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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2012, 01:14:49 PM »

GSS Lei Kung
Zenith Jump Point, Sheridan
July 18, 3030

Lei Kung and Cage’s Pride thrusted in towards the star at the center of the Sheridan system, a half-dozen Adder ships providing escort, while the remainder of the Hellions and Scorpions sat at the Jump Point under the guns of the still more Adder WarShips.  Perhaps thirty minutes had gone by since the challenge had been made and accepted, and a vast distance of open space put between the Adder’s Station and the two battlewagons.

“Have the Elementals acknowledged their orders, Gunthar?” David asked as the two massive McKenna class ships drew closer and closer to the point in space where their duel would begin.

“Aff, saKhan,” answered Star Captain Henriquez.  “Star Colonel Gorga requests permission to leave at least one star to provide security for Lei Kung,” the again went unsaid.

“Neg.  This ship carries twice the number of Elementals that our brother and sister Clans normally assign to Marine details—three times those aboard Hellion ships.  All of our Marines are to board shuttles and prepare to take that ship by storm.” The Star Admiral grinned.  “If the Hellions try and board us, it will remain the duty of those Warriors remaining to repulse them.”

Gunthar only grunted in reply as he watched the icons on his screen steadily close the range.  Six strobing signals suddenly broke off, keeping station relative to the star and the station.  “The Adders have reached the observation point, saKhan and have ceased their advance; Star Admiral da Silva is requesting to speak with you.”

“On screen.”

The auburn haired woman’s face appeared in the midst of a communications screen.  “You know both of you are probably going to take more damage than that convoy is worth, quiaff?”

“Aff.  But not more damage than the honor of my Warriors is worth, Star Admiral.”

She snorted, and then slowly nodded.  “Fight well, Scorpions.  Whether you live or die, a true record of the events here today will be presented to the Grand Council.  This I swear.”

The screen blanked, and David bared his teeth as Lei Kung slowly slid towards the initial point.  “Bring all weapons on-line; prepare to launch all aerospace fighters and shuttles upon my command.  Maneuvering, upon my order go to maximum military power on the drive—we will take these Hellions on the run.”

A chorus of voices answered the old man, who kept his eyes glued to his instruments.  “NOW!” he barked as the icon of his flagship shifted from blue to green, and the icon representing Cage’s Pride began to strobe crimson.

The old battleship quivered as her port launch bays began spitting out aerospace fighters and boarding shuttles—but unlike the Hellions, the Scorpion fighters were only emerging on the far side of the battle, shielded by the bulk of Lei Kung.

“Trinarys Alpha, Gamma, and Delta are clear!”

“Roll ship 180-degrees to port, launch starboard Trinarys.  Weapons free.”

On the monitor, David watched as Cage’s Pride altered vector away from him, trying to keep the range open as her sixty aerospace fighters bored in towards him.  The Scorpion saKhan snorted in derision.  “He thinks we are going to play his game, letting our fighters engage his—prepare the anti-fighter battery to engage that incoming strike!  Alter heading 15-degrees to port, keep that ship in range, Maneuvering!  Guns, load flak shells in the NAC-40s—target those fighters.”

“Secondary battery is on-line and tracking the fighter strike, saKhan,” Gunthar reported.  “Flak loaded and ready to engage.”

The Clan WarShips were—for the most part—the same ships used so long ago by General Kerensky against Amaris in the Liberation of Terra.  Oh, their armor had been replaced with more effective plating, and—on rare occasion—some weapons had been upgraded with newer modern systems, but by and large, many of the Clan capital ships retained the old paradigm of combat of the SLDF.  But not the Scorpions.  Each of their ships had added four twin turrets of large pulse lasers to each and every firing arc, with but one purpose in mind—to kill enemy aerospace fighters.  And rather than keep the old armor plating at the specified levels, the Scorpions had decreased their cargo holds slightly to thicken their armor plating to the maximum the ship’s structure allowed.

Few other Clans had noticed—on a 1.95 million ton WarShip, these changes reflected less than a single percent of the total ship’s mass.  But that lack of perception would cost the Hellion’s dearly today.  As the Hellion fighters bored in on their attack runs, a score of pulse laser turrets opened fire, along with four AR-10 launchers spitting capital missiles. The unexpected hail of fire caught the Hellion pilots by surprise, and a dozen (twenty percent of their number) exploded immediately.  The precise Star formations split into individual points as the Hellion pilots weaved and dodged, and their weapons spat flame and fury in reply, hammering the sides of the Lei Kung with a deluge of light weapons fire that should have penetrated.  But the reinforced armor plating held, and then the big NAC-40s opened fire.

Normally pure anti-ship weapons, the big guns were firing special purpose flak shells instead.  Of little use against capital vessels, the flak rounds were proximity fused and released a cluster of sub-munitions that tore through the heart of the Hellion fighters in a dazzling chain of explosions—even as the pulse lasers continued to swivel, track, and spit cyan bolts at the hapless aerospace pilots.

But none could deny the courage of the Hellion pilots as they bore in through that maelstrom of fire; shattered Stars and individual Points swarmed around the Scorpion ship, firing again and again into her thick armor plating, and Lei Kung shuddered under the impacts of their lasers, and missiles, and PPC bolts, and autocannon bursts, and gauss slugs.  Then Lei Kung heaved, as two of the fighters plunged into her bridge, sacrificing themselves in an attempt to win the battle.

 David smiled grimly.  Fools, he thought, from the confines of the real bridge within the armored core of the battleship.  They think we Scorpions do not read history?  The original bridge was merely an observation deck—all actual ship operations had been transferred, decades ago, to the deeply buried former CIC at the ship’s core.

“Cage’s Pride is coming back in, saKhan Ben-Shimon,” Gunthar reported.

Of course she is; her Warriors are dying and she thinks she has deprived me of command, David thought as beads of cold sweat began to emerge from his forehead.

“Release the fighters and Elementals, Gunthar,” he ordered, having to pause to catch his breath, wincing as he felt a deep stabbing pain in his left shoulder.  “Secondary batteries remain focused on the remaining Hellion aerospace assets—bring the mains to bear on Cage’s Pride.  Let us give our Warriors covering fire on their approach.”

“Aff, saKhan,” the tactical officer answered gamely.  “Bring the N-PPCs on-line,” he repeated, “target the Cage’s Pride, and fire for effect.”

Twenty-four massive iridescent bolts streaked away from Lei Kung:  half of them missed the Hellion battleship, but the rest went true.  Cage’s Pride staggered as her nose armor shattered as the composites absorbed and dissipated the tremendous energy contained.

With the order to engage now given, the Scorpion aerospace fighters exited the shadow of their mothership and streaked towards the Hellion vessel, their tightly spaced formations covering the vulnerable shuttles behind them.

David watched as they charged forward—and Cage’s Pride sent salvo after salvo of missile into their formations, but the Scorpion fighters served their purpose and only a single shuttle died before its kin latched onto the sides of their foe.  Fourteen Scorpion pilots perished to buy the Elementals their chance, but now the tide had shifted.


