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Author Topic: Scorpio Ascendant  (Read 45809 times)

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #285 on: July 18, 2012, 05:20:26 AM »

Where did she get the Nighthawk armor to outfit an entire Trinary??  ???  Especially in time to outfit them for this assault. She would have had to raid one of the oldest Brian Caches or she knew where a Star League Depot was in the area and it just happened to have them. Only their Special Forces had them and they were never made in huge numbers according to both Combat Operations and Technical Readout :3075.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #286 on: July 18, 2012, 01:11:42 PM »

November 3, 3043

Of course, not all went according to plan.  On Deia, Vandervahn Chistu and the Jade Falcon’s Delta Galaxy were mauled by the 1st, 11th, and 15th Lyran Regulars, supported by House Davion’s 1st Argyle Lancers.  To make matters worse, both Chistu and the commander of Vau Galaxy were killed in the fighting, and disputes between Cluster commanders over who was now in charge prevented the Falcons from stopping the Fed-Com troops from executing an organized withdrawal.  Once in orbit, the survivors of the four Regiments scatted, leaving the single Falcon WarShip present unable to intercept and engage them all.  Although the 11th Lyran was destroyed, the remaining regiments survived (in part) to fight another day.

On Parakoila, the Ravens met with their toughest fight to date—and perhaps a harbinger of things of come.  Three independent aerospace fighter wings, supported by no fewer than thirty assault DropShips swarmed over the Raven JumpShips as they emerged in-system.  While saKhan Damien Crow responded almost instantly, two entire Raven Clusters (the 4th Raven Wing and the 1st Raven Dragoons) were lost, along with their DropShips.  The remaining three Clusters of the Swift Wing Galaxy proved insufficient to clear the surface of the defenders, and Khan McKenna was forced to reinforce his saKhan with elements of Beta Galaxy—despite a sudden surge in terrorist activities all through the Horse/Raven Occupation Zone.

The Wolves and Coyotes won on Tamar, but Garth Radick died holding back a ferocious assault by the Davion RCTs, and Beta Galaxy suffered serious losses.  Perhaps luckily, Tamar was the only seriously contested world for the Wolves and Coyotes in Wave 3; the remainder fell with scarcely a fight.

The Bears and Scorpions had the single easiest and least costly Wave of all of the Clans.  Hitting only four worlds, opposition was encountered only on Gunzburg and Vorarlberg, but the Bears easily swept aside the defenders.  On Memmingen, the planetary governor—with no troops of the KungsArmee and a militia just four companies strong—answered the batchall with a challenge for a game of beach volleyball.  The competition turned into a major attraction, complete with a fair, and the governor handed control over to saKhan Posavatz when the team of Scorpions from the Heartvenom Cluster handily won.  Posavatz surprised many, however, when he appointed the same governor as the Clan’s interim ruler—and Memmingen quickly became part of the Clan fold.

Radstadt should have been a bitter fight for the Adders and Cobras, but the KungsArmee had completely collapsed, leaving the planet with only militia and a single Capellan Regiment (the Blackwind Lancers) for defenders.    Kaesong and Thessalonika were much more difficult; the Draconis defenders—once again, mostly militia with a handful of ‘Mech companies and battalions in support—fought to the last man, woman, and child.  Insurgents hidden among the civilian population started a terror campaign, the day that the last organized military force was defeated, and slowly the Adder and Cobra garrisons were being bled.

 Already suffering from the shame of being the only Clan to have lost a WarShip in the invasion (the destroyer Rage being the victim of a kamikaze strike at Schuyler two months earlier), the small Mandrill Kindraa’s, many of which failed to coordinate and cooperate, found themselves strained to the breaking point.  There were too many casualties against the fanatical defenders, and nowhere nearly enough garrison forces to hold the worlds that the Mandrills had conquered.  Where some Clans in Wave III refused to commit forces in less than Galaxy strength, the Mandrills were forced to rely on single Clusters to take their objectives.  Without the Blood Spirits aid and assistance, they would have failed, but even with the help of their partners, the Mandrill garrisons were woefully thin, and their brutal methods of dealing with insurgents made for a volatile situation.

On Outer Volta and Juazeiro, the Nova Cats pounced; relying upon their superior technology, training, and numbers to overcome stiff resistance before moving on to secure Caripare.  The Jaguars fought fiercely for Teniente and Irece (wrecking the LAM factories there utterly), but both of those worlds were defended by far less troops than Brandon Howell had feared—and the subsequent interrogations told him why.

Pesht was heavily fortified, with no fewer than eleven DCMS BattleMech Regiments, thirty regiments of armor and infantry, and six aerospace fighter wings (in that odd Combine 36-fighter wing that they flew).  Khan Howell made certain that his forces finished the pacification of Irece and Teniente, and then resupply and received the first few trickles of replacements coming from the homeworlds.  And then he jumped three full Galaxies of Jaguars, supported by a Galaxy of Nova Cats, into what would become known as the Cauldron of Pesht.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #287 on: July 18, 2012, 04:37:03 PM »

Here are a few of my rambling thoughts:

Grand Army of the Inner Sphere (~55 Regiments):

Capellans (5):  Ariana Grenadiers; 1st Confederation Reserve Cavalry; 1st St. Ives Lancers; Justina's Cuirassiers; 1st Kearny Highlanders

Free Worlds (4):  1st Free World Guards; 1st Marik Militia; 6th Marik Militia; 12th Atrean Dragoons

Lyrans (6):  20th Arcturan Guards RCT; 3rd Donegal Guards RCT; 11th Lyran Guards; 15th Lyran Guards RCT; 1st Lyran Regulars; 4th Skye Rangers RCT

Rasalhague (3):  1st Drakon; 1st Kavalleri; 3rd Freemen

Kurita (10):  1st Genyosha; 2nd Genyosha; Ryuken (5 Regiments); 1st Night Stalkers; 2nd Night Stalkers; 3rd Prosperina Hussars

Davion (8):  4th Davion Guards RCT; Davion Heavy Guards RCT; 3rd Crucis Lancers RCT; 7th Crucis Lancers RCT; 1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs RCT; 6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT; 1st Kestrel Grenadiers RCT; 1st Kathil Uhlans RCT

ComStar (~6):  1st Army; 2nd Army

Mercenary (~13):  Wolf's Dragoons (3+ Regiments); Eridani Light Horse (2 Regiments); 12th Vegan Rangers (4 Regiments); 1st Kell Hounds; Hell's Black Aces; St. Cyr Heavy Assault Group

The Grand Army is massing on Tukayyid, as loyal readers know.  The Grand Army also has 22 WarShips.

