Phew, finished Regional Forces. Enjoy the overview!
Regional Commands (67 regiments)
You can see the current arrangement (as of 2785) of Davion Marches and their twenty two separate Combat Regions on Fanmap 01. These forces, Regional Combatants, compose the bulk of the AFFS at this time. Such forces like the like the Clovis Guards, the Syrtis Fusiliers, the Messengers of Shiva, the Kestrel Grenadiers, and the Franklin Gorgons were alluded to in canon.
Apply standard Star League divisional organization (3 BattleMech Regiments) to these Regional Combatants and you emerge with more than sixty BattleMech units. By applying some variation based on regional wealth, location, and importance we came up with a total of 67 BattleMech Regiments spread over 22 Combat Regions of the Federated Suns.
Divisional strength also allows for historic growth of these units during the Star League era. Commands which may have been 1 or 2 regiments in size can then double thanks to the Arms Amendment of 2752 which legally allowed the Houses to double their armed forces.
Keeping in mind the arms control measures of the Star League and the Davion Landwehr Program these Regional Combatants rotate active elements. For example a third of these troops would be considered active at one time while another third was maintained on ready alert while the final third would be off duty their equipment mothballed. This would allow the legal buildup of the AFFS.
These Regional forces are locally funded and equipped by each Administration Area/Combat Region of the Federated Suns and so their size and equipment varies greatly depending on the support they get from their locality. However it is important to note that personnel are drawn from all over the realm. This check installed by Alexander to insure national loyalty. These forces are not exclusively meant for defensive operations but they rarely are deployed away from their Region and never outside their March.
Clovis Guards (4 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Clovis Combat Region, Draconis March
Inspiration: Mentioned in canon (HDSB and FM FS) part of the basis for Regional Combatants presented here
Child Units: Likely the 1st though 4th but combat losses from the War of Davion Succession could cause some variation
Robinson Reivers (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Robinson Combat Region, Draconis March
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: Likely the 1st though 3rd but combat losses from the War of Davion Succession could cause some variation
Franklin Gorgons (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Franklin Combat Region, Draconis March
Inspiration: Mentioned in canon (HDSB and FM FS) part of the basis for Regional Combatants presented here
Child Units: Likely the 1st though 3rd but combat losses from the War of Davion Succession could cause some variation
Verde Lancers (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Verde Combat Region, Draconis March. There could be a future tie in with the 12th Vegan Rangers who were assembled by the Duke of Verde.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: Likely the 1st though 3rd but combat losses from the War of Davion Succession could cause some variation
Tancredi Roughriders (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Tancredi Combat Region, Draconis March. This tackles the Roughriders issue which appears on page 59 of the original FM Mercenaries. This text points to the existence of a Roughrider unit in the Draconis March. Trying to incorporate information from every BattleTech product the Roughriders have been placed here.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants while addressing Hansen’s Roughriders origins
Child Units: Likely the 1st though 3rd but combat losses from the War of Davion Succession could cause some variation
Kilbourne Defenders (2 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Kilbourne Combat Region, Draconis March
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Kilbourne Defenders, 2nd Kilbourne Defenders
Marlette Musketeers (4 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Marlette Combat Region, Crucis March. One for all and all for one, no doubt this unit would claim some historic inspiration from the Musketeer legend of old Earth.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Marlette Musketeers, 2nd Marlette Musketeers, 3rd Marlette Musketeers, 4th Marlette Musketeers
Kestrel Grenadiers (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Kestrel Combat Region, Crucis March
Inspiration: Canon unit placed here to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Kestrel Grenadiers, 2nd Kestrel Grenadiers, 3rd Kestrel Grenadiers
Avalon Borderers (4 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the New Avalon Combat Region, Crucis March
