Considering how easy it is to justify the availability of Taurian warships by using several canon sources I would not consider it munchy. To me munchy is when you suddenly say without justification that the Concordat found/hid hundreds of warships and now has the largest fleet in the IS, full of Destroyers, Cruisers and Battleships. (say sort of like the Ruins of Gabriel...)

My working premise, assuming I'd given the TCN its WarShips again, was that the Concordat had managed to retain perhaps half a dozen hulls, all frigates or smaller, probably all of the
Concordat class - it made up almost a third of the TCN in canon, and simple logistical realities would mean they'd almost
have to be of the same class, so the
Concordat class becomes the logical choice. A single WarShip yard would have remained operational to produce parts for the few operational vessels; during the League years it would have been microscopically overseen (to make sure the Taurians didn't get any funny ideas), and in the post-Coup era production of new WarShip hulls would have been politically and economically untenable.
- Additional thought: perhaps the TC in the Virginia War universe were trying to set up their own construction programme for regular JumpShips, but couldn't do it for lack of money/resources/foreign expertise. (Ironically, having that
Concordat yard mentioned above means they've retained the skill-set to build WarShips, but are starting from scratch when it comes to 'civilian-core' designs. There are many paths to a 'technological backslide', after all.

- Additional thought: perhaps I'll put a single
Concordat class into the FSNS, taken as part of the Concordat's 'reparations' after the war but which quickly became a white elephant to the Feddies for lack of commonality and the difficulty/expense of obtaining parts. Given his response to Ilsa Liao's offer of 'I'll trade you: I get Chesterton, you get my endorsement of your claim to the First Lordship' was a crushing military offensive, how d'you think Paul Davion would react to a Taurian offer of 'we'll trade you: you get our captured (and long-hidden)
Davion-II destroyer, we get your
Concordat frigate'?
I know they did not want to do something silly like put a shipyard there (unless they intended to give it to the WOB) but the whole there's a planet there that the Taurians controlled and no one went there during the war is just stupid. It sounds like the perfect place to tie down the SLDF -keep them hunting the remnants of the fleet, which keeps them from say attacking the Hyades Cluster.
Unfortunately, it looks like they were trapped, partly by the limitations of word-count and the book's size:price-point ratio, and partly by the fact that TTBOMK, the previous descriptions of the Reunification War didn't mention anything about fighting in the Badlands region.

And again, that sucks, but filling in those kinds of holes in canon ios why we all congregate at OBT to start with, right?