Units Destroyed in Waves I-III

Capellans (3):  Blackwind Lancers, Kingston’s Legionnaires; 4th Confederation Reserve Cavalry

Free World (4):  4th Brigade (Fusiliers of Oriente); 4th Marik Militia; 6th Orloff Grenadiers; 4th Regulan Hussars

Lyrans (19):  8th Arcturan Guards RCT; 19th Arcturan Guards; 23rd Arcturan Guards; 24th Arcturan Guards RCT; 4th Donegal Guards RCT; 5th Donegal Guards RCT; 10th Donegal Guards RCT; 12th Donegal Guards RCT; 13th Donegal Guards; 5th Lyran Guards RCT; 13th Lyran Guards RCT; 26th Lyran Guards RCT; 32nd Lyran Guards RCT; 7th Lyran Regulars; 8th Lyran Regulars; 9th Lyran Regulars; 11th Lyran Regulars; 22nd Skye Rangers; Winfield’s Brigade

Rasalhague (13):  2nd Drakon; 3rd Drakon; 4th Drakon; 1st Freemen; 2nd Freemen; 1st Hussars; 2nd Hussars; 3rd Hussars; 2nd Kavalleri; 3rd Kavalleri; 4th Kavalleri; Gunzburg Eagles; 1st Tyr Assault Regiment

Kurita (27):  2nd Alshain Regulars, 3rd Alshain Regulars, 5th Alshain Regulars; 7th Alshain Regulars; 10th Alshain Regulars; 11th Alshain Regulars, 2nd Amphigean Light Assault Group; 4th Arkab Legion; 9th Benjamin Regulars; 40th Dieron Regulars; 41st Dieron Regulars; 19th Galedon Regulars; 3rd Ghost Regiment; 7th Ghost Regiment; 8th Ghost Regiment; 12th Ghost Regiment; 11th Legion of Vega; 14th Legion of Vega; 4th Pesht Regulars; 6th Pesht Regulars; 9th Pesht Regulars ; 10th Pesht Regulars; 11th Pesht Regulars; 4th Prosperina Hussars; 1st Shin Legion; 2nd Shin Legion; 9th Sun Zhang Academy Cadre

Fed-Com (7):  3rd FedCom RCT; 6th FedCom RCT; 8th FedCom RCT; Hot Springs TMM; Laurent Tamar TMM; Twycross TMM; Wotan TMM

Davion (16):  1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry (AFFS); 11th Avalon Hussars RCT; 22nd Avalon Hussars RCT; 33rd Avalon Hussars RCT; 39th Avalon Hussars RCT; 41st Avalon Hussars RCT; 42nd Avalon Hussars RCT (AFFS); 1st Ceti Hussars; 2nd Chisholm’s Raiders RCT; 5th Crucis Lancers RCT; 8th Crucis Lancers RCT; 5th Davion Guards RCT; 12th Deneb Light Cavalry; 15th Deneb Light Cavalry; 1st Robinson Rangers; 8th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT

Mercenaries (33):  Narhal's Raiders (2 Regiments); Lexington Combat Group (180th Dragoon Group; 32nd Recon Group); 2nd Regiment (12th Star Guards); 7th Regiment (12th Star Guards); 151st Light Horse (Eridani Light Horse); Dioscuri; Blue Star Irregulars (3 regiments); plus 22 unnamed mercenary regiments

OMG!  One hundred and twenty-two (122) Regiments and RCTs lost to date.  A quarter of them mercenary.  This is higher than canon because of the Clans willingness in this AU to target JumpShips and strand the defenders, not allowing them to Jump away and live to fight another day.

Survivors:  Hansen's Roughriders; 21st Centauri Lancers; Lexington Combat Group (241st Battle Group); 1st Argyle Lancers; 2nd Ceti Hussars; 3rd Ceti Hussars; 4th Deneb Light Cavalry; 5th Deneb Light Cavalry*; 8th Deneb Light Cavalry*; 10th Deneb Light Cavalry*; 1st Lyran Regulars*; 15th Lyran Regulars*; Legion of the Rising Sun; 1st Regiment (12th Star Guards)*; 3rd Regiment (12th Star Guards); Grey Death Legion*; 1st Screaming Eagles*; 2nd Screaming Eagles*; 21st Striker (Eridani Light Horse)*; 71st Light Horse (Eridani Light Horse)*

These are units that faced the Clans and survived.  Those marked with an Asterisk (*) took losses of 50% or higher.


At the conclusion of Wave III, the Clans are hurting.  They are all out replacements, so lost without you . . . sorry.  Got Air Supply stuck in my head today, for some reason.  While they retain all of their units with which they began the invasion (other than those second-line Clusters destroyed in Chainelaine), some are woefully understength at the end of Wave III.  Overall, the Clans are probably hovering at around 80% of their book strength right now; with some Clans better off and others (Fire Mandrills, Steel Vipers, and Jaguars) worse.  And except for those reserves close by (a Shark Galaxy, a Falcon Galaxy, two Bear Galaxies, and two Scorpion Galaxies), it will be at least three months before new replacement Warriors arrive.

So, like Jar-Jar says:  OUCH-TIME!


Dread Moores

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #288 on: July 18, 2012, 04:38:06 PM »

I'm not sure how to phrase this without sounding like I'm attacking your preferred style. I'll try my best, but let me be clear, this is meant as an honest question and not an attack on this project. (I should mention, I enjoy reading the project, regardless of whether or not it is the style I prefer.)

