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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #255 on: July 10, 2012, 10:29:05 PM »

Awesome!   :D  thank you for the maps!


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #256 on: July 11, 2012, 01:39:02 AM »

The Traitors have arrived nuke them. They are just as bad as the Not-Named Clan
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #257 on: July 11, 2012, 04:59:08 PM »

Alyssa Rickard Spaceport, Lubeck
Hohenems, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
September 13, 3043

Ulric Kerensky shielded his eyes against the glare of the drive plume of the descending DropShuttle, but he noticed in irritation that Yvonne Hazen did not.  She had been meeting with Ulric and the Khan of the Coyotes when the transmission came in from Trailblazer, and the ilKhan had delayed her journey to meet with the new Viper leadership until she could personally speak with the sole Warrior from Wolf’s Dragoons to answer the recall.

Damn James Meredith!  Ulric thought to himself—his orders had been clear; in light of the Dragoon’s being confirmed as traitors, all ships arriving in Clan Wolf space with their transponders were to be immediately destroyed!  But, no.  The Star Colonel commanding the picket Corvette had shown initiative and instead of following the orders which could have erased the questions on what Kerlin Ward had done, now he had given the enemies of Clan Wolf possible ammunition to use against them.

The fate of his Clan was now dependent on how much Natasha Kerensky said—and what precisely she knew.

The DropShuttle settled down on the tarmac and the flare from its engine pods died away, while steam rose from the shimmering asphalt and concrete and the stench of hot tar filled the air.  Spaceport workers unrolled a lane of heat-resistant material across the tarmac, even as a ramp deployed from the DropShuttles main hatch.  A woman, dressed in the leather ceremonial uniform of Clan Wolf emerged from within the ship . . . and she grinned as she saw Ulric standing there waiting.

She jogged down the ramp, over and across the insulating carpet, and came to halt directly in front of the Khan and ilKhan.  She snapped to attention.  “Star Colonel Natasha Kerensky, of Clan Wolf!  I hereby answer the recall order issued by ilKhan Yvonne Hazen to return to duty!”

“I am Yvonne Hazen,” the ilKhan said sternly.  “This is Khan . . .”

“Ulric Kerensky,” Natasha interrupted.  “I remember him well, ilKhan—it’s good to see you again, Ulric.”

Yvonne frowned at the use of the contraction and the uncouth interruption both and Natasha laughed.  “I have lived too long among the free-birth of the Inner Sphere, ilKhan.  And there are more important things to discuss than my casual use of language, don’t you agree?”

The Falcon ilKhan stiffened, but she slowly nodded.  “Indeed there is, Star Colonel Kerensky.  There is much to discuss—and much that must be decided.  Come, join me and Khan Kerensky out of this . . . unsecure location.”

Without a word, Natasha climbed into a waiting ground car, followed by Ulric and Yvonne—and Yvonne’s bodyguards from the Ebon Keshik.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #258 on: July 11, 2012, 06:05:07 PM »

Field Headquarters of the ilKhan, Lubeck
Hohenems, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
September 13, 3043

Yvonne sat after her five guest, Natasha, Ulric, his saKhan Garth Radick, the Khan of Clan Coyote Pavel Kerensky, and his saKhan Zachariah Koga, had all seated themselves.  “How long has the Clan Reconnaissance Force been giving the Inner Sphere information on the Clans?” she bluntly asked.

Natasha smiled; so much for the pleasantries, she thought.  “After our second supply in 3020, Khan Kerlin Ward of Clan Wolf met with Jaime Wolf—he issued him orders that the Dragoon’s were to ignore all future orders and recall instructions from the Homeworlds; in addition we were to prepare the Inner Sphere to combat your invasion.”

Yvonne stiffened, and Ulric shook his head bitterly, while the remaining three gasped in shock and horror.  But before Ulric could even open his mouth, Natasha laughed.

“Relax, Ulric,” she said.  “I heard from Jaime himself that the reason Kerlin was issuing the order then was because his new saKhan—you—was too honorable to do the right thing, and could not be trusted the revelation of his secret orders.” Ulric kept the surprise from reaching his face; Natasha knew he was well aware of the plans Kerlin had made—but she wasn’t unmasking him!  She turned back to Yvonne and shrugged.  “Kerlin was a Warden taken to extremes, and Jaime Wolf was hand-picked by him because he knew that Jaime would begin to identify with the Inner Sphere over time.  Romanticize it even, and seek to protect it.”

“You have plotted our downfall for more than twenty years?” Yvonne growled.

“Neg.  There were too many of the old Dragoon’s, the ones born in the Homeworlds who would have . . . objected to such a decision.  It was only much later that I learned of the true extent of Kerlin’s perfidy; but by then Jaime had purged all the navigational data from our ships and there was no way to return home to warn all of you.”

The Black Widow picked up her tall glass of ice tea and took a sip.  She sat down the glass again and continued.  “It was nearly six years ago that we received a second communication from Kerlin—in 3037.  He warned that his death was imminent and that the Invasion was coming soon; it was only then, with just a handful of the original Dragoon’s surviving that Jaime began to talk to the House Lords.  He convinced them of the danger that the Clans posed and he managed to unite them—somewhat—against you.”

“Kerensky’s blood,” whispered Pavel.  “No wonder our intelligence has been so compromised—they were expecting us all the while we planned this invasion.”

“Yes, and if Kerlin wasn’t already dead, I would kill him myself,” muttered Yvonne.

Ulric made himself look angry and he shook his head.  “That duty would have been mine, ilKhan!  How dare he endanger the Clan in such a fashion!”  And Garth Radick growled his agreement.

“Not Clan, Ulric,” Yvonne replied, “but all of the Clans of Kerensky.  Why have you returned then, Natasha Kerensky?  Why did you not stay with your trothkin?”

Natasha snorted.  “And serve the corrupt, barbaric House Lords?  ilKhan, they care not for their Warriors; they do not know honor!  They seek only power for themselves, devoting nothing for principle and true leadership!  Until the recall message reached us, I could only do what I was able to slow down the preparations being made; but once the recall was issued, Jaime dared not stand in the way of my return.”  She paused and looked down at the floor.  “He should have shot me out of hand, but he let his emotion instead dictate his actions; he allowed me to return home, ilKhan.”

“And where is his Grand Army of the Inner Sphere concentrated, Natasha Kerensky?” Yvonne asked.