The hull ruptured in an explosion of flame and steel, and a stream of Scorpion Elementals rushed onto the Hellion ship.  Star Captain Mira Scott lifted her right arm AP Gauss Rifle and fired a short burst into three Hellion Warriors that were pointing SMGs in her general direction, and she began to advance through the corridors.  “Gamma-Three, secure engineering!  Gamma-Two, the armory!  Gamma-One, our objective is the bridge!  Follow me!” she bounded off down the wide corridor, twenty-four more Elementals following in her wake.

Her radio crackled.  “Delta and Epsilon moving to secure weapons stations.  Zeta,” minus the twenty-five Elementals of Zeta-Two, either dead or wounded in deep space, “is heading for CIC and communications.”

“Gamma elements,” she added, “don’t give them time to think—press the attack home!”

Her Elementals zoomed along the corridors, not pausing to check their flanks, instead throwing a few grenades to the left, a burst of Gauss slugs to the right.  So far, her Warriors had not met any of the Hellion Marines; their only opposition had been the Warriors assigned to the crew—with pistols and perhaps an SMG against full-up battle armor:  the lightly armed and completely unarmored Hellions had no chance against the fast-moving Scorpions.

But her instincts screamed a warning as she approached the corridor junction just outside of the main bridge, and Mira raised one armored gauntlet—her Elementals slowed and ground to a halt as she extended a sensor probe around the bend.

There they were, and a hail of gauss slugs tore apart the sensor head.

“Full Star of Hellion PA(L),” she informed her men.  “Crew served weapons—I need a volunteer.”

Twenty-four voices barked out “AFF!” in reply, and Mira grinned.  “Jean, missiles.”

“Aff, Star Captain,” the young warrior answered, and he gathered himself and threw himself forward, first one and then the second of his short-range missiles streaking away towards the Hellion, even as his APG barked flame and fury.  But he wasn’t the only one firing and a hail of Hellion slugs shattered his armor, and his vital signs flat lined on Mira’s HUD.

Two massive explosions shook the corridor, and Mira yelled, “GO!” And her Elementals rounded the curve in the corridor and stormed the hard point, APGs ripping apart the Hellion infantry stunned by the concussion of warheads designed to tear apart BattleMechs.  Mira moved quickly to the hatch that sealed off the bridge and she activated the cutting torch in her left arm.  A second Elemental also began to work on cutting through the armored hatch, as the rest of her Elementals formed up into two security points and an assault team.

As her cutting torch exhausted its power cell, Mira stepped back, and another Warrior took over the task.  She pressed the comm stud set beside the hatch.  “We will be in there in a few moments, Hellions.  Now is the time to request hegira, if you are willing to acknowledge your defeat.”

No answer.  She shrugged as the plasma torches drew completed the circle, and then she kick the door in and her Elementals swarmed the bridge of the Cage’s Pride.

The Hellion Warriors, led by their Star Admiral fought ferociously, but none wore armor, and in short order the bridge was secured.


“SaKhan,” Gunthar reported from his station.  “We have taken the ship.  The surviving Hellion senior officers are requesting hegira.”

David nodded, but he couldn’t speak—his chest was tight and he had no breath.

Gunthar looked up at the saKhan of the Clan, and he cursed.  “Get a medic to the bridge!  NOW!” he yelled into the comm.  He rushed to David’s side, and loosened the old man’s collar.  “Help is on the way, Star Admiral.  Take this,” the Star Captain said as he shook two pills into his hand and placed them on David’s tongue.

As the nitroglycerin tablets melted into David’s bloodstream, his chest suddenly relaxed, and he sat back.  “Inform the Hellions, we grant their request for hegira, Star Captain,” he whispered.

“We can deal with that later, Sir,” Gunthar whispered.

“Now.  Star Captain.  Secure,” David winced again as he grabbed his chest against the sudden pain, “secure our victory!”

Gunthar stood back, and he nodded.  “Aff, saKhan.”  He turned away from David who still sat in his command chair, although his head was resting against his chest.  “You heard his orders, Warriors.  Secure his victory.”

David tried to nod his head, he tried to speak, even as the bridge hatch opened and a white-uniformed medical tech rushed to his side, but everything was going dark, fading from view.  My life, he thought before his eyes closed, has not been wasted.  My Scorpions, my Scorpions, they will regain the promise we once knew.  And then the Star Admiral, the saKhan of Clan Goliath Scorpion slid into eternal night on the bridge of his victorious flagship.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2012, 01:58:02 PM »

I just wanted to offer my apologies to Ice Hellion for picking on his chosen Clan.  I needed a Clan that is immensely prideful, arrogant, and quick to react, but not one so powerful that the Scorpions would need a deus ex machina to prevail.  The Hellions fit that bill.  Nothing personal, Ice.

No need to worry.
We fit the bill.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2012, 07:08:40 PM »

A heart attack?! Really?! I thought Clanners had pretty decent cardiovascular systems and refrained from most vices (smoking unfiltered cigarettes being one of them?)

Poor bastard. Here's hoping he's not really dead, just stunned with victory jubilee.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2012, 09:34:29 PM »

Chapter One

"Scorpions, we study history not to recall and recreate the exact specifics of our ancestors ways.  We study to understand the reasons for their policies and the reasons for either the success or failure of those policies.  Understand these reasons and you will understand when, if, and how to adapt successfully."

"The Clans began as the Star League Defense Force, Warriors.  Their heritage is our heritage.  We must never forget, however, that for all their valor, their courage, and their determination, the SLDF was not structured or equipped with deal with the conflicts of today here in the Homeworlds and the Pentagon.  Our methods, our tactics, our equipment, our reasons for existing are different from that of the SLDF, and thus so must be our solutions to the crises that we face."

—Star Admiral David Ben-Shimon addressing Sibko Roche Alpha-Two on their graduation, June 4, 3030.

Hall of the Goliath Scorpion, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
September 30, 3036

“I fear, my Khan, that I must once again ask that you reconsider your decision to remove the aerospace phenotype from the Goliath Scorpion toumen.  The progress that we are making every day in overcoming the flaws is staggering, and given a little more time we . . .” Philip, the Chief Scientist of the Scorpions was suddenly interrupted by the saKhan’s snort of derision.

“That entire aerospace phenotype has been an abject failure, Chief Scientist Philip,” Nikolai said.  “The Bears never adopted the genotype, using instead those improvements you and your fellow scientists developed for the MechWarriors.  Yet, their pilots are individually as capable as any of the other Clans—while being physically more robust, stronger, tougher, and aggressive.  What use is a Warrior is he cannot contribute outside of his designed role?  Warfare is not a game, Chief Scientist—all much can be anticipated, there are always surprises and a Warrior must be able to serve whether he sits in a cockpit or is forced to defend the Nest with a knife.”

“I respectfully disagree, saKhan,” the Scientist said with a bowed head, before turning gaze back on Mikhail Kirov.  “For five years now, we have fallen behind the lead of the other Clans as we have left an entire generation of aerospace phenotypes sidelined.  Nine full classes of sibkos have been decanted and started training missing a vital component of our comprehensive genetic engineering programs.  I beg you, my Khan, do not let us fall further behind.”

