethren.”

“That may be,” answered One.  “But it will still take time to raise the Army we need—to provide the equipment, all the while remaining in the shadows, unknown to our enemies.”

“Fifteen years?  Twenty?  If we are speaking that length of time,” Three said with a hungry grin, “we can quadruple the size of our sibkos and stand ready to field twenty—perhaps even thirty—Divisions.  Proper SLDF Divisions, not that ComStar nonsense.”

“Which will not be enough—not if we fail to decapitate every power simultaneously,” said Four.  “We must prepare ourselves for the task ahead.  To save the Inner Sphere, we must remove their rulers—and their most fanatical followers.”

“And the Clans—both the Invaders and these so-called ‘Loyal Clans’ both,” spat Two.

Five smiled and it was a cold harsh smile.  “We will not forget them, I assure you.”  He stood.  “WOLVERINES!  FOREVER!”

“FOREVER!” barked the others as they jumped to their feet.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 02:41:29 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #409 on: August 08, 2012, 01:39:11 PM »

Well, ladies and gentlemen.  This concludes Scorpio Ascendant.  I hope that you have enjoyed the ride and that I managed to tell a story that you have enjoyed.  It diverged greater from my original concept, but thanks to all of your suggestions, I think we came up with a good tale.  Thank you all for reading and commenting.  Until next time,



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #410 on: August 08, 2012, 04:07:18 PM »

Very nice MA! Thank you for another good story.  ;)


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #411 on: August 08, 2012, 09:45:06 PM »

First rate story and a good ending, thanks for bringing this one to life.

Do you want to send me some notes on the Clan OZ at the end of the story and I can compile a final map for you?
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #412 on: August 08, 2012, 10:59:43 PM »

First rate story and a good ending, thanks for bringing this one to life.

Do you want to send me some notes on the Clan OZ at the end of the story and I can compile a final map for you?

Probably be tomorrow.  But thanks for the offer.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #413 on: August 09, 2012, 01:32:06 PM »

Really a great read.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #414 on: August 09, 2012, 07:28:01 PM »

I liked it eventhough I'm now completely green from head to toe.  And its not even St. Patrick's Day! :P
Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #415 on: August 09, 2012, 08:47:17 PM »

It's a strong read over all. I have some issues with how villainous characters were handled and a bit with the ending, as some of those things run contrary to the butterfly effect and skew into wish fulfillment territory. Regardless, that doesn't change that it's a strong novella.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #416 on: August 09, 2012, 11:57:44 PM »

This is outstanding work. I only hope my own story will be as excellently done as yours
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #417 on: May 04, 2018, 08:16:23 AM »

Ice Hellion pointed out that I never added the PDF.  So.  After too long, here it is.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #418 on: May 04, 2018, 09:47:56 AM »

Very nice, I will add it to my fanfic library. ;)

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #419 on: May 04, 2018, 01:17:36 PM »


"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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