“Tukayyid.  He has assembled more than a hundred of the finest regiments in the Inner Sphere there, my ilKhan—it is a sledgehammer that he will use to crush the Invasion.”

“A hundred regiments!” gasped Zachariah, and the shocked looked on everyone’s face matched that of the Coyote saKhan.

“A hundred regiments, plus WarShips, my Khans.  I need not remind you that the Dragoon’s took six WarShips with us on our Expedition—and we have since learned that ComStar has their own Fleet.  Fifty capital WarShips are assembled there to battle our Fleets.”

No one spoke.  No one drew even a single breath.

And Natasha nodded.  “ComStar retains another fifty WarShips at Terra—with a fully repaired SDS system; not to mention the eight Corps that guards the surface of that world.  They have committed four more Corps—what they now call Armies—to the Grand Army on Tukayyid as part of that one hundred regiments of ‘Mechs.  They have more if you count vehicles and infantry, of course.”

Yvonne sat back in her chair.  “This . . . presents us with some . . . difficulties.”

Ulric snorted at the understatement.  “Indeed, ilKhan Hazen.  We are in the jaws of a trap that has not yet sprung—how to extract ourselves without losing the cream of the Clans fighting toumans will have to be examined carefully.”

The ilKhan nodded.  “Star Colonel Kerensky, you will be debriefed in full . . . and you will be rewarded for your service to the Clans.”

“ilKhan Hazen, there is but one reward that I need or desire.”

“And that is?”

“Command of a Cluster.”

Pavel Kerensky barked out a shocked laugh.  “You were a Cluster commander forty three years ago!  You cannot remain fit for command!”

The Black Widow smiled at Pavel.  “If my qualifications matter, Khan Kerensky, I will fight any Warriors you choose to send against me—and I will defeat them!”

“You would have to defeat four opponents in a Trial of Position to qualify for your rank, Star Colonel!” protested Zachariah.  “Four!  It is almost unheard of.”

Garth Radick shook his head.  “That is the Trial of Position for a sibkin graduating as a Warrior—Star Colonel Kerensky has already proven her ability as a Warrior and won a Bloodname.  She needs only prove that she is capable of serving as a Warrior still.”

“Garth,” Natasha purred with a coquettish smile, “and here I thought you didn’t care.”

The Wolf saKhan blushed and he looked away as Natasha began to laugh.

“Enough,” said Yvonne.  “I will arrange a suitable Trial for Natasha Kerensky—succeed and you will have a command.  Fail and you will die.  Is this truly what you desire?”

“Aff,” she answered.

“Seyla, Warrior.  I give you six days to prepare—six days for six opponents.  Fight well and fight with honor; I shall watch closely.”

“The ilKhan is generous,” Natasha replied.

Ulric cleared his throat.  “ilKhan Hazen,” he began, “in the event that Star Colonel Kerensky successful wins your trial . . . I would request permission to raise a new Cluster and add it to Clan Wolf forces.  All of my current Clusters have a commanding officer.”

Yvonne frowned.  “Do you have enough replacements to form an entirely new Cluster, Khan Kerensky?”

“Aff, ilKhan.  I have enough.”

“Very well, then.  If Star Colonel Kerensky wins her Trial, then Clan Wolf may form a new Cluster to add to its touman for her to command.  Star Colonel, we will start your full debriefing after dinner.”  Yvonne rose, and so did the remaining five people within the small room.  “Until then, I bid you all a good day.”  And she left the room.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #259 on: July 11, 2012, 08:24:51 PM »

Six in six, good luck old gal!


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #260 on: July 11, 2012, 08:38:48 PM »

Here is Natasha's Timber Wolf that will appear in the next snippet.  Her opponents (all from the Ebon Keshik) will consist of six OmniMechs, entering combat one-by-one.  In sequence, they are a Pouncer, an Ice Ferret,  a Nova (50 tons), a Stormcrow (55 tons), a Mad Dog (60 tons), and a Hellbringer (65 tons), all in their Prime configuration.

As a Bloodnamed Warrior, Natasha has been provided with the right to use a custom configuration (shown below).

She must defeat all six to gain a Cluster command in the Invasion . . . if she defeats at least four, she will retain her rank of Star Colonel, but will then be assigned to a staff (non-combat position), or can take a reduction in rank to Star Captain and command a Trinary.

Code: [Select]
Mad Cat (Timber Wolf)

Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Clan
Chassis Config: Biped Omnimech
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-E-E
Production Year: 2945
Cost: 21,366,406 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,066

Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 375 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
    27.5 tons of pod space.
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
Loadout Name: Natasha                                        Cost: 24,071,797
Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-E-E                         BV2: 2,659

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             18(36)                    3.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LA, 2 RA
    CASE Locations: LT, RT                                                 0.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Large Laser                               RA        12        1         4.00
ER Large Laser                               LA        12        1         4.00
LRM-20                                       RT        6         4         5.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           RT        -         1         1.00
LRM-20                                       LT        6         4         5.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           LT        -         1         1.00
ER Small Laser                               CT        2         1         0.50
@LRM-20 (Artemis) (12)                       RT        -         2         2.00
@LRM-20 (Artemis) (12)                       LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 8

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 27
5          6       6       6       0      3     0   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 3


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #261 on: July 12, 2012, 02:10:50 PM »

Field Headquarters of the ilKhan, Lubeck
Hohenems, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
September 15, 3043

Yvonne watched closely the faces of the holographic projections of the Khans as they digested the information that her aide told them; an air of unease had settled over the chamber, but there was no panic, no fear, . . . only concern.  That was good, she thought.

“Provided that the information she provided is true,” the ilKhan said in the silent chamber, “we must decide how to continue with the Invasion—on our terms.  Khan Truscott; you wish to address the Khans?”

“I do, ilKhan,” the Adder said with a slight bow.  “She used the terms Corps and Divisions—Army is what she actually claims ComStar uses as its organization—but does she know the exact configuration of these formations?  Are they the equivalent to SLDF Divisions or some new formation?”

Yvonne nodded.  “She left Tukayyid before the ComGuards were scheduled to arrive, so she claims.  She also claims that she was not told exactly how the formations were comprised, but that she did hear Jaime Wolf boast of soon having one hundred regiments to forge into a single weapon.  Khan Djerassi?”

“Has she been interrogated?”

The ilKhan frowned.  “She has been debriefed, Khan Djerassi.  That is what you mean, quiaff?”

