Unity Palace, Imperial City, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
28 August 3027
“Why not?†roared Samsonov, leaping to his feet. “The situation is intolerable! You have heard the evidence! You have seen this craven worm fail to deny anything his rogues have done. I demand that Wolf's Dragoons be immediately placed under my direct orders. I demand that Korsht and Dumont be relieved of their regimental commands. I demand that the criminals, especially the foul Kerensky and the butcher Arbuthnot, who instigated the bloody suppression of the unruly populace on Kawabe, be immediately tried and sentenced to death for their atrocities.â€
“You demand nothing of the Coordinator, Warlord.†Takashi's voice was harsh as he glared at Samsonov. “The Dragoons will remain under the independent command of Colonel Wolf.â€
Warlord Samsonov's gesticulations stopped, but his expressions grew wilder as Takashi spoke. His colour went from red to purple. "I respectfully remind the Coordinator of his duty to the Combine," Samsonov said in a strangled voice.
"I remind you, Tai-sho, of your duty to me," Takashi said.
Insulted by the use of the lesser title and shamed by the Coordinator's tone of voice, Samsonov turned and raised his hands at the ruler of the Draconis Combine. He took one step forward, in a snarl.
Takashi nodded slightly.
The carved doors far behind them swung open and a single warm hum sounded. Warlord Samsonov fell, the remnant of his head a melted ruin. Servants in hushed footsteps dragged the former Warlord Galedon quickly away. One servant dutifully began scrubbing the floor in their wake.
Jaime Wolf sat, stunned.
As he rose from his seat, the Coordinator spoke as though nothing extraordinary had happened. “I believe I need some fresh air, Colonel Wolf. Please join me on the balcony. The view of the city is superb.â€
Wolf followed Takashi through the open doorway, where the cold breeze cut through their clothes. The air made his sudden gasp ache; Luthien's Imperial City was one of the most beautiful places in the Inner Sphere. Takashi stood by, silently proud.
"This was once a swamp, friend Jaime." Takashi began. "Coordinator Sanethia Kurita ordered that the capital be moved from New Samarkand to this swampy world hundreds of years ago. Ostensibly, to challenge the people of the Combine who were becoming softer under the Star League's benevolence." He smiled at the Dragoons commander. "Truly, it was to shorten communication times to the front of a hoped-for war against the Lyran Commonwealth."
"A war that the Star League would never have allowed," Jaime observed.
"Indeed. It would have been disastrous. The entire SLDF plus four member states against the Combine? But, we have been in five major wars against the Lyrans since then. And the shorter command lines have helped prosecute those wars. But in the end, we have this." Takashi raised his head.
"Appearances," Wolf said, nodding. "Coordinator Sanethia soothed the hawks of her time, but pursued a greater good for the Combine. She got what she wanted."
"Well, Siriwan got what she wanted. But enough history, friend." Takashi moved to the balcony, gripping the railing. "I am not against you. I would like to keep your Dragoons under contract with the Combine for... well, forever. But I will not beggar or dishonour you to do so."
Takashi paused and breathed in the bracing air. "You know of the troubles with my son? His military strategies are bearing fruit, yet I often wish it were not so."
"Theodore has made some surprising gains, from what I've heard." Jaime replied, off-balance.
"Yes, and it infuriates the old guard. It infuriates me at times, though I see the need," Takashi said, pacing the length of the balcony. "Four years ago, I planted the seeds for the Ryuken. Earlier this year, the Genyosha. Both elite formations. Both with mercenary influences," Takashi confessed.
"We want the same things, my son and I. But the method matters."
Jaime Wolf stood silently for a long while, digesting the confession and apology.
"Akuma is Samsonov's creature."
"He has been dealt with."
Another long silence. "What would you have the Dragoons do? For now?"
"Rest. Re-arm. Rebuild. But you will have orders soon." Takashi turned to him. "Will you seek employment with the Federated Suns?"
"I do not know," Jaime Wolf answered, honestly.
The Coordinator nodded. "Then let me make a pre-emptive offer. Have you heard of Nirasaki?"
(The first part of the scene was stolen from Robert N. Charette's excellent Wolves on the Border, Interlude before Book III, and has been modified.)
Legion of Vega HQ, Massingham, Marfik
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
11 December 3027
Theodore Kurita, dressed in a clean jumpsuit and freshly showered, looked at one of the 11th Legion of Vega's newest recruits. His unscheduled duel with the young Tetsuhara ran overlong, but he confirmed for himself that Fuhito did have the Tetsuhara touch with a BattleMech. The family's Katana Kat was in good hands with the young man, though he had less of the restraint of his father.