Inspiration: Unit mentioned in canon text placed here to fill AFFS Regional Combatant
Child Units: 1st Avalon Borderers, 2nd Avalon Borderers, 3rd Avalon Borderers, 4th Avalon Borderers
Tsamma Kommandos (2 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Tsamma Combat Region, Crucis March. The word Tsamma is South African in origin and the use of Kommandos is a nod to their Boer culture. There is a mention in TRO 3025 about a Captain of pure Zulu descent serving in the Crucis Lancers under the Crusader. Yellow daisies on the forehead of their Crucis Lancer regiment.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Tsamma Kommandos, 2nd Tsamma Kommandos
Point Barrow Bulldogs (2 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Point Barrow Combat Region, Crucis March
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Point Barrow Bulldogs, 2nd Point Barrow Bulldogs
Remagen Panzer Brigade (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Remagen Combat Region, Crucis March. Forerunners of Little Richard’s Panzer Brigade detailed in FM: Mercenary page 73 which indicates the unit was formed from a Federated Suns unit known as the Panzer Brigade. The Remagen Panzer Brigade is close enough to incorporate this connection.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Remagen Panzers, 2nd Remagen Panzers, 3rd Remagen Panzers
Anjin Muerto Caballeros (2 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Anjin Muerto Combat Region, Crucis March. This unit has a certain Spanish flair and gives us a possible cultural link to the Cazadores in the AFFS even though Andalusia lies within the Point Barrow Combat Region. The European make up of the Federation could likely include this national heritage relatively easily. If the name of the planet really meant “Peaceful Death†could it have been a retirement colony originally?
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Anjin Muerto Caballeros, 2nd Anjin Muerto Caballeros
Broken Wheel Charioteers (2 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Broken Wheel Combat Region, Crucis March
Inspiration: Canon inspired nickname of a certain Crucis Lancer unit which will retain this nickname in the future
Child Units: 1st Broken Wheel Charioteers, 2nd Broken Wheel Charioteers
Killarney Kerns (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Killarney Combat Region, Crucis March. The Irish Brigade of the Federated Suns with several historical forerunners that they no doubt draw on.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Killarney Kerns, 2nd Killarney Kerns, 3rd Killarney Kerns
Messengers of Shiva (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Islamabad Combat Region, Crucis March
Inspiration: Canon unit placed here to fill this Combat Region’s forces
Child Units: 1st Messengers of Shiva, 2nd Messengers of Shiva, 3rd Messengers of Shiva
Chesterton Dragoons (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Chesterton Combat Region, Capellan March. Possibly the closest AFFS unit to SL standards thanks to its proximity.
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Chesterton Dragoons, 2nd Chesterton Dragoons, 3rd Chesterton Dragoons
Emerson Pikemen (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Emerson Combat Region, Capellan March
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Emerson Pikemen, 2nd Emerson Pikemen, 3rd Emerson Pikemen
Hobbs Hospitaliers (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Hobbs Combat Region, Capellan March
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Hobbs Hospitaliers, 2nd Hobbs Hospitaliers, 3rd Hobbs Hospitaliers
Syrtis Fusiliers (6 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the New Syrtis Combat Region, Capellan March. The Fusiliers give the First Prince an extra reserve to reinforce the other fronts with, allow the Golden Worlds to be strongly garrisoned without drawing to many regiments away from the Regular Army and keep the Capellan March Lord loyal with the knowledge that the Crucis March has the muscle to keep the Davions in charge.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HDSB and FM FS
Child Units: 3rd Syrtis Fusiliers, 5th Syrtis Fusiliers, 6th Syrtis Fusiliers, 8th Syrtis Fusiliers (4 out of 6 accounted for)
Seven Sister's Brigade (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Pleiades Combat Region, Capellan March. Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: The Electra Regiment, The Maia Regiment, and The Merope Regiment
Lothair Legionnaires (3 regiments)
Overview: The Regional Combatants of the Lothair Combat Region, Capellan March
Inspiration: BTSD creation to fill in AFFS Regional Combatants
Child Units: 1st Lothair Legionnaires, 2nd Lothair Legionnaires, 3rd Lothair Legionnaires