What villains do you have left? It seems a concentrated effort is underway to eliminate any character that has the slightest mustache-twirling tendencies (Waterly, Chistu, Romano, Steel Viper Khan whose name I forget, etc.) or are villainous due to a single poor decision (Sandoval) , even ones that may have had solid motivation or plot line behind them. It seems to make it harder to grab onto any specific character as a protagonist, since foils are lacking. Both the Clans and select IS personalities are left in "hero" type roles with very few characters to act as foils, since they both seem to come from largely "pure" motivations. It's not so much shades of grey, but shades of "kind of off white" and any of the contrasting tones seem to have been eliminated. Is this intentional, or simply the result of desires to "fix" certain characters or story lines? If more of the latter, it might be worth keeping in mind for the future (bearing in mind, this is simply one reader's opinion).
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #289 on: July 18, 2012, 08:04:36 PM »

Royal Palace, The Triad, Tharkad City
Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth, the Federated Commonwealth
November 10, 3043

“Morgan!” Melissa said with a smile as she recognized the face on the other end of the HPG connection, but then her smile faded at the somber look on the face of the Marshall of the Federated Commonwealth.  “What is so urgent, you requested a real-time link?”

“Archon Steiner-Davion,” the burly man said with a bow.  “We have a problem.”

Melissa felt a chill run through her, but she kept her face carefully neutral.  “Perhaps we can find a solution.”

“I hope we can, Your Majesty.  General of the Armies Nondi Steiner has issued a warning order to all Lyran Regiments and Regimental Combat Teams; they are to prepare to withdraw from their current defensive positions and assemble at Santana.”

“Oh, my God,” whispered the Archon.  “Have you rescinded the order?”

“I have, and she contacted me directly—she is in command of the Lyran State Forces, and they have bled enough, she told me.  Until Wolf moves his Grand Army into action, 'she will not allow a Davion appointee to spill another drop of Lyran blood'.  And that is close to a direct quote,” Morgan looked down, and then he lifted his face again.  “Melissa, I can remove her—I have the authority.  But there is a difference between authority and ability.  If I sack her, even for cause . . .”

“I understand, Morgan,” Melissa said quietly.  “Let me talk to her.”

“Of course, Archon,” he said with a second bow.  “We need those troops, manning the lines—the Clans broke through our first line of defense, and without them we have no prayer of holding on the Kandersteg-Pandora-La Grave line.”

“You will have them, Marshal Hasek-Davion.  You have my word on it.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Morgan paused and he nodded.  “The casualty lists have been grim, of late.  But we are bleeding them, and the end is in sight.  We just have to have the will to keep on fighting a little while longer.”

Melissa nodded.  “Is there anything else you need at Pandora, Marshal?”

“No, Your Majesty.”

“I will speak with her at once, then,” Melissa nodded to the ComStar tech who ended the transmission.  And she tapped her fingernails against the marble topped desk for several minutes before turning to her assistant.  “Inform Aunt Nondie I need to speak with her immediately—and request Leutnant-General Malvin to join us as well.”


“You wanted to see me, Archon Melissa?” the sour-faced woman asked as she entered the Archon’s spacious office.

“Yes, Aunt Nondie.  I did,” Melissa said as she slowly drummed her nails against the desktop.  “Rescind this order you passed to the LCAF withdrawing them from Morgan’s defensive line.”

Nondi snorted.  “Morgan and Hanse are using the LCAF, Melissa!  They are gutting our most loyal formations so that they can replace them with Davion sympathizers.  Perhaps you do not see this, but I do!  Your mother appointed me as General of the Armies; you confirmed that appointment.  I do not answer to a lap dog of Hanse Davion!”

“Are you referring to me or Marshal Hasek-Davion?” Melissa asked coolly.

The old woman jerked.  “Not you, Archon.  I would never say that about you—but Hanse has convinced you of the ‘wisdom’ of his strategy, hasn't he?  He will destroy your troops until there is no one left loyal to you.  Let his troops bleed this enemy, while Lyran soldiers prepare for a counter-offensive that will sweep them away!”

Now the tapping on the desk came to a halt, and Melissa glared at her aunt—Katrina’s sister.  “Aunt Nondie, I suggest that you take a leave of absence—you are in need of rest.”

“No, girl.  I am as fit as a horse, and I will protect your interests as long as I wear this uniform.”

Melissa sighed.  “Don’t make me do this, Aunt Nondie.”

“Blood is thicker than water, girl—Katrina taught you that.  And your husband and his stooges have spilt far too much Lyran blood.”

Melissa stood, and if her heart was breaking, none could see it in the set stone of her face.  “General of the Armies Nondi Steiner—I hereby revoke your commission in the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces.  I strip from you all rank and privileges exceeding those of a Colonel and order that you immediately be discharged from Our service—in dishonor.  You are then to stand trial by public courts-martial for your failure in your duty and your treason against the Commonwealth.”

Christopher Malvin, the commander of the Royal Guards Brigade winced and Nondi just stared at her niece in horror.  “Mel-. . .”

“Silence.  OR, in lieu of that, you can immediately resign your commission in light of issues with your health; in which case, we will speak no more of this, and I shall not break you in public, General Steiner,” Melissa said carefully and calmly.  “You will retire, and remove yourself to the estates I am awarding you on Poulsbo, never again to leave that world without my express permission—or I will have you publically tried for treason.  And following that trial's conclusion, I will see you hung by the neck until dead in the Courtyard of the Triad.”

No one spoke.  “Decide now, General Steiner.  But either way, you are no longer my Aunt—you are no longer part of my family.”

Nondi’s knees buckled and her shoulders sagged.  “I-I’ll resign,” she whispered.

Melissa slid a piece of paper across her desk.  “Your letter of resignation, General Steiner.  Sign.”

And Nondi did.

Melissa stood and she took the letter and read it, before handing it to a servant.  “See that this is filed with the Estates-General immediately,” she ordered.  “Leutnant-General Malvin, escort this woman from my presence and place her aboard the first DropShip departing Tharkad.  You are dismissed.”

And without another look at her mother’s sister, Melissa sat back down at her desk and took the next piece of paper from her inbox.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 08:29:09 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #290 on: July 18, 2012, 09:49:56 PM »

I'm not sure how to phrase this without sounding like I'm attacking your preferred style. I'll try my best, but let me be clear, this is meant as an honest question and not an attack on this project. (I should mention, I enjoy reading the project, regardless of whether or not it is the style I prefer.)

