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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #135 on: June 18, 2012, 08:21:28 PM »

The Chamber of Elders, Tara
March 30, 3038

Colonel Fiona Chattan, the senior Elder of the assembled Clans of Northwind stood as the last of her invited guests entered the room.  Behind her there hung six banners on the stone wall; each bearing the emblem of one of Regiments of the Northwind Highlanders.  And in the exact center of those six banners marching across the blocks of granite stood an oak stand, holding six scabbards, each with a sheathed Claymore.

“As Speaker of the Elders of Northwind, the spokesman for all which live and work upon this world, I bid you welcome,” she said to the assembly seated at the round table before her.  Hanse Davion and his wife Melissa to her left, followed by Candace Liao and her husband Justin.  Then Thomas Marik, who sat alone, followed by Katrina Steiner—also without a companion.  Haakon Magnusson, the Elected Prince of Rasalhague was next, followed by Takashi Kurita and his son Theodore.  And then, to Fiona’s right sat the Primus of ComStar, accompanied by two of her acolytes, theirs faces shielded behind mirrored visors.

“What is this nonsense?” snarled Myndo Waterly.  “Where is the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation?   I see the Duchess of St. Ives, but where is her sister?”

“Dead, Primus,” answered Candace, “my sister, her consort, and her children lie dead—and it is my St. Ives Lancers who today guard my capital of Sian.”

Murmurs rose around the table, and Thomas Marik slowly nodded his appreciation; Romano had proven to be more of thorn to him than any other except Hanse Davion, after all; especially when she had encouraged and then actively aided the Andurien worlds to once again secede from his realm.  Of course, that had backfired on her when Canopian and Andurien troops invaded Capellan space; but her hand had been behind, Thomas was certain.

Meanwhile, Myndo Waterly had grown red-faced with anger, as she whispered too loudly to her subordinates, demanding to know why she had not been told.  Several of the Lords seated at the table smiled broadly; seeing the Primus of ComStar embarrass herself in public was a rare treat—and slowly Myndo’s voice trailed off and she grew quiet once more.

“I claim the title of Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation by right of blood ties to the House of Liao which rules it; my brother Tormano has already accepted me as his sovereign and pledged his allegiance.  As have the Warrior Houses of Sian and the Red Lancers.  Further, my Lords and Ladies, I have entered into a peace treaty with the Federated Suns, ending officially our conflict begun in the Fourth Succession War.  As part of the terms of that treaty, the Federated Commonwealth will return the Confederation to its pre-war borders, excep-. . .”

Whispers of excitement arose as those staff not seated at the table allowed their voices to carry too high, but Candace raised her own in irritation, “excepting only the worlds closer to Terra than a line extending from Tall Trees to Tikonov, through the systems of Hsien, Nanking, Arboris, Azha, Hamal, and Yangtze.  In exchange, Prince Davion will transfer the following systems back to the Capellan Confederation:  New Aragon, Algot, Halloran V, Demeter, Almach, Mesartim, Mira, and Chesterton.  As an additional part of this Treaty, Prince Davion has declared Northwind an independent world—and the four currently existing Regiments of Northwind Highlanders have returned to the service of the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation.  For my part, I have pledged to officially join the Federated Com-“

Once again voices arose, and Myndo Waterly looked absolutely furious as her face drained of all color.

“TO OFFICALLY JOIN,” Candace shouted, and the noise ebbed, “the Federated Commonwealth as an autonomous associated power.  I could have told each of you this over the HPG, but since we were meeting anyway,” she shrugged.  And then she sat.

Takashi Kurita’s face was motionless; there was no outward sign of his emotions.  But his keen mind quickly ran through the permutations, and he slowly nodded in a silent salute.  Well played, Fox, he thought.  If it were not for these Clans and their soon to arrive invasion, you would have the forces you need to deal with me and Thomas once and for all time.  That is if Myndo doesn’t unleash what my son fears that she harbors on veiled Terra.

“Well,” continued Fiona.  “With that out of the way, I shall now depart from your deliberations, my Lords.  But first, allow me to introduce the one who will preside over this assembly:  Jaime Wolf.”

