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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #150 on: February 06, 2010, 07:27:00 AM »

Quote from: Takiro on July 03, 2009, 02:18:34 PM
Hmm, last second worries about the Stewart Dragoons after going over their 3025 HMSB entry. Currently we have them at 5 regiments or approximately 540 BattleMechs. Rereading the entry on page 102 you can see their numbers diminished but below in the Home Guard write up they have the whole Major General issue which would mean command of over one thousand Mechs! Now I've read this before and I'm only slightly unnerved about our current strength as the entry to me still sounds like the rank has nothing to do with the Dragoon history but hey thought I'd mention it.

If we did decide to change this to fit I'd probably up rate the Dragoons to nine regiments (plus an extra battalion floating around in that give you 1,008 Mechs). But I'm not sure I like that. I like the Dragoons but 9 regiments throws the Provincials out of whack. Give it a read and see what you think, thanks guys!

FM:FWL p. 98 specifically says the Dragoons were 5 regiments at the start of the SW. I'd ignore the line in HMSB- the Marik Commonwealth/FWL as a whole does not have a Major General Rank- per p.84 Stewart follows the Marik rank structure- variations are possible so Stewart could have a Major General but I would not worry about the line on page 102.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #151 on: February 06, 2010, 07:27:31 AM »


Thanks guys, one more question on the Dragoons. Did you see the final line under their HMSB "Although their numbers have diminished, their courage and pride have grown by leaps and bounds, as if to compensate."

Their skill level in 3025 is Veteran-Regular while they are reliable commands. Does this mean they are worse off in 2785?? That doesn't seem to make all that much sense as the Dragoons are warriors certainly having backed Elise during the Civil War and saw early service in the canon 1st Succession War. What impact would you give that blurb if any?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #152 on: February 06, 2010, 07:27:50 AM »

Ice Hellion

For the title, it is hereditary, meaning that the Commanding Officer of the Dragoons might have earned it while commanding a special task force (why not during the Civil War?) and for good services, he/she was able to pass the rank to his children and so on.

An increase in courage and pride does not mean that their skills have increased but rather that their behaviour is a bit more kamikaze (I said a bit) and arrogant (we are the Dragoons).

And to get back to the training, I know NATO and Warsaw Pact partly trained the forces of their member states and had exercises with them but you cannot compare NATA/Warsaw Pact and the Star League.
The Successor States are not the best friends of the Star League and the SLDF is at the same time a force to protect the Star League and to keep an eye on the troublesome States.
Fighting alongside the armies of the Successor States is one thing but allowing them to get an improved training they might use against the Star League is another thing.

However, they could be organised as the SLDF units and use the same doctrines (or what is known of it).


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #153 on: February 06, 2010, 07:28:07 AM »


Stewart Dragoons (5 regiments)
Overview: The Dragoons Home Guard was founded prior to the Stewart War of 2293 where they unsuccessfully tried to fend off the Free Worlds League. Since that time the forces of the Stewart Commonalty have been strong allies of House Marik. They maintain a proud martial tradition and excel at several different roles. Siding with the Loyalists during the Marik Civil War they helped rescue Captain-General Elise Marik and assured the succession of Bertram. This support won them the gratitude of House Marik which has generously funded the Dragoons. Their close relationship to Corean Enterprises of Stewart has also benefited the Dragoons. As a result the Dragoons are one of the most well supplied Provincial commands. The Juggernaut is an assault unit showcasing Corean’s Goliath ‘Mech, the Swarm is composed of Locusts and other light fast Mechs they attack just like a plague of those insects giving the big slow Lyrans fits, and Steel Rain batters opponents with its Trebuchets and other LRM carriers like the Archer. The Companions were founded after the Arms Amendment of 2752 with aide from the Mariks.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: Home Guard (1st Stewart Dragoons), Juggernaut (2nd Stewart Dragoons), Swarm (3rd Stewart Dragoons), Steel Rain (4th Stewart Dragoons), The Companions (5th Stewart Dragoons)


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #154 on: February 06, 2010, 07:28:26 AM »


Defenders of Andurien (6 regiments)
Overview: The Defenders were established in 2514 prior to the start of the Second Andurien War. Proving their worth in battle against the Capellans these units grew in number and prominence. In spite of their skill and sacrifice the Free Worlds League bartered away Andurien and many of its worlds to the Confederation in return for peace. Never happy with the deal that saw much of their homelands turned over to House Liao the forces of this rump Duchy have become increasingly critical of the Mariks. While many pro-Marik officials accuse them of being bitter, House Humpherys continues to stand for liberty in the face of tyranny no matter the internal disputes of the League. Unlike much of the InnerSphere the remnants of the Duchy have spent their years in exile stewing on Kanata and Granera. Andurien back Oliver the Usurper during the Marik Civil War which did not endear it any further to the federal government. The central authorities of the League are constantly aware of this rebellious Province and as such support from outside the Duchy is slow in coming. The Defenders await their eventually return to Andurien and the liberation of all its worlds from the despotic House Liao.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Defenders of Andurien, 2nd Defenders of Andurien, 3rd Defenders of Andurien, 4th Defenders of Andurien, 5th Defenders of Andurien, 6th Defenders of Andurien


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #155 on: February 06, 2010, 07:28:44 AM »


