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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2012, 06:16:01 AM »

Not a bad idea, but does not quite ring right, but I cannot work out why.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2012, 07:36:23 AM »

I know the feeling but do not worry usually the answer reveals itself in the fullness of time.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2012, 01:42:51 PM »

A bit too unClanlike with a lack of Trials (Trials that could have solved the problem) and the refusal of one.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2012, 10:03:01 PM »

Temple of the Nine Muses
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
June 19, 3030

Nikolai tried not to think about the tens of thousands of tons suspended over his head as he exited the open cage elevator into the vast cavern his men had reported.  “How far down are we?” he asked the Archivist of the Temple.

“Not all that far, Star Colonel—only three hundred and forty-four meters below the surface.  Although if you count from the top of the mesa upon which the Temple is constructed, that adds another one hundred and eighteen meters to the total,” the civilian replied in answer.

The Warrior shivered slightly—not from a chill, for it was actually quite warm in the vast cavern—but from a slight touch of claustrophobia.  Nikolai shook his head, and sternly told his stomach to stop fluttering.  “And the equipment?”

“All of it is original, Star Colonel.  We discovered this series of caverns forty years ago after an accident revealed the elevator shaft.  It appears that the Widowmakers sealed it away either just before or during their Absorption Trial.  Quite a remarkable find, actually.”

Nikolai walked out across the uneven floor of the cavern until he reached the point where that first generation of Clansmen had smoothed away the granite to install row after row and bank after bank of complex manufacturing instruments.  The Archivist—and his assistants—followed Nikolai, pointing out each of the complexes machines and what they were meant to produce.

The cavern stretched for nearly half a kilometer in length, and was close to two hundred meters in width, and almost every square millimeter was filled with machinery to produce or move equipment.  Not all, certainly, and Nikolai looked into a gaping sheer pit in the floor that plunged into blackness.

“Ah, yes, Star Colonel.  The Spider’s Pipe, we call it.  It extends another two hundred meters in a nearly vertical shaft before reaching a small cavern that the Widowmakers used to discard refuse.”

“Shouldn’t there be safety rails or something?” Nikolai asked, and the Archivists looked at him askance.

“That would alter the condition of this find, Star Colonel!  We would never dare to do that.  We retain it all in pristine condition, as if the Widowmakers had sealed these chambers just yesterday and not more than a century ago.”


“Yes, Star Colonel.  This is Manufacturing Complex Alpha.  There is also Beta, Gamma, and Delta, plus the Assembly Cavern, which is truly magnificent—three times as large.”

Nikolai blinked and then he noticed something.  All of the controls for the massive machinery were showing a yellow light indicating the systems were on standby mode.  “This facility is operational?” he barked.

“Of course, Star Colonel.  We restored everything to pristine condition as a means to discover the truth of our ancestors and determine what the Widowmakers were producing.  These complexes can produce every single weapon, sensor, electronic device, power plant, and auxiliary systems required for combat vehicles and BattleMechs—with the exception of endo-steel internal structure and ferro-fibrous armor plating, both of which must be spun in zero-g conditions, of course.”

“And this was never reported to the Khan?”

“Well, we had to catalogue everything and establish the historical use, first Star Colonel.  And then, the Loremasters instructed us not to inform the Khan.  Did you know they implied that the Khan would remove this equipment and put it to use?”

Nikolai only stared at the civilian, and then he shook his head.  “Can this machinery produce modern systems, or only Star League systems?”

The Chief Archivist frowned, but his assistant spoke up eagerly.  “Much of the machinery is automated, although it requires supervision by the members of the Technical caste to operate, Star Colonel.  Updating the database is easily accomplished and would provide a means of manufacturing modern weapons and equipment.  That is,” he continued as the Chief Archivist glared at him, “we could if that did not entail altering this exhibit.”

“Exhibit?” Nikolai asked with one raised eyebrow.

“Yes, Star Colonel,” the Chief Archivist answered frostily.  “This entire complex is a historical find of unique importance.  It is worth far more to our Clan to be studied, not put into operation.”

“As a purely theoretical exercise, of course,” Nikolai continued, “exactly what could this facility produce in say . . . a month’s time if it were fully operational?  BattleMechs?  OmniMechs?  Tanks?  Battle Armor?  Small arms?”