She stepped back, and Hanse Davion along with his wife rose, followed by Candace and Justine, Katrina and Thomas, Haakon Magnusson, and then at last Takashi and his son.  Even Myndo stood, and the Coordinator silently tsked at her expression.  Player’s in the Great Game, Myndo Waterly, he thought to himself, they must control events around them—but before they can do that, they must first control themselves.  You are a poor player upon this stage, full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing.

The Coordinator of the Draconis Combine turned his eyes upon his most hated of foes, Jamie Wolf, as the bearded man shook hands with Colonel Chattan, and then stood at her podium between Myndo and Hanse.  But when the Primus flinched, the Coordinator turned back to her once more, and he could see that she hated Wolf far more than he did—and Takashi Kurita frowned.

The Lords of the Inner Sphere sat once more as Wolf stood there.  “The reason you were all called here today is a simple one at its heart:  Kerensky’s Army is returning home.”  Jaime Wolf held up one hand to stop the questions.  “The story is a long one, and I must ask for your patience.  In 2784, General Aleksandyr Kerensky led the remnants of the Star League Defense Forces away from the Inner in an attempt to keep those units from joining in the madness of the Succession Wars.  No one here knew the true story of what happened once he disappeared into the Deep Periphery.  Until today.  Today, I will relate that tale to you, and present you with the proof that you need to accept that his descendants—my brothers and sisters who call themselves the Clans of Kerensky—are returning to conqueror us all.  It all began . . .”
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 09:07:54 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #136 on: June 18, 2012, 10:11:49 PM »

Based on my best guestimates, this is the Capellan Confederation after the Davion Gift.  I amalgamated the remainder of the Sarna March into the Draconis March is various bits, but it could go to the Lyrans, it was just easier to do it that way.

Is this what you had in mind?
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #137 on: June 18, 2012, 10:13:24 PM »

nice!  ;D


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #138 on: June 18, 2012, 10:14:52 PM »

Very nice, I think that is a good deal for the Capellans. Yes they become the third state of the Federated Commonwealth but they get most of their worlds including Chesterton back without any bloodshed. Sounds like there will be a Terran or Corridor March of the Federated Commonwealth which could be a fourth member of the Alliance. Will the Free Worlds League be far behind?


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #139 on: June 18, 2012, 10:17:06 PM »

Based on my best guestimates, this is the Capellan Confederation after the Davion Gift.  I amalgamated the remainder of the Sarna March into the Draconis March is various bits, but it could go to the Lyrans, it was just easier to do it that way.

Is this what you had in mind?

Quoting from Apollo 13, you, sir, are a steely-eyed missileman!  Damn, I love your maps, Blacknova.  It's perfect.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #140 on: June 18, 2012, 10:18:26 PM »

Thanks, its a nice way to distract myself on a lunch break and I am enjoying this story immensely.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #141 on: June 18, 2012, 10:20:33 PM »

I just realised the scale bar is off.  Ignore it for this map as it is inaccurate.  It should reao 0, 85, 170.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #142 on: June 18, 2012, 10:24:29 PM »

Based on my best guestimates, this is the Capellan Confederation after the Davion Gift.  I amalgamated the remainder of the Sarna March into the Draconis March is various bits, but it could go to the Lyrans, it was just easier to do it that way.

Is this what you had in mind?

My vision for Clarion Call is different than this and I hope to have some map work for you soon Nova. Big issue I'm still going over is the Tikonov Republican Guard and the fate of the Tikonov Free Republic. Without revealing too many juicy details it comes down to the old border of the Republic being within the old Hegemony and not the Tikonov Commonalty as you see here. So what are the sons of Ridzik to do? Stay in the Terran Corridor or go to Tikonov proper? Or do they want it all and in doing so become an obstacle to any such division.

Be interested in what Master Arminas thought and what he is doing here. Of course everyone else is free to chime in too! ;)


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #143 on: June 18, 2012, 10:33:35 PM »

76 worlds, with 5 major military production centres is going to be a hard sell to both the Federated suns, who conquered the territory and the Lyran Commonwealth, who technically holds those worlds.

This all on the promise of a Liao...

I expect this will have ramifications both in those two states and in the Confederation, where joining the Davion Empire will be met <sarcasm font>with less than total enthusiasm.<sarcasm font/>
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #144 on: June 19, 2012, 05:04:49 PM »

The Chamber of Elders, Tara
March 30, 3038

“I do not see why this concerns the Free Worlds League at all,” said Thomas Marik after Jaime Wolf had finished with his briefing.  “This . . . threat of Invasion will come, so you say, on the Periphery borders of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine.  This is your problem; seldom enough have your states come to the defense of the League and its peoples—and I shall not commit my forces to defending your realms today.”

