Right Six but I was speaking of a stand alone premier naval academy like the Armstrong Flight Academy (Galax) will become for the Federated Suns a role we have vested in the Federated Naval Institute (FNI) on Layover in 2785. Eventually the Alarion Naval Academy (ANA) for the Lyran Alliance will assume this role in 3058. In canon it looks as though the Flight Academy of Thorin replaced whatever we will come up with during the 2nd Succession War (2832). So we are looking for its predecessor.
According to TRO2800 these star systems have major naval installations which may qualify them as good spots for such a facility. Alarion (still young and growing would say no), Alexandria, Dell (many of its yards are being moved to Alarion at this time - might be a good spot here), Donegal, Furillo, Gibbs, Hesperus (not a good spot being a former shared world), Kimball II, New Kyoto (not a big fan of this spot either), Skye (because of the Sanglamore I doubt it has this academy), Sudeten, Summer, Tamar, Tharkad, and Yed Posterior.
Looking at the timing of the established of the Thorin Academy I'd say this one wasn't threatened till the 2nd Succession War with conquest. Sure it may have been raid and it maybe near the border but it should remain in Commonwealth hands until the start of the 2nd War hence the building of Thorin.