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Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #105 on: June 15, 2012, 12:56:44 PM »

I am assuming Ice is on his way to your house right now to have a tantrum. :)

He is already dead, he just doesn't know it  ;)

And I don't see what is so shocking about the training sessions between the Ghost Bears and the Goliath Scorpions as they did the same for the Wolf's Dragoons and if I remember right, there is also an OpFor unit in the Star Adders.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #106 on: June 15, 2012, 01:00:49 PM »

Sure, but those training sessions were probably live-fire, just like ALL Clan field exercises.  Here, they are actually using simulators and the Scorpions are pretending to act in a manner different from Clan tradition.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #107 on: June 15, 2012, 01:16:50 PM »

Interesting to see if Jamie can stop Hanse from starting the War of 3039.

If he does, it would certainly leave the FedCom in a stronger position, but what about the Combine? Could we see Theodore's Ghost Regiments making their debut against the Clans rather than the AFFC? What about Theodore's reforms or the Rasalhague Republic? Not sure we're going to see their like with an invasion on the way.

Lastly, what about the old LCAF? They needed the serious trouncing of 3039 to get them to accept some of the AFFS's more "progressive" means of prosecuting war.

Hmm...really interesting stuff here MA. Looking forward to what comes next.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #108 on: June 15, 2012, 03:35:51 PM »

The Fox’s Den, Palace of the First Prince, Avalon City
New Avalon, Federated Suns
October 28, 3037

Hanse and Melissa stood as members of the 1st Royal Guards and the 1st Davion Guards ushered Jamie Wolf and Natasha Kerensky into the opulent office buried deep beneath the New Avalon palace.  “Colonel Wolf,” the First Prince said as he extended his hand.  “I understand that you made the journey from Outreach to here in just eleven days over my command circuit to Tikonov.”  He smiled.  “Some of my officers resent you commandeering an asset of the AFFS without any explanation—I trust that you had a good reason, however.”

“I do, Your Highness,” Jamie said with bow.  “Madame, you are as lovely today as you were on your wedding day,” he continued to Melissa, who just smiled and extended her hand towards a pair of seats—the guards did not leave the room, but the armed Guards remained at the door.  Jamie frowned, then he extended his hand to the remaining two men in the room.  “Quintus, Morgan.  Your Highness, I will need the guards to exit.”

Hanse cocked one eyebrow in surprise, and he glanced over at Morgan Hasek-Davion, the Marshall of the Federated Suns who shrugged in turn.  “If they meant to kill you, the guards would only manage to avenge you, Hanse.  And I doubt that is the reason Jamie Wolf has journeyed here.”

“Out,” Hanse ordered, and the two guards bowed and exited the office, closing the door behind them.

“Now what exactly is this about, Colonel Wolf?”

“On April 11th, 3005, the Wolf’s Dragoons jumped into the Delos system of the Federated Suns.  At the time, rumors were rife that we were not from the Inner Sphere.  People claimed that my boys and girls were the remnants of the SLDF, or were an expedition from a Periphery power, and those rumors persisted for years.  Over time, they gradually became less hysterical and today only a few people even remember the consternation the appearance of my five Regiments caused.”

Jamie paused and then he looked Hanse Davion directly in the eyes.  “Those rumors were true, Your Highness.”

Melissa leaned forward, eager to hear more about this mystery that had always intrigued her, but Hanse, Quintus, and Morgan had faces which were all but unreadable.  “Go on,” Hanse finally said.

“Far beyond the borders of the most distant known Periphery state, General Kerensky led the SLDF into exile.  At long last, he found a group of worlds which were marginally habitable and he founded the Star League in Exile.  I won’t bore you with the comprehensive history of my people,” and Melissa frowned, which caused Jamie to chuckle.  “I will provide Her Highness with a full download of that history, however.”

Hanse smiled as he lifted Melissa’s hand and cradled it within his own grip.

“The Star League in Exile did not last long—the same pressures that caused your Succession Wars ripped through Kerensky’s exiles.  General DeChavilier was killed in an uprising by former soldiers discharged from the SLDF, and soon thereafter General Kerensky died of a heart attack.”

