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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #375 on: August 04, 2012, 11:03:48 PM »

Grand Council of the Khans, Memmingen University, Bayern
Memmingen, Clan Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
February 23, 3043

“Trothkin,” Amanda began, “we are in a time of crisis such as the Clans have never before faced.  But we shall prevail through this—we will remain the Clans of Kerensky!  There are hard decisions ahead of us, and we must—as the junior Khan of the Stone Lions has reminded us today—content with reality as it is and not how we might wish it were.  The Invasion will halt in place as of today.”

Shouts of protest erupted—but not nearly in the numbers Nikolai had expected.  He waited until the Khans calmed down, as Amanda stood like an unmoving rock in the center of that storm.

“We have no choice—we lack the strength to press forward at this time.  Despite all of our reinforcements, all of our replacements, we are at roughly sixty percent of our numbers when we began this Invasion—even though we have added more than forty Clusters to our roster!  We must, for the moment, stand on the defensive . . . and make some difficult decisions.”

Marion Truscott stood and he nodded.  “We have bled ourselves white, my Khans—the ilKhan speaks the truth today.  To go forward now, we risk losing everything we have so far gained.”

“But if we do not advance,” Helen Schmidt, the Khan of the Blood Spirits said as she too stood, “we risk giving the False Star League time to recover as well.”

And here Nikolai stood.  “Aff, but if we do continue forward we will soon enough have nothing which to hold these worlds—and the Star League will reclaim them behind us with scarcely a fight, severing our supply lines and letting us wither on the vine.  My Khans, they are hurting as much as we—but they began this with far more regiments than we have Clusters.  We have destroyed more than one hundred and eighty BattleMech Regiments, an order of magnitude greater numbers of lesser formations—and yet they still have reserves greater than our combined Clans together.  If we all had our full toumans here now, which we do not.”

“And yet,” Nikolai continued on, “they have not suffered such losses since the earliest days of their Succession Wars.  Their worlds are feeling the effect of units that provide protection and garrison are being transferred to face us; they suffer from pirates and bandits and their civilians rise up in discontent.  Now, in the face of the results of the Battle of Tukayyid, now is the time to negotiate an end.”

“Negotiate!” Emma Drake shrieked.  “You are a dezgra coward, Khan Djerassi!  Negotiate with the Scavenger Lords who formed this False Star League in an effort to demoralize us.”

Nikolai glared at the Hellion Khan, and if his look could have transferred temperature, Emma Drake would have frozen solid.  “The Ice Hellion Khan is free to test her convictions on my courage at her earliest convenience; though I would suggest if she does so, the Hellions stand prepared to elect another new Khan.”

“No,” said Amanda from the lectern.  “We have lost enough Khans for one year—both of you be seated.  Now.”

Nikolai bowed politely and sat, quickly followed by the still seething Hellion.

“We must seek a truce,” the ilKhan said.  “Either that, or we admit defeat and crawl back home in shame.”

A low moan went through the Khans, as even those who hated this idea realized the need for it. 

“We will dispatch an envoy to arrange a meeting with First Lord Focht—probably through a real-time HPG connection,” she continued.  “In the meantime,” and her she paused, shaking her head at what she had to say.  At what perhaps she alone had the courage to say in this chamber.  “Khan Howell, Khan West, Khan Schmidt . . . we must consolidate our holdings.  The Jaguars and Cats will abandon their remaining worlds in Corridor Theta.  You are woefully vulnerable at the moment; Khan Schmidt, you have not enough force to hold every world in Corridor Eta—which I will divide into three Occupation Zones . . . one of each of your Clans.”

All three Khans began to scream in protest, but Amanda cut them off.  “THERE WILL BE NO DEBATE ON THIS!  We are speaking of survival itself.  As Corridor Epsilon and Delta are the two with the least vulnerable flanks, I am also ordering Clan Goliath Scorpion to reinforce the Falcons and Sharks in Corridor Alpha—and Clan Coyote to join the Hellions and Vipers in Corridor Beta.  If you want a Trial of Refusal, then I will resign as ilKhan and watch as your Clans are defeated in detail.  And I will return my Bears to the Homeworlds to rebuild for our next attempt.”

Utter silence greeted her yet again and Amanda nodded.  “The time has come to put the Clans of Kerensky above our own Clan—and if any Khan present here today cannot do so, then he or she may meet me in combat and die at my hands.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #376 on: August 04, 2012, 11:08:02 PM »

The list of the current Khans and saKhans: 

ilKhan of the Clans:  ilKhan Amanda Tseng (Ghost Bear)
Loremaster of the Clans:  Loremaster Charles Bragg (Ice Hellion)

