Clan Ghost Bear Field Headquarters
Rasalhague, Clan Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
September 7, 3043
Nikolai and Randall waited alongside of Amanda and her saKhan (Eric Jorgensson) as the real-time HPG transmission completed it circuit; holographic images of the Khans appears in the dimly room around them, the grim-faced ilKhan standing in the center.
“Trothkin, this grand kurultai is hereby convened,†she said solemnly. “Yesterday, Khan Showers was killed in the fighting on Maldonado where the Jaguars took heavy casualties. Khan Howell reports, however, that the planet has been successfully taken—all organized resistance has ceased.â€
Murmurs passed around the room and Nikolai exchanged a glance with Amanda, then with Ulric and Marion and Jake. Brandon Howell was a far different animal from the newly deceased Showers—he was one of the few senior Jaguar officers with a head for strategy. This could actually be good for the Clans, Nikolai thought.
“Khan Howell?†the ilKhan asked. “You have requested leave to address the Khans.â€
“I thank the ilKhan,†his image said. “I am officially activating Clan Nova Cat from its role as a Reserve Clan—and I am transferring a portion of Bjarred, Virentofta, Coudoux, and Jeanette to their control as Nova Cat enclaves. Khan West and I have spoken at length, and in Wave III we have decided that the Cats will be responsible for the worlds of Outer Volta, Juazeiro, and Caripare, leaving the Jaguars with the task of taking Irece, Pesht, and Teniente; in addition, Khan Tanaka has informed us that he wishes to bid for the right to assault Labrea on our mutual borders . . . the Jaguars will cede that world without a contesting bid."
More whispers rose . . . none of the Khans had expected this. But the ilKhan only nodded. “My staff will note your concession of these worlds to the Mandrills and Cats, Khan Howell. How soon do you believe that you can make good your losses on Maldonado?â€
“We have already contracted with Clan Diamond Shark for a stockpile of spare OmniMechs and OmniFighters, my ilKhan,†and Howell scowled, “although they are charging a higher price than they have a right too. There are sufficient . . . observers with my Naval Star to replace the losses suffered by my Warriors as well, but that will deplete all of my on-hand replacements,†he admitted. “When the time comes to launch Wave III, I fully expect we will be able to once again call Alpha Galaxy combat-ready.â€
“ilKhan, I must protest!†shouted out Khan Andrews. “None of these so-called replacements were included in our original bids! The Jaguars, the Wolves, the Adders, the Horses, the Falcons, the Mandrills, the Bears, and the perfidious Scorpions who began this travesty have all broken their bids in order to restore their toumans here in the Inner Sphere to strength! You must order them to stand down and await reinforcements from the Homeworlds!â€
“I must? Is that what you just told you ilKhan, Khan Andrews, quiaff?â€
“Aff. They rely not on the strength and will of their Warriors, but upon tricks and technicalities, ilKhan Hazen. I demand that they be censored!â€
“Your request is denied, Khan Andrews,†said Yvonne in a voice that dripped venom. “Now, on the sub-. . .â€
“You old free-birth hag!†shouted the Viper, as the remainder of the Khans drew in a sharp breath in shock! “You do not deserve the post of ilKhan; you do not abide by the Martial Code of Kerensky, you chastise the Vipers when we defend ourselves, yet you allow these others to stray from the path that Nicolas set us to walk! I demand a Trial of Refusal!â€
Yvonne’s jaw clenched and her hands were balled into fists . . . and Nikolai sucked on his lower lip. Jillian, you went too far, he thought. Far too far.
“I grant you your Trial of Refusal; it shall be carried out here and now,†Yvonne answered in a voice that dripped with ice.
Jillian Andrews gave a bark of laughter. “You will fight my hologram, you Falcon Warden? Of course, if that is the only way you can win against a true Warrior . . ."
“Khan Rood, is Star Captain Galen Norizuchi in your presence?â€
The Hellion jerked and then he nodded slowly. “Aff, ilKhan Hazen.â€
“Good. Star Captain Norizuchi, will you serve as my Champion for this Trial of Refusal?â€
“Aff, my ilKhan,†the Elemental answered.
“You cannot appoint a champion, Yvonne Hazen. You must fight me yourself,†Jillian Andrews sneered.
