Only the one cover that I'm aware of, and it comes with a comb binding.
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.Synopsis. . . . .Inbound is an 82 page sourcebook written by Michael Stackpole, Robert Thurston, Robert Charrette, David McCulloch and Paul Austin, and published by Mechforce UK in 1993. The book was promoted as a sequel to Outreach And Beyond, MFUK’s first sourcebook, and contains a whopping 25 scenarios and mini Technical Readout and cover many of the battles drawn from the novels and spanning some 27 years of early Innersphere conflict, including the brutal battles on Tukayyid.
Content. . . . .Set between 3027 and 3055, the six main chapters of the book cover encounters on Solaris, Jade Phoenix, Tukayyid (Clan Jade Falcon), Tukayyid (Clad Wolf), The return to Outreach, The Dragoon Civil War, and Selected Tales from the novels. Each provided with historical context and background, set-up, victory conditional for both sides, the strengths and placement of the forces and any rules specific to that encounter. All presented in the established FASA scenario format. It also contains rules for using Clan weaponry in Solaris combat, something that was not available at the time of printing.
. . . . .The included scenarios are; From
Warrior En Garde, "Welcome to Solaris", "King of Hell", "Jungle Warfare", and "Legend-Killer"; From
Way of the Clans, "First Test (Parts 1 & 2)", and "Second Chance"; From Blood Name, "Refusal", "Grand Melee", and "The Pyrde and the Passion"; From
Falcon Guard, "An Apple a Day", "The Bridge", and "Last Stand"; From Lost Destiny, "Spider Strike", "Take The Pass", "Burning Bright", and "Blood Rage"; From
Wolf Pack, "Return to Duty", "Gone Fishing", "Deadly Duel", "Turncoat", and "The Wolf Pack"; and from
Natural Selection, "First Blood", "Hunting Hounds", and "Mine Enemy is My Friend.
. . . . .The Technical Readout section is date stamped 3056 Update, and contains TRO backgrounds and stats as well as Record Sheets for the following 17 mechs; Centurion CN9-YLW52 (another snapshot of Yen Lo Wang), Chameleon TBC-4B, Thunderbolt TDR-9W, Gallowglas GAL WD1, Rifleman RFL-LK, Mackie MCK-10E, Fenris A1, Black Hawk P1, Madcat P1, Thors P1, P2 and P3, Tree Frog, Phoenis Hawk PHX-1C, Vindicator VND-2C, Wolverine WVR-2C (Weasel) and Battlemeaster BLM-3W.
Impressions. . . . .The book has a much broader focus that either of Mechforce UK’s other Scenario books, attempting to offer something for everyone and painting a wider picture of combat before and during the Clan invasions. The authors’ take on battle specifics on occasions is quite insightful, managing at times to transfer the feel and fury of a chapter in a novel into a fast and furious melee on mapboards. I have not played all of the scenarios in here, but the ones I have played, I thoroughly enjoyed.