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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #240 on: July 04, 2012, 11:03:07 PM »

The Comstar sourcebook and The Fall of Terra has a lot of info on those systems.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #241 on: July 05, 2012, 12:07:29 PM »

Part III

Chapter Five

“The history of the Inner Sphere is one of betrayal and double-crosses; while such is dishonorable in the extreme, it is also human.  And no matter how our opponents might proclaim their unity, the fractures still rest there beneath the surface . . . hidden from view but just as fragile as an overstressed structural frame.  We apply the proper amount of stress in exactly the right places, and then we will see this Alliance of the Great Houses fall apart bickering amongst themselves.  It is a simple problem to identify; the difficulty comes in triggering the fractures.  Rest assured Warriors, we will find that answer and our path to Terra will become an open road.”

—Nikolai Djerassi, addressing the Scorpion Council of the Blood Named, Rasalhague, 3043

Field Headquarters of the ilKhan
Rasalhague, Clan Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
September 4, 3043

“Khan Tseng was not certain if you are a genius or a madman—hence she sent you to me, Messer Wheeler.  Which are you?” Yvonne Hazen asked the finely dressed serious man who stood in front of her desk.

Kendrick Wheeler frowned.  “It would be the height of hubris for me to claim to be a genius, ilKhan Hazen,” he answered.  “I can assure you, however, that I am not mad—and that I am very, very good at what I do.”

“Which is?”

“I film documentaries, ilKhan.  Ideological and political documentaries aimed at swaying public thought and opinion,” he answered with a broad smile.

“You create propaganda,” she answered flatly, and her guest nodded with a smile, making a clucking sound with his tongue.

“Victory, ilKhan Hazen, does not always go to the strongest or to the one who desires it the most—victory depends upon the will of those fighting and dying for their cause.  And I can you help achieve victory.”

“I think you will find that Clan Warriors need no propaganda to be motivated in our Crusade, Messer Wheeler.”

“Oh, heavens no!  You misunderstand me, ilKhan Hazen,” the producer/director responded.  “Jaime Wolf and the House Lords have spent hundreds of millions of C-bills over the past few years demonizing your Clans among the public.  They, the great unwashed masses of the Inner Sphere, see you as nothing more than ravening hordes of Mongols, come to destroy life as they know it and enslave everyone.  This is a War being waged on a front where you have no troops; you cannot oppose them in this theatre of operations, not without your own message.”

Yvonne’s eyes narrowed and she slowly nodded.  “Continue,” she said.

“We must answer these lies with the Truth, ilKhan Haven!  And we must paint a picture that shows the people of the Inner Sphere that the Clans are the benevolent inheritors of the Star League.  We have to counter Wolf’s lies against you with testimony from civilians here in your Occupation Zones, and show them that life under your rule will be better for them and their children than under the corrupt Lords of the Houses.  You have free education and training in vocations; your civilians have medical care provided for by the Clan.  You ensure that all your lower castes have power and water and food to eat.  You are no barbarians come here to destroy—we will show the masses that you have art and literature and culture.  We will tell them that unlike their current rulers, your Warriors do not involve civilians in combat—you keep your fights well away from population centers; unless, of course,” he said wryly as his voice rose in brightly, “dishonorable and corrupt opponents such as the Great Lords force you to fight there by holding their own citizens as human shields!   We will allow them to know that the Clans are here to restore the Fallen Star League and all of its Glory and Peace!”

Yvonne leaned back in her chair.  “Perhaps we could use you, Messer Wheeler,” the ilKhan said.  “There are a number of difficulties that I foresee, however.  First and foremost, is how do you expect to distribute these . . . propaganda pieces?  I cannot believe that the Houses will let you do so openly, quiaff?”

“Why, yes, ilKhan Hazen.  Some will have no choice.  The Free Worlds League, for example, we will be able to circulate this material in that realm without the central government being able to prevent us.  Even in the Federated Suns, we should be able to reach a large number of people openly—the same in the Lyran Commonwealth, although both of those will move quickly to suppress us; they will fail.  The Capellans and House Kurita will squash any open distribution, but we are well used to that.  I can smuggle the documentaries into their space and they will be shown them; the Lords can only attempt suppress the Truth, but information must flow, ilKhan Hazen.”

“If you can distribute these . . . documentaries . . . Messer Wheeler, what makes you think that you can alter the loyalty of the civilians of the Inner Sphere?”

Kendrick Wheeler laughed.  “I am very, very good at what I do, ilKhan Hazen.  After seeing my films, the people of the Inner Sphere—especially those far from the front lines—will be asking themselves why are our people dying to defend the Lyrans and Kuritas?  Why are we spending our blood and treasure against the True Heirs of the Star League, the children of Aleksandyr Kerensky, returned to our space after an epic journey centuries in the making?  And then you will have men of power, like the Sandovals in the Draconis March, and the Lestrades in Skye, will begin to wonder why their leaders are propping up the Draconis Combine—we might even prod them into action, drawing away troops from the front-lines.”  He laughed.

Yvonne nodded once.  “I have one final question, Messer Wheeler:  why are you offering me this?”

