I'm going to breath a little life into this thread with a question from the BT thread and its answer (I posted there also)
Nice designs, what are the chances of more Whirlwind II's?
Slim but not impossible. House Davion's two Whirlwind II's are refits of the original class. There are currently three known examples of this class in the Inner Sphere/Periphery 2 are in the hands of the Clan Snow Raven while the third is in the hands of the remnants of Clan Fire Mandrill.
The Federated Suns has had alright relations with the Ravens especially with Burton Davion's "connection" to Sterling McKenna so it wouldn't be too much of a leap for them to get that one. The Fire Mandrill vessel Warsaw is currently crippled after the retreat from the Clan Homeworlds, the Mandrills have virtually mothballed it, so depending on what the Suns offered the Mandrills they may see an opportunity to trade the wreck.
Any questions about the timeline or requests feel free to ask either in the thread or here, I'll answer as best or as cryptically as I feel is required