Jamie’s eyes misted and grew distant.  “The Pentagon Civil War was fought with such a ferocity that its makes the First Succession War pale in comparison; my people only survived because General Kerensky’s son Nicholas—oh, yes, he had a wife and two children that he kept hidden—took the forces loyal to him on a Second Exodus to a nearby cluster of worlds not involved in the fighting.  And there, while the old SLDF burnt itself out, Nicholas Kerensky forged a new society.”

“He reordered our culture and he instituted a meritocracy based upon skill and knowledge, and on Strana Mechty he founded the Clans.  Twenty strong we once were, although two have been absorbed by other more powerful Clans, and one was Annihilated, its name stricken from our histories for treason.  After years of making preparations, the Clans returned to the Pentagon worlds and we conquered what was left of the Star League in Exile.  In general, the people were so happy that someone was ending the wars that they followed Nicholas without question.  And the Clans began to change.  The society of merit originally envisioned became one of castes—oh, it was possible to change the caste based on trials and tests, but as time passed it became more and more difficult.  Our scientists and engineers developed weapons technology that makes the Star League equipment you are rediscovering from the Helm Core look like children’s play-toys.  And we engineered our own genes.”

At this, Morgan jumped.  “Genetic engineering?  You have altered DNA?”

“Aff,” replied Jamie Wolf, before he grimaced.  “That is, affirmative, Marshall Hasek-Davion.  We also developed technology that allowed for embryos to be . . . grown . . . in artificial wombs.  Such individuals, like Colonel Kerensky here, are known as True-born.  I am a free-birth, born of woman, although my genes have been improved as well.”

“Our society has divorced so much that is important—there is no love, no marriage, only duty to the Clan.  Everything is oriented to supporting the Warriors who are the highest of castes.  It is a society that has no use for the weak, no use for those who cannot produce.  We euthanize those who are too sick, to infirm, who cannot contribute.  The lowest castes live on rations, permitted no literature, no art, no history.”

“Our society is an abomination, Your Highness.”

“You and your men fled then?” Hanse asked.

“No,” Jamie answered as he shook his head sadly.  “You see, my people believe that the Great Father promised us that when we grew strong, we—the Clans—the chosen people of Aleksandyr Kerensky and his son Nicholas, would return here.  And we would reform the Star League and rule forever over those who cast us out.  My Dragoon’s were sent here to conduct reconnaissance.”

“I see,” whispered the First Prince of the Federated Suns, and Jamie shook his head.

“We stopped sending reports back in 3020, on our second so-called ‘supply run’, Your Highness.  My Khan—as the head of a Clan is known—at the time ordered that we stand ready to defend the Inner Sphere against a future invasion.  We have had no further contact with the Clans, until less than three weeks ago.”

Quintus sat up.  “Are you saying that we can expect an invasion in the Outback, Colonel Wolf?”

“Neg-, ah, no, Minister Allard.  The Dragoon’s took a circuitous route to disguise our point of origin.  When the Invasion comes, there will be no such duplicity.  They will strike directly at the shortest distance between our worlds; they will strike the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine.”

The antique clock on the mantle slowly ticked and tocked as the seconds passed with no one saying a word.  “Why are you telling me this?” asked the Fox.

“The time has come for me to get skin in the game, Your Highness.  I will not allow the Clans to conquer the Inner Sphere and establish their hegemony over all its peoples.  Therefore, I am offering you access to our technological databases and our historical knowledge of the Clans, how they form their units, how they fight, how they conduct themselves.  On one condition.”

“Which is?”

“You must abort your planned offensive against the Draconis Combine,” Jamie answered quietly.

“You have helped plan this operation, Jamie!” Hanse thundered.  “Now, you demand we just stop?  We have a chance to eliminate the Kuritas once and for all, and then with the resources at our disposal, the Federated Commonwealth can defend the Inner Sphere!”

“Your Highness, the Invasion is coming.  It might happen in two short years; it might not occur for another decade.  What if they launch their attack when you and Takashi are bleeding each other white?  Who then will defend the Inner Sphere?”

Morgan shook his head.  “You have seventeen of these Clans, Colonel Wolf.  How much military force can they really project—operating at the end of a supply line a year or more in length?”

