Field Headquarters of the ilKhan, Bayern
Memmingen, Clan Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
February 25, 3044
The utter destruction of the Raven Fleet at Blair Atholl—and the death of Khan McKenna—had been every bit as shocking as Nikolai had hoped. The assembled Khans were sober, some were . . . well, they were frightened, although any accusing them of such would have been slain in an instant. They remained frightened, however, and the haughty nature of the Khans had drained from the chamber like the atmosphere from an airlock opened to space.
Amanda stood on the dais below and she confirmed the report again with a swift nod of her head. “We have gone as far as we can go at this time, my Khans,†she said into the stillness quietly. “For the good of the Clans as a whole—Operation Revival is now ended.â€
A low moan came up from the Khans, but the ilKhan steeled her face. “I will contact First Lord Focht at the conclusion of this meeting, and request a conference to hammer out the terms of a treaty between us and the Star League.â€
The assembled Khans blinked once, and then twice, and then a dozen or more were on their feet yelling. “IT IS THE ONLY WAY!†thundered back the ilKhan, and the Khans slowly subsided, but many remained standing in defiance. “We must see to our defenses and seek terms to end this War before we lose everything we have gained. If we do not, our new resources and population and industries and worlds on which to expand will mean nothing. All of our losses will have been in vain. And it will be a century before we can once again assemble the strength to come back,†she finished flatly.
“Khan Howell, do you think a century will pass before this new Star League finds us? Khan Black do you not realize that our HPG relay chain was deliberately severed? On our side of the vast gulf between us and the Homeworlds? That is why communications are down—Star League scouts could even now be spreading out and searching for our Homeworlds. We must keep their attention here; we must remain here, and to do that—we must, for now, have peace.â€
The Khan of the Blood Spirits, Helen Schmidt rose to her feet. “You are ilKhan—you are neither dictator nor First Lord. I demand a vote.â€
“And then a vote you shall have,†Amanda said. She sat and Loremaster of the Clans Charles Bragg stood in her place.
“The question is thus: will the Clans of Kerensky end this Invasion and seek a peace treaty with the Star League? A vote of aye will support the ilKhan’s plan—a vote of nay will oppose it. Clan Blood Spirit?â€
Helen Schmidt stood. “We both vote nay, Loremaster,†her saKhan James Carmichael staring sullenly at the ilKhan with a furious expression.
“Clan Cloud Cobra?â€
The electronic image of Mark Steiner and Leonard Eaker flickered and they exchanged a few words. “Two votes for aye—it is the only sane proposal.â€
“Clan Coyote?â€
Pavel Kerensky and his saKhan Simon Kufahl—a well known Crusader—argued for a moment. Then he sadly turned to face the ilKhan. “The Coyotes are divided today. One Aye and one nay.â€
“Clan Diamond Shark?â€
Olivia Sutherland stood and her face was ashen. “The Sharks cannot and will not accept our treating with this False Star League as equals. Nay, Loremaster—twice.†Her saKhan Peter Hammond hung his head and refused to meet Amanda’s eyes.
“Clan Ghost Bear?â€
Grace Kabrinski stood and she stood proud. “Loremaster, both I and saKhan Erik Jorgensson vote aye and we stand with our ilKhan.â€
“Clan Goliath Scorpion?â€
Nikolai stood and he bowed deeply. “Aye, Loremaster. The guns should fall silent so that we might rebuild.†And the image of Nelson beside him nodded his own assent.