Graham Grenadiers (1 regiment)
Overview: The newest Provincial Force of the FWLM has made waves inside the League and out. The Grenadiers are the creation of one of the most ambitious men in the Free Worlds, Duke Simon Graham-Marik. Descended from one of the founding families of the Marik Commonwealth the Graham family is long time allies of the Captain-General. The Dukes of Graham-Marik are distant relations of the ruling line and received their own Province early in the 2400s for loyal service during the 1st Andurien War. This support has continued to modern times as shown by their unconditional backing of Elise Marik during the Civil War. In response to Kenyon Marik’s offer of Terran worlds Simon began a reorganization of his forces with the ultimate goal of conquering Graham IV and expanding his personal empire. Using his fortune the Duke assembled a new force from the Graham-Marik Guard (which had previously been a part of Provincial Guards), the very best of his Duchy’s Planetary Militias, and some new recruits. These new retainers are very skilled but highly have a questionable past to say the least. Sources say that they may even include some alleged war criminals from the Amaris Coup. Regardless of this fact Duke Simon has built himself a four Mech battalion force of superior quality in a short amount of time. In doing so he has angered some within the League and in the fledgling Terran Republic. Far from being dissuaded Simon has committed to further expansion of his new Grenadiers.
Inspiration: BTSD formation established to eventually replace the Sirian Lancers
Child Units: 1st Graham Grenadiers

Only the Tarmanid Sultanate remains, hope I get it right for Miss K.  Wink


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #156 on: February 06, 2010, 07:29:02 AM »


Gonna try and run this by Miss K but this should be it for the FWLM. Let me know what you think!

Tarmanid Janissaries (6 regiments)
Overview: The origins of the Tarmanid Sultanate and its Janissaries go back to ancient Turkey. As mankind journeyed to the stars many Muslim peoples where forbidden by their faith to undertake such an extraterrestrial trip. The people of secular Turkey were one notable exception to the Islamic ban on space travel. One of the largest Turkish settlements established in the young Human Sphere was Ayn Tarma in 2168. The distant mining colony did well in spite of the increasing tyranny of Terran authorities. Discontent grew until the people of Ayn Tarma had enough and joined the Outer Reaches Rebellion in 2235.
Led by the Damat Naili and his brothers (Darendali and Esad) the Tarmanid people drove out the Alliance. While they were no doubt aided by the remote location of Ayn Tarma the liberation campaign conducted by the Naili family without much of a military to begin with was a stunning success. At fifty four years of age Damat became the first sovereign of the Tarmanid Emirate in 2239. He appointed his brother Darendali, whose administrative skills proved superior, Grand Vizier while his baby brother Esad became the Orgeneral of the Emirate military. Esad oversaw the development of the Tarmanid Sipahi into some of the finest armor regiments in known space. The collapse of the Terran Alliance in 2242 provided the Emir with opportunities for expansion. With a mix of brute force and some harsh diplomacy the Tarmanid spread to Rohinjan, Mauripur, Hindmarsh, and Wilkes.
The Emirate even came into conflict with the Principality of Regulas prior to the Document of Incorporation. While some historians like to compare House Naili to House Kurita at this time the formation of the Free Worlds League in 2271 blocked any further expansion by the Tarmanid. For two hundred years the Emirate remained a fiercely independent nation that remained a thorn in the side of the League, in particular Regulas. Their lightning raids and superior ground troops made this proto-nation a force to be reckoned with. However in 2481 this changed the FWLM led by the Regulan Hussars conquered the Tarmanid thanks to a new super weapon, the BattleMech. The Emirate was absorbed wholesale into the Principality of Regulas who made use of their possession. The Tarmanid Sipahi became supporting forces of the Regulan Hussars creating a truly deadly force. It was in this capacity that the Tarmanid would see action during the Reunification War. However, the insidious Selaj family introduced anarchic communes on Ayn Tarma to dilute the militant Tarmanid populace while publicly endorsing the spread of new freedoms. The merchant Princes of Regulas did such things during the Age of Occupation in order to assimilate the Tarmanid but they did not succeed.
In 2679 the revelation that the Selaj family actually led the brutal terrorist effort known as the Scourge of Death gave the Tarmanid a chance for renewed independence. The Tarmanid Sipahi saw some of the toughest fighting attempting to break free of the Regulan Hussars. It was during this conflict that the Janissaries were first assembled from captured resources of the Principality. The sacrifice of the Tarmanid did not go unnoticed by Captain-General Gerald Marik who proclaimed the birth of the Sultanate in 2680 as a Province of the Free Worlds. They have become valuable allies to House Marik even though some harbor reservations. The Sultanate did eventually back Elise in the Marik Civil War but did not immediately jump into the conflict. The Kapikula Sipahi or secret forces of the Sultan did fight ably in the Hidden Wars but again did so in their self interest.
Inspiration: Miss Kotare’s non-canon Turkish inspired BattleMech forces.
Child Units: Royal Gardeners, 1st Janissaries, 2nd Janissaries, 1st Kapikula Sipahi, 2nd Kapikula Sipahi, 3rd Kapikula Sipahi


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #157 on: February 06, 2010, 07:29:18 AM »

Ice Hellion

Are they combined arms units?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #158 on: February 06, 2010, 07:29:39 AM »


The Hoplites are listed as such. I know Miss K wants the Tarmanid to be but not sure canon wise when the Defenders of Andurien picked up on this. The state of combined arms is an interesting point for the book really. Many Houses organized Mech and other regiments the way they did to save money during the Star League era.