“Oh, all of the above, Star Colonel,” the assistant answered promptly.  “We have estimated that between ten and fifteen BattleMechs—or OmniMechs, if the machinery was properly programmed and updated—could be produced each month, plus another ten Aerospace Fighters, ten combat vehicles, a hundred suits of Battle Armor, and tons of ordnance or replacement radars, radios, sensor arrays . . . it is a discovery that dwarfs all others.  The limit on production is actually the Assembly area—that section is not fully automated and would require a sizeable number of Technicians and Laborers and Scientists working on an assembly line to complete a number of combat units.  And, of course, the internal skeletal structures and armor would have to be shipped in from another location.”

“That many . . .” Nikolai’s voice trailed off.  “How did, in theory, the Widowmakers get this to the surface?”

The assistant opened his mouth, but the Chief slapped him on the back of his head.  “We discovered another tunnel in the Assembly Chamber that slopes up to a hidden entrance fifteen kilometers away.  There is a smaller underground fortification there which provided a means of protecting that entrance, and the tunnel was sealed.   Of course, we discovered the perimeter fort when this section of Roche was given to our Clan, Star Colonel—the tunnel came as a more recent surprise.”

“Very well.  On my own authority, I want this facility prepared to be handed over to the control of the Khan, who will determine whether or not it is to be brought back online.  That means, I will need complete schematics and a concise report that details the potential of this facility.”

“Absolutely not, Star Colonel!” The Chief Archivist barked.  “This is a historical dig site, not one of your warmongering factories!  What can be learned here is priceless—absolutely priceless.  This site will teach us of the earliest history of the Clans, and what we learn here will influence us forever more.  Weapons will only serve for the transient present, Star Colonel.  Knowledge is eternal.”

Nikolai glared at the civilian.  “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it, Chief Archivist.  You will refuse the order to reactivate this facility?”

“I will fight such an abomination with all of my strength, Star Colonel!”

“No need for that, Chief Archivist,” Nikolai said as he shoved the old man into the Spider’s Pit, and the civilians screams rang out as he fell.  His assistants and aides rushed to the edge, but he had already vanished into the dark with only his piercing wail as evidence—until it suddenly cut off with the echo of a dull thud.

Nikolai turned to the assistant Chief Archivist.  “You just received a promotion, Archivist.  Now, I want this facility prepped for reactivation on the order of the Khan—and I want that report and schematics.  Or should I history be repeated yet again?”

The new Chief Archivist looked down the yawning shaft of the Pipe, and he shuddered, but then he turned back to Nikolai.  “It will be ready before your departure, Star Colonel.”

“Excellent, Chief Archivist.  And install some safety rails here, or better yet, cap that shaft.  It is clearly a safety hazard.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2012, 08:07:26 PM »

Scorpion Trial Grounds
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
June 26, 3030

Angela Tazegul glared at Nikolai, ignoring the Clan’s saKhan who stood between them.  Nikolai gave her smile and brief bow.  “Loremaster, it is good to see that you have recovered your strength,” he said.

“I will kill you today, Djerassi,” she hissed.

“You are welcome to try, Loremaster.  Need I remind you that over the last four years you have fought no Trials, except for your annual qualifications.  I, on the other hand, have fought seven against Scorpion Warriors and four versus other Clans, outside of my qualifications testing, and I won them all, Loremaster.  Today, you will remember why a Scorpion Warrior is the deadliest creation in all of creation, Loremaster.”  Nikolai’s smile broadened to a grin.  “And the not Scorpion bureaucrats.”

David Ben-Shimon cleared his throat.  “Enough of this bickering, Warriors of the Scorpion.  It is beneath you both.  Angela Tazegul, Loremaster of the Goliath Scorpions; you have demanded a Trial of Refusal and Grievance against Nikolai Djerassi, who has accepted your bid.  As is his right, he has chosen augmented combat.   Star Colonel Djerassi, your Grizzly awaits you.   Loremaster Tazegul, your Gargoyle likewise stands by.  Have either of you any final words to say before you are escorted to you chosen vehicles?”

Both remained silent, and the saKhan nodded.  “Then go.  And let the Scorpion grant victory to he whose cause is favored in this Trial.”


