I don't like the QuadVees because I don't under stand the need for them. Build real quad mechs and use the 20% of the weight wasted on treads and conversion gear for better weapons, armor or whatever. Everything that can be done in tank can be done by a quad mech
if you can take the TRO as rules, they can be transported as vehicles, and they can also fight as vehicles going into Hull Down over terrain and keep mobile. the torso of a Quad Vee is also a De Facto Turret whose mass is taken care of by the conversion equipment. Also compared to a tank that may require 4-7 crewmen a QV only requires 2 saving time and resources on training crewmen, something that the horses at least tkae very seriously for Vehicle crews.
all of that justification said, I agree with you, and unlike the LAMs the QuadVees are meant to be an inoperable concept anyway so relax.
Not a fan of the Warwolf or Tomahawk. They are just re-hashed versions of the Timer Wolf and Dire Wolf, respectively. A little bit more pod space, but reliant on gimmicky armor (WW - Reactive) or Endo-Composte structure (Tomahawk). Oddly enough, both of these Omnis are made in the former Marik worlds held by the Wolf Empire.
so in your mind every 100 ton Clan Omnimech is a re worked Dire Wolf? m I disagree with your assessment, thanks to the increase in podspace and pod tonnage you got a mech with the potential to out perform the Dire Wolf at every turn. by limiting the Heat sinks to the 12 native in the 300XL engine you gain the maximum amount of flexibility, and force pilots to look at their heat as well as their weapons when designing custom configurations.
I also am looking at War Wolf Configurations and trying to see your "Mad Cat by any other name" idea. 4 more tons of pod space and they tend to be devoted to one cannon and shoulder mounted support weapons. most of the time the WW is much more heat efficent then the n00b Trap that is the Mad Cat anyway.
no the mechs I do not appreciate are the Vulture III and Thor II. there is a series of mechs that did NOT need to happen and are just rehashes of older machines. While the Mad Cat and Vulture Mk IV pushed boundaries to improve on their progenitors these things are just "what players have been doing all along" like the Hellstar, and that is lame.