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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #60 on: February 04, 2010, 09:21:25 PM »

Ice Hellion

The 22nd Benjamin never proved itself in combat according to FM: DC, which would prove it is not an old unit.

The 19th Galedon was formed during the 2nd Succession War and the text for the 21st can either mean that it was formed late or moved to the front lines late.
The 8th Galedon was destroyed in the Galtor campaign during 3025.

The 4th and 9th Pesht were destroyed by the Clans.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2010, 09:21:40 PM »

Rainbow 6

Looking at the Combine Field Manual it looks like one Regiment of Regulars serves as a cadre regiment for its district academy.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #62 on: February 04, 2010, 09:22:57 PM »

Ice Hellion

Where did you find that?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #63 on: February 04, 2010, 09:23:13 PM »

Rainbow 6

in the desciptions of the 2nd Dieron and its mentioned in (bugger not with book now!) regimental desciptions in both the Galedon and Benjamin Regulars.

Hang on i'll run up and look in book.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #64 on: February 04, 2010, 09:23:31 PM »

Quote from: Ice Hellion on April 27, 2009, 08:48:13 PM
The 22nd Benjamin never proved itself in combat according to FM: DC, which would prove it is not an old unit.

It also does not appear in the HKSb leading me to believe it was formed after the 4th SW,

The 19th Galedon was formed during the 2nd Succession War and the text for the 21st can either mean that it was formed late or moved to the front lines late.

But there is a reference to the 19th fighting during the Reunification War in Periphery 1e. So they were either disbanded or destroyed sometime between the RW and the 2nd SW.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #65 on: February 04, 2010, 09:23:46 PM »

Rainbow 6

Right i miss read the 15th Benjamin Regulars entry, but the 2nd Dieron & 2nd Galedon serve as training cadres for the Dieron District Gymnasium & Galedon Military Academy respectivly.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #66 on: February 04, 2010, 09:24:05 PM »


That is just it we could go up and denote some missing regiments but I get the feeling that some regiments were disbanded and reformed during the Succession War.

What I need to know from you guys is how many holes do you want in the 21 regiment Regulars. The Pesht Regulars have no holes as I don't believe there are any reason to disband a unit. No major action (war or rebellions) to note there what so ever. Now compare that to Galedon, Rasalhague and Benjamin. Let me know how many holes there would be.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2010, 09:24:26 PM »

Ice Hellion

No more than a couple for each: after all the Houses had time to forge their army and did not waste it in attacks.
The holes just show the units destroyed and those raised after the beginning of operations.
However, we are likely to find reminders of old wars.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2010, 09:25:15 PM »

Master Arminas

I agree that the SOL should be kept to five regiments.  What about the Amphigean Light Assault Groups?  When did they form up?

Now, about the Cadres.  Sigh, I have ALWAYS disliked the idea (for both FedSuns and the Combine) of having REGIMENTAL sized units comprised of cadets.  I know, I know, the idea comes from the WW1 Brits filling out regiments with upper-classmen from military secondary schools.  But, seriously guys, do you think any competent modern BT military would concentrate 108 green cadets in the SAME FREAKING unit?

No, they would do what we do today--assign the potential butter-bar to existing units, with enlisted and NCOs and experienced officers TO LEARN WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING.  I say dump the Cadre units on both sides of the border, at least as combat units.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Arminas tar Valantil
Grand Master of the Ebon Rose


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2010, 09:26:02 PM »


Quote from: master arminas on April 29, 2009, 03:06:01 PM
What about the Amphigean Light Assault Groups?  When did they form up?

Amphigean Light Assault Group was formed between the wars, 1st and 2nd. So a no go for 2785.

Quote from: master arminas on April 29, 2009, 03:06:01 PM
Now, about the Cadres.  Sigh, I have ALWAYS disliked the idea (for both FedSuns and the Combine) of having REGIMENTAL sized units comprised of cadets.  I know, I know, the idea comes from the WW1 Brits filling out regiments with upper-classmen from military secondary schools.  But, seriously guys, do you think any competent modern BT military would concentrate 108 green cadets in the SAME FREAKING unit?