The VTOL dropped Nikolai off beside his powered down Grizzly.  He quickly climbed the rope ladder to the cockpit and hauled himself onboard, buckling the safety straps and powering up the 70-ton war machine where it stood.  The dim red emergency lighting brightened as the fusion plant came to life, but the veteran warrior waited until his screens had stabilized.  He ran through a hurried checklist, and when all systems had been confirmed as green, he retracted the ladder and lowered, then sealed, his cockpit.

He walked the Grizzly forward and examined the harsh and broken terrain closely.  The Scorpion Trial Grounds encompassed nearly nine hundred square kilometers of waste lands, filled with steep-sided rocky gullies and treacherous shifting sands.  Buttes and mesas reached towards the sky, but a few specks of green revealed precious water.  Underground perhaps, but the trees and brushes didn’t lie about such things.

His master display showed a map image of the 30 kilometer by 30 kilometer box, divided into nine grid squares 10 kilometers to the side.  Somewhere out there, in the Wastes, was Angela Tazegul.  But before he could kill, first he had to find her.  Many Clans of Kerensky considered it odd that the Scorpions would conduct such a Trial on an open field; the Jaguars especially preferred to land, deploy into a line, and then open fire on their chosen.  But for the Goliath Scorpions, the hunt was as much part and parcel of the Trial as the kill.

Nikolai made certain his restraining harness was tight, and then moved the throttle forward, and the Grizzly began to eat up terrain.


The blazing heat of day had turned into a cold, bitter chill shortly after Roche’s golden sun dipped beneath the horizon.  Nikolai stood motionless, his Grizzly almost powered down, his radars off-line.  Only his thermal sensors were sweeping the wastes from his perch against a massive obsidian boulder that still radiated the heat of the day.

The sensors beeped and Nikolai zoomed in.  There you are, Loremaster, he thought with a tired grin as he made out the form of her Gargoyle moving across the landscape, her arms ready to fire, twisting left and right in search of Nikolai.

Nikolai carefully back up, never bringing his power plant above 10%, and then he dropped to the shelter of the rocks below.  Bringing his engines and weapons fully on-line, he moved around the butte and into the narrow crevice of a shallow canyon.  If the maps were right, this route should bring him out behind her.


Nikolai waited, and he could hear the thump, thump, thump of his opponents Gargoyle as it drew closer and closer to him.  Sand and dirt and small debris rained down on his Grizzly from above as her foot impacts shook the very earth.  And then she was past him.  Nikolai turned his power back to full, and the stepped down upon the jump jet controls; the Grizzly soared out of the canyon on four blazing jets of fire, twisting around until Tazegul’s Gargoyle was centered in his targeting sights.  The reticule turned green as the computer locked onto her back, but Tazegul had spotted him and was twisting wildly in an attempt to spoil Nikolai’s aim.

But the veteran Star Colonel anticipated her moves and he slowly squeezed first one trigger, and then the second and he pushed the throttle to the stops charging forward towards her.

With a shrill whine, the right arm Gauss Rifle spat an iridescent penetrator that connected solidly against her left rear armor, and it crashed through.  Meanwhile the static electricity of a PPC buildup ionized the atmosphere in the cockpit, and then a blazing azure bolt tore through the night sky, removing the armor on the center torso’s rear—and Nikolai smiled as Tazegul’s OmniMech suddenly increased in temperature.  He had caught the engine shielding with that blast.

He pressed down his thumb on the firing stud and four ER Small Lasers spat green lancelets of light that spattered off her right arm, right left, and right torso—but the fourth shot went home in the gaping hole the Gauss Rifle had gouged in the left torso.  Her targeting computer blinked yellow as his combat computer estimated the damage.  Good enough, Nikolai, thought.

But Angela Tazegul was no mere bandit—she was a Loremaster of Clan Goliath Scorpion.  Fighting to keep her feet under the withering fire Nikolai had laid into her, she twisted around shot a ruby beam that hammered into his chest, followed by a series of cyan bolts, that raced along his arm.  But Nikolai’s armor held.

He stood on the jump jet pedals again and the Grizzly flew past the Loremaster’s OmniMech, even as he spun around to stay in her rear; this time he didn’t wait for a computer lock, but squeezed first one and then the second trigger as he felt the shot line up.  Another PPC bolt lit the night sky, and it tore through her (mostly) intact right torso rear armor, and then the crash of the Gauss Rifle as the slug broke through the sound barrier slammed into her center torso rear—and Angela Tazegul fell forward, her Gargoyle toppling the twenty meters to the bottom of the narrow ravine.