Mikhail considered the Scientist very seriously for a moment, and then he shook his head.  “I must agree with saKhan Djerassi, Chief Scientist Philip.  We have tried what the Scientist caste wanted—and it failed.  No, in this we will no longer follow the lead of other Clans—we will chart our own course.”

The Khan stood, his black ceremonial leather bodysuit adjusting itself to conform with his muscles as he stretched.  His helmet remained sitting on the polished obsidian table.  “And the production at Roche?  You bear good news for me, I hope, Chief Scientist?”

Philip bowed low.  “With the assistance of the Adder engineers and technicians, we have managed to reach full production.  Of course, they own half of that production.  At the moment, we have enough new OmniMechs on hand to refit an entire Galaxy, my Khan.  The new Sidewinder OmniMech has been thoroughly tested on both Roche and Sheridan and has proven very capable; the other designs are mostly proven technology.”

“And the OmniFighters?” asked Nikolai.

The Scientist winced slightly.  “Behind schedule.  Still, we have enough completed frames on hand to refit one full Galaxy.  But the vehicles have proven far simpler—and the Adders report that they are working extremely well as part of their Garrison forces.”

“No plan survives contact with the enemy, Chief Scientist,” Mikhail said as he stared out the window at the calm city streets below.  “After working together for six years now, you think I am going to have you purged for delay?  Do you mistake me for a Jaguar?”

“No, my Khan; my Khan is generous,” Philip said with a deep bow.

“Neg, Philip, your Khan is pragmatic.  There is a difference.  Ask the Seekers who still resent my budgetary reallocation if I am generous.  Their answer might well surprise you.  Was there anything else, Chief Scientist?”

“We have received the latest update from the Ravens on the status of the Requiem, my Khan.  Her repairs have been fully completed and her armament and armor package now match that of the Lei Kung; they should make delivery by the first of November.”

Mikhail smiled faintly.  The Requiem, formerly known as the Cage’s Pride, had required extensive—and expensive—repairs.  But as the final gift of David Ben-Shimon to his Clan, it was one that honored the Clan, and the sacrifice that David had made in obtaining it.  It would be good to see that ship returned—in Scorpion colors—to active service.

“Very good, Philip; you have worked miracles these past six years—and I shall not forget your efforts.  Nikolai, is the toumen ready for the Trials to come?”

“Indeed, my Khan.  The lethargy and shame has been drummed out of all the Clusters—and we have managed to add six new Clusters to the toumen.  Alpha Galaxy—and our two Keshiks—have completed simulator training on the new OmniMechs and are ready to receive them at your command, with their old units being passed down to Beta, and Beta’s distributed throughout the remaining five Galaxies.  All that is required is for you to give the word.”

Mikhail nodded again.  “Today.  It will be today, Nikolai; I can feel it.  Send the order and distribute the OmniMechs.  I want Alpha—and our Keshiks—prepared for anything that comes of today.”

Nikolai grinned.  “We are ready, my Khan.  Not one hundred percent, but ready enough.”

The Khan turned back to his saKhan who stood.  “Well then, shall we grace the Council of Khans with our presence, saKhan Djerassi?”

“I doubt that grace will be what they think, my Khan.  Personally . . . I give us no more than one chance in three of avoiding being shot.”

Mikhail barked out a laugh.  “You always were an optimist!”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2012, 02:17:57 AM »

Very Well written.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2012, 04:27:06 PM »

Hall of the Khans, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
September 30, 3036

Whispered conversation ground to a halt as Mikhail and Nikolai strode into the stone chamber.  Thirty-two Khans and saKhans waited for them—the last of the Clan leaders to make an appearance here today.  Behind the Scorpions, the double doors were slowly closed by Elementals of the Ebon Keshik, and those doors sealed with a resounding clang.  Three tiers of stone benches formed semi-circular terraces surrounding the well of the chamber, and against the far wall, a raised dais sat, with the empty chair and desk of the ilKhan—vacant these past eighty-nine years since the criminal treason and execution of Tobias Khatib.

Once, forty thrones—benches in common vernacular, but thrones all the same—sat on these terraces behind forty desks, with twenty tapestries bearing the emblems of the Clans adorning the polished walls.  But two of those Clans had been Absorbed, and the third Annihilated.  Their thrones and desks and tapestries had been removed long ago.  A visitor would have thought that power and ability would have been tied to whether a Khan sat near or far from the well; such an assumption would be easy to make given the nature of the Clans of Kerensky.

It would also be wrong.  Tradition ruled here in this sacred chamber, and the arrangement of the Khans remained as Nikolas Kerensky, the first ilKhan had assigned them.

Fourteen benches for seven Clans rested on the upper tier, with only the perimeter walk of the Ebon Keshik terraced above:  Blood Spirit, Burrock, Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Fire Mandrill, Ghost Bear, and Goliath Scorpion.  The middle terrace held twelve more benches—thrones—for six Clans:  Hell’s Horses, Ice Hellion, Jade Falcon, Nova Cat, Diamond Shark (once known as Sea Fox and seated accordingly), and Smoke Jaguar.  The lowest tier, one level above the well and even with that of the ilKhan’s Dias, held the remaining eight Khans of the last four Clans:  Snow Raven, Star Adder, Steel Viper, and Wolf.

A thirty-fifth man stood alone in the well:  Loremaster Raphael Mendoza of Clan Hell’s Horses, the senior Loremaster of the Clans.  In the absence of the ilKhan, it was his duty to preside—without a vote—over the Grand Council of Khans.

Mikhail, trailed by Nikolai, made his way through the Khans to his Clan’s assigned place at the far left of the upper terrace, even as Loremaster Mendoza called out for the Khans to take their seats and come to order.

Quickly, the Khans sat, and Mendoza nodded.  “I call this session of the Grand Council of Khans to order.  We are assembled today to discuss a grave charge made against Clan Goliath Scorpion:  that they have knowingly, and willfully, violated the Martial Code as laid down by Nicolas Kerensky.  That they have acted contrary to the orders of this very Council and dispatched an expedition to the Inner Sphere!  That they use subterfuge and deceit to conceal the presence of an asset to the whole of the Clans, preventing others from bidding for its possession as if their right!  That they no longer hold to the principles of zellbrigen, as given to the Clans by our Founders!”

Mendoza gazed at each of the assembled Khans, before he at last met Mikhail’s eyes.  “These are serious charges which carry . . . irreversible consequences if found to be true.  What does the Khan of the Goliath Scorpions say in answer?  Are these charges against his Clan true or are they false?”

Mikhail stood and he removed his ceremonial mask, set it down upon his desk, and laid one hand atop of it.  “I would know my accuser, Loremaster—as is my right under the Martial Code.”

Norman Rood, Khan of the Ice Hellions stood, removing his own mask.  “I level these charges, you traitorous scum.  See, my Khans, he denies his crimes here before you—he seeks to hide behind technicalities in the law while ignoring the spirit!  He is an abomination to this Council and to the Clans, and I claim the right to end his treacherous and dishonorable Clan!”

