Contest number seven in our core Mechs of the InnerSphere series looks at one of BattleTech’s most renowned BattleMechs, the UrbanMech. Personally, I never got the humorous urban ‘bug’ that many BattleTechers got for this trashcan on legs but after years of play I do have to admit it has a place in universe. My loyal posters will also have a feeling of déjà vu as yes we have sort of worked on this design before. Earlier this year in a most epic jump of the gun ever on these boards Bradshaw began the Post Your UrbanMechs!! Thread. I will post that link along with the Mech of the Week Article on the Urbie from the CBT Forums as well as the BattleTech wiki for your inspection and inspiration.,45050.0.html Design Thoughts on the UrbanMechRole. The niche of the UrbanMech is well spelled out in its name and like a fish out of water if fighting outside a city in open terrain than forget about it as my Italian friends would say. This war machine is supposed to utilize the close confines of a metropolitan area in order to deliver death and destruction to any would be attacker. I am almost tempted to say it is ‘Bug’ or Militia Mech unable to stand up to the rigors of true frontline duty but a valuable garrison resource in cityscapes. Either operating as a last-ditch defender or urban pacifier operating with other conventional forces it would truly be at home on the streets of any future megalopolis
Factories. 0 [2].
[DESTROYED] Marcus (Orguss Industries) Terran Hegemony / Free World League
First built in 2675 during the Star League which produced large numbers of this BattleMech till its destruction in 2837. Marcus itself changed allegiances from the defunct Terran Hegemony to the expanding Free Worlds League in 2785.
[FUTURE] Betelgeuse (Hellespont Industrials) Capellan Confederation
Apparently reactivated during the Jihad this facility was apparently shuttered at some point during the Succession Wars.
Internal Structure. The three-ton Republic-R chassis that has long served as the core of the UrbanMech but I would love to try EndoSteel here. Critical spaces are easy to come by thanks to it being a Light Mech and the weight savings would result in one and a half tons of savings. Trouble is the Urbie has long been out of production and we'd need a functional factory somewhere in order to make some EndoSteel skeletons. So unless you come up with someone starting up a new manufacturing plant somewhere for this then we might be stuck with the old Republic-R.
Engine. Here is where I rip the Urbie a new one as it's base 2/3 speed is slow even for an assault Mech. That a Light BattleMech is so freaking slothful is unforgivable to me. These units depend on their inherent quickness in order to survive and it is suicide to go toe to toe with other Mechs. I would certainly like to see entries here take it up a notch. Personally I think the minimum movement for a Light should be 6/9, Mediums 5/8, Heavies 4/6, and Assaults 3/5. Now rules are made to be broken but the point here is the UrbanMech needs to get faster. As for Extra-Light Engines they may take away from the UrbanMech's toughness so we may be better off with a larger standard Fusion Power Plant. Up to you folks!
Jump Jets. The two Pitban 6000 jump jets on the UrbanMech maybe it's best movement feature. While I'll hammer the low speed of this design at least it jumps. I know it is only twenty meters but still this mobility is something which may exceed the meager running movement in some ways like the ability to change facing. I would thinm these are must for navigating the urban enviroment so gonna require them to be a part of your designs here. It just wouldn't be an Urbie without Jump Jets!
Heat Sinks. Why does this thing have 11 Single Heat Sinks? With its main ballistic armament and little movement heat to generate were the designers afraid of massed Flamers overheating this thing? Getting rid of the one extra heat sink to retain the base 10 seems like a no-brainer here. Can't say the same for Double Heat Sinks though as they occupy 3 criticals and the tiny base Engine incorporates only 2. That is a whooping 24 criticals! If you go with a larger Engine that would of course alter this equation.
Cockpit & Gyro. Not much can be done here to improve the performance of the UrbanMech given the available level of technology. Both components appear to be plentiful and have proven to be reliable over time. However, if your engine rating goes up you may need to double your gyroscope in order to compensate for the larger power plant.