“Marshall Hasek-Davion, as of 1 January of this year, the seventeen Clans of Kerensky, according to the transmission I received, can field in excess of four hundred Clusters—a unit smaller than your Regiments, but with the firepower to defeat an entire RCT or two by themselves.  And the Clans never lost WarShip technology, Morgan.  There are at least two hundred on active duty in the Clans, with perhaps another hundred in mothball reserves.”

Hanse’s jaw dropped, and Morgan sat back, while Quintus slowly nodded.  “But they cannot deploy all of that, can they Colonel Wolf?”

“Do they need to, Minister Allard?” Jamie asked, then he shook his head.  “But Quintus is right, Your Highness.  They will commit four-to-six Clans on a broad front.  Perhaps seventy-to-one hundred Clusters in total.  And you will need two hundred Regiments and RCTs to stop them.”

“I see your point, Colonel Wolf,” Hanse answered.  “What exactly can you provide us with—technically speaking?”

“I can solve your current problems with replicating Star League technology, Hanse.  There are . . . certain manufacturing techniques that remain beyond you, but my people can help the NAIS develop their prototypes into working components for field units very quickly.  And I have six WarShips of my own.”

Morgan’s eyes bulged.  “You . . . have . . . SIX WARSHIPS?”

“They are en route to Outreach as we speak.  But Hanse Davion, for this to work, we must pool our efforts.  And that means we must speak with not only Katrina Steiner, but . . .” and Jamie winced as he considered what he was about to say, “but we must also include Takashi Kurita and Thomas Marik.  And Candace Liao.”

“Candace?  I love my daughter-in-law, Colonel Wolf,” said Quintus, “but she rules only the St. Ives Compact.  Don’t you mean Romano?”

“No.  Romano will never help you, Hanse.  NEVER.  It is time to end her rule once and for all—and allow Candace to reform a friendly Capellan Confederation that can send troops to defend humanity.”

The Fox slowly nodded.  “I would ask you to remain my guest, Colonel Wolf, for a few days while we discuss this.  It is safe to say that you have turned our worlds completely upside down, after all.”

Natasha Kerensky laughed.  “Hanse Davion, this is far less upsetting than seeing your wife’s realm; well, your mother-in-law’s realm, lose a hundred worlds and three dozen RCTs and THEN finding out we knew what was coming all along.  Why just think, your sons and daughter might have been old enough to be posted to some detachment that got overrun.  Think about how unnerving THAT might have been.”
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 04:55:29 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #109 on: June 15, 2012, 04:40:36 PM »

Nice bit there at the end.
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Dread Moores

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #110 on: June 15, 2012, 04:45:14 PM »

Very small minor recommendation. Ditch the hand patting. It seems to come a little less as fondness for a life partner and more as something one would show to a pet. A simple small, a caress, whatever. I know it seems really specific, but it seems to mark Melissa as secondary status to Hanse, which is a trend that has always annoyed me. It reads well other than that.

Also, I assume that you are putting the "no art/no literature" vibe out there to differentiate your Clans from canon? Because this is definitely not true in canon material. If so, then by all means, continue. I'm just trying to get it clarified. :)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 04:48:06 PM by Dread Moores »
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #111 on: June 15, 2012, 04:54:26 PM »

Well, Jamie is talking about the lowest of the Laborer caste, DM.  Certainly, the Merchants, Scientists, and Warriors have their own arts, culture, and literature, even outside of the epic Remembrance.  I will fix the Hanse showing physical affection for Melissa part.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #112 on: June 15, 2012, 05:26:46 PM »

For shear shock value I like Jamie over simplifying the Clans by turning them into alien boogeymen. After all, he only has one shot. Maybe, a ten minute face-to-face meeting to convince the Prince, his wife and his top advisers of the threat the Clans pose.

The gravity of the situation and what Jamie is ultimately asking the Prince to do meant cutting some "corners" for effect. All things considered, saying the Clans abhor art is appropriate for the situation.

You don't cry wolf and then pause to explain in detail every fiber of its coat. That part comes later, after the wolf becomes a nice pelt blanket.  ;)
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #113 on: June 15, 2012, 06:01:18 PM »

Well, Jamie is talking about the lowest of the Laborer caste, DM.

Even the Laborers do. At least they have mass-produced art and literature available. Warriors of Kerensky talks very clearly about (the hysterical) Adventures of Clan Spaniel and his other anthropomorphic friends*.