“Like a poor marksman, Khan Rood continues to miss the target, my Khans,” Mikhail said with a laugh.  “I deny nothing.  Rogue Warriors, led by a rogue Loremaster, sent some few Scorpions against the will of the Council—decades ago.  When this was discovered, my saKhan killed Angela Tazegul, as I slew Gregor Lunde.  We ended this violation of the law and punished those responsible.  To hold we, the ones who discovered this treachery of a few, the ones who corrected it with the blood of the dezgra faithless traitors, the ones who purged our Clan of those elements disloyal to this Council, is a travesty.  And I shall present evidence before you today, my Khans, that we have—as other Clans before us—dealt with an internal matter according to the laws of our society.”

“My Clan does possess an asset, but it is not one unknown to the Clans of Kerensky.  Two Clans, besides my own, at least know of it and of what it produces.  And the Khans of Star Adder and Wolf will confirm that.  Should we have told the rest of you of this facility?  Are you children who need to be led around by an adult caretaker, or are you Warriors?  You ignore the Scorpions, and then you accuse of us of hiding secrets, concealing assets, violating the Law.  All at the testimony of a Hellion!  I relish proving the innocence of my Clan here today, Loremaster Mendoza, my fellow Khans!  In fact, I demand the right to prove my Clan’s innocence, today!”

“And yet you do not answer the most serious of the charges, Khan Kirov,” Rood continued.  “You have broken with zellbrigen, you seek to arm your civilian castes, you no longer conduct yourselves as one of the Clans of the Founder!”

Mikhail struck a pose of indignation, and shook his head.  “Have we?  Have we really?  My Khans, I will present to this Council Battle-ROMs of every Trial that we have fought since I became Khan.  Show me where my warriors have breached zell, you fool of a Hellion.  It will be a fruitless endeavor for your attempt to show any such evidence; for we have not broken the sanctity of zellbrigen.”

Mikhail walked down the stone steps to the well and he turned to face the assembled Khans.  “What my Scorpions have done—what the Hellions protest—is simply this:  we changed our tactics, my Khans.  Now, when we engage you in a Trial, we hold as strictly, or as loosely, to zellbrigen as does the opponent we face.  We will fight you using your own rules for zell, be those rules strict adherence or tactics verging on the dishonorable.  The Hellions accuse us of treachery because in their most recent Trial against us, our light BattleMechs and OmniMechs used their own pack tactics against them!  There is an old saying, Khan Rood:  what is good for the goose is good for the gander.”  The Khan of the Scorpions laughed theatrically.  “Of course, it was the Hellions who got plucked like a chicken on their last Trial on Roche—not my Scorpions.  Stephan Cage must weep at the martial prowess of his descendents—if you had not already lost the vessel Cage’s Pride to us perhaps it would even now be renamed as Cage’s Shame.”

Norman Rood’s face drained of blood, and he lunged forward, stepping up on the back of the Snow Raven bench before him as he prepared to hurl himself into the well, but his saKhan and the Khan of Hell’s Horses restrained him.

Dozens of other Khans sprang to their feet as well, and Mendoza pounded the gavel and called for order.

Ghost Bear Khan Amanda Tseng turned to Nikolai and removed her mask.  “Is he deliberately baiting the Khans?”

“Neg, Khan Tseng,” Nikolai answered.  “He is showing the Hellion accusations for what they are—derived from the shame of a string of losses to a Clan the Hellions consider weak and beneath them.”

Lucien Moon removed his mask, and he snarled at the Khans until they quieted down, walking out onto the well alongside of Mikhail.  “Your machinations of words will matter not at all here, Scorpion—what of the charge that you are arming your civilians?  Answer this, or your Clan will answer to mine!”

“Khan Moon, the Scorpions are more than prepared to meet your Jaguars should you be willing to make good that threat.  Be careful of how far you push, Jaguar; for our sting is fatal for those envenomed.”

Utter silence descended upon the Council Chamber as Moon’s jaw worked in rage, but then Mikhail held up one hand.  “As to the charges—they are baseless.  Nikolas Kerensky himself set forth rules and regulations on how one might change their assigned caste.  It is true that in the recent decades, our Clans have let these laws wither; we have ignored them for too long.  I have begun a program in which any Scorpion, of any caste, may be tested—according to the laws of Nikolas Kerensky—to determine whether or not he or she is qualified, be he true-born or free-birth, of claiming the title of Warrior!”

A dozen Khans jumped to their feet; still more only stared in abject shock, but Mikhail smiled.  “This resource may be something that your Clans has chosen to ignore—until recently the Scorpions as well left the civilians to languish within the caste to which they were born, regardless of their ability.  We will no longer do so—we will follow the tenets of Nicolas and allow those worthy and able to prove they have the heart of a Warrior to serve as one.  To do otherwise, my Khans, would be a waste of valuable resources.  Your Clans may be willing to squander such, but the Scorpions are not.”

Six Khans began shouting as Mikhail finished, and a flustered Loremaster Mendoza stood on the dais.  “SILENCE!” he bellowed.  And surprisingly enough the Chamber quieted.

“The accusations presented to the Grand Council by the Hellions, and the refuting evidence submitted by the Scorpions in their defense has been assembled into a report for each of you.  I would suggest, my Khans that we recess for twenty-four hours to give each of you the time to go over this information in detail.”  He paused, and then he slammed down the gavel.  “Without objection, this session is hereby in recess.  Khan Kirov—you and your saKhan are to remain within the confines of Katyusha City until this matter is resolved.  We are adjourned.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2012, 09:36:07 PM »

Hall of the Goliath Scorpion, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
September 31, 3036

“While the meal and the conversation both were rather enjoyable, Khan Kirov, I doubt that you invited me to dinner in this Hall for my company—and if you expect to couple than your sanity must be called into question,” Yvonne Hazen said dryly after she patted her lips on the spotless white linen napkin and folded into in the crumb-filled china plate sitting before her.  “What is your real reason?  You cannot have any expectation that I plan on supporting you and your Scorpions on the morrow, after all.”

The brunette woman dressed in the emerald green of a Jade Falcon leaned back and lifted a glass half-filled with a dark burgundy wine.  Mikhail raised one hand, simultaneously acknowledging the Falcon’s point and summoning one of his servants to take away the dishes.  He too lifted a wineglass, and he stood and gestured to a pair of comfortable recliners set before the roaring fireplace.  Yvonne shook her head, but she too smiled, then stood, crossed the room, and sank down in the chair, as the last servant exited the room and closed the doors behind them.

“Tomorrow is precisely what I wished to discuss, Khan Hazen,” Mikhail said as he sat down in his chair.  “I hope to persuade you to support my position.”