“I am an artist, ilKhan Hazen.  I sway the opinions of men and women across the Inner Sphere—but for the slightest of indiscretions, they have the temerity to banish me!  To outlaw my work from their realms!  To name me as an outlaw and a fugitive to their laws!  Your Clans, my ilKhan, shall be my revenge upon all of them.”

“And in return you desire . . . ?”

“The rights to all profits made by these films, of course.  And a place within your society—you strike me as a woman who knows a good deal when she sees it, ilKhan Hazen.”

Yvonne stood, a look of distaste clearly evident on her face.  “You will have the cooperation of the Clans, Messer Wheeler.  Make your films—and do not fail me, for the consequences of that will be . . . not to your liking.”

Kendrick smiled.  “By the time that I am done, my ilKhan, the Inner Sphere masses will be singing praises of your name alongside that of General Kerensky and Ian Cameron.”  And he laughed again.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #242 on: July 05, 2012, 12:51:31 PM »

my my doubledealing at it's best. Why do I feel that Wheeler Is ROM or Loki????
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #243 on: July 08, 2012, 04:00:45 PM »

Clan Ghost Bear Field Headquarters
Rasalhague, Clan Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
September 6, 3043

“A costly victory, quiaff?” asked Amanda Tseng as Nikolai stepped into the pre-fabricated structure that housed the command and staff of Clan Ghost Bear.  She shook her head and motioned the Scorpion towards one of the two chairs present.

“Aff, but not as costly as we first believed.  We have been able to repair and restore to operation several of our disabled OmniMechs, and Karttikeya carried enough ‘observing’ Warriors detached from their normal duties to make up the numerical losses we suffered—and sufficient materials to replace those OmniMechs, Fighters, and Elemental battle armor too damaged to repair.  As of 0700 this morning, Alpha Galaxy is back to 100% of TO&E strength.”

Amanda snorted. “But not at full effectiveness, Nikolai.  You need time to integrate those new Warriors.”

“You speak the truth, my Bear trothkin,” Nikolai answered.  “We have more than six weeks to drill them before the next Wave launches—and the Sand Runners, along with your Delta Galaxy, have confirmed that the KungsArmee stripped the defenses from the remaining Wave II worlds to concentrate here on Rasalhague.  We have taken all five for minimal losses.”

“True,” she mused and she nodded her head.  “I thought your suggestion to have unattached replacement Warriors on hand to be . . . an unworthy one, at first.  I was mistaken—those Warriors have let me bring the Golden Bears and the Night Howlers back to full strength as well.  I understand that Yvonne is rather furious this morning—having received the news from the other Clans operations.”

She smiled and Nikolai grinned in reply.  This time every Clan had hit all of their assigned worlds on the same day—although not with the same effect as the Bears and Scorpions. 

The Jaguars had taken Bangor, Hanover, Jeronimo, Marshdale, and Wolcott without major incident; but on Hyner and Maldonado they had slammed right into major DCMS staging bases and were still fighting for possession of those worlds.  Only two Clusters had landed on each—with no reserves—and they were fighting against hordes of militia and no fewer than seven DCMS front-line regiments!  To make matters worse, their ‘pacified worlds of Wave I had risen up against their garrison units once the Jaguar touman had jumped away—to the point where the free-birth PGC commanders of the Jaguar garrison forces had been forced to ask Clan Nova Cat for assistance.  Leo Showers was furious, Nikolai understood.  But he could only gnash his teeth as he redeployed Clusters onto the still contested worlds securing the approach to Pesht.

The Mandrills had faced less odds on their Second Wave worlds, but Schuyler had been heavily defended—to the point where Khan Tanaga and his Kindraa had to call upon the Spirits for assistance.  His leadership of that divided Clan now stood in doubt—or rather it would have, but for the Spirit garrison Clusters he had directed to reinforce his Mandrills on their Wave I worlds and the sudden uprising in their wake had been crushed.

The Adders and Cobras faced no serious opposition, except on Trondheim, where the 2nd Drakons of the KungsArmee and three mercenary Regiments had squared off against the Adder’s Alpha Galaxy—and were resoundingly defeated in short order.  And while there had been uprisings on Constance and Jarrett—two combine worlds taken by the Adders in Wave I, the Free Rasalhague Republic had apparently not made such preparations.  Other than those two planets, the rear of the Adders was rather quiet.

As it was for the Bears and Scorpions as well.  And for the Wolves and Coyotes in Corridor Delta.  The only serious challenge to the Packs had arisen on Basiliano, where the sole assault-weight regiment of the KungsArmee had squared off against the Coyote’s Delta Galaxy.