What villains do you have left? It seems a concentrated effort is underway to eliminate any character that has the slightest mustache-twirling tendencies (Waterly, Chistu, Romano, Steel Viper Khan whose name I forget, etc.) or are villainous due to a single poor decision (Sandoval) , even ones that may have had solid motivation or plot line behind them. It seems to make it harder to grab onto any specific character as a protagonist, since foils are lacking. Both the Clans and select IS personalities are left in "hero" type roles with very few characters to act as foils, since they both seem to come from largely "pure" motivations. It's not so much shades of grey, but shades of "kind of off white" and any of the contrasting tones seem to have been eliminated. Is this intentional, or simply the result of desires to "fix" certain characters or story lines? If more of the latter, it might be worth keeping in mind for the future (bearing in mind, this is simply one reader's opinion).

No problems.  Let me think this over and I'll get back to you.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #291 on: July 19, 2012, 03:07:26 PM »

Jump Point Pesht-4
Pesht, Draconis Combine
November 11, 3043

Nine massive vessels emerged from Jump spaced out around the proximity point between Pesht and its airless moon.  The invaders included two Black Lion-class battle cruisers, a Congress-class frigate, three Lola III-class destroyers, an Essex-class destroyer, and a pair of York-class carriers, but other than unmanned sensor platforms, the jump point was undefended.  The ships gathered in formation, launching fourteen Death Dancer-class assault DropShips and two hundred and ten OmniFighters that assumed station on the perimeter.

The Clan Fleet waited until their parasites fully deployed, but no further ships arrived and then they began to accelerate—not towards the planet, but instead to the moon.  General Jinjiro Nishizawa, the Combine’s commander of the aerospace forces assigned to Pesht, realized quickly that the Clans knew of his hidden base, and he began launching fighters and assault DropShips of his own.  Two hundred and sixteen fighters, supported by thirty-four Avenger- and Achilles-class vessels, lifted off from the surface and moved to engage their foes.

The Clan fighter and DropShip screen merged with those of the Dragon, and the blackness of space was lit by scores of explosions.  Supporting the fighters, the WarShips fired salvo after salvo of nimble capital missiles into the furball, even as the Sabres, Sholagars, and Shilones tried to cut a path for the heavy assault ships and Slayers.  In numbers, the fighter pilots were evenly matched, and the close knife-fighting ranges which the high-speed and acceleration possessed by the nimble little craft allowed largely negated the range advantage possessed by the Clans—it did little against their superior firepower, but in close both sides began to ravage each other with beams, shells, and missiles.

Thirty-six Slayers broke through the screen and bored down on the waiting WarShips, but now the combined missile fire of all nine Clan vessels concentrated against the strike squadron, while their main batteries turned on the larger and more easily targeted assault ships trailing behind.

The fight was short, vicious, and utterly unforgiving—despite suffering heavy damage to the destroyer Sabre Cat, the Clans emerged victorious as the final Achilles died sixty kilometers from the WarShips; only forty-two Combine fighters survived the exchange, trying to husband the last of their fuel until they could make it back to the planet.  The Clans too suffered heavily, with fifty-one fighters returning to their bays—along with a mere two Death Dancers.

The Jaguars and Nova Cats continued on the moon, and from orbit, their WarShips annihilated the bases from which General Nishizawa had launched his strike; only then did they return to the jump point and summon the JumpShips bearing the Clan’s real touman began to emerge.

No sooner than the first pair of JumpShips emerged than the challenge arrived from Pesht itself.  General Akira Kurita—a distant cousin of the Coordinator—was in command, and he offered the location where he would defend:  Andrassy, the capital of Pesht and a city that more than six million civilians called home.

Brandon Howell, Khan of the Jaguars did not bother to reply, but consulted his maps and nodded his appreciation for Kurita’s strategy.  Andrassy was built on an island some twenty-one kilometers in length and nearly four wide.  Sprawling suburbs spread out from the island on both the north and south banks of the river, but Kurita had indicated that the heavily urbanized island itself was his chosen location. 

The Fleet moved into orbit, and twenty full Clusters of Jaguars and Nova Cats dropped onto the surface—a safe distance away from the city, while the WarShips englobed the planet with orders to kill any Combine DropShip attempting to flee.

Many within the inner circle of Brandon Howell and Sarah Weaver (the Jaguar saKhan) argued that the Jaguars should simply destroy the city from orbit—but Howell knew well the ilKhan’s orders, and he believed that here, on Pesht, his Jaguars would show their true worth.

What Khan Howell did not realize, however, was that via a herculean effort, General Kurita had evacuated the entire civilian population of Andrassy Island—and he had transformed that densely packed urban area with its skyscrapers and soaring towers into a killing field for his eleven ‘Mech regiments, fourteen armored regiments, and sixteen regiments of fanatical infantry troopers.

And so it was, that as the Jaguars began to encircle the island and try to find a beachhead in what his troops had dubbed the Cauldron, General Akira Kurita smiled.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 04:07:32 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #292 on: July 19, 2012, 06:56:15 PM »

Andrassy Island, Andrassy
Pesht, Draconis Combine
November 11, 3043

Three full Galaxies of Jaguars landed to the south of the city; the shorter northern coastline was occupied by the lone Nova Cat Galaxy.  Captured maps showed that the river section to the north was relatively deep, with a muddy bottom—but three bridges connected the island to the mainland here.  The southern shore was wide, but fairly shallow and featured a bottom of rock and claw—strong enough to support the Jaguar OmniMechs . . . perhaps.  Seven bridges crossed the river on this side, but Khans Howell and West were well aware that these bridges were bound to be sited in by the defenders—and possibly mined.

Still, the first actions were at those bridges, where Stars of combat engineer trained Elementals carefully crossed, searching for hidden explosives while engaging the infantry pillboxes and strongpoint’s the Combine had built.  For six hours, the bulk of the Jaguars and Cats waited while a vicious close-quarters battle was being waged on—and beneath—the bridges. 