He sat before him now, going over his new company's records and familiarizing himself with the men and women under his command. Theodore filled in the blanks regarding the personalities of the pilots, but he was still observing the young Tetsuhara when Ninyu Kerai burst into his office.
"You're not gonna believe this!"
"Ninyu-kun!" Theodore said. "Please come right in!"
The flame-haired man ignored the jest. He walked up to Theodore's desk and blanked the personnel records. Before either man could say a word, Ninyu jammed a chip into the reader and played a message.
A man, looking much like Fuhito but still different, stared back and bowed. "Greetings, Tai-sa Kurita. We met, many years before, when you were young. I am Minobu Tetsuhara, and your father, Lord Kurita, has promoted me to the rank of Tai-shu."
Fuhito's mouth fell open.
"I am the new Warlord of the Dieron Military District. Warlord Cherenkoff has been transferred to Pesht, and Warlord Kester Hsiun Chi is taking over the duties of the late Warlord Samsonov in Galedon." Minobu paused and Theodore rose slightly from his chair. "I'm sure you have as many questions as I do. I've sent this message via courier, not HPG, to request your presence on Dieron. The JumpShip that delivered this message is part of a short command circuit I've prepared. I'm enroute now to Dieron myself. Please bring your planning staff along."
Fuhito stood. His emotions warred on his face, from the desolation at being banished to the Legion of Vega, to his sudden promotion, and now to hear of his brother's own promotion the same day. The jealousy and pride, it was too much. He began weeping and laughing and ran out of the room.
The message continued with further formalities, but Theodore paid it no further heed. He looked Ninyu Kerai right in the eyes.
"Remember when I said 'That day may be near' earlier?"
"I didn't think it'd be today."
"Get Olivares in here," Theodore said, then paused. "I'll need to speak with Tomoe. Call in all the company and battalion commanders too."
"Got it."
"Oh, and Ninyu-kun? Start packing."
(Scene is set after Chapter 20 of Heir to the Dragon by Robert N. Charrette.)
The Blade and Button, Blackstone City, Menkent
Federation of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
1 February 3028
The AFFS trainers weren't that difficult to spot, Ninyu admitted. The Elsies, at least the local ones, were dark-skinned and purse-mouthed. Those from the 4th Lyran Regulars were fairer and sweated more. But the Davions, they were loud.
His red hair fit right in with the locals, it was a popular colour, though his wasn't as sunbleached as some. Still, fitting in didn't take too long. ISF field agents, long embedded in both the 4th Lyrans and on Menkent briefed him efficiently on the local culture. He looked like a local, not from the capital city certainly with his lack of metropolitan charm, but a local nonetheless. He was handy with a wrench, which must be why he found work so easily at the starport.
After work, he headed to the nearest watering hole. A month later, he was a regular, and a bit of a legend after having scored a date with the blonde Feddie consultant. He ambled up to Mira sitting at the bar and flashed a weary grin.
"Give it up, Ralph," Mira laughed as she gulped from her beer. "We know you don't work that hard!"
Laughter erupted nearby, and Ninyu play-acted a broken heart which disappeared as quickly as he quaffed down a bottle that Sherm, the barkeep, had waiting for him.
Ninyu smiled, genuinely. "If only you knew."
Drinks and jokes passed around, and soon more of Mira's friends joined in. Ninyu had gotten to know them pretty well. Enough to know that they had just gotten back from a scouting trip out in the wastes, judging by the sunburnt faces. He warned them to wear sunscreen, but not everyone listened.
Sherm slowed down with the beers. "You fellas look dehydrated already," he said, offering some cool sports drinks instead of alcohol. "Drink up, it's on the house." They toasted to his health, and drank.
One by one the Davions left, alone or with a local till only Mira and Ninyu remained. "So leftenant," Ninyu began, "got any plans for the rest of the night?"
Mira flashed a grin back. "Thought you'd never ask, Ralphie."
They were both too drunk to drive, but luckily neither had a vehicle and left the bar using each other as support. A cab was waiting nearby, and Mira flagged it down giddily. She passed out as soon as they got in.
"About time," Ninyu sighed. He looked at the cab driver, suddenly very sober. "What's the score?"
"Nine points," said the driver. "And it looks like it's gonna rain."
Ninyu nodded as the cab sped away.