Nikolai cleared his throat. “Actually, Khan Andrews, she can. You did not challenge the ilKhan directly—you challenged her ruling, to a Trial of Refusal, not a Trial of Position or a Trial of Grievance. She is free to appoint a champion of her choice, as have been all ilKhan’s before her.â€
“Then I withdraw my Trial of Refusal and demand instead a Trial of Grievance! It was only a slip of the tongue—you knew well what I meant!â€
“Neg,†answered Yvonne coldly. “Your Trial of Refusal will stand and I choose unarmed combat, here and now. Star Captain Norizuchi, relieve Khan Andrews of the shame of her life.â€
The Hellion Elemental smiled and he stepped forward into the view of all of the holographic projections of the Khans. The Hellions had bred their Elemental Warriors not for the raw strength that other Clans had made a priority, but for speed and stamina, for fast reactions and the ability to strike swifter than a cobra. Every centimeter as tall as his fellows, Galen was far more slender, his muscles were whipcord lean, not bloated and enlarged, and he moved with grace that few Elementals could emulate. He and the Viper Khan circled each other, and then Jillian moved forward and launched a punishing series of blows with her hands against the throat, the groin, and solar plexus of her opponent . . . or rather she tried to.
Galen spun, far faster than she anticipated and the heel of his boot caught her in the jaw, sending her spinning to the ground; then the Elemental performed a back-flip that landed directly atop of the prone Khan, forcing from her lungs the air she so desperately needed. He rolled over to his knees and he grabbed her neck and jaw in two powerful hands . . . and the Khans winced as they heard Jillian Andrews' neck SNAP as he twisted her head in his grip. As the dead Viper sank to the deck of her flagship, Galen stood and bowed.
“Your orders have been fulfilled, ilKhan,†he said.
“So they have,†Yvonne answered. “saKhan Ian Monet was dismissed by Khan Andrews yesterday was he not, quiaff? Citing that Monet had planned the failed Viper Trials on Winfield and Planting—he is en route back to the Homeworlds in disgrace; I believe that the Vipers now lack both a Khan and a saKhan. Accordingly, I am transferring Clan Steel Viper to the Reserve and activating Clan Ice Hellion for Wave III. I would suggest that Clan Steel Viper choose a new Khan and saKhan quickly if they wish to resume active status on Wave IV.â€
She glared at the projections of the remaining Khans one-by-one. “Unless someone cares to challenge either my ruling or my leadership? Quineg?â€
No one answered, and Yvonne nodded her head slowly. “As the level of resistance has been steadily increasing and all of our Clans have taken significant unanticipated casualties to date, I, in my role as the ilKhan of the Clans now direct each and every one of you to activate one additional Galaxy in the Homeworlds and bring it forward immediately. This order applies to Active and Reserve Clans alike—there will no exceptions to this, unless one of you seeks to remove me from office.â€
Once again, she paused, and then the ilKhan nodded as no one spoke up.
“Excellent. I would also advise, but I cannot order, each Clan to bring forward sufficient replacements to restore their Clusters to full strength following the execution of Wave III—you may plan on fifty percent greater dead and wounded, if the latest projections on the defense the Inner Sphere have put in place are to be believed.â€
“Furthermore, I am tasking every Clan with contributing ninteen JumpShips, with a minimum of seventy-six docking collars to be assemble in a command circuit between the Isles and the Homeworlds. Although it will take time to built such a command circuit, once it is in place, we may move men and material quickly between the Homeworlds and here,†she turned to Nikolai and smiled. “I believe that Clans Ghost Bear and Goliath Scorpion have already started work on a command circuit of their own—although capable of transporting less and taking more time than the one I have envisioned, it will serve as an excellent starting point. I thank Khan Tseng and Khan Djerassi for volunteering their ships and showing that such a tactic is feasible; and I thank them both for volunteering to place this circuit under the command of the Ebon Keshik. I especially thank Khan Djerassi for volunteering to contribute the final nine ships needed to finalize the circuit.â€
Nikolai winced. How the devil had she found out? But he forced himself to nod, and smile. “As the ilKhan commands; we serve the will of the Clans.â€
“Yes. Yes you do, Khan Djerassi. Do not forget that small fact,†Yvonne answered. “My Khans, there are other matters today to discuss in detail; to begin we have received new information . . .â€
Nikolai only nodded as Yvonne started digging into the real meat of the meeting. No, Yvonne, you are most definitely no puppet—and I shall not underestimate your ability to ferret out information again.