Yvonne laughed.  “No offense, Khan Kirov, but the problems of the Goliath Scorpions are no concern of the Falcon.  Your Clan, despite your . . . improvements . . . within your toumen is a third-rate Clan with negligible assets.  I must admit that your handling of the difficult position that Lunde and Tazegul placed you in was quite decisive—and that will probably save your Warriors from a vote of Annihilation.  Especially given that you removed both of their genetic legacies—and the legacies of their predecessors—from your genetics program.  And it is to your credit that you have freely shared the information gathered from this Operation Pathfinder with the Khans,” she took another sip of wine, and then sighed.

“That information has only whet our appetites, however to begin the liberation of the Inner Sphere.  NOW.  This alliance between Steiner and Davion . . . if they can work together, it is a possibility that they may well force the rest into a new Star League.  A false Star League.  And no Falcon—no Crusader—can stand for that, Khan Kirov.”

“And your Warden allies know it; they blame you for giving us the weapon to force the issue in the very near future.  The rest of the charges?  I find your new taste for loosening your restrictions on zellbrigen distasteful, but it is your Clan.  You do no more than what the Wolf and the Hellion and the Shark already employ.  And your Battle-ROMs prove that your Scorpions fought with honor; that charge will not stick either.”

“But for the last, I cannot condone what you are doing to expand your toumen with this testing of the lower castes.  And even if I could, Khan Kirov, it remains that you are a Warden and I am a Crusader.  You would not have my vote regardless.  I will watch your Trial of Refusal with interest, however.”

“Ah, but perhaps we can find that we agree on more than you believe, Khan Hazen.”

The Falcon took another small sip and smiled.  “Converting to a Crusader are you?  That will only cost you votes, for neither the Hellions nor the Jaguars will vote for you—and it would turn your Warden allies even further away.”

“I am not so much a Crusader or a Warden, as I am a pragmatist, Khan Hazen.  I see the way that your faction is gaining strength, and whether the invasion occurs now or in a dozen years from now, it will make no difference in the long run—except for deepening the rifts between our two sides.  Creating an even greater atmosphere of mistrust between Clans that must work together in order to bring out the vision of Nicolas Kerensky and restore order to the Inner Sphere of our fathers.”

Mikhail took a sip and Yvonne waited patiently, her eyes twinkling in curiosity at just what the Scorpion Khan might say next.  He set down his glass on the same serving table between them and leaned forward.

“As you are well aware, my Clan acquired a third battleship several years ago, Khan Hazen.”

Yvonne grinned and then forced her smile away.  “I should not rejoice at anything that makes the Crusaders and their supporters look incompetent—but since we are speaking of the Hellions, you sparked much anger among them, and a day of rejoicing amongst my Falcons.”

“That I am well aware, Khan Hazen,” Mikhail answered in a wry voice.  “Three battleships are a . . . bit much for such a small Clan as the Goliath Scorpions however.  The manpower requirements, the cost of maintaining such vessels . . . it is a grave burden.  I mention this because I am also aware that the Snow Raven Khans have refused—three times now—to build the Falcons a third battleship of your own.”

Yvonne’s smile vanished and she sat perfectly still.  “Now, having won the Requiem by Trial, it would not be proper to just give away such a magnificent ship,” Mikhail continued, “and the Lei Kung was awarded to our Clan by Nicolas Kerensky himself.  It would be a dishonor to his memory to mothball or trade that ship as well.  But our third battleship, Atropos, she is a modern Nightlord-class, much like your own Emerald Talon.  Three years younger in fact, than your Emerald Talon.  Your Falcon’s Nest is a far larger Texas-class.  I believe that Atropos would serve well in Falcon Green.”

“Mikhail Kirov, are you bribing me?” Yvonne asked as she batted her eyes.

“By no means, Yvonne Hazen; I am proposing a trade.  I have not the resources in training naval officers and crew to field three battleships.  But I need an Aegis-class cruiser and a Congress-class frigate in order to bring my three Stars up to a uniform state of equipment.  You have both; I have a spare battleship.  And I will even throw in a Volga and a Carrack to sweeten the pot.  Your Clan gains a battleship—which will cause consternation among the Ravens; your actual fleet numbers will increase.  And in return, the Scorpions will receive one of your cruisers and one of your frigates.”

“But?” Yvonne asked.

“Alas, Khan Hazen, it all depends upon how the vote tomorrow goes.  Should the Scorpions be the target of an Absorption—or Annihilation—we cannot trade you those vessels.”

“Ah, Mikhail.  Why trade what I can take?”

“You, my dear Yvonne, are smarter than Lucien Moon and Norman Rood combined.  You will have to cut your bid to the bone to win against those two—and doing so you open yourself up to defeat by my reformed Scorpions in a Trial of Refusal.  And if you do not gain the honor of fighting me, then those ships—whichever ones survive—will go the Clans who do fight.  Not to you and your Falcons.”

“You speak the truth, Mikhail,” she said as she sat back and took a deep sip of the wine.

“Aff, Khan Hazen.  And know this:  if it comes to a vote on the invasion of the Inner Sphere, despite my Warden leanings and beliefs, both I and my saKhan will our votes ‘Aye’.  In fact, I intend for my Scorpions to have a place within that Invasion.  We are no longer slumbering in isolation, Yvonne.  My Scorpions have woken.”

The senior Khan of the Falcons stood and so did Mikhail.  “The dinner was quite enjoyable, Khan Kirov,” she said.  “And the conversation was . . . breathtaking.  As for tomorrow . . . let us see what comes to pass.  Good evening, Mikhail Kirov,” and she started laughing.

“Something amusing cross your mind, Khan Hazen,” Mikhail asked as he buzzed his servants to open the doors.

“I have the sad suspicion that perhaps it would best for the Clans as a whole if you were to die tomorrow—with you around, I fear that perhaps we will suffer the ancient curse of living in interesting times.  And I do not even believe in curses.”  She walked across to the doors and then turned around again to face Mikhail.  “Then again, I do like a good show.  Sleep well tonight, Scorpion.  Tomorrow will either be the end or the beginning.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2012, 12:46:23 AM »

Yes Interesting times indeed. Also the Ice Hellion Khan is hopped up on too much sugar.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2012, 03:45:54 PM »

Mikhail walked down the stone steps to the well and he turned to face the assembled Khans.  “What my Scorpions have done—what the Hellions protest—is simply this:  we changed our tactics, my Khans.  Now, when we engage you in a Trial, we hold as strictly, or as loosely, to zellbrigen as does the opponent we face.  We will fight you using your own rules for zell, be those rules strict adherence or tactics verging on the dishonorable.  The Hellions accuse us of treachery because in their most recent Trial against us, our light BattleMechs and OmniMechs used their own pack tactics against them!  There is an old saying, Khan Rood:  what is good for the goose is good for the gander.” ”

I think you are oversimplifying the pack tactics.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 09:50:32 PM by Knightmare »

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2012, 03:51:48 PM »

Yes, but the Khans are well aware of what he means.  As as most (not all, but most) readers of the BT universe.  The Hellions allow multiple light units to 'gang up' on a single heavy or assault to wear it down, but then they only premit ONE to go in for the kill.  The Scorpions just did the same thing to them (against the few Heavies and Assaults that they normally field).