“Neg,” Nikolai said as he shook his head.  “I mean full chemical and pain interrogation; has she underwent in-depth questioning.”

The Khans stirred uncomfortably, and Yvonne sternly looked down upon the holographic projection of the Scorpion.  “I need not remind you, Khan Djerassi, she is a Blood-Named Warrior of the Clans—and as such has rights under the Martial Code; one of which is that she cannot be subjected to such measures without absolute, unequivocal proof of her malfeasance.”

“She has been in the employ of a unit that defected from the Clans—that has turned itself from our trothkin in our enemies!  She has served with them for forty-three years; twenty-three of those years with the knowledge that the Dragoon’s were committing treason!  She is no more a Blood-Named Warrior of the Clans than a Dark Caste bandit!”

“She rejoined us of her own free will, Khan Djerassi!” Ulric thundered.  “Alone, she answered the recall orders issued by the ilKhan; and she has brought with her this information—including the location of this so-called Grand Army of the Inner Sphere.”

“I do not deny that, Khan Kerensky,” Nikolai answered, “but can we be certain that she is not playing us all for fools?  Exaggerating their strength to make us hesitant to hit Tukayyid?  Against an honorable, Blood-Named Warrior of these Clans, I would not . . .” his voice trailed off and Nikolai shook his head.  “This would not be my first choice,” he continued in a softer tone.  “But my Khans, we must know the truth of this matter.  She must be subjected to a full interrogation.”

Brandon Howell of the Jaguars nodded his—grudging—agreement.  “The Scorpion speaks the truth—the Dragoon’s have betrayed us; we must confirm the veracity of her statements.”

“And set aside the rights which all Warriors of Kerensky are granted under the Martial Code?” questioned Mark Steiner of the Cobras.  “My Khans, there is always a chance that a Warrior—even a Blood-Named Warrior—will become corrupt and betray the Way of the Clans, the Path that Nicolas Kerensky set us to walk down.  But we cannot, we must not, automatically presume that every Warrior is corrupt and honorless until his chemical interrogation proves otherwise.  We are brothers and sisters—trothkin—bound together by honor and unified in our adherence to the Martial Codes we live by.  We cannot, we must not, set aside these ties that bind so lightly.”

“She is just one Warrior, Khan Steiner,” protested Olivia Sutherland.

Marius West shook his head.  “If we sacrifice our rights as Warriors for the sake of security this time, there will be other cases where we feel the necessity to do the same; and then there will be precendent for such actions and removal of our rights—and soon enough we will no longer have those rights.”

“In any case,” Ulric interjected, “she is a Blood-Named Warrior, and has the right to call a Trial of Refusal—will you face her Khan Djerassi?”

“If I must,” Nikolai answered.  “She should be questioned thoroughly.”

“No, Khan Djerassi,” the ilKhan replied as she shook her head.  “Not without more proof will I—as ilKhan—disregard the Martial Code in such a manner.  She will not be subjected to chemical interrogation.  You have the right to challenge my decision if you wish.”

Nikolai stared at the ilKhan for several moments, but at least his shoulders slumped and he answered.  “Neg.”

Yvonne nodded.  “In any case, this information shows that we face a far larger challenge than we anticipated—and that Silver Sable II was not the source of the Inner Sphere’s knowledge of the Clans.  Options?”

No one spoke for a few moments, but at last Perigard Zalman, the new Khan of the Steel Vipers stepped forward.  “Moving against Tukayyid now, with the full force of the Clans is one option—but it will leave our new territories virtually defenseless against the House forces of Steiner-Davion and Kurita.  We would need" and he paused as he mentally compared the numbers reported against the Clan's strength, "twenty-four Galaxies at a minimum to guarantee a victory on Tukayyid—if Natasha Kerensky’s reported numbers are true; my Khans, that is half of our entire strength in the Inner Sphere.”

Marion sighed.  “Until we bleed out these House units that the Dragoon claims are waiting for us to launch Waves III and IV, we cannot leave our enclaves open to a counterattack—but by bleeding them, we bleed ourselves, and give Wolf’s Grand Army a chance to take the initiative and defeat us in detail.  There is an ancient term for the trap in which we find ourselves, it is a Catch-22.  My Khans, we need more Warriors.”

“And yet we cannot stand on the defensive and surrender the initiative,” Jake Fletcher added.  “That just allows them more time to choose when and where to hit us—at least we know that they have not the slightest idea of where the Homeworlds are.”

“If we believe Natasha Kerensky,” muttered Nikolai.  He shook his head and continued in a louder voice.  “I am worried about the state of the defenses in Chainelaine as well—Wolf will not pass up such an inviting target . . . if he is aware of how we are converting the Isles into our depot of supply.  And the House Lords would risk much to gain examples of our technology from our working factories there.”

“It is a risk we must take unless we weaken our strength on the front lines, Khan Djerassi,” stated Timur Malthus.  “What would you suggest we do?”

“Each Clan must bring forward a second-line Galaxy—or even a front-line Galaxy—immediately and garrison our holdings in the Isles as though it were our capital enclaves in the Homeworlds!”

“So basically, we copy what you and the Bears are already doing?” asked Peter McKenna with a wry grin. 

Amanda bared her teeth at the Raven Khan and nodded.  “I would note that the Ravens already have a Naval Star built around CSRS James McKenna to guard their factories—and rather more troops on the surface than many here present, a full Cluster of front-line troops, two more of second-line, and a Provisional Garrison Galaxy.”

Peter gave the Bear a half-bow, acknowledging her point.

“We should proceed with Wave III—and show these dezgra barbarians that their defensive measures will not stop the Clans!” Norman Rood bellowed.  “The Hellions are to be unleashed—let them quake with fear!”

“As much as I hate to admit agreement with the Hellions,” Elias Crichell said, “we really have no choice but to proceed ahead expecting traps and trickery . . . although I think we can all agree that a reasonable delay; say perhaps two or three weeks, might be in order to ensure that our toumans are restored to full combat strength.”

“Push back the starting date of Wave III to November 1st, then?” mused Sarah Weaver, the newly promoted saKhan of the Jaguars.  She nodded.  “The Jaguars could agree to that—provided that no Clan decides to start earlier, that is.”  Brandon Howell nodded his agreement as well.

“And I believe that we will ensure that there is sufficient force present on all of our target worlds that no matter what their defenses are in place, we shall emerge victorious,” said Yvonne.   â€œI would ask all of the Khans to therefore assault a single world at a time, so that we cannot be caught by surprise by . . . unforeseen hidden forces again.”

