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Author Topic: Overview - TDF  (Read 29321 times)

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Trace Coburn

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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2011, 08:56:10 AM »

Considering how easy it is to justify the availability of Taurian warships by using several canon sources I would not consider it munchy. To me munchy is when you suddenly say without justification that the Concordat found/hid hundreds of warships and now has the largest fleet in the IS, full of Destroyers, Cruisers and Battleships. (say sort of like the Ruins of Gabriel...)
  Point.  :D
  My working premise, assuming I'd given the TCN its WarShips again, was that the Concordat had managed to retain perhaps half a dozen hulls, all frigates or smaller, probably all of the Concordat class - it made up almost a third of the TCN in canon, and simple logistical realities would mean they'd almost have to be of the same class, so the Concordat class becomes the logical choice.  A single WarShip yard would have remained operational to produce parts for the few operational vessels; during the League years it would have been microscopically overseen (to make sure the Taurians didn't get any funny ideas), and in the post-Coup era production of new WarShip hulls would have been politically and economically untenable.
 - Additional thought: perhaps the TC in the Virginia War universe were trying to set up their own construction programme for regular JumpShips, but couldn't do it for lack of money/resources/foreign expertise.  (Ironically, having that Concordat yard mentioned above means they've retained the skill-set to build WarShips, but are starting from scratch when it comes to 'civilian-core' designs.  There are many paths to a 'technological backslide', after all.  ;D)
 - Additional thought: perhaps I'll put a single Concordat class into the FSNS, taken as part of the Concordat's 'reparations' after the war but which quickly became a white elephant to the Feddies for lack of commonality and the difficulty/expense of obtaining parts.  Given his response to Ilsa Liao's offer of 'I'll trade you: I get Chesterton, you get my endorsement of your claim to the First Lordship' was a crushing military offensive, how d'you think Paul Davion would react to a Taurian offer of 'we'll trade you: you get our captured (and long-hidden) Davion-II destroyer, we get your Concordat frigate'?  :P
I know they did not want to do something silly like put a shipyard there (unless they intended to give it to the WOB) but the whole there's a planet there that the Taurians controlled and no one went there during the war is just stupid.  It sounds like the perfect place to tie down the SLDF -keep them hunting the remnants of the fleet, which keeps them from say attacking the Hyades Cluster.
  Unfortunately, it looks like they were trapped, partly by the limitations of word-count and the book's size:price-point ratio, and partly by the fact that TTBOMK, the previous descriptions of the Reunification War didn't mention anything about fighting in the Badlands region.  :'(
  And again, that sucks, but filling in those kinds of holes in canon ios why we all congregate at OBT to start with, right?  ;D

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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2011, 11:57:52 AM »

  My working premise, assuming I'd given the TCN its WarShips again, was that the Concordat had managed to retain perhaps half a dozen hulls, all frigates or smaller, probably all of the Concordat class - it made up almost a third of the TCN in canon, and simple logistical realities would mean they'd almost have to be of the same class, so the Concordat class becomes the logical choice. 

That makes sense- according to TR3057R all of the Winchesters were destroyed and the only other canon vessels larger then the Concordat that we know are the Wagon Wheel and Dart.

A single WarShip yard would have remained operational to produce parts for the few operational vessels; during the League years it would have been microscopically overseen (to make sure the Taurians didn't get any funny ideas), and in the post-Coup era production of new WarShip hulls would have been politically and economically untenable.

I don't think that you need a "warship yard" to maintain the ships- a drydock would do the job and from the SLDF's view the drydock would not be able to build new warships.  Actually we know the TC had a number of jumpship repair facilities even in the 3020s- it's mentioned somewhere in HB:MPS but I don't have my notes handy to cite the reference right now. 

- Additional thought: perhaps the TC in the Virginia War universe were trying to set up their own construction programme for regular JumpShips, but couldn't do it for lack of money/resources/foreign expertise.  (Ironically, having that Concordat yard mentioned above means they've retained the skill-set to build WarShips, but are starting from scratch when it comes to 'civilian-core' designs.  There are many paths to a 'technological backslide', after all.  ;D)

Now that would be an interesting twist- able to build warships and compact core jumpships but not conventional ones.

how d'you think Paul Davion would react to a Taurian offer of 'we'll trade you: you get our captured (and long-hidden) Davion-II destroyer, we get your Concordat frigate'?  :P

What do you expect from Davions....

partly by the fact that TTBOMK, the previous descriptions of the Reunification War didn't mention anything about fighting in the Badlands region.  :'(

But all of those books were written before we knew the Badlands was part of the TC- with all of the raiding going on by the Concordat Navy it just makes sense that they would use the badlands as a hiding spot.  But oh well....

