This time around we had eleven designs from four designers (5 Bradshaw, 4 Takiro, 1 Irose, 1 drakensis) plus. Unfortunately, a drakensis design was Clan based and can’t be considered while Abele had a few without fluff he pulled including one with a Blazer. This was indeed a tragedy as ideas and concepts which don’t always win contribute invaluably to each challenge. Even our misses serve to enrich our life and their ruins are the stuff triumphs are built on. While Bradshaw would call this ripping off ideas isn’t that just what BattleTech did? Pacific Rim was a very enjoyable movie just not terribly original. The point is I hope that future contributions lacking fluff or feeling lacking in some way will not be withdrawn as they are valuable too.
11. ASN-51 (Bradshaw)
A true light Mech hunter this Assassin gets a little slower thanks to the ubiquitous 240 XL (6/9/6) available for many BattleMechs at this time including the Rifleman. Building of the standard chassis allows this to be a refit or a new build which I like a lot. Two ER Large Lasers have nice range but really lack punch which concerns me a lot when using the Beagle Active Probe and Guardian ECM Suite. You have to get in close, six hexes I believe, when using these and your speed reduction makes it harder to get away especially when you factor in twelve Double Heat Sinks. They cool the weapons but not the movement which is a compounding problem in my eyes which will cause you to eventually not fire a ER Large burst or suffer massive overheating. Six tons of ferro-fibrous armor (109 factor) is quite good but I liked another Federated Commonwealth variant better to be honest.
10. ASN-21A (Bradshaw)
This pretty simple mostly level one refit of an earlier refit I could see working pretty well except for one thing which is admittedly my conclusion. This Marik effort is based on a refit seen during Anton’s Revolt which swapped out the SRM for another LRM-5. The 280 Fusion (7/11/7) remains along with ten single Heat Sinks and the trademark Medium Laser which completes its appearance. The only level two improvement which was presumably made recently is 4.5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor (80 factor) which would apparently replace the same amount of standard armor (72 factor). Not bad but I have it in my mind as an Anton variant which might have a bit of a rebel stigmata to loyal FWLM types. I like it and sets up others quite well but others even low-tech approach variants are better in my opinion, sorry Bradshaw!
9. ASN-22 (Bradshaw)
This a big upgrade from the Capellan Confederation that utilizes a 280 XL (7/11/7) Engine and ten Double Heat Sinks to turn it into a highly mobile sniper. An ER Large, two LRM-5 (48), and a Medium Laser give it pretty solid medium but mostly long-range firepower. Six tons of ferro-fibrous armor (107 factor) with CASE is pretty good protection wise. All in all, a pretty darn capable Medium BattleMech with only one problem to me. It is a little too advanced for House Liao, especially without direct Marik support, at this time at least in my opinion who’d probably go in a less sophisticated but effective direction.
8. Constable (Bradshaw)
Slowing it way down with a 200 Fusion (5/8/5) Engine and renaming it the Constable which is presumably used for keeping order. With a Large Laser, SRM-4 (25), three Machine Guns (100), and a Flamer it is more of a mid to short range attacker. A dozen single Heat Sinks do a pretty good job of keeping this design cool while seven tons of standard armor (112 factor) do a nice job of protecting it from enemy fire. Not a bad trooper at all for the Magistracy of Canopus but unfortunately, I was thinking of taking a different direction for their Assassin.
7. ASN-201 (Irose)
Building on the canon 101 this variant likewise sacrifices two jump jets but retains the 280 Fusion (7/11/5) Engine. It also drops the SRM for a second LRM-5 and retains the Medium Laser making it a good long-range hitter especially against light units its designed to hunt. Ten Single Heat Sinks still do a solid job of dissipating weapons fire and movement heat. Four tons of ferro-fibrous armor (71 factor) nearly matches the armor protection of the original model. I would have liked to have seen this improved but as a Capellan March Militia (CMM) counter for Capellan light raiders it is acceptable. The Beagle Active Probe can detect hidden units true but I worry that a design like this might find trouble it is unable to deal with. However, it is fast enough to get out to effective weapons range should trouble appear and the fluff is spot on. Close call but I like some others better, sorry Irose.
6. ASN-111 (drakensis)
This Federated Commonwealth model called the ‘Triple I’ features a 280 XL (7/11/7) Engine and ten Double Heat Sinks. With an ER Large, LRM-10 (12), and a Streak SRM-2 (50) the weapons have all been upgraded especially in regards to long range firepower. An Artemis IV FCS for the LRMs or a second Streak SRM-2 would have been nice and extra mass could have been obtained by use of EndoSteel especially since this is a new build at Errai. Five tons of standard armor (80 factor) is an improvement over the original but I wish that Ferro-Fibrous had been included for even more protection. Still very close but just not what I was looking for here, sorry drakensis.