No, they would do what we do today--assign the potential butter-bar to existing units, with enlisted and NCOs and experienced officers TO LEARN WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING.  I say dump the Cadre units on both sides of the border, at least as combat units.

Well I don't think the Sun Zhang Academy Cadre is composed of green cadets. I view them as soldiers who need seasoning. My view on the unit is a post graduate organization who is composed of the lower echelon of the Sun Zhang class along with a core experienced officer teachers. The post grads would be judged as new members flowed in. Some receive line assignments, others haven't progressed enough and have to remain, and finally some washout going to militia units.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2010, 09:26:26 PM »

Rainbow 6

Not sure about the AFFS cadres but the Sun-Zhang and District Regular/Free Floating Regiments that fill the role are made of experienced officers/senior nco's and cadets that have just graduated but not with high enough marks to join a line unit, so they are assigned to the cadre to gain experience before going into a line unit when there trainers feel they are ready.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2010, 09:26:47 PM »

Ice Hellion

Quote from: Takiro on April 29, 2009, 04:22:03 PM
Well I don't think the Sun Zhang Academy Cadre is composed of green cadets. I view them as soldiers who need seasoning. My view on the unit is a post graduate organization who is composed of the lower echelon of the Sun Zhang class along with a core experienced officer teachers. The post grads would be judged as new members flowed in. Some receive line assignments, others haven't progressed enough and have to remain, and finally some washout going to militia units.

The Cadre units are made of pupils in their last year (or 6 months) and this is their final exam.
And don't you think they would not put veterans around those new guys to keep them alive?

BattleMechs are made for an elite and you have to earn the right to be assigned to one of the real units.

I think these Cadre units could be used as shock troops quite easily as they are so eager to prove themselves or they could be used in secondary theatres, freeing more seasoned units for front line duty.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2010, 09:27:21 PM »


Okay folks I think this will wrap up the DCMS outline. Please discuss.

Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS)
134 BattleMech Regiments (as of 2785)
   Second only to the SLDF when it comes to military efficiency the DCMS is a well oiled war machine. The Arm of the Dragon has always been fundamentally strong thanks to its inherent Bushido philosophy and competent leadership. Thanks to the efforts of Coordinator Minoru Kurita this martial ability has been honed to a fine edge. He has worked hard to incorporate the best features possible into the Draconis military. In the process Minoru has alienated some traditional elements as some of these methods are seen as too radical or foreign. These elements look to Jinjiro Kurita to remedy these problems. Minoru’s goal and ambition have also done much to stifle any overt opposition.
Philosophical split between old school Minoru soldiers and the new warriors of Jinjiro. Similar to split between Takashi and Theodore. I think some new Samurai see Minoru as weak while Jinjiro's aggressiveness appeals to them. Of course the old school views these rookies as unwise at best and dangerous at worst. Perhaps replacing Jinjiro with Zabu has already been considered but rejected by Minoru as a politically unwise move. As it would show weakness in some circles.

Draconis Guards

Otomo (1 regiment)
Overview: Since the dawn of the Draconis Combine the Otomo have served as personal guards to the Coordinator. For several centuries they have performed this task admirably safeguarding House Kurita. How did they handle the Von Rohrs years? Or were they formed after that infamous dynasty? Plus I will have to research the succession of the Combine and see how protected the Coordinator was.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: There is only one Otomo (Great Escort)

Sword of Light (5 regiments)
Overview: The elite unit of House Kurita was actually established as an armored corps during the formative years of the Draconis Combine. After the ISF obtained BattleMech technology from the Lyran Commonwealth in 2461 the infamous Von Rohrs dynasty ordered their upgrade to a BattleMech unit. The upgrade or Von Rohrs leadership did not have positive effects of the Sword regiments. Following years of great difficulty they were disbanded by the Von Rohrs. After 2751 the Swords of Light are given new life by Coordinator Minoru Kurita who wished to create a new elite command. Borrowing from the Combine’s past he reformed the Sword of Light putting a new spin on an old idea.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: 1st Sword of Light (the Ivory Dragon), 2nd Sword of Light (the Steel Dragon), 3rd Sword of Light (the Teak Dragon), 6th Sword of Light (the Gold Dragon), and 9th Sword of Light (the Jade Dragon)

