Hey gang, just wanted to let everyone know how this latest fan project of ours is going. On April 30th I received a non to rude Private Message from Wildfire offering to help with the layout of Technical Readout 3054: Quicksilver Trials. He had gone ahead and done a little audition gathering everything I had post on this site into one PDF complete with cover image (I'll get back to that in a moment). After chatting with Ice Hellion who had been formatting our files the best he could - we agreed to let Wildfire run with it. With Ice taking up the post of Chief Editor and Siden Pryde doing our kitbashing we are making good progress. So far we've completed 37 designs and got a nice little PDF going. Only 50 more to go! Most your already familiar with and I am just adding a few touches to each of the winners of the challenges you've see posted here.
Total design count is 87 if your curious. 10 Conventional Vehicles, 7 OmniVehicles, 16 IIC BattleMechs, 15 Quicksilver BattleMechs, 23 OmniMechs, 6 Aerospace Fighters, 10 OmniFighters.
And now back to cover images which are both heisted from DeviantArt. I'd love to credit the artists but I don't know who they are. Anyway the first image is cover Wildfire put together for his audition, pretty good. The second is what I had already envisioned for the cover. Which do you like? Or do you have a third choice.
Love to hear what you guys think!