Howell and West, having suspended zellbrigen each landed one of their Provisional Garrison Clusters—equipped with artillery vehicles; the smoke rounds from these third-line Warriors provided the Elementals with cover as they fought the fanatical Kurita infantry and disarmed explosive charges.

In the meantime, Khan Howell ordered another Trinary of Elementals outfitted with UMU (underwater maneuvering units) in place of their SRM launchers; a small laser replacing their AP Gauss Rifle.  Assigned to search the bottom of the river for surprises, these nautical Elementals discovered that the riverbed had been liberally sewn with mines, covering nearly every possible approach . . . save one.

One section of the southern arm of the river shallowed to the point where the current was too much for the mines to remain embedded in the floor; that same current was hazardous to OmniMechs, but the risks were deemed as acceptable.  Still, Khan Howell was not wholly convinced that the clear lane had not been planned by defenders of Pesht.

Low-level recon flights by fighters outfitted with Active Probes revealed the interlocked bunkers that covered that section of the river front, and Howell knew that his opponent was waiting for him to discover the ‘neglected’ sector and charge across.  As night fell on the first day of the Battle of Pesht, Howell prepared to make his move.

A massive barrage of smoke rounds concealed the southern shore from the Andrassy, just as the sun dipped below the horizon—meanwhile, Trinarys of light and medium-weight OmniMechs began to storm across the bridges cleared by the engineer Elementals.  Preplanned artillery barrages showed down on the bridges—but the move had been only a feint.

Alpha and Beta Galaxy moved into the open stretch of the river void of mines under the coverage of the smoke screen and gingerly made their way across; just before they emerged from the water, however, the combined aerospace fighters of the Jaguars streaked by overhead, releasing tons of bombs upon the heads of the defenders dug in on the island.  Reeling from the incredible blow, the Kurita defenders were not prepared to contest the beachhead with the elite OmniMechs and Elementals of Alpha and Beta Galaxy where they emerged from the water.

Flares of explosions and the staccato bursts of tracer fire lit the night, as searing flashes of lasers and PPC bolts reached out to hit the attackers and defenders alike.  The defending infantry and tanks fought to the last man, but they were unable to repel the Jaguars as Khan Howell secured a narrow strip of land and one of the city’s parks.

Simultaneously, two Clusters of Delta Galaxy loaded up in their DropShips and still under the cover of the dense smoke screen, they hovered across the river to emerge in sight of the astonished defenders—‘Mech and Elementals jumped from heights of just fifty and one hundred meters, even as the DropShips absorbed impact after impact from the defenders of the southern bridgeheads.  The Cloud Rangers lived up to their name as the 4th and 214th Jaguar Dragoons landed on the island and held their salient until the remainder of Delta could rush across the bridges—against whom the defending fire had suddenly lessened—to reinforce them.

Throughout the night, intense firefights raged up and down the boulevards and avenues of Andrassy City as the Jaguars pushed deeper in to the island in an effort to link up.  No quarter was given or asked for—by either side; and the rules of war quickly fell to the wayside as well.  Soon enough, neither side had was able to summon air support, as the dueling fighters clashed in the night sky above, and the Jaguars rain of artillery smoke shells was replaced with laser-guided homing munitions and cluster rockets called in blindly.

By dawn, Andrassy was covered in thick cloud of smoke and ash from the burning and collapsed buildings, and the Jaguars had bulled their way through a third of the city—all three Jaguar Galaxies having linked up in the night.  Both sides were utterly exhausted by thirteen hours of nearly constant conflict—but Brandon Howell had brought his DropShips across the river and rotated units back throughout the night to rearm, sometimes to exchange pod configurations before heading back into the fray.  He would not make the mistakes Showers and Osis had made in the past of not having enough supplies close at hand.

General Kurita was bleeding the Jaguars for each square meter of ground that they gained, but the causalities were far from one-sided:  over half of his own ‘Mechs were light-weight Panthers and Jenners; no match for the heavy and assault Ebon Jaguars, Warhawks, and Dire Wolfs that steadily advanced meter by meter.  Still, the close-quarters combat was bleeding the Jaguars for every block they took; one enterprising DCMS officer flooded a portion of the city’s sewer system with natural gas—the resulting explosion shattered the 225th Battle Cluster and utterly destroyed two blocks of skyscrapers.

In response, the Congress-class frigate Snow Leopard opened fire from orbit and tore the heart out of two blocks still in the hands of the Combine.  Khan Howell contacted General Kurita by radio and informed him that the bombardment was in retaliation of the actions of the Draconis officer who fired the gas mains—he vowed to reply in kind to any further such use of WMD as well.

Halfway through the morning, the exhausted Combine pilots—all seventy-three of them—climbed back into their cockpits as the Nova Cats on the north shore launched their assault.  One hundred carefully husbanded Cat pilots—in undamaged OmniFighters and rested—met them in the sky; thirty minutes later, the Combine had no air cover remaining.  The sixty-four Cat survivors returned to base and refueled and rearmed; then they returned in company of the one hundred and six surviving Jaguars to support the Nova Cat river crossing.

Throughout the night, the Cats had slowly infiltrated Elementals across the river—losing five percent of their number in the process; beset by the massive aerial attack and the sudden appearance of the Elemental infantry, Khan West managed to take two of the three bridges by storm.  The third had not been completely cleared by the Elemental engineers during the night; they had missed one demolition charge in the center span.  And the bunker which controlled that demolition survived both the air attack and the battle-armored infantry assault.

The explosive collapse of the bridge took with it two-third of the 489th Assault Cluster and the Vision Keshik—Khan West assumed command of Alpha Galaxy from the Nova Cat Keshik, which safely crossed one of the other two bridges.

Caught between two fires, the Kurita perimeter slowly shrank, but the combat raged within narrow streets hemmed in by the towering buildings.  The costs of fighting within the Cauldron doubled, and then doubled again, as the relentless unstopping assault was met by fanatical defenders who refused to give up even a millimeter of ground without a fight.

By nightfall, the entire city was ablaze from the northernmost spur of land to the docks on the southern end facing out to sea.  Now in its second consecutive day, the battle dissolved in certain sectors to hand-to-hand combat amongst the ‘Mechs, with broken and battered Atlases and Dragons pummeling and being pummeled by the Jaguars and Cats.