Mobile Warfare
Discuss the free floating regiments and their impact in the DCMS

Proserpina Hussars (4 regiments)
Overview: One of the oldest formations in the DCMS the Hussars can trace their linage back to armor units that served Shiro Kurita. Since then the Hussars have participated in every major conflict that the Dragon has been involved in. During the Star League era they served as the rapid response force of the Draconis Combine with a regiment deployed in each Military District. The unit has close links to the University of Proserpina, a Star League facility along the Davion border. While they have never cared much for politics to some this association makes them questionable in the eyes of Draconians. Not the Coordinator mind you, although they could be more loyal to Minoru then embracing Jinjiro’s new ways, but the Hussars have never been fanatical state devotees.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: 1st Proserpina Hussars (Blood Suckers), 2nd Proserpina Hussars (Kurita’s Vampires), 3rd Proserpina Hussars (Warriors of the Night), 4th Proserpina Hussars (Luthien Leeches)

Arkab Legion (3 regiments)
Overview: At the turn of the twenty sixth century the Draconis Combine concluded a peace treaty with the fiercely independent Azami. In return for autonomy these proud warrior people pledged fealty to the Dragon and were incorporated into the DCMS as the Arkab Legion. These "foreigners" have always been viewed with some skepticism by native Draconians but they have proven their fierce loyal to the Dragon time and time again. Despite Urizen Kurita’s Japanification (an issue to deal with certainly) and attacks on their Muslim brethren on Dalkeith in 2775 they have remained so. Azami worlds from Shaul Khala, Arkab, Algedi, Markab, Sakai, Dabih, Odabasi, Rukbat, Shitara, to Albalii are scattered throughout Kurita space. Rumors of a secret Azami commando group (the Saurimat) and their competition with the Gaijin Regiments.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: 2nd Arkab Legion (Defenders of the Faithful), 4th Arkab Legion (Allah’s Blessings), 5th Arkab Legion (Covenant of Five)

Cadet Corps
List the Academies of the Draconis Combine - Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy (New Samarkand), Aerospace and Interstellar Institute (Midway), University of Proserpina (Proserpina), Pagoda for Luthien Officers (Luthien), Wisdom of the Dragon (Kagoshima), Kensai Kami (Bicester), Internal Security College (New Samarkand), Minoru Kurita University (??), Sun Tzu School of Combat (??), Galedon Military Academy (Matsuida), Benjamin Military Academy (Irurzun or Kajikazawa?), Rasalhague Military Academy (Radstadt), Pesht District Gymnasium (Pesht), Proving Grounds (nation wide), Algedi Training Camps (Algedi), Ashio Training Camps (Ashio)

Sun Zhang Cadre (8 regiments)
Overview: The post graduates of Kurita military academies. Contrary to popular belief the Sun Zhang Academy Cadre is not composed of green cadets. I view them as soldiers who need seasoning. The unit is a post graduate organization who is composed of the lower echelon of the Sun Zhang class along with a core experienced officer teachers. The post grads would be judged as new members flowed in. Some receive line assignments, others haven't progressed enough and have to remain, and finally some washout going to militia units.
Could one of the most damning signs of Draconis military expansionism be the Sun Zhang Cadre? To explain we had a previous discussion what the appropriate number of Academy Cadres would be necessary for the DCMS to maintain during this era which is about 5% of its total force strength. For example a 100 Mech Regiment DCMS would have 5 Sun Zhang Cadres while a 120 Mech Regiment Pillar of Steel would have 6 and a 140 regiment would have 7. The large pool of available recruits and high standards for limited billets in the general military are a few reasons why the DCMS has 8 Cadres. This should probably be one of our focus points in this unit’s write up.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: 1st Sun Zhang Cadre, 2nd Sun Zhang Cadre (Fortitude), etc.

