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Dread Moores

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #120 on: June 16, 2012, 03:29:31 PM »

Now that's the Candace I always wanted to see.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #121 on: June 16, 2012, 08:25:02 PM »

Imperial Palace, Imperial City
Luthien, Draconis Combine
December 20, 3037

“Ah, Theodore,” Takashi Kurita growled as he rose from his seat behind the polished desk of teak, trimmed in jade.  “My Gunji-no-Kanrei answers my summons swiftly.”

Theodore bowed low.  “As Lord Kurita commands, I obey, Father.”

“It was not always so, my son,” Takashi whispered.  And then he sat back down at his desk, gesturing towards a chair.  “I have received a . . . most unusual communication, and I would have your thoughts on it.”

The younger samurai did not speak, but he only bowed his slightly, and Takashi nodded.  “Would that you always had the sense to realize that sometimes words only get in the way of more important matters.”  The Coordinator of the Draconis Combine pressed a button hidden beneath the edge of the desk and dark blinders lowered over the windows, the lights growing dim; a holographic projection shimmered into existence and froze.

Theodore Kurita swallowed heavily, because the figure depicted within that hologram was none other than Jamie Wolf—the man who had provoked the Dragon into ruinous action at Misery, Glenmora, Harrow’s Sun, Wapakoneta, and Crossing.  The man his father hated above all others in the entire universe—even above Hanse Davion.

“Hai!” chuckled Takashi.  “You see now why I asked you here.  ComStar delivered this message in less than twenty-four hours.  Our friend has also informed me that a similar message was sent to Atreus.  Observe, my son.”

The projection began to play and Wolf’s image bowed low—a perfect and precise bow held for exactly the correct amount of time.  “Lord Kurita,” the image said, “I once swore that the next time I spoke to you would be at the moment of your death; I am casting that now aside.  Not because I do not hate you for what you did to Minobu Tetsuhara, or what you tried to do to my Dragoon’s, but because I find that I . . . must request your assistance, Lord Kurita.”

Theodore sucked in his breath, but he didn’t say a word.

“A storm is rising, Lord Kurita.  It is a storm which threatens not only your realm, but all of the Inner Sphere.  Kerensky’s children are coming home.”  Jamie paused and he nodded sharply.  “I am one of them, sent here to provide recon data for my people prior to their Invasion.  I long since changed my allegiances to that of the Inner Sphere, but my people are coming, Lord Kurita.  With might of arms not seen since the Fall of the Star League.”

“I have information to share with you, with First Prince Davion, with Archon Steiner, with Captain-General Marik, and with Chancellor Liao.  Alone, none of us will survive the coming tsunami; together we might prevail.”  The holographic image knelt before the camera recording this.  “My people have a custom called surkairede, the rite of forgiveness.  I put aside my hatred, my oath of vengeance against you, Lord Kurita, and I ask that we might forgive each other.  If the Dragon stands with us in defense of the Inner Sphere, we may prevail.  If not, we are each destined to become slaves to their might.”

“On March 30th of 3038, I hope that you and your son Theodore will meet with me, the Primus of ComStar, and the other four leaders of the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere on the planet Northwind, Lore Kurita.  I beg of you to lay aside, for now, your anger; because we need you and we need your samurai to have a fighting chance at life and freedom.  I have included in this transmission a small briefing paper on the Clans of Kerensky, as my former people are known.”  Jamie Wolf stood.

“I grant you my word, that you, your son, and your retinue will have safe conduct to this meeting of the Great Houses, and on your return home.”

The transmission ended.

Theodore considered the information given in the transmission; he collected and ordered his thoughts and Takashi remained silent until his son looked up.  “It could be a trap, Father, but what if it is not?”

“Hai.  Walk with me in the gardens, my son.” Takashi said as he stood and slowly walked to the door.  Theodore followed the old man out into the corridor and down a flight of stairs, then through a pair of double doors that opened upon a serene garden, filled with cherry trees full of blossoms, the gurgling of running water, the chirps of birds in all their varied splendor of plumage.  The son followed the father in silence as Takashi ambled through the garden slowly, listening and inhaling the scents, enjoying the sight of the blossoms set loose upon the wind as a breeze wafted down past the stone walls.

“How many Coordinators have walked in this garden, seeking answers to questions of honor and giri, my son?  It was giri, duty, which kept me focused on being a Coordinator instead of a husband, a father.  And in the process, I did not see the boy become a man.  A fine, fine man,” Takashi said as he laid one hand on Theodore’s shoulder.