“Captain-General Marik,” answered Jaime, “we must all hang together, or we shall most assuredly hang separately.  The Clans will not stop after devouring the Lyran Commonwealth and Draconis Combine; they will keep going until all of humanity is united under their dictatorial rule.  They remember well how your ancestor snubbed General Kerensky and denied him the support of the League during the Amaris Coup—they will come for you as well, Lord Marik.”

“Hah!” barked Thomas.  “Do not try to frighten me or intimidate me, Wolf!  By your own admission, they will commit no more than one hundred of these Clusters—possibly less.   That is just forty-two Regiments of BattleMechs—forty-two!  Even if their weapons are as powerful as you claim, and it takes two or three of our Regiments to fight against them and win, the Lyrans, the Combine, and the Federated Suns alone can quite easily quash this invasion force with just their own forces!  No, the League will not get involved with this . . . foolish excuse to surrender our sovereignty.”

“Have you forgotten that they possess WarShips, Lord Marik?  And that their infantry alone is something from a nightmare that will rip through your ‘Mechs like paper-mache sculptures?”

Katrina Steiner smiled and she shook her head.  “He hasn’t forgotten, Colonel Wolf—he is asking what is in this for him?  Aren’t you Thomas?”

“Bribery will get you little, Katrina,” the Lord of the Free Worlds answered bluntly.

“Oh?  You are immune to bribery, Thomas?” she laughed.  “That alone makes you better than the rest of us.”

“What you could bribe me with, you will not.  You will not return the worlds you seized in the 4th Succession War, nor will you return Bolan to the League.  So, no, dear Katrina, there is nothing which you are willing to do which would coerce me to support this.”

“Not even a complete technical database which explains the recovered Star League technology found in your copy of the Helm Core, Captain-General Marik?” Jaime Wolf said sharply.  “A database which shows exactly how to manufacture those weapons, equipment, and construction materials once used so commonly by the SLDF?”

Myndo Waterly jerked in her seat and if looks could kill, then Jaime Wolf would have been dead a hundred times over.

Thomas snorted.  “My people will unlock the secrets of that core on their own, Jaime Wolf.  You and your masters will have to do better than that if you want the assistance of the League in this matter.”

“Thomas, the Federated Commonwealth has to keep the Terran Corridor open,” Hanse said.  “We cannot give you back those worlds—not all of them.”

“Oh, and which ones would you keep then, Hanse Davion?”

“Alula Australis, Graham IV, Procyon . . . and Oliver.  If that is your price, we will return the remainder to your rule.”

Thomas Marik sat back in his chair.  “It is a start, Lord Davion.”

“Then let us settle this matter once and for all time, Lord Marik,” Katrina began to say, but then she winced in pain; several servants began to cross over towards her but she waved them back down and composed herself.  “Bolan is yours, Thomas.  I will withdraw all Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Commonwealth personnel from it immediately after this conference.”

The Captain-General slowly nodded.  “I will commit only Federal forces—and only a portion of those.  That must be understood.”

“It is,” answered Hanse, but the First Prince of the Federated Suns was still staring at his mother-in-law.  She had not announced publicly the news that she was terminally ill; her physicians gave her a year; perhaps two before the cancer eating away at her would claim her life.  He squeezed Melissa’s hand, but Melissa Steiner-Davion did not let any emotion play across her face.

“Well, then.  If Coordinator Kurita would agree, I will place a portion of the FWLM within the Draconis Combine, as you are already moving to reinforce the Lyran side.  That leaves our newest Lord, Candace Liao to supplement the Free Rasalhague Republic—since you have problems with both Steiner and Kurita, Lord Magnusson,” Thomas continued.

“That is acceptable,” Haakon answered crisply.  “Within reason, Lord Liao; I shall not allow your forces to outnumber my own.”

Candace laughed.  “It will be quite a while before I can spare enough forces to outnumber yours, Lord Magnusson,” she answered.