But the Vipers had attempted simultaneous landings on nine worlds—with the furious Hellions still watching from the sidelines—and some of those worlds had featured significant defenses.  Their bid for Ridderkirk succeeded only because of the adaptability and steadfast determination shown by Star Captain Ezra Cochraine—despite just two points of Vipers surviving the battle, they had taken that world.  The assault on Winfield, however, saw the quick defeat and death of the Trinary dispatched there—a shameful ending only magnified when the Horses dropped two Clusters and annihilated Winfield’s Brigade in an eleven hour running battle.  But that wasn’t the worst for the Vipers, oh no.  On Evciler, Seiduts, and Planting, Viper Clusters ran head-first into veteran Fed-Com RCTs, their defenses stoutly built and with ample supplies of artillery and conventional support elements.  Each of these worlds was struck by only a single Viper Cluster, and the results were grim.  Khan Andrews responded by throwing his reserves into the fight, but his best formations were bled white on those three worlds.  Ecviler and Seiduts had fallen, but reports from Planting showed that the 24th Arcturan Guards RCT, reinforced by the 12th Donegal Guards had refused to budge, repelling three separate attacks by the 423rd and 428th Assault Clusters . . . until Galaxy Commander Sean Matthews destroyed them utterly with the guns of the Essex-class destroyer Martial Legacy.  To say that the ilKhan was . . . upset, would be akin to saying that the surface of a star was slightly warm to the touch.

Khan Andrews had replied however, that since there were no significant numbers of civilians within the blast zones of the orbital bombardment, it wasn’t a matter for the ilKhan—but instead an operational decision by his Clan in the heat of battle.  Nikolai smiled again, for he had heard that Yvonne almost declared a Trial of Grievance against Andrews for his insubordination and refusal to obey her standing orders on the use of such weapons—but she had since calmed down.

The Horse’s too ran into Fed-Com defenders on Butler, Malibu, and Twycross—but Khan Fletcher had already delayed his attack until after the Vipers struck Winfield.   Forewarned by the experiences of the Falcons and Vipers, he gave all of the other systems in Wave II to the Ravens and landed a full Galaxy of Horses on each of those worlds—overrunning the defenders in a matter of hours.  However, like the Vipers and Falcons and Mandrills and Jaguars, the Horse’s had experienced an uprising on their Wave I worlds—an uprising that resulted in the assassination of Loremaster Gary Mitchell by a Fed-Com special operations team as he was meeting with civilian leaders on Somerset.  Luckily, the Horse’s garrison commander refrained from making an example, and the horrified civilian leaders—barely spared their lives in the engagement—were cooperating fully at uncovering the special operations cells.

The Falcons activated the Sharks for Wave II, which allowed them to concentrate their forces against the defenders of Blue Hole, Chahar, and Kooken’s Pleasure Pit; leaving the Sharks to deal with the treacherous crags of Goat Path.  Leaving just one Cluster behind to deal with Blackjack, Clermont, and Hot Springs, thirteen Falcon Clusters hit the heavily defended worlds on the forward edge of their occupation zone.  Not to mention four Shark Clusters on Goat Path.   The Fed-Com defenders there were swamped, and despite heavy, even bitter fighting, the Falcons took every world in assigned to their Wave, as did the Sharks.  The unoccupied Shark Galaxy was kept in the rear areas of Wave I, and once the uprisings began, saKhan Timur Malthus coordinated the use of that Galaxies Clusters and the Shark PGCs to work with the Falcon PGCs and restore order.  Although there was still fighting on three worlds, and much damage to infrastructure that the Falcons had counted on, the worst was now believed to have ended.

“She is,” answered Nikolai with a grin. “And for once not with me!”

“Truth!” barked out Amanda in a bitter laugh.  “Somedays, Nikolai, I believe you deliberately try to push her a bit too far—she is still a Falcon, beware ‘lest she tear your intestines out with her talons.”

Nikolai grunted in agreement, and he shook his head.  “I issued orders today for Epsilon Galaxy to report to Rondane—they will arrive in fifteen days thanks to that command circuit you and I established between the Homeworlds and the Isles.  I would recommend that you move at least two more Galaxies forward as well, Khan Tseng.”

Amanda winced.  “We cannot use them, Nikolai.”

“Not now, no.  But the Isles—and Rondane—are not within the Invasion Theatre.  Those are our worlds now—our enclaves, which we can garrison as we see fit.  And if the time comes, Khan Tseng, when we need four more Galaxies . . . I intend for us to have them close by.”

“There are not enough JumpShips in the circuit to convey two Galaxies of Bears AND your Scorpions.”

“I will delay Epsilon, so that you might bring forward Rho;  that will be thirty days for my reinforcements, and then forty-five—just as we are starting Wave III—for your second Galaxy to arrive.  If you pass the orders today.”

Amanda nodded.  “Aff.  It is better to have them close than not to have them at all.”

“Good,” answered Nikolai.  “Have you decided what to do with Magnusson and his family?”

“Didn’t you hear?”

“Obviously, I did not.”

Amanda smiled.  “The Elected Prince demanded a Trial of Refusal against me in a final effort to restore Rasalhague to his rule—I granted his request.  He chose pistols at twenty paces.”

The Scorpion Khan winced, for Amanda Tseng was a crack shot even amongst the Clans!

“So he is dead?”

“Aff.  Very much so as of this morning.  Since Magnusson’s wife was already deceased, I sent his son—Ragnar—back to the sibko we have established on Rondane.  He is nine and will adapt quickly.”

Nikolai nodded and then he asked the question he had come for.  “How do you plan on voting for Aleksandyr, Amanda?”

She shook her head.  “It will never pass, Nikolai—you know it.  There will not be a majority of the Clans that will allow EVERY clan to land simultaneously on Terra; that would destroy the entire concept of the ilClan.  It has no chance of passing . . . and I shall waste no political capital on supporting an idea which cannot be passed.”