“If it is a trap, we will face it as Kuritas,” the Coordinator said with conviction.  “If Wolf speaks the truth, however, we must prepare for in that case, all the conflicts we have waged in the past will be that of children playing at being soldier.”

“Regardless, Theodore, you and I must come to terms.  If there is war coming, I cannot fight it.  I cannot lead our armies into battle.  That role will fall to youI will unite the Combine and exhort them to remember our honor and our history—but it must you who wields my sword.”

Takashi paused.  “Could this be another scheme by the Fox to draw our attention away?  Another wedding on Terra?”

“I do not believe so, Father,” answered Theodore.  “There have no movements of troops towards our borders—either in the Suns or the Commonwealth.  Our agents have reported no increase in logistical efforts—if it is a scheme, it is a bold one.”

“Hai.  The Fox has always been bold and he has been a gambler upon occasion.  No, if he were aiming a blow at us, there would be units already in motion.  We shall attend this gathering on Northwind—convey that response to Jamie Wolf with my voice.  We will depart in a few weeks time—make what preparations you need, my son.”

Theodore bowed low and he turned to leave his father as the old man reached out his hand plucked a cherry blossom from the closest tree.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 08:29:13 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #122 on: June 16, 2012, 09:54:41 PM »

ComStar First Circuit
Hilton Head, Terra
December 20, 3037

Myndo Waterly’s eyes narrowed as the transmission from Hanse Davion came to an end.  “He is calling for a meeting with every House Lord?  Has this been confirmed?”

Charles Seneca shook his head.  “So far, there has been no reported transmission to Sian, Primus.  We have confirmed the contents of the messages sent to Atreus, Tharkad, Rasalhague, and Luthien, however.  The Luthien message was sent by Jamie Wolf . . . and might prove interesting for your viewing, Primus.”

Precentor ROM pressed a stud on a remote and the stored transmission of Jamie Wolf played in the dimly lit chamber of the First Circuit.  Several of the Precentors present gasped when Wolf revealed his origins—and when he spoke of the threat of the returning Star League.

“So here too, did Julian fail,” the Primus whispered. 

“If the Star League returns, how can we . . . our Blessed Order . . . we cannot fight them!”

“Be silent you fool before I have you sent for reeducation!” Myndo snapped.  “The Star League Defense Force voluntarily left—they abandoned us.  They have no claim on Terra or the Inner Sphere any longer—and if they do not know the Word of Blake, then they are heretics and apostates as well.  Your thoughts, Precentor Martial?”

“I have only questions, Primus,” answered Anastasius Focht.

“You were appointed as the commander of the ComGuards two years ago!  I expect more than questions from you!”

Focht bowed his head.  “Primus, if I may suggest, perhaps we should attend this conference.  To gain more information; although I believe that Precentor ROM has already downloaded the briefing material Wolf sent to Luthien.”

“And that material said what, Precentor ROM?” Myndo asked acidly.

“My analysts are pouring over it in detail now, Primus,” Seneca answered.  “We should be ready to brief you in the morning, Primus.”

The nostrils of the Primus of ComStar flared as she inhaled deeply.  “I need not remind any of you that our goal is to prevent the unification of the Inner Sphere behind Hanse Davion and his bride.  Redouble your efforts, Precentor ROM—we must have reliable information before we act.  In the meantime, Precentor Martial, step up your training cycles for the ComGuard and prepare to accompany me to Northwind in three months time.”

“It will be done, Primus,” Focht answered.  “If I may make a suggestion?”


“These . . . remnants of the SLDF might well have Star League technology long extinct in the Inner Sphere—except for our own Blessed Forces, praise Blake.  If they do, they may well possess WarShips, Primus.  I would request that we begin to restore our own Fleet and see to our defenses; as a precautionary measure.”

“Do you realize the cost of such an effort!” Precentor Bryant screamed.

“Yes, Precentor, I am quite aware of the fiscal cost . . . are you aware of the military and political cost of having a WarShip in orbit with nothing to fight it with?  I believe that cost is even higher, one might say total.”

“You have three WarShips, Precentor Martial,” the Primus began, but she stopped in shock as Focht interrupted her.

