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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2010, 09:37:54 PM »


Well here is what we know from canon information. The map of the Free Worlds League after the Age of War (2571) shows worlds colonized at that time. The Duchy of Tamarind includes six worlds in 3025 but Hell's Paradise, Promised Land, Millungera, Saltillo, and Kosciusko are not colonized as of 2571. In 2452 Bella and Alula Australis (I tend to believe this is Alula Borealis) taken by Peter Marik from Lyrans indicating they belonged to the Commonwealth.

So here is what I propose; the Bolan Association was a nine world proto-state originally consisting of Bolan, Valloire, Marsalle, Kamenz, Rochers, Dixie, Ilion, Nockatunga, and Tamarind. This free trade union assembled in the wake of the Outer Reaches Rebellion (2242) allowed its member worlds to survive and indeed thrive in a post Terran Alliance Human Sphere.

Philosophical Views; perhaps the finest merchants in Marik space

Question; when does the Association join the FWL? Would it be prior to 2293 which is the start of the Stewart War or after the Lyran Commonwealth was formed in 2341? The HBHS map shows the Protectorate of Doegal 3-4 jumps away from Bolan space. It might take Steiner 20 years to at least “threaten” the Association.

The Association endured significant damage during the Age of War with many of its worlds being assaulted in one form or another. The strategic location of the Bolan Thumb was too big to pass up during the Age of War.

Wealth and opulence during the Star League era as peace with the Lyrans bought prosperity and growth to the Association. Swelling to almost two dozen worlds (23) it becomes the fourth largest province in the League. Not quite as big as the Big Three but the Association would double the next largest province. As such would Bolan as a region be more loyal to the Star League than the Free Worlds League? Especially to someone like Kenyon?

Question what is their reaction to the Scourge and the fall of the Regulans? Do they try to ascend to the next level and become one of the big 3? Do they assume the Regulan role of opposition or do the Mariks identify them as a potential threat?

What was their role in the Marik Civil War? If neutral could their lack of commitment be considered a worse then choosing a side?

What is their current role? Was the fall of Bolan a plot by the government? Were they part of the opposition?

How do you like all of this?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2010, 09:38:15 PM »

Rainbow 6

Like the name, they should join the league after stewart as historically that was the 4th province.

How about calling there army the Bolan Association Marines? Say about 5 mech regiments strong as of 2785.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2010, 09:38:43 PM »


Quote from: Takiro on June 06, 2009, 02:08:21 AM

Wealth and opulence during the Star League era as peace with the Lyrans bought prosperity and growth to the Association. Swelling to almost two dozen worlds (23) it becomes the fourth largest province in the League. Not quite as big as the Big Three but the Association would double the next largest province. As such would Bolan as a region be more loyal to the Star League than the Free Worlds League? Especially to someone like Kenyon?

How do you like all of this?

Not a bad idea.
As this province's wealth depends on peace with the Lyran Commonwealth(perhaps even trade) I guess it might indeed be more loyal to the Star League(and its ideals) than the Free Worlds League.
Very especially to a warmongerer like Kenyon.
I guess that relations between Kenyon Marik and Bolan are therefore probably more than tense.

So given Bolan's precarious location I could even see them contemplating rebelling against Kenyon Marik and/or allying with the Lyran Commonwealth(which might explain why it was the Free Worlds League that used atomic weaponry and a scorched earth policy when Lyran forces hit Bolan).
Though these are just my two € cents

As a name for the Bolan Association's military, how sounds the Bolan Borderers ?



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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2010, 09:39:05 PM »


How about the Bolan Frontier Force? They were reorganized after the Age of War to be the League's first line of defence (coordinating with Nation units) against Steiner agression?

Bolan is a world heavily influenced by Indian Subcontinental culture, so the regiments could claim distance ancestry from the Indian Colonial Army's elite Frontier Force regiments, and their present day Indian and Pakistani descendents.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2010, 09:39:31 PM »


Hmm, not a bad idea FirstStarLord. I'm not sure I like the Bolan Frontier Force (not bad for the military as a whole but I'd like a more traditional two word unit name) but basing it off their cultural forerunners. Are there any other Indian-Pakistani names that could be useful?