Master Arminas


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2012, 06:50:10 PM »

Hall of the Khans, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
September 32, 3036

“A word, if you will Khan Kirov before this Council comes to order,” the senior Wolf Khan said as he intercepted Mikhail just outside the door to the Hall of the Khans. 

“Of course, Khan Ward,” Mikhail said and he nodded at Nikolai to go ahead then followed the Wolf into a small anteroom.

Kerlin Ward was already seated at a desk—there were no other chairs or benches present.  “Close the door,” he ordered briskly as he removed his mask and smoothed down his hair.  Mikhail stared at the Wolf for a moment, and then pushed the heavy door to a close and he removed his own ceremonial mask.

“You met with Khan Hazen last evening, Khan Kirov:  I would like to know what the two of you discussed,” Kerlin said without looking up.

“I beg your pardon?” Mikhail asked.

Kerlin raised his head and he glared at the Scorpion.  “You have already threatened every plan I have made to push this foolish invasion back!  Now you will tell me what you discussed with Hazen!”

Mikhail stared down at the Wolf for a moment and then he leaned forward and placed his hands on the table.  “What do you think gives you the right to issue orders to me, Kerlin?”

The Wolf tapped his fingers on the table.  “The Scorpions have always followed the lead and orders of the Wolves—at least until you became Khan.  Your rank stupidity has cost the Warden cause much in these last two days.  How dare you release that information on Pathfinder!  It should have been destroyed—you should have checked with me before you ever admitted possessing that information!”

Mikhail’s eyes narrowed, and then he stood straight and slowly nodded.  “So, you see the Scorpions as no more than your servants, do you Kerlin Ward?”

“You are the ones who claim that you owe the Wolves a debt; and instead of making good on that debt, you hand the Wardens this crisis!”

“We Scorpions honor Nicholas Kerensky and we honor his decision to forgive Ethan Moreau, which then allowed him to become our First Loremaster—the first such Loremaster of ALL the Clans of Kerensky, Khan Ward.  And yes, we acknowledge, that our debt—to Nicholas Kerensky—our surkairede, is now a debt of honor to Clan Wolf.  But that debt of honor, Kerlin Ward, it is not meant to transform the Scorpions in a client of your Wolves.  It is not meant to make us answer to you or any other Khan of Clan Wolf, be he of the Blood of Nicholas Kerensky or not!”

“You need to sit down and lis- . . .” Kerlin began to stand, but Mikhail interrupted him.

“SILENCE, Wolf—I am not finished,” Mikhail shouted.  The door swung open as a member of the Ebon Keshik peered within, to see the source of the commotion, but he only bowed and closed it again behind him when he saw that all was well.

Mikhail took a deep breath, and he continued in a softer, calmer voice.  “For too long, Clan Goliath Scorpion has aided Clan Wolf without exception, without question, without even being asked.  We have protected you, we have shared with you the fruits of our labors, we have given unto your Clan access to our deepest secrets, we have shared with you in the spirit of surkairede; and for what?  What have we gained out of it, Kerlin?”

“No longer does Clan Wolf even bother to thank us, they see this as a right due to them.  You see it as your due to receive our subservience, our respect that you do not have to earn—because Nicholas earned it for you.  Yet, when it is my Clan that needs help, where are the Wolves?  No, they say.  That is not the Way of the Clans.  Each must stand strong on its own.  And so the Scorpions have stood—wobbly at times, but we have stood.  Alone.  Always alone, for the Wolves whom we shed blood and treasure and the sweat of our brow in defense of consider it beneath them to aid us.”

“You steal from the Scorpions, without my Clan retaliating as the others would.  You stole from us our own Deep-Sea Mining Suits, and only reluctantly did your predecessors show the charity to share with us the Elemental Battle Armor you created without a batchall for the production rights!  When your Dragoon Compromise was voted upon, it was Scorpions who trained them—and Scorpion volunteers who accompanied them into the Inner Sphere.  And in return, instead of asking us for help, you once again took Star Colonel Dinour!  When it was your harvests on Eden that were insufficient to feed your own people, did you ask the Scorpions for aid?  Did you honor the surkairede we held?  No!  You fought a Trial, not against a Crusader Clan, but against us and left civilian castes on Tokasha on emergency rations for three months.”

“Always, it is what is best for the Wolves, as though we are only your Reserve Clan, only your property.  We have always been there for when you need us, but no, the mighty Wolves and the scions of Kerensky cannot be bothered with aiding the Scorpions when our Clan is in need.  When our Clan requires a brother’s aid.  And now, you have the temerity, to sit there and believe that you, Kerlin Ward, Khan of the Wolves, have the right to berate me, the Khan of Clan Goliath Scorpion?”

“Are you done?” snarled Kerlin.

“No, Khan Ward, I am far from done,” Mikhail snapped.  “Understand this, Wolf!  Our surkairede is complete!  No more will the Scorpions grant your Clan amnesty from the crimes that they commit upon us—try and you will discover for yourself just how lethal my Clan has become.”

Kerlin slammed his fist down on the table.  “And you have sealed your fate, Scorpion, for I will see to it that the Jaguars or the Hellions or the Horse's, or another Clan will either Annihilate or Absorb you—and use that as the reason why it is necessary to postpone this Invasion yet again.”

Mikhail laughed.  And Kerlin stood, his face tight with anger.  The Scorpion Khan made a dismissive gesture.  “No, Wolf, you will not.  You will defend my Clan in the Grand Council today—or it will be the Wolves who are Annihilated because of your treason.”

“What?  Have you lost your mind, Kirov?” Kerlin hissed.

“I did not provide the Khans access with everything that Pathfinder discovered, Kerlin Ward.  Oh, no.  Not everything by far—though I should have.”

Mikhail took a small holoplayer from a pouch on his desk and he set it down on the desk, pressing the play button.  A holographic image, small, but crystal clear snapped into view:  it showed a younger Kerlin Ward, along with two Wolf officers—one a dark-haired man, and the second a red-headed woman.

“Am I to understand your orders to the Reconnaissance Force, Khan Ward?  That we are to disregard all future commands from the Grand Council.  We are not to send further reports to the Homeworlds, and that you are instructing us to prepare the Inner Sphere to fight this invasion?  To include sharing our technology and bringing the Inner Sphere back to the up to the technological levels of the Star League?”

“Aff, Colonel Wolf.  The reports of your Dragoon’s have sparked a debate that threatens the status quo in the Homeworlds.  The Grand Council may have dispatched your Dragoon’s, but you remain part of my Clan.  And as Khan, I now issue those orders to you.  They are last, lawful orders you will ever receive from the Homeworlds, Colonel Wolf.  I will fight to delay the Invasion as long as I can—and you will do what you must to make certain that when the Invasion finally comes, it will not succeed.  These Crusaders do not want to liberate the Inner Sphere—they want to conqueror it.  I will not watch as the Khans tear apart this society like a score of Warlords in the worst tradition of Stefan Amaris.”