“And the SLDF left the Inner Sphere with four hundred, if I might remind the Primus.  Now, I certainly do not suggest that this force that sent the Wolf’s Dragoons—with ‘Mechs no one alive could identify within their ranks—possesses all of those ships that departed.  It is likely that they suffered losses over the years, even if they did not fight anyone.  And given the combat prowess of Jamie Wolf and his Dragoon’s, I would imagine they did fight wars out there.  But even if they lost ninety percent of what left on the Exodus, that still leaves thirty-six WarShips, Primus.  Which could be pitted against your three.”

“I see,” Myndo said even as she seethed.  “Open the naval depots and begin the reactivation of every ship contained within, Precentor Martial.  But I think you would best be served by devoting your attention to the ComGuards.  I shall be appointing a Precentor Naval to oversee our ships.”

And he will be loyal to me, she thought.  And Myndo smiled.

“As the Primus commands,” Focht answered.

“This is not the end, brethren in Blake,” Myndo intoned from her podium.  “This is perhaps the greatest opportunity ComStar has ever had to end the abomination of the Federated Commonwealth.  It is an opportunity that we shall seize.  The Inner Sphere will only be united under our rule, in the name and at the Word of Blake.”

“Blessed be Blake!”

And the Precentors answered her.  “Blessed be Blake!”
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 02:42:25 PM by masterarminas »

Ice Hellion

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #123 on: June 17, 2012, 03:56:53 AM »

Divide and you will be able to rule (old Blake's wisdom  :P)

Just a small mistake, it is Jaime Wolf and not Jamie Wolf.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #124 on: June 17, 2012, 09:55:22 AM »

Primus Waterly looks to be an unexpected blessing to the Clans if she gets her way even if it is only partially.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dread Moores

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #125 on: June 17, 2012, 10:23:16 AM »

Waterly was always a blessing to the Clans. Pretty much ever action she took (other than letting Frederick have his head on Tukayyid) since their arrival has done nothing but help them. It's that very idea that led me to a long-forgotten AU, where ComStar was directly complicit with the Clans.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #126 on: June 17, 2012, 11:01:16 AM »

Divide and you will be able to rule (old Blake's wisdom  :P)

Just a small mistake, it is Jaime Wolf and not Jamie Wolf.

Some days I really hate FASA old spelling of names.  LOL

Master Arminas


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #127 on: June 17, 2012, 12:25:52 PM »

She makes Hitler and Stalin look sane and compassionate
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dread Moores

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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #128 on: June 17, 2012, 01:23:59 PM »

Some days I really hate FASA old spelling of names.  LOL

Considering he looks like a certain Scottish actor who played a Russian sub commander, why not give him a Spanish style pronunciation? :D
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #129 on: June 17, 2012, 06:42:41 PM »

War Room, Celestial Palace, The Forbidden City
Sian, Capellan Confederation
January 17, 3038

“What is so urgent it could not wait until morning?” Romano Liao asked as she stormed into the deeply buried bunker under the Palace Complex.

Senior Colonel Martin Golan bowed deeply.  “I beg your forgiveness, Celestial Wisdom.  Hostile forces have entered the Sian system and will in position to begin landing operations in forty-two minutes.”

“WHAT FORCES?” Romano thundered.

“We have confirmation on the 1st and 2nd Kearny Highlanders, Marion’s Highlanders, and McCormack’s Fusiliers—it appears that all four Regiments of the Northwind Highlanders have returned, Celestial Wisdom.”

“New transponder identities confirmed,” announced one of the technicians.  “Alpha Regiment of Wolf’s Dragoons; Black Widow Battalion, Wolf’s Dragoons; Zeta Battalion, Wolf’s Dragoons; 1st St. Ives Lancers; 2nd St. Ives Lancers; St. Ives Cheveau Legers; Devon’s Armored Cavalry; Shepard’s Mounted Fusiliers; the Blackwind Lancers; Justina’s Cuirassiers,” the technician ended and he noted the stunned silence in the room and added just two words, “Celestial Wisdom.”

Romano looked over the frightened men and women within the room with disgust.  “So, my sister has decided to try and take away my throne, has she?” she whispered.  “Colonel Golan; you will send the planetary defense forces to their highest state of alert.  I want these traitors under fire from the moment they arrive in orbit to the time they draw their final breath.”

“I have already sent the alert on my own initiative, Celestial Wisdom,” he said with a deep bow.

“Did you?” the Chancellor purred.  “Perhaps I will let you live after all, Colonel Golan.  Now defend my capital.”

She turned on her heel and exited to where her paramour Tsen Shang waited.  He fell in lockstep with her as she pressed on into the palace complex.  “That fool will never hold Candace back,” she whispered.

