You know what, I hate all of you and all your optimism and all your encouragement!
Okay, now that we have that out of the way, I give you 3139 sets of coordinates! + Distances.xlsx = just the systems and their coordinates, with straight-line distance from a reference system
coordinates transfer.xlsx = sample of how I derived the convert the coordinates of the systems from a different scale/orientation to that of the base scale/orientation
factions.txt = faction color assignments for Bad_Syntax's cartographer app
planets.txt = the system names, coordinates and faction ownership per era for Bad_Syntax's cartographer app
systems by era.xlsx = this is the full file with system names, unified coordinates, faction ownership and regions, etc...
systems.xlsx = same as above but only shows faction ownership and whether a system is a capital, without showing the regions
The new sets of files all reflect the new [and corrected] coordinates [that 3130 map had some crazy errors], the new deep periphery systems, and a whole lot of corrections on faction ownership. Unfortunately some of those errors are reflected in BN's PDF maps. My bad.
![Cool 8)](