District Regulars
   Reasoning for the Combine’s District Regulars is as follows beginning with the Pesht Regulars because they are the best indicator. If you look at the Pesht Regulars in 3025 from HKSB and even in 3057 from FMDC the highest numbered regiment is the 10th. So my theory is that no more than 10 regiments of the Pesht Regulars were ever created. Meaning that the Edict of 2650 capped them and perhaps the other three District forces at 10 regiments each. If each District is composed of five Prefectures you’d have two Regulars patrolling each. Following the Arms Amendment of 2752 which double the size of House militaries every District Regular was expanded except for Pesht. As they have no neighboring power why expand them anyway is what I figure. I have calculated the strength for the other District Regulars (Benjamin, Galedon, and Rasalhague) at 21 regiments a piece. This works as every one of those formations has the correct numeral designation. Even the Benjamin Regulars whose top number ends at the 17th has the 22nd as its next unit in FM DC.

Pesht Regulars (10 regiments)
Overview: I will start with Pesht since Ice and I are talking Social Generals. I used the term as a stand in for brown nose or favored person. Assignment to the capital District of the Combine can have its political advantages. And if we want to punish you well we can send you to the ass end of nowhere. Thinking about it today I would say politics probably plays the biggest role in this assignment. Remember the adage keep your friends close but your enemies closer. I was thinking potential hard cases might get stuck here under careful watch. It is another way for favored individuals to prove themselves, see how they react as well, if they can get any thing out of these problems.
Another note about the Pesht Regulars, have they ever fought in a large scale engagement to this point in history. I mean a few regiments might have been shipped here or there but they have never faced any real challenge to their station. Did they go on the offensive during the Reunification War even?
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: 1st Pesht Regulars, 2nd Pesht Regulars, 3rd Pesht Regulars (Gray Panthers*), 4th Pesht Regulars (Evening Warriors), 5th Pesht Regulars, 6th Pesht Regulars (The New Hopes), 7th Pesht Regulars (The Future Guards), 8th Pesht Regulars, 9th Pesht Regulars (Pride of Pesht), and 10th Pesht Regulars (Red Dawn), we have a note on the 1st meaning only the 2nd, 5th, and 8th have got to be made up completely from scratch.

Galedon Regulars (21 regiments)
Overview: Galedon has a proud heritage as the Combine's first District. That along with the Davion-Outworld border gives them ample opportunity for combat. The Galedon Regulars are extremely patriotic and easily the most loyal of the District Regulars.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: Confirmed 10 (2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 24th), Possible 14 (21st?, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd) leave out 3

Benjamin Regulars (21 regiments)
Overview: During the Star League the Benjamin Regulars patrolled the most cosmopolitan District of the Draconis Combine. Bordering the Lyran Commonwealth, the Federated Suns, and the Terran Hegemony they saw the most interaction and foreign trade of any DCMS command. As a result they are probably the most relaxed about their political concerns. While the recent redistricting of Minoru Kurita has removed some of their possible chances for combat many still remain.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: Confirmed 9 (2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 15th, 17th, and the 22nd), Possible 13 (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and the 21st) leave out one

Rasalhague Regulars (21 regiments)
Overview: The need for political reliance is obvious in the rebellious Rasalhague District. Their Regulars are under constant watch by the ISF for any signs of disloyalty. Their assignment to the Lyran and Rim border is a chance to earn glory many feel like their under constant attack from rebels and the ISF alike.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HKSB and FM DC
Child Units: Confirmed 8 (4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 22nd), Possible 14 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st) leave out one