Blood Spirit:  Khan Helen Schmidt, saKhan James Carmichael
Cloud Cobra:  Khan Mark Steiner; saKhan Leonard Eaker
Coyote:  Khan Pavel Kerensky; saKhan Simon Kufahl
Diamond Shark:  Khan Olivia Sutherland; saKhan Peter Hammond
Ghost Bear:  Khan Grace Kabrinski; saKhan Eric Jorgensson
Goliah Scorpion:  Khan Nikolai Djerassi; saKhan Nelson
Hell's Horse:  Khan Jake Fletcher; saKhan Rapael Mendoza
Ice Hellion:  Khan Emma Drake; saKhan Robert Taney
Jade Falcon:  Khan Marthe Pryde; saKhan Michael van Jankmon
Nova Cat:  Khan Marius West; saKhan Linda Devereaux
Smoke Jaguar:  Khan Brandon Howell; saKhan Sarah Weaver
Snow Raven:  Khan Peter McKenna; saKhan Joan McKenzie
Star Adder:  Khan Marion Truscott; saKhan Jean N'Buta
Steel Viper:  Khan Thomas Black; saKhan Paul Masters
Stone Lion:  Khan Natasha Kerensky; saKhan Aidan Pryde
Wolf:  Khan ulric Kerensky; saKhan Marianne Vickers

Grace will be elected to replace Amanda, whereupon Charles Bragg replaces her as Loremaster of the Clans.



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #377 on: August 05, 2012, 02:08:07 PM »

Interesting stuff MA!

Surprised that Marion Truscott or Ulric didn't get some nominations for ilKhan.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #378 on: August 05, 2012, 02:29:19 PM »

LCMS Bucklands Belle (aka CGSS Jenna Scott), Zenith Jump Point
Odessa, Lyran Commonwealth
February 23, 3043

“Skipper,” the executive officer of the Clan Goliath Scorpion Surveillance Ship Jenna Scott growled, and Star Captain Thaddeus Arbuthnot nodded.

“Steady, folks—stay frosty and remember they think we are just another tramp freighter passing through.”  I hope that they think that, Thaddeus thought as he swallowed hard.

 Jenna Scott was one of three Tracker-class vessels in use by Clan Goliath Scorpion and throughout the invasion she had been scouting the systems on the flanks and in front of the Invasion.  But neither she nor her crew had expected to discover anything remotely like the concentration of JumpShips massed here over Odessa.  Or the scores of aerospace fighters and dozens of Assault DropShips swarming around.

“Give me a count, Pieter,” the ship commander ordered.

“Two hundred and seventeen Jumpers, Skipper,” the tech responded almost instantly, “ranging from Scout-class to Monolith-class.  No WarShips.  Forty-two assault DropShips, mostly Avenger-class.  One Olympus-class recharge station.  Sixty aerospace fighters on patrol . . . but there are bound to be more.  About a third are broadcasting as LCAF and AFFS vessels—the rest are merchant ships.”

“Stravag,” Thaddeus cursed.  “They are assembling a fleet to transport their regiments, hit us in the flank—and that means we are about to get impressed, I believe.”

“Speaking of which,” Star Commander Aaron Ben-Shimon, the aforementioned XO, looked up from his station.  “We are being hailed.”

“Game faces, people,” Thaddeus ordered as he adjusted the mismatched, brightly colored eclectic array of clothing that served as his ‘uniform’.  “On screen.”

The main monitor cleared and then presented the image of a Lyran Commodore, who nodded his head.  “Bucklands Belle, pursuant to the Home Defense Act of the Estates General of 2832, I am hereby informing you that your ship is required to carry out military operations in service of Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces—you will move your vessel to the designated parking area and stand by for further instructions.”

Thaddeus scowled mightily and came out of his seat in mock anger.  “I have a charter to Arcturus!  This is . . . this is . . . bullshit!” he sputtered.

“You will be compensated,” the Commodore replied with a frown.

“Compensated?  I am familiar with your idea of compensation!  What about my cargo?  I have twenty thousand tons of fish, pasta, and spices from Kowloon that I signed a contract to deliver to Arcturus!  If I fail to make delivery, I’ll lose my ship!”

The Commodore smiled.  “The Regiments on Odessa—and the Fleet—could use additional provisions, Bucklands Belle.  We are prepared to offer you a very good price—and we will seize your ship if you do not comply.  Fully in accordance with the law,” he finished sternly.

The Scorpion officer made himself sit back down and offered the camera a disgusted look.  “You will pay cost—I won’t clear a single Kroner of profit.  How the hell am I supposed to pay my crew and maintain my ship on cost?”

“The Archon has authorized a slight expenditure above cost for your service—and your provisions.  You will still turn a profit; as for the consignees waiting for your shipment this falls under the status of a Commonwealth Emergency—you cannot be sued in court for breach of contract and I will provide you with the appropriate paperwork stating that.”

Thaddeus slumped and he nodded sourly.  “I knew I should have come out at the Nadir Point.”

The image of the officer on screen barked a laugh.  “And you would have been press-ganged by Commodore Holt—who isn’t as generous as I.  Tell me, are you carrying banh bot loc?" the Commodore asked, referring to Kowloonese rice dumpling stuffed with shrimp and pork, wrapped in banana leaves.

Thaddeus nodded.  "And spiced cha as well," Kowloon pork and duck sausages, "and forty thousand bottles of ruou."  A very popular rice whiskey.  “Among other delicacies,” the Scorpion concluded with bitter shake of his head.

The Commodore smiled.  “Well, as it just so happens, I am very fond of Kowloon cuisine.  I think that you and I can come to some . . . equitable arrangement instead of going through the normal supply protocols.”

“I’ll transmit a manifest to you, Commodore . . .?”

“Perrin.  Johann Perrin.  In the meantime, Captain . . .?”

“Eisner.  Bob Eisner.”