Being the next Big Province how large should the Bolan Association Provincial Force be? The reduced Regulan Hussars have 9 Mech Regiments while the Oriente fields 21 Mech Regiments. I don't see the Bolans as a militaristic Province rather one focused on economic power. As such I have given them 8 regiments with one recently destroyed by the Lyran assault on Bolan. What do you think more or less?

Interesting also if Bolan and Regulas are cultural similar as they both hail from the Indian subcontinent. Yet they are likely very different in many ways. However, I wonder if this is another reason Marik might not trust them. A type of under lying racism?

On the other hand I see the militaristic Tarmanid Sultanate (created by Miss Kotare) as a six Mech regiment force whose lightning raids are feared by the enemies of the FWL. The Sultan is a nominal ally of House Marik and looks to use his Janissaries to advance the Tarmanid position within the League.

I'm not sure what kind of feel to give the Abbey District's military which I have allotted four Mech regiment. I'd like to get your input.

While I have noted Irose's objection to the Provincial Guards I must say that I still like the idea of this formation in the FWLM. Regardless of what happens there I got 5 Mech Regiments, 1 for each of these Provinces - Regulan Free States, Gibson, Rim Commonalty, Irian, and Kendall.

Add to these the Olympian Hoplites (3 regiments - Federal Training Cadres), the Kalidasan Regulars (3 regiments – Forerunners of the Silver Hawk Irregulars), and the League Regulars (6 regiments of returning SLDF veterans) we got a total of 35 new Mech regiments.

35 plus the 92 established gives us 127 Mech regiments thus far so we are close to the 129-130 Mech Regiment goal.

Please keep the input coming guys!


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2010, 09:39:55 PM »

Ice Hellion

I would say they join after the formation of the Lyran Commonwealth.

Sure they are merchant and the ideals of the Star League are nice but they need someone closer to home to give them shelter if a trade war is launched (and I think the Lyran Commonwealth would jump on the opportunity), hence they would be "loyal" to the Free Worlds League as long as it can be used.

For the Civil War, no side and both sides.
It might be badly perceived by the winner but unless the Bolan merchants can be replaced, he will have no choice.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2010, 09:40:15 PM »

Rainbow 6

How about a number (2) of regional training regiments organised along the same lines as the Olympian Hoplites?

Say 1 each for:-

and maybe a regiment for the trinity worlds.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2010, 09:41:00 PM »


Quote from: Takiro on June 07, 2009, 03:55:34 AM
Hmm, not a bad idea FirstStarLord. I'm not sure I like the Bolan Frontier Force (not bad for the military as a whole but I'd like a more traditional two word unit name) but basing it off their cultural forerunners. Are there any other Indian-Pakistani names that could be useful?

Interesting also if Bolan and Regulas are cultural similar as they both hail from the Indian subcontinent. Yet they are likely very different in many ways. However, I wonder if this is another reason Marik might not trust them. A type of under lying racism?

Well the Indians and the Pakistanis mostly use military terminolgy given to them by the British, even though they  have been independent for more then six decades. Armored units are labled with terms like Cavalry, Lancers, Light Horse and Horse. The newer tank regiments in India raised after independence tend to be labled "armored", while Pakistan has continued to lable them all cavalry. The President's Bodyguard (in both India and Pakistan) is also an armored regiment, and is simply the old Governor General's Bodyguard renamed. Special note should also be given to the Corps of Guides, an elite regiment of the old British Indian Army that currently serves in the Pakistani Army.


More on the Frontier Force


I also agree about the racism angle. Despite being such a large part of the population in the League, people of East Indian ancestry tend to be underepresented at the top levels of government and nobility. Is it possibly a lingering aftereffect of the Scourge of Death's campaign of terror in the 2600's? We also know Muslims tend to be viewed with some antipathy in general throughout the League.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2010, 09:41:35 PM »


Muslims were also late to get into the colonization game...worth noting.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #39 on: February 05, 2010, 09:43:41 PM »


Hmm, well we have two major Muslim groups being introduced here. The Bolan Association with its Pakistani origins and the Turkish inspired Tarmanid Sultanate. Of course Miss Kotare correctly pointed out the secular society of modern Turkey which could have made them some of the earliest Islamic space explorers in the BattleTech universe. I also think that Bolan resentment is built on their newcomer status as well. They aren't part of the original three and depending on when we have them join the FWL they could be one of the last major proto states to join.

