Since your post Hominid I've been gathering my thoughts on this and here are my notes.
Khwarazm Empire
Canon Source: Explorer Corps (page 98 & 99)
Location: Unmapped, Coreward of Terra in the Deep Periphery
Information: circa 3059, This proto-state consisting of four worlds (Herat, Nishapur, Marv, Urgenj) was forcibly occupied by Clan Jade Falcon in 3049. All worlds are said to be arid locales with many mountain ranges and large desert areas.
Historic Connections
A short lived empire which was defeated by the Mongols this Periphery nation serves as a nearly identical analog.
- If the religion of these planets is predominately Muslim than it could be reasonable to assume that this nation was settled after the Islamic ban on space travel was lifted in the 2400s (Age of War). Alternatively, it could be later like its historic analog which lasted a little over one hundred and fifty years which would place it about 2900 (Succession Wars).
- The words ‘forcibly occupied’ suggests there was some type of violent resistance by the natives during the early phases of Operation Revival. Later on, the contract states that ‘the Khwarami have no standing military, and rebel groups possess only small, personal weapons.’ However, this wouldn’t preclude a security staff perhaps even mercenaries for the merchant princes or militia that could drive off pirates prior to the Clans arrival.
- While this nation has no standing military per say it probably used of mercenaries to fend off pirates and bandits throughout its history. Without a permeant or professional force to protect it the Kharazm Empire would be easy prey. It could have militia to protect its worlds or security forces to protect the merchant princes and its jumpships.
- The description of the worlds seems to indicate little water and subsistence level farming for the majority of inhabitants. I’d estimate an Empire wide populace in the low millions scattered about their worlds just trying to eek out a living.
- The planets could be home to vast mostly untapped natural resources such as valuable coal, natural gas, copper, lithium, gold, iron ore, bauxite and prized rare-earth mineral reserves. The term merchant princes and jumpships being used together indicates some sort of interstellar trade which existed before the Clan arrival circa 3049.
- Significant albeit primitive aerospace industry, keeps their merchantile activities going throughout the Empire and perhaps beyond. Trading partners may have included the Hanseatic League and other smaller Periphery worlds. Appearance in the Explorer Corps Sourcebook (FASA1681) could denote their status as a destination before the Clan Invasion.
- The Empire's modern trade goods could include a variety of items such as water (ice ships), agriculture (food plus), Medicine, Spacecraft, Luxury Items, etc. Items traded along the ancient Silk Road were silk, spices, tea, ivory, cotton, wool, precious metals, and ideas. Putting a darker spin on things we could also have them peddling illicit substances like drugs
Planets = Cities
Herat – city in Afghanistan
Nishapur – city in Iran
Marv – city in Turkmenistan
Urgenj - city in Turkmenistan
Presumably colonized by the Central Asian people of the historic Earth empire
As such the populace is largely if not wholly Islamic in regards to religion
Planets all named for cities located along the Silk Road