4th Lyran Regulars Field HQ, 23 km outside Blackstone City, Menkent
Federation of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
2 February 3028
The 'drop drugs' as the MechWarriors called it left a bad taste in Theodore Kurita's mouth. It always did. But he admitted it did the trick as he surveyed his 'Mech's systems with clear eyes and a steady stomach. His command lance checked in, followed soon by all his officers. He knew his men were feeling much better this morning than their enemy.
The 4th Lyran Regulars were not happy to see them. Theodore knew they woke to the sound of explosions ripping apart their base, with the news that their officers were dead or hurt, their FedSuns advisors missing, and Kuritan 'Mechs were dropping right on top of them.
It was distasteful to use such tactics. But a message had to be sent.
The 4th Lyran Regulars were known to hate the Combine with a passion. They devoted their lives to studying DCMS tactics, and their battle record against the Dragon was impressive. He admired them that, but he couldn't tolerate their successes any longer. Their expertise had to be denied to the Steiners and Davions both.
The quick journey to Dieron didn't include his Revenant, the Orion ON-1K that General Kerensky himself had once used. So Theodore sat in a borrowed 'Mech, leading a borrowed regiment. The Ryuken-ni was well drilled, and they spread out in a supporting pattern to focus down any active threat. Not that there were many.
His command lance featured only Assault 'Mechs and his Atlas AS7-D was, he admitted to himself, a stereotypical Kuritan commander's choice. DCMS officers favoured the 100-tonner as command vehicles for its brute strength and resilience.
Theodore enjoyed the rush of power as the Deathgiver autocannon roared and tore apart a 4th Lyran Commando. Its missile loads exploded even before the autocannon's shells finished punching through, sending flaming debris everywhere and killing the unarmoured infantry around it. The Commando's lancemates fell back then, rushing to join their main strength, leaving their conventional allies behind.
Minobu Tetsuhara had trained the Ryuken-ni to take the initiative and they were pursuing it relentlessly. Their expertise lay in open field warfare--combined arms open field warfare--which the 4th Lyrans never anticipated. The sight of armoured vehicles working alongside a DCMS regiment, with infantry in transports, it must have shattered whatever expectations they had left.
Still, the Regulars managed to amass six companies, just half the regiment, in a short amount of time. It bordered on arrogance to allow them the time to assemble, Ninyu had warned in his blunt way. But Theodore knew it was essential. He had to break the 4th Lyrans completely. Their experience, their history, their pride. He had to trample it underfoot.
Already, the Ryuken warmachines were moving of their own accord, moving to advantageous positions as he surveyed the field. He had made only one change to the plan enroute to Menkent: he ordered complete silence; no banzai-screaming-charges, no blaring of music or reading of poetry. There would be silence as they presided over the death of their devoted foe.
He raised the Atlas' right arm in a mocking Lyran fist high up into the air. Sunlight glinted on it ever briefly. The Ryuken, their tanks, their infantry, stood still.
Theodore brought the fist down and all the 'Mechs took one step forward in a thundering boom. Then another. And another, and they advanced as one glistening edge.
Giant gouts of flame erupted along the 4th Lyrans' line as the Ryuken-ni's artillery heralded their charge. Then the Ryuken fired, cutting down the damaged with spears of charged light. Hundreds of missiles flew and fell, and the Ryuken never stopped moving. There were no gaps to exploit in their lines, no misstep, no confusion. It was a dance, both choreographed and spontaneous.
The 4th Lyran Regulars died minutes later.
Unity Palace, Imperial City, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
17 March 3028
Takashi bowed in greeting. "You wished to speak with me, Jokan Constance," he said as she returned the bow deeper, as befitted a servant of the ruler.
"I did, Tono. Thank you for taking the time." Constance hesitated a moment. "I am informed that you have not forwarded an invitation to Theodore," she said, going directly to the point.
"That is correct."
"This is an important occasion, Tono. The wedding of Hanse Davion--"
"--Theodore has more important things to worry about," Takashi said with a brief smile.
Constance Kurita furrowed her brow at the interruption. As the Keeper of the House Honour she was also the head of the Order of Five Pillars; the civilian intelligence network that kept in check the militaristic Internal Security Force. She knew Theodore was wasting away on Marfik, as he had for the last three years. The punishment was important to Takashi, but that wasn't what he meant.
"He has been... traveling," Constance ventured.