Brandon Howell winced, knowing that even though she didn’t name the Jaguars, they had certainly been caught unawares and suffered for it.  But he nodded.  “Aff, my ilKhan.”

One by one, each of the Khans signified their agreement. 

“Very well then.  I understand that every Clan has activated a Galaxy which in en route to join us.  I would advise the Khans to consider well the words of the Scorpion—and to see to the defenses of your enclaves in the Isles, even if that means bringing forward yet another Galaxy.  I am well aware that we will not have these reinforcements in place until next March or April, but at least they will be on the move.  I expect every Khan’s revised invasion schedule on my desk by no later than the 30th of this month.  We are adjourned.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #262 on: July 12, 2012, 05:48:14 PM »

Here are the Clan Garrisons for Chainelaine, since we are rapidly approaching that part of the story.

Clan Garrison Forces (Chainelaine Isles)

Chaine Cluster (7) (Steel Viper)
5th Viper Regulars (Veteran)* (also responsible for garrisoning Blackstone, Last Chance, and Palcida)
Viper PGCs:  3 (also reponsible for garrisoning Blackstone, Last Chance, and Palcida)

Far Reach (Ice Hellion)
52nd Hector Cavaliers (Regular)*
Hellion PGCs:  2

Fredotto (Blood Spirit/Fire Mandrill/Nova Cat)
Spirit 441st Crimson Guards (Veteran)*
Spirit PGCs:  2

Mandrill 12th Support Cluster (The Keystone Cluster) (Regular)*
Mandrill PGCs:  5 (also responsible for garrisoning Elissa, Ferris, and Nyserta)

Cat 4th Nova Cat Regulars (Veteran)*
Cat PGCs:  2

Haublan (Diamond Shark)
Shark Delta Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)
Shark 8th Assault Cluster (Rogue Hunter) (Elite)
Shark 28th Cruiser Cluster (Strum Wache) (Regular)
Shark 21st Strike Cluster (The Merfolk) (Veteran)
Shark PGCs:  4

Aegis-class Cruiser (Blood Lust)

Idrmach (Smoke Jaguar)
Jaguar 17th Jaguar Regulars (The Ghost and the Darkness) (Veteran)*
Jaguar PGCs:  4 (also responsible for garrisoning Manaringaine, Porthos, and Santander V)

Ingvolstand (Coyote/Wolf)
Coyote 403rd Battle Cluster (The Legionnaires) (Veteran)*
Coyote 246th Strike Cluster (The Coyote Irregulars) (Veteran)*
Coyote PGCs:  3

Wolf The Steel Keshik (Veteran)*
Wolf 8th Wolf Regulars (Stalking Death) (Veteran)*
Wolf 15th Wolf Regulars (The Inquisitors) (Veteran)*
Wolf PGCs:  7 (also responsible for garrisoning Butte Hold, Oberon VI, and Sigurd)

Paran (Hell’s Horses/Snow Raven)
Horses 61st BattleMech Cluster (Fire and Brimstone) (Veteran)*
Horses 51st Mechanized Cavalry (The Nightrider Cluster) (Veteran)*
Horses PGCs:  4 (also responsible for garrisoning Erewhon, Gotterdamarung, and Lackhove)

Raven 97th Raven Striker Cluster (The Soaring Ravens) (Veteran)
Raven 4th Raven Regulars (Veteran)*
Raven 6th Raven Regulars (Veteran)*
Raven PGCs:  5

Swift Wing Naval Star   
McKenna-class BB (James McKenna); Conqueror-class BC (Ark Royal); Congress-class FF (Magpie); Lola III-class DD (Bloody Talon); Whirlwind-class DD (Drake)

Rondane (Ghost Bear/Goliath Scorpion)
Scorpion Delta Galaxy (Swift Strikers)
Scorpion 20th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Scorpion Ascendant) (Veteran)
Scorpion 26th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Dark Sting) (Veteran)
Scorpion 7th Scorpion Dragoons (The Din of Battle) (Veteran)
Scorpion 22nd Scorpion Hussars (Eye of the Storm) (Veteran)

Scorpion Epsilon Galaxy (Nightcrawlers) (en route)
Scorpion 18th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Khan's Castle) (Veteran) (en route)
Scorpion 28th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Death Stalkers) (Veteran) (en route)
Scorpion 10th Scorpion Dragoons (Poisoned Gambit) (Veteran) (en route)
Scorpion 19th Scorpion Hussars (Untamed Will) (Veteran) (en route)

Scorpion PGCs:  4

Striking Claw Naval Star
McKenna-class BB (Requiem); Aegis-class CA (Corona Borealis); Congress-class FF (Garlon); Lola III-class (Sagitta)

Bear Omega Galaxy (The Raging Bears)
Bear Tseng's Keshik (Veteran) (1 Trinary)
Bear 357th Assault Cluster (The Cave Bears) (Veteran))
Bear 10th Bear Cuirassier (Tundra Roughriders) (Veteran)
Bear 115th Striker cluster (The Rolling Wave) (Elite)
Bear 139th Striker Cluster (The Sphere Hunters) (Veteran)

Bear Zeta Galaxy (The Claws of the Ghost) (en route)
Bear The Claw Keshik (Veteran) (1 Trinary) (en route)
Bear 20th Battle Cluster (Polar Bears) (Elite) (en route)
Bear 300th Battle Cluster (Roaring Phoenix) (Veteran) (en route)
Bear 1st Bear Regulars (Tip of the Spear) (Veteran) (en route)
Bear 2nd Bear Regulars (Ivory Claws) (Veteran) (en route)

Bear PGCs:  4

Note:  The Scorpions and the Bears evacuated the populations of Crellacor, Gustrell, and Star's End and do not maintain a permanent garrison

Syrstart (Cloud Cobra/Star Adder)
Cobra 116th Dragoon Cluster (Last Stand) (Veteran)
Cobra PGCs:  2

Adder 97th Adder Sentinels (Veteran)*
Adder 235th Adder Sentinels (Elite)*
Adder 522nd Adder Sentinels (Elite)*
Adder PGCs:  6 (also responsible for garrisoning Drask's Den, Paulus Prime, and The Rock)