The Scorpion nodded glumly.  “Ulric and Marion said much the same thing—as will Jake I am certain.  We should hit them now, but we will not.  We should reinforce our holdings here  with every Warrior, every ‘Mech, every last pallet of bullets we have in the Homeworlds, but we will not.  I fear that we will . . .” and his voice trailed off.

“What do you fear, Scorpion?” asked the Bear.

Nikolai shook his head.  “Nothing that I can change now, Amanda.  I shall see you at the grand kurultai, quiaff?”


“Then good day, Khan Tseng.”

“Good day, Khan Djerassi.”
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 11:39:39 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #244 on: July 08, 2012, 06:36:39 PM »

 ;D Nice to see the short sightedness of the crusader clans and the Wardens helping in the decision to make sure there was no IlClan!  Keep up the story!


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #245 on: July 08, 2012, 10:09:46 PM »

I just had a thought, what is the status of the following formations after the Capellan Gift?:

Sarna Academy Group;
Sarna March Militias;
Republican Regiments;
New Aragon Borderers;
New Hessen Armoured Scouts;
Laurel's Legion;
Northwind Higlanders?
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #246 on: July 08, 2012, 11:12:56 PM »

The Shroud Keshik, Jendar Desert
Maldonado, Draconis Combine
September 6, 3043

Leo Showers frowned as his aide passed him the communication, but Star Captain Abraham Bowen stood sternly at attention and he did not waver as his Khan glared down upon him.  The Khan read the message a second time and he nodded.

“This . . . Colonel Nakamura . . . has he offered a location for the Trial?”

“Aff, my Khan.  I dispatched a Star of OmniFighters to recon the area—they detected no formations of BattleMechs, vehicles, or artillery within a thirty kilometer radius.  They have confirmed that there is a small tent set up on the desert floor . . . no vehicles, just one man standing there and waiting.”

Showers frowned again and he looked at the message a third time.  Khan Showers, it said, I, Colonel Akira Nakamura, have assumed command of the Combine forces on Maldonado following the death of General Horne at the Tamlaine Ridge.  I challenge you to personal combat by sword for the ownership of this world.  You have my word that regiment—the 4th Pesht Regulars—will abide by the results of this contest.  I await you alone and armed only with my daisho at the following coordinates.

Showers crumpled the message inside of one thick fist.  “Who knows of this?”

Bowen blushed and he refused to meet his Khan’s eyes.  “It was transmitted in the clear—all of Alpha Galaxy heard the message, my Khan.”

The Jaguar nodded.  Clever, Nakamura.  You challenge me openly—and I cannot refuse with my Warriors knowledge.

“Prepare the Shroud—and Alpha Galaxy.  We will meet this Colonel Nakamura; I shall kill this Colonel Nakamura and this world will be ours.”

The aide bowed his head and backed out of the command tent. 


The full might of Clan Smoke Jaguar’s premier combat unit surrounded the single Combine Colonel as he stood alone in front of a tent with its flaps raised.  The lonely figure brushed the dust from his black uniform as a massive Dire Wolf assault OmniMech came to stop immediately in front of him.  The canopy opened and a ladder deployed from a compartment along the side.  A powerfully-muscled dusky skinned man quickly descended after slinging a long scabbard over his back and neck.

The man—Leo Showers—reached the desert floor and he walked over to Akira Nakamura, who politely bowed.

“Saki, Khan Showers?” he asked.

“Neg.  Are you prepared to die today?” the Khan answered.

Akira smiled slightly.  “I am a loyal soldier of the Dragon, Khan Showers.  I am prepared to die every day.”  The Colonel poured himself a small cup of the rice wine and he bowed his head before he lifted the ceramic container and drank down the liquid contained within.

From the table set in the center of the tent, he lifted two swords in lacquered sheaths and he slid them into his belt above his left hip.  Then he walked out into the circle of ‘Mechs, and once again bowed politely at the Khan.  Showers’ lip curled and he too walked into the Circle of Equals as his Warriors watched, drawing his sword in one smooth movement and casting aside the scabbard.

The Colonel just stood there, his right hand resting on the long curved hilt of the larger of the two swords as Showers carefully approached, his weapon held before him expertly.  Nakamura nodded his appreciation—the Jaguar’s grip was flawless, his stance was perfect, his eyes never left his opponent.  He would have been quite a challenge, the Colonel thought.

But the Jaguar Khan suddenly jerked as a crimson beam from a laser sniper rifle burned its way through Showers’ head.  “My life and my honor belong to the Dragon—they are his to do with as he pleases!” Akira Nakamura yelled as the shocked Elementals raised their arms . . . the muzzle flashes were the last sight that Colonel Nakamura ever saw.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 11:41:00 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #247 on: July 08, 2012, 11:33:35 PM »

The Jaguars are going to be pissed.

Raging Jaguar comes
to Pesht he prowls
Honour will be nothing.