Takashi's smile grew. "Yes, under many different skies." The emphasis was almost comical. Jokan Constance nodded. It was a failure, a massive one, to lose track of the Heir when her purpose was to insure the House's integrity.
She bowed low and started to apologize.
"Come now, Constance. No need for that." Takashi waved her beside him as they walked along the garden's path. "By now, news of Theodore's adventurism should be reaching Hanse and Katrina. Still, what is one to do with such rebellious children? Even if they were to break the peace we've enjoyed these last two years."
"Tono, forgive me, I wasn't aware you and Theodore had..."
"We have not."
Takashi gestured to the gravel pebbles. "I cannot reshape my son anymore than I can change a pebble without turning it into something it is not. But I can mold the situation around him. Mold his appearance to suit my needs. I know my rages against my son have made it as far as Tharkad and New Avalon, perhaps even to the Periphery, hah!"
Takashi shook his head. "So, I will present a different Draconis Combine than what they expect. I show up alone, broadcasting the split within my own House. But then I speak fondly of his recent adventures. I make it seem that it is my idea. That father and son are united. Perhaps the earlier reports were exaggerated. Perhaps, Theodore isn't the headache that he is."
He leaned in, as if sharing a secret. "Hmph! It'll be worth it to rub it in the Fox's face."
Constance breathed in and bowed deeply. "Forgive my arrogance, Tono. I presumed."
"It is your duty." The Coordinator turned, bowed, then walked away.
(Modified scene, Chapter 21, Heir to the Dragon, by Robert N. Charrette.)
Governor's Palace, Elusian City, Nirasaki
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
3 April 3028
It took a lot to stun Jaime Wolf, but lately all it took was someone with the name 'Kurita'. He shook his head and smiled, "I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. You said your name was?..."
The jolly fat man, dressed in robes of scarlet red and ivory, smiled back. "Chandrasekhar Kurita, your civilian liaison. The Coordinator did say you'd be assigned one, yes?" Without giving the colonel time to answer, he continued. "Call me Chandy, please, mon colonel," the round man said as he inspected Jaime's rather bare bar.
Shaking his shaven head at the poor offerings, Chandrasekhar pulled a battle from his sleeve and poured three glasses. He offered one to Jaime.
"To the Dragon and the Dragoons!" Chandy roared in between gulps from each hand.
Jaime downed his drink in one shot, and regretted it immediately as it burned, pleasantly, down his throat.
"What did I just--"
"--It's a good thing you arrived when you did, mon colonel," Chandy began, without even pretending he was sorry for interrupting. He flashed a few more chips and deposited them in Jaime's empty glass. "Those all need your signature. I've authorized the construction of your corporate headquarters here, and the plans your staff forwarded for the 'Hiring Hall' have been slightly altered. Expanded, really."
Jaime grew flustered, but Chandrasekhar's blue Kurita eyes held him still. This one plays a fool. But he isn't, not one bit, the colonel surmised. He kept a tighter rein on his emotions, which became harder to do with the liquid spreading warmth around his body.
"You'll find them all detailed in the chips. I'm sure they'll meet your standards."
"Why did the Coordinator send you here? A Kurita?" Jaime asked, seeking to re-gain the initiative.
"Well," Chandy began, "there's a small matter of me irritating a few of the worthies at the Luthien Court. It involved a camel, some Lyran mannequins of dubious moral character, some noble daughters and sons, and the whole of last October..."
"I... see."
"Regardless, I am here. Oh, and I'm also the representative of the Nirasaki Computer Collective!" Chandy flashed a sleek noteputer. "You're familiar with the Blue Lotus, aren't you? What with your SLDF origins, you should know all about them. Did you know my nephew, well, cousin actually but I'm like an uncle to young Theodore--he pilots General Kerensky's original Orion? Hah, olive drab and everything."
"The what? Really, the original? Wait, 'SLDF origins'?"
Chandy nodded. "Found it on a glob of junk around New Samarkand, flushed before they jumped I imagine. And hmm, well, let's see... a fleet of well-preserved JumpShips. A jump-capable station no less, along with more than five regiments of 'Mechs with their own DropShips and fighters, nearly all SLDF-era designs. Surely you're familiar with the rumours you've done nothing to dispel? Oh and the fact that Natasha Kerensky's... well, a Kerensky. Not too subtle."
"There are many..."
"Of course there are. My gardener's a Kerensky, and related to the General himself!" Chandy refilled his glasses.