Draconis Militia
   Hardly a run of the mill Planetary Guard, the Draconis Militia is by far the most irregular formation of the DCMS. During the Star League showing restraint from their traditional martial practices was difficult for the people of the Draconis Combine. The Edict of 2650 hit them the hardest of all InnerSphere realms. Limiting the number of warriors Kurita could field was an affront too many who already found it tough living in a peaceful universe policed by the SLDF. Cast out of the DCMS annually for "better" recruits and unable or unwilling to serve in the SLDF these individuals found themselves “masterless" or “outsiders”. While it was against the law of the League the Combine kept many warriors on as so-called shadows. On occasions whole Shadow Regiments mirrored other legitimate regiments of the DCMS giving the illusion of rapid deployments from one end of Kurita space to the other enhancing the realms strength. While many in the League suspected such behavior by the Combine they were never able to prove it. These units became masters of stealth and other quick hit & run military tactics all while pretending to be somebody else. Individuals or unit segments (no whole regiment was ever uncovered from 2650 till 2781) discovered by the SLDF were disavowed by the Coordinator. Some of these leaderless warriors (the Ronin) who also roamed the Combine in search of a challenge often stirred up trouble for the SLDF often dueling Gunslingers in popularized events. Some wandered the Periphery fighting bandits or training dissidents to fight the Star League. It is believed that these units trained many of the Periphery BattleMech Divisions which were equipped in part by the Draconis Combine. The Regiments as wholes participated in the Hidden Wars against House Davion and Steiner earning glory for the Dragon but never being able to show pride in their accomplishments. This gradually took its toll on their morale and overall loyalty. After the Star League was dissolved by the High Council they hoped for recognition but instead served as decoys for shifting DCMS forces. Hungry for recognition after years of operating in the dark these regiments are anxious for a fight. The following formations have been identified by CIB and given designations by Terran analysts. Despite their regional sounding names these formations are actually these formations are actually free floating regiments. They travel the Combine often “shadowing” real units hence their nickname the Shadow Regiments.

Kessel Militia (11 regiments)
Overview: Representing more than a dozen “disputed” worlds up and down the Steiner border this Shadow Unit has long been the unofficial repository for foreign nationals in the DCMS. It is believed that some of the first volunteers hailed from Kessel, Vega, Dieron, and Altair. These Lyran and Terran possessions had ancient ties to the Draconis Combine. Additionally twelve contested star systems (Lovinac, The Edge, Gram, Stanzach, Unzmarkt, Vorarlberg were claimed by the Commonwealth after the Amaris Coup while Engadin, Halesowen, Kiesen, Minkuchi, Setubal, Sulafat came under the wing of the Dragon) which were administered by the Terran Hegemony during the Star League era also contributed troops. The newest volunteers hail from the Rim Worlds Republic. These recruits have added invaluable combat experience to the Kessel Militia. Steadily growing in strength these gaijin now compose as many as eleven BattleMech regiments. While the largest Shadow Regiment it is the least experienced seeing only limited combat against House Steiner during the 3rd Hidden War.
Inspiration: BTSD creations based on canon information and personal flair
Child Units: Simple numbering system 1st to 11th in this case

Algedi Militia (9 regiments)
Overview: Many Draconians who served the Star League honorably have returned to the Draconis Combine after 2781 to find a society wary of accepting them. Years of service to the League have made them more tolerant of outsiders then other Draconians and exposed these gaijin, as they are now termed, to the virtues of freedom. They have found service with the DCMS difficult at best as the Kurita military stifles suggestions and expects blind obedience from all. They have taken this as an affront to their loyalty to the Combine and the Coordinator and view themselves as the Dragon's finest troops. These units have at their core elements of nine different SLDF divisions including remnants of the 405th BattleMech Division (Golden Pharaoh Division), 18th Infantry Division, 7th Jump Infantry Division, 133rd Jump Infantry Division, 200th Jump Infantry Division, 29th Mechanized Infantry Division, 66th Mechanized Infantry Division, 95th Mechanized Infantry Division, and the 225th Mechanized Infantry Division. Despite the quality of these warriors and their equipment many in the Combine do not fully trust them.
Inspiration: BTSD creations based on canon information and personal flair
Child Units: Simple numbering system 1st to 9th in this case