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #248 on: July 09, 2012, 12:59:57 PM »

The Jaguar’s Den Keshik, Jendar Desert
Maldonado, Draconis Combine
September 6, 3043

Galaxy Commander Lincoln Osis fumed with rage as the Elementals of the Shroud recovered their Khan’s body.  Although few Elementals rose to the stature of Galaxy Commanders, and even fewer suits of Elemental armor were built with the communications and computer support equipment that such a position required, he was an exception to both.  He nodded as he saw the satellite maps projected on the heads-up-display on the interior of his visor and then he snarled.

“Jaguars!” he bellowed.  “House Kurita has proven itself as corrupt and deceitful as every other of the Scavenger Lords!  Our Khan lies dead due to their perfidy!  Because of their lies!  Their lack of honor!”

Growls rose over the communications network as Alpha Galaxy responded to his oratory.

“Jaguars!  We have located their last concentration of forces . . . we have discovered the regiment to which this . . . assassin belonged.  We will destroy them without mercy!  We will rend them to pieces!  We will grant no quarter nor shall it be asked!  And then, my Jaguars!  THEN, we shall fall upon Pesht and Luthien like the coming of a vengeful avatar of fury!  We will end the Kurita line and watch Takashi and his son hang!  Jaguars!” He roared.  “KILL!”

Osis activated his jump jets and he soared up to his mount on the shoulder of a nearby Warhawk, and he thrust his right arm forward; the Warhawk broke into a run towards the Kurita regiment fifty kilometers away, and in its wake—in Lincoln Osis’ wake—followed the Jaguars of Alpha Galaxy, hunger for vengeance.


“There certainly are a lot of them,” complained Major Olin Harris, commander of the 3rd battalion, 4th Pesht, as he lowered his binoculars from his eyes.  Sheltered within a cavern in the windswept badlands, he shook his head.  “In fact, it looks more like a tsunami of ‘Mechs than a planned attack.”

“So much the better,” said the older man standing beside Harris.  “Colonel Nakamura and my sniper did their work well—alert your battalion to stand by; the Jaguars will be upon us in moments.  I will bring the rest of our forces to full readiness for battle.”

For the past half-hour, the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 4th Pesht had ran from the Jaguars, but, by-and-large, their ‘Mechs had been outpaced by the faster Clan machines.  Slowly, the Jaguars had caught up—piecemeal and no longer in formation.  And the 4th had lured them here, into this broken wasteland of twisting canyons and deep caverns; high ridges and treacherous mazes filled with deep, shifting sand.  General Noda Junichiro smiled even as the long-range weapons brought down a few more of the Pesht BattleMechs—so far, they had lost nearly half of their numbers . . . having inflicted no damage of their own.  That was about to change.

Junichiro waited until the forward elements of the Jaguars were fully within the narrow confines and then his eyes narrowed and he lifted the radio handset.  He smiled.  Your greater range will be no use to you here; here the playing field is leveled and we can hurt you just you can hurt us.  “Banzai!” he bellowed.


Osis slammed his fist against the cockpit of the Warhawk, urging it to a faster pace as the sounds of battle doubled, and tripled, and doubled again ahead of him.  Plumes of smoke arose from the wastes of the desert, and suddenly his long-range communications died amidst the electronic squeals of powerful jamming devices.  “Faster,” he barked—but the Warrior assigned to the Warhawk instead brought the machine to a halt.

“Galaxy Commander, I believe you need to see this,” her voice whispered into Osis’ helmet.

The Elemental plugged his battle armor into a port set just outside the canopy of the assault-weight machine—and he blanched as he saw the sheer numbers of tanks and infantry swarming around his lead elements, with still more pouring from the concealed mouths of caves!  This was no single regiment . . . there were a dozen regiments of armor and infantry ahead of him, tearing into his lead Clusters!  The ‘Mechs that he had been pursuing had stopped running and now they too were ripping into his advance guard from point-blank range!  An ambush!  Those stravag cowards!

“Quicken you pace, we must come to their aid!” he barked to the MechWarrior and the assault OmniMech began to march forward again—just as another Warrior screamed:  “Incoming!”

Scores of high-velocity autocannon rounds streaked down from the sky as the regiment of ‘Mechbuster fighters passed by in nap-of-the-earth flight mode; their AC-20s spitting fire as they tore through the heart of Alpha Galaxy.  Most of them were shot down, but that did not mean that their own shots did not find targets.

One of which was the Elemental Battle Armor suit worn by Lincoln Osis.


Junichiro nodded as fresh—and furious—Jaguar ‘Mechs entered the killing grounds.  For two hours his forces had fought with all of the ferocity he could inspire within them; but now ammunition was running low and the real Jaguar Assault (and assault-weight OmniMechs) had arrived.  Over four-fifths of his men were dead, or trapped within their vehicles and ‘Mechs.  But still they fought!

“All elements scatter and prepare to support ISF insurrection forces—Headquarters will cover your retreat,” he ordered into his radio.  “You have all served the Dragon well today!”

The former Yakuza lord turned general walked his own Thunderbolt out of the cavern, trailed by eleven other MechWarriors and two companies of SRM carriers—all loaded with inferno rounds.  His fresh command company tore into the flank of the Jaguar assault units and bought—at the cost of their own lives—time enough for Junchiro’s handful survivors to scatter to the distant winds.