"The former planetary governor's a fine fellow, there's a dinner tonight by the way, and everything on the civilian end is neatly tied up. Technically, he's the vice-governor now since you're in charge. But the NCC, they're really interested in talking with your technical people. Nirasaki makes more than just fancy noteputers and comms, you know."
"Why the NCC?"
Chandy smiled. "Good, mon colonel. You see to the heart of it."
Jaime Wolf nodded, taking his chair and plugging in a chip at random into his deskputer. "Matabushi on Hachiman," Jaime said a moment later from memory. "Gorton, Kingsley & Thorpe from Satalice. Luthien Armour Works, of Luthien and every damn place else." Chandy smiled and kept drinking. "Those are the top three electronics, military electronics, manufacturers in the Combine. Not to mention their satellite factories. I hear even the Imperial Institute of Technology on Xinyang's supplying some chips these days."
"Very good, mon colonel." Chandy bowed. "Simply put, they're fuddy duddies."
Wolf couldn't help it, he barked a laugh.
"Hah, indeed, mon colonel. But it's true. They're old, mostly, but they're tied to the Procurement Department in so many disgusting ways. The NCC is mostly a civilian operation, there's some chips and boards we supply of course to the military. But again, this is the Combine. Even the lowliest rice farmers sell to the DCMS."
"We're less likely to stab in you the back. And you're bound to be running low on the high-end stuff you use. Nirasaki is unique in the Combine in that this world's economy isn't suborned to the military or ignored, but actually allowed to be different. Capitalism thrives here, but greed doesn't hold sway."
"I've heard that most of the people live in communes... and they use work credits as currency."
"Indeed, mon colonel! They're not interested in money, they have what they need but they still sell to the Combine, for a profit of course. It's a very odd arrangement. But now you see the wisdom of the Dragon in offering this world to you."
Jaime Wolf sat back and recollected his suspicions which Chandy was giving him time to do by refilling his own glasses again. Nirasaki sat right next to Dieron, which given his friend Minobu's promotion made a certain sense. Tetsuhara was now one of the most powerful men in the Combine, a friend of the Dragoons, who would always look to their best interests as long as it didn't conflict with the Combine's. The system was close to the Davion border, but raids were not common, and now would be less so with at least one regiment of the Wolf's Dragoons always on world, plus any sundry mercenaries the Dragon saw fit to hire.
That was the grand bargain Takashi offered Jaime: a world of his own, without Combine interference, to limit the cultural contamination mercenaries brought with them. The mercenaries serve the Combine, but when they were on his world to rest and re-arm, or even train, they'd be his to use. The world was his. His only conditions were that none of the mercenaries he allowed on the world would work against the Draconis Combine, including his Dragoons. Over time, the DCMS would rotate regiments to Nirasaki to train with the Dragoons.
Convincing the other colonels hadn't been easy, but without Akuma and Samsonov's rotting influence they had all agreed that the Combine had treated them the fairest. The five solid years had seen many marriages between the civilians of the Dragoons and those on An Ting, and many Combine worlds besides. Despite themselves, the Wolf's Dragoons had put down roots.
The warrior culture does remind me of home... Home.
"Indeed, mon colonel." The fat man said, interrupting his thoughts. "Home."
"Well, Chandy," Jaime tasted the name. "Please set up a meeting between my people and NCC's engineers, but before that happens, I'm going to need a continent."
"How about a moon?"
Ryuken Field Headquarters, New Ivaarsen
Draconis March, Federated Suns
3 April 3028
Michi threaded his way through the maze of consoles, machinery, and hanging cables obstructing passage through the hallways. The field headquarters was hastily set up in an abandoned office building in a small town outside the capital.
The Ryuken had received explicit orders from the new Warlord Galedon, Kester Hsiun Chi, to preserve much of the planet's industries and architecture as possible along with the orders to immediately attack Davion worlds.
The city was gorgeous to Michi's unsophisticated eyes, even though he'd only seen glimpses of it from reports.
Michi turned into the room that served as the planning centre. A massive holotank from Ryuken-ichi's mobile HQ dominated the space, displaying New Ivaarsen. Tiny red blobs indicated DCMS forces, while yellow dots indicated the remaining strength of the 2nd New Ivaarsen Chasseurs and the planetary militia.
The ISF believed that the 1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs had been relocated to the Capellan March, leaving the planet's defense to its less experienced brother regiment. Still, Warlord Chi had ordered three 'Mech regiments to land on New Ivaarsen, each with their own armoured vehicle and infantry forces to act as support.