5. ASN-25 (Takiro)
An ‘Elemental Assassin’ from the Draconis Combine sure would be a good concept for House Kurita at this time so I sat down and looked over designs. While the Komodo stood out from TRO 3055 so did the Snake and Kurita’s refusal to purchase it. A little strange given their need but what if they already had a version of it that could do what it promised. Enter this design which uses a 280 XL (7/11/6) Engine to exceed the Snake’s speed and maneuverability. The Large Pulse Laser replaces the LB 10-X Autocannon which has its trade offs but I think is a net positive. The energy weapon is lighter, doesn’t require ammo, and is more accurate than the lower heat generating and longer-range ballistic rifle. Ten Double Heat Sinks do much to alleviate overheating concerns which thanks to three Streak SRM-2s (50) can be further mitigated. Already highly accurate a C3 Slave just adds to its ability to work as part of a kill team and seven tons of ferro-fibrous armor (125 factor) is pretty solid protection. While I was hoping for more out of this design, such as the ability to refit existing standard chassis, some bad math early on prevented this and required EndoSteel. So, while it fits my ideal of a Kurita Assassin at this time it is ranked five because of this disappointment.
4. ASN-33 (Takiro)
This newly built Assassin from the Federated Commonwealth was supposed to be the epitome of the hunter killer described in the original fluff. Utilizing EndoSteel, a 280 XL (7/11/7) Engine, and MASC (14) this light weight core for this Medium BattleMech would make the Assassin the most expensive design here but worth it in my opinion. This would allow a Beagle Active Probe to discover any hidden units and a TAG to call in artillery support in order to decimate them. Using the Venom’s armament of four Medium Pulses allows it to deal effectively with any close-range opposition which could range from scout ‘Mechs, Elementals, or infantry. Even a Jumping Alpha Strike from this Mech would not produce a drastic overheat that could be mitigated by running the following turn. Eight tons of standard armor (128 factor) give it the second most protection of any Assassin here. It is expensive yes and uses all the lostech goodies it can to maximize its operations true but that is why others are placed higher here.
3. ASN-31 (Takiro)
This was the initial Assassin concept I had courtesy of Miss Kotare and her Tarmanid peoples which are combined with the growing Marik philosophy NARC Beacon in the Salient Horizon setting. Using the existing Maltex 40 chassis, the 280 XL (7/11/7) Engine serves as the main component for this upgrade which allows for the addition of the Narc Missile Launcher (6) and five additional Medium Lasers. Ten Double Heat Sinks allow this machine to close distance with an enemy showering them with a Narc Beacon and laser fire. Seven tons of ferro-fibrous armor (125 factor) mean this fighter can take some punishment while it and its Dervish friends eliminate any opposition. Good enough for the bronze this time around.
2. ASN-19 (Takiro)
The second Assassin concept I had was this lower tech approach would be an effective and cheap refit. Using a 240 Fusion (6/9/6) this downgrade swaps out the SRM-2 for a second LRM-5 like others have here and uses ten Single Heat Sinks to cool it. Again, by alternating jumping and running Alpha Strikes this can be managed quite ably. Seven and a half tons of ferro-fibrous armor (134 factor) is the best of any Assassin featured here. This Capellan refit which is being used by Isis Marik loyalists and Canopians as well some others grew into my favorite submission. I can see the Confederation activating these Mechs for defense and helping to refit its allies who it is arming at this time. Silver medal.
1. ASN-007 (Bradshaw)
Mechwarrior Bond, James Bond, is presumably going to be piloting this ‘Mech licensed to kill Clan scout ‘Mechs. This Clanbuster apparently deployed in limited numbers on Tukayyid utilized parts from the Talon to enhance the Assassin. Chief among these are the 280 XL (7/11/7) Engine, the ER PPC and two Medium Laser. This effectively crosses both designs creating a highly mobile long-range sniper which is well protected thanks to an Anti-Missile System and 6.5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor (116 factor). Eleven Double Heat Sinks cool its operations except when combining extreme maneuvering (jumping) with an all-out barrage. I could certainly see a handful of these Assassins being used at the great battle and the ComGuards issuing a call for more afterward. Nice job and top prize to this double contest winner, congrats Bradshaw!