CSJS Streaking Mist, High Orbit
Hyner, Draconis Combine
September 6, 3043

Brandon Howell, the saKhan of Clan Smoke Jaguar just stared at the officer who brought the message for what seemed like minutes.  Then he shook his head.  “What was that!” he barked.

“Khan Showers is dead, saKhan Howell.  Galaxy Commander Osis is dead.  Alpha Galaxy has taken almost twenty-five percent of its strength in casualties—and I have a request from the commander of Sabre Cat to remove the dezgra population of Maldonado with his capital weapons.”

“Denied!” Howell snapped, and he leaned against the holographic projection tank, taking a deep breath.  The fighting on Hyner had been difficult, yes, but the Mist Weavers Galaxy had overcome their opponents without resorting to such—how could The Roaring Jaguars have suffered so?  How?

“Inform Galaxy Commander Weaver that he is command here—I am taking Streaking Mist to Maldonado to restore order and sanity to Alpha Galaxy!  The 1st and 2nd Jaguar Guards will accompany me!”

The Warrior snapped to attention and rushed off to pass along the orders . . . it was only then that Brandon Howell realized that he was now the senior Khan of the Smoke Jaguars.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #249 on: July 10, 2012, 12:13:18 AM »

It could not have happened to a Nicer Clan  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #250 on: July 10, 2012, 03:41:42 PM »

Clan Ghost Bear Field Headquarters
Rasalhague, Clan Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
September 7, 3043

Nikolai and Randall waited alongside of Amanda and her saKhan (Eric Jorgensson) as the real-time HPG transmission completed it circuit; holographic images of the Khans appears in the dimly room around them, the grim-faced ilKhan standing in the center.

“Trothkin, this grand kurultai is hereby convened,” she said solemnly.  “Yesterday, Khan Showers was killed in the fighting on Maldonado where the Jaguars took heavy casualties.  Khan Howell reports, however, that the planet has been successfully taken—all organized resistance has ceased.”

Murmurs passed around the room and Nikolai exchanged a glance with Amanda, then with Ulric and Marion and Jake.  Brandon Howell was a far different animal from the newly deceased Showers—he was one of the few senior Jaguar officers with a head for strategy.  This could actually be good for the Clans, Nikolai thought.

“Khan Howell?” the ilKhan asked.  “You have requested leave to address the Khans.”

“I thank the ilKhan,” his image said.  “I am officially activating Clan Nova Cat from its role as a Reserve Clan—and I am transferring a portion of Bjarred, Virentofta, Coudoux, and Jeanette to their control as Nova Cat enclaves.  Khan West and I have spoken at length, and in Wave III we have decided that the Cats will be responsible for the worlds of Outer Volta, Juazeiro, and Caripare, leaving the Jaguars with the task of taking Irece, Pesht, and Teniente; in addition, Khan Tanaka has informed us that he wishes to bid for the right to assault Labrea on our mutual borders . . . the Jaguars will cede that world without a contesting bid."

More whispers rose . . . none of the Khans had expected this.  But the ilKhan only nodded.  “My staff will note your concession of these worlds to the Mandrills and Cats, Khan Howell.  How soon do you believe that you can make good your losses on Maldonado?”

“We have already contracted with Clan Diamond Shark for a stockpile of spare OmniMechs and OmniFighters, my ilKhan,” and Howell scowled, “although they are charging a higher price than they have a right too.  There are sufficient . . . observers with my Naval Star to replace the losses suffered by my Warriors as well, but that will deplete all of my on-hand replacements,” he admitted.  “When the time comes to launch Wave III, I fully expect we will be able to once again call Alpha Galaxy combat-ready.”

“ilKhan, I must protest!” shouted out Khan Andrews.  “None of these so-called replacements were included in our original bids!  The Jaguars, the Wolves, the Adders, the Horses, the Falcons, the Mandrills, the Bears, and the perfidious Scorpions who began this travesty have all broken their bids in order to restore their toumans here in the Inner Sphere to strength!  You must order them to stand down and await reinforcements from the Homeworlds!”

“I must?  Is that what you just told you ilKhan, Khan Andrews, quiaff?”

“Aff.  They rely not on the strength and will of their Warriors, but upon tricks and technicalities, ilKhan Hazen.  I demand that they be censored!”

“Your request is denied, Khan Andrews,” said Yvonne in a voice that dripped venom.  “Now, on the sub-. . .”

“You old free-birth hag!” shouted the Viper, as the remainder of the Khans drew in a sharp breath in shock!  “You do not deserve the post of ilKhan; you do not abide by the Martial Code of Kerensky, you chastise the Vipers when we defend ourselves, yet you allow these others to stray from the path that Nicolas set us to walk!  I demand a Trial of Refusal!”

Yvonne’s jaw clenched and her hands were balled into fists . . . and Nikolai sucked on his lower lip.  Jillian, you went too far, he thought.  Far too far.

“I grant you your Trial of Refusal; it shall be carried out here and now,” Yvonne answered in a voice that dripped with ice.

Jillian Andrews gave a bark of laughter.  “You will fight my hologram, you Falcon Warden?  Of course, if that is the only way you can win against a true Warrior . . ."