Okay here are the numbers (I added one regiment each to the Federal Training Cadre and the League Regulars) for a total of 129 Mech regiments. One regiment (a Bolan unit) was just destroyed on Bolan which would have given the League 130. Thoughts?

Federal Troops (59 regiments)
Free Worlds Guards (6 regiments)
Atrean Dragoons (14 regiments)
Marik Militia (28 regiments)
Olympian Hoplites (4 regiments)
League Regulars (7 regiments)

Provincial Forces (70 regiments)
Provincial Guards (7 regiments)
Fusiliers of Oriente (5 regiments)
Oriente Hussars (11 regiments)
Orloff Grenadiers (5 regiments)
Regulan Hussars (9 regiments)
Stewart Dragoons (5 regiments)
Defenders of Andurien (6 regiments)
Graham Grenzers (1 regiment)
Kalidasan Regulars (3 regiments)
Tarmanid Janissaries (6 regiments)
Bolan Association (8 regiments)
Abbey District (4 regiments)

Still looking for names


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2010, 09:43:57 PM »

Rainbow 6

How about Abbey Templars?


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2010, 09:44:17 PM »

Ice Hellion

For the Bolan Association units, what about naming them after Pashtun Tribes and adding rifles at the end?
This would link them to old Earth and provide an ego boost, which might be needed for their status as newcomer.

    * Sarbani
          o Kasi
          o Tareen
          o Yusafzai
          o Tarkalani
          o Mohmand
          o Mohammadzai

    * Batani
          o Seyani
          o Dotaani
          o Niazi
          o Ghilzai
          o Lodhi
          o Suri (Pashtun)
          o Marwat
          o Lohani (Pashtun)
          o Nuhrani

    * Ghourghushti
          o Kakar
          o Mando
          o Jadoon
          o Safi
          o Naghar
          o Panai
          o Daavi
          o Ans
          o Tarik
          o Parman
          o Abdul Rahman
          o Selaha
          o Damsan

    * Karlani or Karlanri
          o Mahsud
          o Waziri
          o Khattak
          o Afridi (Pashtun)
          o Orakzai
          o Dawar
          o Bangash


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2010, 09:44:43 PM »


I think the modern Pakistani Army is mainly Pashtun, so Ice Hellion's suggestion might have some merit. The Corps of Guides though could be the elite regiment of the brigade, like the Ducal Guard is for Oriente.

Edit: Actually it might be Muslim Punjabis who are dominate in the Pakistani army, it's not entirely clear.

Double Edit: This should clear things up:

     "Traditionally, the army was a predominantly Punjabi force. In British India, three districts: Campbellpur (now Attock), Rawalpindi, and Jhelum dominated the recruitment flows. By 1990 the percentage representation in the Pakistan Army as a whole (officers and Other Ranks or soldiers) was as follows: Punjabis 65 percent; Pushtuns 14 percent; Sindhis and Baluchis 15 percent; Kashmiris 6 percent; and Minorities 0.3 per cent. Since then, with the provision of waivers for both physical and educational qualifications, recruitment has been increased from the formerly less well represented areas. Punjab showed an overall decline in recruitment of soldiers from 63.86 per cent in 1991 to 43.33 in 2005."



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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2010, 09:45:06 PM »

Ice Hellion

And it could make sense, I found a Bolan Scouts unit in the modern Frontier Corps.


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Re: Threat Assessments 2785 notes
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2010, 09:45:25 PM »


Quote from: Ice Hellion on June 10, 2009, 07:44:30 PM
And it could make sense, I found a Bolan Scouts unit in the modern Frontier Corps.

Then how about we use that, the Bolan Scouts? I like it! Sounds like a light force perhaps the League's rapid reaction force??

Still need a name for Abbey. Templars doesn't do it for me.

Was thinking more about the Olympian Hoplites today. Should we have them as a Federal Training Cadre or drop it as a League military philosophy. I'm starting to favor having the 4 regiment Hoplites as an academy project that grew into the Star League RCT. What I'm saying is perhaps the whole idea began here and the League copied it at least in part after their exercises. Or do you see a role we completely missed that the FWLM should have. Thoughts?
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