Matar Militia (5 regiments)
Overview: Recently reorganized the Matar Militia the officers of this unit have had to assemble their force with either younger Ronin who lack experience or older warriors whose skills have degraded. Forced to select from this depleted talent pool they focused much of their efforts on building camaraderie among its new found membership. Carefully assigning troops to units they encouraged teamwork and their soldiers’ ability to adapt to changing conditions. So far the results have paid off nicely for the Matar Militia which has proven itself a capable fighting force during combat exercises. Like many of its fellow Shadow units they field a medium sized BattleMech contingent. Eagerly embracing new methods and owing to its can do nature the Matar Militia grabs every technological upgrade it can. Based on Matar a neighboring world of Proserpina along the Davion border this unit had previously participated in the Hidden War but much of its experienced personnel have been reassigned indicating a possible shift in Draconis strategy. This will become the 4th Ronin Taskforce with castoffs forming the 5th.
Inspiration: BTSD creations based on canon information and personal flair
Child Units: Simple numbering system 1st to 5th in this case

Chian Militia (5 regiments)
Overview: Quite a formidable military unit in its own right the Chian Militia is eclipsed by few others when it comes to overall force quality. Many of its members resent the fact that they have been overlooked for other assignments in the past. This has led to the soldiers of this taskforce to drive themselves hard in order to prove their worth. Mainly equipped with medium weight BattleMechs it does have some heavier elements for support. With access to select Star League era technology the Chian Militia is also comparatively well equipped to its fellow Shadow Regiments. One of the two Ronin units who participated in the War of Davion Succession the unit is based in the Irurzun Prefecture which has a planet or system named Koping Chian. This will become the 2nd Ronin Taskforce with castoffs forming the 5th.
Inspiration: BTSD creations based on canon information and personal flair
Child Units: Simple numbering system 1st to 5th in this case

Samarkand Militia (5 regiments)
Overview: The oldest group of Draconis Militia seems to be this unit based on New Samarkand. These veterans are mainly composed of DCMS troopers who were run out of service because of their advanced age prior to the dissolution of the Star League. Wandering the HumanSphere as lone warriors for many years has provided them ample understanding of battle but has gradually eroded their discipline. This lack of unit cohesion is clearly visible in the Third which has more skilled personnel than most DCMS units. In recent exercises the Samarkand Militia has acted individually rather than together as a team to defeat opponents in battle. Another sign of this organizational chaos is the unit’s refusal to upgrade technologically despite the availability of refit packages. They instead rely on their proven weapons and their superior knowledge to win the day. Many of this unit’s Mechs are older medium weight designs that have been handed down from their families or are otherwise privately owned. This will become the 3rd Ronin Taskforce with castoffs forming the 5th.
Inspiration: BTSD creations based on canon information and personal flair
Child Units: Simple numbering system 1st to 5th in this case

Ashio Militia (5 regiments)
Overview: Since the collapse of the Star League a new Ronin unit has been gathering on the world of Ashio. This dangerous new force is made up of the finest Ronin and other select Draconis volunteers. While they might not have common backgrounds the personnel of this assembling unit seem to have a singular focus that gives them incredible skill even at this early stage. Equipped with BattleMechs of all sizes including assault weight machines they seem to be well supplied with access to Star League technology and designs. This will become the 1st Ronin Taskforce with castoffs forming the 5th.
Inspiration: BTSD creations based on canon information and personal flair
Child Units: Simple numbering system 1st to 5th in this case


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2010, 09:27:40 PM »


Well done! Quite complete and informative.

I think that Minoru Kurita University should be on Luthien and the Sun Tzu School of Combat on New Samarkand.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 Notes
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2010, 09:28:04 PM »


only major fight I think the Pesht regulars might of been in was the invasion of davion before the fall of the SL when the DC tried to put there davion puppet on the throne. Large number of DC regiments crossed the border. Might also be where the 5th Sword of Light orginaly died at Smiley along with any others that might need to die Smiley
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