“Khan Rood, is Star Captain Galen Norizuchi in your presence?”

The Hellion jerked and then he nodded slowly.  “Aff, ilKhan Hazen.”

“Good.  Star Captain Norizuchi, will you serve as my Champion for this Trial of Refusal?”

“Aff, my ilKhan,” the Elemental answered.

“You cannot appoint a champion, Yvonne Hazen.  You must fight me yourself,” Jillian Andrews sneered.

Nikolai cleared his throat.  “Actually, Khan Andrews, she can.  You did not challenge the ilKhan directly—you challenged her ruling, to a Trial of Refusal, not a Trial of Position or a Trial of Grievance.  She is free to appoint a champion of her choice, as have been all ilKhan’s before her.”

“Then I withdraw my Trial of Refusal and demand instead a Trial of Grievance!  It was only a slip of the tongue—you knew well what I meant!”

“Neg,” answered Yvonne coldly.  “Your Trial of Refusal will stand and I choose unarmed combat, here and now.  Star Captain Norizuchi, relieve Khan Andrews of the shame of her life.”

The Hellion Elemental smiled and he stepped forward into the view of all of the holographic projections of the Khans.  The Hellions had bred their Elemental Warriors not for the raw strength that other Clans had made a priority, but for speed and stamina, for fast reactions and the ability to strike swifter than a cobra.  Every centimeter as tall as his fellows, Galen was far more slender, his muscles were whipcord lean, not bloated and enlarged, and he moved with grace that few Elementals could emulate.  He and the Viper Khan circled each other, and then Jillian moved forward and launched a punishing series of blows with her hands against the throat, the groin, and solar plexus of her opponent . . . or rather she tried to.

Galen spun, far faster than she anticipated and the heel of his boot caught her in the jaw, sending her spinning to the ground; then the Elemental performed a back-flip that landed directly atop of the prone Khan, forcing from her lungs the air she so desperately needed.  He rolled over to his knees and he grabbed her neck and jaw in two powerful hands . . . and the Khans winced as they heard Jillian Andrews' neck SNAP as he twisted her head in his grip.  As the dead Viper sank to the deck of her flagship, Galen stood and bowed.

“Your orders have been fulfilled, ilKhan,” he said.

“So they have,” Yvonne answered.  “saKhan Ian Monet was dismissed by Khan Andrews yesterday was he not, quiaff?  Citing that Monet had planned the failed Viper Trials on Winfield and Planting—he is en route back to the Homeworlds in disgrace; I believe that the Vipers now lack both a Khan and a saKhan.  Accordingly, I am transferring Clan Steel Viper to the Reserve and activating Clan Ice Hellion for Wave III.  I would suggest that Clan Steel Viper choose a new Khan and saKhan quickly if they wish to resume active status on Wave IV.”

She glared at the projections of the remaining Khans one-by-one.  “Unless someone cares to challenge either my ruling or my leadership?  Quineg?”

No one answered, and Yvonne nodded her head slowly.  “As the level of resistance has been steadily increasing and all of our Clans have taken significant unanticipated casualties to date, I, in my role as the ilKhan of the Clans now direct each and every one of you to activate one additional Galaxy in the Homeworlds and bring it forward immediately.  This order applies to Active and Reserve Clans alike—there will no exceptions to this, unless one of you seeks to remove me from office.”

Once again, she paused, and then the ilKhan nodded as no one spoke up.

“Excellent.  I would also advise, but I cannot order, each Clan to bring forward sufficient replacements to restore their Clusters to full strength following the execution of Wave III—you may plan on fifty percent greater dead and wounded, if the latest projections on the defense the Inner Sphere have put in place are to be believed.”

“Furthermore, I am tasking every Clan with contributing ninteen JumpShips, with a minimum of seventy-six docking collars to be assemble in a command circuit between the Isles and the Homeworlds.  Although it will take time to built such a command circuit, once it is in place, we may move men and material quickly between the Homeworlds and here,” she turned to Nikolai and smiled.  “I believe that Clans Ghost Bear and Goliath Scorpion have already started work on a command circuit of their own—although capable of transporting less and taking more time than the one I have envisioned, it will serve as an excellent starting point.  I thank Khan Tseng and Khan Djerassi for volunteering their ships and showing that such a tactic is feasible; and I thank them both for volunteering to place this circuit under the command of the Ebon Keshik.  I especially thank Khan Djerassi for volunteering to contribute the final nine ships needed to finalize the circuit.”

Nikolai winced.  How the devil had she found out?  But he forced himself to nod, and smile.  “As the ilKhan commands; we serve the will of the Clans.”

“Yes.  Yes you do, Khan Djerassi.  Do not forget that small fact,” Yvonne answered.  “My Khans, there are other matters today to discuss in detail; to begin we have received new information . . .”

