Based on the concept of mixed Trinaries, Clan Goliath Scorpion’s military is extremely regimented. Each of the four Trinary types used contains a mix of BattleMech, Elemental, and Aerospace forces, designed around a tactical specialty. The former Specialist Trinary formations were removed from service with Khan Suvorov’s reforms of the Touman beginning in 3053. Deemed as too specialized in nature, these Trinary formations were disbanded and replaced with a more conventional mix; however, all Scorpion Elementals continue to receive both high- and low-altitude para training to conduct air-mobile fast-response operations as needed. The Elemental heavy Guard Trinaries were disbanded at the same time, due to a shortage of Elemental Warriors and a desire to increase overall mobility in the Touman.
The Command Trinary acts as a stable command element for Scorpion Clusters while also retaining a reserve of heavier-weight OmniMechs able to deal the enemy a final blow or respond to a hostile counter-attack. Each consists of a Composite Command Star with 2 OmniMechs, ten Elementals, and two Aerospace Fighters and two OmniMech Stars. All Clusters contain one Command Trinary.
The Assault Trinaries are used to spearhead offensive operations. Each consists of two OmniMech Stars and one Elemental Star. Goliath Scorpion Clusters are assigned two Assault Trinaries apiece.
The Battle Trinary is a multi-role unit designed for responsive independent operations. Assets consist of one Star each of OmniMechs, Elementals, and Aerospace Fighters. One Battle Trinary is assigned to every Goliath Scorpion Cluster.
Finally, the Striker Trinary serves as the reconnaissance and skirmish force of the Cluster. Equipped with the lightest OmniMechs assigned to a Cluster, Striker Trinaries are fast-moving and highly mobile. Each Striker Trinary is comprised of two OmniMech Stars and one Star of Aerospace Fighters. One Striker Trinary is assigned to every Cluster in the Touman.
Organization is identical for all Clusters: one Command Trinary, two Assault Trinaries, one Battle Trinary, and one Striker Trinary. This gives each Cluster a strength of 47 OmniMechs, 85 Elementals, and 22 Aerospace Fighters. As with the Specialist and Guard Trinaries, the Suvorov Reforms eliminated half of the previous Cluster types and reformed the remainder to match the pattern above. Uhlan, Grenadier, and Cateran Clusters have been converted into Hussar, Cuirassier, and Dragoon Clusters, respectively.
Organized identically, the three formations differ only in the weight and speed of OmniMechs assigned to them:
Cuirassier Clusters are the mobile assault units of the Scorpion Touman, fielding assault-, heavy-, and medium-weight designs. At full-strength, a Cuirassier Cluster is assigned 12 Dune Stalker Assault-weight OmniMechs, 19 Goliath Scorpion Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 12 Desert Tiger Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 4 Sand Devil Medium-weight OmniMechs, 85 Elementals, 6 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 12 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 4 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters. Transport is provided by five Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShips and one Voyager-class JumpShip. A Death Dancer-class Assault DropShip is also assigned to each Cluster. The 24th Scorpion Cuirassiers (personal command of the Khan) and 8th Scorpion Cuirassiers (personal command of the saKhan) lack a JumpShip, being instead assigned to the modified Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruisers Serket and Deathstalker, respectively. Cuirassier Clusters have a sustained maximum speed (as a unit) of 64.8 kilometers per hour (43.2 kph walking).
Dragoon Clusters are multi-role units of the Scorpion Touman, fielding a mix of heavy- and medium-weight designs. At full-strength, a Dragoon Cluster is assigned 14 Goliath Scorpion Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 17 Desert Tiger Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 12 Sand Devil Medium-weight OmniMechs, 4 Hooded Eagle Medium-weight OmniMechs, 85 Elementals, 6 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 12 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 4 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters. Transport is provided by five Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShips and one Voyager-class JumpShip. A Death Dancer-class Assault DropShip is also assigned to each Cluster. Dragoon Clusters have a sustained maximum speed (as a unit) of 86.4 kilometers per hour (54.0 kph walking).