“In the meantime, Captain Eisner, move your vessel to the designated parking orbit.  LCAF Odessa Zenith out.”

“Shit, shit, shit,” muttered Thaddeus.  “Aaron get us moving—do not move us too smartly, quiaff?”

“Aff.  We will look like a wallowing merchantmen, skipper.  Ah, Star Captain . . . we could jump out back out—our LF batteries have a full charge on standby.”

“Neg.  We need to make certain these ships are still here when the cavalry arrives.”

“The cavalry, sir?”

“Aff.  Warm up the HPG—I need to speak with Star Admiral Malthus.  His Emerald Talon Naval Star was at New Exford, last that I heard.”

The XO nodded and the techs jumped to the task.  He then crossed the bridge and stood beside his commander and whispered quietly.

“Should we not inform the Khan?”

“We will, but our orders are to provide intelligence and recon data to all of the Clans—orders from the ilKhan.”

“She is dead.”

“So she is—and our orders have not been changed, quineg?”


“Four hundred Inner Sphere JumpShips, sitting vulnerable here—this is a priority target, Aaron.  Let’s see what Star Admiral Malthus can bring to the party.”

“Well, at least we will get a chance to use the guns,” Aaron said with a smile.

But Thaddeus shook his head.  “Neg.  We will high-tail it out of here to their emergency coordinates with the rest of this Fleet—and pass along their new coordinates to the Falcons and Sharks.  There is an old parable, Aaron that fits this situation.  Two bulls, one young and virile and strong, the second old and experienced stood upon a hill and looked down at their herd of fertile cows below.  The young bull turned to his elder and said let us run down there and couple with a pair of cows.  The elder shook his head and said, let us walk down there and couple with all of them.”  Thaddeus smiled a cold, cold smile.  “Today, we are going to couple with all of these Spheroids.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #379 on: August 05, 2012, 02:43:57 PM »

Nice but one question wouldn't the HPG transmission be detected??


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #380 on: August 05, 2012, 03:20:40 PM »

Nice but one question wouldn't the HPG transmission be detected??

Not sure if I have read anything which states HPG transmissions can be detected.  Can they?



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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #381 on: August 05, 2012, 03:28:17 PM »

Not to my knowledge but ask Wolfcannon he usually knows arcane information.
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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #382 on: August 05, 2012, 04:07:39 PM »

CJFS Emerald Talon, Zenith Jump Point
New Exford, Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
February 23, 3043

Star Admiral Adrian Malthus emerged onto the bridge of his flagship with his teeth bared in a snarl of pure joy.  “Put me through to Star Admiral Hawker!” he ordered as he sat down in his command chair.  As the Falcon officer waited for the connection, he pulled up a holographic image of the Zenith point.  Besides the four WarShips of his own Emerald Talon Naval Star, two more Falcon WarShips from the Turkina’s Pride Naval Star were present, performing a normal patrol of the front lines.  Both the frigate Kerensky’s Pride and the destroyer Emerald Tornado had completed recharging their KF drives—and had been scheduled to move out in a little more than three hours.  But not any longer, the Falcon thought with a sudden grin.

And added to the six WarShips now under his command, Star Admiral Hawker had his own Deep Hunter Naval Star present—the two rival officers had arranged a series of maneuvers to keep their edge now that the presence of Inner Sphere WarShips had been confirmed.  Lighter than the Emerald Talons, the Deep Hunters had a cruiser and four destroyers assigned to their ranks—but against these targets that would more than suffice.

The holographic image of Star Admiral Leslie Hawker appeared directly in front of Adrian.  “You rang?”

“CGSS Jenna Scott has reported from Odessa, Leslie.  The Steiners and Davions are assembling a Fleet of JumpShips at both the Zenith and Nadir points—a Fleet which they probably mean to use to transport an offensive against our Clans.”  He grinned broadly.  “I am taking my WarShips there to persuade them against such an operation—would you care to join me?”

The Shark frowned.  “Opposition?”

“Fighters and Assault DropShips—total number unknown at this time, the Scorpions spotted a minimum of forty-two assault ships and sixty fighters;” he shrugged.  “They probably have more they did not see.”

“Hitting defenseless JumpShips just seems so wrong,” whispered Hawker, and Adrian nodded his agreement.

“Aff.  But these JumpShips are going to deliver unto our worlds a counter-attack twice as strong as that which divest the Jaguars of half the worlds they conquered!  And I will not allow that to happen on my watch, not when I can avoid it.”

Hawker stared for a moment and then she simply said, “Seyla.  What are your intentions?”

Adrian laughed.  “Star Admiral Hawker, I aim to misbehave.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #383 on: August 05, 2012, 06:32:05 PM »

Recharge Station Odessa-Zenith, Zenith Jump Point
Odessa, Lyran Commonwealth
February 23, 3043

Johann Perrin sighed as lifted the cover off of his lunch.  Prawns, sautéed in a rich sauce of butter and cream, artfully arranged upon a bed of perfectly cooked pasta.  He beamed a smile at the chef.  “Wonderful, Jacques, as always.  Magnificent, in fact.”

The enlisted man bowed slightly as he finished pouring the Commodore a glass of white wine.  Johann shook his head:  to believe that the LCAF had assigned that man as a maintenance technician!  Thank God Almighty, that I checked his background before he moved on!