Nikolai only nodded as Yvonne started digging into the real meat of the meeting.  No, Yvonne, you are most definitely no puppet—and I shall not underestimate your ability to ferret out information again.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 04:36:08 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #251 on: July 10, 2012, 08:23:42 PM »

CWS Trailblazer, Zenith Jump Point
Hohenems, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
September 8, 3043

“Pre-emergence wave detected, Star Colonel,” reported one of the sensor techs stationed on the bridge of James Meredith’s Vincent-class Corvette.  The very young Warrior looked up from the ship’s logs and he pursed his lips in thought as he examined the sensor readings for himself.  The tech was correct—there was an inbound ship.  “Very well.  Set Condition Two throughout the ship and arm all weapons,” he hit a communications stud on the arm of his command chair.

“Flight Operations,” the speaker replied.

“We have an incoming vessel—spot a point of fighters for immediate launch and have the remainder of the Star standing by on Plus 5.  Prepare a shuttle for the Elementals to board and capture if she does not try to run.”

“Aff!” came the sharp reply from many decks below.

James sat back in his chair as the bridge lighting dimmed, switching over to a ghastly reddish hue in preparation for possible battle.  At just twenty-four standard years of age, he was quite young for his rank—which explained in part why he was commanding one of the four smallest ships in Clan Wolf’s Fleet.  He lacked the seniority—if not the aggression and cool competence—for one of the larger and more powerful ships.

“Emergence!” snapped the sensor tech, who rapidly continued, “range four thousand two hundred and eleven kilometers, target is . . . confirmed as one Scout-class JumpShip with a single K-1 DropShuttle attached.”

“Send the challenge,” James ordered calmly, “flight deck launch two of our birds.”

Trailblazer quivered slightly as the catapults hurled the two Visigoths clear of the ship so that they could fire up their fusion drives in safety; the twin icons turned towards the JumpShip and began to close the distance on the stationary target.

“Star Colonel,” the perplexed tech spoke up, “they are broadcasting Clan IFF on the proper radio transponder frequencies.”

“Confirm!” James barked.

The sensor tech bent over his instrumentation, as did the comm tech, but they both looked back up and nodded.  “Confirmed, Star Colonel.  It is a very old IFF code, but it shows as still active and they are deliberately broadcasting.”

“Hail them.”

“Unknown vessel, this is Clan Wolf Ship Trailblazer.  Hold your position and identify yourself immediately—we are authorized to use lethal force if you fail to comply; there will be no further warnings.”

James waited for two seconds before the radio crackled with static and then cleared.  “Acknowledged, Trailblazer; this is the Clan Wolf JumpShip Little Claw—we await your boarding party and will comply with all instructions.”

The Wolf commander spun his chair, but his tactical officer was already scrolling through the ship’s registry; he finally looked up.  “Little Claw was assigned to the Wolf’s Dragoon Reconnaissance Force, Star Colonel.”

James nodded.  “Little Claw, this is Star Colonel James Meredith, commanding officer CWS Trailblazer.  Put your senior officer on the comm.”

“Trailblazer, this is Star Colonel Natasha Kerensky, of Clan Wolf.  Rest assured, Star Colonel Meredith, that some of us old Dragoon’s remain loyal to the Clans of Kerensky.  The code phrase is:  Look on my Works, ye Might, and despair!  Nothing beside remains.  Round the decay of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.”

James quickly pulled up codebook and found the line nearly at the very end—it was authentic.  He sat back and inhaled deeply.   â€œWelcome home, Star Colonel Kerensky.  Somehow I doubt that all of the Dragoon’s are aboard that little ship of yours.”

“That is a matter for Khan Ulric Kerensky and ilKhan Yvonne Hazen, Star Colonel Meredith.  I will await your boarding party and then we shall see what is to happen.”

With a click the radio cut out and James slowly nodded.  “Comm.  Priority transmission to the Gold Keshik on the surface—Khan’s Eyes Only.  My Khan, I beg to report that a single JumpShip with the proper codes and transponder of Wolf’s Dragoons has arrived at the zenith jump point under the command of Star Colonel Natasha Kerensky.  Upon my own authority, I am disregarding standing orders to fire into the vessel—Star Colonel Kerensky claims she is responding to the recall.  I require immediate instructions.  James Meredith, Star Colonel, CWS Trailblazer.”

“On chip, Star Colonel,” answered the comm tech.

“Send it.  Star Captain Wirth?”


“If they so much as fire a reaction thruster I want you to destroy them without hesitation.  Quiaff?”


“Star Commander Vickers?”

“Sir?” replied the commander of his Elemental detachment.

“Prepare a boarding party; I want that ship searched from stem to stern—with full radiological screening, quiaff?”


“Search everything—and everyone, regardless of rank.  You may issue a single warning if they do not cooperate fully—if they continue to protest or interfere in your search, you may shoot anyone, regardless of rank or possession of a Bloodname, quiaff?”


“Good.  Now go.”  James sat back in his chair and he stared at the lonely JumpShip sitting out there.  And now we wait, he thought.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 10:36:38 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #252 on: July 10, 2012, 08:48:14 PM »

Operation REVIVAL Wave I map attached.  I have only linked Clan Periphery holdings and Inner Sphere holdings where the two closest worlds are within 60LY of each other.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #253 on: July 10, 2012, 09:31:11 PM »

Blacknova, you are a genius.  Lovely as always.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #254 on: July 10, 2012, 10:08:51 PM »

And, since it is Christmas, here is Wave II.
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