Nikolai froze as he heard Angela cry out in terror, and he fired his own jets again landing on the floor of the ravine.  Her Gargoyle lay broken on the ground, one of its legs snapped in two (the weakest point of that design) and her cockpit was shattered open.  But black shapes were moving on the floor of the ravine, and small arms fire lit her cockpit.

The Scorpion Warrior activated his floodlights, and he drew in a deep breath as he saw the swarm of juvenile Goliath Scorpions leaving their nests in the walls and flooding over the downed OmniMech.  In the flash of the laser light from within that broken cockpit, he could see stings dashing forward, and claws ripping flesh.

Nikolai heard the rustling of claws on armor outside his own cockpit and he turned to look an adult Goliath Scorpion directly into its golden eyes.  But the Scorpion didn’t strike, it looked at Nikolai, and then it turned back to the fallen Loremaster, who still wailed.  Nikolai activated his targeting computer, and he trained his ER PPC on Tazegul’s cockpit.   Then he pulled the trigger and ended her agony.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2012, 02:07:53 AM »

Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2012, 08:12:41 AM »

...clearly a safety hazard.

Haha. Nice.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2012, 12:16:10 PM »

Clan Headquarters, Lieurus
Roche, Clan Homeworlds
June 30, 3030

David Ben-Shimon winced as he sat down opposite Mikhail Kirov in the Khan’s office.  The Khan shook his head.  “Your joints are bothering you again, quiaff?”

“Aff, my Khan.  I have had too many years in zero-G—and I am getting rather too old for this.  But fear not, I not yet decrepit, and we still have time to accomplish our goals.”

“Go sir, gallop, and don't forget that the world was made in six days.  You can ask me for anything you like, except time,” quoted Mikhail.

David snorted.  “Except unlike Napoleon, we do have time to spare.  Not a lot, Khan Kirov, but enough; especially since you released those Battle-ROMs of the Scorpions swarming over Angela’s cockpit.  The discontent of the Seekers and our more conservative Warriors has ground to a halt.”  David paused, and he looked down at the floor before raising his head again.  “Although there are many who believe that your young Nikolai deliberately and knowingly broke zell, my Khan.”

“Of course, he did, David!  But he won, and our totem not only acknowledged his victory but assisted him!”

“You do not believe such superstitions, quineg?”

“Neg.  But does it matter what I believe?  David, those very same Warriors who would howl for Nikolai to be declared dezgra are now faced with the reality that the totem in which they believe so much has endorsed his activities; and through him, our own reforms.”

Mikhail stood.  “We must take the Clan to full crisis mentality, David.  There is no other choice.  Time is our enemy here, for eventually, the others will see our weakness.  We must rebuild and we must improve . . . we must, as a Clan adapt to the world as it is, not how we wish it were.”

“Seyla, my Khan.  All Pathfinder units have confirmed receipt of the new orders—they will return to Roche and Dagda within the year.  The Seekers are reporting for duty as well.  By the end of the month, our toumen will be at full strength; within three we will be able to expand.”

“And how will the new policy on Seekers be received, David?  You are closer to the Warriors than I.”

The Scorpion Fleet Admiral and saKhan shrugged.  “That will take time to determine.  But by declaring that any with a Bloodname must gain the permission of his Cluster Commander, Galaxy Commander, and Khan in order to Seek, by providing for young Warriors to continue in their vision quests, you place the Warrior caste in a bind.  Either they Seek, or they prove their genetic legacy in combat.  They can either search for artifacts and relics or they can pursue a Bloodname—only a very few will achieve both.”

Mikhail smiled.  “Of course, should they Seek and find a prize worthy of the Clan, then they may well earn their Bloodname regardless—but that happens only seldom.  Still, by making Seeking the province of the young and eager, while keeping the Bloodnamed—the veteran, the elite—in service, we can begin shifting this Clan’s attitude, David.  And what of the Widowmaker manufacturing complex—can we bring it online with all of our other reforms?”

“Yes, my Khan.  It will strain us to the breaking point in terms of our resource usage, but the Scientists and Technicians believe that it will begin production in two years time, perhaps less.”