Anyway I was always pondering adding a military academy for the Graham-Mariks? Any thoughts??


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #159 on: February 06, 2010, 07:29:57 AM »

Ice Hellion

Quote from: Takiro on July 05, 2009, 04:07:40 PM
The Hoplites are listed as such. I know Miss K wants the Tarmanid to be but not sure canon wise when the Defenders of Andurien picked up on this?

From their fluff, the Tarmanid look combined-arms oriented.

Quote from: Takiro on July 05, 2009, 04:07:40 PM
Many Houses organized Mech and other regiments the way they did to save money during the Star League era.

I think that apart from a few specific units, most never managed to understand how it works (you know the "I am bigger than you" syndrome.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #160 on: February 06, 2010, 07:30:27 AM »


Ok, gang think this overview is all set added the Graham Mechwarrior Academy as the League's newest. Let me know what you think.

Free Worlds League Military
129 BattleMech Regiments (as of 2785)
The FWLM is the third largest InnerSphere military with 129 line BattleMech regiments under arms. The impact of the Marik Civil War (2729-2734) only fifty years ago can still be felt. An arms race between Federal authorities and the Provinces which mirrored the SLDFs struggle to remain ahead of the Great Houses. The recent attack on Bolan and the passage of Resolution 288 should not be overlooked.

Federal Troops (69 regiments)
   Forces under the direct authority of the Captain-General or the League as a whole are considered Federal Troops. These units which make up the largest part of the FWLM are funded and supplied by the LCCC or Central Command.

Free Worlds Guards (6 regiments)
Overview: The Free Worlds Guards are the crème de la crème of the FWLM. Their history dates back to 2426 when the first such Guard regiment was assembled as a tank unit. Zealously devoted to the League these elite soldiers compose the heart of their nation’s defense. These units fell under the exclusive command of the Captain-General after the passage of Resolution 288. This controversial act has caused some turmoil even inside this fanatical unit which contains its share of freedom loving idealists. Granted the number of true dissidents here is minimal but a majority of the Guard comes from a different mindset. Their regard for the nation is paramount not Marik’s potential claim to the First Lordship. Kenyon Marik has begun taking steps to insure the Guards personal loyalty to the leader of the Free Worlds above all.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Free Worlds Guards, 2nd Free Worlds Guards, 3rd Free Worlds Guards, 4th Free Worlds Guards, 5th Free Worlds Guards, 6th Free Worlds Guards

Atrean Dragoons (14 regiments)
Overview: The standing of the Atrean Dragoons is second only to that of the Free Worlds Guards. Formed during the late twenty fifth century these units are the spearhead of the FWLM and can be found participating in almost every major military operation. From offensive to defensive actions these heavy regiment are cornerstone formations whose presence stiffens the resolve of lesser commands. They are a proud tradition bound group who do not favor newcomers. The Dragoons are also struggling with their loyalty to the League as some see the Captain General as a tyrant.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Atrean Dragoons, 2nd Atrean Dragoons, 3rd Atrean Dragoons, 4th Atrean Dragoons, 5th Atrean Dragoons, 6th Atrean Dragoons, 7th Atrean Dragoons, 8th Atrean Dragoons, 9th Atrean Dragoons, 10th Atrean Dragoons, 11th Atrean Dragoons,
12th Atrean Dragoons, 13th Atrean Dragoons, 14th Atrean Dragoons

Marik Militia (28 regiments)
Overview: Some names can be very misleading as it is with the Marik Militia. The largest body of the FWLM is very much a line force despite its moniker. With a history dating back to the first days of the Republic of Marik the Militia’s role has been constantly evolving. The contingent has seen service with the Marik Commonwealth, as Provincial Force in the early FWLM, it made the transition from an armored unit to a BattleMech force, and participated in countless battles in dozens of wars along the way. It wasn’t until the formation of the Star League that its current role as the main part of the FWLM Federal Forces was formalized.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Marik Militia, 2nd Marik Militia, 3rd Marik Militia, 4th Marik Militia, 5th Marik Militia, 6th Marik Militia, 7th Marik Militia, 8th Marik Militia, 9th Marik Militia, 10th Marik Militia, 11th Marik Militia, 12th Marik Militia, 13th Marik Militia, 14th Marik Militia, 15th Marik Militia, 16th Marik Militia, 17th Marik Militia, 18th Marik Militia, 19th Marik Militia, 20th Marik Militia, 21st Marik Militia, 22nd Marik Militia, 23rd Marik Militia, 24th Marik Militia, 25th Marik Militia, 26th Marik Militia, 27th Marik Militia, 28th Marik Militia

Olympian Hoplites (4 regiments)
Overview: The FWLM has a long tradition of innovative training methods that is often overlooked by many outsiders. The apex of these special instructional efforts may just be the Olympian Hoplites. The Hoplites were formed after the Arms Amendment of 2752 which allowed for the expansion of the FWLM. Based near the Free Worlds Military Institute on the planet of New Olympia the unit was originally an academy project that grew into its current form. The basic structure of the Hoplites is modeled after the Star League Regimental Combat Teams. Copied for the express purpose of conducting combat exercises with their fellow League forces this OpFor (Opposing Force) provides advanced tactical and strategic training for the FWLM. The Hoplites frequently trained with SLDF and other favored House units during the Star League era. Their four regiments span the entire strata of Mech classes (Assault, Heavy, Medium, Light). The Hoplites also deploy the appropriate number of supporting conventional forces (armor and infantry) and are adept combined arms unit. As a teaching formation they wanted the widest variety of equipment to train others with. They also embrace the newest technologies and military innovations. However this all presents a massive maintenance challenge.
Inspiration: BTSD creation founded on the basis of other Great House militaries
Child Units: 1st Olympian Hoplites, 2nd Olympian Hoplites, 3rd Olympian Hoplites, 4th Olympian Hoplites