Vannes (Jade Falcon)
Falcon Zeta Galaxy
3rd Battle Cluster (The Falcon's Honor) (Elite)
53rd Battle Cluster (The Cat Snatchers) (Veteran)
2nd Falcon Dragoons (The Lightnings) (Veteran)
5th Falcon Regulars (Eden's Hope) (Veteran)
3rd Falcon Velites (The Swift Wings) (Veteran)
Falcon PGCs:  4 (also responsible for garrisoning Botany Bay and von Strang's World)

Emerald Talon Naval Star
Nightlord-class BB (Emerald Talon); Liberator-class Cruiser (Gauntlet); Aegis-class Cruiser (Jade Talon); Vincent-class Corvette (Lightning Strike)


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #263 on: July 13, 2012, 01:13:55 AM »

Hmm Fun  I do agree with the Scorpions Interrogate her harshly
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #264 on: July 14, 2012, 09:13:10 PM »

Eisenhugel Preserve
Hohenems, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
September 19, 3043

Warrior Janos kept his eyes squarely on his sensory equipment as he slowly walked his Pouncer OmniMech through the rugged countryside.  That antiquated traitor had ‘negotiated’ with the ilKhan to make this Trial more ‘realistic’ and less an arena competition . . . in her words.  And the ilKhan had agreed.  She had designated this 50 kilometer by 50 kilometer section of thick forests and rugged hills and narrow waterways as the Trial Grounds . . . and Natasha Kerensky was playing for keeps.

The former Wolf and former Dragoon was somewhere in the dense forests—and the native iron ores contained within the ridgelines and hillocks was playing havoc with Janos’ sensor systems.  He broke into a clearing and snarled as he still could not register her OmniMech on his radar, his magnetic anomaly detector (which was going haywire from all of the false contact reports generated by the ore), or the seismic sensors.  He did take a moment to appreciate the rainbow formed by the waterfall that plunged fifteen meters from the bluff above into a wide, shallow pool, before the tributary it spawned split off to flow downslope towards the distant sea.

A sensor scan revealed nothing and turned away to make yet another pass through the foliage.  And at that moment, alarms began to scream in his cockpit—and Janos blanched.

A 75-ton Timber Wolf emerged from the cavern hidden behind the waterfall, and the war-machine was facing him square towards his exposed back.  Janos stood on his jump jet pedals, but he was too late as one golden beam and then a second burnt through his weak rear armor and caution alerts began to beep and hoot and flash in the cockpit—and then forty louvered panels covering the missile cells on the Timber Wolf’s twin launchers flashed open and thirty-six guided rockets slammed into the holes punched through his woefully inadequate rear armor.

His systems died as the engine went into emergency shutdown, and Janos gritted his teeth as the unstable Pouncer—with no power, no hydraulics, and no longer any stabilizing gyroscope—twisted and teetered and fell to the ground with an impact that left his molars aching.  And then that flat-black painted Timber Wolf with the crimson hour-glass symbol of Clan Widowmaker on its nose passed him by.


The Ice Ferret sped through the thick woods towards the last reported location of the Pouncer . . . Warrior Helena at the controls.  She weaved expertly through the trees and then she broke past the undergrowth and the old growth timber and detected her opponent waiting for her atop a ridge.  She raised his right arm PPC and fired a bolt, but the Timber Wolf twisted away as it back into a hull down position—and it flushed its missile racks in reply before sending two beams of coherent light tearing into the armor of her medium-weight OmniMech. 

Helena fought to retain her feet and she pressed the throttle forward, closing the range to bring her other weapons into play . . . but her opponent kept backing down the reverse slope and she lost contact!

She cursed the ore which prevented an accurate MAD-scan, but the vibration sensors showed that the Timber Wolf had picked up the pace.  She was running!  Natasha Kerensky was running.   Helena howled as she slammed the throttle to the stops and soared over the ridge . . . only to see the dense forest a few hundred meters in front of her; she didn’t stop, however, she kept going in pursuit until her threat sensors detected the massive missile launcher from behind her!

Helena twisted the Ice Ferret, and her face reddened as the rear camera showed Natasha’s OmniMech running in place beneath an outcropping of rock—she didn’t have time to curse as forty missiles slammed into her, and then two powerful lasers severed her right arm . . . and her main weapon.  The young Warrior completed her turn and she charged back into towards the heavy OmniMech, but Natasha didn’t move; she stood perfectly still and only adjusted the angle of her pod mounted lasers, which streaked out and clipped the Ice Ferret’s right thigh.   Helena triggered her last two weapons, but the two small Short-Range Missiles failed to lock, and the single ER Small Laser just burnt a shallow gouge across the Timber Wolf’s thick nose.

The hip of her ‘Mech destroyed, Helena slammed into the ground, despite all that she tried to keep it standing, and Natasha Kerensky lowered her weapon pods a fraction and fired again and again and again, until the medium-weight machine simply shut down from the accumulated damage.


Karl sneered at other two Warriors who had failed to stop this old decrepit dezgra surat who had defeated them.  Surely she would not fare as well against his Nova.  He had spotted her OmniMech during his drop, standing in open ground and waiting for him—approaching her would offer him no cover, no concealment, and he would be vulnerable to her weapons until he closed the range.  But she had to have to taken damage from the previous fights.  And once he closed, nothing could stand against the combined force of his onboard armament . . . NOTHING!

He cleared the last ridge soaring over on his jump jets—and he reeled as twin beams of golden light tore into his right arm!  How had she seen him approach?  But that question went unanswered and Karl swore as he realized that she had severed his right arm, along with half his guns!  He charged down the slope as she just stood there and then the missile racks blossomed with fire and dozens of explosions tore across the Nova’s forward face—two even spider webbed the cockpit canopy, but didn’t manage to penetrate.  Then she fired the lasers again—and this time his left arm took both hits, which left him without any guns.  Karl came to a stop and he simply stared at his opponent . . . she didn’t have a targeting computer, she couldn’t have aimed those shots!  It simply wasn’t possible!  And yet . . . she had.

“Eject,” an amused voice came over the radio.

“You have won, go and do not add to my shame,” Karl answered, and she laughed.  She laughed.

“You’re all a bunch of fools, Warriors.  There are no lethal weapons, only lethal people.  True-born, free-birth, young, old, it makes no difference, if you are one of those lethal people.”  Her lasers reached out again and tore into his chest, and then a second time, and the Nova crashed into the ground.  “The fight is not finished as long a real Warrior has breath in her body—this is not Trial, boy, this is War.”

And the Black Widow moved off.