*No, that's not the actual name, I'm just going from memory. I'm not saying that they'll have anything major, but it is something to consider.

If you're looking to kill off that aspect as a key difference, (or if Jamie is simply using it for agitprop) like I said, go for it. :)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 06:01:59 PM by Dread Moores »
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #114 on: June 15, 2012, 06:31:22 PM »

Well it seems like jaime started something but if Clans strike fast we can win. Seyla
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #115 on: June 15, 2012, 09:47:20 PM »

AFFS Headquarters Complex, Mount Baden
New Avalon, Federated Suns
October 30, 3037

“Colonel Kerensky, are all Clan true-born Warriors as good at piloting a ‘Mech as you?” Morgan asked the woman who was swearing at a reluctant holoprojector.

“They wish, Morgan,” she said with a yelp as there was a sudden buzz of electricity and a sharp smell of ozone.  “I am exceptional even among the Clans—and I thought I told you to call me Natasha.”

“My apologies, Natasha.”

“Seriously, there are plenty of Clan Warriors who are almost as good as I am—the problem being most of them don’t have nearly enough experience.” She shook her head and laughed.  “I am far past my prime amongst the Clans; they would have sent me into a suicide Solahma unit years ago.”  She stopped and sat up and shook her head.  “Which, from a certain point of view, is exactly where I have been assigned since Anton killed . . . never mind.  I’ve searched for Death all these years and have never been able to make him ask me out—but I’ve given him plenty of business all the same.”

Morgan paused for a moment, and then he finally asked the question.  “Just how old are you, Natasha?”

The Black Widow blinked her auburn eye lashes.  “Didn’t your mother tell you never to ask a woman her age, Morgan?”  But then she laughed.  “I was decanted in 2973.  By 3003, at the age of 30 I was a Star Colonel commanding a Cluster of 45 BattleMechs, 75 Elementals, and 30 Aerospace Fighters.  I just turned 64 this year.  How old did you think I am?”

Morgan considered her and then he nodded.  “Early forties—at the most.”

“You sweet flatterer,” she chuckled while making the final adjustments to the holographic projector.  “There, that’s got it.”

The projector whined for a moment, and Natasha frowned; she stepped back and kicked the unit, and its diagnostic lights went crazy, and then it began to hum to life, and started to project an image.  “It’s all in knowing how to talk to the damn things, Morgan.”

The holographic image stabilized and Morgan whistled.  “I think your scale is off a bit, Natasha.”

The Black Widow frowned and then she laughed.  “No, Morgan.  That is Glen Fetladral; now, talk about stamina!  He was selected for this database because he is average in height and weight for a Warrior of the Elemental phenotype.”

“Average?” Morgan gasped.  “Natasha, he’s standing seven feet with no footwear!”

“Seven feet, two inches,” she answered with a snort.  “Some Elementals have been known to reach 7’6” and massed over two hundred kilograms, Morgan.  We bred the Elemental phenotype to serve as infantry, and they do that very, very well.”  She clicked the remote and the image shifted to hard angles of metal and composites, a mirrored visor, and blacked snouts of weapon systems.  “And this is the Elemental battle armor that they wear in combat—top speed of thirty two point four kilometers per hour, 90 meter jump capacity, two launch tubes for SRM missiles, each with a single reload, an anti-personnel gauss rifle in either the right or left fore-arm that replaces the battle claw, forty shots stored in a magazine pack attached to his back, while the other arm carries a battle claw, a cutting torch, and a laser carbine.  The armor is solid enough to take a PPC hit, although the Warrior within will probably suffer grievous bodily damage.  The integral pharmacopeia will feed coagulants and painkillers and stimulants into his system to keep him functioning even after taking such extreme levels of damage.  The armor is sealed with a substance we call HarJel, which seals the Warrior within from leaks in aquatic or vacuum environments—and prevents the penetration of war gasses.”  Natasha smiled.  “You have absolutely no experience with Clan infantry, Morgan, so you better learn quick or they will kill you dead.”

“Natasha,” the Marshall of the AFFS said slowly, “what exactly is an anti-personnel gauss rifle?”