Jaime Wolf nodded at the Lords seated before him.  “There are many details that remain to be ironed out, but for now I think we have reached a meeting of the minds—tomorrow I have arranged for a demonstration of Clan weapons technology for each of you; bear in mind the units I will be allowing you to handle and observe tomorrow are considered . . . well, they are not quite obsolete, but they are war-machines reserved for garrison use.  Their front-line forces are far more intimidating and lethal, my Lords.”

The Wolf paused, but then Myndo Waterly’s voice cut in.

“There remains one final matter, Jaime Wolf,” she said.  “Your WarShips.  Those ships could alter the balance of power between the Great Houses.  I, must, as the only neutral party present request that you turn those ships over to the control of ComStar, to be used against these Invading Clans as required.”

Jaime’s eyes hardened into flints, and he shook his head.  “Request denied, Primus,” he growled.

Myndo smirked.  “You having these ships will provoke the Lords gathered here into investing tremendous resources in trying to build their own, Jaime Wolf.  ComStar is the only reasonable alternative to field them, on behalf of all mankind.”

“No.  Those ships belong to the Dragoon’s, Primus, and I shall not hand them over to you.”

Her nostrils flared, but she said nothing.

Jaime nodded.  But then Haakon Magnusson spoke up.  “Colonel Wolf,” he began, “you have told us of their numbers and their strengths and that they mean to invade our worlds.  But why?  Why wage a wage where it will take them more than a year’s journey aboard JumpShips to start.  Why are they coming?”

“Lord Magnusson, your realm—and those of Lords Steiner and Kurita—are merely in their way.  The Clans are striking at you not to destroy you, but to determine which Clan among them garners the most honor, glory, and stature as they race for their actual target.  Terra.”

Myndo jerked; the blood drained from her face, and her jaw worked, but she uttered no sound.  “The Clans hold Terra as a sacred world and they seek to claim as their capital.  From there, they will then conquer us all, under the direction of an ilClan, the Clan that seized the seat of the long-dead Star League.  The ilClan will be assigned the worlds of the Hegemony to rule over, while the remaining sixteen Clans divide the rest of the Inner Sphere amongst them, and eventually the Periphery states.  The come, Prince Haakon, because they would impose their society, their culture, and their rule over every free man and woman living.  And only the blood of those free men and women, shed on the field of battle, has a hope of stopping them.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #145 on: June 19, 2012, 05:28:04 PM »

Ahh too bad the Primus did not have a heart attack but that would require a heart. Maybe a stroke or a seizure. I hope the Clans arrive soon so that Clan Wolf crimes can be laid bare.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #146 on: June 19, 2012, 06:52:46 PM »

Highland Spaceport, Tara
April 4, 3038

Jaime Wolf watched as the eye-tearing glares of DropShips ascended in the heavens, each carrying one of the Lords on his or her way home.  His own DropShip waited for him and Natasha . . . and then they would have yeoman’s work ahead of them on Outreach.

“They agreed to more than I thought they would,” the Black Widow said at his side.  “Certainly, I did not think they would go so far as to name you as Supreme Commander and charge you with devising a plan to repel the Clans when they come.”

“But is it enough, Colonel Kerensky?” Jaime mused as the last glowing trace of the drive plumes slowly shrank away.  “We plastered over the fractures and united them with fear—but can they actually work together?”

“Who knows?” Natasha answered with a shrug.  “I’m more worried about ComStar.  Myndo never admitted to having any great numbers of troops—and she committed none to our operations.  We both know what General Kerensky left on Terra long ago . . . and in the deep space naval caches.”

“She’s predictable, Natasha.  Her own troops and her ships she will bring to defend Terra.  The rest of humanity she couldn’t care about in the least—as long as no one else rules over all of them but her.  She will sit and she will wait, and if she sees an opportunity, she will grab it; the consequences be damned.  It is our job to make sure she doesn’t get that opportunity, while we prepare the forces of the Great Houses to defend the Inner Sphere.”

Natasha paused and she turned to face her commander squarely.  “Are you sure of this, Jaime?  I’m more good to you in command of the Black Widow Battalion than this forlorn hope you’ve hatched?”