“Good.  And since resources are one thing we desperately need, David, I want you to take the Scorpion’s Destiny Naval Star to Hector.  The Ice Hellions will be, according to my sources, receiving a convoy of seventeen DropShips filled with raw ores and processed metal compounds, including several tons of harjel they have purchased from the Sharks.  It has been too seldom that our Fleet has participated in Trials, David.  We need those resources, David.  Take them.”

“As my Khan commands,” the old man said with a grin as he stood, saluted, and left the office with a spry step that believed his age.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2012, 06:33:57 PM »

Sometimes fate and nature work together to wipe out the weak like Tazegul.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2012, 08:21:18 PM »

GWS Lei Kung
Nadir Point, Hector
July 18, 3030

“What did you just say,” the shocked Hellion officer asked over the video link.

David Ben-Shimon’s mouth twisted into a wry smile.  “I said, Star Colonel Montose, that I challenge you to a Trial of Possession for the convoy that just arrived in-system—Hellion Alpha-Two-Three, to be exact—and all of the cargo and equipment carried aboard, to include the docked DropShips.”

The commander of the Ice Hellion Nadir recharge station swallowed, and then he lifted his chin.  “This is most unusual, Star Admiral Ben-Shimon.  For trials of this nature, it is customary to inform the target Clan in advance, quiaff?”

“Aff, Star Colonel Montose.  I would note however, that on October 17, 2994, the Ice Hellions issued a batchall for a Clan Wolf supply convoy, a batchall which your Clan won.  And on March 4, 3011, the Ice Hellions bid against a Clan Cloud Cobra convoy, and won.  And on April 5, 3022, the Hellion bid against a Clan Diamond Shark convoy, and won.  None of those trials, each of which was instituted by Naval Forces assigned to your Clan, went through these ‘normal’ channels, Star Colonel.  No, those Trials were instituted on the spot by the ranking Hellion Naval officer—in much the same fashion as I am doing so today.”

Montose gritted his teeth in frustration.  “I do not have the authority to negotiate such a . . .”

“Star Colonel,” David interrupted.  “You are a Blood Named Warrior of the Hellions.  You have been given the honor of commanding this station, and at the moment, the convoy is under your command.  Either give me your bid, or I will assume that you intend to defend with everything and will act accordingly.”  The Scorpion Fleet commander made a gesture with one hand.

“Sir!  They are powering up their weapons and targeting the Station!” a voice cried out over the communications circuit, and Montose’s face drained of blood.

“The convoy is armed only for self-defense, Star Admiral!  There are only a Star of Elementals onboard those ships!  And this station is no match for your own ship, let alone your escorts . . .” he paused, and nodded, “you would not dare fire into us.”

“Star Captain Henriquez, fire a warning shot across their bow.”

“Aff, Star Admiral!” the officer assigned to Lei Kung’s tactical answered smartly.  David could feel the hum in the bones of the old ship as her Naval PPCs began to charge, and then two dozen brilliant bolts, glowing with the intensity of a thousand suns, streaked out from the Scorpion WarShip and passed within two hundred meters of the stations hull.

“Star Colonel Montose, do not presume to tell me what I will and will not dare.  You have sixty seconds to tell me the forces which you are bidding to defend those ships:  if you have not answered me in that time, I will destroy your station and I will seize those vessels by force.”

“I-I . . . I bid myself.”

“You bid one man, Star Colonel Montose?  You are valorous, gallant, and honorable.  You are the defender:  augmented or unaugmented?”

“I accepted your Trial, Star Admiral, and I bid myself . . . unaugmented.  I will transmit my codex and await your Warrior in Hanger Bay Two.”

The transmission cut off, and David shook his head.  “Star Captain Henriquez, stand down the weapon systems—but keep a sharp eye on the sensors.  And instruct Star Captain Mira Scott to take a shuttle from the Sagitta; she will fight our Trial.”

Gunthar Henriquez grinned.  “Oh that poor, poor Hellion.  He must have really upset you Star Admiral—assigning Mira Scott to fight unarmed.”

David grunted.  “Hellions are pack fighters.  I do not care for that, Star Captain—it is not the Clan way.  And no, I do not particularly care for that insolent young surat one whit.”


Star Captain Mira Scott waited until the hatch of her shuttlecraft had fully cycled and then she swam out into the Hanger Bay aboard the station.  Floating in zero-G, she saw the Hellion Star Colonel on the other side of the massive compartment.