Their troops utterly worn out by the constant fighting, Khans West and Howell pulled back, away from the current lines and gave their Warriors a small respite as Techs rushed to bolt on new armor plates and replace damaged weapons and empty magazines.  Although Akira Kurita would have liked nothing more than to launch a counter-attack, his troops as well were drained of all energy, and he too took advantage of the lull to prepare for the following morn.

An hour before dawn, the assault resumed and it continued for the next nineteen hours before the sounds of the guns finally fell silent on the third day of the battle.  Every soldier assigned to the defense of the Cauldron lay dead—fifteen thousand in all, including the pilots lost in the sky and in space.  The city itself was in ruins, filled with shattered and scorched buildings, without power or water, with fires raging out of control.

The Jaguars and Nova Cats stood victorious—but the cost was staggering.  Storied Clusters, such as the 7th Jaguar Dragoons, the 362nd Assault Cluster, the 225th Battle Cluster, the 1st Jaguar Cavaliers, the 4th Jaguar Dragoons, and the 19th Striker Cluster had to be disbanded; their troops divided amongst the shattered remains of Alpha and Beta Galaxy (Delta being temporarily stricken from the Jaguar rolls).  Even with the these Clusters being broken up, no unit in Alpha or Beta reported in at more than sixty percent of authorized strength.  The Jaguars had lost half their total strength in the Inner Sphere in this one fight, although his Techs promised the Khan that they could restore one hundred—perhaps even two hundred—of the OmniMechs lost in the fighting; once they were recovered from the battlefield that is.  Manning them would be another matter completely.

The Cats did not suffer quite so much, but then they avoided the earliest and some of the bloodiest hours of the fighting.  Still, of the five Clusters which they began, the 489th Assault Cluster and 7th Nova Cat Guards had to be disbanded—and if the remaining three could field one hundred OmniMechs between them, Khan West would have been surprised.

But Kendrick Wheeler and most (not all, but most) of his film crews had lived—and they caught the entire battle in living color on film. 
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 07:58:15 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #293 on: July 20, 2012, 01:16:29 AM »

I knew that sneaky bastard Wheeler was around somewhere.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #294 on: July 20, 2012, 01:35:30 AM »

I was expecting some sort of submarine attack while the Jag mechs were still in the water.  Those LRTs triggering flooding in 'mechs can be such a pain.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #295 on: July 20, 2012, 04:40:13 AM »

Yeah the Dracs are usually more sneaky than that
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #296 on: July 20, 2012, 02:07:13 PM »

Field Headquarters of the ilKhan; Bayern
Memmingen, Clan Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
November 20, 3043

“Khan Djerassi, you want us to leave our conquests undefended, before we get any of our reinforcements from the homeworlds, and engage Wolf’s Grand Army in a battle that you admit we might not win?  Tell me how I am to sell that to the other Khans?” Yvonne asked, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Never mind,” she continued before Nikolai could say a word, “that carrying out this attack will derail the invasion schedule completely—and force us to declare a halt for the next six months . . . at a minimum!  If we win.”

Nikolai waited to be certain the ilKhan had finished her rant and he sat down the tall goblet of golden pilsner on the side table.  He looked into the eyes of his fellow Khans—Marion Truscott, Jake Fletcher, Amanda Tseng, Peter McKenna, Pavel Kerensky, Olivia Sutherland, Mark Steiner, Ulric Kerensky, and their saKhans—then he nodded.

“And if we do not launch a preemptive strike against the Grand Army, while we have the chance to do so . . . what will that mean, ilKhan Hazen?  Jaime Wolf has between thirty-five and one hundred regiments of BattleMechs at his disposal; depending on which source of information you trust.  No offense, saKhan Kerensky,” he said the Black Widow, who sat beside Ulric.  He had protested against her being present, but the ilKhan had overruled him.

“None taken, Khan Djerassi,” Natasha answered.

“If we do nothing, then Wolf will roll out those forces and hit us with a sledgehammer we are ill-prepared to stop:  ten thousand BattleMechs, fifteen thousand tanks and armored combat vehicles, more than two thousand aerospace fighters, and more than a quarter of a million infantry!  Not to mention between six and fifty WarShips!  Those numbers are on the high side of our estimates of what he has—I believe he has somewhere around half.  If he can choose when and where to use that power, my Khans, then we are fucked.”

The Khans—except for Natasha—winced at the deliberate use of such crude lower-caste profanity by the Scorpion, but Yvonne slowly nodded.  Nikolai met her gaze and he too nodded.  “If Wolf attacks in force, no single Clan here in the Inner Sphere can stop him.  We will lose the fighting touman of three, perhaps four, or even five Clans before we can even slow him.  And he is not the only threat; we have destroyed more than one hundred regiments of Inner Sphere troops—luckily for them, they only have five times as many more to throw against us!”

Marion and Jake winced, most of the others stirred in their seats, but Amanda, Natasha, and Ulric allowed no expression to reach their faces.  “We can no longer lie to ourselves; the Clans of Kerensky simply do not have the manpower from our thirty-three inhabited star systems back in the Pentagon and the Tanite Worlds and the Homeworlds, to successfully take and garrison 2,000 worlds in the Inner Sphere!  We literally cannot do so.”

Yvonne sat back, her face drained of all color.  “And we have failed in our purpose then; Revival has failed.”

“Perhaps not, ilKhan,” Nikolai answered with a sly grin.

Every Khan and saKhan present leaned forward, wanting to hear his answer.

“Revival had to be attempted—if only because the most devoted and fanatical Crusader Clans would consider nothing else.  But, if we can carry out a spoiling attack against Wolf’s Grand Army on Tukayyid—if we can eliminate that threat hanging our us, then perhaps we can present the Inner Sphere with terms of a truce.  A truce that will allow us to consolidate, recover, and—most importantly—give us the time to bring men and equipment and defenses forward.  We will have secured a beachhead in the Inner Sphere, and given enough time for us to fortify it properly, nothing the Inner Sphere does can dislodge us.”

