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Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:49:33 PM »

Hey, everyone.  I am going to be posting an article on the Black Lanner next Friday (the 14th) over on CBT as part of the 'Mech of the Week series.  I am going ahead and sticking it out here since we have a few days . . . so if you see any problems or if I've got my facts wrong, please go ahead and point them out.  Basically, I'm using you good folks as my editors.  :)

Anyway, thanks in advance.  And now on to the article.



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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 06:51:46 PM »

MECH OF THE WEEK:  August 14, 2015


First appearing in TRO:3058, the Black Lanner (named after a medium-sized Falcon common to Africa and Europe) was the product of Clan Jade Falcon Scientists and Warriors.  The first known examples saw action during the Revival Trials immediately before the launch of Operation Revival; however, it apparently did not enter the Falcon Touman in appreciable numbers until 3052 when it appeared in the Battle of Tukayyid.

Not too many folks seem to have good things to say about the Black Lanner (at least in my gaming community) . . . but I reckon that I am the exception.  I've always had a soft spot in my heart of this bird of prey.  Part of everyone's . . . dislike . . . of this OmniMech may be on the absolutely horrid artwork in TRO:3058!  I know that when I first got my copy of that Technical Readout, I took one look and went . . . W T F?!?

Frankly, I prefer Sam Wood's rendition from the Collectible Card Game.  He at least made the Black Lanner look cool, not like a trussed up turkey being served for Thanksgiving Dinner!

Ahem.  Rant is now finished . . . so back to the article.

The Black Lanner masses 55 tons and uses the Holy Trinity of an XL engine, endo-steel internal structure, and ferro-fibrous armor to squeeze the most out of that chassis.  Of course, this is nothing new to Clan 55-ton OmniMechs; the Stormcrow had already done that in TRO:3050!

And compared to the pod-space of that stellar OmniMech (23.0 tons) . . . on first glance, the Black Lanner seems to come up short.  A mere 13.0 tons.

Wait.  What?  How?

Glad that you asked.  You see, the Black Lanner is faster than the Stormcrow with a base 7/11 movement (385XL) versus the older Omni's 6/9 (330XL).  That engine alone cost us 9.5 tons.  OUCH!!

But wait!  The Falcons really like their new fast OmniMechs . . . we can go faster.  The Black Lanner adds a two ton MASC (Myomer Acceleration Signal Circuitry) system that lets this raptor sprint at 14.  FOURTEEN!!!! 

Yep, she's faster than an Ice Ferret when that MASC kicks in . . . and can almost pace a Fire Moth that isn't using their MASC!

Now, nothing in life comes cheap (or free) and the Falcon Scientists had to skimp elsewhere to get that thirteen tons of pod-space . . . and they cut back on the armor.  Eight tons of ferro-fibrous gives us 153 points out of a theoretical 185 at maximum; just under 83% of maximum protection.

That ain't too bad, trothkin.  This bird has more armor than a Dragonfly, an Ice Ferret, a Mongrel, a Shadow Cat, or a Hellbringer (okay, okay, that was a cheap stab at the Hellbie; I admit it!).

She's only got 10 points less than a Mad Dog, after all (sure, that is a low bar, but hey?  What do you want?  Everything?).

The head has got 9 points protecting it--100% protection for the Warrior and as good as it ever gets.  The center torso (front) has 25 points (plus 18 internal, so it can (in theory) take two AC-20 shots without dying!), while the rear has 7 (enough to tank a Clan ER Medium Laser hit).

The side torsos are weaker with 16 front (two IS Large Laser hits or a Gauss slug before penetrating, plus another 13 internal) and 5 rear (okay, a little weak here since a fall will go internal on you).

The legs are good with 22 points each (plus 13 internal).  But the arms are really weak . . . 13 points of armor isn't a lot.  Especially with just 9 structure behind them.  Frankly, I'd rather they skimmed two points from each leg (to 20 each) and moved them to the arms (15 and able to survive a Gauss slug or Clan ER PPC strike without going internal) . . . but if wishes were horses then everyone would be riding!

We've got lots of free space within the engine core, but for once the Scientists have got the right idea--don't bank heat sinks when your pod-space is already on the low side.  Just the standard 10 DHS, thank you much, ma'am, can I have another?

Now, let us take a look at the Configurations.

The Black Lanner Prime has a good deal going for it.  In theory.  The main gun is an ER Large Laser in the right arm, with a pair of ER Medium Lasers stacked and packed in the left arm.  But that ain't all, sports fans!  We've got an LRM-10 (with 12 shots) in the left torso and an SRM-6 (with 15 shots) in the right torso . . . plus an ECM Suite.

Okay.  Heat is a problem here--32 max versus 20 sinked.  However, as long as you don't Alpha Strike, it should be good.  In close, you can unload the twin ER Mediums, the SRM-6, and the LRM-10, run, and still be heat neutral.  Of course, you don't really have the ammo to spare after sparring at range alongside the ER Large . . . but that's life.

Configuration A is quite another beast.  The main gun this time around is an ER PPC in the right arm, with paired Medium Pulse Lasers in the left arm.  Once again, the head has an ECM Suite . . . but we also add an Active Probe (right torso) and a TAG target designation system (left torso).  No extra DHS, but the overheat ain't bad for a Clan OmniMech of this era.  +5 max on a running Alpha.  Come on, ya'll can handle that, can't you, Warriors?

This configuration is a superb scout . . . and more than that is an outstanding scout hunter.  Think about it.  Sure, the armor isn't maxed out and she doesn't carry an entire DropShip's amount of weapons . . . but anything that can outrun her simply cannot outfight her!