“No, Natasha.  Shooters I’ve got plenty of—good Colonels are available as well.  You, on the other hand, are a true-born blood-named Warrior of Clan Wolf, bearing what is perhaps one of the prime blood-lineages of Nicolas Kerensky himself.  No, when the recall order comes—and it will come—I want you to answer it.  Return to the Clans and try to convince Ulric Kerensky to stop this madness.”  He smiled.  “At the very least, you will be able to pass me information once you are there.”

“I have no fear of being shot as a traitor, Jaime, but the odds against me even being given a com-,”

“Natasha Kerensky.  You have never played the odds in your entire life.  Knowing you, Ulric will make you Khan—or saKhan at the least.”

She snorted.  “He may well just shoot me.  But, if it is what you want . . . I’ll go.  Damn it!” she snarled.

“What’s wrong?”

“I will need to start watching my language.  You know how they feel about contractions!”

And Jaime Wolf laughed.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #147 on: June 19, 2012, 08:51:52 PM »

Here is my take on the territorial concessions made to the Free Worlds League.

One thing these consessions did was to really mess up the anti-spinward parts of the Tamarind March and make the map look quite ugly.  In order to clean that area up I:

1. Put the Teyvareb command in the Periphery March;

2. Put the Herzberg Command in the Tamarind March;

3. Made Soilihull the March capital, as both Bolan (Province Capital) and Cavanaugh II (Operation Area Capital) were removed and Soilihull was the only remaining Operations Area Capital in the March.

What do you think?  Would you prefer the ugly former borders or do you like the cleaner lines of this one.

Also, you have now pissed of the Federation of Skye.  Will the political fall out over these massive consessions, now numbering 82 worlds, a lot of industry and 2 former March Capitals, be examined at all?
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2012, 10:31:58 PM »

Chapter Four

“Today we are no longer just warriors who owe their oath to one realm.  Today we begin the process of forging the soldiers of six Realms and scores of Mercenary Commands into a single combined whole whose sole purpose is defend our civilization and our homes against the coming storm.  Here, on this world within the Free Rasalhague Republic, you will begin to learn how to fight and to defeat the Clans of Kerensky when they come.  Victory will not be swift, it will not be without pain and sorrow, and we will know the bitter taste of defeat more than once.  But Warriors!  Today, through your very presence, we have the knowledge that the Lords of the Great Houses have set aside their differences and united in a common goal.  The road before us is long and fraught with grave danger, but know this!  Our Victory is certain.”

—Supreme Commander Jaime Wolf, addressing the Grand Army of the Inner Sphere, Tukayyid, October 14, 3038

Headquarters, Grand Army of the Inner Sphere
Tukayyid, Free Rasalhague Republic
July 17, 3043

Jaime Wolf, the Supreme Commander of the Grand Army of the Inner Sphere looked up as his aide knocked on the frame of the door.  “You were right, Sir, they sent the recall order,” he said as he handed Wolf the decrypted transmission that arrived less than half an hour ago.

Jaime quickly read it over and he nodded.  Short, sweet, and to the point.  It was orders for the entire Wolf’s Dragoons to rejoin the forces of Clan Wolf at Hohenems no later than October 8, 3043.  The transmission then went on to state that if this rendezvous was impossible to meet, Wolf’s Dragoons were instead to be at Tamar no later than December 30th, 3043.  And the document was signed Ulric Kerensky, Khan of Clan Wolf upon the orders of ilKhan Yvonne Hazen.

They have appointed a Falcon as ilKhan, Wolf thought as he tapped the document pad against his thigh.  He stood and he considered the board which showed his active units.  At the moment, fifty Regiments and Regimental Combat Teams called Tukayyid home.  All that the Houses could spare for the hammer which Wolf had welded together to send the Clans reeling in a counter-offensive once the regular house forces had bloodied them.

House Liao had sent five Regiments; small, but all top quality:  the newly reformed Ariana Grenadiers and 1st Confederation Reserve Cavalry, plus the 1st St. Ives Lancers, Justinia’s Cuirassiers, and the 1st Kearny Highlanders.

Marik’s contribution was even smaller, and here Wolf snorted.  Thomas Marik had dragged his feet for years, but the regiments he had sent to Tukayyid were excellent and well-equipped:  the 1st Free Worlds Guards, the 1st Marik Militia, the 6th Marik Militia, and the 12th Atrean Dragoons.