Whatever defense New Ivaarsen's planners thought of mounting didn't account for the DCMS to field conventional troops and being able to keep whatever territory they wanted. The battle for New Ivaarsen was already won.
Around the holotank stood Chu-sa Andrew Sabuto Chou of the Ryuken-ichi, the late Jerry Akuma's second-in-command. Michi approached him directly and took a moment to inspect the man. The chu-sa had expressed regret with the news that their commanding officer had been 'invited onward', as was proper for any executive officer. He chose to mourn by getting the command staff drunk and occupying a karaoke bar on An Ting for several days.
The normally-reserved man nodded towards Michi, and he bowed and spoke. "The scouts report that the first and third militia battalions have accepted surrender, chu-sa. The 2nd Chasseurs still refuse combat, their commanding officer, Colonel Reginald Stephenson, is still inciting the civilian population to rise up and take arms against us." He slipped a card into the holomap, updating its display. Two yellow blows blinked to green, and the remaining 2nd New Ivaarsen Chasseurs unit scattered further away from Ryuken-ichi.
"Excellent," tai-sa Alfred Tojiro of the 3rd Pesht Regulars ventured. "My regiment is nearby, with the chu-sa's permission we can encircle them between your third battalion and my second." Michi observed the map again, confirming to himself that the 5th Galedon Regulars was much closer.
Chu-sa Chou nodded. "I suggest you bring along the 7th Pesht Armour as well." The tai-sa looked insulted at the suggestion that he needed a tank regiment to defeat a 'Mech battalion. The chu-sa smiled. "There's still a regiment of infantry and two militia battalions shielding the 2nd Chasseurs, tai-sa. I will be bringing my infantry from the southwest as well as my own armoured vehicles.
Mollified, the commander of the 3rd Pesht saluted and moved out of the planning room.
Tai-sa Li Dok To shook his head as the Pesht commander exited. "Too eager to prove himself, that one."
"It's not often the Pesht Regulars get a chance to fight frontline troops, tai-sa," Michi offered, even though he agreed with the sentiment.
"Hai. No one can fault their eagerness for battle."
"Or for salvage of better 'Mechs," Li Dok To said with a smile. Examining the map, he tilted his head to the chu-sa. "I'll keep the 5th Galedon where it is, should they attempt a breakout."
Andrew nodded. "That would be best. Please move your scouts away from the capital city as well, I don't want to spook the Dragon's new subjects."
The tai-sa saluted and left. Michi waited till the door shut behind him. "So, we are staying, chu-sa?"
"Well, the 3rd Pesht are. But yes, New Ivaarsen will be ours in the meantime." Andrew moved to the holotank and flicked a few controls. The view zoomed out of New Ivaarsen into a map of the surrounding star systems. The Draconis Combine's Galedon borders remained a solid red, but several of the golden worlds below it blinked between yellow and red. Some pulsed a steady red already. The border was as bare as the ISF believed, and Warlord Kester Hsiun Chi was making the most of it.
A commtech stood to get the chu-sa's attention. "We have established a link with the tai-sa of the 2nd Chasseurs, sir. Audio only," the tech said, indicating a mic.
"Colonel Stephenson," Andrew said. "Surrender, please."
"Go to hell, Snake!" The colonel said, hoarsely. Michi realized he was still in his 'Mech, he could practically hear the heat in the cockpit.
"All in good time, colonel," the chu-sa said good naturedly. "If you're not calling to surrender, then?..."
"Just wanted to let you know that you've been made! New Ivaarsen's always been the guardian gate to Robinson! But we've warned them you're coming, you jump into Robinson and it'll be the last thing you'll do, Snake!"
Michi frowned. Guardian gate? More like stepping stone...
The chu-sa simply smiled. "Your concern for our well-being is touching, colonel, but misplaced. That HPG transmission you sent will not be of any use."
"So this is just a raid-in-force then? You're not going for the the March capital? Hah, gutless cowards."
"You mistake us, sir. Your warning is too late. You see, we attacked Robinson first."
(Modified scene from Chapter 50, Wolves on the Border by Robert N. Charrette. Heavily modified.)
Fort Draconis, Dieron
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
5 April 3028
Yorinaga Kurita sipped his tea, savouring the flavour and aroma. Despite himself, he was quite enjoying the conversation with the new Warlord Dieron. They sat, cross-legged, across each other in a simple room. Shoji panels, dark hardwood, and Dieron's steady sunlight provided a calm atmosphere.