League Regulars (7 regiments)
Overview: Free Worlds League natives serving with the SLDF returned home after the collapse of the Star League. These returning nationals were greeted as heroes and organized into a single contingent by the Captain-General that would best make use of their skills. This was a clever political move putting all these Leaguers together and avoiding their dispersal throughout Provincial forces. Elements of five divisions as well some loyalist regiments were lumped together to form seven full BattleMech regiments. Instead of being pleased by this development League officials have taken caution when dealing with this unit. This apparently stems somewhat from Kenyon Marik’s attitude torwards the SLDF. SAFE maintains a constant watch over its personnel for signs of disloyalty.
Inspiration: BTSD creation based on disbanded SLDF units that joined the FWL. 5th Mechanized Infantry Division, 63rd Mechanized Infantry Division, 166th Mechanized Infantry Division (Red Diamond Division), 189th Jump Infantry Division (The New Orleans Division), 209th Mechanized Infantry Division, and don’t forget Loyalists.
Child Units: 1st League Regulars, 2nd League Regulars, 3rd League Regulars, 4th League Regulars, 5th League Regulars, 6th League Regulars, 7th League Regulars

Provincial Guards (7 regiments)
Overview: While nominally a provincial formation it is accurate to say that the Guard is a tool of the Captain-General and as such are considered a Federal force. Built around the ancient Marik Guard this collection of troops from worlds all around the League is tied closely to the ruling house. The parent formation came into being when expatriates from Denebola formed the Iron Guards. The Provincial Guards regional associations play into their loyalty to the Eagle whose help is essential to the Guards existence. After the fall of the Selaj clan the FWLM gradually expanded this contingent with new units from the Regulan splinter states. All units are very loyal to Marik, frequently volunteer to work with the LCCC, and often train with the Marik Guard. Many Marik critics especially from more “independent” Provinces deride the Guard as a bunch of kiss asses.
Inspiration: Using the canon Marik Guard and Iron Guard I created this formation
Child Units: Marik Guard (Marik Commonwealth), Iron Guard (Denebola expatriates), Stimson Guard (Regulan Free States), Principality Guard (Gibson), Commonalty Guard (Rim Commonalty), Irian Guard (Irian), Montcalm Guard (Kendall)

Abbey Templars (3 regiments)
Overview: Another newcomer to the FWLM, the origins of the Abbey Templars and their District date back to the Marik Civil War. The planets that would one day compose the District joined the Free Worlds League proudly as independent star systems. Horrified by the purges of Captain-General Elise Marik they became ardent supporters of Oliver the Usurper. The one of the only exceptions was the Abbey of Maxwell who refused to be caught up in the Civil War. Instead the Abbot urged the people to maintain their faith in the rightful ruler of the Free Worlds. This act which was very unpopular eventually ended in the destruction of the Abbey and sparked a counter uprising by a small group named the Templars. Along with the Loyalist forces led by Bertram Marik they subdued the rebels. The Treaty of Verona formally consolidated these worlds as the Abbey District and placed this new province under military authority. The Templars were also knighted by the Captain-General in 2734 and enshrined as a new Federal unit of the FWLM. Rewarding the few loyal natives of a previously disloyal region was an obvious public relations ploy but one that would pay huge dividends. The Abbey Templars strove to prove themselves as heroes of the League and exemplars for the populace to follow. Their Periphery Quests which established new trade routes and bought justice to the frontiers was wildly successful both politically and economically. Not only did they inspire the people of Abbey with their exploits but their fame eventually captured the imagination of the entire Free Worlds. The Templars were expanded by House Marik to three full Mech regiments after the Arms Control Amendment of 2752. However there is a dark side to these white knights. Support of the Captain-General means support of his policies like the passage and enactment of that free trade act with the Periphery that ends up doing untold harm. Outside the Free Worlds League the Templars have become a symbol of greed or even worse the enforcers of unfair "trade" with the Periphery. Several original Templars and disillusioned ex-recruits have spoken out against their formerly noble organization. Unfortunately things don’t seem to be getting any better as stories of people with enough pull or wealth obtaining rapid and possible unwarranted promotions are leaking out. However they are extremely "successful" (money wise anyway that is their primary motivation) and the Templars still have their untarnished aura to House Marik’s faithful.
Inspiration: BTSD formation based on the canon Abbey District, possible forerunners of the Knights of the InnerSphere
Child Units: 1st Abbey Templars, 2nd Abbey Templars, 3rd Abbey Templars

Provincial Forces (60 regiments)
   Forces answering to the individual member states of the Free Worlds League are considered Provincial troops. The composition of these contingents varies wildly but only ten of these formations can truly be considered line forces. While some see these forces as a proud reminder of the League’s independent nature others view them as a constant threat to the nation’s unity. Funded and supplied by their respective Provinces these troops coordinate their activities with the LCCC but normally fall outside their direct command. Resolution 288 has given the Captain-General emergency powers over all League forces which includes the Provincials.