If I was stoked about the A, I'm kind of meh about the Black Lanner B.  Unlike the first two, this one can't overheat . . . max heat production is fourteen including movement.  And the reason for that?  The design carries two LRM-20s (right arm and left arm) with three tons of ammunition total (stored 1 in the right torso and 2 in the left!)--and that is it.  That's right, peeps . . . NINE salvoes and then you are completely lacking in offense of any kind.  Except physicals and Clanners ain't too big on those . . . especially Jade Falcon Warriors!

Moving on to the Black Lanner C, then.  Oh, they added three extra DHS . . . why would they do . . . OH.  MY.  GOD.

The right arm carries a Streak SRM-6 with a ton of ammo (15 missile flights).  But the left arm seems to have been taken entirely from a Nova PrimeSIX ER Medium Lasers!!  Sigh.

Okay, the damage in close is extreme (so is the heat, with max overheat of +10 if the Streaks lock and you run) . . . but why did they have to concentrate all six of the bloody pocket large lasers in ONE FREAKING ARM that has THIRTEEN points of armor?!?

Still, if getting in close and mugging your opponent is your idea of a good time, then this is your ride!

Oh boy.  You knew it had to be coming, didn't you?  The obligatory anti-personnel configuration.  The Black Lanner D has got something for everyone.  First off, she has an Active Probe in the head so infantry can't ambush  her (or her starmates).  Each arm carries a Medium Pulse Laser, an ER Small Laser, and two Machine-Guns (fed from a half-ton of ammo in the left torso).  The left torso also has a Flamer!!  And just for fun, fun, fun in the desert sun, we have two SRM-6 racks (right torso and left torso) with two tons of ammo in the right torso (so we can load up standard and inferno; won't that make the PBI's day, mates!).

Only the standard 10 DHS, but overheat isn't that bad; just +5 if you shoot everything and run.  We can manage.

And then comes along the Black Lanner E.  Surprise, surprise, surprise!  We have ATMs!!  Well, one ATM-12 in the left arm (but with THREE tons of ammo for 15 missile flights and the possibility of carrying all three types of munitions) and (sigh) three ER Medium Lasers all concentrated in the left arm.  Just 10 DHS and this is starting to sound familiar because max overheat is +5.  Did they deliberately design the Black Lanners to aim for the same amount of overheat in half the configs?

The Black Lanner H comes next.  The big gun (short-ranged as it may be) is a Heavy Large Laser in the right arm, backed up by two Medium Pulse Lasers in the left arm.  An ECM Suite in the head rounds out the armament.  However, we did get four additional DHS and this H configuration is heat-neutral!  Good GOD, ya'll!  A heavy laser Omni that doesn't overheat?  AT ALL? 

Last is the experimental Black Lanner X.  Just three guns on this puppy, and once again we are in for a pleasant surprise.  Two Improved Heavy Medium Lasers are in a twin mount on the left arm (and even with just 10 DHS we are good on heat!!  Twice in a row!!  Woooh!!).  But the main gun is a Clan Rotary AC-2 in the right arm.  With a hefty two-ton magazine for 90 bursts!  Well, if it works, this one can definitely lay down some pain (and lead) both at range and in close.

So how do you use a Black Lanner?


You've got speed in spades and some good firepower (in most configurations, at least) but your armor is pretty fragile for a Clan Medium-weight Omni.  It's more than the Ice Ferret or Mongrel, though; still you have to watch out.  Don't get it stuck in too deep; if you are trying to duel (under zellbrigen) a Timber Wolf, then you are out of your league by a country mile.  Or you have bigger balls than I do, at least.

Pick on the enemy Mediums and Lights . . . against those you've got the armor and weapons and speed to hammer them into dust.  Against larger 'Mech's use that speed (but be cautious and don't overuse the MASC or you will regret it) and actually maneuver using terrain to get your shots at their weaker rear armor. 

This is one Omni that rewards a thinking player; don't ever give a Black Lanner to someone who just shouts "LEROY JENKINS!" and charges in without a care in the world!  Always use your Elementals as ablative armor until you get close enough to drop them off; if you have them, make the best use of them!

This little songbird ain't the prettiest gal at the ball, and she isn't the most robust or the strongest.  But she sho'nuff can turn some heads in the right hands.

I was thinking about adding in the Alpha Strike stuff . . . but I haven't really had the time to dig in and read thoroughly thru the rules; I'm still feeling my way around.  Perhaps someone will do the Alpha Strike Black Lanner soon.  (Hint, hint, Scotty!)

Hope that ya'll enjoyed this article; feel free to add your comments below and be sure to tell me what I got wrong.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 11:27:42 PM by masterarminas »

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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 10:12:33 PM »

I can't fault the facts of the BL configs, and the conclusion seems wise; after all the canon TRO mentions its a backstop for light Stars.  Its not a single hunter.


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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 10:27:25 PM »

I like it MasterArminas. You keep the article fun and the design analysis seems spot on. Nice job. I'm sure it will go over great on the big boards.  ;)

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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 11:12:38 PM »

I can't fault the facts of the BL configs, and the conclusion seems wise; after all the canon TRO mentions its a backstop for light Stars.  Its not a single hunter.
also somewhat good with medium stars


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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 03:14:23 AM »

Solid article. As a point of stylistic criticism, you seem to rely a little too heavily on ellipses where a simple comma or conjunction would be cleaner. I might cut down on those a little.
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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 03:33:19 PM »

No link to the Fire Falcon? They are supposed to somehow work together (not really the way of the Clans but who knows?).

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Critique my Mech of the Week . . . Please
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2015, 09:33:03 AM »

Article is up and posted on the BattleTech forums.  Thank you all for your assistance.

No link to the Fire Falcon? They are supposed to somehow work together (not really the way of the Clans but who knows?).

Added a small section talking about this, Ice. Thanks for reminding me!

« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:34:03 AM by masterarminas »
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