Hussar Clusters are recon and striker units of the Scorpion Touman, fielding a fast array of heavy-, medium-, and light-weight designs. At full-strength, a Hussar Cluster is assigned 11 Desert Tiger Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 15 Sand Devil Medium-weight OmniMechs, 15 Hooded Eagle Medium-weight OmniMechs, 6 Hellwasp Light-weight OmniMechs, 85 Elementals, 6 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 12 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 4 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters. Transport is provided by five Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShips and one Voyager-class JumpShip. A Death Dancer-class Assault DropShip is also assigned to each Cluster. Hussar Clusters have a sustained maximum speed (as a unit) of 97.2 kilometers per hour (64.8 kph walking).
The full strength Scorpion ground Touman (circa 3068) thus consists of 1504 OmniMechs (144 Dune Stalker Assault-weight OmniMechs, 368 Goliath Scorpion Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 424 Desert Tiger Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 318 Sand Devil Medium-weight OmniMechs, 190 Hooded Eagle Medium-weight OmniMechs, and 60 Hellwasp Light-weight OmniMechs), 2720 Elementals, 704 Aerospace Fighters (192 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 384 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 128 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters), 160 Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 32 Death Dancer-class Assault DropShips and 30 Voyager-class JumpShips.
Overall, the Scorpion Touman is lighter than most other Clans, with an average OmniMech weight of just under 60 tons (59.68 tons in 3068; 59.92 tons in 3075), but is also more mobile than heavier Clans and far more homogenous in nature. This reduces the overall logistical concerns of the Scorpion Khans.
The Clan Goliath Scorpion Naval Reserve (circa 3068) consists of fourteen WarShips organized into three Battlegroups of four ships each and the Command Cruisers of the Khan and saKhan. Twenty-three Stars of Marine Elementals and nineteen Stars of Aerospace Fighters are assigned directly to the Naval Reserve. At full-strength, the Naval Reserve is assigned 575 Elementals and 190 Aerospace Fighters (76 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 76 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 38 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters). DropShip support consists of fifteen Death Dancer-class Assault DropShips (not including the two Death Dancers assigned to the 24th and 8th Cuirassier Clusters). Civilian transport capacity consists of seventy-five cargo/passenger DropShips.
Total military strength of the entire Touman (at its height in 3068) (at 100% of TO&E) is 1504 OmniMechs (144 Dune Stalker Assault-weight OmniMechs, 368 Goliath Scorpion Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 424 Desert Tiger Medium-weight OmniMechs, 318 Sand Devil Medium-weight OmniMechs, 190 Hooded Eagle Light-weight OmniMechs, and 60 Hellwasp Light-weight OmniMechs), 3295 Elementals, 894 Aerospace Fighters (268 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 460 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 166 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters), 160 Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 47 Death Dancer-class Assault DropShips, 75 civilian cargo/passenger DropShips, 30 Voyager-class JumpShips, and 14 WarShips.
In the wake of the conflict known as the Wars of Reaving, the Scorpions lost just over one-quarter of the strength that they had built up throughout the late 3050s and 3060s. Rejecting the fanaticism and extreme measures performed by the Homeworld Clans, the Goliath Scorpions have joined with the Council of Seven Clans (Diamond Shark, Ghost Bear, Goliath Scorpion, Hell’s Horses, Jade Falcon, Snow Raven, and Wolf) that have relocated to the Inner Sphere and near Periphery.
Total military strength of the entire Touman (3075) (at 100% of TO&E) is 1128 OmniMechs (108 Dune Stalker Assault-weight OmniMechs, 283 Goliath Scorpion Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 321 Desert Tiger Heavy-weight OmniMechs, 237 Sand Devil Medium-weight OmniMechs, 137 Hooded Eagle Medium-weight OmniMechs, and 42 Hellwasp Light-weight OmniMechs), 2490 Elementals, 648 Aerospace Fighters (192 Hun Heavy-weight Aerospace Fighters, 336 Zulu Medium-weight Aerospace Fighters, and 120 Comanche Light-weight Aerospace Fighters), 120 Scorpion-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 38 Death Dancer-class Assault DropShips, 48 civilian cargo/passenger DropShips, 22 Voyager-class JumpShips, and 11 WarShips.