Fusiliers of Oriente (5 regiments)
Overview: The elite troops of the Federation of Oriente were created in 2485 and proudly serve their native state as well as the League as a whole. The last expansion of the Fusiliers occurred in 2581 when the Third and Fourth Brigades were founded for participation in the Reunification War. They sided with the rebels during the Marik Civil War and despite more recent tension with Kenyon Marik the Fusiliers remain valued members of the FWLM.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: Ducal Guard, 1st Brigade, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Brigade, 4th Brigade

Oriente Hussars (11 regiments)
Overview: Despite having a long and distinguished history that nearly matches the Fusiliers, the Hussars are widely considered second class soldiers of the Federation of Oriente. It was the Hussars who took the hit for siding with Oliver the Usurper during the Civil War. Their reputation in the FWLM further deteriorated as they were expanded after the Arms Amendment of 2752. As a result they are poorly regarded by many federal authorities despite possessing a fairly notable track record.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Oriente Hussars, 2nd Oriente Hussars, 3rd Oriente Hussars, 4th Oriente Hussars, 5th Oriente Hussars, 6th Oriente Hussars, 7th Oriente Hussars, 8th Oriente Hussars, 9th Oriente Hussars, 10th Oriente Hussars, 11th Oriente Hussars

Orloff Grenadiers (5 regiments)
Overview: While the Duchy of Orloff proclaimed its independence from Oriente in 2691 relations between the two provinces remain cordial despite Marik efforts to divide them. During the Marik Civil War (2729-2734) the Duke of Carbonis (page 24 HMSB) backed Oliver the Usurper. These proud and highly skilled warriors often try to mediate disputes between the League’s most powerful provinces for the good of the nation as a whole. This stance and their martial prowess have won them respect throughout the Free Worlds.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Orloff Grenadiers, 2nd Orloff Grenadiers, 3rd Orloff Grenadiers, 4th Orloff Grenadiers, 5th Orloff Grenadiers

Regulan Hussars (9 regiments)
Overview: The traditional forces of the Principality of Regulas have been restored after treachery of the Selaj family. Defeated by a vengeful Marik Militia during the battles of Hellos Minor and Harmony in 2679-2680 the Hussars underwent a full scale overhaul under the auspices of House Schenk. These stewards appointed by Captain-General Gerald Marik oversaw the reformation of the Hussars under federal authority.  Despite being outmanned during the Marik Civil War the Schenk led Hussars fought well and redeemed themselves. House Marik supported the expansion of the Regulan Hussars after the Arms Amendment of 2752 to their current size of nine regiments. Despite the Schenk’s excellent service to the Mariks or maybe becaue of it the internal politics of the League demanded Regulan independence be restored under a native ruler. Recently Parliament elevated the Cameron-Jones family, distantly related to the line of First Lords, to the Principality. Understandably this act has caused some tension between the two families as the Schenk’s remain the commanders of the Regulan Hussars. Both clans are extremely loyal to House Marik and strive to see the Star League restored under their aegis.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Regulan Hussars, 2nd Regulan Hussars, 3rd Regulan Hussars, 4th Regulan Hussars, 5th Regulan Hussars, 6th Regulan Hussars, 7th Regulan Hussars, 8th Regulan Hussars, 9th Regulan Hussars

Stewart Dragoons (5 regiments)
Overview: The Dragoons Home Guard was founded prior to the Stewart War of 2293 where they unsuccessfully tried to fend off the Free Worlds League. Since that time the forces of the Stewart Commonalty have been strong allies of House Marik. They maintain a proud martial tradition and excel at several different roles. Siding with the Loyalists during the Marik Civil War they helped rescue Captain-General Elise Marik and assured the succession of Bertram. This support won them the gratitude of House Marik which has generously funded the Dragoons. Their close relationship to Corean Enterprises of Stewart has also benefited the Dragoons. As a result the Dragoons are one of the most well supplied Provincial commands. The Juggernaut is an assault unit showcasing Corean’s Goliath ‘Mech, the Swarm is composed of Locusts and other light fast Mechs they attack just like a plague of those insects giving the big slow Lyrans fits, and Steel Rain batters opponents with its Trebuchets and other LRM carriers like the Archer. The Companions were founded after the Arms Amendment of 2752 with aide from the Mariks.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: Home Guard (1st Stewart Dragoons), Juggernaut (2nd Stewart Dragoons), Swarm (3rd Stewart Dragoons), Steel Rain (4th Stewart Dragoons), The Companions (5th Stewart Dragoons)

Defenders of Andurien (6 regiments)
Overview: The Defenders were established in 2514 prior to the start of the Second Andurien War. Proving their worth in battle against the Capellans these units grew in number and prominence. In spite of their skill and sacrifice the Free Worlds League bartered away Andurien and many of its worlds to the Confederation in return for peace. Never happy with the deal that saw much of their homelands turned over to House Liao the forces of this rump Duchy have become increasingly critical of the Mariks. While many pro-Marik officials accuse them of being bitter, House Humpherys continues to stand for liberty in the face of tyranny no matter the internal disputes of the League. Unlike much of the InnerSphere the remnants of the Duchy have spent their years in exile stewing on Kanata and Granera. Andurien back Oliver the Usurper during the Marik Civil War which did not endear it any further to the federal government. The central authorities of the League are constantly aware of this rebellious Province and as such support from outside the Duchy is slow in coming. The Defenders await their eventually return to Andurien and the liberation of all its worlds from the despotic House Liao.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HMSB and FM FWL
Child Units: 1st Defenders of Andurien, 2nd Defenders of Andurien, 3rd Defenders of Andurien, 4th Defenders of Andurien, 5th Defenders of Andurien, 6th Defenders of Andurien