Nikolai lifted his goblet and took another sip of the rich frothy golden liquid and he smacked his lips.  “And once we have recovered our strength, replaced our casualties, and made certain our enclaves here are secure, we can still move on our final target—Terra.”

“With no supply lines, with our flanks open to attack from all sides?” asked Ulric.  “We disregarded this idea long ago; it is too risky.”

“Khan Kerensky—we do not have the strength of arms, not in numbers at least, to drive all the way to Terra and hold every world we take in our wake.  Not even if we brought every last Warrior and Sibkin in the Homeworlds forward.  And every day we delay, we let our enemies grow stronger.”  Nikolai paused and he turned his attention back to Natasha.  “I am correct in that, saKhan Kerensky, quiaff?”

“Aff,” she said.  “Star League equipment was just starting to reach units destined for your Wave IV worlds when I left,” she grinned.  “The Grand Army already has it.  And light powered armor for Jaime’s infantry troopers—not in any great numbers yet, but you know how many suits of Elemental armor you can produce in a short time.  Do not doubt that capabilities of the Inner Sphere’s factories in a crisis.”

“Win or lose, we must throw the die, ilKhan Hazen, my Khans,” Nikolai continued.  “We cannot afford to continue to take the losses that the Jaguars and Cats suffered on Pesht—or the Falcons on Deia.  The Ravens on Parakoila.  The Wolves and Coyotes on Tamar.  We are being bled white, and while we remain combat effective, we will not for many more such Waves—and that is when Jaime Wolf will come crashing down upon us like a tsunami.”

Nikolai lifted his beer and took another sip; he didn’t say another word, but instead allowed each of the Khans present to consider what had been spoken.

One by one each Khan and saKhan nodded, until Yvonne stood.  "Khan Djerassi; it is your plan.  You are willing to accept the consequences that the Khans will demand if it fails?"

"I am, ilKhan Hazen."

“Very well.  I will find a way to convince Timur Malthus—and then we will assemble a Strike Force such as the Clans have never before fielded.  And we will obliterate this Grand Army of the Inner Sphere.”

“Seyla,” responded Nikolai and the other Khans . . . but out of the corner of his eye the Khan of the Goliath Scorpions noticed that Natasha’s eyes had never left him.  And he shivered.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #297 on: July 20, 2012, 05:02:49 PM »

And still, despite everything they have learned...despite recognizing the sheer impossibility of the task they have set themselves, their arrogance and pride will not allow them to say "enough, we have not yet lost, but we cannot win.  It is time to seek another path."

Even if this Hail-Mary pass works, the Toumans will be shattered.  They will be throwing away not just men and equipment, they will be sacrificing hard won experience.  The Elite of the Clans will be gutted.  Replacing the bodies and tools is possible, but to put a rookie, no matter how talented, in place of a veteran?  NOT an even trade.

MAYBE they can buy time...but at what price?  And what happens when the time runs out?

They won't consider it, but they should be considering a negotiated peace NOW.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #298 on: July 20, 2012, 08:08:43 PM »

It is against Clan Nature and Natasha is ready to stick the poisoned dirk into someone's back
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #299 on: July 21, 2012, 08:36:48 PM »

Goliath Scorpion Field Headquarters; Bayern
Memmingen, Clan Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
November 22, 3043

“Tell me this is not happening,” groaned Nikolai as he read the dispatch from the ilKhan.  “Can they not stop fighting among themselves for five minutes!” the Scorpion Khan snarled as he stood and hurled the datapad into the wall, where it shattered into a hundred pieces.

Star Captain Jason Scott shook his head and poured two fingers of whiskey into a tumbler for his Khan.  “It has been confirmed, my Khan—all of it.  The heavy casualties that the Mandrill Kindraas experienced in Wave III, combined with the uprisings on their Wave I and II worlds—and the absolute brutal manner in which they and the Spirits put down those uprisings—led Kindraa Leader Sainze to challenge Tanaga for the rank of Khan.  Both Warriors died during the Trial.”  Jason snorted as he handed the crystal tumbler to Nikolai, who took a sip of the smoky amber liquid.  “saKhan Payne, on the other hand—who should have taken over in the interim—was apparently unable to accept the nearly complete loss of the 1st Battle Payne on Byesville.  He received word that the Khan and Kindraa Leader Sainze were both dead, acknowledged it, passed on his orders for all the Kindraa to carry on, returned to his quarters, and blew his own brains with his sidearm.”

Nikolai took another slug, as Jason continued.  “Loremaster Victoria Tanaga has refused to the assume the post of Khan; but she and three other surviving Kindraa leaders blocked Kindraa Leader Grant when he tried to claim the post—needless to say, the ilKhan is quite furious over the whole matter.”

“I bet she is,” Nikolai muttered.  “Have they started actual combat amongst themselves yet?”

“So far, no—but Star Colonel Adriane Payne is withdrawing 1st Striker Payne and the eight survivors from the 1st Battle Payne back to Richmond.  Kindraa Mick-Kreese reports they have thirteen Stars of Warriors that remain combat effective and has requested to be removed from Wave IV operations—Mattila-Carrol is not much better off.  Beyl-Grant and Kline report at 60% and 70%, respectively, while Sainze and Faraday-Tanaga each claim to be able to field 80% of their full-strength order of battle for the Invasion.”

“And the Spirits?”

“They remain in relatively good condition, my Khan.  Khan McFadden claims the Spirits eleven Clusters are able to field eighty-eight percent of his initial strength; he was able to make that claim only by using every single replacement Warrior he had in the Inner Sphere—and by abandoning his holdings on Fredotto and breaking up the 441st Crimson Guards to fill the holes in his rank and file.”

“The Mandrills already abandoned their enclave, did they not?” Nikolai shook his head again.

“They did and they integrated the 12th Support Cluster into Faraday-Tanaga’s line units; which leaves the Nova Cats alone on Fredotto with the 4th Nova Cat Regulars to defend those facilities—both the Spirits and Mandrills have also called forward their PGCs; I understand that Khan West is rather . . . perturbed by the sudden abandonment of the enclaves without any prior notice.”

“No doubt,” whispered Nikolai.