Kerlin swallowed hard, and he sat down—fell, actually—into his chair.  The recording continued, as Jamie Wolf slowly nodded.  “We are Wolves, Khan Ward.  Your orders will be obeyed.”

The projection ended and Mikhail placed the projector back within his pouch.  “Scorpions were on that final supply run, Kerlin.  Three Scorpions who survived their time amongst the Dragoons—and wondered why that the Khan of the Wolves, and not a representative of the Grand Council accompanied the ships.  Why that the Khan of the Wolves demanded a secret meeting with Jamie Wolf and Natasha Kerensky.  They recorded this in secret, at no small risk to themselves.  And then two of them decided to remain in the Inner Sphere—in an attempt to confirm the . . . treason . . . they alone bore witness to.  The third?  He embarked aboard your ships—although he never arrived in the Homeworlds.  I suspect that you murdered him, though I have no proof of that Kerlin Ward.”

The Wolf licked dry lips and he gazed at Mikhail in hate, as the Scorpion pressed on.  “Pathfinder made contact with one of those two surviving Scorpions a little more than seven years ago.  In 3032, he returned to Roche, and he reported to me all that he had witnessed and gave me this recording.  He is alive and he is prepared to testify if needed.  No, Khan Ward.  Today, you will support my Scorpions.  Today, the Wolf will repay its debt to my Clan.  And I will allow you to choose the manner of your own death rather than see the Clan of Kerensky ripped asunder by your crimes against the Martial Code.  You do not deserve the honor of having your name preserved in history, but as the final act of surkairede that my Clan owes to Nicholas Kerensky, I will allow you to keep your false honor intact.  I will hide the depths of your betrayal and depravity and treason from future histories.  I will give your progeny the opportunity to show that they are better men and women than you.”

“And for paying that price, Kerlin Ward, today you will protect and defend my Clan.  And then, you may send yourself to Hell through which means you prefer.  May God have mercy on your soul.”

Mikhail picked up his mask, and placed it back on his head.  Then, without another word, he turned on his heel and left Kerlin Ward, Khan of the Wolves, sitting alone in the anteroom.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2012, 06:57:51 PM »

Now there's a nice twist on an old tale.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2012, 09:56:39 PM »

Agreed. Like the God bit at the end as well. Was probably lost on Kerlin, but Mikhail would have enjoyed the historical connotation. God's the only one who's got Kerlin's back now.  ;)
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WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #43 on: May 24, 2012, 01:35:36 PM »

I like what you write but don't you have the feeling that life is just a bit too easy for the Scorpions?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #44 on: May 24, 2012, 02:21:49 PM »

Hall of the Khans, Katyusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
September 32, 3036

“This session of the Grand Council is called to order,” Loremaster Mendoza intoned.  “My Khans, you have reviewed the evidence both in support of the Ice Hellion claims against Goliath Scorpion, and the Scorpion defense.  The floor is now open for debate upon the issue.”

Norman Rood quickly stood.  “You have seen for yourselves now the perfidy of the Scorpions.  Khans of the Clans of Kerensky!  I call upon all those gathered today to sanction the Scorpions and deprive them of the right to be a Clan of Kerensky!  I demand that we find them in violation of the Martial Code of Kerensky, and that they be Absorbed!  And I submit to you that my Hellions, as the victims of their dishonorable and unClanlike behavior be given the right to conduct that Absorption!”

“While I agree with my Hellion comrade,” Lucien Moon said as he rose, “that the Scorpions should be Absorbed—allowing the Hellions that privilege is lunacy, my Khans!  They have already shown that they have suffered defeat after defeat at the hands of the Scorpions—would an Absorption Trial be any different?  No, I claim the right for my Clan—the Smoke Jaguars!  We will put an end to the Scorpions for all time!”

Khan Hazen of the Falcons began to laugh, and Lucien turned to stare at her.  “What is so funny, Falcon?”

“Khan Moon, Khan Rood, both of you seem to be overlooking something very important here,” she said as she stood.  “Clan Goliath Scorpion has not, in the opinion of the Jade Falcons, broken the Martial Code of Kerensky!  They have done no more and no less than the Hellions, Horses, Sharks, and Wolves have, over the past decades, in regards to zellbrigen.  As long as they retain their strict adherence to those codes in Trials against my Clan, why should a Falcon care if they loosen their own internal rules in regards to match those of others?”

“It is an internal matter, one which this Council well knows that Nicholas Kerensky himself allowed for each Clan to determine—as best suited to its needs.  If this is a crime, then what shall come next, my Khans?  Will the Jaguars submit when this Council admonishes them for their treatment of their Laborers and Merchants?  Will the Sharks submit when this Council calls upon them to reduce their Merchant’s power?  This matter is internal to their own Clan—and it has no bearing on the debate today.  For it is legal, my Khans.”

“On the second charge, that the Scorpions did knowingly and willingly violate the directives of the Grand Council and send expeditions to the Inner Sphere—that is indeed a crime.  A crime conducted by men and women who are now dead, who have been stripped of their genetic legacies, who were discovered in their treason by Scorpions, dealt with by Scorpions, and their course corrected by Scorpions.  The current leadership of the Scorpions has not lied to us; they have not concealed this treason by a few from us; they admit the sins of their criminal leaders and show us the proof that they threw them down and ended this illegal program in compliance with the Grand Council!”

Lucien Moon simply stared at Yvonne Hazen as she continued in her defense of the Scorpions.  “The industrial complex that many of you claim the Scorpions ‘hid’; my Khans, have your Clans no secrets of their own?  Did the Coyotes freely distribute their OmniMechs to all of the Clans once they had built them?  NO!  They used them, and it was a surprise that gave them great strength and honor!  We, all of our Clans, had to bid Trials against them in order to gain the technology for ourselves.  The Scorpions have done no less—and no more—than those long-dead Coyote Khans.  They, on their own soil, have restored a factory built by the Widowmakers!  Of all of our Clans, only Clan Wolf might have the right to challenge their possession—for Wolf absorbed Widowmaker.  Then again, Clan Wolf freely gave Spiderholm to the Scorpions, and the lands surrounding it.  Whether or not they knew of that factory does not mean that now, more than century later, they can ask for their gift back.”  Yvonne grinned as she peeled off her ceremonial mask.  “I would also remind my fellow Khans, that the Scorpions did NOT conceal this factory—the Adders and the Wolves both were aware of it.  They share in the production.  And any Trial against the Scorpions for their ownership would certainly entail a Trial against these two as well!”

The senior of the Star Adders rose, and he took removed his mask.  “The Falcon sees clearly; she perceives what should be obvious to all of you,” Marion Truscott said.  “A few short years ago, I too believed that the Scorpions were a Clan on the decline—hedonists who used the drug necrosia in abandon, a Clan that wantonly squandered its gifts in pursuit of artificial highs and that rejected the ideals of Kerensky.  I was wrong.  I have seen for myself the honor of the Scorpions; my Warriors have told me of their dedication to the ideals of Nicholas Kerensky and to the Laws that he laid down.  I have removed my blinders and seen for myself that such aspersions to their character are—by and large—in error.  And for that reason, the Adders will vote NAY.”