Bolan Scouts (8 regiments)
Overview: The Bolan Association began as a nine world proto-state originally consisting of Bolan, Valloire, Marsalle, Kamenz, Rochers, Dixie, Ilion, Nockatunga, and Tamarind. This free trade union assembled in the wake of the Outer Reaches Rebellion (2242) allowed its member worlds to survive and indeed thrive in a post Terran Alliance Human Sphere. Its enterprising merchants established many trade routes in the anti-spinward region that were ably protected by the Bolan Association Frontier Force. Their elite force, the Bolan Scouts, dispatched all sorts of bandits including Marik privateers. The Association was outpaced as a political force by the Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth who threatened to engulf Bolan. Faced with authoritarian Lyran encroachment the Association chose to join the Free Worlds League. Undeterred by this development the Archon founded the Lyran Scout Corps in 2413 which continued expansion around the “Bolan Thumb”. In 2427 the Commonwealth conquered Bolan, Kamenz, and Dixie despite heavy resistance. During the Age of War the Association endured significant damage from a series of attacks and counter assaults. The Bolan Scouts came into their modern form as a premier light force armed with BattleMechs. Thanks to the FWLM and the Bolan Scouts most of the Association was liberated from Lyran control by the end of the Age of War. The Association rebuilt as a proud part of the Free Worlds during the Star League era which bought peace and commerce with the Commonwealth. Bolan merchants became renowned for their wealth and opulence throughout Marik space. This prosperity also bought with it growth that swelled the Association to almost two dozen worlds (23) making it the Free Worlds fourth largest province. Not quite as big as the Big Three (Marik, Oriente, and Regulas) but the Association nearly doubled the size of the next biggest province (Andurien, 13). Some accused the Bolan worlds of being more loyal to the Star League than the Free Worlds League. These allegations mainly come from their role in the Marik Civil War where they pressed for Star League mediation. The Association didn’t really chose sides until Bertram loyalists obtained the upper hand. While they are ardent Free Worlders and die hard supporters of the Marik family some think that the Captain-General has it in for them. Whatever the case the Bolan Scouts remain the FWLM premier rapid reaction force responding to Lyran aggression without hesitation. Recently the 1st Bolan Scouts were destroyed by the LCAF invasion of their homeworld. While Bolan backed Kenyon’s Resolution 288 they have been disappointed by the Captain-General’s lack of immediate action.
Inspiration: BTSD formation
Child Units: 2nd Bolan Scouts, 3rd Bolan Scouts, 4th Bolan Scouts, 5th Bolan Scouts, 6th Bolan Scouts, 7th Bolan Scouts, 8th Bolan Scouts, 9th Bolan Scouts

Tarmanid Janissaries (6 regiments)
Overview: The origins of the Tarmanid Sultanate and its Janissaries go back to ancient Turkey. As mankind journeyed to the stars many Muslim peoples where forbidden by their faith to undertake such an extraterrestrial trip. The people of secular Turkey were one notable exception to the Islamic ban on space travel. One of the largest Turkish settlements established in the young Human Sphere was Ayn Tarma in 2168. The distant mining colony did well in spite of the increasing tyranny of Terran authorities. Discontent grew until the people of Ayn Tarma had enough and joined the Outer Reaches Rebellion in 2235.
Led by the Damat Naili and his brothers (Darendali and Esad) the Tarmanid people drove out the Alliance. While they were no doubt aided by the remote location of Ayn Tarma the liberation campaign conducted by the Naili family without much of a military to begin with was a stunning success. At fifty four years of age Damat became the first sovereign of the Tarmanid Emirate in 2239. He appointed his brother Darendali, whose administrative skills proved superior, Grand Vizier while his baby brother Esad became the Orgeneral of the Emirate military. Esad oversaw the development of the Tarmanid Sipahi into some of the finest armor regiments in known space. The collapse of the Terran Alliance in 2242 provided the Emir with opportunities for expansion. With a mix of brute force and some harsh diplomacy the Tarmanid spread to Rohinjan, Mauripur, Hindmarsh, and Wilkes.
The Emirate even came into conflict with the Principality of Regulas prior to the Document of Incorporation. While some historians like to compare House Naili to House Kurita at this time the formation of the Free Worlds League in 2271 blocked any further expansion by the Tarmanid. For two hundred years the Emirate remained a fiercely independent nation that remained a thorn in the side of the League, in particular Regulas. Their lightning raids and superior ground troops made this proto-nation a force to be reckoned with. However in 2481 this changed the FWLM led by the Regulan Hussars conquered the Tarmanid thanks to a new super weapon, the BattleMech. The Emirate was absorbed wholesale into the Principality of Regulas who made use of their possession. The Tarmanid Sipahi became supporting forces of the Regulan Hussars creating a truly deadly force. It was in this capacity that the Tarmanid would see action during the Reunification War. However, the insidious Selaj family introduced anarchic communes on Ayn Tarma to dilute the militant Tarmanid populace while publicly endorsing the spread of new freedoms. The merchant Princes of Regulas did such things during the Age of Occupation in order to assimilate the Tarmanid but they did not succeed.
In 2679 the revelation that the Selaj family actually led the brutal terrorist effort known as the Scourge of Death gave the Tarmanid a chance for renewed independence. The Tarmanid Sipahi saw some of the toughest fighting attempting to break free of the Regulan Hussars. It was during this conflict that the Janissaries were first assembled from captured resources of the Principality. The sacrifice of the Tarmanid did not go unnoticed by Captain-General Gerald Marik who proclaimed the birth of the Sultanate in 2680 as a Province of the Free Worlds. They have become valuable allies to House Marik even though some harbor reservations. The Sultanate did eventually back Elise in the Marik Civil War but did not immediately jump into the conflict. The Kapikula Sipahi or secret forces of the Sultan did fight ably in the Hidden Wars but again did so in their self interest.
Inspiration: Miss Kotare’s non-canon Turkish inspired BattleMech forces.
Child Units: Royal Gardeners, 1st Janissaries, 2nd Janissaries, 1st Kapikula Sipahi, 2nd Kapikula Sipahi, 3rd Kapikula Sipahi