“Luckily,” Jason said with an ironic smile, “the ilKhan’s Grand Kurultai starts tomorrow—so every Khan and saKhan, except for the Mandrills, of course, will be here on Memmingen.  She wants to meet with you tonight, however—1800 hours to be exact.”

“Inform her that I will be there,” Nikolai said in a sour tone, and then he frowned again.  “What else has gone wrong, pray tell?”

“You have a guest, my Khan—saKhan Kerensky of Clan Wolf.  She is waiting in the outer office.”

Nikolai stood and he downed the rest of the whiskey in a single swallow.  “Send her in,” he commanded.

Jason bowed slightly and exited the office; Nikolai could hear his aide, “This way, saKhan.”

Natasha Kerensky walked in through the door, and Jason closed it softly behind her.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, saKhan Kerensky?” Khan Djerassi said.

“So formal and staid, Nikolai—not at all like I remember the Scorpions from my day,” she answered with a smile.  And then pointed to the whiskey bottle.  “For me?” she cooed.

“For me; the Mandrills are adding to my headaches.”

Natasha laughed and she took a tumbler and poured herself a glass, sipped the well-aged Scotch and she nodded appreciatively.  “You keep the good stuff for yourself, I see; you do not look well at all, Nikolai—perhaps you need to find a pleasure girl and couple.”

The Scorpion walked around his desk and he poured a half-shot into his own glass and sat down, motioning towards another arm-chair for Natasha, who also sat and crossed her legs.

“Thank you for the concern, Natasha, if I may use your given name?”

“You may.”

“What brings you here on the eve of the Grand Kurultai?”

The Black Widow leaned forward.  “I want to know what you problem with me is.”

Nikolai barked out a laugh.  “Simple enough to rectify—I do not trust you, Natasha.  I have no idea what game you are playing, but you are playing us; that much I know.”

“So why not accuse me openly?”

“I have no evidence, only my . . . instinct.  Had I evidence, you would be dead.”

Natasha laughed.  “Oh, I have missed the Clans so much, Nikolai.  I could challenge you to a Trial of Grievance for your accusations, quiaff?”

“Aff.  And if we fought in OmniMechs, you would win, quiaff?”

“Aff.  Which is why you would choose unaugmented, or perhaps unaugmented with melee weapons—quite possibly with your zulkari, quiaff?”


“You would still lose,” she answered with a smile and took another sip of whiskey.

“Perhaps,” answered the Scorpion, “though that is by no means certain.”

Natasha nodded.  “So you will not challenge me without evidence, and I cannot challenge you without risking life and limb in a knife fight—whatever will we do now?”

“What we must, Natasha Kerensky.  That is all that anyone can ever do.  Is that why you came here, to discover only why I dislike you so?”

“Oh, I have more questions for you—what are you playing at, Nikolai?”

Nikolai snorted.  “Twenty questions, quiaff?  I will answer the truth if you do the same—quid pro quo, Natasha Kerensky.”

“I had forgotten the Scorpion passion for ferreting out secrets; it is a refreshing change.  I will agree to your terms—but I ask first.”


“Why did you engineer this Invasion?  You were the one behind it—it was your vote which authorized Operation Revival . . . so why?”

Nikolai took a sip of scotch.  “Sometimes the best way to teach children that a hot object is not meant to held in one’s bare hands is let them get burnt—the Clans were going to invade.  I took the opportunity to try and shape the invasion—to teach my fellow Khans that perhaps we cannot conquer the Inner Sphere in the manner which they have dreamed of for a hundred years.”

The Black Widow’s eyes went wide and she smiled.  “You did this, knowing they would fail?”

Nikolai shook his head—and he smiled.  “Nice try.  My turn . . . where do your loyalties lie, Natasha Kerensky?”

“With myself.  For my next ques-. . .”

“You have already asked it,” interrupted Nikolai.  “I expected them to fail—though not so soon.  Revival, in its original form, was fatally flawed, saKhan Kerensky.  With just four—perhaps seven including reserve—Clans part of the Invasion, those who stayed would inevitably blame the Invaders for the loss.  It would eventually bog down into a bloody stalemate; we do not have the numbers to successfully conquer the Great Houses—it is a mathematical fact.  And the discord between the 'failed' Invaders and the Clans who remained behind would tear apart our society; this way no one can claim it would have been different if I was there.”

“Such depths, Scorpion.  I am impressed.  I understand from Ulric that you engineered the Annihilation of the Burrocks—as a training exercise.”  She smiled again and took another sip.  And then she sat back up straight and her eyes glistened.  “You are a Warden, still, aren’t you?”

The Scorpion grinned.  “No one has ever asked that of me—but yes.  I remain a Warden and I believe that the Clans should not be here as conquerors, but as allies and as an example.  Does Jaime Wolf really have one hundred BattleMech Regiments in his Grand Army?”

“Nope.  I . . . exaggerated a little bit.  Your estimate is closer to reality; you don’t expect to win there do you?”

“That depends on your definition of winning, does it not?”

“It does,” Natasha answered with a grin of her own.  “You hope that Jaime smashes this force into bloody ruin—you want the Clans to suffer a defeat don’t you?”

“I want . . .,” Nikolai paused and he lifted his glass to take a small sip, “I want my Crusader brethren to become convinced that we do not have the strength to continue on—to admit we have bitten off more than we can chew.  The same question to you.”

“Fair enough,” the Black Widow mused.  “I would dislike seeing the Inner Sphere transformed into the Homeworlds—they are too boring, Nikolai.  And you have no idea what you are walking into.”

“What am I walking into, Natasha?”

But the Black Widow stood and she shook her head.  “I found out what I need to know; I think we will end this here—unless you plan to tell me how you see this ending?”

“I would not care for that, saKhan Kerensky.”

Natasha smiled.  “In that case, Khan Djerassi, I bid you a good night.”

Nikolai walked her to the door.  “I hope you discovered what you came for, Natasha—give Jaime my best when you speak with him.  And tell him that I would . . . request the codex of all Scorpions that accompanied him to the Inner Sphere and failed to return—they should be honored for their actions, not condemned for what has happened after their deaths.”

The Black Widow burst out laughing.  “Oh, I have found all that I sought and more, Scorpion. “
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