“Shall I remove him?”

“No.  Candace is a whore but she is no fool.  She has stripped her realm bare to bring this much force against me—Sian cannot hold.  We will utilize the final solution.”

Tseng grinned as kept pace with her.  “I have experts who will swear upon their last that it was Candace who detonated the device.”

“Good.  Let us gather the children and board the DropShip.  When these troops take Sian we will destroy them and the capital—and then we can rebuild.  Fire cleanses all, Tseng.”

“Yes, Celestial Wisdom,” he said as the two of them reached the nursery.  Romano gasped, and then she smiled at the sight which awaited.  Her daughter’s latest puppy swayed back and forth on the end of long wire attached to the ceiling; one paw kicking reflexively, although it was certainly dead.

“KALI!” she screeched, and the little girl came running; she stopped before her mother and curtseyed, as her older brother—all of six—followed at a safe distance.  “Kali, did you hang your bitch Candace again?”

“Yes, Mother,” she answered.  And Romano smiled.  “Good girl,” she said and she hugged her daughter.  “Come children, we must make haste.”


Adjacent to the palace there was a hidden silo, and within that silo a fast Seeker-class DropShip.  The faceless guards with their mirrored visors snapped to attention as Romano, Shang, and the children passed.  This ship was kept here, ready to launch on a moment’s notice at her command; it waited for precisely this event.  The ramp retracted and the doors sealed behind the Chancellor as she boarded and she crossed over the elevator that led to her mobile command center.

In seconds the car halted and the doors opened; she stepped out onto the tiles of polished wood that covered the deck surface and keyed the intercom.  “This is the Chancellor.  Lift off and take us to the rendezvous, Captain.”

But there was no answer.  Romano frowned, and then her chair—her throne—slowly turned around to reveal Candace Liao sitting there, holding a sub-machine gun in her lap.

“Hello, sister,” Candace said.

“So, the invasion is a distraction—while you crawl in like a thief to assassinate me,” Romano spat.

“Surrender, Romano; you cannot win.”

“But I can, dear sister.  I am willing to die for my beliefs,” she said as one hand darted out and hit a hidden button—but nothing happened.

“I disconnected your detonator to the suicide nuke you had stashed away, Romano,” Candace quietly said.  “And there are no intact comms aboard this ship for you transmit your command for The Forbidden City to burn.”

“I have only but to yell, and my guards will be here atop of you, Candace.”

“Really?  Please yell, Romano.”

Romano’s consort gave an inarticulate cry and he clawed for his holster, but a ruby beam of laser energy tore through his chest from behind a screen.  And Justin Xiang Allard-Liao stepped into the light.

“Do you spread your legs for Hanse Davion as well, Candace?” Romano spat, fingering the hilt of the dagger hidden up her sleeve.

“It is good to see you, Romano,” Justin said.  “Don’t worry; this will all be over very shortly.  And your children will be raised by proper human beings instead of soulless monsters.”

“My children, Justin?  You will never corrupt my innocent children,” Romano spat and the knife slid into her hand, slicing Sun-Tzu along the forearm as the Chancellor grabbed Kali and held the blade at her throat.  She smiled as she slit her daughter’s throat from ear-to-ear, as Justin stared in horror, shock keeping him from firing.  Candace noticed that young Sun Tzu was frothing at the mouth, and he started going into convulsions on the floor.

“Poison.  How so like you Romano; if you cannot win you will destroy the game.”

“They were my brats—I have the right to determine their fate.”

Candace raised the SMG and slid off the safety.  “Not anymore, sister.  Good bye,” she finished as she tightened her finger on the trigger and the weapon barked, dozens of bullets riddling Romano Liao until she lay in a pool of blood.

The new Chancellor dropped the weapon and she thumbed a switch on her chair.  “Establish communications with Colonel Golan, Captain.  Let’s see if they still want a fight.  I will be ont he bridge momentarily.”

“By your command, Celestial Wisdom,” her commando’s voice came back from the bridge of the ship.

Candace sat back, and she gazed upon the bodies of her dead sister, her dead nephew, her dead niece.  “Justin, make certain the guards take proper care of the bodies,” she said as she stood.

“Of course, Candace,” he whispered as his wife, the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation walked out through the hatch and made her way towards the bridge.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #130 on: June 17, 2012, 08:49:30 PM »

ComStar First Circuit
Hilton Head, Terra
January 23, 3038

It was late in the evening, well past midnight in fact, but Gregory Zwick had been summoned here, to the First Circuit itself.  Gregory didn’t question the order—one didn’t do that in Myndo Waterly’s ComStar—but he was not surprised to find the First Circuit empty, cold, and dim.