Jacques took the silver cover in his hand and he stood at attention.  “Will the Commodore be needing anything else?”

“No, and thank you, Jacques,” Johann answered as lifted two forks and pried one prawn tail from the softened shell.  The chef bowed again and he exited the senior officers dining compartment—just as Johann’s executive officer entered.

“Oh, that smells wonderful,” he sighed.

“Get your own chef,” the Commodore said with a smile.  “Your family is wealthy enough.”

“True, true, but they do not like spending money on a wastrel like me who was gauche enough to join the Navy.”

Johann took a bite of the steaming hot, wonderfully seasoned prawn tail and he sighed again.  Chewing it—and enjoying every little sensation pouring over his taste buds before he swallowed.  “They would rather see you down in the mud and muck with the Army?”

“They would rather see me doing a real job making the family more money in the private sector.”

“Consider it a sacrifice you have made for your patriotism—besides, you are making contacts with many senior officers, all of whom have a say in future procurement.”

“Which is why Father has not yet disowned me,” the Exec said with a grin, as he stole of the Commodore’s rolls from the bread basket.

“Any problems this shift?”

“None—we did get that manifest from Buckland’s Belle and I think you are going to want to spend some of the Exchequer’s funds.”

“I am always willing to spend other people’s money on my comforts, Richard.”

“Speaking of the Belle, there are things about her records I am . . . antsy about.”

Johann looked up as he took a sip of wine.  “Oh, has she gone pirate on us a time or two?”

“Nothing like that—not on the record.  But she did vanish for quite a few years before turning up again back in 3040.  Now, she could have just been operating in other states—or the Periphery—but she didn’t file anything on her activities in the interim.”  The younger man shook his head.  “Maybe it is just my paranoia, but then she went and conducted a low-power KF drive test—her skipper claims it was to find a fault in the hyper-space translation initiator . . . but she put an awful lot of power through the system if it was just a test.”

The Commodore frowned as his second-in-command help out a printout filled with numbers and equations and graphs for Johann to take a look out.  Then the younger officer shrugged.  “Still, she powered down almost immediately after going live, so maybe it was just a test.  She’s done nothing since but sit in her assigned parking slot—and bitch about when she can expect your Commissary Officer to shuttle on over and inspect her DropShip’s cargo.”

Johann nearly choked on a mouthful of pasta as he saw the numbers, and began to cough and sputter, taking a deep swallow of wine to wash it down.  “When did she perform this test?”

“An hour ago,” Richard answered in surprise.  “Are you ok- . . .”

The Commodore stood and he lifted the phone from its cradle on the wall.  “CIC, this is the CO.  Set Condition One throughout the station and send all combat personnel to Red Alert—this is not a drill.  Spot the fighters for immediate launch.”

Alarms and sirens began to sound, and Richard Hoskins stood in amazement.  “What am I missing?”

“This is an HPG profile—Richard.  Not a test of the Kearny-Fuchida Drive.”

“Impossible, HPGs are planetary installations.  You cannot put them in a ship!”

“Wrong,” the Commodore answered bleakly as the phone buzzed before he could get to the hatch.  “ComStar—and the Clans—have found a way to do it.  It’s not something you’ve been briefed on—and I should have, I should have.  Perrin!” he snapped as he lifted the phone again.  And his face went white.  “On my way,” he answered and began to jog to the door, Richard right beside him.

“Clan WarShips are emerging from jump—just two so far, thank God,” Johann said bitterly.  “But two-thirds of the JumpShips are sitting in range!”

“Christ!” the exec blurted as the two leaped past the closing doors of a transit tube.  “Our fighters and DropShips . . .”

“Responding.  God, I have been caught with my pants down around my ankles.  Override destination, Perrin Able Golf Tango Two Four Sierra,” the Commodore said.  “CIC.”

“Acknowledged,” answered the computer and the lift capsule shot away.

Johann lifted the phone in the car.  “CIC, Perrin.  Order the JumpShips to head to emergency dispersal coordinates—NOW.”

Richard’s face went white.  “BELAY THAT ORDER!” he shouted, but the Commodore had already put the phone back in its cradle.


“I uploaded the evacuation plan to Buckland’s Belle twenty minutes ago—as per standing orders, Sir.”

And Johann Perrin winced, even as the station rocked under impacts of capital scale weapons.  “Dear God,” he whispered.  “I’ve just sent them to die.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #384 on: August 05, 2012, 07:11:00 PM »

Adrift in a Sea of Blood
Odessa, Lyran Commonwealth
. . . and somewhere in Deep Space
February 23, 3043

Just two Falcon WarShips jumped into the Zenith point—and two Shark WarShips at the Nadir.  Two cruisers, a frigate, and a destroyer arrived in the center of clouds of helpless JumpShips and began ejecting DropShips and aerospace fighters as their capital weapons began to savage the ill-armored and fragile life’s-blood of Inner Sphere commerce around them.  Some had no charge and were forced to sit there—others Jumped away to what they thought was safety.  Still others had commanders willing to risk everything and poured power like water into the Core trying for an emergency Jump and praying their ship held together.  And on CGSS Jenna Scott, Star Captain Arbuthnot transmitted the emergency coordinates to Star Admiral Malthus and Star Admiral Hawker just seconds before he jumped out to those same coordinates. 