Kalidasan Regulars (3 regiments)
Overview: The Silver Hawks of Kalidasa have long been a stalwart contingent of the FWLM. The Duchy’s Regulars have participated in many campaigns throughout the military history of the League often facing down their cross border foes, the Lyran Commonwealth. Their fortunes have recently waned since backing the wrong Marik in the Civil War. Despite public reconciliation between Kalidasa and the ruling House distrust still lingers on both sides. As a result the Province and its troops have never really recovered their pre-war strength. Even after fifty years the Regulars have only rebuilt three of their five BattleMech regiments.
Inspiration: BTSD formation that are the forerunners of the Silver Hawk Irregulars.
Child Units: 1st Kalidasan Regulars, 4th Kalidasan Regulars, 5th Kalidasan Regulars

Graham Grenadiers (1 regiment)
Overview: The newest Provincial Force of the FWLM has made waves inside the League and out. The Grenadiers are the creation of one of the most ambitious men in the Free Worlds, Duke Simon Graham-Marik. Descended from one of the founding families of the Marik Commonwealth the Graham family is long time allies of the Captain-General. The Dukes of Graham-Marik are distant relations of the ruling line and received their own Province early in the 2400s for loyal service during the 1st Andurien War. This support has continued to modern times as shown by their unconditional backing of Elise Marik during the Civil War. In response to Kenyon Marik’s offer of Terran worlds Simon began a reorganization of his forces with the ultimate goal of conquering Graham IV and expanding his personal empire. Using his fortune the Duke assembled a new force from the Graham-Marik Guard (which had previously been a part of Provincial Guards), the very best of his Duchy’s Planetary Militias, and some new recruits. These new retainers are very skilled but highly have a questionable past to say the least. Sources say that they may even include some alleged war criminals from the Amaris Coup. Regardless of this fact Duke Simon has built himself a four Mech battalion force of superior quality in a short amount of time. In doing so he has angered some within the League and in the fledgling Terran Republic. Far from being dissuaded Simon has committed to further expansion of his new Grenadiers.
Inspiration: BTSD formation established to eventually replace the Sirian Lancers
Child Units: 1st Graham Grenadiers

   Alright folks I think we are all set with the military academies of the Free Worlds League. We’ve got a total of 12 major institutions (one more than the AFFS 2785) spread throughout Marik space. Three (Athene Combat School, Atreus Officer Training College, and Free Worlds Military Institute) are federal academies while the other eight are provincial and interestingly enough not Marik. This really helps establish the balkanized nation that is the League and its unique regional identities.
Aitutaki Academy (Regulas)
Athene Combat School – ACS (Atreus)
Atreus Officer Training College (Atreus)
Bolan Military Academy (Bolan)
Free Worlds Military Institute – FMWI (New Olympia)
Graham Mechwarrior Academy – GMA (Loyalty)
Humphreys Training Academy (Kanata)
Kalidasa Defense Academy (Kalidasa)
Kara Harp Okulu (Ayn Tarma)
Princefield Military Academy (Oriente)
Orloff Military Academy – OMA (Vanra)
Temple of Martial Disciplines (Maxwell)
Private Military Academies – PMAs (various)
   These independent institutions, which are not administered by any public agency of the Free Worlds League, educate individuals who have enough money to pay their tuition. While this maybe a bit of an oversimplification it is close to the truth. Of course, each academy has its own standards for acceptance which vary wildly based on the quality of services provided. The better the training or the less questions potential applicants want to answer the higher the fees.
PMAs incorporate the laissez-faire philosophy of the Free Worlds League at its very best, and as some critics would say its very worst. There is no discrimination at these facilities whose only prerequisite is having enough money to pay tuition. Having political connections, official standing, or any kind of influence really doesn’t matter here. Even physical disabilities can be overlooked for the right price.
The citizenry of the Free Worlds take a great deal of pride in these institutions as they help maintain their liberty and contribute to their basic rights like self defense. Even with trained rebels the cause of frequent rebellions inside the League no freedom loving individual would suggest shutting them down. The Periphery Uprising and the revelation that some participants may have been trained at PMAs has caused more introspection then previous revolutions.
Long accused of being the cat’s paw of House Marik these facilities may have connections going as far back to the privateers who prowled early League space. More recent connections during the Hidden Wars to the mercenary community and some rebel groups have drawn criticism. This comes mainly from foreign powers concerned with these martial academies who seem to produce chaotic warriors at best.
   SAFE has also been accused of having a great interest in these "dark" academies. Many accuse them of plucking black ops guys with little background from these facilities. A supply of lesser known but highly skilled individuals might serve them well but there is no tangible evidence linking the covert agency to any of these facilities.
They can be found wherever profitability can be attained, except for Atreus. The federal government long ago decided to distant itself from these facilities. Aside from some basic regulation to insure safety Parliament has steered clear of the PMAs. The Free Worlds League is happy to see a return in skilled personnel who might have fallen through the cracks while corporate types could find a source of qualified security personnel.
The diversity of these facilities matches that of the Free Worlds League itself. PMAs use a variety of proven as well as unorthodox methods to evaluate and train personnel. Some notable academies include the Marik family’s which is maintained by the League’s principal household. This exclusive school which may have been the first of its kind is credited with the education of many Captain-Generals. While Irian features a corporate style academy geared at staffing company positions. Kyeinnisan serves as a mercenary training center as well as the keeper of old school merc traditions.
An excellent secondary method of military education as long as the money keeps flowing. It enables the League to find the best possible warriors for military and private service regardless of qualifications. The recent economic decline has caused some of these Private Military Academies to close due to lack of funding. Some predict that the fall of the Star League may endanger the PMAs which have become depend upon the prosperity of the Human Sphere for their continued survival.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #161 on: February 06, 2010, 07:43:36 AM »