The table they used was a simple one, gleaming in the off-light. An ancient tea set surrounded a single optichip that sat in the middle. Yorinaga ignored it, mastering his curiousity.
Minobu Tetsuhara, the samurai in front of him, smiled as he considered Yorinaga's comment. Their conversation had proceeded beyond the gauging stage to a discussion of mutual interests. Not only were both samurai MechWarriors, but they were heads of two of Takashi Kurita's new military formations. Minobu admired Yorinaga's old-fashioned solutions to the Genyosha's growing pains. He could not wholly apply them to his own Ryuken, especially since he was no longer in effective command of it, but he could pass along some of the suggestions.
Now the discussion had moved towards mercenaries, and Yorinaga felt the coldness in his stomach harden. Tai-shu Tetsuhara pretended not to notice, but Yorinaga knew he could not fool the other.
"It is a strange thing," Minobu observed, "to find one's honour amongst mercenaries."
Yorinaga weighed each word, deciding that the Warlord was making a personal observation and not referencing his failures.
"Indeed I owe much to the Wolf's Dragoons. Even my current position."
Yorinaga harrumphed at the observation, surprising himself at the loss of control. "I owe my position to mercenaries as well. As well as the dishonour over my house."
"The Kell Hounds."
"They have cost you dearly."
"So why continue to give them more?"
Yorinaga's blue Kurita eyes flared. Shame burnt his cheeks moments later, and he broke eye contact. His eyes fell on the optichip in the middle of the table.
Minobu continued. "Your cousin Theodore was here, months ago. He is darkening the Skye region with the Dragon's wings."
"I have heard of his successes," Yorinaga granted after a short pause. "And of your Ryuken-ni's. I've seen reports. His plans are audacious and carefully prepared."
"Colonel Jaime Wolf tells me that 'Teddy the K's luck will run out soon' and I agree," Minobu said, mouth quirking.
Yorinaga was affronted on behalf of his cousin and family. Teddy? The K?
"That is why I've authorized several Dieron Regulars to stagger deep raids across Lyran space," Minobu said. "Soon, some of the Wolf's Dragoons will join in the raiding against the Lyrans, but that won't be for another month at least."
"So ka. You wish the Genyosha to begin raiding as well?" Yorinaga shook his head. "The Genyosha acts only on the Coordinator's word, Warlord."
The Warlord inclined his head. "The Kell Hounds have been unleashed to, well, hound them. So far, young Theodore has managed to not only elude his would-be-hunters but has struck back. I believe your orders from the Coordinator grant you leeway in pursuing the Kell Hounds."
The two samurai looked at each other for a long while. Yorinaga stood and bowed.
"Thank you for the tea, tai-shu."
Minobu bowed. When he looked up, Yorinaga was gone along with the optichip.
City of Jarlton, Hyadei Continent, Ko
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
20 April 3028
The figure shuffled towards him, limping out of the shadows of a darkened hallway. Theodore Kurita hated him instantly, with his ostentatious clothes, squat figure, and lurid eyes. Still, he forced a smile onto his face.
"Duke Aldo Lestrade. Welcome."
The short man bowed, too low. Theodore decided it was an insult and chose to respond with one of his own, thrusting his right hand forward in a handshake instead of returning the bow. The Lyran noble took it in a surprisingly firm grip, oblivious to the offense. He sat without being asked, irking Theodore further.
Seated, he looked more worthy of being the Leader of the Federation of Skye, one of the three major powers that formed the Lyran Commonwealth. Skye was known for its stubbornness in battle and a fierce independent streak. And the duke was currently fanning flames of secession, aided in recent times by Theodore's own successes.
Theodore sat down opposite the Skye noble and assumed a relaxed but alert posture. He would admit it to no one, but it was a posture he saw his father assumed; it conveyed both patience and danger. Lestrade read the body language well and straightened up slightly, as if just suddenly aware he had walked into the lair of a Dragon.
"Your Red Duke conveyed my message?" Lestrade said, oozing charm.
Theodore nodded slightly.
"Yes, good. Of course he did." Lestrade smiled. "That's why you--we--are here, after all."
Theodore cocked his head to one side, his eyes never leaving the politician. He admitted he had less experience than he'd like in dealing with nobles and politicians, which was why he was resorting to stolen lessons from his father. Lestrade squirmed satisfactorily.
"It's quite a risk to come here, with this plan." Theodore observed.
"What's life without a little risk?" The cavalier smile looked flat and uncertain on his face. Theodore laughed.