In a matter of minutes, shattered broken hulks marked the Zenith and Nadir above and below Odessa.  The Lyran defenders were not the ablest of the LCAF, most of the pilots were green, just out of flight school—the crews of the AssaultShips little better.  Their bravery was unquestioned, however, as they drove in towards the Clan WarShips and died by the score.  But it was not all skewed in favor of the Clans—a Lyran Avenger kamikazed the Shark destroyer Tracy, sending her out of control to plunge into the Nadir recharge station . . . and the resulting explosion destroyed the station, the Shark destroyer, and twenty more JumpShips.

Some of the JumpShips at Odessa managed to get away—plotting their own emergence coordinates, but these amounted to less than one in ten.  The rest either jumped to the evacuation coordinates—or they died under guns of the surviving Clan WarShips.

Still, nearly three hundred Jumpers made it safely to the emergency rendezvous point—Buckland’s Belle among them.  And almost immediately thereafter, the rest of the Falcon and Shark WarShips under Star Admiral Malthus arrived as well.

To call it a fight would have been . . . inaccurate.  It was a slaughter as seven Clan WarShips and one Scorpion covert operations Ship blasted apart JumpShips until none were left.  It was a blood-feast with no quarter as the Clan Naval Warriors exacted their vengeance for Tukayyid and other disasters upon the men and women who manned the Inner Sphere vessels.  And when it was ended, when nothing remained but broken debris, the Clan ships recharged their drives and returned home.  And the empty space between the stars was left silent and dark once more, filled with the debris of ships and the corpses of man.


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #385 on: August 05, 2012, 07:31:44 PM »

Yikes, the Odessa Naval Massacre!


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #386 on: August 05, 2012, 08:53:25 PM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Field Headquarters, Bayern
Memmingen, Clan Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
February 23, 3043

"This business will get out of control.  It will get out of control, and we will be lucky to live through it,” Nikolai said as he rubbed his temples.

Nelson Elam, his saKhan, frowned.  “While I cannot approve of Star Captain Arbuthnot’s blood-thirstiness in this . . . incident, he did manage to utterly derail any FedCom offensive against the Falcons and Sharks.”

Nikolai looked up at his saKhan and he shook his head.  “Sit down, Nelson.  The Inner Sphere regard their JumpShips as . . . well, as we regard our genetic repositories.  They came close to losing the ability to produce them in the First Succession War and because of that none of them attack them except under the direst of situations.  So far, Yvonne’s order to target their transports hasn’t yielded any major disruption of their ability to move troops and commerce—they lost some in Wave I, but they have also moved them out of the way for succeeding Waves.  For the most part.”

“But this?  By Kerensky’s Blood, Nelson, this will engage them to the point . . .” Nikolai paused and he looked his saKhan square in the eyes.  “This will cause as much of a fury in them as we would have if they used a thermonuclear weapon on the Master Genetic Repository on Strana Mechty.”

Nelson nodded slightly but he still frowned and Nikolai sighed.  He still did not understand.  “It is their unwritten rules of combat and they have to respond—they have to force us to quit shooting up their transports.”

“Why?  I mean, they fail to acknowledge or follow our rules or traditions of combat—why should we bother to conform to theirs?”

“Because they quite likely to open up their stocks of nuclear weapons in response to this; and then send us a message attached to a fifty-megaton bomb.”

“They would be willing to use nuclear weapons against their planets that we occupy?”

“It might well come to that, if we cannot stop this quickly.  But for the moment, I think they will restrict it to space.  They have to show us they will not be pushed in this area, not one millimeter more—and I think they are going to move to wipe out one, or more, of our Clan’s Naval Stars.”

Now Nelson started looking grim and Nikolai could see the light of understanding in the man’s eyes.  “And then we will escalate for their dezgra use of atomics and they will hit us again and it will ratchet up higher and higher . . .”

“Until all we are left with are spears tipped with flints fighting in a radioactive wasteland with no technology left—just myths and legends of our God-like ancestors who flew between the stars like birds.”

“So how do we stop it?” his saKhan asked.

Nikolai frowned and his mind ran through scenario after scenario.   At last he nodded.  “They have to draw blood—we cannot stop that; however, we might be able to channel our response with Amanda.”  Nikolai drummed his fingers on the desk.  “I want our most trusted personnel on duty in the HPG tonight—and take the recorders off-line.  I think it is past time that I and this First Lord spoke directly.”
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 10:39:49 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #387 on: August 05, 2012, 10:08:48 PM »

ComStar First Circuit
Hilton Head, Terra
February 23, 3043

“Ah, good.  You had not yet boarded your ship for Tukayyid, I see,” the Primus said as Anastasius Focht and Gregory Zwick walked into the First Circuit.

“No, Primus—your messenger caught us before we left the compound.  He said this was an urgent matter.”  Focht replied.  The tall one-eyed, black-haired man no longer wore the robes of ComStar, but instead an exquisite suit of civilian clothing from one of the finest tailors on Terra—just as Fleet Admiral Gregory Zwick wore the uniform of an SLDF Admiral.