The Stormcrow was Natasha’s toughest fight, and the two circled each other as the Black Widow held the range as much as she could, while the Warrior fighting her tried to close.  Lasers and missiles criss-crossed the battlefield, and the Timber Wolf’s armor had been weakened—but the lighter Stormcrow simply could not take the pounding of missile flight after missile flight, and the blazing icepicks of armor-ripping death her Large Lasers represented.


Star Commander Heinrich Mattlov felt as if the Black Widow was leading him into a trap; he slowed the pace of his Mad Dog and he consulted his map.  Her transponder was on and flashing; she was ahead of him and stationary—but she had also destroyed the OmniMechs of his Star mates rather handily.  He moved cautiously and through the thick woods he could see here standing there, just waiting for him.

His radio crackled.  “Are true-borns admitted to the Ebon Keshik this cowardly today?  Fifty years ago when I received my Bloodname, at least they had balls.”

Heinrich roared and he threw caution to the winds and charged forward, his large pulse lasers spitting fire and his missile launchers roaring—but the Black Widow was moving sideways and her lasers were returning fire . . . only the lasers.  One hit each of the legs of Heinrich’s Mad Dog, and he snarled as half of his own missiles went true, along with one of large pulse lasers at extreme range.  My legs have more armor than that, he thought!

That was when he charged straight into the field of FASCAM mines Natasha had laid with her final missile salvoes.  Explosions ripped into his OmniMech’s feet and ankles and shins and knees—and the Star Commander felt the shuddering crack as the skeletal structure broke in two, and the ‘Mech fell.  But he did not eject, he held down the trigger and sent another missile flight flying, even as his cockpit landed atop another mine.


Star Captain Edward Banacek laughed as he sent first one and then the second ER PPC bolt home against the Warrior before him.  He was bathed in sweat due to the sweltering heat the weapons produced, but he maneuvered his Hellbringer through the woods expertly.  The Timber Wolf facing him was heavier, but Kerensky had depleted her missile ammunition and suffered damage at the hands of the prior Warriors to face her.  She had no chance, not in this fight against a pristine—if non-upgraded Hellbringer Prime.  Her lasers lanced out, tearing through Banacek’s thin armor, but in answer he fired one of his PPCs and a flight of LRMs; lowering the heat burden on his machine—and seven of those missiles and the PPC bolt landed on her left arm and tore away half of her remaining firepower.

“Surrender, Star Colonel Kerensky,” he transmitted.  “You have defeated five—but you shall not defeat me.”

“I don’t give in that easily, Star Captain,” she answered as she charged forward, her Timber Wolf tearing through the underbrush and she fired her last remaining weapon, connecting squarely against the chest of the Hellbringer.  Banacek returned fire, once again with twin ER PPC bolts lancing out and tearing away her last weapon system.  He smiled . . . she was done for.  His armor had been thinned, but she had not even penetrated anywhere on his front, although the little remaining was barely more than foil.

But Natasha didn’t seem to realize she had lost, and Banacek paled as she kept charging forward, transforming into a 75-ton battering ram moving at 86.4 kilometers per hour!  The Star Captain hit the override and he salvoed every weapon he had, tearing into the rugged OmniMech bearing down on him—he didn’t even take the time for a target lock; he just judged her rate of closure and opened up with all of his weapons.

Sirens screamed and Banacek gasped against the heat spike as his OmniMech went into automatic shutdown, but Natasha didn’t slow, despite the missiles and PPC bolts and lasers and machine-guns ripping away chucks of armor from her Timber Wolf's frame.

And then she slammed into Banacek’s Hellbringer, and the lighter war-machine crumpled, knocked over and trod on by the heavy round feet of Kerensky's Timber Wolf; it’s thin armor already weakened was torn asunder, internal components were ripped apart and shattered beneath the weight bearing down atop of them, and emergency lights began to flash showing weapons and engines and gyros and a dozen other systems disabled.  Banacek winced as the 65-ton heavy OmniMech slammed into the ground on its back, battered and broken, and defeated.  And then his radio—operating on battery power—crackled one last time.

“The fight’s not over until the widow-lady sings.  Na-na-na-na.  Na-na-na-na.  Hey hey-ey, goodbye.  And now, your fight is over,” she laughed.  “Six for six; you know, in the old days, they would’ve given me a Galaxy!"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 10:54:58 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #265 on: July 15, 2012, 08:52:38 AM »

Oy Vey Ice Hellions would have done a better job than those dezgra surats she fought
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #266 on: July 15, 2012, 01:31:34 PM »

Clan Wolf Field Headquarters, Lubeck
Hohenems, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
September 22, 3043

Ulric Kerensky grinned broadly as Yvonne officially acknowledged the results of Natasha Kerensky’s Trial, and confirmed her rank as Star Colonel—and a Cluster commander in the Clan Wolf Invasion force.

“You have assembled a command for her Khan Kerensky, quiaff?” asked Yvonne.

“Aff.  The 13th Wolf Guards are even now forming up from replacements we have available—the Cluster will be attached to Alpha Galaxy.”

Yvonne nodded and she turned to the Black Widow and shook her head.  “I wish you would reconsider, Star Colonel Kerensky . . . the Ebon Keshik could use someone of your skills as its commanding officer.”

“I was decanted a Wolf, ilKhan, and I intend to die a Wolf,” Natasha answered.  And then she snorted.  “Besides, I believe that my presence—and my lack of patience for certain customs and traditions that do not serve the Clans any longer—in your Keshik would give some of the other Khans reasons to oppose your leadership.”  She laughed.  “Of course, the thought of Norman Rood, Andrew McFadden, or Perigard Zalman suffering a stroke is quite attractive.  But I fear I must decline your offer.”

Yvonne nodded.  “That is your right, Star Colonel Kerensky.  Will you be ready for operations come November 1?”

“Aff, ilKhan.  Khan Kerensky has already informed me that my 13th Wolf Guards will lead the assault on Tamar.”

“Hopefully with the remainder of the Wolf Alpha Galaxy at your back,” Yvonne said dryly.  “Those defenses will not succumb to a single Cluster.”

Ulric snorted.  “Tamar will be taken by Alpha and Beta Galaxies, with Gamma in reserve—fully supported by the Coyote Alpha Galaxy as well.  I will take no chances at my first attempt to capture a theatre capital.”

“Very well, then.  You have my congratulations once again, Natasha Kerensky—welcome back to the fold of the Clans of your namesake,” the ilKhan finished.  “And now, I must depart Hohenems and see to the Vipers.  Your hospitality to the ilKhan has been flawless, Khan Kerensky; good day.”

