Okay guys been working on the overview here and the Rim Protectorate, here is the Lyran Regulars overview. Let me know what you think.
Lyran Regulars (12 regiments)
Overview: As the Star League gradually disintegrated a need within the LCAF was recognized by the High Command. The usefulness of unconventional forces was becoming apparent as the 28th century wore on. Assembling an ad hoc brigade named the Lyran Regulars from less than traditional sources was their solution. These scoundrels without proper pedigree drew the ire of the Commonwealth’s military establishment who considered them mercenaries at best. During the Hidden Wars they drew difficult assignments which were undertaken without support. Heavily influenced by the SLDF the Regulars used a mixture of arms to achieve battlefield success. This in turn has won them a measure of respect from the Lyran authorities who still have trouble crediting these inferior troops.
Originally two separate divisions (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 11th, 12th, 13th) which included BattleMechs, armor, and infantry were created to mirror each other. Using time honored techniques of misdirection and stealth these units effectively camouflaged themselves sometimes even as Lyran Guards. In addition to a mirrored deployment system which often plays with the Regulars numerical designations, units frequently suffer high casualty rates thanks to their dangerous assignments which require constant reorganization. This created a further patchwork which foreign intelligence agencies still have trouble deciphering. As a result the location, strengths, and identities of the Lyran Regulars are a challenging group to keep track of at all times.
Recently the Lyran Regulars have doubled in size and there are future plans for further expansion. This growth caused by the addition of Star League and Rim Republic veterans has allowed them to field 12 BattleMech regiments supported by conventional forces. By pairing these new units in much the same fashion as the original formations the Regulars have managed to retain their mirrored deployment system. Many fear that this organizational feature may be in jeopardy thanks to the speed of future enlargement in an uncertain time. Unfortunately the maintenance needs for these work horse units have not been met by the High Command. As a result some of their high tech equipment has already fallen into disrepair.
Inspiration: Established canon formation, see HSSB and FM LA
Child Units: 1st Lyran Regulars (The Boomers), 2nd Lyran Regulars (?), 3rd Lyran Regulars (The Bee Squishers? – this nickname has no specific date so we could use it), 4th Lyran Regulars (Tropic Lightning – remnants of SLDF 68th Infantry aka the Thai Militia), 6th Lyran Regulars (The Odessa Regulars – remnants of SLDF 63rd Mechanized Infantry Division, possible ties to the Terrans who wish to safeguard hidden SL facility , if the Odessa Regulars are keeping the secret for the Star League and were on planet at the start of the succession war then they could have been in and around the planetary capital which was nuked by a DCMS task force from orbit according to the Archers Avengers novel set on Odessa, taking there secret to their graves), 10th Lyran Regulars (The Stinging Barflies – remnants of SLDF 18th Infantry Division who interestingly enough were based in the RWR), 11th Lyran Regulars (The Hammers), 12th Lyran Regulars (?), 13th Lyran Regulars (?), 14th Lyran Regulars (The Sakhalin Regulars - remnants of SLDF 101st Mechanized Infantry Division who were stationed in the CC, so I was thinking about a possible tie in with the Capellan Sakhalin), 16th Lyran Regulars (The Apache Division - remnants of SLDF 368th BattleMech Division), 20th Lyran Regulars (The York Regulars – Star League Loyalist Regiment)
Future Units: 5th Lyran Regulars (Ferris Wolverines – see Merc Guild and canon ComStar ruling), 7th Lyran Regulars (New Delhi Lancers or Fighting Seventh – formed early in the canon 1st SW), 8th Lyran Regulars (Mad Hatters – formed early in the canon 1st SW), 9th Lyran Regulars (Karilon Magicians – Mechwarrior Brotherhood from the RWR joined LC during canon 1st SW) [obviously since these formations came into being during the extreme duress of the SW a dedicated mirror unit will not be made]