The Primus did not reply but instead nodded to the Adept standing by—an Adept who keyed in a sequence on the communications system and then left the chamber.  The lights dimmed and a holographic projection appeared—a real-time HPG transmission.  And the figure standing in that hologram was dressed in the uniform of Clan Goliath Scorpion—and he wore the insignia of a Khan.

“I am Anastasius Focht, First Lord of the Star League Reborn.  With me are Primus Michael York of ComStar and Fleet Admiral Gregory Zwick of the Star League Defense Force—and you must be Nikolai Djerassi of the Goliath Scorpions.”

“Aff, I am he and it is time that you and I spoke face-to-face, after a certain fashion.”

“Are you en route to Asta with your Clan, then?” asked Focht.

“Neg, there are . . . loose ends which need to be tied before I can depart—though that time draws near.  And it will not be my Clan alone which swears oath to the Star League and the First Lord.”


“Clan Stone Lion will join us at the least—possibly one or two others as well.  But that is for later.  Earlier today, I received a report that Naval Forces of Clans Diamond Shark and Jade Falcon discovered that the Federated Commonwealth were assembling a large number of JumpShips at Odessa—they moved to attack . . . after discovering the coordinates of your dispersal locations.  My initial reports indicate that they destroyed approximately three hundred and twenty of your JumpShips.”

“My God!” whispered Gregory in shock.  “Does Hanse Davion know?”

The Primus shook his head.  “No reports have reached him or Melissa yet—I have checked with the intervening stations.”

The First Lord only stared at the image before him and his blood burned with hate at that casual relaxed manner in which this . . . this person reported such a catastrophe.  “You realize that they will respond—and not in a restrained manner?”

“Aff.  And I urge you to help me put a stop to the escalation before it spirals out of control.”

“How?” Anastasius snapped.

“By destroying the Fleet of Clan Snow Raven in retaliation—and killing their Khan.”

“What?” blurted Gregory.  “The Ravens weren’t involved, why would we . . .” his voice trailed off as Nikolai raised his hand.

“I do not have much time here.  You could respond tit-for-tat with the Sharks and Falcons, or you can stand the Clans on their heels by defeating the Snow Ravens in response—and show every Khan that any of us are a target and responsible for the actions of our brothers and our Warriors.  Destroy the Raven Fleet—the finest in the Clan touman—and you will make the others stand back at something they have never done.  Kill Peter McKenna and every Khan will know that he may well suffer a very personal response to such an attack.  In three weeks, Khan McKenna will review his Naval forces at the Zenith point of Blair Atholl.  He will have with him fifteen ships—including two Potemkin-class bearing troops and equipment from the Homeworlds.  The rest of his forces will consist of a McKenna-class battleship, a Conqueror-class battle cruiser, two Sovetskii Soyuz-class cruisers, a Congress-class frigate, three Lola III-class destroyers, an Essex-class destroyer, a Whirlwind-class destroyer, a York-class carrier, and a Volga-class transport.”

“You will have to use nuclear-tipped anti-ship missiles to carry off this attack, and you must do your best to destroy ALL of those ships.  And then, you must—this is absolutely vital—you must broadcast to the ilKhan your reasons why you made this attack.  You must tell her that any further attack on either civilian or military JumpShips will result in further action against the Fleets of the Clans.  You must insure her that you will not use such weapons against Clan troops on a planetary surface, or against civilians—and that you are only using them in space in response to this atrocity at Odessa.  You have to convince her—First Lord Focht—that you mean every word that you say and that you are willing to do this.”

“And then, you will offer her a solution.  The Clans refrain from attacking your JumpShips—though your DropShips will remain legitimate targets—and foreswear the use of orbital bombardment against worlds that they assault and in exchange you will not authorize further attacks in the name of the Star League.  This attack has to come from the Star League—not Hanse Davion or Melissa Steiner-Davion—but from you.”

“To assist you, I am transmitting full technical specifications on the ships in question—but this is your one chance to end this escalation before it can begin.”

Focht nodded.  “And if Hanse and Melissa are not satisfied with that?”

“Then tell them that instead of sending back to the Clans the three hundred and thirty JumpShips I have stolen to move my civilians to the Inner Sphere, I will sacrifice my own honor and turn the ships over to them.  Ships with Lithium-Fusion batteries and HPGs!  Including fifty Monoliths.  If we cannot stop this now, it will spiral out of control and we will all suffer.”

“You and your Clans would be destroyed, if it did—and most of the Inner Sphere would survive,” Focht pointed out.

“As would the Homeworlds and the next time they came it would be Armageddon.”

The First Lord did not move for several moments, only stared at the Scorpion’s eyes and then at last he nodded.  “When will we speak again?”

“Not until after I have left the Clans—I cannot risk making a second transmission.  If this one has been overheard, my Clan may not survive.  Emerge victorious, First Lord, and let us put an end to this war.”

And with that, the transmission flickered to a halt.

“DAMN!” whispered Gregory.  “He wants us to attack his own people—with nukes!”

“He wants us to kill a man he considers a brother—according to Jaime Wolf’s briefing on the Khans.  He and Peter McKenna are friends, and still he offers us this,” mused the Primus.

Anastasius Focht shook his head.  “We will watch this Scorpion closely—he is a man that is willing to do anything for what he believes, without remorse or sorrow at what he feels must be done . . . there is no more dangerous creature in all of creation.”

