I think a map for 3144 is quite a stretch really, apart from the events shown in Bonfire. No other novel even touches 3140, and between fortress in 3136 and the reformation of the FWL in 3139 there is so much going on with worlds changing hands, banding together and so on, that it's just impossible to extrapolate the entire inner sphere for 4 years.
Just two examples: The Senate Alliance, which has the capital on Augustine and controls a handful of worlds around it stays a separate entity even after the formation of the FWL. So the borders there would definitely be wrong for 3140 but we have no info about 3144. Also in 3136 Vega becomes independent as the Vega Protectorate under rule of the Ghost Bear's Omega Galaxy, who cut their ties to the Dominion in order to serve Vega. AFAIK we don't have any info if they stay, get smashed or even expand to nearby planets. There are many such examples, which is why I think 3144 is almost impossible right now.
I'd recommend to set up a 3140 map (or even 3136 first), where at least some hard facts are known, and once that is done include anything beyond bit by bit, first Bonfire and then anything else if and when it becomes available. I'm also in the process of re-reading some of the DA novels, and I can supply some hard facts when they come up during my reading.
I have to say this whole map project is really a great thing and a huge service to the community. Thank you so much!