“Good day,” Ulric and Natasha answered as the ilKhan left their presence en route to her DropShip.

Ulric sat back down in his chair and he motioned for Natasha to pull up a seat.  “And now that we are finally alone, Natasha . . . what the hell is Jaime Wolf up to?  And why did you really come back?”
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 01:35:05 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #267 on: July 15, 2012, 02:53:25 PM »

Chapter Six

“There are some who ask why we of the Federated Suns are spending our treasure and blood to protect Steiner, Magnusson, and Kurita worlds.  There are some who would see our traditional opponents in the Draconis Combine go down to bitter defeat.  My people, such a vision is short-sighted, for the Clans of Kerensky pose a threat that the House of Kurita could never match.  They threaten not only our sovereignty, but our very way of life; to a degree that the Combine has never threatened us.  If House Kurita and House Steiner falls, then it is only a matter of time before the Sun sets across our Federation.”

“We grieve for those brave men and women who have given their last full measure of devotion, not just for the Federated Suns, but for all of mankind.  Their sacrifice cannot, and must not, have been made in vain.  Upon this High Holy Day, when we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, I would ask all those in my realm to remember that there are families among us who mourn the loss of their fathers, their mothers, their sisters brothers, their children . . . reach out to them and let them know that their loved ones died as heroes who stood and fought for a cause in which they believed.”

“I cannot promise you that the coming year will bring any respite from the fighting along the Clan front, but I can promise you that if we stand united against this threat, we will triumph in the end.  And on that day of our victory, when the guns fall silent and peace settles across our common borders, then will the supreme sacrifice our sons and daughters have made be redeemed.  This year, I do not send you my thoughts for a Merry Christmas, for our sorrows consume much of our thoughts.  Instead, I ask that you share with me a moment of silence and a prayer for the families of those who have laid downs their lives in defense of your liberties.”

—Hanse Davion, in his Christmas Address, New Avalon, Federated Suns, 3043

Chainelaine Expeditionary Force,
Chainelaine Isles
October 26, 3043

With only scanty intelligence on the Clan defenses in Chainelaine, General Winson and Marshal Davion decided to rely upon speed and surprise to disrupt the Clan defenses.  Each system would be hit simultaneously by two Regiments of the Chainelaine Expeditionary Force; their mission to destroy factories and supply depots . . . and to steal as much Clan technology as possible.  By striking everywhere at once, they hoped that no one Clan could call upon the others for help.

Their decision was endorsed by Jaime Wolf, who believed that there would be few defenders in the Isles . . . and for the most part, their decision was the correct one, but one that would come with hellacious casualties.

In the Chaine Cluster, the handful of Viper defenders were quickly overcome by the 4th Deneb Light Cavalry and the Legion of the Rising Sun; on Far Reach, the 3rd Regiment of the 12th Star Guards and the 2nd Ceti Hussars fought through the Hellion defenders to sack the factory complexes.  All four of the regiments assigned to these attacks managed to withdraw in good order, leaving burning factories and broken formations in their wake—and with hundreds of tons of stolen goods in their possession.

Fredotto was a surprise in that three Clans shared that world, but the 10th Deneb Light Cavalry and Grey Death Legion managed to bull through the Fire Mandrill defenders of one enclave . . . and then redeploy against the Blood Spirits to strike a second target.  The ferocious defense of these facilities by the Mandrills and Spirits, however, had weakened the attackers to the point where Colonel Carlyle decided against hitting the Nova Cats; he managed to withdraw in good order, wrecking two factory complexes, but both of the regiments under his command lost around a third of their number.

Idrmach was hit by the 1st Regiment of the 12th Star Guard and the 8th Deneb Light Cavalry.  The single Smoke Jaguar second-line Cluster assigned to defend the factories was caught off-guard and quickly forced to retreat, but the free-birth Warriors of the 232nd Provisional Garrison Cluster refused to budge; they fought a vicious battle amid the burning factories, until the shame of seeing the PGC put up such a gallant fight brought the 17th Jaguar Regulars back in a blistering counter-offensive.  Both Inner Sphere Regiments were forced to withdraw with heavy casualties, and the Jaguar factories—though damaged—remained operational.

Ingvolstand was a most unpleasant surprise for the 1st and 2nd Screaming Eagles.  While their drop was unopposed, they faced four Clusters of Coyotes and Wolfs . . . but luckily, the two were situated on separate continents.  The mercenaries managed to defeat the Coyote defenders and smashed their factories flat—but in the process suffered the loss of nearly half their number.  The survivors withdrew instead of hitting the Wolf factories, saving themselves for future operations.

Syrstart, defended by one Cluster of Cobras and three of Adders was next:  and here the 21st Striker and 71st Light Horse of the Eridani hit.  Led by General Winson, she dropped her command atop of the Cobras and quickly managed to defeat them and wreak havoc amongst the factories.  She attempted to move on and assault the Adders, but found herself outnumbered and outgunned—and two of the second-line Adder Sentinel Clusters facing her were elite.  Discretion being the better part of valor, she then withdrew to her waiting DropShips and left the system, bearing much salvaged loot in the empty 'Mech and fighter bays.

The 12th Deneb Light Cavalry and the 7th Regiment of the 12th Star Guards hit Haublan—and ran straight into the gaping maw of a Diamond Shark front-line Galaxy.  In a similar fashion, the 1st Ceti Hussars and 15th Deneb Light Cavalry dropped into the waiting talons of the Falcon’s Zeta Galaxy (another front-line unit) on Vannes.  Not one member of the four Regiments survived to escape off world.

The 3rd Ceti Hussars and 5th Deneb Light Cavalry Regiments jumped into Paran—only to see the bulk of a McKenna-class battleship and her escorts in orbit.  Throwing all of their aerospace fighter assets against the Snow Raven ships, the two Regiments tried to quick-charge their drives and escape—one Invader-class ship suffered a KF drive failure, stranding the 2nd Battalion of the 5th Deneb, but the rest withdrew sans their fighters and assault ships.  The 2nd of the 5th bargained for a combat drop onto the surface, using Jaime Wolf's shared knowledge of Clan customs where they faced off against a single Cluster of Horses.  The few survivors were quickly taken as bondsmen.

And then there was Rondane . . .