Quote from: Takiro on July 09, 2009, 02:31:48 AM
Abbey Templars (3 regiments)
Overview: Another newcomer to the FWLM, the origins of the Abbey Templars and their District date back to the Marik Civil War. The planets that would one day compose the District joined the Free Worlds League proudly as independent star systems. Horrified by the purges of Captain-General Elise Marik they became ardent supporters of Oliver the Usurper. The one of the only exceptions was the Abbey of Maxwell who refused to be caught up in the Civil War. Instead the Abbot urged the people to maintain their faith in the rightful ruler of the Free Worlds. This act which was very unpopular eventually ended in the destruction of the Abbey and sparked a counter uprising by a small group named the Templars. Along with the Loyalist forces led by Bertram Marik they subdued the rebels. The Treaty of Verona formally consolidated these worlds as the Abbey District and placed this new province under military authority. The Templars were also knighted by the Captain-General in 2734 and enshrined as a new Federal unit of the FWLM. Rewarding the few loyal natives of a previously disloyal region was an obvious public relations ploy but one that would pay huge dividends. The Abbey Templars strove to prove themselves as heroes of the League and exemplars for the populace to follow. Their Periphery Quests which established new trade routes and bought justice to the frontiers was wildly successful both politically and economically. Not only did they inspire the people of Abbey with their exploits but their fame eventually captured the imagination of the entire Free Worlds. The Templars were expanded by House Marik to three full Mech regiments after the Arms Control Amendment of 2752. However there is a dark side to these white knights. Support of the Captain-General means support of his policies like the passage and enactment of that free trade act with the Periphery that ends up doing untold harm. Outside the Free Worlds League the Templars have become a symbol of greed or even worse the enforcers of unfair "trade" with the Periphery. Several original Templars and disillusioned ex-recruits have spoken out against their formerly noble organization. Unfortunately things don’t seem to be getting any better as stories of people with enough pull or wealth obtaining rapid and possible unwarranted promotions are leaking out. However they are extremely "successful" (money wise anyway that is their primary motivation) and the Templars still have their untarnished aura to House Marik’s faithful.
Inspiration: BTSD formation based on the canon Abbey District, possible forerunners of the Knights of the InnerSphere
Child Units: 1st Abbey Templars, 2nd Abbey Templars, 3rd Abbey Templars

Tactics of Betrayal makes another mess of our Abbey Templars, see the text below.

Anthony Block was waiting silently at the head of the map table, gazing down at a map grid with that imperturbable air that Rice had come to know well. The man’s compact build gave a sense of solidity that was emphasized by his roughhewn features. There was an ageless but unfinished look to his face. Rice was struck with the fanciful notion that he might have been carved out of solid rock by a sculptor who had abandoned the work before adding the fine details. Only the pure silver hair hinted at his true age. Block, formally Brother Anthony, came from Gibraltar in the Free World’s League. He had left the Brotherhood of the Rock when that sect of Warrior-Monks had refused to involve itself in the struggle for the Terran Hegemony and control of the Star League. Nobody made an issue of it, but everyone in the Eighteenth Volunteer Regiment knew that it had been Block’s tactical genius that had steered them through seven months of brutal fighting on Alioth. Goldstein knew it too, and thankfully had been smart enough to let his second-in-command deal with strategy and tactics while he concentrated on
leading his troops into battle.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #162 on: February 06, 2010, 07:44:01 AM »


Heh, maybe they are trying to throw us off on purpose.  Smiley

Really though, can't we just make a name change and a few tweaks to the description to fix this? The general point of a religiously inspired warrior sect seems to hold up.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #163 on: February 06, 2010, 07:44:35 AM »


 Grin Great minds think alike. Since we have three regiments of Abbey Templars we could just say that each is a different Brotherhoods. The Brotherhood of the Rock being the regiment from Gibraltar. Another would be from Maxwell (although we need its Brotherhood name perhaps the Eagle or the Abbey) and the third well we have our pick (Manotick, Elon, Silver or Hammer).
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