She laughed again.  “Picture a weapon that masses a half-ton, Morgan.  It deals the same damage to ‘Mechs and vehicles as a Small Laser and is approximately half as effective against infantry as machine-guns.  Now give it the range of a medium laser.  And the ammunition is not explosive.  That’s an APG, Morgan.”  She paused as the Marshall and his subordinates simply stared at her.  “The weapon itself will detonate if damaged, but for a pittance of damage; and it tends to burn through ammunition quickly with only 20% the capacity per ton vis-a-vis MG ammo.  Clan ‘Mechs tend to mount them in pairs for anti-personnel work—and every Elemental carries one.”

She paused to give Morgan and his staff time to absorb the information.  “Elementals operate in five-man units we call Points.  And they are far more mobile their own speed and jump jets indicate.  All Clan OmniMechs include equipment on their outer surface for a point of Elementals to ride them into combat.  A favorite tactic is to close with your opponent and let your Elementals jump across to him—where they cut their way into her cockpit with battle claws and cutting torches.  Even without missiles or the APG, Elementals can rip their way through ‘Mech armor like a hot knife through butter.”

She clicked the remote again.  “And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a Timber Wolf:  seventy-five tons of death and destruction with the speed of a Dragon, the range of a Blackjack, the firepower of an Atlas, and the armor of an Orion.  You children might want to take notes, because there will be a quiz at the end of class—and be grateful this isn’t a Homeworlds sibko:  they train with live fire and average 50% of the class killed before graduation.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #116 on: June 15, 2012, 09:58:17 PM »

Look how quickly the traitorous wolves help the tainted
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #117 on: June 16, 2012, 01:41:37 AM »

The AFFS/AFFC rank is Marshal not Marshall.

Morgan's such a flatterer - AFFS records would show Natasha as a lance commander in 3005 so she'd have to be late forties at the best.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #118 on: June 16, 2012, 03:02:49 AM »

Why would Natasha agree so easily to go with the Inner Sphere? In cannon, she left for the Clans.

And regarding the training regimen, I didn't find any evidence saying the Wol's Dragoons were trained in a different way.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #119 on: June 16, 2012, 02:27:37 PM »

The Fox’s Den, Palace of the First Prince, Avalon City
New Avalon, Federated Suns
December 17, 3037

The Den was rather crowded today, with not only Hanse and Melissa, but also Quintus, his son Justin and daughter-in-law Candace Allard-Liao (the sovereign ruler of the St. Ives Compact), Morgan Hasek-Davion, Jamie Wolf, and Colonel Sean Campbell, the senior officer of the Northwind Highlanders, along with the senior Elder of Northwind, Colonel Fiona Chattan.   Hanse’s cousin—and one of his most loyal officers—Stephen Davion was also present.

All of those present had been briefed by Jamie Wolf, and a pall hung over the room.  “So this is why you want to me to overthrow Romano and her spawn, and take back the Celestial Throne for myself,” Candace said softly.  “So that you might remove a thorn in your side that you can ill afford—and gain some of my troops, Capellan troops, to defend Katrina Steiner’s realm.”

“It is, Duchess Liao,” Hanse answered her calmly.  “And for doing this, I will restore our borders to the pre-4th War status, in part.  Your northern border will be on the line of Styk-Shensi-Hunan-Menkar.  We will keep the remainder of your former worlds.”

Candace answered, “I recognize that your Federated Commonwealth has an interest in retaining the Terran Corridor, and I will respect that interest, Prince Davion.  Your territorial claims, however, go far beyond keeping the Corridor intact.  I will consider nothing less than a new border on the line of Tall Trees-Hsien-Nanking, Arboris-Azha-Hamal-Yangtze- . . . and Tikonov.”

Hanse actually blinked.  Then he leaned forward.  “I would be glad to draw the line just south of those Federated Commonwealth worlds, Candace,” he said softly and with more than hint of menace in his voice.

“I was thinking more along the lines of the border being north of those systems.  Hanse,” she answered, omitting his honorific as he had hers.  "It will not be enough for me just to depose Romano and her children; I must show the Capellan people that I, not my father, not my sister, not all the warring generations that have feuded with your House back to Elias Liao, but I have accomplish a deed through diplomacy that could not be done through force of arms.  I will require that you transfer New Aragon, Algot, Halloran V, Demeter, Almach, Mesartim, Mira, and Chesterton from the Federated Suns to the Capellan Confederation and foreswear any claim on these systems forever more!”