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #268 on: July 15, 2012, 03:17:29 PM »

Where these Dezgra Surats spawns of evil entered the valley of death and were completely burned battered shattered and then eliminated. Hail the Goliath Scorpions
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #269 on: July 15, 2012, 05:49:58 PM »

Scorpion Delta Galaxy Field Headquarters, Bodo
Rondane, Chainelaine Isles, Clan Goliath Scorpion Enclave
October 26, 3043

Star Colonel Nelson Elam shook his head in disbelief.  “What do you mean we are not responding to this attack?” he thundered at last.

“Watch you tone, Star Colonel Elam,” spat Galaxy Commander Ronald Madsen and commander of the 7th Scorpion Dragoons.  “The Khan might have given you command of the 20th Cuirassier, but you are still the Warrior who lost our Trial against the Wolves!  We are not responding to these landings—they are in the Bear enclave, in case you have not noticed!”

Nelson stood straight and he looked sideways at the commanding officers of the 26th Cuirassier and 22nd Hussars (Star Colonels Denise Pakhalina and Jean Brinker, respectively), but neither met his gaze.  Finally, he turned back around to look Madsen squarely in the eyes.  “The Raging Bears jumped out yesterday!  They have nothing defending those factories except for a handful of garrison troops, Galaxy Commander—not until their Claw Galaxy arrives next week; we have to go to their aid!”

“Star Colonel Elam!  Delta Galaxy has been charged with the defense of Scorpion holdings on Rondane; not that of the Bears.  And once Epsilon arrives, we too shall depart this miserable, primitive, cold, wet world.  If the Bears suffer, then they will suffer—but I will not risk a single Scorpion Warriors life to defend another Clan!  There will be no more discussion of this, quiaff?”

“NEG!” shouted Nelson.  “Are you truly that much of an imbecile, Galaxy Commander?  Have you lost sight of what the Khan is trying to accomplish here?  Do you fail to realize what this utter betrayal of our ally will cost us in the Invasion to come?”

“You are bordering on facing me in a Circle of Equals, Elam,” Madsen growled.  “Return to your Cluster and prepare your Warriors to defend our factories here!”

“Neg.  The 20th will board ship and we will drop on the Bear complex to aid our ally—that is what our Khan, whose aide I have been since this Invasion began, wants and expects!”

Ronald Madsen drew himself up to his full six foot four inches in height and he glowered down on Nelson.  “You are relived and under arrest, Star Colonel—I will deal with you after the Swift Strikers repulse this attack on Scorpion holdings within our enclave.”

“I demand a Trial of Refusal, Galaxy Commander.”

“Denied—this is a combat operation.”

“In that case, I demand a Trial of Grievance.”

“Denied!  Now leave, or I will have you removed!”

“Then you leave me with no choice, Galaxy Commander,” Nelson whispered as he drew his sidearm and fired a single round through Madsen’s left eye.  “I find you guilty of treason against the Scorpion—and of utter incompetence that cannot be allowed in this Clan’s ranking officers,” he said to the corpse.  “I am assuming immediate command of the Swift Strikers,” he said to the two shocked Scorpions standing before him.  “Your Clusters will board ship immediately to intercept these free-birth attackers, or you will join Ronald Madsen in death.  The decision is yours.”

Command Trinary, 20th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster
Rondane, Chainelaine Isles, Clan Ghost Bear Enclave
October 26, 3043

“We are taking heavy casualties, Ascendant Actual,” the voice of the beleaguered Bear Garrison commander came over the radio.  “These free-birth are very good—and they are tenacious.  We cannot hold much longer,” he admitted.

“Swift Strikers are inbound your position, ETA three minutes to contact—Khan Djerassi promised that the Scorpions would defend the Bears by sting or claw; today we fufill that promise.”  Nelson switched frequencies.  “Swift Strikers!  Strike hard, strike fast, and strike true!  May victory be given to the righteous and the just!”

“SEYLA!” the voices of more than eight hundred Scorpions answered Nelson as he topped the final ridge and immediately came under attack.

"Half a league, half a league, half a league onward; all in the valley of Death rode the eight hundred; 'forward the Strike Brigade, charge for the guns' he said; into the Valley of Death rode the eight hundred," Nelson recited over his open transmitter as he fired his Gauss Rifle and ER PPC into a Federated Sun's Quickdraw that approached him.

He pressed on, shifting his weapons to an Eridani target.  "'Forward the Strike Brigade!' Was there a man dismay'd?  Not tho' the soldier knew some one had blunder'd:  theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do & die, into the Valley of Death rode the eight hundred!"

Nelson's heavy Summoner II staggered as four Light Horsemen poured their fire into his frame, melting away armor, but he twisted and pivoted and smashed one into bloody ruin with his Gauss Rifle; the second with the massed banks of ER Small Lasers lining his torsos.  His trothkin dealt with the third and the fourth.

"Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them volley'd & thunder'd; storm'd at with shot & shell, boldy they rode & well, into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of Hell, rode the eight hundred."

His voice rose as he pressed on forward and in his wake came the eight hundred Scorpions, and faced with the shock of that sudden and swift attack on their flank, the Federated Suns Armored Cavalry reeled back; the Light Horsemen of the Eridani's 151st shuddered and shivered and pulled away from their lines where they were still fighting the few remaining Bear vehicles and infantry.

"Flash'd all their sabres bare, flash'd as they turn'd in air, sabring the gunners there, charging an army while all the world wonder'd; plunged into the battery-smoke right thro' the line they broke; FedSun & Light Horse reel'd from the sabre-strike, shatter'd & sunder'd.  Then they rode back, but not, not the eight hundred!"

"NOT THE EIGHT HUNDRED!" shouted scores of voices across the radio, and the wave of Scorpion 'Mechs and Elementals, and the Aerospace and OmniFighters overhead slammed into the vastly outnumbered opponents in the Valley below.

"When can their glory fade?"


"O the wild charge they made!  All the world wonder'd.  Honour the charge they made!  Honour the Strike Brigade!  O Noble eight hundred!"

Nelson finished as he fired another Gauss Slug into a Griffin painted in the colors of the House of Davion; its hip shattered, the medium 'Mech slammed down to the ground.

"Surrender, or your troops will live no more than the men that Tennyson once wrote about all those centuries ago," Nelson said as he lowered his ER PPC to point directly at Stephen Davion's cockpit.  "Whether they live as bondsmen, or die in vain, that is now your choice.  Make that choice, and make it now."
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