“I am Star Captain Mira Scott,” she called out, her voice echoing from the distant bulkheads.  “I am here to fight the Trial of Possession for Hellion Convoy Alpha-Two-Three in accordance with the batchall issued by Star Admiral David Ben-Shimon.  Are you prepared to defend your claim, Ice Hellion?”

“I am Star Colonel Edward Montose, and I am ready to ruin the dreams of the Scorpion invaders into our space.  Prepare yourself, Star Captain, for the Trial begins NOW.”

He launched himself from the bulkhead through the air towards her, but Mira merely waited—she did not take her hand from the shuttle or launch herself towards him, she watched as he zoomed across the open bay.  Only it wasn’t quite so open, she saw.  The dim light had concealed nearly translucent cables that were strung across the room and she saw the Hellion grab one and alter his vector, gaining velocity from a kick-thrust against a stanchion.

Tricky Hellions, she thought with a grin.  But still she waited, keeping one hand secure on the hull of her shuttle’s wing.  Hellions prefer fast slashing attacks—to win the victory before the battle even begins, she recited in her head.  And they know that few Scorpions ever excel at zero-g unarmed combat—that particular brand of martial arts was practiced only by a handful.  With no gravity, all of the advantages the Scorpions normally possessed waned, and those of the Hellions waxed.

Most of the time.  For Mira was one of those rare few who had trained her entire life to fight in zero-g aboard ship.

She waited until the Hellion was almost atop of her, when he grabbed yet another cable spun, intending to slam his booted feet into her temple—but Mira was already moving inside his spin, using his momentum to accelerate away from her shuttle and her grip was tight against his belt and forearm.  She snaked her legs around and put Montose’s neck within a lock, even as he hammered at her stomach and chest and throat with powerful fists.  He croaked as she tightened her legs and he pulled another cable, slamming the both of them into the overhead, and then down onto the deck plating, but Mira hung on.  She grunted as one of his hands caught her face and he started to dig one thumb into her eye, but jammed her own knife hand into his groin, and the Star Colonel whimpered in pain.

Releasing her legs, she spun backwards as the Hellion spun forwards and she landed on his back, wrapping her arms around his throat as he gasped for air.  She squeezed as the Hellion squirmed, but he nothing to grab onto, no surface upon which to roll, and finally his body went limp.  A bay door opened and two Hellion Elementals walked in, their magnetic boots clanging on the deck.  Mira released Montose.  “I have won the Trial, Warriors.  Inform your commanders that the Scorpions will take possession of those ships and their cargo.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2012, 08:32:05 PM »

She just ruined his day and maybe any future progney. (OUCH) More Please
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2012, 05:37:07 PM »

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2012, 11:53:34 PM »

GWS Lei Kung
Zenith Jump Point, Sheridan
July 18, 3030

“We thank you for your courtesy, Star Admiral da Silva.  Rest assured that Clan Goliath Scorpion intends no aggression towards your Clan; once we recharge we will be continuing towards Roche,” David said to the image of the auburn haired woman warmly.

She smiled at him in return.  “I could not help but notice that half of your convoy is adorned in Hellion colors, saKhan Ben-Shimon.  Can I presume that they are rather furious at this moment?”

David grinned in reply.  “They should be, Star Admiral da Silva.  Their station commander bid poorly—and lost.”

“STATUS CHANGE!” barked out the rating manning the sensor console aboard David’s flagship.  “Pre-emergence neutrino emissions have spiked!  Emergence in five, four, three, two, one.”

Both David and the Star Adder looked down at their monitors as a Hellion WarShip blinked into existence, followed by a second, and third, and fourth, and fifth, a sixth, and then a seventh.

“Set Condition Two throughout the ship—pass that order to the rest of the Star immediately!” David barked.  “Bring weapons on-line, but fire only on MY orders!  Quiaff?”

“AFF!” shouted his officers.

“saKhan, aerospace fighters are manned and ready for launch,” his flight controller reported.

“Hold them in their bays on full alert,” David answered calmly.

The woman on the screen lifted her head and shook it ruefully.  “Furious indeed, they are, saKhan Ben-Shimon.  That must have been some Trial.”

“Star Admiral da Silva, we have no intention of involving your Clan in this dispute.  But perhaps you should remove your ships to a safe distance.”