“And this attack he wants at Blair Atholl?  What are your orders, First Lord?” asked Gregory.

“Kill them all, Fleet Admiral Zwick—kill them all.  For now, I think the Primus and I had best convey the news to Hanse Davion—after we make certain Melissa has medics in the room.”


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #388 on: August 06, 2012, 02:00:08 PM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Field Headquarters, Bayern
Memmingen, Clan Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
February 25, 3043

Mark Steiner shook his head rather violently.  “This is the Star League we are talking about, Marius!  The Star League is what we are fighting?  My God, what would Aleksandyr Kerensky say?”

The Khan of the Nova Cats just frowned.  “It is a false Star League, Khan Steiner!  They have not united for the betterment of mankind, they united out of fear—fear of our righteous anger at how they have squandered the Paradise our ancestors left.  How many worlds have they rendered lifeless?  How far have they fallen?”

“And yet,” said Nikolai quietly, “they have united, Khan West.  They have united and they have defeated us—all of us—on Tukayyid.  We stand on the precipice of the abyss; one slip and we shall all pass away into eternal night.”

The Nova Cat frowned.  “Was this revealed to you through a necrosia vision?”

“Neg.  I have tasted necrosia but twice in my lifetime—when I first became a Warrior and again when I received my Blood Name.  What of your own visions?”

Marius looked troubled and he exchanged a glance with his saKhan Linda Devereaux.  “The Clans do not believe our visions.”

“I would like to hear of them, regardless,” said Nikolai, giving Natasha a stern look as she started to shake her head, and the Stone Lion Khan subsided.

Marius stared at Nikolai for a moment and then he nodded.  “All of our visions—the Khans, the Loremaster, the Visionmasters who have in the past seen clearly—all of them are . . . clouded.  We see the Clans in the midst of a thundering storm, without shelter from the wind, rain, and lightning.  Some visions then reveal that when the storm passes, only the skeletons of our totems are left in the wake—others that we stand divided against our selves . . . the unity broken and darkness rising behind us.  None have yet shown a path through the storm—all lead to death.”

Nikolai nodded gravely.  “A powerful vision indeed.  And it is one that the others will dismiss.”

“But not you?” asked Marius ironically.  “For a Scorpion, you do not seem to believe in visions and prophecies.”

“I believe that we may have glimpses of a future to come, but that the present is what we make of it—through our own efforts.  After all, God helps those who help themselves.”

The Cobra Khan and saKhan twitched slightly—as Nikolai had never expressed publically any belief in the God of their Cloisters.  But neither said a word.

“Why do you want my views on this False League anyway, Nikolai?  Surely you did not call us here to speak of philosophy,” Marius asked.

“No, I did not,” and the Scorpion gave a slight negative shake of his head at Natasha who nodded in reply.  “I know that the Cats have suffered greatly in this invasion—and I have ninety spare OmniMechs in my caches on Memmingen that lack Warriors to pilot them.  You managed to recover many injured Warriors from the debacle on Tukayyid—but lost their OmniMechs.  To strengthen the Clans, I will give you these OmniMechs, Khan West.”

The Cats sat back.  “And in exchange?  What is it that you desire?”

“They are a gift, Khan West.  “Take them freely, and rebuild your strength in honor—and know that although we may stand opposed on many issues, that we Scorpions are not your enemies.”

Marius got a far-away look in his eyes and he drew in a sudden and rapid breath; his face turned pale and then he shook his head.  His shoulders slumped as his eyes cleared.  “You walk a path that the Cats cannot follow, Nikolai.  I can only hope that your endeavor will prosper.”  He stood.  “Come saKhan—let us leave our host so that he may speak frankly with his other guests—for your gift I thank you . . . and in return I shall speak no more of what I have seen.”

Nikolai stood and he nodded.  “May you live out the rest of your life with honor, Khan West.”

“And may you find what you Seek, Khan Djerassi,” Marius replied and then the Cats left.

Leonard Eaker, the Cobra saKhan looked up in puzzlement.  “I get the feeling we are talking on multiple levels here—what exactly are you proposing that would have the Cats react like that?”

Mark Steiner leaned forward, “Be still, saKhan.  Nikolai believes that our destiny lies in serving the Star League, quiaff?”


Aidan Pryde and Nelson Elam and Natasha Kerensky also answered from their seats around the roaring fireplace in Nikolai’s office.  And Leonard looked as if an Elemental had just punched him in the belly.

“Merciful Allah,” he whispered.  “Join the Star League?  The others will rip you apart—they will tear all of us apart for even speaking such sedition!”

“The Clans are last descendants of the Star League Defense Forces . . . we came here to reform the Star League,” Nikolai said.  “Well, it has reformed . . . albeit not in the manner which we anticipated.  And we are faced with a choice:  do we live up to our beliefs—as Wardens, as followers of the Great Father and the Founders—and serve the Star League once more or do we attempt to conqueror the Inner Sphere as Crusaders and rule over them as Warlords and Despots in the same manner as Stefan Amaris?”

“Khan Steiner, the Cobras are the smallest of all the surviving Clans of Kerensky.  saKhan Eaker, what will happen if we are forced from the Inner Sphere?  Do you believe that the Jaguars and the Falcons and the Vipers or even the Adders will not seek to absorb you and add your strength to their own?  Will eliminating a Warden voice?” Natasha asked.