“Demi-Precentor Gregory Zwick, reporting as ordered!” he snapped anyway.

“Excellent,” purred a voice hidden in the darkness.  And the Primus brought up the lights to reveal the chamber empty except for her and Zwick.

“Primus,” Gregory said with a bow.

“Demi-Precentor Zwick, I understand that you have a fascination for ancient ships?”

“I served aboard Narbonne once, Primus.  I yearn to one day command such a grand vessel.”

Myndo nodded.  Her ROM files indicated the man before her was utterly loyal, a dedicated follower of Blake, and next in line for command of an independent exploration JumpShip.  She nodded to herself, and motioned for Zwick to accompany her as she turned to leave the First Circuit behind.

Gregory did so—of course!—and he trailed behind her without a word as she led him through empty offices and waiting rooms, and then finally into a well-appointed parlor.  “Do you drink, Demi-Precentor?” she asked as she poured herself a small glass.

“In moderation only, Primus; and only when I am not on duty.  I am technically still on duty this evening,” he answered.  The Primus smiled again as she sat and motioned for Gregory to take a seat for himself.

“Demi-Precentor Zwick, I am concerned that our Precentor Martial is becoming too diverted to concentrate upon what should be his steadfast focus on my ComGuards.  The rigors of the naval environment are something which he never trained for—and he has not the love of the ships in his blood.  But you do.”  She smiled, and Gregory sat very, very still.

“I am thinking of appointing you as Precentor Naval, Gregory Zwick, with orders to prepare the Fleets of ComStar.  I want all of our ships ready for service as quickly as humanly possible.”

Gregory’s jaw dropped.  “ALL of our ships, Primus?”

“Is there a problem with, Precentor Naval?”

The newly promoted naval officer nodded his head slowly.  “Primus, we have three actual WarShips on active duty, all Dante-class frigates, plus another six Faslane-class Mobile Repair Yards.  Four of those yards are deployed on distant stations.  Titan is . . . Primus, the Titan Yards are ninety percent inactive at the moment.  There simply hasn’t been a reason to run them at anything approaching normal level of operation, Star Level normal levels.”

 He paused and he considered.   â€œWe have two Faslanes in the reserve Fleet Yards at Luyten 68-28 and Ross 248.  Those ships are operational, and our first priority will be to reactive the two Newgrange-class Mobile Repair Yards while bringing Titan fully back on-line.  This will take at least a year to assemble the manpower and complete the work.  Only then can we start activating the ships.”  He paused and considered again, nodding his head.

“At the moment, we have one battleship, one troop cruiser, five battle cruisers, three heavy cruisers, five cruisers, four frigates, twenty-seven destroyers, and seven corvettes at the two Reserve Yards and in other caches.  Our next step will be to active the last Dante-class we have in the Reserve and convert all four of these ships into training vessels as we begin reactivation.”  He shook his head.  “Primus we can pull many engineers and technicians from our JumpShip Fleet, but there are multiple roles aboard a WarShip that must be filled by specialized personnel.  We will require time to train them.”

Myndo smiled and she nodded.  “How long?”

“Two years, perhaps three before we can even think about activating additional WarShips.   By then, we will have run four, maybe six classes through the Dantes, and our Mobile Repair Yards will have finished their refit on the next four ships—I would recommend cruisers or heavy cruisers, so that our personnel can start getting experience.  By that time, our remaining Faslanes will have returned Terra, and we can start to restore eight ships at a time, getting their K/F drives working so that Titan can do the real hard labor.  Five years from now, we might have twelve or fourteen ships in service—give me a decade and I can restore and man thirty or thirty-five ships.  Fifteen years and everything we have will be on active duty.”

“But it will be very expensive, Primus,” Gregory finished.

“Yes.  It will, Precentor Naval.  That is not your concern, for the First Circuit has already authorized me to appoint you and reactivate our Fleet.  I will give you a decade Precentor Naval, a decade to have all of our ships restored.  Do not fail me.”

“Primus, it will be all but impossible to res-. . .”

“All things are possible with sufficient faith in Blake, Precentor Naval.  Should I rethink my decision to appoint you?”

Gregory stood and he bowed low.  “I will have your ships available within the decade, Primus,” he said.