Trace Coburn

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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2011, 09:29:20 PM »

I don't think that you need a "warship yard" to maintain the ships- a drydock would do the job and from the SLDF's view the drydock would not be able to build new warships.  Actually we know the TC had a number of jumpship repair facilities even in the 3020s- it's mentioned somewhere in HB:MPS but I don't have my notes handy to cite the reference right now.
  For my purposes, dockyards and repair facilities like on the Olympus can do field-repairs and minor fixes; certain critical components and assemblies used in KF-drive WarShips mean that battle-damage repairs or full-scale SLEP overhauls of armed capital hulls can only be handled by a full-blown construction facility.  So Sayeth the Author.  ;D

Now that would be an interesting twist- able to build warships and compact core jumpships but not conventional ones.
  It's actually the same situation the Salernans have been in for a long while.  Their naval architects were working from the old compact-core ships like the Aquilla class and never developed the 'standard' JumpShip KF-core.  They later acquired its technical secrets from Taurian expats and started building a clone of the Star Lord in the Salerno system, but not in large numbers and only for the use of the Prince.  As a 'precaution' against his Dukes being able to move large amounts of troops quickly and cheaply, the Principality's only other shipyard (Acadia) is only permitted to build Visconte-class frigates and Graziani--class compact-core freighters, including their 'merchant carrier' and 'landing-ship' variants.
  The problem is that the Salernan yards have been building by 'pick from the menu', rote memorisation, and automated assembly for so long that only a handful of their people actually understand what's going on anymore (c.f. the Valkyrie factory in TRO3025).  The Acadians bother to educate their people better, so they can go off-script if they want, but that comes with its own caveats - like Royal suspicion of their intentions.

how d'you think Paul Davion would react to a Taurian offer of 'we'll trade you: you get our captured (and long-hidden) Davion-II destroyer, we get your Concordat frigate'?  :P
What do you expect from Davions....
  ... that his concern for the welfare of the FS would override his irritation at being bartered with by 'unwashed Periphery neobarbs'?  :-\  The Chesterton thing was the only precedent I could find, but you're right: without knowing the exact details of his domestic situation then, and what would be different when/if the Taurians made the offer, it's not an especially encouraging precedent.  :-X

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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2011, 08:19:13 AM »

When you say the graziani has a landing ship variant, you don't mean they have the ability to land on planets, do you?


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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2011, 04:09:27 PM »

I know they did not want to do something silly like put a shipyard there (unless they intended to give it to the WOB) but the whole there's a planet there that the Taurians controlled and no one went there during the war is just stupid.  It sounds like the perfect place to tie down the SLDF -keep them hunting the remnants of the fleet, which keeps them from say attacking the Hyades Cluster.

That always bothered be about the Badlands after reading H:RW. The single counter I can think of that "might" explain the Badlands away post-Reunification War is that the technologies required to maintain colonization of the world were no longer available during the long years of the Succession Wars.

Then again, my counter is that's the planet - not an orbital shipyard.

It's a matter of explaining how a shipyard or repair facility was placed in the Badlands after the Reunification War. I hate to lean on them, but using Amaris's Periphery build up as a working example, it's possible the TC could have constructed the facility prior to the New Vandenburg Rebellion. That could give you the facility and the location.
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Trace Coburn

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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2011, 12:38:19 AM »

When you say the graziani has a landing ship variant, you don't mean they have the ability to land on planets, do you?
  Ha!  ;D  No, more like the Robinson or Kyushu class: they carry large parasite complements, which deliver their embarked troops to the planet's surface while the transport itself remains in orbit.  Infantry are delivered by assault shuttles; reflecting the archaic design of this model of compact-core vessel, 'Mechs are delivered by internally-carried parasite-craft of the Tigersnake class, essentially 'DropShips' without actual KF booms.