The room stood still, even as Hanse worked his jaw, his face flushing red, and he shook his head.  “I hope that I did not hear you correctly, Candace?  Those systems were not part of the Confederation pre-war; those are Federated Suns worlds!”

“Worlds that your ancestors took by force, Hanse.  You want a peaceful border with the Confederation—then give back what your ancestors seized.  We will have peace when these Chesterton worlds become part of the Capellan people once again!”

“Who the Hell do you thi-“ Hanse Davion exploded and started to stand, but he stopped at a single word from wife.  “Hanse!” she snapped.

Melissa waited until her husband sat once again and she nodded.  “Go on, Candace,” she said calmly.

Duchess Liao nodded at Melissa.  “I can give you a peaceful and secure border, Prince Davion,” she continued.  “But I will not be your puppet—no more than I would the puppet of Father.  If I am to be Chancellor, then I will be Chancellor and I must give my people a symbol that shows them they are not defeated.”

She paused and gripped her husband’s hand tightly, and her face twisted in pain momentarily, but then the stoic façade she wore rose again.  “And to prove that, I will bind together our Houses in blood, Hanse Davion:  I pledge that my son, Kai Allard-Liao, will take as his bride your daughter Katherine Steiner-Davion, uniting once and for all our peoples.  And that upon the day of his ascension to the Celestial Throne, the Capellan Confederation will officially join with the Federated Commonwealth as an associated power.”

Melissa jerked, her face turning white with shock.  “She’s FIVE!” she wailed.

“And Kai is but seven.  We have years yet before they will be wed, Melissa.  And do not forget that all of this began with a promise of your hand in marriage to Hanse Davion.” Candace said calmly.

Hanse slowly nodded.  “Anything else?  You want me to conqueror the Taurian Concordat and give those worlds to you as well?”

Candace smiled.  “Nothing of the sort.  But there is one more matter before I will agree, Prince Davion.”

“And that is?”

“Give Northwind her independence.”

Fiona Chattan and Sean Campbell jerked, and Candace’s grin grew broader.  “Your Highlanders never gained their freedom while in service to my predecessors, Colonels.  But I remember well their promises to you.  When I am Chancellor, I hope that you might consider serving once again the House of Liao; until then I wish to see you chart your own course separate and independent.  Much like Outreach is technically no longer part of your realm, Prince Davion.  These gallant warriors and their world will belong to no one other than themselves.  Colonel Campbell,” she continued, “even if you choose never to accept another contract with the Confederation, I will have need of your Highlanders to remove Romano—and you might exact a small measure of revenge for all that she has done against you and your Elders.  And should the First Prince agree, I will offer to rebuild the Stuart Highlanders, if he restores the 3rd Kearny; so that your roster is once again complete.”

Hanse winced.  But he nodded.  "On the priviso that the Highlanders accept no contract pitting them against the Federated Commonwealth."

"On the proviso that the Highlanders accept no contract to assault, raid, or invade a Federated Commonwealth world; they will be free to accept any defensive assignments from whomever they wish," Candace added, smiling at Hanse.

The First Prince's skin flushed again, but he nodded.  "Acceptable."

“Aye,” the mustached Colonel answered.  “Lass, I cannae answer for the Regiments, not on this issue, not with nary a meeting of the Clan Elders and the officers.  But as for putting paid to that black-hearted woman on Sian, aye; that we can do.”

Hanse looked at his advisors, and one by one each nodded their—grudging—agreement.  At last he looked to his wife, and she too nodded.  “Fine.  We will hammer out a formal agreement to be signed, but you have a deal, Candace Allard-Liao.  On one condition.”

Everyone winced, but Candace only smiled.  “And that is?” she echoed the First Prince.

“The Federated Commonwealth will receive 50% of the total production from Tikonov, including at least one-half of the BattleMech production.”

The Duchess of St. Ives inhaled sharply, but then she slowly nodded her head.  “Done.”

Hanse stood, and everyone else came to their feet as well.  “In that case, we will let you start your discussions on what you will need, Chancellor Liao, in order to liberate your throne.  I have contracted with Colonel Wolf for his available units—they are at your disposal.  Good day,” he finished as he extended his arm to his wife and the two of them exited the room.
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