Melissa Steiner-Davion had been apologetic, but since it was her realm—Katrina having died three years ago come September—she said she needed the majority of her Regiments to defend her people.  Still, six RCTs of the LCAF were assembled:  the 20th Arcturan Guards, 3rd Donegal Guards, 11th Lyran Guards, 15th Lyran Guards, the 1st Lyran Regulars, and the 4th Skye Rangers.

Haakon Magnusson had given Wolf a full twenty percent of his small KungsArmee; but that still amounted to no more than three Regiments.  The 1st Drakons, 1st Kavalleri, and 3rd Freemen were all itching for battle—and those troops had greatly appreciated the ability to learn from more senior regiments gathered here.

House Kurita had sent the largest single contingent, despite the danger represented by the Clans directly invading it.  Theodore Kurita—perhaps Takashi, but Wolf thought Theodore more likely—realized the need to preserve a single unified command with which to throw back the invaders, and he had not stinted on the units assigned.  From the Draconis Combine, Wolf had under his command the 1st and 2nd Genyosha, all five Regiments of the Ryuken, both Night Stalkers Regiments, and the elite 3rd Prosperina Hussars.  Ten Regiments in all.

Hanse Davion had sent eight RCTs and one Regiment.  Not only were many of the Federated Suns regular units already deployed in his wife’s realm, he had held back a sizeable reserve to reinforce the Combine if needed.  Although Takashi swore that he would die before the AFFS came to his rescue.  He could well be right in that, Wolf speculated with a grim grin.  The AFFS contribution was the Federated Suns Armored Cavalry (the only non-RCT sent), the 4th Davion Guards, the Davion Heavy Guards, the 3rd and 7th Crucis Lancers, the 1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs, the 6th Syrtis Fusiliers, the 1st Kestrel Grenadiers, and the 1st Kathil Uhlans.

The remaining fourteen Regiments worth of troops were all mercenary formations:  Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Regiments from his own Wolf’s Dragoons, plus the Black Widow Battalion, 7th Kommando, and Zeta Battalion; the three regiments of the Eridani Light Horse, all four Regiments of the 12th Vegan Rangers, the 1st Kell Hounds, Hell’s Black Aces, and the St. Cyr Heavy Assault Group.

He nodded briskly.  It should be enough to show the Clans that they cannot simply roll over us.

“Wool-gathering, Jaime?” mocked Natasha from the door.

The Supreme Commander turned to face his subordinate and he smiled at her.  “Natasha, if you don’t think you can pull this off, th- . . .”

“Oh, no.  I think my part of this operation is going to be fun—raising hell in the staid Clan ranks.  No, Jaime, I’m ready for my role.”

“Bid well, Natasha Kerensky of Clan Wolf.  And good luck.”

“Bargained well and done, Jaime Wolf.  I’ll send you back what information I can, when I can, through the network we set up.”  And then without another word, she turned and left the office, to board her DropShip and meet up with the Clan Wolf invasion forces.

Jaime turned to his aide.  “I want a real-time HPG conference set up with all of the House Lords immediately.”

“Yes, sir.”



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #149 on: June 19, 2012, 10:39:14 PM »

Here is my take on the territorial concessions made to the Free Worlds League.

One thing these consessions did was to really mess up the anti-spinward parts of the Tamarind March and make the map look quite ugly.  In order to clean that area up I:

1. Put the Teyvareb command in the Periphery March;

2. Put the Herzberg Command in the Tamarind March;

3. Made Soilihull the March capital, as both Bolan (Province Capital) and Cavanaugh II (Operation Area Capital) were removed and Soilihull was the only remaining Operations Area Capital in the March.

What do you think?  Would you prefer the ugly former borders or do you like the cleaner lines of this one.

Also, you have now pissed of the Federation of Skye.  Will the political fall out over these massive consessions, now numbering 82 worlds, a lot of industry and 2 former March Capitals, be examined at all?

The map is wonderful, Blacknova.  The new lines are great.  There weren't THAT many worlds given up to Marik:  just six or seven.  Skye is always pissed about something.  I'm certain there is a tremendous amount of political fallout, but with Morgan Hasek-Davion as the ruler of the Capellan March, I don't see the worlds given to Candace posing a major problem in the AFFS side.  I'm mainly going to concentrate on the central tale, and not get side-tracked into IS politics.  As you will see in my next snippet (already up).

Master Arminas
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