“Clan Hell’s Horses?â€
Jake Fletcher rose to his feet. “We have sacrificed too much—lost too many good Warriors to surrender now! saKhan Raphael Mendoza and I both vote Nay.â€
“Clan Ice Hellion?â€
“Need you ask, Loremaster?†said Emma Drake with a slight smile, as Robert Taney barked out a single note of a laugh. “Nay and Nay.â€
“Clan Jade Falcon?â€
Martha Pryde and Michael von Jankmon conferred for a moment and then she stood. “They are as exhausted as we—and I cannot believe that they would carry through with this threat. The Falcons vote Nay in unanimity.â€
“Clan Nova Cat?â€
Marius West rose and he gazed across the assembly—stopping at Nikolai and he nodded. “We agree with the ilKhan—but our vision requires that we oppose this.â€
“Clan Smoke Jaguar?â€
Brandon Howell stood. “A temporary halt, yes. We must. Negotiating with the False Star League—NAY. Two nays, ilKhan.†Sarah Weaver did not move, but her face showed complete agreement with her Khan.
“Clan Snow Raven?â€
An anguished Joan McKenzie stood alone, Peter McKenna’s empty seat beside her. “NAY. Not while those who used atomic weapons on my Khan live!â€
“Clan Star Adder?â€
Marion Truscott arose, and his face twisted. “ilKhan, I cannot agree with you. Were I this Focht, I would not give us time to breath—he will use this negotiations as a ploy and destroy us when we are most vulnerable. saKhan N’Buta and I vote nay.â€
“Clan Steel Viper?â€
Thomas Black and Paul Masters did not confer, but then they did not need too. “NAY!†the Khan hissed so sibilantly it sounded like his totem.
“Clan Stone Lion?â€
“Aidan Pryde and I vote Aye, Loremaster,†the image of Natasha Kerensky said sadly. “And I wish I were there in person.â€
“Clan Wolf?â€
Ulric Kerensky stood, Marianne Vickers at his side. “We vote Aye.â€
“Then by a vote of 13 Ayes and 18 Nays, the motion fails to carry and ilKhan’s proposal is . . .â€
“HOLD!†barked Nikolai Djerassi as he stood, casting aside the scorpion mask he wore to the center of the well. “I demand a Trial of Refusal—and bid myself and myself alone!â€
Every Khan’s head snapped around to stare at Nikolai, some smiling in appreciation and others in shock and anger.
“Khan Djerassi, the odds against you are 1.81 to 1, which under the Martial Code since a single Point is fighting this trial—is made 2 to 1 against. And by demanding a Trial of Refusal on a matter that affects the Clans as a whole, one in which your Clan held an equal and binding vote, I hereby declare as the Loremaster of the Clans, by my right under Article XIV, Section Seven, Clause Three of the Marital Code of Nicholas Kerensky that such a Trial of Refusal is against the interest of the Clans—and increase the odds accordingly to a value of 3 to 1 against,†the Ice Hellion Loremaster said with a smile.
“So be it.â€
Marion Truscott took a step forward. "Loremaster, 14-7-3 has not been invoked in more than century! And it dealt with a third-party Clan intervening in a dispute between two other Clans! It has not been used since!"
Charles Bragg shrugged. "I am the Loremaster of the Clans . . . my rulings on the Martial Code cannot be questioned, nor can they be made the subject of a Trial of Refusal, as you well know."
"And you should know that I will demand of you a Trial of Grievance for your abuse of power here today . . . and that I will kill you."
Nikolai smiled. "Calmly, Marion," he said. "Three to one odds are fine with me."
Amanda stood. “We will set a time and location for this trial and recon- . . .â€
“Begging the ilKhan’s pardon—but there is no time like the present and no better location than here, before witnesses that none can dispute. Unless those who voted Nay refuse to face me? And thus forfeit their vote!â€
Emma Drake shook her head in barely controlled fury. “Neg, Scorpion. None here refuse to face you—none here lack the honor to kill you. But it is to the challenged to choose the means of combat.â€
“’Mechs, unarmed, melee weapons, it matters not to me, Ice Hellion. Choose your weapons and let us resolve this now!â€
Marion Truscott stood a third time . . . and he shook his head. “May we have a short recess to decide which Khans will face Khan Djerassi and the manner of our combat?†he asked the ilKhan.
“So granted!†Amanda said as she slammed down the gavel.