Lestrade took this as a cue. "The 4th Lyran Regulars. The 3rd Donegal Guards. Both destroyed in your first month of... operations."
Theodore Kurita inclined his head. Both battles were unfair fights, staged with ISF help. He had accomplished what he wanted just with the destruction of those two units, sending half the regiments in the Skye region on alert, chasing rumours of him and the Ryuken-ni. In truth, the Ryuken-san destroyed the Donegal Guards, pretending to be the elder regiment. Warlord Tetsuhara then ordered the Dieron Regulars to pair up and raid as well, hitting garrison posts abandoned in the attempt to capture Theodore.
The truth was he spent half of his time on Dromini IV and on Ko, the two logistics centres of the district.
"Curiously," the duke continued, "none of the units loyal to me were hit."
"Indeed?" Theodore asked pleasantly.
"Indeed, my Lord. The 5th Lyran Regulars were bypassed entirely. Their leadership is... sympathetic with Skye's aims."
Theodore nodded, having been briefed by Ninyu on the matter. He bypassed Thorin, the 5th's garrison, because he wanted the 4th Lyrans instead on Menkent.
"The Skye Rangers, as a whole, have been untouched in the subsequent raids." The duke sighed. "The fortunes of war, I suppose."
"You're neglecting your mercenaries."
"Am I? Pardon, my Lord, I put little stock in Steiner hirelings. I know that Richard's Panzer Brigade nearly died with the 4th Lyrans on Menkent. I also know that that the 12th Star Guards have been screaming for reinforcements on New Earth and Corridan IV."
Theodore leaned forward. "It seems we came into some intelligence regarding their defenses. An anonymous source."
Aldo smiled. Theodore felt greasy.
"I put little stock in mercenaries," the duke repeated. "Two of their regiments were to remain on Lyons, but one has lifted off for Corridan IV. They won't arrive for at least a month. Seems your 11th Legion of Vega inflicted enough damage to warrant such drastic measures."
"The Legionnaires can be quite... enthusiastic in battle."
"Quite." The duke sat back, relaxed, a confident grin on his face. "Ten worlds, Lord Kurita. I offer you ten Skye worlds in exchange for your indirect support."
"What kind of support?"
"Why, the same kind you offer Duke Aaron Sandoval."
Theodore pulled back and kept his eyes stern.
Warlord Kester Hsiun Chi had wasted little time in exploiting the gaps left by missing AFFS units along the Galedon border. Somehow, Robinson was left under-defended and its rebuilt Robinson Battle Academy, touted to be the equal of any of the Federated Suns' best schools, was blasted to the ground, their training battalion destroyed in the first minutes of fighting. The Draconis March capital world was left in flames, its factories gutted, its infrastructure ruined. The whole of the Draconis March was slowly burning, each world blaming Hanse Davion for stripping them of their defenders.
There were rumours that the people were crying out for independence.
Meanwhile, Warlord Galedon had begun garrisoning captured worlds with more borrowed conventional units from the Pesht district. Theodore knew those worlds would be abandoned quickly by the conventional regiments should they come under attack. The whole point was to broaden and deepen the front, and strangle the Federated Suns' shipping capacity. The ISF loaned several DEST units who were capturing whatever JumpShip they could and returning them to Combine space. Trade was drying up, starving the Draconis March.
To a schemer like Aldo Lestrade, it must have looked like the whole situation was a conspiracy. A situation for Duke Sandoval to exploit, to gain further concessions from Hanse Davion, eke out more power, more influence.
Lestrade continued. "I need you to set the Federation of Skye afire. Show the people that the Steiners and their allies are incapable of protecting the people. I'll slowly begin consolidating my forces. I'll feed you troop strengths and deployments, everything you need to outmaneuver them. In return, you leave my worlds and my units alone. I'll need them when the Archon bitch calls to the Fox for help. He'll send his AFFS in, don't you doubt it, Lord Kurita. The Skye Rangers will be a match for their best, but the rest of my forces are not of the same caliber. I know this."
"Would Prince Davion even have troops to spare? Surely, they intend to invade the Capellan Confederation. With the Draconis March in this state, I imagine you'd have more to fear from Lyran units than Davion ones." Theodore stood up.
"What can you give me now?"
The duke withdrew a chip from behind a bejeweled button and placed it on the table. "I'll give you more than Skye worlds, Lord Kurita. That is the index to something called the 'Helm Memory Core'."