Truscott sat back down and Yvonne nodded her approval.  “No, my Khans, the Scorpions have done no more—and no less—than any of us would have done.  If you want their factory, then Trial for it!  In the Clan Way!  But they have committed no crime, on these charges, that is worthy of Absorption!”  Yvonne Hazen looked at each of her fellow Khans one after the next.  “So say the Falcons.  We as well will vote NAY.”

Jake Fletcher, Khan of the Hell’s Horses stood.  “You have not spoken of the most serious charge against them, Khan Hazen; that of the Scorpions arming their lower castes.  What of this matter?”

The Falcon nodded gravely.  “I will allow the Scorpions to answer that question, Khan Fletcher.”

But, before Mikhail could rise, the junior Khan of the Wolves stood.  “Nay, Khan Hazen.  The Scorpions need not answer, for the Wolves shall in their stead.”  Ulric Kerensky, saKhan of the Wolves removed his mask.  “We too worried that such a program might shatter the caste laws which bind our Clans together in a society and a culture based upon the Primacy of the Warrior.  I have, at the direction of my Khan, conducted a full investigation into the matter—with the cooperation of the Scorpions.”

“Clan Goliath Scorpion is not calling for the mass arming of the lower castes, my fellow Khans.  They have chosen to allow civilians to Test themselves against the rigorous challenges required of all True-Born Warriors.  We all do similar, with our Free-Born Warriors, although not quite to the same degree as what the Scorpions have proposed.  The Free-Born are, usually, but not always, the offspring of Warriors, who Test as Warriors based upon their maternal rights.  While each of our Clans uses them differently, we all have Free-Born in our ranks.”

“The Scorpions have proposed this:  that any civilian may Test for the position of Warrior.  This takes two parts:  in the first, once a civilian expresses such a desire, he is subjected to a board of physical and mental examinations:  a battery of tests that determine whether he has the physical stamina, strength, and the mental fortitude to be considered as a cantidate for Warrior.  He is given oral and written examinations that Test his knowledge of Clan law and history—philosophy, mathematics, the sciences, and the arts as well in the Scorpion Test.”

“These civilians must meet the same minimum standard as any Goliath Scorpion Warrior, my Khans.  The few who pass these tests, progress to Stage II.  Those who fail are either returned to their original caste, or based upon the test results are considered for reassignment to a higher, sometimes lower, caste.  This is mere common sense; a means that determines an individual’s worth by merit—not by birth.”

Ulric smiled.  “Stage II for the Scorpions lasts for six standard months.  Six months during which time the testee is subjected to harsh training—six months to learn what takes sibkin fifteen years of instruction.  The trial program on Marshall instituted by the Scorpions had in excess of  two hundred thousand candidates for Stage I.  Twelve thousand three hundred and forty-two qualified for Stage II.  Of those, only six hundred and seventeen successfully endured the training and the discipline—the remainder either dropping out or perishing.   Of those six hundred and seventeen, a mere two hundred and ninety-six passed their final Test to earn their Rights as a Warrior.  Those former civilians having passed all of the Tests that a Clan Warrior is expected, having survived training and shown themselves to carry the same dignity and courage as any True-Born Warrior; I submit to you my Khans, that while once they may have been civilians, NOW they are Warriors.”

“If any here consider arming three hundred former civilians who have passed through these Trials and proven their RIGHT to become a Warrior as ‘arming the lower castes en masse’, I find that I must question that Khan’s sanity.”

Amanda Tseng stood, and the Ghost Bear Khan nodded in agreement.  “These charges cannot be sustained.  They have not been proven.  Loremaster, I submit that no more debate is needed on this issue—let us resolve this so that the Grand Council can consider more pressing matters.”

Mendoza stood and he gauged the wishes of the assembled Khans, and then he bowed slightly.  “We will call the vote.  Aye to find the Scorpions guilty, and Nay to acquit them of the charges leveled against them.  How say you?  Clan Blood Spirit?”

“Aye!  Aye!” Two voices rang out.

“Clan Burrock?”

“Both Clans vote Aye.  And we will bid for the right of Absorption as well.”

“Clan Cloud Cobra?”

“Two Nays, Loremaster.”

“Clan Coyote?”

“Nay and Nay.”

“Clan Diamond Shark?”

“Aye; Nay!”

“Clan Fire Mandrill?”

“The Kindraas are in rare agreement, Loremaster:  Nay.”

“Clan Ghost Bear?”

“Nay twice.”

“Clan Hell’s Horse’s?”

“We are divided, Loremaster.  One aye, one nay.”

“Clan Ice Hellion?”

“AYE!  They must pay for their crimes!”

“Clan Jade Falcon?”

“Nay!” called Yvonne Hazen, but her saKhan Elias Crichell answered “Aye!”

“Clan Nova Cat?”

“One Nay; one aye, Loremaster.”

“Clan Smoke Jaguar?”

“AYE!” both Khans roared.

“Clan Snow Raven?”

“Nay, twice.”

“Clan Star Adder?”

“Nay and nay.”

“Clan Steel Viper?”

“Aye.  They violate the will of the Great Father.”

“Clan Wolf?”

Khan War stood, and he looked sourly at Mikhail, and then at the Loremaster.  “One Nay, from saKhan Kerensky—I abstain.”

“There being fourteen votes of Aye, seventeen Nay, with one abstention, the Grand Council finds that Clan Goliath Scorpion has NOT violated the Martial Code of Kerensky.  Is there a call for a Trial of Refusal—the odds will be 1.2 against the Clans calling for a Trial.”

No one answered.

“Very well,” said Mendoza.  “There is another matter before the Grand Council, brought by Khans Moon and Hazen; the mat-. . .”

“One moment, Loremaster Mendoza,” Khan Kerlin Ward said.  “Before we begin debate on what shall be a contentious issue, there is another matter—one that cannot wait.”

“Proceed, Khan Ward,” the Loremaster said as he sat down his tablet.

“I abstained in the vote against the Goliath Scorpions for one reason, and one reason only—I declare a Trial of Grievance against Khan Mikhail Kirov!  Earlier today, he informed me that Clan Goliath Scorpion deems that its surkairede to Clan Wolf is finished.  My Khans, the holder of surkairede cannot simply declare that his service to that rite is done!  He cannot declare that the oaths taken by his forefathers are in abeyance!  But I will not make this a matter that will weaken our Clans by claiming a Trial of Refusal that would turn into a War!  I claim against Mikhail Kirov a Trial of Grievance for the dishonor he shows to both his predecessors and my own!  Here and now, let the Blood of a Khan be spilled to show who is in the right—and who has failed in his duty.”

Mikhail stood and he grinned as he slowly nodded his head at Kerlin.  “If the Grand Council will grant us leave, then I accept your challenge, Kerlin Ward of the Wolves.  By all means, Wolf, let us put an end to this . . . disagreement.  And if you demand blood before you acknowledge our surkairede is at long last ended, I can promise you that blood you shall have in full measure.”
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