The woman laughed.  “saKhan Ben-Shimon, Sheridan belongs to the Adders.  Neither you nor the Hellions will be starting anything in this system; not today , not ever.”

The transmission cut off.  David shook his head.  “If I were thirty years younger, I would try to seize her as abtakha.  She’s got spirit, my Scorpions.”

Laughter echoed across the bridge.  “saKhan, I have a ship count now:  seven vessels in total, the battleship Cage’s Pride, cruisers Chaos Sailor and Taney, the carrier Pack Leader, and the destroyers Cold Hunter, Impaler, and Radiant,” Star Captain Henriquez calmly said from the tactical console.

David nodded with a frown as he considered the Hellion force just now beginning to recover from their jump.  They must be absolutely furious, for that concentration of force represented better than half of their total Fleet—and probably three-quarters of their Fleet’s firepower.

“Have we been hailed?” he asked.

“Neg, saKhan, but . . .,” the comm rating said as he held his hand to his earpiece.  “The Adders are hailing them . . . on broadcast, not tight-beam.”

“On speaker.”

“Ice Hellions.  This Star Admiral Andrea da Silva, commanding Adder Naval Reserve Alpha.  State your intentions immediately.”

“Star Adders.  Our fight is not with you.  We seek to reclaim our stolen property.”

“Hellions.  This system belongs to the Adders.  We have granted the Scorpions the right to recharge their drives—you will not initiate a confrontation here.”

“The cowards!  They hide behind the skirts of the Adders!  They fear to face us in a true Trial, one not filled with deceit and treachery!”

“Open mike,” David ordered with a set face.  “The Scorpions won this convoy in a properly declared and fought Trial, Hellions.  We acted with honor and courage—your commander bid poorly and he lost.  Know that the Scorpions do not cower behind anyone, and if you permit us to recharge, we shall agree to take the battle elsewhere."

“Lies, Scorpion!  You stole our property!  Return our ships or we shall finish this here and now, with your death the only outcome!”

“Ice Hellions, you will not engage in the Sheridan system—not unless you seek to provoke a confrontation with Clan Star Adder!” da Silva barked.  “We have granted the Scorpions safcon to recharge their drives, and no one—no one—will violate that which we have freely given!”

“Sir, the Hellions are launching fighters,” Star Captain Henriquez said softly.

“Damn prideful fools,” David lamented, and then he set his jaw and stood, ignoring the protest of his joints.  “Ice Hellion Fleet:  I, David Ben-Shimon, Star Admiral of the Goliath Scorpion Fleet, saKhan of the Clan Goliath Scorpion, commanding officer of the Scorpion Flagship Lei Kung, do hereby demand a Trial of Grievance against you for your insults against the Warriors under my command!  For this I bid only my Flagship.  I offer you, as prize upon your victory, if victory is yours, the possession of the convoy which my Clan has, under the Martial Code of Kerensky, honorably claimed!  Further, as is my right as a Khan of Clan Goliath Scorpion, I demand from you, a prize of equal value should I prevail.  Your battleship, Cage's Pride, is roughly equal in value to the convoy and its cargo.  Either accept this Trial, or cease your claims of ownership over these Goliath Scorpion vessels.  The Adders may bear witness to our actions today.”

Silence filled the airwaves and the Scorpion bridge was utterly still.

“You demand much, Scorpion,” the Hellion replied.  “We offer no prize to you for reclaiming what is ours.”

“Then by the Martial Code of Kerensky, you forfeit that claim, Ice Hellion.  Decide!  I grow weary of your . . . caution.”

“The Adders will enforce the results of this Trial—on both parties.  I swear by the Great Father himself,” da Silva added.

Second ticked past, and then minutes, before the unseen voice once again transmitted.  “Done.  I shall destroy your honorless ship, Scorpion.”

"Hellion, you are welcome to try," David snarled.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2012, 12:01:07 AM »

I just wanted to offer my apologies to Ice Hellion for picking on his chosen Clan.  I needed a Clan that is immensely prideful, arrogant, and quick to react, but not one so powerful that the Scorpions would need a deus ex machina to prevail.  The Hellions fit that bill.  Nothing personal, Ice.

Master Arminas


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2012, 07:53:36 AM »


I wonder if freeze-dried Ice Hellion with vacuum sprinkling tastes any good after taking a Scorpion roasting?...
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