  There's always been a very lively sort of dynamic going on between the Salernan Prince and his 'vassals' the Dukes.  On the one hand, the Salernan Crown is 'supreme' over the Dukes only because they let it be; the Council of Dukes approves the accession of each Prince, and they generally select for Princes who leave them alone to run their estates as if they were more-or-less independent nations.  By the same token, long-standing ironclad laws and ancient traditions that are almost as binding mean that the Prince has a monopoly over certain military technologies (including modern JumpShips and 'Mechs), and the Princes have always done their best (often successfully) to limit the Dukes' access to modern equipment and keep them focused on squabbling with each other, in order to forestall a full-blown overthrow of the Cavaretta Dynasty.
  Thus, instead of the cheap and modular JumpShip/DropShip paradigm, which would be far more efficient from a logistical and economic point of view, even their civilian JumpShips are in fact compact-core freighters (and each hull costs them a fortune!) that still use a design-principle that died out everywhere else centuries ago.
  Feudal dynastic politics, folks.  What are you gonna do?  ::)

I know they did not want to do something silly like put a shipyard there (unless they intended to give it to the WOB) but the whole there's a planet there that the Taurians controlled and no one went there during the war is just stupid.  It sounds like the perfect place to tie down the SLDF -keep them hunting the remnants of the fleet, which keeps them from say attacking the Hyades Cluster.

That always bothered be about the Badlands after reading H:RW. The single counter I can think of that "might" explain the Badlands away post-Reunification War is that the technologies required to maintain colonization of the world were no longer available during the long years of the Succession Wars.

Then again, my counter is that's the planet - not an orbital shipyard.

It's a matter of explaining how a shipyard or repair facility was placed in the Badlands after the Reunification War. I hate to lean on them, but using Amaris's Periphery build up as a working example, it's possible the TC could have constructed the facility prior to the New Vandenburg Rebellion. That could give you the facility and the location.
  Interesting point.  Of course, the counter-argument would draw its strength from Amaris' readiness to throw the Taurian Freedom Army to the wolves Kerensky in furtherance of his own agenda: given the way 'rogue' Taurian WarShips kept cropping up throughout the Star League era, Aleks K would have made destroying such a facility one of his primary objectives during the Periphery Uprising, and Amaris would've been quite happy to oblige him in order to keep him out of the way.
  Still, I'll let the idea stew in the back of my head for a while and see what happens.  :D

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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2011, 01:03:55 AM »

There's also the example of the Belt Pirates/Star's End, which in Periphery (1st Ed) is cited as having "several starship construction facilities fully capable of repairing and building new vessels at a modest annual rate."  Yes, it's on the opposite side of the Inner Sphere, but it shows that some Star League-era JumpShip facilities did survive the Succession Wars in the Periphery.  Star's End is listed as a Rim World's planet in HB:MPS (in the SLSB it was merely "on the Lyran/Rim Worlds border" when Simon Cameron died there under mysterious circumstances).  If a place with that kind of history can survive, I think the Taurians can afford a hidden shipyard or two. 
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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2011, 08:49:59 PM »

Also depends how you spin it.

Amaris supposedly provided training and material support. That doesn't necessary mean he was privy to everything. Even when the SLDF was starting to make major headway against the TFA thanks to Amaris's intel, they still managed some success. This leads me to believe he wasn't involved in everything, but enough. So a Badlands facility or other types is/could be possible.
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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2011, 09:16:06 AM »

Talk to the Republicans they are experts at spin control.
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Re: Overview - TDF
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2011, 03:27:28 AM »

  Well, here's the latest iteration of the .pdf.  I've improved the layout a little and expanded several topics, including a full listing of the TCN's capital-ship OOB and a summary of their military industry, but the main reason I put this together was nailing down their ground-forces deployments, specifically which regiments were posted where (so I know what sort of holes will be made if certain things happen).

  For the record, I've pegged the end of the TC's economic 'slide' to about 2805 or so, broadly similar to how things went in the BTSD universe; up to that point, Nicoletta and then Semyon Calderon were trying to save as many 'cows' as they could, with mixed success, and worrying a little less about 'guns and/or butter'.  It's taken two generations of Taurian leadership for the Concordat's situation to come back onto an even keel, and more than ten years to bring the TDF back into a more-or-less fighting trim after Semyon's War proved how catastrophically rusty they were, but they're finally there.  ::)

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