I don't really know if this is going to become relevant to the stories or not, but it wouldn't leave me alone and I figured if I put it up here for you folks to look at and critique, maybe I can start moving back towards the main theatre of action.

The attached .pdf contains the livery, rank-insignia, deployment-doctrine, and some of the unique combat units of the Taurian Defence Force as of the end of the (First) Succession War in the AU of
The Virginia War. There are a lot of influences and semi-borrowed ideas in there, including some stuff from these very boards that caught my notice, so if you see anything you recognise and want proper attribution for your work, please sing out about it!
Also, if anyone reading this has artistic skills and is willing to do some work for
The Virginia War, especially anyone who's been doing stuff for TRO3063 or possibly even professionally, I'd welcome your assistance. I can't afford to pay my power-bill, much less commissions to artists, but if you're willing to work for free, or modify and donate some discards from other projects....

As much as most BT art tends to be depictions of combat-units, and I'd eagerly accept such, I'd place a slightly higher priority on artwork of folks in the appropriate uniform(s), as a visual reference for the fic-readers.
Well, long rambling spiel over; file attached below. The layout's functional at best, it's mostly unadorned, and the little art included is mostly canonical pics or depressingly low-res Paint.Net re-edits of such because I don't have a vector-graphics programme or the artistic talent to use one, but let's see what else you think.