“The Adders are our allies,” protested Leonard, but Mark Steiner nodded.  “And they are pragmatic, my friend,” he said.  “They will do what is best for their Clan—and if that means they must absorb us to keep our assets from the hands of the Jaguars or Falcons or Vipers or Spirits, they will do so.”

Nikolai nodded.  “You have eleven Clusters here—and a mere eight left in the Homeworlds.  Your forces here, now, are barely at fifty percent strength.  Your Clan is in imminent jeopardy if the Star League forces us to either halt or retreat—and we lack the strength to move forward.  But what if there was another way?  What if, by living up to the beliefs that you profess, you can preserve your Clan, your various faiths, by serving under the aegis of a Star League that enshrines the freedom of religion?”

Mark frowned.  “Do they?  I have not yet seen a charter of this Star League Reborn, have you, Khan Djerassi?” and then his shoulders slumped again.  “However, your words make sense even so.  I know you seek to use our belief and our faith against us—do not do so.  Say what you want plainly—and we will answer.”

The Scorpion nodded at the defiant Cobra and he smiled.  “Cards on the table?  I am leading my Scorpions into the service of the Star League—they have agreed to give up seven worlds that were once part of the Terran Hegemony . . . worlds that will now serve as the home of the True Clans of Kerensky.  The Stone Lions are with me—and I have pulled every last ship, OmniMech, aerospace fighter, tank, and infantryman my Clan possesses from the Homeworlds, along with a few million civilians.  They are currently en route . . . and are the reason we are suffering communications difficulties at this very moment.”

Mark sighed and he nodded, but Leonard stood, his mouth agape.  “And we will have to sacrifice those of our Warriors in the Homeworlds, then—the other Clans will Annihilate them in pursuit of revenge!”

“Neg.  I have an . . . alternative HPG rely network.  One that can be used just once.  I will share my civilians with you—and the Stone Lions—and we will have sizeable populations already on these planets that will fall under our rule.  My ships bear a copy of the Master Genetic Repository—so your scientists will continue to be able to improve upon your legacies.  If you choose to join us, you need only pass the order for your second-line forces, your WarShips, your sibkos, and the most vital of your civilians to join us.  It will be months yet before the Homeworlds discover what we have done.”

“How long have you planned for this?”

“It is . . . contingency which I have had for a long time now.  Mark,” Nikolai said frankly as he leaned forward and looked the Cobra square in the eyes, “you know well how much the other Clans deride the faiths that your Cloisters profess.”  He held up a hand and shook his head.  “I am not trying to play you or your religion, just pointing out a fact.  Your current weakness makes the others hungry and in one stroke by Absorbing the Cobras they can depose a Warden Clan, eliminate religion from your society, and strengthen their own touman.  It will happen—and Marion Truscott is liable to do it if he even thinks that the Falcons or Jaguars could use your strength and your Warriors to bulk up their own toumans.”

“I give you a chance to save your Clan and fufill your destiny—and mine.  Once more will the children of the Star League Defense Force serve the Star League.  Once more will be the numbers of our Clusters—drawn from the Divisions of the SLDF—be honored on Terra.  What do you say?”

Mark Steiner sat back and he sighed.  And then he nodded.  “It is the only road open, quiaff?”

“We will be considered traitors!” whispered Leonard Eaker.

“Treason doth never prosper:  what is the reason?  Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason,” Nikolai answered simply.

But Leonard snorted.  “Pretty words—our fellow Clans will call it treason regardless.  They will cast us out and mark us for execution.”

Mark Steiner shook his head.  “Perhaps.  But have we a choice, Leonard?  Is there another way to preserve our Clan—and our Cloisters—within the unity?  And if we do so by declaring this . . . Star League Reborn false, then what does that say of the principles that we claim to hold so dear?  We will be saying that we fear death and imprisonment and torture and we shall be like Peter and deny Christ three times before the cock crows.”

Leonard sat down suddenly.  “How has it come to this?  Is there no other way?”

“None which I can see,” said Nikolai.  “I am committed—my Clan is committed—to this course of action.  But you must make your own decision—will the Cloud Cobras live to serve the Star League Reborn, or will you remain a Clan of the Homeworlds and perish?”

Neither man said a word for nearly three full minutes, but at last Mark Steiner nodded.  “We are with you.  If you would set up that alternate comm rely—I have some orders that need to be passed.”

Natasha smiled.  "I will join you in the comm center.  I need to pass orders to my Stone Lions . . . and I think I will put my Potemkin under your command to help in this movement.  I want it back, once you get to the Inner Sphere, though."

"That would help us much," Mark said with a firm nod.

Nikolai let out a sigh of relief.  “Then I shall show to the com center at once, Khan Steiner.  And I believe that both the First Lord of the Star League and Melissa Steiner-Davion will be very interested in speaking with you.”
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 02:29:39 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Scorpio Ascendant
« Reply #389 on: August 06, 2012, 06:10:16 PM »

"This business will get out of control.  It will get out of control, and we will be lucky to live through it,” Nikolai said as he rubbed his temples.

Really? The Hunt for Red October?...

Man, you've pulled every military cliche in the book writing this thing.

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
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