Armor. The UrbanMech is well protected for a canon Light BattleMech with six tons of armor plating or a 96 armor factor. As with the other 30-ton Mechs it has a 105 maximum armor factor and with 6.5 tons of standard armor a near max 104 armor factor could be generated. InnerSphere Ferro-Fibrous (x 1.12) brings you slightly over max factor with 6 tons of that advanced armor generating a 108 factor. I don’t like wasting armor points but 5.5 tons only gets you to a 99 armor factor. In any event ferro-fibrous is only gonna save you a half a ton or a ton at most. I’d rather go with EndoSteel but Ferro-Fibrous is far more available and easier to refit existing models.
Weapons & Equipment. Heavier ballistic weapons are usually a fit for larger Mechs but not so in the case. In my opinion energy weapons and Light Mechs are a better match but the amount of tonnage available combined with a low number of integral Engine heat Sinks may nix those plans here. Missiles might be better served here but again this is all up to you. Just one more thought here - do the arms flip? Without lower arm or hand actuators and the Urbie's barrel arms being able to flip over would help tremendously with its low maneuverability.
Design CriteriaDesign: UrbanMech Light BattleMech
Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: InnerSphere Level 2
Mass: 30 tons
Jump Jets: a must!
Tech BaseThe tech base for this enterprise will be InnerSphere Level 2, also known as Star League lostech, circa 3053. Remember some Level 1 standards which Bradshaw and myself think still have value like Large Lasers and PPCs which feature the same damage factor as their higher tech brethren with less range and perhaps most significantly less heat. I've also become a fan of massed LRM-5s over the larger batteries (Free Worlds League in particular has gone in this direction) which could provide closer equivalents to Clan LRMs. Here is a list for your design reference. Let me know if there is anything I missed!
Star League LosTechAnti-Missile System
Arrow IV Artillery Missile System
Extended Range Large Laser (ER Large Laser)
Extended Range Particle Projection Cannon (ER PPC)
Gauss Rifle
Ultra Autocannon/5
LB 10-X Autocannon
One-Shot Missile Packs
Pulse Lasers (Small, Medium, & Large)
Streak SRM-2
Swarm LRMs
Thunder LRMs
Artemis IV FCS
Beagle Active Probe
Guardian ECM Suite
Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry (MASC)
Narc Missile Beacon
Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE)
Double Heat Sinks
Endo Steel Internal Structure
Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Extra Light (XL) Engine
InnerSphere Low TechBlazer Cannon (or Binary Laser)
Recon Camera
Remote Sensor Dispenser
New InnovationsTriple Strength Myomer
C3 Computer
Every Successor State deploys the UrbanMech in some fashion but House Liao makes the most use of this design by far. Partially due to losses and sheer desperation the CCAF became the only military to deploy them in frontline units like the Confederation Reserve Cavalry and Capellan Defense Force. However, it should also be known that the ComGuards also deployed UrbanMechs on Tukayyid against the Invading Clans. Marik might be the next largest user thanks to its brief ownership of the UrbanMech factory on Marcus. The Capellan March Militia of House Davion is also a noted user of the UrbanMech thanks to Liao salvage. All the Great Houses use this Mech for garrison duty and some were even stripped for parts during the Third Succession War. I could see mercenaries using this design too but the vast underpopulated Periphery is unlikely to field many of these specialized Mechs.
Please do your research (think Objective Raids) for available components as this will be another factor in rapid production. I love fluff and your winning designs will be featured in my BattleTech Salient Horizon alternate setting. I'd like to go beyond the refits bought to you by Technical Readout 3050 and delve into extensive redesigns of your BattleTech favorites. Sharpen up your favorite war machines perhaps drawing on past or current variants while remembering the spirit or role of these Mechs. Don't forget to justify the expense of your project and multiple winners are possible. Figure that all entries have to be completed and posted on these forums by Friday November 22, 2019 by 11:59 PM which should give you all a full two weeks for this contest, good luck!!