“Good.  And if you do not, Precentor Naval, remember there are ambitious young Adepts and Demi-Precentors and Precentors out there looking for your job.  Do not give me a reason to have you sent to Tierra del Fuego for reeducation, Precentor Naval.  You may depart and get to work on your assigned tasks.  Now, Precentor Naval.”

Gregory bowed his way out of the door, and then he started walking for the exit.  Time to get off Hilton Head and back in space, he thought!  And even if I can’t make the horse sing, I’ve got ten years to play with honest to God WarShips!



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #131 on: June 17, 2012, 11:00:56 PM »

I just had a thought, would not a ship representing all the Clans carry an SLS designator?
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #132 on: June 17, 2012, 11:23:47 PM »

I just had a thought, would not a ship representing all the Clans carry an SLS designator?

It might.  I did CIKS for Clan ilKhan Ship.  But either works.  Which do you guys like?



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #133 on: June 18, 2012, 12:00:57 AM »

Strangely enough, each of the books I just checked, the SLS McKenna's Pride is only ever referred to as the McKenna's Pride, so perhaps their is no overall Clan level designation.

Checked Wars of Reaving, Warriors of Kerensky and Betrayal of Ideals.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #134 on: June 18, 2012, 02:06:43 PM »

JumpShip Chrysanthemum
Zenith Jump Point, Northwind
March 24, 3038

“Jump complete, Lord Kurita,” the commander of the JumpShip said with a slight bow towards the Coordinator and his son.  Takashi nodded his head in answer—he had chosen the Monolith-class Chrysanthemum to show his fellow Lords the strength of the Dragon; after all such rare ships were devoted to only the largest of military operations.  And the fact that his ship had nine docking collars had allowed him to bring along his entire Otomo, two full DEST commando teams, two battalions of the 2nd Sword of Light Regiment, an entire aerospace fighter wing and its Vengeance-class carrier, and two assault DropShips (both Achilles)—in addition to his personal Command DropShip.

The corner of the Dragon’s mouth lifted in a smirk.  If Hanse Davion was laying a trap, he would quickly find that Takashi was not so easily ensnared.  Then he frowned.  The ship’s command staff had suddenly stiffed, with officers rushing around to various stations, almost in a state of panic.  The commander’s eyes grew wild and he quietly—but urgently—barked out commands into his headset.

Theodore cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the ship's commander, for he as well noted the change in demeanor.

“Lord Kurita, Gunji-no-kanrei; we are being informed by Northwind Zenith Control that our DropShips will have an escort to the planetary surface; an escort provided by the Wolf’s Dragoons.  I-I,” the man stammered and he shook his head, “if my Lords would observe for themselves.”  He finished with a bowed head.

Curiosity raised, Takashi walked over to a monitor screen, his son at his side.  The crewman seated there pulled up a visual image of the escort as it closed on the Jump Point—and Takashi’s blood ran cold, even as his son spat out a curse.

“Chikushoume,” his son whispered.  “That’s a Sovetskii Soyuz heavy cruiser!”

Takashi grunted.  “I will take your word for it, Theodore.  You built enough models of the old Fleets of the Inner Sphere as a child to know better than I.  And control your language—your time among the criminals is showing through, my son,” he whispered.  And nodded his head in thought.  The WarShip on the screen was painted a flat black, adorned only with a slavering wolf’s jaws emblem of the Dragoons.  So you were speaking the truth, Jaime, he thought to himself.

“My Lord Kurita,” the commander interrupted.  “The vessel is hailing us; they have identified themselves as the Wolf’s Dragoons Ship Athena, and are ready to escort your DropShip to Northwind at your convenience.”

“Send my compliments to Athena, Commander and inform them that will be disengage from our JumpShip in thirty minutes.  Gunji-no-kanrei, I believe that our escorts will not be needed.  Have both DEST teams transferred to my DropShip; they and the Otomo will accompany you and I; the remainder will remain aboard this ship until our return.”

“Hai, father,” his son answered.  Then he stepped close.  “And if Jaime Wolf decides to end this feud once and for all?”

Takashi snorted.  “Then the rest of ships would just add to the number of targets for that vessel.  At least he has not painted a yellow bird on the nose of that monster.  Go, and make certain all in readiness; it appears that we will have much to discuss with the Wolf and the Fox at this conference.”

Theodore Kurita snapped to attention and then he quickly left the bridge of the Monolith, but his father kept staring at the screen.  Staring at a ship long thought extinct and wondering what new revelations would be found on the planet far below. 
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